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all right my friends thank you for tuning in again you know i appreciate it i'm out here with my buddy zach shannon zack got a hold of me from instagram and i do not get too many messages like this he says i've got a pond out here in the middle of east texas we got a whole day to try and fish it try and figure it out zach i do not get messages like that very often man but that's awesome that you got a hold of me yeah man glad you opened it dude zach is a minor leagues baseball player for arizona diamondback erin arizona diamondbacks as you guys can see we're on a complete minefield right here but uh we got i got 65 pound braid we're gonna try and find a giant thank you guys for watching thank you zack this is the flat right yeah yep and then you'll you'll you'll feel it when you drag off of it it drop and it drops from i don't know it's probably three to four foot right up there right just through and then it'll drop to about 12. i'm assuming you get hit on that drop pretty often yeah that's where they've been it's nice in the summertime because they actually just get up on the fly that's deep that might not work got it i'm gonna try to turn this again get you up front you're fine man well it's just the wind position yeah i can't change it easier if i'm faced into the wind gosh dang it yeah i did dude look at that little dog man i think it looks like it's half cat out there there's not a not a lot of small fish i've caught i've caught two pounders it was it was not a big one it was a little i've had two pounders double tap well that's i mean that's how i learned in the heat of the summer i'm on little let's take a look at this guy so there's three strains of bass in here he's got northerns florida's and and the tigers that's a florida isn't it what do you mean tiger the um is that an f1 yeah okay we went we went fishing i caught three but the biggest one was like two pounds yeah some little butterflies oh my gosh oh dude that fish i thought i had a freak that thing just thumped the crap out of it see that's a northern that's going to be your northern so he's got no no coloring no nothing yeah there's your northern really yeah that's a good sign though man he choked it yeah i told you they'd like it but i tell you that the that double fluke pattern that they like to throw you told me about that yeah oh dude there gotta be something under this dog don't you think don't you think if i can skip it under there i can get one it's normally yes but see how shallow it still is but up here i mean yeah this right here yeah oh look at this dock is just begging to be skipped oh there's crossbar i got stuck on the crossbar oh shoot a little bit on the smaller side i might have to drop down oh oh dude that was a big fish too oh look at your worm the other reason i don't really like it is because the stands real yeah man somehow my fluke is gone i'm gonna be single flicking it yeah this is this is the the channel it runs dude we gotta catch something from that channel don't you think you see all this torn up on the bank over here yeah it's all piggies piggly wiggly yeah cause the lake dropped oh god oh he was like he was like a two-pounder dude it was clearly a fish you know therefore it was a giant i wonder how shallow it's going to be yes no absolutely not it's a tiger it's one of those f1 tiger guys and uh look at that guy up there did you see that yeah i'm on it um like a sponsor yeah yeah with a s or a c what do you mean the running joke is that like all these little kids want to be sponsored yeah well from the fishing companies and you can always tell it's a real noob when they spell sponsor with a c you know what i mean sorry to interrupt you go ahead no that's fine so when when you're up to bet the pitcher pitches it's a fastball 98 miles an hour what when does that where is that ball at when you start your swing um so realistically you start the process before it comes out of his hand okay um and then your hands probably start to come forward when it's at about dude look at this fish golly he's big oh he's big yeah oh it's huge oh he's so big dude look at him right there crap he's so oh i'm trying dude here we go buddy here we go buddy get him in here [Laughter] oh my gosh zach dude yes i got that dude show me coming off man show me there you go look at how big his head is yeah dude how big is that how big is that he's whoa he's got to be bigger than 10. oh my gosh look at his mouth all right guys look at this bass that is a absolute look at his mouth that is just a freak of a large mouth what an absolute brute dude that is insane i can't get over how big his head is that fish in the spawn would go 14 15 pounds probably that is incredible thank you good that's gracious boy should we weigh him dude that is the mouth is that's the biggest mouth i've ever seen yeah that's a big fish that mouth is incredible what a giant bass that's awesome you ready whenever baby oh my gosh wow all day all day there you go man all right guys that fish came on a trokar 6-0 hook i've got a zoom magnum fluke here i don't know why but i sprung for the tungsten and that gave me a little peg right here to keep that peg and what that lure did it just came over a branch and i felt a little tick it was not a big bite tightened down on it and set the hook and that's what it was and i've also started to dip the tails of these flukes in the garlic seems to make a little bit of difference maybe this stuff just smells like death dude it kills your your nose hairs dude i tell you every time you open it i can smell it look at this bluegill that i just hooked [Music] all right guys we fished all day we got one bass that we weighed at 11 pounds four ounces and then the other the biggest bass after that was two yeah about two nothing in between which is crazy except for some gigantic bluegill look at that copper nose bluegill that right there is a humongous female oh you got it zach thank you so much man man been fun dude incredible day thank you guys for watching let's get this guy back you
Channel: Ty PigPatrol
Views: 615,664
Rating: 4.9114838 out of 5
Id: jK7oXyH-CVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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