How different Cultures Shape Videogames

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have you ever wondered how games change around the world there are so many countries out there but we only really ever hear about the US and Japan So today we're going to take a trip around the world in 80 games and pick out one game per country oh and also I'll be giving priority to Retro games over new ones whenever possible and I've also brought a few guests with me so let's get started Argentina has recently been making improvements in its gaming scene with a SLE of smaller Ry games though the game that you might be most familiar with is another matry 2 remake also known as am2r a remake of Mat 2 for the game boy that is so good that many people consider it better than the official match right 2 remake that we got for the 3DS but I don't want to make a fan game my pick for Argentina rather my pick is actually aming is of Fate for the Game Boy Advance this is a first person dunge calling RPG that is clearly inspired by Eye of the Beholder except in this game you start out with only one character and need to fill up your party as you progress through the story not only that but your party members are not fixed as they'll change depending on your needs or what the story dictates you have three classes to choose from but you'll often talk to teachers from whom you can learn new abilities that may or may not be class related so you can can be a wizard who doubles in Rogue skills or a warrior who learns persuasion skills other than that yeah you go around the various cities in the world map accept quests and side quests and go to the various dungeons defeating monsters and clearing puzzles with the combat being in real time I also have to admit that I really like the art style here the game was also brought over to the Nintendo DS but from what I hear the GBA is the way to go here so check it out my name is modern vintage gamer AKA mvg and for Australia I'm picking the way of the exploding fist on the commodor 64 it was a very early fighting game that really introduced me into the genre this was way before games such as Street Fighter and Street Fighter 2 of course but fist as I'll call it from now on was developed by Greg Barnett and he was an absolute genius developer that really introduced so many unique and interesting things to the fighting game genre even though these days we just take for granted for example weight of the exploding fist featured multiple stages with multiple handr backgrounds and all of them looked absolutely gorgeous I might add there was also a challenge stage where you would have to take on a bull and try to defeat that without getting you know just completely impaled by the Bulls uh horns but there was also a challenge system where you would start as a novice and then you would work your way through the ranks to get to the ultimate which was 10th Dan and if you are someone that is familiar with karate you will know that getting your danss is something that is a big presti and honor so getting to 10th Dan in this game was certainly no joke but not only this there was a very unique and interesting point scoring system where you could either connect a blow to your opponent with a clean blow and that would offer you or that would reward you with a full point which was two parts of a yinyan or a complete yinyan and if you connected a little bit off you would get half a point and the way that the winner was determined was the first opponent that got to two complete yinan would then beat the round and then move on to the next round and of course if you were defeated by your opponent then you would have to continue but the game also featured two-player mode so you could fight with you yourself and uh your friend obviously locally back in those days but the cool part about the scoring system the inan uh scoring system was that Greg Barnett even developed a very early hitbox detection system to determine if a point was clean or if it was a half point and this is something that we saw in 1985 many many years ago many years way before games such as Street Fighter as mentioned there's all these bone crunching sounds when you either land a blow and and you know take down your opponent or if an opponent lands a blow on you so overall even though there are many awesome games that did come out from the country of Australia way of the exploding fist for me is my biggest standout and definitely my pick of the bunch Austria is a country that gave a story and the blind Forest series of indie games but 25 years before that Austria was at home to many amga games whose genous Ren from strategy and RPG to Adventure but my pick for Austria is Wells voyage for the igga MS do and the igga cd32 this game is a unique mix of space exploration where you have to travel around the various planets buy items at a low price to sell them at the highest bitter with a firsters Sci-Fi RPG and as far as I know this is the only game that mixes these two genres in such a unique and interesting way the uniqueness begins right at the character creation where instead of selecting a class for each of your crew members you need to instead select their biological parents and what sort of Education they received which can range from preppy schools to being raised as an orphan in the slums add some RNG into it and this will dictate what s character you get which can range from Soldier and Bounty Hunter to a medic psychic and many more from there on you have to take on quests make money buy and sell merchandise engage in ground combat or be R by space Pirates made travel also the fact that this game was made in Austria means a lot of the characters kind of sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger hello Merchants let us see what you can offer which definitely lends to this game's uniqueness and if you have the CD version or the igga cd32 version you also have a glorious intro theme song that sounds like it came straight out of a European 9s nightclub get away get away for a trip to the St get away for watch get the UN your so I say check it out if you can Brazil is a country with one of the most unique gaming histories in the world a lot of which is TI to Sega so for example I could could mention the Sega genesis/mega Drive Port of Duke Nukem 3D or the Master System Port of Street Fighter 2 or really any game made or Modified by Tech toy who was Sega Brazilian distribution partner at the time on the other hand Brazil has a vibrant home brew scene for the Mega Drive creating ports of popular games to sega's 16bit system to this day and you also have traditional indie games like chromos squad or Brutal Doom as well as very interesting in online projects like poke tiia which modifies the popular MMO tiia mixing it with Pokémon but for my pick for Brazil I have to go with on can by Joy Masher an excellent 2D Sid scrolling platformer modeled after the NES games of old the game by itself is excellent but I picked it because of what it represents for Brazil and that is how the country was starting to become a noticeable player within the gaming industry because not only did Onan receive good reviews from mainstream gaming media but it also PVE the way for Joy mehers follow-up games which in my opinion are even better in Onan games like odas the Contra hardcore inspired blazing Chrome and the recently released vengeful Guardian Moon Rider any game by this studio is a love letter to classic games of old but I pick on can because it was their first release and they paved the way for greater friends to come I'm hungry gria and for Canada I've chosen to talk about eternal Darkness for the GameCube the events of the game revolve around a young woman named Alexandra the story opens with her arriving at her grandfather's Mansion to investigate his death since the circumstances around his passing are peculiar to say the least after beginning to expl explore the house for Clues and diving into his writings the player gets catapulted between her experiences there and those of many other ordinary people across time that are connected to the going on at first glance the gameplay action might come off as a bit generic each person you play as can wield weapons and magic and will have to scour their environments looking for ways to solve puzzles to keep moving through the stories many twists and turns with that said though there are a couple of aspects that really Elevate the experience to something beyond the typical third person perspective action puzzle game the biggest one is the sanity meter as characters are confronted by monsters and forced to fight for their lives this meter ticks ever downward and once it crosses certain thresholds the lines of what's real and what's not become blurred leading to a very unique flavor of horror that keeps the suspense High your character may start seeing things that aren't even there or hearing whispers or other noises that heighten the Fear Factor the game doesn't hold back from taking things beyond the fourth wall from time time to time as well making for some serious moments of panic and worry before I realized the game was pulling a fast one on me I love how this dark style created a real sense of curiosity even though my gut instincts were screaming at me to run in the other direction most of the time I just had to see what new awful thing was behind a locked door I'd finally found a key for who was on the phone when it rang or what was down in the basement these careful moments of Discovery were contrasted against some high-risk action segments where I got to beat up monsters and do my best to avoid getting sliced up myself the mixture of gameplay modes was a perfect balance of these two extremes with the faster paced Parts being a welcome reprieve from the fever pitch suspense levels during the exploratory ones as someone who doesn't necessarily love Gore and guts in my horror game experiences Eternal Darkness was an ideal way to get the hairs on the back of my neck standing up without also needing to hide under the covers all night after I was done playing it I had to venture outside of my comfort zone for this playthrough but it's a one of A- kind experience that I'm glad I had when people think of games made in China they used to think of bootle systems and games of dubious quality though if I'm being honest some of them were actually pretty good and did not get the respect they deserved but over these last few years China completely reinvented itself with the release of MMO style games like genin impact and hongkai star Royal so instead I want to talk about a period of Gaming history in China that always gets overlooked and that's the late '90s to early 2000s back when you were getting a lot of great Chinese games in the west that often went overlooked and we didn't even know that they were met in China in the first place we have for example any game made by Trevor Chan whose Hong Kong based studio and light software made excellent strategy games for PC like capitalism and capitalism too a series of games where you begin with a smaller business and need to expand to every conceivable industry like supermarkets Transportation or research and development as well as the seven Kingdom series a series of 4X strategy games which received critical praise back in the day and were cold hits in their own right due to the impressive diplomacy Espionage and Country Management options that you would expect out of a civilization game except that it was all in real time but if strategy isn't your F or if you prefer a game from mainland China then how about a metal sled clone for the Nintendo DS by the name of Commando steel disaster yes once again proving that SNK had his strangle hold in the Asian arcade Market we see a game that is a clear love letter to the popular running gun game unfortunately as mentioned before Chinese game releases during this time tended to fly under the radar and so this game is somewhat rare for the system but whether you're a PC strategy fan or an SN K fan I am breaking the rules for China and picking two games instead of one one for Hong Kong and one for mainland China Croatia is a country responsible for several modern major releases like staro Gemini and the Talos principal both of which would be more than deserving to represent their home country but as all croatians know if you're going to pick just one game to represent Croatia that choice is [Music] obvious Sam I Am this is serious Sam Croatia's Flagship series a firstperson shooter which became Infamous for the high number of enemies on screen and the variety of enemy type combinations you would have to fend off at any given moment all while giving you the style of gameplay humor that was clearly inspired by games like yukim 3D listen to what our numerous beta testers have to say about the game I lost B in one2 pound and now I can see my business again wow Sam HD is way better than a Loveless marriage hang in there Mom and make no mistake crowd control is the name of the game here because you'll be fighting so many enemies and enemy Types on screen all at once yes Serious Sam is the Croatian Duke Nukem and this series of success can be felt with how many entries it got including four main games HD remasters a VR remake and even 2D Sid scrollers Sirus Sam is the series that put Croatia on the gaming map and it's still worth checking out to this [Music] day hi I'm the space Quest historian and my pick for the game to represent Denmark may come as a slight surprise to you given that it's not Hitman code name 47 although that is indeed a Danish game and arguably our most well-known export on the video game front but now my pick is actually this guy Hugo or Hugo as he's known around here imagine if you will it's 1991 and you're sitting with your family in the living room watching television because back then people actually watch television there's a late night talk show on one of the channels but you're not there to watch the guests Pratt along with the hosts now you're waiting for that special moment to come on and finally it does the hosts announce that the phone lines are now open and people start calling in not to talk with the hosts but to play a computer game live on national TV using their Touch Tone landline phones as the controller the game is fairly straightforward you've got three levels the game is basically a runner where this bobble-headed little turd just takes off on his own and you have to dodge on coming obstacles by pressing directional Keys easier said than done though because remember people were using their touch toned landline phones to control the guy which had a fair amount of input lag and this first level just goes on for freaking ever if they were lucky enough to find their way out of the maze they'd go onto the bridge stage now instead of dodging [ __ ] by going left and right this stage introduces a jumping mechanic where you have to leap over these holes in the bridge although shorter than the preceding mind level this Bridge level did represent a sharp difficulty Spike where Hugo falling to a splattery death Wy coyote style was a fairly common occurrence but if by some wildly improbable fortuitous Miracle they happen to cross the bridge players would then be treated to level three which is just a single screen where they pick a door at random one of the doors has this bearded [ __ ] behind it he pulls a lever and it's instant game over sucks to be you the other two contain either gold or an improbably large gemstone where which in the broadcast television version would translate into some sort of monetary prize for the caller who made it this far augo was a prime time hit for Danish TV in the early 90s he deputed in September of 1991 and remained a mainstate on the air until the show he was on finally called the quits in 1996 while it's fair to say that Hugo had a huge hand in legitimizing the world of computer games in the National mainstream he wasn't the first call-in computer game to air on TV his predecessor a bluish polar bear of sorts by the name of Oswald deputed on the same late night talk show in 1989 2 years before Hugo reared his misshapen head and was a fairly big success too the guys who made Oswald were members of the Danish demo scene they were basically just a bunch of fresh-faced teenagers who were contracted by this guy even suvon who had made a deal with the production company that was making the talk show to make a game for them but he didn't have a clue on how to actually make games now the touchtone phone controller that these kits came up with was a pretty novel idea at the time and it's frankly amazing that it worked as well as it did the gang ran on an Amika 2000 in the studio and it was hooked up to a modem that could translate the caller's phone input into directional signals for the game to understand the modem had to be switched on at just the right time just before the actual game would start because it had this terrible tendency to overheat and basically kill the game Stone dead if it was left on for too long but Ivan is a bit of a contentious figure however by most accounts he's a bit of a paranoid narcissist and not a terribly good businessman to boot when oswal became a hit on Danish TV the demo scene guys who actually made the game tried to renegotiate their contract only to find out there was no proper contract to renegotiate despite that a few of them stuck around to help Ivan make the proposed followup to Oswalt that would eventually turn into Hugo but to no one's surprise they were swindled out of any compensation for that once again finally fed up with Ivan's [ __ ] the team left to strike out on their own which after a few false starts actually turned out rather well for them they eventually went on to form a little company called iio interactive and released well you guessed it Hitman code name 47 meanwhile Ivan still goes around telling everyone he was the victim in all this because the idea of paying someone for their work is really just a massive nuisance when you just want to take all the credit and Prestige for yourself he did get a very lucrative deal out of Hugo though and he managed to license his into worldwide distribution and that's how Hugo ended up on various Global TV shows and why I'm talking about it right now I'm the space Quest historian my big thanks to my friend and towel wearing game archivist extraordinaire Alan Christopherson for his help with facts and research for this bed and until next time I'll see you around the krono stream bye Estonia is the country that recently began turning heads with the release of disco elium a modern game that has become a runaway hit due to its inventive approach to storytelling and how stats can affect the progression of a game plot but there was a game that preceded this coalision by almost 30 years one that is near and dear to Ms do Gamers everywhere and most never even knew where it came [Music] from this is skyroads a sort of racing game platformer and challenge room hybrid in which you pick from 30 tracks available and need to jump across platforms avoid pitfalls and traps all while playing and some truly psychedelic visuals don't think this game is easy though because not only are you not given much time to react but the shifting perspective makes it hard to accurately assess where you need to jump to but it's those same 3D visuals that help skyroad stand out after all this game came out the same year as Star Fox for the Super Nintendo and it helps theit the notion that 3D polygons we're here to stay hello I'm Matas I play games I even like some of them and I'm here to represent Finland finland's game history goes a long way from technical feeds on the comer to mobile games of mass success but today I'm going to focus on one of my favorite finish games and how a finish developer remedy refined the third person shooter genre with max pain in 2001 the game tells the tragic tale of a NYPD officer Max Payne whose wife and newborn child are murdered in his home this bombs Maxs out a little bit so he decides to go and try to has things out hey Max pay has a message to deliver with bullet points to share the Gunplay is so satisfying and the controls are excellent even if Max's footwork can feel a bit stiff aiming and shooting feel instantaneous and glue you right into the action guns feel just right especially the shotguns and you always feel the right kind of overpowered you can't Walt in brainlessly but enemies drop like flies when you get in the groove and encounters usually last like 5 seconds or if you're in a bigger hurry max pain is most remembered for its use of bullet time which slows down time but lets the player act slightly faster than his surroundings this is used for checking corners and dealing with bigger enemy groups you find yourself using this all the time and at the time of the Matrix movies this sure got people's attention max pain wasn't the first to implement bullet time but was the first to execute it so well the game is also full of nice little touches like all the things in the environment to interact with and how something interesting may happen if you don't reveal yourself to enemies right away red blue or green it's always red or blue in the movies so green no not the green there are some GR rpes however and the biggest one is how Max's somewhat rough movement doesn't mix well with these parts that require tight jumps or balancing or narrow geometry and of course falling means certain death just when you get used to sending perpetrators back to their God the game throws twists at you with these dream sequences where max pain has to relieve his painful memories and try to ignore the voices telling him he's a Punisher knockoff the game tells a tragic tale and has its serious moments but it doesn't take it self too seriously with its quippy Noir dialogue and how people in the voiced comic panels look like they had so much fun posing for the pictures yeah these comic panels are made from actual photos and the guy playing max pain is The Game's Rider Sami yarvi who you may know as Sam Lake they also used his face for Max Pain's in-game model just look at that iconic smirk there's always that right kind of playfulness as you'd expect from a game called max pain despite the occasional junk max pain is sure to give you a good time if you ever wanted to play an action movie like John Wick or the Matrix max pain is a finished gem you should definitely check out and the sequels while you're at it because revenge is just that sweet ah France now this is a tough one France holds more weight in the gaming industry than most people seem to realize on one hand I could mention these cinematic platformer masterpieces by Eric chahi and Al find software like flashback and another world or maybe I should pick in forrs the seminal alone in the dark series which were responsible for creating the survival horror genre as we know it today and of course who can forget the Rayman series which is still going strong to this day but no rather than a game I want to pick a movement a movement known as as the French touch back in the mid to late ' 80s and early '90s French video games had made a name for themselves a name for being different they often had weird and unique visual Aesthetics that felt more at home on the pc98 than a Sega or Nintendo and they were known for their unique approach to storytelling often broaching mature story beats and scenes that felt ahead of their time if often a little clumsy the games were often weird experimental oddly designed and with an art style that was both beautiful and bizarre at the same time from the bat games to Captain Blood and the previously mentioned another world a French game was not something you could easily Define it was one of those cases where you know it when you see one and so my pick for France goes to a game that forever changed my taste and view in video games Dune a mix of point0 click adventure and Grand strategy games the likes of of which we've never seen before or since but really pick any game from the French Dutch movement and you'll quickly learn to appreciate this Lost Art in video [Music] games hey I'm John representing Germany and when considering well-known games developed here in Germany the first one you might think of is something like say turken which showcased the true potential of the Amiga platform but there's other stuff such as the settlers a series which has persisted since the early '90s and remains popular to this day but the more I thought about it the more I kept coming back to one game the classic PC melting experience [Music] crisis perhaps more than any other game in German history crisis became a phenomenon around the world it was known for pushing Cutting Edge Tech technology sure but the underlying game is equally Innovative at a time when shooters were increasingly going for that linear scripted gameplay crisis is all about presenting players with options each map is large and packed with objectives to explore and unravel you're granted full freedom in how you approach these objectives as well this freedom is augmented directly by the Nano suit you can for instance take a stealthy approach quietly eliminating foes as you progress through the level or you could go in loud using your armor mode while destroying everything in your path this autonomy and need to think on your feet makes for a rewarding experience that offers A Perfect Blend of open-endedness with skillful design it was also an exceptionally interactive game crisis allows players to pick up just about anything including enemies chickens and other objects scattered about and all of it's governed by an advanced physics simulation toss an explosive device into a shack for instance and Marvel as it breaks apart before your eyes this level of simulation of action and reaction remains uncommon to this day with most games opting for eye candy over deep physics simulation yet despite this crisis also manages to push visual boundaries it was released in 2007 as a PC exclusive and designed to push then Modern Hardware to its absolute limits Ray marched volumetrics Parallax occlusion mapping introduction of screen space ambient occlusion something we'd never seen before water atics per pixel motion blur not to mention superb character rendering it's all here complete with ultra dense forests that even react to weapons fire while it does aim for realism I maintain that crisis equally presents a gorgeously realized artistic Vision in a way that kryc prior game Far Cry simply did not it's a stylistic and Technical achievement the people and technology behind the game wouldn't even stop after this one and I maintain that crisis would go on to influence the future of Graphics technology in general it is a supremely important game and one of the most recognizable PC games in gaming history crisis is a true German [Music] classic Hungary is a country that you often do not associate with video games but dig a little deeper and you might be surprised at what you'll find this is a country responsible for Contra Legacy of War on the PlayStation and Sega Saturn Echo the dolphin 1 and two on the Mega Drive and even crisis Warhead the expansion P to Germany's crisis and one common name you'll find with most of these games is the studio Appaloosa interactive formerly known as noo trade international this is the same Studio who made the terrible Amiga Port of Castlevania but as the studio grew and expanded to the United States it gained more prominence often working with SE and Konami and as an outside Studio of course with the expansion to the United States it can be hard to track which team made which games and so my pick for Hungary is Tre dirty dwars for the Sega Saturn a 2d beat a map made by the Hungarian team which made great use of the S Hardware in which you play as threee dwars from a parallel universe who are somehow connected to some children's DND d game and as you travel to our world world you unwillingly bring an Army Of Orcs with you so now armed with Sporting Goods equipment it's your job to defeat the Orcs and save the children the game makes a bit of a bad first impression at first and that's because it does not play like your typical sidescrolling beat them up for one thing there is no health bar each dwarf can only be hit once before they go down and you need to hit them again to revive them to bring them back to your party you can also change between dwarfs on the Fly each with slightly different gameplay Styles over the other but perhaps the best part about three dirty dwarfs are the boss fights like this one where you fight against the gym not the people inside the gym but the actual gym building which jumps around with giant feet or this boss fight where you need to control the jumping character and the B on the bottom at the same time this game is definitely great and worth checking [Music] out [Music] this is coffee talk and it's my pick for Indonesia Coffee Talk is a visual novel set in an alternate reality Seattle inhabited by fantasy creatures including Orcs elves vampires demons and of course the greatest fantasy creature of them all people from Seattle you play as a barista in an allnight coffee shop and your job is simply to prepare drinks for your customers as you listen to their stories the game is clearly inspired by the popular indie game valella which had a similar premise though I feel Coffee Talk does something really well and that's giving you a sense of belonging a sense that in a world set in 2020 with newspapers announcing an upcoming disease that is sweeping Nations all while societal and economical tensions are at an all-time high it gives you a place where you can be with friends and listen to their stories with reflect our own real world with many of the inter 20 plot line subtly and not so subtly reflecting the real life struggles that so many of us face sadly this would also be the last game by its creator Mohammad Fami as he passed only two years after releasing this game Coffee Talk would also get a sequel simply called Coffee Talk episode 2 which I've yet to play but if it has the same heart beautiful art style soundtrack and sense of belonging as a first game then it's a game that will make its home country of Indonesia proud possibly the best part about making this video is discovering games and learning information about countries you never even considered before this is the case with Babylonian twins a game made in Iraq for the igga in 1993 and 1994 by three college students which unfortunately was never completed because the trio could not find the publisher for obvious reasons in this game you play as twin princess who were throning jail by a sorcerer trying to usurp the Kingdom so now you need to escape the prison and reclaim your throne you do this by jumping and collecting items but you also have a Sonic the Hedgehog inspired spin dash maneuver which can be used to increase your speed and open walls to further explore the levels it's kind of funny too because the way the spand dash maneuver is used it inadvertently starts going into match right shin spark territory but as the title suggests in this game you play as twins so on the first level you start out alone and you have to rescue your brother when you rescue him you can change between both characters at any time and you can jump on top of each other to reach higher platforms giving it some minor puzzle platforming elements to the game the game would eventually be remade and completed for iOS devices but sadly I feel this version loses quite a bit of its charm the developers did promise they were going to finish the Amiga version one day so hopefully we'll one day get to see that version instead my name is goore and for Italy I picked diabolic it's a computer game for Doss andega systems but it is also a popular Italian comic from the' 60s which is still ongoing it's about a ruthless criminal who just goes on big hyp heists with his lovering crime the two are not shy to the occasional murder of an innocent so you understand how this became a sensation around here the other big reason why I picked this game is the way it was sold by Sim Mondo the developer this was in fact the first in an ill fated series of licensed games that they would sell in new stands so next to your Crossroad puzzles and magazines in a comic section you would find this games bundled with the actual release of the com comc and that's where the catch is you would be getting one part of the game while the developers were slaving away at the next issue the next installment which would have to come out the next month the aboli came out in 12 episodes but thankfully those were for the most part self-contained you could consider them separate video games even especially with the way they kept evolving the engine and the mechanics the game or games they have several Great Moments however given the budget and Rush nature of of the game the quality is questionable the First episodes will have you rage at the screen du to the platforming was designed and programmed in the most brutal way so it takes a lot of patience to figure out where you're supposed to stand and what you're even supposed to press otherwise the quality of the presentation is very good many different artworks are present although some of them are digitized scans and some others are original pixel art ones which creates a clash of style the same Clash this time good occurs in the game playay in between episodes the game will switch from an action platformer to a heist simulator to a stealth one and all the way up to an investigative Thriller in the final episode siml Mondo was the only big name in Italy as far as video games went in the early '90s and all that you need to know now is that it was ran by an ambitious Visionary named Franchesco Carla who look like this the new stands sale model despite being adopted by other companies turned out to be a failure and ultimately what doomed the company was Carla's obsession with persevering on that same model while the world around it was just evolving overworked and unpaid developers also did not help hey I'm Jimmy HOA representing Japan and as for an ambassador game to represent the country's contributions to video games well that's a tough one given its deep roots in gaming history and the insane amount of influential games produced in the Land of the Rising Sun I could go with namco's revolutionary Pac-Man which set arcades of Blaze all over the world in the early 80s becoming an icon not just in gaming but of an entire decade one might consider bestowing the honor to nx's Dragon Quest the massively popular famcom title that provided the spark to the RPG boom period in Japan that paved the way for so many of the genre's most beloved games and franchises that are still around today the DNA of Capcom Street Fighter 2 and sega's Virtual Fighter are found in almost every fighting game that followed and are both massively important titles 32-bit era offerings such as konami's middle Gear Solid and squares Saw's Final Fantasy 7 changed the direction of gaming forever with their cinematic approaches to storytelling and either would be great candidates however my choice is something else no not that piece of sewage yeah it's it's pretty boring I know but it's hard to deny the impact the original 1985 Super Mario Brothers by Nintendo had on video games and the world the mainstream appeal and just overall high quality of this game changed and shaped the industry going forward and its impact is still felt to this very day Nintendo had been around for a long time before Super Mario almost a century actually and they found success with cards toys and even other video game products such as the massive arcade hit Donkey Kong in 1981 and even the original Mario Brothers from 83 however however nothing else achieved quite the level of success as Super Mario Brothers it made the Italian name Mario a household name in Japan and the distinctly Japanese Nintendo a household name everywhere else for the past few years Mario has basically been an official Japanese ambassador to the world used to promote the 2020/2021 Tokyo Olympic Games and greeting visitors at international airports around the country even the classic 8bit Mario Sprite is recognized by younger Gamers since the classic SMB is one of the most re-released games ever I don't really need to go into much more as we all know the stories we've all heard how Super Mario saved video games in America all that which is a testate to the game's Legacy and why I think it's the perfect title to represent Japan's contributions to video games without it our hobby would most likely look a lot different today and not in a positive way so God bless shetu [Music] [Applause] mamoto Malaysia has a bit of a surprising entry with gou Patrol for the Super Nintendo this is the sequel to the popular zombies at my neighbors and though G Patrol was not originally envisioned as a sequel that's what ended up becoming but at the time Lucas Arts was preoccupied with other projects and so development was outsourced to game Studio motion pixel whom as far as I can tell only ever worked on this game and while it's true that Lucas AR still had a hand in co-developing this game from a graphical standpoint they did a phenomenal job the pixel art art style and animations are some of the best I've ever seen on the 16 bit generation and the game retains the sandbox like fi gameplay of its predecessor the story is that you and your friend went to a ghost exhibit and unwittingly released a powerful entity from its seal now you have to go around the various levels picking up weapons and saving innocent bystanders so you'll begin in mundane locations like houses and streets before moving on to more imaginative levels like pirate ships and haunted castles and the quality of the pixel art here really cannot be overstated especially during boss fights it's a shame we never got to see more projects from otion Pixel which leads me to assume that maybe this game did not sell as well as expected or maybe Lucas starts decided to keep things in house for the foreseeable future but regardless I say go play this game from one codeveloped game to another this is Rage of the Dragons a fighting game for the Neo Geo which originally began development as a double dragon spin-off but the very parties were unable to secure the rights to it so the Double Dragon content was mostly scraped but yeah this is a Mexican Japanese co-production for the new Geo how cool is that despite not being an official Double Dragon game you can still feel its influence as you play it with bamie and Jimmy as the two main characters and even a boss fight against the Bobo or you know someone similar to but legally distinct from a bobo and similarly to what you see in the fighting games of this era you can select a second character to serve as your partner whom you can trade places with at any time but yeah even though the game came fairly late into the 2D fighting game scene this is still a great game with awesome character designs cool Combos and special moves and personally I just love juggling my foes when executing combos check it out if you [Music] can what's a notable game made in the Netherlands well that's easy it's Killzone everyone knows that and that's why today I'm going to talk about jazz Jack Rabbit this gry green rabbit first came onto the scene for msos in 1994 designed to be like mascot Platformers on consoles the story is simple the evil Devon shell has kidnapped your girlfriend Eva erong and you have to rescue her to do that you run around levels at high speed grabbing Collectibles for points along the way and shooting enemies there's a few powerups like a force field Rapid Fire And even a hoverboard it was enough of a success to get a sequel in 1998 Jazz Jack Rabbit 2 and Christmas editions in 194 and '95 so why am I talking about jazz ja rabbit you see Cliffy b gets all the credit for creating the lethal Lamor but that's not the whole story one of the key players involved in creating the game was Arian brus a Dutch guy who developed the code for Ja Jack Rabbit while living in the Netherlands he got to start as a demo coder for Ultra Force and and wound up working for epic as lead developer on Jazz Jack Rabbit later he'd go on to found Gorilla Games where he created Killzone but wait there's more for jazz Jack Rabbit 2 he worked with mikil vondo another Dutch guy who worked on the engines and tools mikil also worked on the Killzone franchise and has also worked on the horizon franchise and death stranding without Jazz Jack Rabbit who knows if Killzone would have existed to put Netherlands on the game development map Jazz Jack Rabbit also happens to be a pretty amazing game it's fastpac has terrific music plays super smooth even though it's a Dos game and even has mode 7 effects without any of the hardware support the SNES had it's like they took Sonic and decided to make him even cooler by giving him a gun wait no not like [Music] that ha Ronaldinho socer this is Ronaldinho soccer for the Nintendo 64 and it is not my pick for Peru but it is a bootle that was created in Peru and achieved legendary meme status but no my actual pick for Peru is another game by the same studio and that is gby f99 the kidnapping of Lady Aiko for the Amiga this is a game that originally began as an unofficial Port of the T twin be for the Amiga but it seems developers gave up halfway through on the idea and instead decided to turn the game into its own thing by giving it a completely new backstory different Power reps and even some new game mechanics not found in the original like jugging items onto large baskets and the need to collect crystals to see the good ending I have a firm belief that Woodle and unlicensed games often get an unnecessary bad rap and gun BF 99 is a surprisingly good schut for the igga and if you want to learn more about it you can check out my bootle games video but for now let's all dis agree that these games are deserving of more [Music] respect this is ano defend a land enraged and it's my pick for the Philippines anito is an RPG launch for PCS in 2003 and the game is set in the 16th century during the Spanish occupation of the morocca island your father is a prominent tribe leader who stried for peace but suddenly he mysteriously disappeared this in turn has created tensions between the native population the Spanish acupan forces and the Chinese Merchants to escalate and you have to find and rescue your father before things reach a boing point and escalate to an allout War the combat is in real time and Quest and dialogue Tre will sometimes have multiple resolutions depending on the choices you make or skills you picked up along the way you even have some basic cooking mechanics where you can use raw fish or meat in ovens to cook dishes to recover health faster this is a sort of game that could only have been done in the Philippines as it focuses on a theme that you do not often see in video games and does it from the perspective of the native population in a nuanced way that does not feel heavy-handed though if you are going to play this be prepared as this game is fairly dialog heavy even by RPG standards and it can be quite a while before you see any real Combat this game is a unique look into a different culture that was making its first steps at telling their story through video games and I feel it's worth looking into it for that reason [Music] alone I think you'll be hard pressed to find a bigger mod success story were in the gaming industry than Poland a country that despite having the occasionally well received game like painkiller and Gorky 17 was not a nation that you would typically associate with gaming but all that changed in the mid to late 2000s with games like Bullet Storm the Shadow Warrior remake Trilogy ghost Runner Dead Island cyber Punk 2020 and of course the one Trilogy that arguably began this movement The Witcher it really is difficult to work State how exponential the witcher's growth in popularity was in a short amount of time from the first game wit garnered positive reviews and a cold following on PC despite some Jank and a lower budget to the mainstream success of its sequel on PC and the Xbox 360 which in turn led to the massive success that was the Wier tree and of course we cannot forget how it also led to the creation of so my pick for Poland is the first Witcher game the title that paved the way for greater FKS for Poland as well as the studio behind it CD project but is also the game that better exemplifies both Poland's and the studios's humble beginnings it's true that we now think of CD project as this massive AAA Studio but the first Witcher game was an ambitious title held back by a relatively shest string budget and it shows the body and facial animations were years behind what the competition was doing and the voice acting was often stilted or lacked proper direction and the game was Infamous for its eurojank but despite that it persevered and in many ways the first Witcher game feels like the truest one to the source material but The Witcher would be a sign of greater things to come and exemplifies how much the country's game development scene would grow in a short amount of time my home country of Portugal never had much of an impact in the gaming industry though a few games do stand out we have for example the elite foot series an early example of football management Sims that began life on the ZX spectrum and still last to this day as well as a few ZX Spectrum games like alien Evolution and one of many clip's major development Studios is in Portugal which in turn created hundreds of flashh and mobile games over the years but ask any old school Portuguese gamer what the greatest Portuguese game ever made was and the answer is unanimous Paradise Cafe this is a rchy simulation game filled with edgy humor and not so safe for work interactions that became a phenomenon in my country your goal in the game is simple get a weapon start committing robberies get money get done for some fun and avoid being arrested or robbed yourself it's an extremely basic game that mostly lives on its novelty and people often state that it was GTA before GTA the funny thing is that we actually have no idea who actually made this game or who even published it it was a game that became popular through word of mouth and piracy and in 2019 word had even gotten out that a group of game design college students were working on a remake of the game though this project would soon become controversial I mean what might have been funny for edgy things in 1985 isn't really acceptable 35 years later and true to be told this is a game that most likely deserves to stay in the past as it was never really a good game to begin with it's just one that lived off of its sgy [Music] humor I'm Sten nonsense originally from Romania and my pick is gibbus a cthulu adventure which despite its age is a love letter to the Retro LucasArts adventure games era gibbus is an old school frame by frame animated point and click adventure made by an indie Studio from Transylvania of all places and manages to straddle the line between being a tribute to the adventure games of old while also bringing in its own character Invision to the table the backgrounds are gorgeously Illustrated Tod images featuring all manner of weird and force perspectives with a very stylized look much in tune with the game's Inspirations and they are all pretty much loaded with all manner of references let's quickly look at this one you have starting from left to right green Fandango Adventure Time Lovecraft double day of the tentacle and Edgar alen po these being situated at the beginning of the game should give you an idea of the type of experience you're embarking upon the puzzles are very straightforward and despite the title of the game there's no moon logic here folks progressing through gibbus is generally a super Pleasant and fluid experience which I believe allows for you to take in the story that much better this is one area where it diverges from its Inspirations it could have been much more difficult and I also Imagine there are some scrapped versions of puzzles that were more head scratchy but I am glad they chose the more straightforward approach because I honestly don't have the type of time I had when I was playing adventure games in my youth 20 years ago I could spend 3 days being stuck on one green Fango puzzle and I did nowadays not so much and even so the game still took me around 20 hours to complete because I really loved all all the item descriptions and references each hot spot in the game has at least three voic lines to it so it's a decent time investment for the Target demographic anyway especially if you plan to take it slowly and not speedrun it which would be kind of counter to the whole idea of adventure games at least in my opinion one place the devs take inspiration from the past and turn it into their own thing is their take on the Uber classic by now insult SW fighting mechanic from the Monkey Island series they modernized the idea and turn turn it into a rap battle that's right give us a Gulu Adventure game is the first video game to my knowledge at least that has a rap battle as a gameplay mechanic in it and it is fire there would be more to say about the game which I do on my channel but as it is with most adventure games it's going to be much better when you experience it for [Music] yourself hello my name is name is Victor and I'm your video game comrade from Russia I bet you think that Russia has to be represented with Tetris and you're totally right yes Tetris is the most famous game made in Russia but I thought that it would be boring to tell about the game you already know all over again there are a lot of comprehensive Tetris stories on YouTube so I decided to pick another game I'm sure all of you know about but probably have no clue that its origin is Russia and basically it's not even one game it's an entire gaming genre and if you even didn't play it yourself you definitely know a person who did in 1992 Russian PC games publisher gamos released a game named color lines it was a simple yet very addictive puzzle game with the goal of lining up five spheres of the same color in a row to clean them from the screen every time you move the sphere around the game screen and didn't make it in a five spheres line three new on of r color appeared if you aligned five in a row there were no new ones on this move you couldn't control where the new spheres will appear but could see which colors they would be yes just like in Tetris in 1994 another Russian independent game developer Yia Alin released an MS do game named Shiki the name simply means balls this game was totally inspired by col lines yet had slightly different gameplay matching only three spheres instead of five on the screen already filled with spheres in 1995 the Japanese developer intelligent games mixed it with the original Tetris game and released a two-player block swap game panel upon for super famicom not sure about copyrights here but the Wern name Tetris attack shows that they've bought the rights for at least Tetris here meanwhile Gamers sold the rights for their color lines to namka in 1996 and Japanese PC gamers got an official color lines game for Windows goalie ghosts go except for the name and visuals it was the same color lines game all that happened later is history and no one of the followers would admit that the idea of the game wasn't theirs in 2001 pop Cup games released be the game Entertainment Weekly declared Gone With the Wind of the Casual game world take a look and tell me it's not a Shiki clone in 2012 King released another bestseller game Candy Crush Saga again no it's not a clone of the Russian game from the '90s in the year of the smartphones a lot of other games that looked and played almost the same were released for instance rainbow lines or parkco nor both of these are basically color lines and no gamer sonco have nothing to do with this ones dual Quest hexic and other homeescapes followed so yes match three game were technically invented in the '90s in Russia by two developers Gamers company with their color lines and Yia Lin Shiki so Russia is a motherland of not only one but two famous puzzle games this is Unearthed trial of ibben batuta and it's my pick for Saudi Arabia this is a game strongly inspired by Naughty Dogs and sharted Series in which you play as far as Jawad and his sister as you travel along the Middle East in search of artifacts and knowledge of the F Muslim Explorer iben batuta and to say that this game was poorly received upon launch would be an understatement with most of the criticism hinging on how similar the game is to tomb Rader and Uncharted something which I mean even the game isn't attempting to hide this for starters you were the one who always enjoyed raiding tombs and Uncharted Mysteries video games the thing is the game itself is actually not that bad at its best it does a decent enough job of feeling like you're reading ancient tbes and solving puzzles though it also has cover-based shooting mechanics which was the style at the time the problem is that the game tried to do too many things at once and on a Sho string budget for example you now have hand-to-hand combat mechanics something which does not work and the game clearly did not need and you also have some RC car segments which feel a little out of place thematically perhaps if the developers had spent less time throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the game and focus a bit more on improving animations maybe the reception wouldn't have been so overly negative though I do feel people gave this game a harsher treatment than it truly deserved in the end this was a small project that bit off more than it could youo but was very clearly a labor of love and you know what I respect that [Music] my pick for Serbia is a game simply titled movie Yes quite literally a Serbian movie The jokes just right themselves and this is a game launched in 1986 for the ZX spectrum and AMR CPC it's the 1930s in New York and you play as a detective who has to retrieve an audio tape from the mafia so you go around the various streets and buildings picking up items and weapons talking to n p and defending yourself from the mob one thing I find interesting about this game is that it lets you type anything you want when talking to NPCs which can be hard to trigger the correct keywords to get the response you need but also create some funny moments as well I quite like the adventure aspects of this game as you often need to bribe people or use the correct keywords and items to get what you want but the combat on the other hand can be a little slow and stiff especially when there's multiple enemies on screen but at least they're just as likely to take themselves out as they are of damaging you for a 1986 game this was definitely an ambitious title and I think it's worth checking out for this reason [Music] alone this is heretic kingdoms the Inquisition and this is my pick for Slovakia this is a he/ RPG styled after Diablo in which you play as a special breed of inquisitors who can use magic and enter the dream world a parallel universe inhabited by magical beings and wandering spirits but your character is special special because not only can she use magic but she also has the ability to seal asual Rifts which are basically scars within the dream world from there on you have to travel across the various locations you'll unlock via mini map take on quests and side quests and level up your character the letter of which gives you a pretty open system which lets you Dabble into any type of physical or magical skill of your choosing the downside is that it's also relatively easy to become stack with a character that is too weak at everything not helped by this game's punishing difficulty this is a fun game and I quite like the world design but it was also very clearly held back by a lower budget with the game often going into these narration Cuts scenes likely because it could only afford one voice actor still if you're into Diablo clones this is an interesting one to check out South Africa doesn't seem to have many classic games in its repertoire but in recent years it has seen a search in Indy games and the best one of all is in my opinion bro force force a sid scolling run and gun game that is a celebration of classic action movies and TV shows like Rambo Commando and RoboCop so you have go around the various missions rescuing the various Bros which have the most perfect names ever rockus and they essentially serve as your life system with each bro having different weapons and skills at their disposal and this game is hilarious the amount of distraction you cause to your enemies and yourself is ludicrous and you can even use the game's f physics to your advantage got a group of tough enemies below start destroying the ceiling and let it all cave on them this is a super fun game by yourself but I can only imagine the chaos it would be in four player co-op so this is a game absolutely worth checking [Music] out South Korea is most likely one of the most underrated gaming countries out there this is a nation that Came Out Swinging with game that were high quality but often unlicensed due to issues beyond their control like the Mega Man inspired Metal Force or the first proper Port of Street Fighter 2 for computers or an impressive Port of Super Mario Bros for the Sega sg1000 over time they would evolve and develop official games and titles like mutant DNA for computers manic game girl for the original PlayStation the Magna Carta jrpg series popular MMOs like the lineage games strategy games like the brilliantly underrated Gohan series and of course the Kingdom Under Fire series but you know what my favorite part of South Korean gaming history has always been its bootle gaming scene which created high quality games that simply are not known or do not get the respect they deserve and this is why I'm picking SWAT police for South Korea a 2001 Gallery shooter for arcades that is insanely fun to play the game has tons of weapons ludicrous destructible environments and it's just a really fun game to play as you try to dodge armies of bad guys in robots who all want to take you down SWAT police is in my opinion as fun to play today as it was the day it came out and at one point there were even plans to bring the arcade machine to the West which sadly never materialized but at least we can now easily play this one on Main and I highly recommend it [Music] moving from one underrated country to another Spain is filled with bangers that you might not even realize were made there in the first place we begin of course with the Commando series a realtime tactic Series in which you control a squad of Commandos on a slew of missions that became a heavy favorite game for PC Gamers around the world then of course we have Castlevania Lords of Shadows an attempt at creating a more westernized steak on the Castlevania games which while somewhat controversial I truly enjoyed the first game and that same Studio went on to make Metro s returns for the 3DS and the excellent metri dread for the Nintendo switch but no in order to properly represent Spain I feel we have to go back to the ZX Spectrum when Spain was responsible for two of the best looking games on that system and those games were game over which W fans with its large Sprites and fun running gun gameplay and its pseudo sequel fantas which was part schmap and part action adventure but Spain's chronic achievement and my pick for it is laad Del crean or the Abby of crime an adventure game based on the award-winning novel by umber Wu the name of the Rose it tells the story of a frier and his Young Apprentice who need to solve a series of murders that took place inside an Italian Abbey and you have to do so while enduring the harsh rules of the Abbey and its residents who seem to be hiding its own Dark Secrets all the while they are more concerned that their religious Services follow every proper protocol rather than helping you figure out who is behind the series of murders the game would be brought over to almost every gaming computer of the time though not every port is official but if you want the definitive experience of labad Del crean then I recommend the modern remake on Steam which expands dialogue sections makes the game less CP and is available for free laa D Del creian was launched during a time when games were more action focused and it went against the grain by not having any combat while still giving us a story on a topic that is honestly not very common for gaming even today and definitely not with this level of maturity laa theel crean has always guarded a cult following in Spain and it shows how much a country's scultpure can drastically influence A Game's design and setting [Music] Sweden is one of the biggest game developers in Europe and most people probably never even realized this this is the country responsible for the battlefield series through cther Kings The Chronicles of Ric Amnesia D descent and of course Minecraft so I'm not going to talk about any of those games instead I'll talk about one of the greatest Sega genesis/mega Drive games that should have been launched in 1994 and instead we had to wait until 2019 Ultra core this is a running gun game developed by dice the same Studio responsible for the battlefield series and in 1994 they made one of the best running gun games for any 16bit system but unfortunately their publisher at the time canceled the project and they were left with a complete game just sitting on their hands thankfully with the Advent of modern game releases for retro systems Ultra cor found new life and all I can say is that for 25 years we were robbed of one of the best games of that generation Ultra core is a true Hidden Gem for the system with great appealing Graphics a superb soundtrack addicting gameplay fun weapons and even some pretty decent cutscenes Euro game design during this period usually gets a bit of a bad rep but Ultra cor shows just how well those Design Elements can coales into something greater than the sum of its parts that feels distinctively different from your contrast or metal slugs and so I say check out this game it's so worth it Taiwan is another unseen hero within the gaming world that seems to be a victim of circumstance this is a country that has proven time and time again that it can produce incredible gaming experiences but for years set outside the official distribution networks of established names like Sega or Nintendo and so it had to resort to bootlegs and unofficial ports which in turn created some of the best fighting games on the game by color official or not and even an excellent Mega Man X clone then of course we have the poly game master an arcade machine made to compete with the Neo Geo that received dozens of incredible exclusives but my pick goes to the legend of sword and fairy a turn-based jrpg style series that took the Chinese market by storm with a strong focus on Chinese mythology and musia style combat for this video I'm picking the first game which was launched for Ms do wos and the Sega Saturn and let me be clear here this series was to the Chinese markets but Final Fantasy was to the West for Dragon Quest to Japan this series is still going strong today with seven main entries over a dozen spin-offs novels and even multiple TV shows and it All Began here with the first sword in Fairy game detailing the story of a young boy raised by his aunt whose parents are heroes traveling around China on a quest to defeat evil doers during this time you hear rumors of a nearby Island inhabited by fairies which is where you come across your future wife a magic user whom you seem to think is a fairy but she's actually just a normal human and together you go on a series of Adventure Ventures like your parents before you this is a game with great pixel art music and it's easy to see why it resonated so much in its respective markets and the best part is that there is a translation patch available so as far as I'm concerned the time to play this is [Music] now Ukraine is a country that gave birth to the stalker and the Metro series both of which are good enough to represent any country but instead I want to talk about Chasm the rift this is a firstperson shooter strongly inspired by Quake which launched only a year after its software's seminal shooter and even managed to predate Golden Eye by a few months it tells the story of how aliens are creating time Rifts Across the Universe which at first means you'll fight monsters inside military bases but once you cross the rift the levels become a lot more similar to that of Quake with large mod castles or industrial complexes filled with monsters but you also have levels which take place outside where you fight against goblins while armed with your trusty human weapons gasm the rift was one of the last harass of the traditional FPS style which was popularized by doom and Quake before the genre would eventually evolve into what we know it as today and I feel it's worth checking this game out based on that alone hey there guys DJ slope from slopes game room with the bloody fantastic opportunity of representing the UK's gaming scene where do I even start so many classic games have come from my end of the world in fact it's the reason I started my channel in the first place for instance did you know that golden eye for the N64 was literally built in a barn on a farmhouse in lerare cannon fodder and sensible soccer were made in Chelmsford Lemmings was a massive part of my youth and that came from d in the east coast of Scotland and as I got older wipe out was pretty much the only game I played in my teen years thanks to signosis over in Liverpool The Dizzy franchise originated in a bedroom somewhere in Trowbridge Little Big Planet began in Guilford micro machine started in Stratford on aen the majority of Arkham asyland came from London worms continued its development in Wakefield and even Tomb Raider was developed in Derby and guys let me tell you I really have only scratched the surface here so what game am I going to show off as the UK's greatest achievement to gaming well the Retro Enthusiast in me really wants to talk about the sequel to manic Miner Jet Set Willie a game that upon release wasn't even completable yet was highly praised and has since become a thing of Legends yep I'd love to talk about something nice and obscure to the rest of the world like that but come on if we're going to be talking about the UK's greatest achievement and how can I not travel back once again to Scotland in 1997 where a small group of lands released the first ever Grand Theft Auto starting his development around the tail end of a cancelled Kirby game in 1995 race and Chase as it was originally known eventually became one of the most profitable and wellknown game franchises the world has ever seen sure it's a far cry from what the series is known for these days but that original game and the birth of Liberty City started its life right here heck even the promo for the game was filmed in dunde 2 with members of the team hanging out of car windows speeding along and getting other team members to keep an eye out for the Bobbies um the coppers the fuzz the rosers the pigs the old Bill the police so next time you're in a fictional Miami running over prostitutes so you don't have to pay them just remember that this whole thing started its life in the same place that orange marmalade was invented actually the uh marmalade invention argument is Up For Debate still it's probably best to lead with that instead of the prostitute thing am I [Music] right [Music] I'm Bob and my pick to represent the US is Mortal Combat it's not just the absolute over-the-top violence and craziness of the game you also have to remember the era in which this game was released we were just coming off a time where our president's wife was telling people if you've even seen a plant before that might even resemble something that looks like marijuana you're probably going to burst into flames and die immediately this was also a period of time where if you listened to heavy metal that definitely meant that you were a Satanist who slowly killed animals so when that was coming on the scene we were also having one senator from the state that I lived in at the time telling people that video games were causing the problems of every single human being that's ever lived on the earth and when this game came out out it was the most giant and egregious middle finger ever held up to everyone who's ever said crap like that and also it's absolutely hilarious all kidding aside I got to be honest I hate real violence I hate like torture scenes and movies but cartoonish violence is hilarious to me Wy coyote getting hit with an anvil is funny an actual human getting hit with an anvil would make me want to throw up and I would never be able to unsee that and Mortal Kombat at least the original one for me embodies all of the cartoon violence any kid of that era would have ever wanted the very first time I saw Subzero grab somebody's head and rip head and spinal cord out at the same time I could not stop laughing and to this day if I haven't played the game in a while and I do that fatality which is a forward slash or forward down forward High punch if I remember correctly from all those years ago I still laugh cuz it's just so funny and of course they borrowed heavily from Enter the Dragon and Liu Kang definitely totally wasn't Bruce Lee but it's not that it's not that the Mortal Kombat was the most original game or even the best fighting game ever it's just that for that period in time it really represents kind of the feel of being a kid with all of that unbelievable repression coming around and it was one of the at least for me I mean don't forget the US is geographically gigantic it's like the size of all of Europe and there's 350 million people who live here so my experience definitely reflects the city that I lived in or right outside of it affects or it reflects the people around me and by no means is this a representation of all of America from that time but I absolutely could speak to my own experiences and it definitely reflects those and having that game come out and having it essentially be the final nail in the coffin for requiring uh rating for video games was such an iconic thing and I truly think the game holds up yeah there are some tweaks that could be made to make it a little more fair which the Mortal Kombat plus team absolutely nailed for anybody that likes emulation and wouldn't mind hacking into the ROMs but it's a fun game it's an awesome fighting game might not be as good as Street Fighter but the impact that it had and how it completely changed video games and the rating system I think is why it's a great representation of that era this is fighting rage a bit up launched in 2017 for PCs and modern consoles and man is this game super fun this is a clear L letter W be M like final fight and sweets of rage and it absolutely gets everything right making it my pick for Uruguay the physics and combo system are topnotch making it fun and easy to juggle enemies the graphics are also excellent and the music even more so and man just look at these sick combos filled with flourishes and zoom in and any newcomer can pull 50 hit combos with ease and I also really like how many enemies you'll have to face off against at the same time crowd control is definitely a major part of fighting rage you also have a SLE of weapons to pick up and the wi sortment of moves that you can pull off at any time heck I often end up using a ton of fany moves that I have no idea how I actually pulled them off the game also has a story but you can just skip over it I mean it's a nice thing to have but it's not really necessary so yeah if you're into 2D beat ups then fighting rage is absolutely a game you should look out [Music] for this is Vella cyber Punk bartend Direction an Andy darling released in 16 and my pig for Venezuela this is the game that inspired Indonesia's coffee talk and it's easy to see why someone would become inspired to make a game after playing this you are a bartender in a futuristic cyber Punk world and it's your job to serve people's drinks and listen to their stories as you learn more about this world the HUD e static and soundtrack are very clearly inspired off of hide Kojima snater right down to the subtitle which is very obviously in another Kojima property Metal Gear Solid what's interesting here is that valella originally began as a game Jam title but the developer suiban games enjoyed their project so much that they made it into a full game and you can actually still download the original game for free if you're so inclined throughout the game you have to serve customers the right drink and earn money and you have to make a minimum amount of money every few days with the excess going into bonus items and just like the game had inspired Coffee Talk valh discusses some pretty heavy themes though always under the veil over the stopic Cyber Punk world and in that regard I feel Vala is a bit more subtle in its themes even if they often discuss more adult topics if you get my drift whereas Coffee Talk despite having fantasy creatures like people from Seattle tended to be a bit more grounded but also more heavy-handed in its approach but regardless valella is exactly the sort of game that led me to create this video we have a country that is typically not known for developing video games and an indie project that began as a free game Jam title and the end result is a uniquely beautiful and beautifully written experience that went on to achieve white success proving that great ideas and great execution can't truly come from anywhere we often just need a little help and a little push speaking of massive successes coming from unlikely places we have the country of Vietnam where the mobile game free fire stems from a game which only two years ago peaked with 15 million active daily users just to give you an idea that is more than Counter Strike DOTA pubg Apex Legends and Roblox combined but despite its success free fire is not my pick for Vietnam instead I want a simpler game a small game that just like Venezuela proves that success is the lightning in a bottle that can come from anywhere yes Flappy Bird a simple game that came out of nowhere and took the World by storm it's hard to overstate just how the world went insane over this little title generating over $50,000 a day in free adverts alone and all because some YouTubers decided to cover this game out of nowhere yes sometimes success is as random as it is fickle but unfortunately Flappy Bird is also a cautionary tale of what happens when success comes at you fast as the Creator suddenly began receiving a barrage of interview requests insults and even threats in the end the Creator caved under the pressure and removed his game but regardless Flappy Bird became a case study for mobile game developers when that in my opinion un winningly changed how mobile games are created and marketed between free fire and Flappy Bird it seems that Vietnam has a pent for creating widely successful mobile games and there we have it this is the end of part one of this video I Feel 40 games and countries is a good stopping point and hey if this video does well we'll see you part two in the meantime I'd like to thank all the content creators who represented our countries for this video as well as my newest patreon supporters the new uui and JB thank you for helping make the channel better anyway I hope you have a great day bye
Channel: St1ka
Views: 70,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro games, retro gaming, United States of America, United Kingdom, Brasil, Indoensia, best games, best games in the world, best game ever, best games ever, the witcher, mortal kombat, super mario bros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 39sec (5079 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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