I Tried 3DS StreetPass For 365 Days

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for an entire year I carried around my 3DS with me everywhere I went I took it to see the sites and played it on flights I brought it to gaming events and concerts big and small and I even took it shopping around the biggest mall from the game awards to the official Nintendo store my 2DS saw it all while there were a few times that I probably could have found myself in some trouble my heart was filled with determination I was on a mission for a little thing called Street pass and if you know anything about that you'll know why that was such an exciting experiment taking it to a place as packed as a Taylor Swift concert or to Time Square in New York City but for the rest of you you might be wondering why I'd take my 2DS around with me in an age where the Nintendo switch really is the preferred gaming platform for many especially when my phone can do everything else that my switch can't right as incredible as the Nintendo switch is it lacks the ability to Street pass a feature that was and still is truly revolutionary now some of you may have heard the stories from people who used Street pass back when the 3DS was the prime and popular gaming handheld or maybe you were a part of the legends that are now being passed down every single Nintendo 3ds and 2ds comes pre-loaded with Street pass software from the get-go and while not everyone chose to use it those of us that did made some incredibly special memories so how many Street pass tags did I amass in an entire year where did I have the most success finding them if I tried to set a goal of finding a th000 street pass tags in a year could I actually do it would that be too outlandish since the 2DS has a built-in podometer how many steps would I genuinely take in a year do I even want to know that is this even the same 2DS that I'm going to start this journey with let's find out hey Grandma have I have I asked you before do you know what street pass is [Music] a street pass yeah Street pass was designed exclusively for the Nintendo 2DS and 3DS family of systems it's a feature that takes advantage of the local Wireless capabilities of the hardware and allows users to relay a small bit of information between systems when they come in close contact to one another in practice this just means if two people are out and about walking around with their 3DS's in their back pocket let's say at the grocery store at the mall or just on the streets and they happen to walk past one another a little green light will glow faintly on their systems letting them know that they got a street pass tag now there are a number of different games that support Street pass and they work in a ton of unique ways a lot of this doesn't seem to be properly documented either the Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds allows you to fight a customized Shadow version of Link which represents the person who you Street past defeating them rewards you with a bag of rupees Animal Crossing new Leaf lets you tour someone someone else's in-game home and if you see a piece of furniture of theirs that you really want you can order one for yourself with your hard-earned Bells Super Smash Bros for 3DS lets you play Street smash a unique mode that feels closest to Beyblades or maybe playing with pogs you'll basically fling a little coin around on screen battling other players that you met in Street pass and if you win you'll get rewarded with in-game items other games like Resident Evil Revelations or Super Mario 3D Land will give you additional mini missions or objectives that once completed will reward you with items like ammo or extra lives now this will only work though if the person you Street pass has also played that same game and this is only scratching the surface of Street pass compatible games I was surprised to see that more than half of my personal 3DS library has the street pass compatible marker on the back of the box man it would be so cool if someone made a video showing off what each of these games can really do with Street pass now for most people Street pass is remembered for the comfy cozy digital parade of people that was and still is today Street pass me Plaza remember those cute little caricatures from everyone's favorite 2006 holiday Pastime Wii Sports well you can actually make those on your 3DS and you can pick one to represent you in the Mii Plaza then when you Street pass someone in this app you'll get to see their Mi character and learn a bit about them it's always simple stuff though like which part of the world they're from if they prefer cats or dogs or which game they were last playing you can tag up to 10 people at a time in the street past me Plaza and they'll all line up at your gate and we wait there for you until you find a moment to check them all in back in the day this 10 person limit could be pretty frustrating especially if you were at a convention or a place with a ton of 3DS activity because you'd likely be missing out on a ton of Street pass tags unless if you were constantly checking people in through your gate but then in 2016 Nintendo released a page $5 update for the Mi Plaza called Street pass premium this gave users a whole host of extra features to play around with but one of the most important things it added was the ability to hold 100 people at your gate at a time you still had to check them in in batches of 10 but you could plop them into this big line bit by bit throughout the day and then just check them in whenever you wanted to I managed to get the premium VIP badge on my 2DS for this year's project right before the 3DS eShop went down and my goodness I am so thankful I had it now to give all these Mi characters you gathered up even more purpose the Mi Plaza included a few different Min games to play right off the bat puzzle swap lets you trade jigsaw like puzzle pieces with different people and an attempt to complete a plethora of Nintendo themed pictures Nintendo would even push out new puzzles to solve over the years through updates always giving players reason to return and see what the next puzzle was going to be plus there's find me or as I recently learned it's known in Europe as Street pass Quest it's a turn-based RPG where your me is kidnapped and all of the people you meet through Street passes are sent on a quest to take down monsters and save you and when defeating certain monsters you'll even be rewarded with new hats and accessories that you can equip your Mii with too now remember that built-in podometer that I mentioned earlier well for every 100 steps you take with your 3DS or 2DS you'd be rewarded with play coins you can only earn 10 a day but they can be used in tons of different street pass games puzzle swap lets you spend them to get a random puzzle piece from a picture you haven't completed yet but there's always the risk that you might get a piece you already have find me lets you recruit an extra animal companion to help you fight in the dungeon and make a little more progress play coins can be super helpful with street passs especially in the Modern Age where it's not so common to find a tag but for this challenge I won't be using play coins at all I'll be like Scrooge McDuck all year long just swimming around in fake Nintendo digital currency Street pass was all the rage in its Heyday it brought a simple but extra layer of fun to Nintendo fans and encouraged you to bring your handhelds to conventions game shops out for dinner really if you took it with you anywhere except for maybe an empty field you'd have a good chance of seeing your 3DS light up green with Glee and argue this or not sometimes as a gamer you can feel a little isolated so it felt really special to know that somebody else out there was playing games carrying around their 3DS just like you nowadays or at least at the time of recording this video the switch does not support Street pass and I hope that changes but since the switch is Nintendo's only focus not nearly as many people are carrying around their 3DS's in their backpack like they used to so out of curiosity when's the last time you charged your 2DS or 3DS do you even know where the charger is or where your system is for that matter if you don't I hope this video pushes you to find it and charge it up and maybe take it for a walk back in 2022 I visited the UK for my first time and I hiked all around London for hours with my friends Felix and John searching for a street pass as if it was a wild Pokémon when we first met up we of course Street passed each other but we wanted to have a real random encounter and we figured a densely populated area like London will give us some good results right so we went to a few game stores fell into a tourist trap went out for dinner and I even asked the guy at the ice cream place if he had a street pass tag for me and nothing we couldn't believe it but then on my train ride home I was surprised to see that little green light up I'm not sure if it was someone on the train with me or someone I walk past but it made me so genuinely happy to know that someone else out there was still playing their 3DS these days it wasn't just us who still cared about this thing after that I made sure to take my 3DS out with me on a few more occasions to things like packs the Portland Retro Game Show and while I got a few tags I still missed the glory days of tagging more people than your gate could ever allow so at the start of 2023 I made a vow to bring my 2DS with me everywhere and you know what I did it so without further Ado let's see how it [Music] went with a fresh new Nintendo 2DS XL completely free of any previous Street pass activity I was going into this new year with a big old Empty Me Plaza so on January 1st we did the only thing that any person would do and we went and saw Avatar 2 in theaters for some reason I was pretty excited going into this but then of course we left disappointed because no one else brought their 3DS and then we realized that we sat through the entirety of Avatar 2 in theaters and then we went on our way to go see a waterfall afterwards and life was a lot better and then a few days later I realized I goofed up while working on a different video I turned on one of my other 3dses and I accidentally Street passed myself wait a minute you're telling me that my first street pass of 20 23 was me no mm- I this isn't how it was supposed to go thankfully I found a setting that allows you to block users in the street Pass App so I'm never going to have to meet myself again phew hm pretty weird that you can just block yourself in the real world right so I live in the state of Oregon but our family lives back in Wisconsin and we just so happen to be celebrating Christmas in January that year an airport felt like it'd be the first real test for Street pass there there's so many people and so much potential I was so excited cuz I felt like if I did a couple laps around the airport during one of our layovers I'd be sure to find a couple street pass tags so once we got through TSA and got all settled in I went and did a few laps and I was surprised to see that I actually got one I got a street pass tag at the airport of course I wished for more but you know what one is better than none so Dino bro you have the honors of being my first true Street pass tag of the year and you have my thanks while out in Wisconsin we had the chance to see my Budd Zach who was primed and ready to go with three 3DS systems set up for Street pass Looking Back Now I should have asked him though if he would have loaned went out to this turtle that we met earlier in the trip that clearly could have used a bit more entertainment in their life my mom and I managed to break away from the family one day and traveled out to the Fox River Mall in Appleton Wisconsin a mall a shopping mall with a GameStop certainly somebody there would care about the Nintendo 3DS but nothing nothing well besides this Pokéball Plus to that I got for a pretty good deal and I got to see the Earthbound store which has nothing to do with the game but still makes me happy the next day we got dinner with our friends Evan and Kiana and unfortunately they got a flat tire but thankfully Evan did bring his 3DS along so we changed the tire and we Street passed oh my God this video is so insane so on our way back home we hit up our friend Austin who's also a longtime contributor for Nintendo life she's the best she took us to this rad burger place and she even had her 3DS all charged up and ready to go for Street pass so to round out January I took my 3DS ice skating I took it to go pick up pizza I even took it to the grocery store and with my friends Johnny and Brendan we planned a night to play Fantasy Star online split screen on the GameCube and they were very kind to bring their 3DS's with as well so that way we could Street pass and since they stayed over we managed to Street pass the day of and the day after when we were getting lunch while there definitely are more eventful months to come January was still surprisingly successful adding six total Street pass Pals to my Plaza with 10 or 11 tags if you include the time that I Street pass myself so let's move on to [Music] February February was another exciting month where I headed off to Los Angeles to visit Super Nintendo World but before that I made my way over to a local Super Smash Bros tournament hosted by my buddy Diego and get this the entire event was themed around Earthbound and they were hosting it in the City of Eugene so they called it Eugene bound and since smash events inherently bring in a slew of Nintendo fans I had high hopes that someone would have a 3DS in their backpack in case they wanted to play Smash run or something and yeah someone did I may have lost horribly in the Lucas Ness only bracket but I considered myself a winner that day thanks to Phoenix 3D so now it was time to head off and see what was in store for me after passing through the Glorious Gates of LAX my buddy Josh picked me up from the airport and we decided to grab some some late night dinner at El Coyote which is when we met a door Dash robot named Esther it's such a missed opportunity to not be equipping these robots with a 3DS they work on the streets let them pass we also bought tickets to see a late night showing of Scott Pilgrim versus the world on film at the New Beverly Cinema I can't believe none of these Gamers brought their 3DS for Street pass it's all right though big things were in store for us tomorrow we were officially off to Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Hollywood they invited us down for an exclusive showing the day before the park officially opened so while I figured my street pass chances would be higher on the official opening day I still had a hope that one of my industry friends would be there to help support the cause I'm about to ask prin Peach if she brought her 3DS the president of Nintendo of America Doug Bowser sadly didn't have his on him but I really should have emailed him beforehand that's on me Doug thanks for stopping to say hey though you know who did come through though a man who I've never met met before named Paul Gail and my buddy Greg you can see how genuinely excited I was to see he brought his 3DS to the event this was a huge sign for me that other people actually cared about Street pass too now I'd been making a point to play some of the street pass games when I had the time as I got all of them before the 3DS e shop went down now I wasn't playing all of them but I was at the very least playing through find me and puzzle swap with every person that came through my gate and with puzzle swap traditionally each person can normally only give you one puzzle piece from their collection but nowadays for some reason they'll give you a bunch of pieces that you're missing as long as they've already collected those pieces themselves so here you can see that when I met Paul at the toad stool Cafe I got a ton of pieces and with over 1,600 different puzzle pieces available in the western version of puzzle swap could this trick really make it possible to get all of them this year it took me almost 10 years to collect all of these pieces previously on of my other 3DS's my main 3DS so what about now is it foolish for me to try and collect them all again but on here while I only walked away that day with two tags I'll be taking another trip to Super Nintendo World later this year so stay tuned for that but to truly make the most of this visit to La we also swung over to one of my favorite game stores game dude if you've been you'll know how cool and kind the staff are and how reasonably priced all of it is the store itself reminds me a lot of the County Flea Market that I used to visit when I was a kid sure they could go and Spruce up the place but that would probably require them to raise the prices on all of their games so beyond not having a dedicated 3DS setup in store just for Street pass I hope this place never changes seriously though more game stores should do that it'd be a great talking point and would help drive more customers into the store I capped off February by taking my 2DS to the slopes yeah I went snowboarding for the second time in my life and even though I'm still learning the ropes and falling a lot it was so scary but it would have been so cool if I found a fellow's street passer up there maybe next time so in the end we found a total of three new people for the plaza with three individual tags putting us at a new grand total of nine Street pass Pals and 13 tags for the month of February so what's next march is is is that how a calendar [Music] works when I was a kid I was always under this impression that if you saw a rainbow obviously treasure was on the other end but that you'd also have good luck for the whole day but now if I have R Kids I'm telling them hey no forget the rainbow we're taking this thing everywhere and if it lights up green that means good luck so in the month of March I must have seen a street pass rainbow because I had a lot of luck now the month started out a bit slow I'd continue to take this little guy around with me at every opportunity I get going out again for pizza picking up my Sonic the Hedgehog Comic subscription from my local shop going snowboarding again and taking my 2DS for a dip in the fanciest pool I'd ever seen seriously there's probably some puzzle in this room that requires a mirror Shield but I didn't have mine on me so I didn't get the street Past treasure oh my buddy Brendan came down to visit so we could work on his Metroid documentary together and in the process I Street passed him and then I tagged myself again by accident with another one of my 3DS's because because we were trying to play Metroid Prime Federation force it won't happen again I swear I promise now over the past few months I'd been pretty vocal about this street past Adventure on Twitter sharing photos and updates of the journey and words slowly seem to spread around so much so that the people running a retro game Expo in Portland encouraged attendees to bring their systems out and about my buddy John rigs made a call to action with a video and even the YouTuber metal Jesus asked his followers to bring their 3DS out for Street pass as well it really felt like we were making an impact not only did I find a ton of crazy good deals and meet a lot of really nice people on day one of the side quest Expo I pulled in 12 Street pass tags all from different people that was nearly double what I had amassed prior to the event then on day two I got another 17 Street pass tags this was truly a revolutionary moment for my brain I had gone two entire months and I had found only three random tags from people that I didn't know so this was huge what would happen at an event like pack what if we set up a special meeting place at Pax just for people to Exchange Street pass tags could we actually do that yeah yeah we could so the week after the side quest Expo I flew all the way across the country to Boston Massachusetts for PAX East a 4-day event full of video games I met Pac-Man took a selfie with Ling made my 2DS an official part of the doy DOI literature Club lore okay maybe I made up that last bit but I tried this event was mental I met so many great people Austin was there with me to cover the event and whenever we had downtime we were always checking our Mi Plaza to see who was at our gates on the first day of packs I pulled in 17 Street pass tags and on the second I pulled in 25 but then on Saturday the 25th of March everything seriously changed in the weeks leading up to P we had worked with the organizers to schedule a little Meetup for everyone who wanted to try and guarantee themselves a street pass at the event this was set to run for an hour shortly after the event floor had closed but off in a separate room so I grabbed myself some quick dinner at the convention center and scurried over to the room expecting to see a handful of people waiting in there playing their 3DS's but to my surprise the room was full there were at least 50 people there hanging out when I walked in I was speechless it meant so much to see so many people gathered together for this seemingly little thing that I cared too much about people were playing Mario Kart 7 together Super Smash Bros some were even walking around the room to maximize their street pass reach even my friends Bob wolf and wood Hawker showed up to see how it was going and show some support I was a crumbling mess of a human but I was so happy people kept coming and going as the time passed and people seem to have loved it so much that the convention staff actually let us hang out in the room for an extra half hour I'm so sorry we did that but thank you seriously for giving us the space then the next day Bob and wood had me on the Nintendo podcast to talk about Street pass and that episode was a ton of fun and you should totally go give it a watch if you get the chance people were so thankful we were able to pull this together and I'm genuinely so thankful for all of you PAX East was a dream come true I got the chance to meet up with so many long time friends and make brand new ones the time always flies by whenever I go to a convention but it especially did here and I hope to be able to make it back out to PAX East again one of these days maybe for another Meetup now it's also worth mentioning that if I didn't have Street pass premium on my 3DS and I didn't have that 100 person gate limit I would have had a much harder time getting this many Street pass tags at a convention like this it sucks though that the 3DS ehhop is down now and nobody can purchase it so if you don't have it I don't know what to tell you I just hope that Nintendo finds a way to bring Street pass to the switch successor so on my way back home I had a layover in the Detroit airport which I can't remember is that the one or is Denver the one that has all the creepy rumors surrounding it regardless I had a little bit of time so I pulled over and I plugged my 2DS into this wall here because it was almost dead while I was waiting I could hear this really spooky sound coming from what I thought was like a broom closet or something it really had me freaked out so give this a list I wish I could tell you that I altered the audio or something but that's seriously what I heard if anyone has any idea what this is please give me some comfort I am really glad that I pulled over to charge my 2DS though because look at this I got a street pass at the Detroit airport and yes I am charging my 2DS again sometimes a baby's just got to do what a baby's got to do you know hey boo boo oh I forgot to mention I'm actually not going back home just yet I'm headed to Wisconsin to go with my friends and family to one of my favorite events the Midwest Gaming Classic I've been coming to this show in Milwaukee Wisconsin ever since it was held in hotel rooms in tents but this was the first time I'd get to go with my brother and some of my best buds Zach Evan and Jose now March 31st was the night before the show truly kicked off so we still managed to get a few Street pass tags at the hotel who knew a hotel lobby would be such an active spot for Street pass it really felt like the Glory Days were back but before we dig into the Midwest Gaming Classic we have to count up everyone we met in March so between the show floor and the special meet up we hosted at PAX East I met 135 new people and was tagged 158 different times over the course of 4 days adding in the rest of the people that we met over the course of the month makes for a new total of 166 new people and 195 tags for the month of March with a new grand total of 175 Street pass Pals and 208 tags what a crowd how is this possible today is April 1st of 2023 it's a Saturday we're at the Midwest Gaming Classic in Milwaukee Wisconsin as you can see and here my friends Jose my brother whose birthday it is if I didn't say that's Jose and there's Zach uh we all have our 3 DS's Jose didn't bring his but I also didn't bother him to bring it um but my brother I should have that's true but my brother and Zach both brought theirs so I've probably Street P passed them already uh but I'm curious to see how many we get now because I'm I'm I'm kind of on this like Street Pass High right now where I heard up getting like 130 at PA East just a week ago and so I don't know it feels like feels like there could be a lot out here too so we'll see we spent most of the first day in the vendor Hall trying to find deals on the things on our wish list and on day one alone I got 46 Street pass tags and then on day two I got 52 more and a lot of those were completely different people from the day before now if we step back for a second though on day one all of us kept getting these Street pass tags from someone named Uncle Bob or at the very least all these people had the same me character so who was this Uncle Bob I sadly don't have any video but here's a picture of my brother saying Hey to three of these Bob characters back to back at his gate it was kind of a mystery for us and had us curious if we could find this person throughout the weekend and believe it or not on day two I was walking down the hall on this corner I saw someone sitting on the ground with a bunch of 3DS laid around them so I had to stop and ask what was going on and it turns out this was Uncle Bob they brought along all these 3DS's just to Street pass with other people his dedication to the cause is so admirable I bet he made a lot of people laugh throughout the weekend with his army of Bobs it's thanks to people like Bob that allowed me to finish and roll the credits on the dungeon crawling RPG find me but a lot of you know this was only just the beginning for find me and I'd have to finish it a few few more times to truly see the end oh and how could I forget we actually hit up a little Rave at the end of the first night of the Midwest Gaming Classic but it looks like I was the only one on the Dance Floor who seemed to give a real deal about the 3DS what gives well we rectified the problem a few days later when I went back home to see my friend chime perform in Portland he's a color-based EDM artist who has mad respect for the 3DS he's done a lot of video game inspired work so go give him a listen when you get the time so glad we got the street pass you know something else pretty big happened in April but what was it oh so get this Jose that went with me to the Midwest Gaming Classic actually works at an airport and decided to start taking in his 3DS with him to work and he texted me about a week later saying he got a street pass ah yes the Mario movie came out that's right my partner and I both brought our 2dss out to see the Mario movie as it seemed like another great Gathering of fellow Nintendo fans we even went opening week and we just stre passed ourselves did any of you maybe have better luck not much else really happened in April as far as this adventure goes so let's see what the numbers say so far waa we naed 72 new people and 106 Street pass tags in the month of April that puts us at a new total of 247 different people in our Plaza with 32 tags in total we're not even halfway through the year yet and this is going so well I can't even imagine what May is going to do for us nothing nothing happened in may we tried we tried well I guess not that hard but you can probably relate to what happened I didn't take any big trips to a convention or do anything overtly crazy this month but my colleague Alex did go to MCM in London and managed to Street pass a few people while helping host a Legend of Zelda cosplay Meetup now I did take my 2DS to the movies again to see Bo was afraid and I took it to Costco cuz that place always is busy but sadly they don't stock bulk Street passes there like I hoped I went to Fred Meyer too and saw this cool tears of the Kingdom standy and then I proceeded to walk through the entire store with the standy because I was taking it home with permission of course thank you because after tears of the Kingdom came out I pretty much didn't leave the house unless my partner and I were going to get dinner and even so we still took our switches with us to play Tears I did go to the midnight release for The Legend of Zelda tear of the Kingdom though and brought my two DS with me but once again I seem to be the only one who walked into a GameStop with a 2DS but I'm not going to stop trying every time I go to GameStop it's coming with me so we may not have added anyone to our ranks in May but June can't be any worse right don't worry trust me it's much better in a perfect world I would have been delighted to tell you that I went to E3 this year but as we all know this was the year that the E Electronic Entertainment Expo was no more and years prior I would always take my 3DS and one year I was lucky enough to actually get the Mei of Reggie in my street pass Plaza and not the one that was sent out through the internet either I Street passed the real Reggie and the crazy thing with that is is that means technically Reggie Street past me whoa so to sort of replace that experience and still go Hands-On with a bunch of upcoming games our staff writer Oly and I along along with Liam from push Square went over to Los Angeles to cover summer game Fest the two of them flew on a plane for 9 hours to get there so of course I had to give him a good old fashioned street pass welcome this was the first time Liam had been to the US and olly hadn't been here in years so in order to make the most of their trip out west after freshening up a bit at the hotel we took a ride straight to Universal Studios so they could see Super Nintendo World for themselves we got there pretty late in the day so we only had time to check out the mar Kart ride but while we waited in line we checked our street pass tags and realized we tagged somebody named Fred at the hotel or maybe it was at Super Nintendo World we don't know but regardless it was a win olly and I even went out to the old stomping grounds of e3 to pay our respects and see if we could find any Street pass ghosts lingering around no no such luck though only memories over the next 3 days though we spent all of the time attending summer game Fest day one had us over at the YouTube theater to see the show in person and Ally and I actually got a few tags there at least not everyone let us down like Nick Cage looking at you buddy and after the show we went to In-N-Out to grab some lunch and it was nice to get some downtime to actually catch up on some of my street passes that's the one thing that I really didn't consider when challenging myself to this whole project was just how much time it genuinely would take to check through each and every street pass that I get this was not easy in anyone else that's been doing the convention circuit with me this year will understand the challenge that it is trying to get Street passes at a convention so the next day we hit up the playday portion of Summer game Fest where we got to go Hands-On with a ton of different games and interview the developers behind games like Disney illusion Island oxenfree 2 while chatting with the developers of Pikmin Bloom we actually got on the topic of Street pass because I had my 2DS in my pocket and the developers actually brought up the comparison points between Street pass and Pikman Bloom I wish I had a video of this interview as their excitement was infectious it fueled me for the weekend oh and we did bump into kit and Christa too and while they did forget their 3DS's at home I'm sure we'll make up for it at some point later in the year this was my first time attending summer game Fest and the overall intimacy and smaller scale of the show led us to meet a lot of Industry icons and of course spread the word and love of Street pass hey everyone I'm at a summer game Fest play dayss right now I've had my 3DS 2DS in my pocket all day and uh let's see if I got a street pass yes yes while we only managed to find five or so different people Street passing at summer gamefest maybe that number will change next year we actually did get lucky enough to go hang out backstage behind the scenes of the giant bomb at night show that happens around the same time of this event and can you blame me for feeling shame for our fellow industry friends not a single Street pass in that room happened that night maybe next year I won't be allowed back to find out if things have changed but I can hope I can dream side note as well as I'm working on this video I literally ordered a clear cross bag so I can proudly display my 2DS next year whenever I go to events so people can tell me in real time if I'm getting a street pass tag or not now that summer game Fest was over it was time to say goodbye to Ali so we wished him well on his trip back home but Liam had a bit more time in the city and LA's Pride Parade was in full swing down on Hollywood Boulevard people were waving flags and I was waving my 2DS and hopes it would raise my chances of getting a street pass but we couldn't even find one out on Santa Monica Pier Liam's a huge GTA fan so he wanted to see this in person he wanted the full Boardwalk Carnival experience and boy did he get it what do you think of this what do you think of this the next day Liam and I had plans to swing out to the Ubisoft forward event another live show where people get up on stage and dance to promote well you could guess Just Dance I can't believe I was finally seeing the J dance live performance in person but that still couldn't stop me from looking at my 3DS to see if I had any Street pass puzzles doesn't anyone in this room own a 3DS going home was bittersweet as I had a black P covering the event with my friends from across the pond that I rarely get to see working from home definitely has its perks but I really cherish these moments getting so excited with my friends over something as silly as Street pass is exactly what I live for so after all the work in play that summer game Fest was I took some time off to go enjoy the summer with my partner and we made our way North to Glacier National Park the sights were astounding and only made more beautiful accompanied by my precious 2DS I actually had kind of high hopes that we might find a street pass at a campsite as while my partner's reading books usually I'm playing handheld video games and I figured I wouldn't be alone in that but not a single Street pass could be found that weekend we were surprised though on our way back home when we stopped by the Hawthorne Asylum food truck lot in Portland the green light lit up on my 2DS it's such a rare thing to see an unexpected random street pass like this so hats off to you Stacy I hope you know how much this meant to me we capped off our little vacation by seeing Ben Schwarz make some funny jokes on stage with his friends and you know what Ben as a gamer I expected better from you the entire reason we passed through Portland was to see his show which was a delight it was it was fantastic it was improv I loved every bit of it but his merch Booth needs more Street pass and that'd be such a great incentive for concert booths even too I hope people out there are taking notes June had a lot of potential it could have been better sure but it's still beats out May we found a total of six new people with 15 tags putting us at a new total for the year of 253 unique people and 327 Street pass tags after all the sight seeeing and Jet setting I did in June you'd think I'd want to take it easy in July but this was my birthday month and my partner bought us tickets to see Taylor Swift and if you don't understand why I like Taylor Swift please go listen to her album folklore and Evermore and see what you think then on our way up to Seattle we swung through Vancouver and popped by another game store that has a wild selection of games known as double jump we showed up a little too early in the morning though and they weren't open and since we were only passing through and didn't really have time to wait I thought I'd just Creep by the door with my 2DS and see if I could pull a street pass straight through the building it did not work that's all right though the Taylor Swift's eras tour was being hosted at Lumen field for this Seattle dates which apparently seats 68,000 people so surely someone there could make me a happy Swift passer so once we got there we walked all around the stadium grabbed some food didn't buy any merch cuz those lines were disgusting and eventually we made our way to our seats and throughout the whole night I kept checking my 2DS even though I had my eyes set on Taylor I was still looking and that light it never turned green I think think at an event like this I really was expecting more because of how many people were there but you know when you're going to see Taylor Swift are you really thinking about anything else oh and earlier in the month we actually did go to a different festival and I actually did get a street pass there kind of makes me wonder though like do you do you think the person I Street passed actually cares about that feature at all or am I the only one who gets excited about that little green light regardless thank you J you are my only tag for the month of July and you put us at a new grand total of 254 unique people and 328 tags at this point in my street pass career I probably needed to take a break from thinking about it as I was starting to see the green light in completely unrelated places the USB charger in our car an electrical box in a bathroom this power outlet in my hotel room wait wait this one actually was a street pass uh it's 2 a.m. I just woke up and uh look at that you know what that is that's a straight F light no breaks for me though I put this curse on myself so what are we doing in August let's see uh first up I took my first ever trip to New York City which Sega very kindly provided travel and a hotel for and I got to try out a bunch of games early like samb day Amigo party central Persona 5 tactica and my baby my sweet baby boy Persona 3 reload I know this game isn't on switch yet but I really hope they change that someday on the first day of the trip though I got to meet up with my video buddy Bobby wolf and if you've ever been curious how do weasel your way into my heart it's with a street pass and he nailed the assignment we bummed around the city a little bit went to a store called video games New York which had an insane collection but I kid you not they had some of the highest worst prices I've ever seen on retro games in my life the staff was kind and friendly but my gosh I guess that got to keep those downtown New York City Lights On somehow but GH then the next night I actually got to hit up the town with my buddy get mads and he actually did the thumbnail for this video we went on a quest to find some Pikmin boba tea played some Crazy Taxi and Monkey Ball in arcade and even swung by the Nintendo store for my first time it was pretty late at night though and I was so exhausted from the day and they were about to close so that meant that if I wanted to see the store in all of its Glory I'd have to wake up early the next morning and swing by with the little time I had left before my flight home I didn't get any Street passes when we were walking around and I didn't get one at the Nintendo store that night but I did get one from mads and it's so cool to have him hanging out in my Plaza now so with my last day in New York City I left my bags at the hotel and I set my sites back on Nintendo New York and of course Time Square and I've got to say the store did not disappoint there were so many activities there to keep you busy Beyond just buying goodies I met a really cool employee who stopped to say hey and I Street passed someone named named Chris I don't have any idea if they were an employee or just a civilian like me but it just goes to show that you should bring your 3DS if you ever go to the Nintendo store so after spending nearly 2 hours checking everything out it was time to finally head towards Time Square the advertising capital of the world I don't know if it actually is but it sure feels like it when you're there look at all these Billboards I felt like I was in that scene in A Clockwork Orange where you your eyes are pulled back and you're just like you have way too many things to look at and you can't stop looking now since I couldn't even pull a street pass at Taylor Swift my hopes were honestly kind of low I kept checking my 2DS every minute or so and nothing and I kept walking and then like an oasis in a desert I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me there it was a street pass people probably thought it was crazy holding my 2DS up in the city like this but I was having a blast to make matters even better not only did I Street pass someone random at the JFK airport on my way home the person sitting next to me on my flight I kid you not pulled out a 3DS and was playing Fire Emblem Awakening through the entire flight now being that our website and channel have a pretty large following I had this kind of weird nervous feeling in my stomach that they'd recognize me or something so the whole flight home I was trying really hard to contain the urge to ask about Street pass and then right when we got off the plane I'd asked if they'd ever used Street pass before and it turns out they never had so after a quick bit of explanation we tried to set it up on their 3DS but we just ran out of time now I know I've flown quite a bit this year already but like what are the chances that I'd get seated next to someone playing their 3DS in the Modern Age it would have been crazy if we got to Street past each other but hey getting to meet them that was the best so big thanks again to Chris yukino cookie Bob and mads for getting me some New York City street pass tags once I got back home I needed all the rest I could get as I was about to take to the skies once again on a trip to the UK to visit my friends and family and Nintendo life and hook shot media every year the team gathers up for what we call staff day we spend the day together going through some workshops reflecting on the year's prior and we take the chance to just hang out and have some fun together and since I live so far away it's not that easy for me to get over there so this was actually the first year I'd ever gotten to attend this event but before all the festivities went down I met up with my buddy Liam for a night out in London of course we got caught in a downpour right when we met up but I didn't let that stop me from seeing if Liam had any new puzzle pieces for me Liam showed me this crazy arcade game called bishy Bashi it's like Warrior Weare but an arcade game and it actually never came to North America from what I could see they did release a game on PlayStation in Europe but otherwise it's mostly a Japanese exclusive in this arcade that we were at in SoHo had a ton of Japanese arcade games we played some Tao drum master and that spooky 40 horror game that tries to scare you by spitting air in your face not really SC after staying up way too late and talking about random stuff like Dead Rising Halo and Family Guy we finally got some rest and the next day we hit the town again with John cartrite and of course you know he brought the goods we hit up this neon soaked arcade called nq6 4 and they had all the great games there Crazy Taxi Time Crisis Dance Dance Revolution I was surprised by how many good games they had in one place after that we roamed all over town in search of retro games and we actually got to hit up what I believe is the first ever CeX which is a big chain of video game stores in the UK they had some cool stuff on the walls and in the windows that really made the store show its age like this Star Fox Adventures window cling and this poster here signed by Charles Martine for Super Mario maker on the Wii U now I had a couple things that I was looking for in specific like Disaster Day of crisis on the Wii and I still don't own Pandora's Tower and John knew that or I made it known because he ended up buying it for me what a good guy for real and while we didn't have any luck finding any random street tags that day at least we had each other now it was time to say goodbye to the guys and make my way North for a few other fun surprises as we'd actually be making a special visit to interview the folks at playtonic games the developers of ukulele which is full of original rareware staff from the days of Donkey Kong Country Banjo Kazooie and more I'm Good Buds with one of platonics QA testers Lee and he actually made a point to invite anyone on the team that day to bring in their 3DS systems just so we could all get some Street passes this was such a cool surprise and it meant so much more to me than they probably realized aside from Street passing our directors ant and Damien who also brought their 3DS's six platonic developers brought in their systems that day to relive The Glory Days it was awesome so with a few platonic Jiggies or puzzle pieces added to my us it was time to make our way over to Manchester for staff day this was so great getting to meet up with Alex and Felix again we got to make a few fun videos that wouldn't have been as much fun or just wouldn't have been flat out possible online but I also got to meet a lot of our other colleagues for the first time too like Craig and Aaron from our sister sites pure Xbox and push square and our editor-in chief Gavin not only brought his 3DS to join the street pass parade he gave me the prototype for a Nintendo life themed cover plate that he was designing how sick is this I will treasure this till the day I no longer exist I should mention too that by this point my 3DS was nearly dead I'm so glad I had a UK style 3DS charger that I bought on my last trip to the UK so I had no problem keeping my system charged up seeing the excitement and passion that this team has for the industry just has me so thankful to be here I know I keep bringing up these kind of sentiments throughout this entire video but we're covering a year of my life at this point Point here and there's a lot that I'm grateful for I wish I got to see all of them more often but that's life it's bittersweet but it makes moments like this all the more special if we could Street pass each other all the time would it be as exciting I'm not sure if it would hold the same kind of weight but if the switch successor has Street pass well then that that actually changes everything I would be so excited now not everyone on our team managed to bring a 3DS along some of them forgot them at home but ant Damen Jim Oly Felix Gavin and Craig all BR theirs along that hotel was a street pass hot spot that week and while we didn't find any random street passes that time even though we did go to a CeX there's always next year right so with August coming to a close let's take a look at those fresh new numbers we added 18 new people and 36 new tags to our Plaza in the month of August and since I got to spend so much time with my colleagues I got to keep tagging them over and over again throughout the month so adding these to our past numbers puts us at a new total of 272 total Street pass users and 364 individual tags wait a minute isn't the next PX event right around the corner I have no idea how I survived September never would I recommend you go from one trip straight to the other it's absolutely insane and I'm still not sure I fully recovered but boy was it a heck of a lot of fun I flew straight from the London heo Airport and landed back down in Seattle Washington where I was surprised to see I didn't find any tags at all but that didn't matter necessarily I was arriving on the second official day of Pax West which also coincided with the first ever Nintendo live event in North America so of course that meant there were going to be Nintendo fans everywhere and the potential for Street pass was massive this could be our best chance yet without a doubt this was an insanely busy weekend trying to cover some games at packs and see all the sites that nintend live had to offer I felt like I barely had time to check in on my little Street pass machine but the tags just kept flooding in I did a really bad job this time trying to keep track of how many I got on each individual day but let me tell you it was a lot we were lucky enough to have our very own Nintendo life Street pass meet up yet again and the packs organizers gave us this huge room to host it in so to commemorate the moment this time I had a bit more time I made up these special ribbons and was handing them out to anybody that showed up to our event and they could actually put them on the back of their badge so that way they could show off to everyone that they loved Street pass and I'd say this time we had probably around a hundred people show up for this Meetup I even met someone at this Meetup that collected their very last puzzle piece in puzzle Swap this is the reason why meetups like this are so important throughout this year we've already found how rare it is to get a street pass so to have the potential of getting a 100 Street passes in one room is nuts I honestly have have no idea how many I got in that moment as I was spending a lot of time talking with people and checking out their 3DS's and 2ds and their street passes but I did in that moment have 101 people waiting for me in my street pass gate so thank you to all the people that showed up this was surreal Nintendo live on the other hand was nuts as well I saw quite a few people walking around with their 3DS's and I had a few different people even stopped me to ask if I had mine with me this Nintendo live Pax West weekend was surreal I got to be a part of a panel that was trying to complete the street pass RPG find me in one sitting with guests from the crowd I swung by the handheld Lounge for a quick Street pass sweep I got to meet a giant Pikachu signed the Splatoon 3 wall and I waited in line a very long time with Austin to buy some Nintendo live merch and this just so happened to be a great time for me to clear through some of my street pass guests and get some puzzle pieces and make some progress and find me I mean and now that phones are so technologically advanced maybe I'd sort of forgotten about this but waiting in line with your 3DS and playing street pass was such a fun way to pass the time it's one of the many reasons that I hope Nintendo considers bringing this over to the switch successor I don't know how many times I need to say it so Pax West and Nintendo live were a great success and shortly after I actually was traveling back to Wisconsin and in between a layover I wanted to show you here how I was using my time to update my fancy Street pass spreadsheet sheet now I happen to be heading back to Wisconsin for a friend's wedding and apparently once I got there no one else got the memo to bring their Nintendo with him that's okay cuz while I was back in the midwest I met up with my buddy Evan again who brought his 2DS to dinner but you know what mine's dead truly a tale as old as time but as luck would have it I had a charger in the car so of course we plugged it in inside the restaurant and brought us 2DS back to life hey everyone it is September 12th of 2023 packs West and East have happened I've gained a crazy amount of Street pass tags at those events uh I think last I checked though I have about 438 different people that I've met this year uh I would love to get that number to 500 I don't know if it's going to happen but I was thinking about events that I have coming up and I have Portland Retro Game Show which last year I got quite a few Street pass tags at that event I think I'm missing about 35 puzzle pieces as well uh total from the entire collection and right now I'm at the point where I'm only getting one puzzle piece now I used to get like if somebody had multiple pieces that I was missing I would get tons of them and now I just seem to get one per try so I need to meet like 35 other people that have pieces that I need otherwise I I'm going to fail the puzzle piece uh collection this year I've completed find me twice so I've unlocked FindMe two and now I need just need to beat find me too uh once or twice I've played played most of the mini game or the street pass games I have some favorites so far I have some ones that I don't like a whole lot and uh I'm excited to to just yeah meet some more people in Street pass play some more games see what I think are the best ones and uh and wrap this up this year so if it's not clear I've been flying a lot this year for me at least and I've been bringing my 2DS with me every time of course making sure it's charged up and ready to go and I haven't had nearly as much success as I thought I would but I'm my way back out of Wisconsin I flew to the Denver Airport for a layover not expecting much but once I got back to Oregon I checked my 2DS before I even got off the plane and I got a street pass the green light thank you Hunter you brought me a much needed smile after an incredibly long day we really filled this month to the brim with activities and events but to really go the extra mile I took my 2DS out to visit Crater Lake which is an old volcano that actually erupted a really really long time ago we met at pretty rad golden mantled ground squirrel there and I was surprised that it didn't run away when I tried to offer it a street pass here just take it let's take it later in the month I brought my 2DS with me to the game store to go pick up Pikmin OnePlus 2 on switch and still had no luck getting a tag but then we did go to see Chris faren perform another perfect set and a stranger actually caught me filming the show on my 2DS and somehow I stumbled upon the photo later that night on Twitter but if you're curious here's how the show looked on my 2DS trust me though you don't want to know how it sounded yeah baby you know that might explain why Chris nearly punched my lights out when I tried asking him about Street pass after the show what a guy so let's tally up those September numbers shall we between Pax West and Nintendo live in Seattle I welcomed a total of 169 brand new people through my street pass gate and got a total of 28 tags from the two events then if we take the tags I got on my Wisconsin trip it puts us at a grand total of 442 unique people and 576 total Street pass tags this was completely unprecedented for me even during the Heyday of the 3DS I couldn't have imagined getting this many Street pass tags in an entire year and the year is far from over we still have a couple months left so let's see what October has to [Music] offer October was a lot of fun I got to see slow magic and Mr wives perform live oh and I saw a band on Hol even always with my 2DS in hand while I didn't have any success getting a street pass at those shows I did make a lot of progress in puzzle Swap and find me at the Portland Retro Game Expo thousands of Gamers from all over the world travel out to buy sell and learn about retro games a few years ago I got to meet up with my uncle Derek from stop skeletons from fighting and back then we tried to Street pass with our 2 DS's and it just didn't work so finally at Portland Retro Game Expo we got to make it happen I spent a lot of time staring at the art that was on display in the art of Nintendo Power Museum as well and the organizer even keeps a 2DS in the area just so that anybody who comes into the art gallery can get a street pass and he actually Host this Art Gallery at other events too on top of this I actually got to meet a few different people that were responsible for Nintendo Power Magazine back in the day this was really surreal to me as I owe so much of my gaming love to Nintendo power out of all the street passes that I got at this event though my favorite one had to be Burger King who's just a burger but also a king then towards the end of the month my bro Evan and his partner came out to visit us all the way out in Portland for a weekend adventure and I was surprised to see that I actually managed to find a random street pass while walking around this was the second time I'd found one randomly on the street in Portland and before I knew it October was over I was thankful that this time I felt like I got to spend a real nice amount of time checking all these new people into my Plaza taking down baddies in the Dungeons and collecting puzzle pieces and it was here where I actually made my way to the final boss in find me 2 which as you can expect is a sequel to find me one which unlocks after you beat that first game a couple of times and at this point I was only missing around 20 different puzzle pieces from having the entire collection we've managed to do so much in just one year so in October almost 99% of my street pass tags came from the Portland Retro Game Show alone but I still found 98 new people and one 127 tags in total making for a new grand total of 540 unique people in the plaza and 703 total tags now we have November and December left over are we going to hit the Thousand total goal are we going to complete puzzle swap let's see what happens November was a lot rougher than I was expecting my buddy Brendan went out game hunting with me one weekend we hit up double jump video games again and a few other places and we couldn't find a single Street pass hit strangely enough we couldn't even Street pass ourselves this has happened in the past with me with other friends like I mentioned with Derek and I can't figure out why it happens we've checked our Wi-Fi and our wireless settings and nothing seems to make it any better sometimes it just doesn't want a street pass but then a few days later I was headed over to my local game store to pick up the remake of Super Mario RPG and before I went into the store I recorded this video so every time I go to the game store I try to remember to take my qds with me and I've never gotten a street pass whenever I take it into my local shop but last time I was in there we had a good talk about them actually bringing in their 2DS or 3DS and leaving it behind the counter so people could Street pass and maybe today will be the day I I'm I'm not hopeful but I'm I'm still bringing it so I guess I have some hope so maybe and believe it or not this was actually the day that they finally remembered to bring in their 3DS Woody not only am I glad that you had Super Mario your RPG you also gave me the street pass gift while the month moved along pretty quick I was holding out hope that maybe just maybe I'd find one while shopping on Black Friday after of course eating a bunch of pie on Thanksgiving with so many people out and about I had hoped that somebody would take their handheld out with them so it's been a long time since I've genuinely been excited about Black Friday shopping I think maybe it's just because I have so much of what I want but what one thing that I do want that I don't have enough of is a street pass so can we get one on Black Friday in 2023 we'll find out so I made sure to make a few laps around my local Target looking for any last minute gaming deals maybe some Pokemon cards or a frozen pizza or something and then I made my way over to GameStop and that's where it happened Brookie all the way from Nevada what are you doing out in Oregon I'm not mad about it but thank you and with that November was basically over I was almost finished with Find Me 2 and puzzle Swap and with only a month left on the clock I was kind of sweating it's not like all these Adventures would be for nothing if I didn't finish these games but in the moment it kind of felt like it would we were so close I had to do it so in November we pulled in two new people for the plaza with two tags making for a new total of 542 people and 705 tags in total now please December don't leave us in the cold I knew we were close but I didn't realize just how close we were going into December I was only missing two puzzle pieces from the entire collection of North American puzzle swap pieces I had 1,680 out of 1,682 pieces and we had the game awards ahead of us so this really felt like my last chance to get them all I've talked about this briefly before but as a reminder the tricky thing with puzzle swap is that in order to get a new puzzle piece from a street pass tag that person that you're Street passing also has to have the exact piece that you're missing so even if I tagged 30 more people this month if they don't have the puzzle piece that I need from them then it doesn't help then I can't get those last pieces so I'm looking at you industry folk Gamespot IGN developers Creator friends please where you at lend me your strength so the game awards took place in LA on Thursday December 7th at the peacock theater but before that I took a slight detour out to San Francisco to ubisoft's office to play Prince of Persia the Lost Crown ahead of release I had such a great time with it it's one of my favorite games of this year but unfortunately for that office visit the office itself was pretty empty that day I'm not sure if they cleared out most of the employees that day just so that way they could have a better press visit or what but not even this rap rabid in the entryway could help me get a street pass that day but San Francisco wasn't entirely a lost cause as I actually met up with Christa previously from Nintendo Minute and now doing the kitten Christa podcast and you'll never guess but she brought her 3DS just for Street pass her and kit have actually been going on their own Street pass missions over on their own channel every so often so go check them out if you haven't already but who am I kidding you already know who they are so after my time with Prince of Persia I walked around the city for a bit got myself a delicious lemony boba tea and headed back to the airport for my trip to La so here I am in LA game awards we're going to be right there my 3DS my 2DS is in my in my pocket no Street passes yet but next to like nobody is here so we'll see what the night brings us a lot of people on Twitter have been interacting saying that they would like to bring their 3DS's a lot of people saw it a lot of people shared it which was so cool so we will we will see what happens tonight at the peacock theater as it's it's now known as Nokia Theater once Microsoft theater and now now peacock the place where you watch the office so once it came time to get in line I was getting strangely nervous about all the street pass stuff it kind of felt like all of this was coming to a head this was the final moment would anyone else care about this little feature as much as I would so much so to bring it to the game awards was I taking all this too far Maybe expecting too much of people while in line I kept checking it I played a little bit of Donkey Kong Country 2 cuz I had that downloaded on the system and before I even got in the building that dark and Dusty void quickly glowed green after this moment though I decided that I was going to try my hardest to not check this until the show was over as I wanted to run everyone through my Plaza gate all at once our contributor Allan was actually also going to the show and we got in line at different times so we weren't lined up together but coincidentally crazy enough we got sat next to each other still somehow even though they didn't give people nearly as much time as I would have wished they would have to talk on stage it still was a lot of fun just sitting there and enjoying the show with Allen unfortunately we were just a little too far away from the stage to confirm if kajima brought his 3DS along but considering I met him last year and asked him about the 3DS and Street pass I had a good feeling kajim masan may have been hiding some more green in his pocket that day too you know if I mean look at what color the stage is after the show was over pretty much everyone was ready to get out of their seats and get the heck out of there the show is like three and a half hours long but I wanted to wait as long as I could letting all these different people walk past me in hopes that it would raise my chances of getting more Street pass tags you know so then I headed over to a little Afterparty where I got to meet the developers of sea of stars and I got to meet Ben star himself it finally felt like it was the right time to check and see how many Street pass tags I got at the game awards and if I'd get those last few puzzle pieces now while I do wish that I had more video of this moment I do at least have a little clip here that I can share of me checking my 2DS and puzzle swap at the game awards post he posted that he was in front of the building like oh yes it's my last one I got all of them oh I just I think I got you yeah I got you yes I probably sound like I've lost my mind here but genuinely at what felt like the final hour I collected all of the pieces for puzzle swap in one year I was done being surrounded by friends and the fact that this was only possible with others made this moment and every street pass moment prior truly so special so even though the game awards were done and dusted I still had something else to attend in La the day of the devs indie game event here I got the chance to play a ton of upcoming IND for switch like bits and Bops thank goodness you're here do king cabbage and so many more and I managed to even pull in a few extra Street pass tags too some of which I actually tagged at the game awards the day before I really hope in years to come that we'll see developers set up a street pass station to incentivize people to stop by their booths with their 2dss and their 3DS's I know that's like a pie in the sky idea but I would love to see that happen now even though puzzle swap for me was finished I still had find me two to beat and December isn't over yet so I hopped back on a plane and headed home and once Christmas time rolled around I got back on another plane to go back to the Midwest to spend time with family and friends and I managed to get a tag at the Portland airport once again Portland cannot be stopped they are always delivering me street passes to go earlier in the year I watched a video by Sheridan on YouTube where they went to the mecca of American shopping the Mall of America for Street pass that was such a great idea that I wanted to try it too and see what kind of luck I'd have so since we were flying into Minnesota it was kind of a no-brainer to swing by for at least an hour or so so let's see if any of these spots in the mall were housing any Street pass tags for me okay let's go the Rainforest Cafe nope what about this gamer gift section at 5 below nope what about SpongeBob's house no no no nothing uh GameStop please please these GameStop why nothing once again well I didn't have any luck at the Mall of America but that doesn't mean you won't so if you happen to go or you just happen to go to a big shopping center why don't you just take your 2DS or 3DS along and let me know how it goes so now that we got our steps in it was time to head back to Wisconsin for some good old family fun speaking of steps I am so anxious to actually see how many I took this year thanks to the built-in podometer we met up with my buddy Zach again or as he's better known on Twitch # Gulpin and this really kind of made things come full circle as he was one of the first people I Street passed at the start of the year the next night I was trying to visit my buddy Evan again and I ended up getting lost somehow in the back rooms I was searching for the exit for hours but then this monster showed me the exit and gave me a street pass what a nice lad I got to open quite a few presents with family that weekend and honestly watched my family open more presents since there's a lot of young kids now and my brother brought me the only gift that I had on my list a street pass it's a Christmas miracle and then on our way back home we actually got to stop and hang out with Austin once again and she had her 3DS sitting out on her coffee table almost like someone leaving milk and cookies out for Santa Claus but coming back to the airport was really Bittersweet I realized in this moment that this was likely going to be my last group of Street passes for the Year this whole project was so much work it was an absolute black but I wasn't sure if I'd have it in me to do this again you know but instead of thinking too much about the future I just tried to enjoy the moment for what it was the moment that I had and that's honestly one of the coolest things about Street pass is whenever I got a random one I would stop and take a photo and soak in my surroundings and make something of it it was always a moment to celebrate a little Victory and now I have a plaza full of friends and fond memories this is a chapter in my life that really seemed to pull so many people together and as silly as it all may seem at the end of the day or on paper I'll cherish this for the rest of my days so how did the last month actually go between the game awards day of the devs and the few times that I met up with friends I added 14 new people to the plaza and 22 tags overall and according to the numbers on my 2DS this gives us a final total of 553 individual people in my street pass Plaza with a total of 727 Street pass tags in total now it's done just kidding so after trying Street pass for 365 days what can I actually tell you how do I feel about it what do the numbers say what have we learned let's dig into it between layovers and direct flights I flew quite a bit in 2023 I sat on 27 different airplanes and passed through 45 different airports and I got a total of five different street passes from random passerbys that I didn't know so based on that alone I'd say You have about a 10 to 20% chance of getting a street pass at an airport now I really thought that airports would be a Surefire win for Street pass catching people kicking back relaxing playing their 2DS and 3DS's when in hindsight airports can be pretty stressful places kids are probably still using these systems if they have hand me- Downs or if they just don't have switches but the majority of people if they're playing games are probably using their phones or their Nintendo switches or steam decks or something of that sort so maybe that's the real problem with trying to get a street pass at an airport maybe most people just aren't thinking to bring these anymore but 10 to 20% isn't the worst odds either so if you are going on a flight anytime soon and you want to try to get a street pass it's probably worth packing it along just make sure it's turned on and charged up while at the airport but maybe just don't go as far as buying a ticket for a flight that you actually aren't going to use just to get Street pass tags that's not a good idea but what about concerts and music festivals huh especially with the latest craze of people taking DSis and 2dss and 3DS's and taking photos of the bands playing a concert sounds like a great way to get a street pass right last year I went to eight different concerts and you know how many Street pass tags I got at them two in total one of which was my buddy chime who technically pre-ordained the street pass moment since he brought his long intent Ally to Street pass with me at least I think he did and the second was at a multi-day music festival where I thought that I would have had the potential to Street pass them again and I just never bumped into them just don't expect High odds and also if you happen to go into a mosh pit or something like that be careful with it so you don't get it crushed or stepped on or stolen even worse just be careful with your stuff so what about dedicated video game stores like GameStop or C down the way or even a local Mom and Pop shop that's in your town in 2023 alone I went to to at least 15 different video game stores that I can remember and I only nabbed what I think is about four Street pass tags in total from those game stores and some of these I went to multiple times I just wasn't keeping exact track of how many times I went to a game shop this one is probably the one that hurt me the most cuz I was really expecting somebody to be trading in a system while I was at one maybe they'd have one on display behind the counter that was turned on with some battery life still or maybe some employee somewhere would have heard about this cause this street past push that we had been pushing for so long and maybe they'd want to try and join in with us and while I did have a bit of luck here and there of course you saw throughout the video it really wasn't as much as I was expecting so if there happen to be any game store employees out there consider bringing in your system or if you're lucky and you own a store maybe you can even just set up a 3DS in the store put it in a glass case put it behind the counter so employees can see it it could be a really fun talking point between you and your customers and could also give your employees something fun to look forward to throughout the day that theoretically doesn't really cost you any extra money it gives your customers something to look forward to when they come in as well and that can say a lot now there is one area where I really don't think you should put as much effort into trying to get a street pass and that's with just miscellaneous errands if you're going out to the grocery store or just going to pick up some dinner there's probably a unlikely chance that you'll actually get a street pass tag and you might just end up being more disheartened over the fact that you didn't get one so if you're going to focus on charging up your system and having it ready to go maybe try and put that effort into other places which we'll get to shortly but before that now might be a good time to tell you how many steps I took in 2023 according to this little thing right here my Nintendo 2DS claims that I took 581,000 Google and medical news today the average person should be walking around 10,000 steps a day so I didn't even come close to what the world expects of me but I work from home and I'm definitely not carrying this when I'm walking around the house just doing little chores or tasks or just living I was only taking this when I went out and about so I've either got some wiggle room or it just means that I should probably start going for walks more often so on that note but you might be asking yourself what was my biggest Street Path success of 2023 you probably know because if you were there you understand it gaming conventions I shouldn't be surprised but of course they went so hard and they performed so well now I didn't go to any Anime conventions or comic book conventions like anime Central or San Diego ComicCon or New York ComiCon I would have loved to try and see what those numbers would have looked like at something like that but out of the 727 Street pass tags that I got in total in 2023 639 of those were from the six or so gaming events that I went to in 2023 alone 208 of those came from Pax West and Nintendo live combined so if you want to experience Street pass again or you just want to learn what it's all about gaming conventions are really where Street pass does best especially if Nintendo live comes back again in the future I'll definitely be bringing mine there Street pass is difficult there are a lot of factors fighting against you when you're just trying to get one the battery life of the 2DS and 3DS isn't the greatest even when the system is still in active sleep mode and a dead console can't Street Pass Plus most people can only Street pass 10 people at a time and anyone else you happen to walk past when your gate is full just won't be registered and sometimes maybe your 3DS's social battery is drained and it just decides it it doesn't want a street pass either in that case there's not really anything else you can do except for fiddle around and see if it eventually works oh and if you're actively playing a Nintendo DS game on your 3DS it shuts off all Wireless functionality for the 3DS so Street pass won't work then either all of this is is made worse by the wireless capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS the operations manual for the original model Nintendo 3DS claims that wireless functionality should work up to 30 m or 98 ft for example a football field is 360 ft maybe someone at the Taylor Swift concert that I went to happen to have their 3DS or 2DS there with them for Street pass but they might have just been on the other side of the stadium and so there maybe never was a chance that I was going to Street pass them in the first place in cases like that it just comes down to luck but you know what I tried and I know a lot of you also tried Street pass this year as well and sometimes that's all you can do throughout this video I've been so conflicted between saying I did this or we did this because yeah this is my 2DS and a lot of this video is coming from my perspective but a lot of us have been rooting for the same over overall goal and it should go without saying that without you I couldn't have ever done any of this street pass as a concept is built around the idea of meeting people sharing your interests and hoping those hobbies and passions bring a smile to someone else's face but it goes beyond that it's about playing games with other people it's about helping them achieve a goal and it's about making a connection no matter how small it really may seem in the moment and when you boil it down it's really simply just about people and that's why this truly was our adventure now I may not have finished or even played all of the street past me Plaza games like find me2 which we were so close to beating but I loved that fishing game ultimate angler which I first learned about at the game awards back in 2022 while I happened to be chatting with Steven totillo from game file he told me all about how much fun he had playing it back in its Heyday and that's honestly partially what pushed me to make this entire video go on this big quest in the first place but I also had a lot of fun with the game Market Crashers which has you making on the-fly decisions about stocks which I don't care anything about at all but in game form it was a lot of fun now that we're at the end of the video I also want to properly thank you for giving me so much of your time and energy for replying to me online or for taking your 2DS or your 3DS out into the real world as well if you've made it this far into the video there's a good chance that you probably did so if you have a story of your own to share please share it in the comments down below or yet why don't you make a video about it and share the journey if you can there are a lot of really cool people out there making videos and projects about Street pass nowadays and honestly I could watch this kind of stuff all day so keep them coming and know that all of us are right there with you rooting you on without you Street pass truly just won't exist so just remember that next time you take your 3DS out for Street pass whether it's to the game store to a convention to the airport or just on a walk not only are you raising your chances for yourself to get a street pass you're also raising them for someone else and that could mean the world to them so now that this 365-day street pass quest of mine is over what do I do with this do I put it on the shelf and never use it again or do I take it back out and try to finish find me to see if I can complete the world map and maybe the birthday checklist or should I use a different system and should I keep this as a momento I really have no idea what the right decision is so please let me know what you think Oh and before I go I want you to know that while it may seem like my street pass posting may slow down or My overall commitment to it may soften I will always love Street pass and I know that a lot of you will keep that green flame going just like you already do because it's it's what we do that's what street pass is all about [Music] [Applause] [Music] by a [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] the [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 89,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Nintendo UK, Zion, 3DS, 2DS, StreetPass, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 2DS, Find Mii, Puzzle Swap, StreetPass Quest, Ziondood, 365 Days of StreetPass, Street Pass, Tags, Hits, Swap, Miiverse, Mii Plaza, How Many, 1 Year, Year, Quest, Conventions, Airports, XL, New 2DS XL, Orange 2DS, Zion Grassl, PAX, East, West, Journey, Adventure, Travel, UK, US, Puzzle Pieces, Complete, Ultimate Angler, Market Crashers, Review, Best Places to StreetPass, Advice, Tips, Tricks
Id: gsuFsGwpJgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 43sec (4963 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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