Am I called to be a missionary? (So you want to be a missionary, but . . .)

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so you want to be a missionary but are you called [Music] that's probably the second biggest question i got asked about being a missionary am i called to be a missionary and i understand that like i get how we often hear and from people people who are tired of missionaries or the the books you read up people there's always a section about like the kind of the missionary call right and there's often stories involving either like some really clear kind of voice from god or some kind of just like string of coincidences of just you know continually bumping into people from belize or somewhere or you know like waking up and like opening your bible and and there's like a leaf in it and you you study the leaf and you find out it's from like this rare forest somewhere in like the mountains of mongolia or whatever and so we have a like a desire to go somewhere we're really passionate to go and share with people about jesus we want to help the church in a specific way in a specific country and yet we don't have a call we kind of it's like we're expecting a literal call from god and you know we have our phone and we're looking at it and we're like going through i don't have any missed calls i can see we want the call from garden no i had the same thing when i was thinking about becoming a missionary to japan in some ways i guess i had like a series of terms in my life that had led me to go to japan for a year and i was there and yeah it wasn't always easy and i could see the tough things about being in japan but i felt like yeah actually i feel like i could live here long term and i'm hearing from christians there that there was a need in the church that i could help fit but i didn't have a call and so i would often go on to this kind of cliff top that overlooked the city of sendai where i was living for that year and i would pray for the city and i was always thinking and asking and hoping for a call from god some kind of clear this is it this is what you're gonna do what you're gonna go to and it didn't happen and then actually one one morning i was kind of reading through um the book of acts in kind of my morning devotion times and i got to acts chapter 16 and there's a story in there called kind of paul's vision of the man of macedonia and this is what it says in in acts chapter 16 from verse 6 it says during the night paul had a vision of a man of macedonia standing and begging him come over to macedonia and help us after paul had seen the vision we got ready at once to leave for macedonia concluding that god had called us to preach the gospel to them and i read that and i thought yeah that's what i want this really clear calling like unmistakable unavoidable like a vision and a dream or something i thought that's what i need but then the next second i had another four which was actually i've not had a dream of a person from japan calling me to come but i had spoken to japanese christians who had said to me levi like please stay long-term please come back and so i just had this realization that maybe actually that was my calling i didn't have the kind of the sort of supernatural missionary call that you had heard about but i had real-life japanese people saying to me calling me to come back long-term and actually as i spoke to wise and older people and asked them about this the conclusion was pretty much like well yeah like seems like obvious really but you know the the worst thing is actually in the beginning of this this chapter if you go back just like a little paragraph like from from here to here then we find out about timothy and timothy and paul they kind of traveled around a lot and paul obviously you know he was like the the possibility he had like this big kind of clear calling from god to go but timothy well his call to be a missionary was very simple it was just paul coming to his town meeting him hearing from people to me if he was a was a good lad someone who would be helpful um for paul's kind of missionary work and so paul said to timothy hey i want you to come with me and that was it tim if you just had a a normal person come to me and say hey there's work for you to do over here i want you to come and for you probably that that may be the same thing you may be thinking like i want to be a missionary i feel like i have a real passion for this place and i'd love to go but i'm waiting for a calling but actually if you've had people especially people from that country like local christians say hey yeah actually we'd like you to come we see that you would fit and work well here well probably you are called whether or not you have the kind of official missionary calling if you are called by people to come to somewhere you don't need the kind of voice from from heaven thing and by the way look i i believe that still happens i believe that some people do have those kind of callings and i think if you have kind of a whole load of crazy things happen which just makes it feel like i've totally been pushed in this area that i didn't expect to be going to or you get that then sure you want to take that seriously and you maybe that is god calling you but even if you don't have that kind of calling you don't need it because you have god calling you both through his word but probably also through his people the church and now maybe you still have other questions and things you're not sure about in which case you know please do drop a comment below but i hope you enjoyed that i hope it was helpful thanks for dropping by and i'll see you again in the next video
Channel: One More Missionary
Views: 848
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: being a missionary, missionary life, the missionary call, the call to missions, missionary calling, am I called to missions?, am I called to be a missionary?, do I need to be called to become a missionary?, do I need a call to become a missionary?, one more missionary, missions, overseas missions
Id: LkEat6yGAAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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