Solving The Mystery Of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Inside A Mind

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in the mid-2000s several University students came together to create a group known as this is it Collective an organization consisted of individuals who direct write and produce films while this is where our Story begins we'll mainly be focusing on just two individuals from this list that shocked the internet with a bizarre viral video featuring three puppet-like creatures sitting around a kitchen table preparing themselves for an adventure no one saw coming their names Becky Sloan and Joseph pelling this is the story of don't hug me I'm scared foreign [Music] Becky Sloan and Joseph pelling met at Kingston University in London both helping form this as a collective a group of filmmakers with a background of design and animation ready to make a name for themselves after just recently finishing their education they found a niche way to build an audience across Seas through the short film format their first one being a video called bad things that could happen the movie plays around with scale and brings objects to life creating a subverted world where the mundane becomes absurd this found success for the group finding itself In Articles blogs and gaining a fair amount of attention on sites like Vimeo and YouTube the next few shorts that caught people's attention were the video Christmas cards making their rounds in December of 2010 one for the future laboratory and one for the company sherbet the latter was directed and helped composed by Joseph pelling with Becky working alongside foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this little film was stop motion and all the models were hand cut from wood and painted it seems as though the Group performing some success but needed to take it that one step further if they were really going to make this their full-time job make us are you in makeup here I am Becky and Joe slowly started working on more projects with each other during their time at this is it Collective as they both quickly realized they had a similar sense of humor and while they enjoyed working on all these other projects there was one idea in mind the two really wanted to put together a web series featuring puppets that would go on adventures and learn about new things every episode it wasn't supposed to be a deliberate spoof of a kids TV show they just really like the idea of making something with puppets and colorful scenery as Joe mentioned in an interview during 2011. we had talked for a while about doing something using basic craft artwork like googly eyes and glitter and making silly portraits out of tissue paper it's hard to make a film with Muppet style puppets without referencing kids shows but we knew we weren't trying to make a deliberate spoof and that's why we had to make it very weird the other problem lied with their budget they had no money to fund an entire series of something this ambitious so they limited themselves to one episode after raising enough funds and spending an entire weekend in a filming Studio that began to smell more and more like rotten meat towards the end of the shoot they finally had some footage to work with with help from other individuals from this is it Collective along with their friend Baker Terry voice acting some of the characters they finally completed the first episode sadly because the two filmmakers were so tired afterwards and overwhelmed by how much it all cost they decided to scrap the idea of making more episodes and so after it was finished they put it online and went back to their regular jobs completely oblivious about what was going to happen next the episode begins with the three colorful characters sitting around a kitchen table in silence before the notebook sitting next to the yellow guy suddenly flies open revealing itself to be a sentient being and asking a simple question what's your favorite idea mine is being creative how do you get the idea I just tried to think creatively now when you look at this Orange tell me please what do you see it's just a boring old orange maybe to you but not to me I see a silly face walking along and smiling at me I don't see what you mean cause you're not thinking creatively The Notebook begins teaching the characters what creativity is and how they can use it in their everyday life using examples like an orange that in a fruit basket and how you could use your imagination to picture it with a face and walking along and smiling at you or you can dye your hair a different color and express yourself that way I use my hair to express myself [Music] I use my hair to express myself now with their Newfound knowledge of what creativity is the three main characters put it to the test as they look out to the window to see the clouds in the sky what was once boring water vapor mindlessly floating around in the air is now forming shapes that look like everyday objects and animals don't you find it exciting no [Music] no baseball [Music] the yellow guy decides to take it one step further and paints a picture of a clown which leads to an unexpected shift in tone I might paint a picture of a clown whoa their friend you might need to slow down silence occurs for a few seconds before the notebook moves swiftly on with her lesson asking the three individuals to list their favorite colors as the song draws to a close the teacher believes they now know enough to be creative themselves and sends them on their way [Music] [Music] that's all agree it's another be creative again [Music] from what we figure out within this episode it isn't really about the subject the puppets are learning but rather how it's being taught the notebook sets out to teach the characters on how to be creative but one of the biggest flaws in the lesson is that it's incredibly restrictive destroying the yellow guy's painting or telling him his favorite color isn't what would be deemed as creative makes the entire lesson pretty hypocritical and that's what the creators were going for the whole idea of the episode is a light-hearted criticism on how art schools try to teach things such as creativity in a certain way as Becky and Joe stated in an interview in 2011 I don't think we aim to make a comment on creativity but we wanted to make light on how creativity and self-expression is basically something very difficult to teach creativity is almost always associated with progress and healthy positive expression but in actual fact you can get creative with a hammer and a cow Pat and that's what we see at the end after having the teacher constantly tell the puppets what is and isn't creative it ends with Becky Joe and the rest of the crew having fun on set by throwing around meat smashing objects and experimenting with 3D models no longer conforming to the status quo and in a sense rebelling against what would constitute as being creative as Becky continues in the interview the crazy sequence was deliberately left unplanned right up until the day we shot it so most of the ideas came from lots of little meet craft experiments CGI meet and felt are the perfect team for a weird moment they don't go together at all and we like the idea of making it uncomfortable for the viewer after some private screenings the short film was eventually posted to the this is it collective's YouTube channel where it found immediate success with the video reaching 1 million views after the first year and amassing an extra 12 million views the following year multiple articles and blogs began covering the bizarre piece of media and even the incredibly popular YouTube channel of the time the Fine Bros made a YouTuber's react to the short in 2013 giving it an even bigger boost ah oh my God what the [ __ ] is going on while the views continue to rise for the short film it sparked excitement in Becky and Joe and put the possibility of a Don't Hug Me I'm Scared web series back on the table but they needed to make some money for it to be possible so they began selling merchandise of the series and also found themselves working on other projects for individuals they looked up to in 2012 they worked for the solo artist Tame Impala for the music video Feels Like We Only Go Backwards the video consisted of psychedelic visuals made from stop motion to which they sold each frame of the video for 10 pounds on their website they also worked for the New Zealand Rock Band on no Mortal Orchestra making a short film for their song swim and sleep which tackled the themes of loneliness and self-love using puppets this specific video caught most fans attention as towards the end of the video the individual we follow sits beside a calendar that appears to have the date 19th of June circled with the word birthday underneath a reference to their short film don't hug me I'm scared as that too has a calendar with the date 19th of June on top of that the balloons are the same colors as the three main characters yellow red and green a reference for sure but could it have been hinting at something more during this time they also teamed up with the studio blink Industries and the UK production company Channel 4 with the idea in mind to finally help fund a sequel to their show despite the YouTube Channel's original intention to be the postings of this is it collective's short films the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Community was becoming rather large at this point and had pretty much taken over the channel while making the sequel Becky and Joe believed it was only fair to make YouTube its official home so at the beginning of 2014 the YouTube Channel's name had officially been changed to don't hug me I'm scared and a few days later a teaser trailer dropped on January 2nd preparing everyone for the return of their now beloved characters after nearly three years of Silence come on guys stop mucking around we only have five minutes until our show's on the episode begins very similar to the first a wide shot featuring all three of the main characters but this time rather than silence a ticking sound can be heard in the background they seem pretty worried about missing their favorite show before the clock comes to life and introduces them to a brand new lesson there's always time for a song what who is that time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your wrist the past is far behind us the future doesn't exist how what's the time it's quarter to nine time to have a bath this lesson appears to be about time and with less than a minute gone by we can already see the production value has increased exponentially with now the teacher transporting us to other runes no longer confined to just one space [Music] time to go to time but we don't really want to we're going to miss our show don't be stupid friends come on it's time to go like a Victorian time [Music] a similar message is once again being displayed the idea of trying to teach a very complicated subject in a simplified way very much like the notebook when the three individuals start asking more questions or begin doing stuff that isn't part of the teacher's lesson he interrupts them and tells them that's not what they should be doing there's a time and a place for mucking around and camping I'm friends with my dad [Music] at time it helps us make pizza it keeps things in line when did it start and when will it stop time is important and I am a clock if we run out of time then where does it go is time even real does anyone know how many times just a construct of human perception an illusion created [Music] very much like the last episode it was only a matter of time before something weird was going to happen towards the end for this particular episode the creators use the idea of time and aged the puppets at a rapid speed we watched them helplessly struggle as their bodies slowly Decay and fall apart while they beg the teacher to make it stop sunrise sunset night and day the changing season it's the smell of hay look at your hair grow isn't it strange how time makes your appearance change [Music] foreign [Music] don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine but eventually everyone runs out of time this is where more people began to start speculating what was going on within the series's narrative June 19th still appeared on the calendar along with having a speculative year for it too as we see a close-up of the picture frame at the very beginning there's a date found at the bottom what the exact year is is yet to be determined 1955 1855 2055 it's anyone's guess there's also the Sinister introduction to the yellow guy's father Roy an individual we shall talk about later on top of that Becky and Joe made a spin-off series that was released at the same time this episode came out called Craig's big day which according to Becky in an article for dazed is the TV show that the puppets were wanting to watch at the very beginning foreign [Music] it follows a man named Craig on his birthday as he opens presents eats food and sings a song about killing himself the usual things you do on a birthday [Music] I wanted to kill myself [Music] there's only three episodes each one being no longer than two minutes they're supposedly directed by a guy named Roy along with the date once again being June 19th Craig's birthday the series did not appear on the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Channel but it can still be found on YouTube if you search up Craig's big day [Music] and then just back to normal like nothing happened [Music] the sequel received overwhelming support this time round it took a year for the first video to hit a million views yet this one hit a million views in just one day sparking more reactions from YouTubers and others across the internet this had fully solidified what Becky and Joe wanted to do they were ready to make a series of this but if that was going to happen they needed some help [Music] huh where are we this isn't our house oh dear we're all tied up very strange indeed I have no memory of tying myself up or falling asleep here why are we in my dad's house I don't think this is your dad's house wow whoever lives here certainly needs to have a tidy up it smells like rocks and gasoline oh hello sir is this your house well you could certainly do with getting the feather duster up what have you got there sir nice bit of tables [Music] if you're watching this then we need your help we need money if we don't raise enough we'll be killed off and you'll never see us again a Kickstarter campaign was put together by the two filmmakers offering the opportunity to have four more episodes of the series released directly to YouTube a video was attached showing the three main characters held hostage begging for money as Ransom if the money isn't delivered in time the characters will be killed off and we will never get to see them again a rather clever premise and also a perfect video to have individuals speculate where the series may go as the date 1905 55 can be seen in the corner of the shot on top of that the yellow guy seemingly gives a throwaway line of why are we in my dad's house to which Becky made a post on Twitter a few months later welcoming people to Roy's basement with a similar looking wall to where our puppets currently were the goal was to raise 96 000 pounds averaging 24 000 pounds per episode they received overwhelming support from people online although one individual thought it be a good idea to hack a credit card and add 35 000 pounds to the project which put a little damper on things near the end but after it was resolved they still managed to fly over the Finish Line ending with a hundred and five thousand pounds for their small web series to come to life it was planned for every episode to be released three months apart but it seems production took a little longer than expected meaning they decided to release the series over the course of the next two years with the plan to have the final episode released on June 19th 2016. episode 3 was released just in time for Halloween in 2014 taking place outside for the first time with the three main characters having a lovely picnic despite a missing poster being seen on the trees suggesting our beloved individuals have been missing since June 19th hinting at a potential correlation with the kickstarter video after being distracted by a butterfly the yellow guy is shocked to see it swatted by the duck and runs away in tears it is then when we are introduced to our third teacher of the series he seems upset about something I wonder what will happen it makes you sad doesn't it that there's so much hatred in the world I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question a little baby pigeon have you ever wondered why we're here what's it all about you no idea and everywhere you look all you see is hatred and darkness death and fear but you know it doesn't have to be that I hate you and you hate me as even though we're different it doesn't make a difference and we can live in harmony I know you don't know who I am but maybe I could hold your hand and together we could understand about love huh I feel tingly yes that's love my friend and it's time for you to learn all about it the butterfly then takes a childlike yellow guy on a journey through the clouds to teach him about love another complex subject being taught in a simplified way and do you ever feel like life's unfair cause everybody hates you no one cares but if you follow me maybe you will see that love is everywhere what is love is it in this guy no it's a feeling deep inside because I'm hungry no you're lonely I can see it in your eyes I don't understand don't worry you will soon come and meet some of my friends they know all about love come on just over the rainbow oh look there he goes flying through the sky maybe we should follow him or we'll get left behind we follow the butterfly to his friends as we begin to understand more about love the yellow guy attempts to show love to the trees and other objects but unfortunately is interrupted by the butterfly as he tells him he's doing it wrong and in fact he needs to save his love for his special one claiming that everyone has a special one and decides to use the story of Michael the loneliest boy in town as the perfect piece of evidence for this this is the story of Michael the loneliest boy in town this is the story of Michael the ugliest boy in town ugly and weak they call him a freak so he lit on his own underground he lived on his own underground he lived on his own underground you see everyone has a special one silence Echoes through the group before they move swiftly on they completely ignore the fact that Michael had no one by the end of the story and continued to believe that everyone does indeed have a special one despite that clearly not being the case in this example the song continues as they keep hammering home this is the way it's always been a girl and a boy protected with a ring [Music] we must feed him gravel or he becomes angry and this is your chance to start a new and all we're asking you to do is change your name I clean your brain forget about anything you ever knew and your heart will find us home and our love will never come now wear this ring and join the game and you will never be alone the episode ends with the yellow guy waking up from what appeared to have been a nightmare his friends have found him and saved him a snack because they love him for me [Music] so obviously this episode once again did a similar thing in giving the characters a new lesson however unlike the first two episodes that seem to mainly be poking fun at how hard it is to teach complicated subjects this one seems to focus much more on showing the negatives of doing so and how people can be manipulative in teaching it overlooking facts for the sake of believing in something just because it's always been like that yellow guy is essentially indoctrinated into a cult they clearly lie about the subject they teach him even when they're faced with evidence opposing their views like Malcolm the loneliest boy in town they completely overlooked the fact that he still lives on his own they tell him he only has a certain amount of love to give and he has to save it for a special one which can be symbolized with a ring in marriage while worshiping their King a very clear reference to religion now we're starting to understand why simplifying complicated lessons can be damaging there is no one specific way to love just like time and creativity it's taught in a certain way but this time far more maliciously with the intent of forcing someone to live their life like this which could cause them to feel guilty if they ever decided to live it differently mentally affecting them for the rest of their life I'm trying my best not to speak for the creators in this video but in this instance it feels as though Becky and Joe had a very strong opinion on this episode in particular as the message appears to be far more clear compared to other installments on the speculative side of things people quickly pointed out that Roy can be seen in the background with other cult members along with his name appearing at the end of the credits followed by the missing poster suggesting these characters have in fact been kidnapped and no one knows where they are all of this only added to the excitement as fans gathered around waiting for the next installment to be released foreign episode 4 came out on April 1st 2015 putting us back in the home of the three individuals as they appear to be playing a board game oh I guess it's my turn to choose a card let's see hmm what is the biggest thing in the world that's a tricky one a mountain a sky a windmill the ball game foreshadows the events that are about to play out as we see the red piece is closest to the exit while the other pieces are miles away and that's what we see throughout this episode red guy seems to be very aware something is not right while the other two seem completely oblivious after hearing the question what is the biggest thing in the world the red guy tries to focus on the globe expecting it to come alive and be the next teacher however our expectations are subverted wow look at her computer I'm a computer a guy everything made out of buttons and wires I like to show you inside my Digital Life inside my mind there is a digital mind red guy seems to be trying to take control of the situation but no matter what he says the computer ignores him and continues with its lesson actually we already have a computer hey great news now before we begin our journey I just need to get some information from you what's your name where do you live what do you like to eat I live in my house spaghetti well my name is Drake news now just a few more questions and we'll be on our way wait a second what's your favorite color do you like cows or goat's milk do you have brown hair what is your blood type don't touch me after touching the computer's Keys we fall into a black void hearing screams in the background before we jump back to the characters and the teacher this time they appear to be 3D models where now inside the computer and it appears our new lesson is going to be about the internet our brand new leader takes us on a journey through his world telling us there are only three things to do look at graphs digital style and digital dancing then repeat the cycle all day long but in this Digital World what can we do digital Style [Music] as the computer repeats these three things over and over and over again the red guy appears to be slowly consumed by it all before finding a red cord leading to the other room while Roy watches when stepping through he's greeted to a set that appears to be creating a low budget version of the first episode with individuals in masks propping up the characters a voice can be heard on a recording that says you are not invited to the party as the red guy's mind is completely blown the credits roll and the episode ends this particular chapter appears to be the first one that starts to deviate away from the main structure of these episodes it still has the main teacher delivering a subject to learn in a simplified way and not really being accurate about anything they say but it goes a little beyond that and focuses more on the effects the internet can have and how addictive it can actually be once you're consumed by it doing three simple things over and over and over again on top of that we also seem to be following more of a narrative this time round having the red guy being aware that something is wrong and trying to do something about it creates a sense of unease usually the unease has come from puppets literally being tortured in the last few episodes but this time it comes from the fear of what might happen rather than what actually is happening a mystery is almost forming now with Roy once again appearing at the end of the credits the missing poster appearing on the Milk Carton and red guy stepping out of the room to find out it's all just a set something bigger appears to be afoot episode 5 once again uploading just in time for Halloween in 2015 confirms that we're building to some sort of climax as we are back in the kitchen with duck and yellow guy but this time the red guy is missing hmm something's different while their statements are very clearly in reference to the red guy there's also a slight nod to the fact that we're back in the kitchen and it's completely different from episode one duck claims there's something missing before looking over to the fridge to see a picture of him the yellow guy and the red guy he cuts back to him trying to put the pieces together before it cuts back to the picture and reveals that the red guy is now outside of the window and the doc's eyes are now covered with x's once again foreshadowing future events now the viewers are nervous this is not going to be just your typical lesson is It Disco [Music] [Music] lots of people get hungry that's your body hungry comes from your body get off me we're not only greeted by one object coming to life this time but several [Music] greedy to eat all that you'll end up with your teeth all gray [Music] while the yellow guy is distracted and has already completely forgotten what they were talking about at the very beginning the duck is very clearly unnerved by it all something is wrong but he just can't quite put his finger on it the two teachers continue their song and even follow it up by a tap dance by the stake that is until the teachers appear terrified as the red phone begins ringing the dock moves slowly towards it reaching out in hopes to find answers on the other end but hello he wakes up in some kind of Hospital while episode 5 continues playing on the monitor in front of him the body is like a special house with blood hair and organs in the different rooms oh look there's Mr bladder in the basement what the teachers continue and act as if nothing ever happened although we see an image once again of red guy stood behind a window looking in from the outside almost as if he's calling out to the duck in hopes he wakes up which seems to be working as now the duck is openly questioning what on Earth these creatures are talking about that doesn't make sense [Music] me hello what's that a tasty snack you do when a girl need a snack like that tensions are beginning to rise the doc just wants to know what's happening but he's just been getting showered by different objects coming to life and having themselves constantly being teleported from room to room it's just too much he can't take it something is building up inside of him and it's only a matter of time before [Music] oh the camera is knocked over and we see Roy standing over the set watching the whole thing play out followed by a red guy standing on the other side of the camera as it falls to the ground crashing we're met with Darkness as the sound of the hospital slowly Rises to the surface the atmospheric music increases as we open our eyes to try and make out some kind of object towering above us chuckling to itself we look to the side and see episode 5 still playing on the monitor however this time the dock is no longer there was that a pizza slice but you're better off with plain white sauce what's that plain white sauce plain white sauce makes your teeth go gray doesn't matter just throw it away why not try something else on your tray we got back to the hospital room with the can of food chuckling to itself as it makes its way towards the duck and begins eating his insides the episode once again spirals out of control ending with a shot of the yellow guy sitting at the kitchen table in the dark alone his face completely stuffed with feathers after being forced to eat his friend foreign [Music] S as the red guy walks away after failing to wake up his two companions from the world they appear to be trapped in we're left with a lot to think about for this installment from its lesson about healthy eating and at the end of the day we don't really know what we're putting inside of us to The Narrative side of things where duck is very clearly noticing an absence of the red guy and no matter how much the teachers try to distract him he still is persistent in wanting to know answers to which it seems they're left with no other choice and are forced to kill him off at the very end the yellow guy however seems to be so lost in this world that even the red phone calling out to him at the very end didn't seem to do anything leaving the red guy with no other choice but to walk away an extra little Easter egg can be found at the end of the video with a real UK phone number found on the red Booth it doesn't work anymore if you call it but if you were lucky enough to watch the episode during the first two weeks of its release and then call it up you'd be greeted by some of the characters hello I don't believe that uh this is uh [Music] [Music] the person on the other end was Baker Terry who voices most of the characters and was writing the scripts with Becky and Joe according to an interview on The Guardian this is what happened you'd have to zoom in to see it she says but we put the film online and within a second it was ringing we kept answering it because we felt bad pretending to be the characters in the end Terry took it home I obsessively answered it for two weeks he says until my wife was like [ __ ] this there's also a YouTube channel called I'm reddish that has the phone number as one of their YouTube videos which seems to be behind the scenes shots from the show my only problem is there has been no confirmation that this was ever made by the creators as the videos are actually just re-uploads from things found on Becky and Joe's social media the only reason I'm even mentioning this is because it has so many subscribers and Views yet there's nothing on the channel that proves it's legit and the creators have never talked about it I guess while we're on the topic of hoaxes there is a tick tock account that impersonates characters from the show and then structures their videos in a way that suggests they either created the show or voiced the characters I'm not mentioning their name because I'm pretty sure they're just fans that don't mean any harm in what they're doing and their channel has a lot of variety that could lead them to doing interesting and unique things in the future but these particular tick tocks they made have caused some confusion from time to time including for myself and apparently has had a lot of fans having to explain to newcomers that this individual has nothing to do with the show so what I'm saying is just be a little skeptical if you ever find something like that online maybe look it up if you're unsure of its authenticity as the months Drew ever so closer to June 19 2016 theories of the show skyrocketed across the internet and excitement was probably at its highest for the show and a few months before the final episode was released Becky and Joe teamed up with the clothing brand lazy elf and posted an interview online for it's nice that with the three main characters the first few questions were the same ones asked in episode 4 by the computer but then they went on to more random questions to which received pretty random answers the biggest question that caught a lot of people off guard however was the one given to Roy at the very end Roy do you have anything to add my silly boy has allowed his eyes to grow arrogant and rude for this I will take him on a trip to punish land Roy was becoming a much more prominent character now after being seen several times in the background all the food in episode 5 seemingly made by Roy and now with this answer popping up it seemed as though he was going to have a much bigger part to play in the final episode of don't hug me I'm scared as the finale begins we appear in a room with three beds clearly for all the characters but only one of them is present the yellow guy crying over photos of the past as he wishes his friends a good night laughs good night guys I missed you oh somebody's sleepy but that's silly no we're introduced to what appears to be our final teacher although the yellow guy is having none of this flicking the switch and going back to sleep sadly that's not how this works how can you be sleepy if you don't know how to have green green now I don't want to know I I don't want to know how to have games no no [Music] you could have a dream about riding a horse [Music] sounds as he continues to be tortured by the talking lamp with a lesson about dreams it cuts to a shot of the red guy sitting at a desk being awoken by another red guy asking to file some files not only does the whole world seem to be no longer made of felt but the aspect ratio appears to have changed too followed by the red guy actually wearing clothes before deciding to file them he offers a solution to make the job seem a little more fun what if this file came to life perhaps it did a little song I am a violin you put documents in me and um file s you know it did it like a song that sounds really boring a reference to Red guy's original line from the first episode after the notebook said she used her hair to express herself now we see the world the red guy appears to be living in very drab dull and boring as he sits in some kind of Pub listening to other mundane conversations of groups around him taking in the sounds of the piano keys being smacked over and over before he decides he's had enough and takes Center Stage thank you but that's rude no clothes [Music] what's your favorite idea mine is being creative how do you get the idea I just try to think creatively when you look at this orange tell me please what do you see it's just you but not to me I see a silly face I don't see what you mean because you don't think I don't really carefully really not good it's not very good at all not good as he attempts to sing the original song from the first episode and reveals the two other characters to be just merely puppets on his hand he hears nothing but booze from the crowd telling him to get off the stage there's nothing for him here that is until he looks up and peers through the crowd of red individuals and notices a familiar face sat in the corner Roy your voice is music to my face the mic then comes to life and he is transported to some kind of black void everyone is gone but he hears a faint noise in the distance intrigued he follows the sounds leading to a giant machine that appears to be running the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared series your breath in the water wear it on your wrist far behind you the future doesn't exist as he pushes a button the lamp transforms into Tony the clock from episode 2 and begins singing the song about time it appears this machine is creating these teachers he pushes another button and then the computer arrives and then the butterfly and then the stake and then new characters begin to arrive and start teaching new lessons while the red guy pushes button after button creating more and more including the file from the very beginning of the episode it all goes very well until someone reaches out from the darkness all right [Music] after being faced by Roy the red guy follows the wire attached to the machine leading to a giant plug he holds onto it and stares directly towards the camera and says foreign plugging the screen shuts down and reboots we're back in the original kitchen except all appliances are gone the characters are their favorite colors from the original the date changes from June 19th to the 20th and the notebook finally opens up and begins singing the song of creativity [Music] [Applause] while all installments of the show can be left up to interpretation of what exactly is happening in The Narrative of the series episode 6 leaves it massively open-ended how does it connect to the other episodes does it connect to the other episodes is this one just a self-contained story where exactly is the red guy is this the real world is this another fake world what happened at the end so many questions that could be answered differently depending on who you speak to and I think that's the intention of the episode I don't think Becky and Joe set out to have answers to anything they put in previous pieces but instead they use this final episode to tell a completely different story this time they told the story of their lives through the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared characters Joe was stated before that he used to work at a call center and that's clearly what inspired the scene of red guy working at one especially considering Joe is the voice of red guy the creators have even said in interviews that red guy is supposed to be the middle man the one that can represent the audience and what they're thinking while the weirdness goes on so it's very possible they used him to represent themselves in this final episode too living in a world that felt so drab so boring lacking creativity that is until he puts a performance together about being creative the original song from the first installment while the outside world Boos him the micro phone comes to life and tells him he actually enjoys it suggesting that while people in the real world were against the idea Becky Joe and Baker found an audience somewhere else and that's where he teleports to he travels to the world that allows him to create more of these bizarre puppets and songs while simultaneously torturing the yellow guy I mean that is essentially what Becky and Joe do they put this character through so much trauma similar to what red guy does here the episode's main lesson is also about dreams this is what Becky and Joe's dream was to become filmmakers and this show made that possible this community made that dream possible and that's what I think they're trying to display here they went from a boring office job to finally having the freedom to do what they wanted and the episode ends with what I can only describe as the creators letting the characters go being free to be the colors they've always wanted to be no longer under the strings of Becky Joe and baker having the date finally changed to June 20th suggests they've moved on which obviously didn't happen but in their defense this episode was made at a time where they weren't actually sure if they were going to continue the series so by their logic at this time it was in fact the end it may not sound as satisfying as red Guy Breaking Free from the media controlling everyone like the film theorists suggest or that it's all about the red guy letting go of his childhood like my old Theory but sometimes things are just far more simpler than what first appears but that's not to say you can't enjoy the theory that map pack came up with or the theory that I came up with or that you can't come up with your own interpretation of how the show functions because if anything that's what the creators want you to do I don't think there was actually a story in this show but rather Becky and Joe added more mystery as the episodes went on because every time they added in an Easter egg or some kind of mysterious sequence that alluded to something bigger the fans got wait for it creative coming up with such a variety of different theories about how each episode connects and what it all could mean it's exactly what the creators want Becky and Joe have openly stated that they have read many theories and they're all correct and every time this is brought up I tend to see a lot of individuals upset by this as they think it's a cop-out answer because by this logic you could essentially say I think they are all condiments at a hot dog restaurant and the show was made up by the owner of the restaurant to sell more hot dogs red guy is ketchup yellow guy represents mustard and duck represents relish that was an actual theory on Reddit by toon Fox which yeah that does sound a little silly when you apply that to the Creator's logic but by coming to this conclusion hasn't this person done the exact thing the creators want isn't this answer being creative to come up with something like this off the top of their head so fast I mean maybe it didn't come off the top of their head maybe they spent hours on that I don't really know the point is by this this logic making their own Theory they've demonstrated creativity with their own interpretation and haven't just blindly followed what others think plus if the creators came out and decided to tell you exactly how to perceive the show wouldn't that mean they're doing the exact thing they're criticizing they'd have an entire fan base all thinking the exact same way knowing that only one theory is correct they'd all be just a bunch of red guys walking around going about their day in a world so boring when interviewed about the show and asked about online theories they never mentioned the popular theories they always go to the Obscure ones and I think going through this whole series again it does feel at times they are intentionally muddying the waters so no one can come up with the same interpretation which I think fits the series rather well and has only made the fans more creative with their ideas of the series and with that concluding the web series it leads us perfectly on to what happens next after a year of the final episode being released and met with Incredible success it seemed as though everyone was moving on to other Adventures Becky Joe and Baker had found themselves working on The Amazing World of Gumball for Cartoon Network with an episode that featured a puppet-style world from the characters's childhood here we are surroundings an episode that was well received by its fans and even encouraged me to return back to the web series nearly two years later to see if I'd perceive the show any differently after spending such a long time away but an itch must have still been in the back of the Creator's Minds to do more with these characters while YouTube was officially their home for six whole episodes the creators had always wondered what they could do if they were ever given the opportunity to put the series on the small screen for a much longer running time as Becky stated in an interview by the guardian there's still scope to do something really interesting with them on TV she says it's still the most powerful medium we have wait wait [Music] a teaser trailer was uploaded on the 13th of September 2018 revealing that the characters May in fact be returning but this time for their very own TV show it seemed to be taking place with the characters reverting back to their original colors along with the day also being June 19th suggesting that we were in fact seeing some kind of reboot unrelated to the web series they were also really showing how much bigger the budget was going to be this time round having the characters seemingly live in a small town called Clay Hill filled with multiple characters it wasn't that cut and dry though the teaser we saw was actually clips from just one pilot episode they were able to put together and they had plans to use it as a means to draw attention from other film studios and help fund the rest of the episodes so even though we now had confirmation that something like this was in the works we were more than likely going to be waiting a while before the series would ever surface to the public the pilot was however leaked online not too long after albeit not with the greatest of quality and was missing some of it but from what we saw the set design the characters the songs all looked great but it definitely seemed to have lost its feel of what Don't Hug Me I'm Scared was as Becky Joe and Baker had spoken more about it in an interview with the guardian it lost its feel of claustrophobia and the people within the village felt a little too much like South Park so it was eventually scrapped and they went back to the drawing board good evening the coronavirus is the biggest threat this country has faced for decades covid-19 cover Corona Viper virus Diva disease and 19 because it started last year in 2020 the world was faced with a global pandemic covid-19 was spreading at a rapid Pace across the world and before we knew it most countries including the United Kingdom had gone into lockdown faced with isolation themselves and forced to write the scripts over Zoom meetings seemed to put a spark back into the hearts of the creators when writing these characters bringing back that much needed claustrophobia that previous ideas had lacked once they were back out they managed to team up with Channel 4 once more and this time being given the green light to make six 20-minute episodes of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared the previous trailer had been removed from YouTube and on June 19 2022 we were faced with the promise of six brand new episodes to be released in September only three months later others [Music] huh huh pesky bee [Music] [Music] nothing was really given away in this trailer other than the fact that it was still June 19th however once the series was eventually released we can clearly see the date is actually the 20th of June suggesting that they didn't want to give anything away for the upcoming Series so they digitally removed the 20th back to the 19th or maybe they changed it at the last second I'm not really sure and so the moment we had all been waiting for after six long years six brand new episodes were released all at once on the streaming service all four [Music] foreign [Music] were already greeted by Roy in the background as we can see him peeking through a hole in the wall as the camera quickly pans across now we have our characters back ready to tell a story in a new form well what are we supposed to be doing now um I would like to know what's meant to happen today right yeah let me check the schedule huh oh says here we don't have anything planned it says we're doing nothing what nothing nothing at all that's what it says on the schedule no we need to do something especially me honestly I don't mind it how about we just give it another 20 minutes no it's too dull at first it takes a little while to get used to the new format as with such a longer running time compared to its web series version it had more time to breathe giving more dialogue to the main characters and having them communicate with each other a lot more establishing much more personality with each one After figuring out their schedule is nothing to do for the day they're greeted with a briefcase that's in a hurry to go to work to which the characters seem to have never heard of such a thing meaning we receive our very first musical number by a teacher even if you don't know what to do I can help you I show you you can be the guy who died so fast on computer [Music] after being fascinated by the idea of a job the last example the briefcase gives us is work in a factory but as the characters follow him to the cupboard it appears he's gone the characters are stranded and instead are going to have to deal with what it's like working at a factory [Music] thank you uh sorry to interrupt guys have any of you seen a strange box person books yeah no no he's my he's more of a business bag he's Brown Bag A phone can be heard ringing in the boss's office red guy being frustrated that the fact that no one is answering it goes to check it out himself while the others take a closer look at what these strange looking individuals are doing what are you doing we're making bits and Farms although sometimes I feel a bit like the parts are making me that makes me laugh yep I'm a bit of a cheeky guy sometimes yeah I wish for you and whose Army good job teammate that's what I call a quality product as we can see here Clay comes out from the pipe in a lump and it's required by the workers to mold it into a certain object before it's sucked back into the tube and pushed back out as a blob again causing the cycle to repeat for the full day that is unless your doc and you struggle to make a product what oh dear hey my thing that I did the group are becoming more and more accustomed to the life of a factory worker well yellow guy is while the duck is mainly wanting to find a way out of this place believing to be above the individuals who are in the same room as him in response to this it appears he's getting punished for his choices which becomes most prominent when the group breaks for lunch you must be the new guy I've been hearing so much about how are you how is your child good thank you you didn't have a child One restaurant style lasagna coming up and don't forget your hot black water on the house mmm it's good lunch all right machine I'd like two of everything please oh I'm sorry it looks like you forgot your lunch token what nobody else had tokens don't worry you can still get a meal from the free vending machine hi [Music] what can I get you um do you have the lasagna yeah I reckon hold your hand out man okay actually that's too much put some back no meanwhile it seems as though red guy has got himself a job as being the boss of the whole Factory answering calls yelling firing people and having most people do the work for him [Music] oh hello you're right working hard or hardly working eh you didn't wash your hands yes so what somebody else will do it anyway back to the grindstone hey while the yellow guy and red guy continue working it comes down to the dock to try and put an end to it all trying to find out who's really behind all this but while in the elevator he's interrupted with the machine that runs it claiming he's stressed maybe he needs to see the care Hound to help fix his problems um just whisper your complaints very quietly into the mouth of the Care Hound shouldn't I whisper into its ear right to the mouth of the Care Hound get it all out there you are so how are you feeling I feel I feel like I'd better get back to work glad to have you back on board he steps out into the factory and it appears as though there's been a time Jump everyone is greeting him as if he's a new employee telling him about a worker who's planning to retire what we weren't expecting was to see a decrepit old red guy who gives a speech to an elderly yellow guy while his wife and kid stands next to him [Applause] wait this isn't of course he's joined by his beautiful wife and I think everyone might agree with me when I say what a guy 40 years can you believe it the big four oh [Music] like we're 20 minutes into the episode and that claustrophobia has been there since the beginning the feeling of being trapped the feeling of building up to a Tipping Point it's only a matter of time until to be doing um this does make me appreciate not being in an accident I feel so alive yet do something you're fired as everything finally spirals out of control the duck reaches out for the health care box only to find out the briefcase was in there the entire time [Music] wait what oh you could be the one who makes the shoes where's my phone [Music] anything you want to do everything appears to have been reverted back to normal they're now back in the house Having learned about work although before the briefcase leaves the duck asks what was it all for what's the purpose of doing a job to which the briefcase Answers by giving him a coin for his troubles I almost forgot and this [Music] and that's where the episode concludes it takes a while to get used to the format the show is set up for itself which is something it had to do if it was ever going to succeed in a 20 minute run time but I can say after finally adjusting it absolutely benefits from the longer run it gives it far more room to build up to the crazy end sequence making it all that more shocking when we finally arrive on top of that having the time to explore these characters as personalities what they like how they think builds a much more stronger connection with viewers which also benefits the crazy segment as you grow to care about these characters way more than you would in the web series now having that freedom of no longer being confined to a shorter time span the characters can also learn about their experiences rather than just a teacher telling them about it that leaves the door open for characters to see how the world really is and not just what they're told there's also some interesting ideas thrown in here that do get built on a little as the episodes continue such as the clay machine and how duck is able to use it to create life but we'll expand on that a little more when we go through the other episodes [Music] well I'm dead huh what I'm dead says here I'm definitely Dead episode 2 is quite possibly my favorite of the whole series I'm still debating it's either two or five the episode doesn't mess around and throws us straight into what it's going to be about death and grieving yes it appears the duck guy has died and after a talking coffin appears from the floorboards the gang begin putting together a funeral for him which arguably leads to the best song of the whole series [Music] cutting out Bunting and making a cake it's a celebration for our best mate dressing up smart and wearing smart shoes need to figure out which tie to choose covering my hair brushing my teeth I need my socks laying out treats putting my card in the envelope washing up plates in the kitchen sink first you heat up the margarine make sure you're using fresh minced beef then you need to get the pastry dish and add a little bit more margarine we gotta get things ready for the perfect day huh what are we doing oh no it's the funeral it's the funeral sorry the rest of the episode mainly follows red guy and yellow guy dealing with the loss of a friend right guy also believes it's probably best they should move on and maybe look at the possibility of getting a replacement something yellow guy is not too fond of foreign what about this guy he looks fun and he's got his own catchphrase fudge that can't be right I like fart oh he's too opinionated all right well what about lucky Mo he's on special offer he's got no opinions and no reviews I'm up for anything let's have fun or not have fun no no I don't like him I don't like any of them hey I want the old one back yeah after knocking over the kit it appears to have brought to life a clay creature and so rather than molding it into one of the characters on the list they just decide to have it the way it is well the red guy does the yellow guy not so much meanwhile it appears the doc is getting bored of being dead and is constantly driving the coffin crazy with playing music scratching on the side of his body as he counts the seconds he's been down there yes what do you want look I've made some new friends tickles great great yep that's all part of it I wonder what my old friends are doing they're probably just trying to move on and speaking of which he should probably move on let's move on to what well when somebody goes away they tend to wow what are you doing just keeping track of time but we've only been here for half a day I'm doing it in seconds what we've obviously been here for more than five seconds have we how stop it what's that what's that smell oh yes turns out I did need the toilets actually quite a lot maybe that's what the tally was for towards the end of the episode it seems as though the yellow guy misses doc so much that he goes out in the middle of the night and digs him back up however while he was gone it seems as though the red guy has molded the clay creatures into another duck leaving us with a bit of a predicament well now there's four of us there's four of us sometimes we have too much fun we have to go together actually no four doesn't work there's three of us this episode focuses much more on humor this time round which is probably why I enjoy it quite a lot it's just all three characters learning about grief and being bombarded with random teachers checking in on them this also seems to be the first one that starts playing around with the fans who like to make theories about the show no one actually knows the official name of these characters other than yellow guy having the letter d on his chest so it's always been something fans have questioned meaning it was a big surprise to see the name David carved into the tombstone of duck only to have this as the response why does it say David that's his name he's David what that's supposed to be your name what's his name well the stone doesn't have a name it's a stone right this is very confusing change it to my name then but I can't know it's already engraved I can't untizzle it can I why not I know why don't you write David's name on me okay let's crack on shall we we also get this conversation with yellow guy and the lamp where they start talking about some kind of beings underground at the center of the Earth what do you think happens when we die do we ever come back well I guess nobody really knows something tells me that when we die we go into the center of the earth well it's not quite the center it's in between the core and the surface and we must relive our lives but as a performance for a new super race known as the council and every time you get it right you get a pound well what I need to go to sleep now good night along with the fact we have another creature come to life from clay just like we saw in episode 1 except this time we saw red guy mold the creature into another duck having the beak put in its mouth and then later revealing he turned it into a complete replica suggesting that these characters could be made from clay for all we know questions arise even higher when one Doc is killed off at the very end but we actually don't know which one before the song begins the original duck is stood on the right while the claymation creature that was molded into the duck is on the left after the the song ends it's revealed the doc on the right is the one killed off something that I believe is very intentionally put in by the creators to ask the question which one really died and if the original did die does it matter it seems as though they can just be easily replaced whenever they like using this magical clay [Music] after leaning into more of the comedy elements in episode 2 episode 3 definitely leans far more into horror after finding a packet of shuttle dollops outside the group are greeted with a pair of twins why not try a healthy option did you know the preservative oh dear Tommy looks like these guys need our help hooray Lily there's nothing we like more than to help this appears to be the first time the characters are interacting with human looking teachers who can't wait to talk about family and the importance of it sparking a debate amongst the group on whether or not they'd class themselves as a family to which the doc is very surprised that no one sees him as the dad after a lovely song from the two individuals they take it upon themselves to show the group what a real family is like foreign looks too thick to be a liquid but too wet to be it's a family recipe told me say when as the clump look around something seems strangely off an old lady appears to be sitting in a wheelchair cobwebs covered over used cigarettes from God knows how long ago a family portrait is seen in the wall with an individual's face smudged out oh Father brother your home come come sit with us oh look we have visitors hello you have a beautiful family here I'm actually looking to meet my family okay after watching some homemade videos of the family picnic the grandma rings the bell letting them know that it's game time which leads to a very cool looking board they allow the yellow guy to play with them giving him mothers peace suggesting that mother will be coming home soon and they hope that they can stay for tea however duck keeps interrupting saying he wants to go back forcing the twins to kick him out of the house and he goes back on his own while the others stay a little longer after family game time is over the twins introduce the two to their family tree the red guy seems pretty excited by this as he wants to find his family too to which the tree believes he can help and perhaps I could help I just need a sample of your DNA huh what for to help you find your family members silly great so do you need some forms I just need a drop there we go so how long until the results yeah I'm pretty excited my family uh you're taking quite a lot of blood there actually I reckon I mean my family they probably want to get a new photo we need to make sure the results after passing out he awakes in the process of a photo shoot with what looks to be his family over excited by this it unfortunately doesn't last very long so you must be the uncle stay still please sir I like him is he hey I'm not gonna tell you again yep sorry and you on the left can you stop smiling oh am I smiling yes I'm sorry I just can't help myself I'm just happy to finally be with my family you're ruining it we can't have him in the shot what no please come on I'm I'm just happy I'm sorry fine just stay still okay everyone on the count of three one two three meanwhile it seems as though the twins are getting a little too close for comfort for the yellow guy to the point they offer him a sleepover but he doesn't really want to go to sleep that is until one of the twins sings him a lullaby slowly sending him into a hypnotic State before everything goes black after coming too the whole family is gathered around the table his hands are tied to the chair The Twist is revealed he is in fact mother they needed a mother to finally qualify for a family meal so they force him to make the call please will beat us [Music] the family-sized tub flies through the roof and we watch the family devour it before the yellow guy's eyes until we get a familiar face foreign we then come back to the group sitting at the kitchen table once more but this time under the impression that it doesn't matter what other people think maybe family can be just a group of individuals that care about each other with that Newfound appreciation the chuddle dollops finally open revealing to only have two in the packet episode 3 definitely delivers on the horror aspects the web series is most famous for plus we saw a true return to a fan favorite Roy which makes sense considering the whole lesson was about family and what constitutes as one it also brings in another question for theorists is Roy good or bad with the ominous music appearing every time he arrives in the series and lines from interviews talking about sending his son to punish Land one could suggest he was the villain some even suggested that he was running the whole show as we even see him kind of in the place where red guy was controlling everything but here it seems he kinda saved his son so what gives well if you're interested in theories and looking for something to chew on at the very beginning it seems as though the lesson is actually going to be about healthy eating again as we're greeted with a talking Apple however this lesson gets hijacked by two humanoid individuals and then takes the characters away from the felt world into a very real looking one something we've never seen before this is also the first and only humanoid teachers we actually come across in the whole series so if you want a theory where you could suggest that Roy is still The Mastermind behind it all you could come to the conclusion that the characters were kidnapped by Rogue individuals to which Roy has to come and get them and bring them back as it's very clear that Roy kills these teachers at the very end something to play around with if you're interested in making theories this episode overall is very enjoyable I love the sets and the twins design it captures the old kids TV shows that appeared in Britain during the 60s and 70s which are very creepy if you ever look back on them now I thought the reveal of yellow guy being their mother was a nice twist and watching them get their comeuppance at the end as Roy enters is very satisfying [Music] with our Sky we live in an actual nightmare episode 4 brings us that time of year where our three friends are able to explore the internet but sadly I can't remember the password leading to the creators playing around with the idea of their character's names once more maybe maybe it's my name try my name yeah okay that makes sense Remember The Hyphen yeah yeah I can there oh failing to remember the password it seems as though they won't be able to use the internet this year leading to insults thrown towards the yellow guy after being a complete idiot and not doing his one simple job come on it's not your fault you're just mmm yeah you can't help it you're just okay stop did you see what just happened there the characters are interrupted by our new teacher called Eagle a worm that refuses to admit he's a worm and instead tries to convince the bunch that he's an eagle he arrives to teach the group about friendship and how insulting each other is not the way to go the group don't listen however leading to the yellow guy feeling like he isn't part of the group and retracts back into his brain and decides to hang out with his Imaginary Friends instead leaving it up to the teacher to go inside and save him only for Eagle to fall for all the compliments given to him by the imaginary friends and decides to stay making everything much worse after realizing what's going on the other two bring out the doc's tools and pull out the worm themselves leading them to somewhat apologizing to the yellow guy and finally admitting they're all friends and sometimes friends just fight I don't want to do that anymore I haven't really focused on this episode as much as it's definitely the weakest out of the series it starts out rather strong and even ends pretty funny but the second we're introduced to Eagle it just goes downhill I'm pretty sure the whole idea is to make him as annoying as possible and so by that logic they did a great job but because of that it sacrifices any enjoyment watching this episode for me because he's just that annoying I thought the interesting parts were having the three explore the internet and I generally think had they just done several skits of them at the computer for the full run time checking emails remembering the password trying to diagnose their friend you'd have a pretty solid episode the great thing about Don't Hug Me I'm Scared is the characters are entertaining enough that I can see them pulling off an entire 20 minutes of just sitting at the computer and reacting to what they find they did not need this Eagle character and I think that's why it's a frustrating watch for me it just feels like the whole episode stops whenever he appears it probably doesn't help the fact that the first three episodes were just so strong and all felt like their own thing whereas this just felt like something I'd see on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network from the mid-2000s whenever they decided to introduce an annoying or gross friend to the main cast for the sake of being annoying or gross does anyone remember that Mr meaty's show it kind of felt a little like that I'm sure there'll be fans of this episode and I hope there is because there's still a lot of effort clearly put into the animation and puppets I mean just look at Eagle's final formation at the very end that's impressive it's just not for me like the one who had a dream where there was stuff like there was another me and everything was not so fun and I went and saw the other ones and there was a little lumpy one and another winding middle one and there were things that's three of us just three of us three episode 5 opens with far more promise as red guy has had enough of them all just sitting around and waiting for a teacher to appear somewhere and start teaching them stuff he wants to leave he wants to see what's outside of the full walls they appear stuck in and it seems his wishes are about to be granted [Music] I don't think so he said he hates this place and he hates the clock board and he hates me well no I was just saying what's this now I was just saying maybe we could do with a change of scenery you know you have to speak up a bit yeah you have to speak into my goodie which ones are good here I don't see any ears on you the group join in on the train for their new lesson about transport but not before the train has a drink of some strange looking black liquid that I'm sure won't come back anytime soon but enough of that now got a song to listen to steps with your legs but you won't get very far you'll be better with the bicycle or even in a car wow the train struggles along while singing his little song and sadly doesn't really get very far before passing out while in the shape of a car his eyes rolled to x's and it seems as though the characters are ready to move on except for the red guy he wants to give the lesson another go but this time by themselves without a teacher while having concerns raised by the other two he eventually convinces them to give it a go they figure out how to turn on the engine and set off crashing into the wall and Amazed by what they find green is for go huh hey look I can see our TV what's happening this guy is rewinding why is it so hard to look at stop it be still no no it's supposed to do that it means we're going somewhere I think I prefer the kind of Transport where you're indoors they've done it they're finally out now they can find out what's out here red guy suggests they could travel to one of the pamphlets they found in the passenger's side before a GPS comes to life and insists they turn around and go home the red guy sees a location called Clay Hill and asks to go there to which the teacher responds that it's no longer there anymore it just shriveled up and died for those paying attention we'll obviously know Clay Hill was the town the pilot episode was set in before it got scrapped refusing to take the group somewhere interesting the red guy throws the machine out of the window as it begs them to go home suggesting something is not right but they're just having too much fun we're going fast we're going forward [Music] [Music] to customize my area it looks pretty good to me yeah it's a long drive but we don't mind because we can get to know each other such comfortable seats I might have asleep I found this guy in the road [ __ ] no get him out get him out we're going fast we're going forward with such good company and we're on our way to a brand new place just you and you and me since the travel appears to be taking longer than usual the red guy shows duck all the content he could consume while they wait for the Journey's End he also tells yellow guy about how the place they're traveling to would have a home for all of them they'd no longer need to stay in the same house and instead live as Neighbors sending yellow guy into what appears to be a dream-like state and here comes one of your neighbors now I see you're already well acquainted next door are your other neighbors and you'll get to know them all in good time one won't you oh how nice they'd like to welcome you with a gift what could it be [Music] oh it's a rat or some kind of worthless animal oh careful he wakes up in shock to see a bird hitting the window it's getting dark out the show Duck is watching starts to bug out too and stops playing the friends are starting to panic and red guy tries to calm everyone down you never know if gralton made his appointment obviously he will he always does what do you mean gralton always makes his appointment and no matter what happens they start the next episode back at home well don't spoil it the teacher awakes to find the three have been driving him miles away from where they're supposed to be he says he's not supposed to be this far out and begs for his drink from earlier but there's nothing left red guy suggests they can just make some more in hopes to de-escalate the situation no look we'll make you some more how hard can it be what's in it [Music] yeah yeah okay another reference to the beings living underground similar to what was said with the lamp in episode 2 the red guy tries to appease everyone but it's just becoming too much I want to go home no we're so close to what we can't go back I'm not going back into that house there has to be something anything there's something out there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] possibly miles away from home the puppets decide to make a fire and Camp around the car for the night unsure of where they actually are credits are about to roll a faint voice can be heard in the distance almost narrating the story the journey always ends up back at home episode 5 definitely stands as one of my personal favorites the perfect mix of comedy horror and mystery can all be found in this one episode as we see our group attempt to break free and find out what else is out there only to find nothing and trap themselves in the middle of nowhere with their only hope that someone will find them by chance there's also a lot to theorize now too as we hear a woman's voice at the very end that is also the same one that narrated yellow guy's dream sequence there's also a number plate that says Leslie and on top of that there's the teacher that is seen drinking a strange black substance similar to what we saw the workers drink in episode 1 to take at lunch when asked how it was made it was forged far beneath the Earth from the ancient ones which also seems to be a callback to episode 2 where the lamp describes what happens to us after we die and how we have to relive Our Lives as a performance at the center of the earth a lot of ideas can start spinning from just those two connections alone but that wasn't the only stuff that was worth taking away from this episode it turns out after filming the car itself was left at a specific location Becky tweeted out if anyone could find it they'd receive a prize within a day it was already discovered by the choo choo finder on Twitter to which Becky blocked then unblocked and gave them the prize the car was supposedly destroyed now so you can no longer find it but it was another little fun Easter egg put together by the creators as the shot of the house appears something feels different not only does it appear larger but it's stationary until a hand reaches over a crank and begins churning winding up the finale [Music] the characters are back in the kitchen seemingly forgotten what they went through in the last episode with no mention as to what happened the duck is stumped by the two-letter word on his crossword one across the clue is opposite of down two letters hmm that's a tricky one opposite of down try above above a b of no hey I know it's when you can't remember that over the top of you there's bigger ones that are bigger and bigger and then over the top of it there's a smaller one of all of it at the top of that what huh the whole segment of the crossword is to foreshadow what's to come the two letters clearly spell up something the characters can't figure out except for the yellow guy he actually describes exactly what's up and above them but before seeing the whole episode you'd be left to believe it meant nothing that's certainly what the other two think and in fact they believe he should just stick to cleaning plates as the duck quickly gives up after yellow guy's guess he decides to shred the crossword with his personal Shredder and asks if there's anything else they'd like to dispose of the red guy offers the electricity bill he's never heard of it before and the doc believes it's pointless leading us to our final teacher well kind of I think you might be forgetting something friends huh I don't know maybe we should help them open it well they'll figure it out properly so I hear you guys don't think electricity is cool huh a song begins as our Trio learns about the importance of electricity in the world we currently live in and how most things are becoming more dependent on electricity even things you won't expect might be powered by it but what about my Shredder [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes and and the Shredder the teacher reveals that even she is running on electricity using batteries to which we also discovered so is the yellow guy although they've clearly not been changed in a long while so the doc swaps batteries turning yellow guy into a genius you need to put fresh ones in every now and then to keep in it foreign much better guys hold on a sec man am I so do you feel any difference so do you feel any different I feel weird he goes on to finish the crossword and even makes a spatial distribution puzzle on his own I yeah revealing strange symbols that we've actually seen throughout the show and it's not going to be the last he also knows far more about the lessons the supposed teachers are meant to be knowledgeable in you know what that kind of thing seems to happen a lot around here it might be worth us getting some contents insurance we should have done it years ago really making up words indeed someone say insurer back to normal hang on hang on that's wildly misleading oh well look in the simplest terms an insurance transaction involves the insured assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in the form of payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurers promise to compensate the insured in the event of a covered loss but you must know that it's almost like you're teaching me yeah it is a bit yes but but I I'm going to go though back into my back this brings the yellow guy to question where exactly these teachers are coming from and why they're telling them all how to think the other two don't like that he appears to be thinking for himself now and that causes him to wonder if he's in the wrong a tablecloth electric but he's he's gone wrong it's fine just ignore him what about the night half week gone wrong I don't think so this doesn't feel wrong at least it doesn't hurt to think anymore but they seem upset with us hmm well maybe they're not in charge of us anymore as the reflection walks off screen he spots something in the corner a staircase something none of them appeared to have noticed before while the other two are distracted he decides to explore and find out what's up there he enters a room called the big boys room with other versions of red guy and duck with bigger heads they claim they're so smart that they learn two lessons instead of one yellow guy isn't really impressed and while watching the teachers dance he catches something [Music] pretty clever huh yeah try and keep up mate he leaves the room to find another floor and heads further up to a bigger boy's room featuring a more sci-fi version of the doc and red guy experimenting on a random blob although it doesn't occur to them that they don't really know what the experiment is still unimpressed by the two once again he leaves and heads up to what seems to be the final floor of the house as he walks towards the door he sees photos on the wall of him mimicking his actions of getting closer to the room which could be perceived that he's been up here before since there's photos of him doing this stuff or it could be seen as the world changing around him while he does it it's not the first time this world has changed a picture in real time in episode 5 of the web series duck sees a drawing on the fridge of his friends all sitting around a table and then Witnesses it change in real time and even predicts the future in fact I didn't realize this until I was editing but as the yellow guy walks towards the stairs you can very clearly see a portrait of the stairs with no yellow guy to be found and then the second he starts walking up the picture updates and this time you can see the yellow guy batteries can be replaced but some things stay the same no matter how we twist and turn we're still dancing in Chains were you just going to stand there who are you my name's Leslie it's nice to meet you Leslie the name found on the number plate in episode 5 and also appears to be the same voice we heard at the end and during yellow guy's dream strange woman covered in stitches playing a piano while narrating over what's been happening downstairs as he walks further in he finds objects from previous episodes like the shuttle dollops the spade and most recently the batteries he stands next to her while she continues playing he looks over the dollhouse and sees his two friends at the very bottom asks us something you didn't build all this did you that's a good question what's the answer [Music] what's going on why are you laughing because it's so funny gosh you still can't see the funny side after avoiding the question she offers to help as long as he helps her tidy up after finally tidying up Leslie takes the yellow guy puppet from her room and puts him back in the kitchen he also tries to put the duck guy back but sadly the head falls off luckily she has plenty of backup you wanted this didn't you did I you are just too funny run along now you've got plenty of reading to do can't I stay here with you oh no you're not my real song only joking she sends him on his way back downstairs but it seems as though he didn't notice another door was hiding in the corner potentially leading to many more answers we were looking for the red guy and Doc have been having some problems themselves after over indulging on electricity they caused the power to go out sending them into some strange Place featuring multiple characters from the web series and TV show dead on the ground some are still alive like the stake but he's missing parts of his body after the yellow guy shows up with the book of answers before he can even say a word the duck pulls the new batteries from his chest and places them back into the teacher in order to restore power to their home what's what's happening there you are greedy battery hog yeah and that's why we can't live without electricity well what did you want to show us what on Earth are you holding the yellow guy tries his hardest to remember what he wanted to show them it almost feels like he's there until he sees duck Shredder huh yes something oh yes yes something incredible hey [Laughter] okay the trio laugh and celebrate as the book is shredded before our eyes the book of answers lost forever which I guess symbolizes the show as a whole the fact no answer is ever revealed is what makes the series so fascinating the creators said it themselves when discussing the finale a it's more like we didn't want to say this is the end of his little journey the idea that it just keeps going and going explained pelling but also there's just something funny about slightly evading the question deliberately not putting a clear answer because what's interesting about the show I suppose is people analyzing it and once you take out that element of discussion then maybe it becomes less interesting and I think he's right the whole idea they're going for with this series as stated by Baker Terry is that they can have people tune in and wonder what the hell is going on if you suddenly have a concrete answer that explains it all away the fun of confusing people goes away too we would never be like this is correct or this is incorrect because I think that would ruin it I think it's best to leave it to people's imagination a bit and play on that they'd also lose the ability to be creative with the world they've made if they ever established concrete rules they wouldn't be able to play around with it as much so it's quite nice to have a show that straight up tells you it doesn't plan on giving answers and instead wants you to come up with them yourself by leaving in certain things here and there if there's one thing I'd have a slight issue with when it comes to playing around with this idea is that sometimes it's not really subtle and a little bit too much in your face like Leslie's dialogue for example the rest of the series does hint at bigger things too but it presents it in a way which can be interpreted differently depending on who you speak to for example the whole center of the earth stuff in episode 5 came from the red guy asking what the Train's drink was made of and how that was presented could be seen as a throwaway joke or in fact alluding to something more it also leads to the right guy mishearing him and feeding him raisins making the situation they're currently in worse meaning it actually had some kind of impact on the story Leslie's dialogue that's supposed to allude to bigger things comes completely unprompted yellow guy asks if he can stay up here with her to which she replies no you're not my real son then follows it up with only joking and then goes on to answer the question anyway as if that lying was never said it doesn't feel like it belongs there in fact if you cut it it doesn't change the scene at all it doesn't feel like it can be interpreted as a joke it just feels so forced that you're left with no other choice but to include it if you ever wanted to make a theory or there's the other line you still can't see the funny side can you again something that is in the middle of a question and then she answers the question right after leaving these lines to feel out of place with no other reason than to be Theory bait again there's a lot of theory bait in the show granted that's the point but my main point is Don't Hug Me I'm Scared is usually better at hiding it in plain sight rather than just saying it to your face I'm prompted that's not to say I don't like Leslie or the idea of her I think she's great and it sounds like the actress has been recognized so much since the show aired which is amazing to see I just think that the dialogue was a little too much I love her design I love the fact that there's another layer to the house that yellow guy missed all stuff that is left up to the imagination of the viewer plus having said all that the community has made some pretty cool theories with that dialogue anyway such as the theory that Leslie was the driver of the car that hit yellow guy there's lots of cool interpretations you can make with the show like the idea of clay for example clay seems to be a big factor in the whole world as that create State's life and is even shown to potentially replace characters like the duck in episode 2 the town from the Lost pilot episode is also called Clay Hill you could also connect the web series to the TV show with this Theory as you could say these characters in the series are not the same ones but rather replicas that were made after the others went missing and the fact that it's now June 20th suggests that it is in fact a continuation but with different versions of these characters plus it would also explain why the characters in episode 6 don't remember the events in episode 5 they're not the same characters but rather replicas once again and the ones in episode 5 are still out there somewhere one of the biggest problems we were having with the web series was that there was only one popular theory that dominated most of the community now after the show it seems there's several some about the symbols in the show some about the strange underground beings at the center of the earth others about Leslie and what's behind the other door Joe has even hinted that Leslie May also be being controlled by someone I don't even know if I see her as human hi um educator I do I work at a museum and I also think my channel is on I don't Creator but I um talk about our other question I hope you will understand art and so my question is is what are what is something that you guys think is our misconceptions about what you do or about creating art in general that you think people should understand and also ideas from my next videos the idea of the notion of understanding how is something that maybe we don't really think about very much I don't think that all art needs to be understood but people interpret it in three different ways and the way we sort of think about it is that if people think about what we do and it comes across in a certain way to them then that's correct to them that's fine and so they will have their own different interpretations and they're also equally valid the popular YouTube channel the film theorists actually made a video not too long after the show came out discussing the theory of Leslie being the woman in the car and while making this video they released another on the series and started discussing the symbols and included an upcoming YouTuber REM games who's been covering Don't Hug Me I'm Scared theories ever since the show was released which is incredible to see say what you want about matpat and film Theory but he's been making incredible strides recently in covering Nisha topics and trying his best to bring communities together and by allowing other creators to come onto the platform and share their theories it's certainly another step in the right direction considering I'm probably going to get asked what do I think of rem's theories since they seem to be getting a lot of attention I think they're great it's amazing to see theories of this show that aren't just the media Theory anymore and I love the idea that some of the symbols could represent the characters names but if you're asking me do I think any of these are the correct interpretations of the show to that I say have you not paid attention to a single word I've said over the past two hours the idea of these theories is not whether it's right or wrong that to demonstrate your imagination theories are a form of fan fiction and fan fiction I believe is a perfect playground to learn how to make things yourself they're created after being inspired by something and when you put it to paper you'll learn more about writing if you go further and turn it into a video then you learn about editing with don't hug me I'm scared's creators being very open and refusing to say what's right and wrong about the series allows Their audience to have that freedom to express themselves and learn how to tell a story based on what the creators have given them kind of like stabilizers on a bike the web series and the TV show are the stabilizers giving you something to work with then when you're ready you remove them and start from scratch ready to create something of your own whether it's a long complex timeline about Leslie working with the council at the center of the Earth or they're just simply condiments at a hot dog store every theory that has come from this show has demonstrated creativity and has only continued to bring color to a world that appears also drab [Music]
Channel: Inside A Mind
Views: 1,999,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solving The Mystery Of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Inside A Mind, Solving The Mystery Of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, DHMIS, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Explained, DHMIS Explained, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Film Theory, DHMIS Theory, Inside A Mind, Becky & Joe, Becky Sloan, Baker Terry, Channel 4, Mysteries, Mystery, Theories
Id: ny5ar-S5AbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 35sec (7235 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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