20 INCREDIBLE & "Unlicensed" Games You Never Played!

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[Music] over the last few decades I've  always felt that the Retro Gaming Community   has been needlessly harsh on unlicensed  games often making them the but of the   joke while ignoring the legitimately  good unlicensed and unofficial games   out there or the context in which they  were made and sold so today I'm going   to be listing 20 awesome unlicenseds  that you should check out so let's get started we begin with SWAT police a gallery  shooter by ESD launched four arcades in South   Korea in 2001 although the game itself  is original many of its graphics and art   assets were lifted from other games including  Contra tree mutation Nation art of fighting q   and burning fight thankfully that does not stop  this one from being an excellent game you have two   characters to choose choose from with slightly  different stats in speed and power some pretty   great QD graphics and a platter of weapons and  powerups and as you dispatch enemies they'll   drop money which you can then use to buy even  more powerups at the end of each stage if you   lose a life though all of your weapons and ammo  reset and it can be pretty hard to recover on   those later stages you've also got destructible  environments a rolling maneuver that makes you   temporarily invulnerable and grenades which you  can to cause even more destraction the action   in this game is absolutely nonstop and I love it  you really got to be on your toes and that makes   this a super fun game and you even got a co-op  option which I sadly cannot show you because   I have no friends and it's really cool how you  have to pick between defeating smaller enemies   that give you barely any money but will give you  more breeding room or take out larger foes that   take longer but will give you a a lot more money  to spend at the shop which is a really nice risk   versus reward mechanic also funny thing while  researching this game I discovered that ESD at   one point was Hing celles reps in America to  bring the arcade machine to the West I wonder   what their plan was if Konami and SNK ever found  out that this game is stealing so much of their   work seriously though if you enjoy games like  cabal or Wild G you have to check out swap police [Music] this is top fighter 2000 for the Mega Drive top  fighter 2000 is a bootle fighting game created   created in Taiwan that pits multiple characters  from the king of fighter Series against Goku as   well as Cyclops andreo from X-Men versus  Street Fighter and of course real life   sports stars Mohammad Ali and Michael Jordan  the letter of which is misspelled as Jordan   if the concept of having Michael Jordan beating  up Goku is not enough to make you want to check   this game out then maybe the fact that this is  a surprisingly good fighting game for the Sega   Genesis will the hit detection and speed feel  perfect mostly because this seems to be based   off either King of Fighters 94 or 95 or maybe  just mugan in general but yeah special moves   are easy to pull off you've got super moves  counters and a really high amount of voice   samples although it is funny how Jordan's  basketball trow sounds like he's saying skateball and the graphics are surprisingly  good for a unlicensed game I I mean hell the   Mount Rushmore stage actually looks better  than it does in the official fatal Fury 2   for the Sega Genesis with an additional  layer of parallex scolling and a brighter   color palette the game itself obviously is  not better than Street Fighter 2 or fiddle   Fury 2 but this is honestly in the upper quarter  fighting games for the Sega Genesis and I would   play this over the vast majority of Fighters  on the system I mean heck in my opinion it's   League's better than Eternal Champions though  it does have the major flaw of being a two   button fighting game the characters of Michael  Jordan and Muhammad Ali are really just Sprite   hacks of Heavy D and Lucky globber from King  of Fighters 94 so they play exactly the same   as those characters which explains why I can  never seem to win any fights with Ali as I was   never a big fan of Heavy D basically every time  I play as Muhammad Ali I float like a butterfly   but I get stun like a a bit seriously though  if you ever get tired of Street Fighter 2 or   fiddle Fury 2 on our Genesis check out this  surprisingly good alternative round [Music] two Metal Force is a 1993 NES game made in South  Korea that wears its Mega Man inspiration on its   sleeve you play as a robo dude and the whole  graphical style is very Mega manike and though   the game is not stealing any assets of ips it did  launch for the system without Nintendo's approval   well I mean I guess this boss is technically  ripping off the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles   but that's about it and that's a shame too  because the game is quite excellent the first   level by itself is good enough on its Zone and  far better than many official and yes games out   there but at the same time it also creates  a bit of a bad first impression because the   backgrounds are a little boring and the music  is a little repetitive as well but from level   two onwards the graphics and backgrounds become  more interesting with better use of color while   the music is also improved now even though this  looks like Mega Man all the levels are linear   and you do not get the boss's special weapon you  do however get to pick up a wave weapon weapon   or a boomerang weapon as well as upgrades their  speed power and refire rate this is quite simply   a Mega Man inspired action platformer for the  NES then right good graphics good music tight   gameplay and fun powerups which is especially  impressive if you consider that most unlicensed   and unlicensed game deaths at the time never  had access to any official development tools it   really highlights that most bootle Developers are  only guilty of the sin of being born in a country   that at the time did not have the industry to  support their talents and it's especially bad   when you consider how unlicensed has essentially  become an unending Target of mockery within the   YouTube retr space so I say check this game out it  might just change your view on the bootle [Music] scene [Music] this is CD man a shareware game made  in Sweden and if you were a PC Gamer   back in the day I know you're familiar with  this one because this game was very popular   within MS DOS gaming circles this is  essentially Pac-Man clone with new   and original levels though the character is  certainly not original demo versions of the   game were shared online for free in message  boards back in the day which featured two   different maps and an incomplete third map  and as you can tell the game sound is pretty minimal but that was pretty common for  PC gaming in 1989 but what really made   this game interesting was the high  resolution Graphics which were very   impressive for the time the fact that  you require keys to open parts of the   Maze and that your death animations were  very gruesome and Gory for the [Applause] time eventually though I'm guess and the developer  realized that CD man was getting a bit too popular   for its own good because once the final release  came a full three years later mind you Pac-Man   here was replaced with a new character called  the snoer and uh yeah he kind of sucks not only   is his design boring but the death animations  were toned down and sure this one actually came   with every map completed but the final release  was such a letdown for CD man fans that everyone   remembers the original demo but hardly anyone  even knows about this version so if you want   a cool Pac-Man unlicensed with just a we bit of  late 80s Edge I say check out CD man it's worth it this is Final Fantasy 9 for the game by color  well kind of the only version of this game to   have been dumped changed the game style and title  screen to this but the original release was Final   Fantasy 9 and all of the assets here are still  clear clearly inspired by that game anyway this   is an action RPG /bm of hybrid in which you  can select between Zan Garnet or Viv with a   secret for character that needs to be unlocked  you then begin in an Overworld map and you can   access your stats or go to shops where you can buy  permanent attack defense and health upgrades as   well as healing items potions and save your game  and I got to say the graphics and audio are pretty   good you then go to a dungeon and fight against  enemies in a beat up style you got your regular   treeh hit combo you can jump in the attack run in  the attack and you even have Street Fighter likee   button inputs that create special moves but these  will also consume your Mana the issue is that a   lot of these moves are as of yet undocumented  because the game's manual was never scanned the   only special move that I could find was zidan's  Fireball throw and if you brought any potions with   you you can use them at any time you also have  a high jump mechanic which works very similarly   to Sig Shinobi or namco's Rolling Thunder series  which is a great way of giving you some breeding   room as the enemies jump up or down to chase  after you from there on you'll have to clear   the multiple levels within each dungeon until  you fight a boss and then collect each boss's   Crystal which the game refers to as pebbles for  some reason and you spend your hard earned money   on more stat upgrades or healing items the I  should point out that these stat boots become   more expensive the more of them you buy and yeah  that's pretty much the game and it's surprisingly   good with decent music good enemy variety and  appealing backgrounds I will say though that   Viv kind of sucks he attacks from a distance  but his shots are on the weak side and they   take some time to recharge so he's just kind of  weak while Garnet was the in between but again I   never figured out their special mve moves nor are  they documented anywhere so maybe zidan is just a   beginner friendly character because in my opinion  he was the best character by far and I like that   as you clear a floor the game asks if you want to  continue or go back outside to recover and save   your game honestly this is a pretty awesome game  and I could totally see squar soft doing a Game   Boy Color action spin-off of Final Fantasy 9 back  in the day but sadly they didn't but thankfully   bootle developers step up and we got this really  impressive title check it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out [Music] but let's keep this Final Fantasy train  going with Final Fantasy 10 Fantasy war   this is another be for the game byy color that  despite its name seems to have more in common   thematically with the original Final Fantasy  1 on the NES than Final Fantasy 10 you choose   between four playable characters which include  a warrior a black mage a Ranger and a chocobo   yes you can play as a Choco in this game and then  you go around the various levels fighting enemies   and as you defeat them you gain experience points  and level up making you stronger not only that but   you also have a pretty decent variety of moves  for each character not only do they all have   different stats but the wizard and Rogue attack  from a distance whereas the Chocobo and Warrior   are melee Fighters though once again the wizard  character is by far the worst one man what is it   with these games and their surfing Wizards you  have a treehead combo at your disposal as well   as the usual running and jumping attacks but  you also have a desperation move by pressing   both attack and jump at once which will consume  some health as well as Street Fire style button   inputs so for example by performing a hadoken  the Chocobo does this diagonal jump attack   while the water shoots a fire wave add to that  some pretty decent music and good graphics for   the system and even cut scenes between stages and  you honestly have a really astounding Hidden Gem   for the system between this and Final Fantasy  9 both of these games rank among the best beat   ups on the original Game Boy and Game Boy  Color so I say check it out if you [Music] can [Music] this is going be f99 the kidnapping of Lady Aiko  For The Commodore Amiga and this is kind of sort   of a port of the ton twin be for the igga  except halfway through the developers sort   of gave up and then decided to turn the game  into its own thing so you end up with a game   that has its own original soundtrack PowerUp  system story cutscenes and even protagonist   now you're saving the princess Aiko and your  protagonist's name is Tiara Maguire man that's   just great but yeah all of the graphics and that  sets were either lifted directly from Konami the   T of twin be or remade in that style and the game  play is clearly inspired by twin be but it's it's   not really twin be so for example a lot of the T  of twin be powerups like the option or three-way   shot are simply not here and your powerups are  now much simpler with stuff like a faster refire   rate speed up a double shot and a shield and you  still get this by juggling the various Bells but   now instead of cycling between different colors  you'll get a lot more dark Bells which actually   hurt you now not only that but the levels are now  much longer than the original game honestly this   game is nowhere near as good as the T of twin  be but then again it was never going to rival   what is in my opinion the best game in the series  with that said though the developers added their   own exclusive gameplay mechanics some of which  are honestly really interesting directions for   the series like you now sometimes get items that  you need to juggle the bells into you for bonus   points and the more Bells you get there at once  the more multipliers you get and this is honestly   a really great idea for the series something  which I'm surprised Konami never thought of   not only that but you also get these crystals  which you must collect every level to see the   good ending also in this game you get to bomb cows  and that alone makes this game worth it for me and   G be also has the unique distinction of being  one of the rare instances in which a unlicensed   game was reviewed by a major publication at  the time with UK based amga format magazine   scoring it an 80% with its major complaint  being the lack of innovation most games by   Peruvian Studio Twin Eagles group tend to be  hacks of existing games though this one as far   as I know was built from the ground app and  you've most likely heard of the Twin Eagles   group even if you've never realized it mostly  due to one game in [Music] particular [Music] Ron so yes that was them  seriously though check this game [Music] out [Music] this is alien syndrome for dnes by tenen  this game is in a rather unique position   in that it's technically not aunlicensed  because tenen had the rights to the game   but at the time their relationship ship with  Nintendo wasn't the best so they went around   and developed a way to bypass Nintendo's copy  protection and release the game as is so this   one is not a unlicensed but it is unlicensed  and that's a shame too because this game is   easily the best Home Port of illin syndrome you  pick between two characters though honestly as   far as I know there's no difference between  them and then you go on a series of missions   where you have to search and rest with your  crew mates and then reach the exit before the   time Runs Out along the way you'll find new  weapons and maps that let you know where the   remaining crew members are I always thought  that alien syndrome for the arcades was good   but not great I feel that if the enemies and  weapons had been more interesting this would   have been an alltime classic but as it is it's  still a fun game and the NES version is without   a doubt the best representation of this game  I've ever seen on a Home console for starters   the game actually Scrolls unlike the Master  System which use still screens which in turn   created all sorts of issues with enemy placement  The View Window is also much more zoomed out than   the Game Gear version allowing you to see more of  the map finally I feel the bosses aren't nearly   as difficult as the Sega versions which in this  case is a good thing so I say check this game [Music] [Music] [Music] out this is Marsh 3D for Ms computers and you're  probably wondering how is this a unlicensed it's   not based on any property NPCs are an open  platform so it can't be a bootle right well   here's a thing Mars 3D was developed in Taiwan  and it turns out that this game literally stole   chunks of coat from the doom menine and the  Duke 3D's build engine and then Frankenstein   them both into a brand new engine without  either side's permission and so we got Mars   3D which is a surprisingly good Boomer shooter  for the time although I do recommend changing   those key bindings to something you're more  familiar with because the original keyboard   layout is pretty awful anyway this game has a  pretty detailed story with Mission briefings   before each level and even agents that you meet  up with which give you Clues and context on what   you need to do next though if you're like me  you're probably just going to skip all of that   what matters though is that you have a pretty  nice assortment of w weapons and environments   to explore from Guns lasers and rocket launchers  to grenades and flamethrowers and because this   is partly based on the Duke Nukem 3D engine you  can aim up and down and even have the occasional   minor platforming segments the game also plays  a surprisingly High emphasis on swimming though   luckily you never seem to run out of air so  you can never get it as a 3D space at your own   Leisure I also really like how large and cyber  Mony a lot of these areas feel and it's funny   too because there doesn't seem to be an upper  limit to your health meter so I end up having   ludicrous amounts of Health points but really if  you like Boomer Shooters I recommend you check   this one out it's a surprisingly good FPS coming  from a part of the world that we don't typically   associate with Boomer shooters or FPS games in  general so I say check it out if you [Music] can [Music] quar this is super Fighters 2001 Alpha  developed in Taiwan by the king of Game Boy   Color unlicenseds vast Fame and this is basically  a unlicensedversion of King of Fighters 99 for the   Game Boy Color and it might just be one of the  best fighting games on either the original Game   Boy and the Game Boy Color official or not for  starters the speed fighting and hit detection   are excellent which makes sense considering this  game essentially stole the King of Fighters engine   used for the orual Game Boy so you've got King of  Fighters f favorites like Mai Terry kiyoku sonagi   Athena and the official best girl Leona but the  developers also went ahead and at it end a few   extra characters not from this series like Morgan  from darkstalkers who is now a sexy nurse for some   reason and genan from the Samurai Showdown games  and the best part is that you can do one-on-one   battles or three Onre battles like in the arcade  games you even got super moves and they're very   fun to pull off the Sprite work as far as I can  tell is all original but really well done with   lots of animation and detail that is faithful  to the SNK Originals I mean heck they even kept   in My jiggle physics nice for some reason though  they changed everyone's names so my is now called   Lou for some reason but honestly that's a minor  issue what truly matters is that this game is   one of the best fighting games ever made for an  8bit system so I say check it out if you [Music] [Music] [Applause] can [Music] this is Street Fighter 2 the World Warrior for Ms  do computers also known as saf IBM and this is a   bootle version of Street Fighter 2 developed in  South Korea for IVM PCS and is usually regarded   as the game that led to the creation of mugan  basically if you were a PC Gamer during the '90s   there is a good chance you had The Misfortune  of playing the official Port of Street Fighter   2 by US Gold which looked great but played  absolutely horribly so this Giga chat from   Korea decided to buy the Super Nintendo version  of Street Fighter and the capture card and then   proceeded to capture all the graphics from the  SNS version clean them up as best he could and   build his own version of Street Fighter 2 and  the funny thing is that this guy did a better   job than the official Port I remember all my Ms  do friends back in the day having both copies   and everyone always picked this version I mean for  one thing the controls were spot on and you could   reliably pull off special moves on a keyboard  whereas the official version he had always felt   more like a matter of luck the funny thing is  that the Creator would then decide to have fun   with his own creation and record his own Victory  line readings for each character must defeat Jang   attack me if you D I'm the strongest woman  in the world not only that but as the years   went on he kept updating the game adding extra  characters like Terry Bogard and even changing   how some of the special moves work I mean damn  look at how far this sh you can reaches or how   about gu Sonic Boom attack and if this insanity  is starting to sound familiar then it's because   that like I said SF IBM was the predecessor  to mugan yes this was the game where all those   insane fighting game crossovers stemmed from  though sadly this game has become so obscure   that only the OG's remember but hey now it's your  turn to change that so I say check it out if you [Music] can heart times is a gallery shooter  released for the arcades in 1994 this is a   total convert version of the game blood Bros  made by Italian game Studio playm Mark where   it replaces the wild west team with mobsters and  the prohibition era the country is filled with   identical clones of whiskey Smugglers and it's  your job to stop them all and what better way   to ensure that there is no illegal drinking than  making sure that there are no humans left to drink   it you'll be shooting Mobsters buildings even  ambulances because how dare people try to get to   the hospital and receive Medical ha after you've  shot them you are not satisfied until every city   in the country is a pile of rubble that's just  the kind of proactive go-getter you are seriously   though this game is awesome not only does it  feature an impressive amount of enemy Sprites   but the amount of destructible environments is  honestly ludicrous and just like SWAT police you   can also roll and throw grenades though this  time there's no in between shop and the only   power up you get is a Tommy gun that increases  your fire rate and of course with this being an   arcade unlicensed you can also whim at the 1920s  flapper girls until they lose their clothes and if   you want to blame someone for poor taste blame  these people they were kind enough to show us   their faces seriously though this game is super  fun and I'd argue the style and music changes   they went with makes hard times better than  the original game so I say check it out if you can okay friend let's go Daisy the adventurer for the NES is a  game created by code Masters which use the   Aladdin deck enhancer a piece of Hardware that  supposedly Improv improv the capabilities of the   system though in truth most games forward  never actually use this at all anyway you   play as dizzy and your girlfriend has fallen  into a deep magical Slumber and you must now   travel across the land to stop an evil wizard  and save her I feel the Disney series does not   get the respect it deserves and I'm not sure  why granted the first few games were a little   rough but the series clearly became better as it  continued for starters the the adventurer is part   platformer and part Adventure game and the game  introduces these mechanics very nicely as you   start out in a jail cell but there are matches  and kindling near you so it's easy enough to   figure out what you have to do and how to combine  both items from there on you go around this world   collecting items managing your limited inventory  talk to people and collect Stars the fun in this   game is really about exploring this world  and figuring out which item should be used   for which puzzle or on which character the game  is also kind enough to provide you with various   hints as you speak with everyone Additionally  the graphics are nicely detailed and colorful   and the music is actually really good I think  the only two things that bother me about this   game is how limited your inventory space is so  you often have to leave items on the floor and   come back for them later once you figure out  what to do and the jumping yeah the jumping   in the Disney games say has always been kind of  weird basically if you jump from high altitudes   you'll roll as you land which paralyzes you until  you regain control it does not cost you a life   or anything but it really makes many platforming  segments harder than they really need to be which   is a shame because other than that the controls  are spot on this series honestly deserves more   appreciation than it gets as there really aren't a  whole lot of platforming SL Adventure game hybrids   out there and if fact that you have to collect  So Many Items kind of makes DIY feel like a   precursor to the Nintendo 64 style of 3D collected  on platforming but regardless I say check this one [Music] [Music] out missioncraft is a Starcraft schmap for arcades yes  seriously they took one of the most popular RTS   games in existence and turn it into a schmap  for arcades that is insane and you know what   the funniest thing is the game is actually really  good it plays a lot like the sakio style of schms   so if you've played games like gunbird or zero  Gunner you most likely know what to expect here   anyway you can pick between the Terrance protos  and Zerg and each ship has a different shot and   bomb types and what I like about the maps is that  they feel like they were built using the official   Starcraft level editor and then they exported  their maps onto this game because each map   follows the correct usage and placement from the  official game not only that but if you're familiar   with the original RTS game you'll soon find that  the attention to detail here is astonishing for   example if you take out a Teran bunker it'll leave  behind Marines who will fire at you if you destroy   a protos pylon their turrets will stop firing at  you and each enemy faction has different Health   types like they did in the original game Heck if  you pick the protos ship it slowly regains its   Shields as the level progresses because yes you  can take a few hits before you go down and when   you get get a PowerUp you'll get a voice over from  the appropriate faction my biggest complaint here   isn't with the game itself but rather the audio  emulation basically the sound effects and voice   samples are way too low and after a few levels the  audio simply stops working and that's a shame too   because this game is honestly really good and  I had a lot of fun trying to one credit clear   Mission craft if you like the psycho style  of schms I beg you check this one out [Music] [Music] this is jenp pun tree for the Master  System and this is an unofficial fighting game   launch launched in South Korea that takes some  heavy Inspirations from fidal Fury right down   to the lifting of some assets and in fact  the game definitely feels a lot more like   a fle fury clone than it does like a street  fighter one and I mean just look at it look   at how smoothly it runs for context this was  Mortal Kombat on the Master System and this   is Street Fire 2 on The Game Boy don't get me  wrong I'm not saying that those games are bad   or are not impressive for Hardware but look at  how fast this game runs while still having large   and detailed Sprites and backgrounds jenp  tree is pretty much a tactical achievement   for the system you have multiple characters to  play from though after reading the move list I   decided to pick Weena as my main because her  special moves are turning into a phoenix and   kicking off her shoes so clearly she's the  best character but yeah considering 8 bit   systems weren't really known for having quality  fighting games it's very interesting to see how   Bootleggers stepped up to the plate and in many  ways delivered the goods so I say check this one out Micro Machines is a racing game by Cod  Masters for the NES based around the popular   toy series and yes you might be surprised to  hear that this game was also launched for the   NES without Nintendo's consent in fact Nintendo  tried to sue Cod Masters because they did not   have an neses license but Nintendo lost in  court and so the game launched anyway but   for all intents and purposes this is still an  unofficial game the idea behind this series is   that you're a miniature vehicle of some kind  be it a racing baggie or a boat and you drive   against three other opponents on tracks that  are made out of everyday items so you'll be   racing around dinner tables with sherio marking  your track R an office with rulers and pants   serving as bridges that sort of thing another  cool feature about this game is that you can   select your Rivals and as the game progresses they  get eliminated and you then pick out a new rival   to replace them which can be someone better  or weaker than the previous one not only that   but this series is famous for its excellent  local multiplayer though it seems that the   NES version only allows for two players at once  instead of the series usual four player or even   eight player matches that you'd find in future  games but even with that this is still one of   the better racing games on the NES and they really  pretty wanted that so I say check it out if you [Music] can [Music] this is final fight three for the NES  and man look at it this is already an impressive   looking game for the system it's running on and  the fact that it's a unlicensedonly serves to   make this even more impressive the game takes  place after the events of Final Fight 2 and   the new gang has been taking over Metro City  so now it's up to Mike Hagar guy and two new   characters who put in into that you've got your  combo system you can trow enemies pick up food   and money items it's just an impressively  made game for the system and you got to   love how well animated the characters are  especially your main characters this does   come at a cost of some Sprite flicker though but  it's still doable and the music isn't bad either   one thing that threw me in for Loop were the  bosses I kept hitting them and even had them   stun locked but they would just not lose Health  well it turns out that you first have to take out   all of the minor enemies first before you can  focus on the big bad guy but yeah once again   pirate developers deliver on a really impressive  8bit beat him up that is worth checking [Music] out [Music] this is ice ag2 for the Game Boy Color I know  what you're thinking but hear me out this game   is basically Clon NOA under an ice AG skin yes  really you play as uh okay real talk I've never   watched the Ice Age movies so I have no idea what  their names are and the intro story was way too   long for my taste so I just skipped it anyway you  play as this dude from the movie and you can grab   enemies like in cloa once you do that you can  either throw them at other enemies or use them   to double jump to reach higher locations and you  need to do this because some platforms are Out   Of Reach and you want have to press buttons to  open up doors or passageways you also have these   floating orbs which you'll often have to grab onto  before making in your next Gump from here on out   you basically have two types of levels the first  scrolling levels where it's all about Precision   platforming or the free roaming levels where you  need to explore the stages and find the levers and   switches to progress I came into this game with  zero expectations but a few people had recommended   this one to me and you know what yeah they were  right this game knows what it's doing I mean the   music isn't the best and the frame rate get gets a  little low when two or more enemies are on screen   but other than that this game was a really  awesome surprise so I say check it out if you [Music] can [Music] this is Super Bomberman Tree by santax for the  game by color and despite its name it's actually   not your traditional Bomberman game at all instead  the game play is much more exploratory and it kind   of reminds me your Robo Warrior instead and not  so much the traditional Bomberman style anyway   you play as bomber girl I guess and there's a  plot behind this but I have no idea what it is   and you're placed in a large open area and your  job is to go around the map and look for the   exit and keys to set exit all the while picking  up any powerups along the way powerups include   the ability to drop more bombs make set bombs  stronger or permanent Health upgrades the game   also received another re-release simply titled  Bomberman 2 which replaces the main Sprite to   something closer to regular Bomberman but instead  removes the intro cut scene either way this is a   pretty cool game and if you're into Robo Warrior  I say check it out if you [Music] [Applause] [Music] can and finally we have aito suaza noig no cave  for the ficom disc system an AOG puzzle   game by Infamous Japanese AOG unlicensed game  developer Super Pig yeah a lot of people aren   aware of this but the feom disc system kind of  opened the floodgates for AOG games for the feom   in Japan heck I could do a whole video on just  this topic but I chose instead to focus on just   one game that does not require you to learn the  language and not only that but the few gameplay   videos I've seen on YouTube seem to have no idea  how to play this so let me help you out this is   basically an arcanoid game with perspective and  you have to move your cursor to swing the ball to   where you want it to hit destroying its block  and un covering more of the girl while all of   this happens you have this blue square that  if it hits you will stun you thankfully you   can shoot at it to make it disappear appear for  a short time and you can also fire at helicopters   to gain a life and the game is pretty generous  with its life system and finally you have these   two moving blocks on the side and if you hit  one it'll destroy multiple blocks within that   same line I also really like how the ball reacts  differently depending on which section of your   cursor it hits so it's a good idea to master  which side of the paddle you want the ball to   hit on and the more you progress through the  game the nauy some of these covers get though   it never gets quite as bad as the games cover  so if you're R to some old school arog games   this is a cool one to check out especially  when you consider the system it's [Music] on and there we go several awesome unlicensed  games that are wor your time and believe me   there's a lot more where that came from if this  video performs well I could easily give you many   more in the meantime I'd like to thank Tony tun  for not only being a patreon supporter but also   for helping me out with the amig emulation as  well as discord's ankos and the SpaceTime star   Beast Discord server which by the way greatest  server name ever for helping me track down   some of these Game Boy Color unlicensed  anyway I hope you have a great day bye
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Views: 233,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro games, retro gaming, stika, game boy color, game boy color games, hidden gems game boy, game boy hidden gems, hidden gems game boy color, game boy color hidden gems, nes hidden gems, hidden gems nes, bootleg games, good bootleg games, final fantasy 9, final fantasy ix, final fantasy 10, final fantasy x
Id: zqqvjQ1rIpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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