Guy Mariano Life On Video | Full Story

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when people ask me like what does like filming mean to me or what does a video like mean to me it's almost at this point in my life it's realistically a a sense to get out of bed in the morning it's it's everything to me it's mainly the only thing i really do in skateboarding i'm not a contest skater and i'm not out there in all these other ways that a lot of these younger kids are nowadays like the main thing i really do now is make videos and that's why they're [ __ ] important to me and that's why like i hold them so close and that's why i get crazy trying to film them because like i love them so much i'm gonna do it right now so i'm from burbank california burbank california is mostly known for the studios warner brothers and film a lot of tv shows over there it was an amazing place to grow up but not the best skate town when i was growing up in burbank some kid had got hit by a car he was like going downhill not like a skater but just a kid on a skateboard was going down a hill on his butt and like went out into a main street and got hit by a car and killed they kind of were really tough on skateboarding they started giving a lot of tickets like for it you know what i mean my mom was like ended up going to court and going to court and like skateboarding became kind of a crime in burbank it was hard for me and my friends to actually do a lot of skateboarding there but i mean we did what we could i got introduced to skating um through just neighborhood friends and they were junior mike brian and charlie king they were probably about three to four years older which was like a lot at that age you know those were my my influences from burbank that really like introduced me to skating and we're like here's the music we're gonna listen to and like here's the videos like santa cruz and i seen like that not as cop as part of him like skating and doing rails and like skating curbs and just like these tricks he was doing at the beach and that's what lit my fire that's what i realized is what i wanted to be what type of skater i wanted to be a street skater [Music] and then so i have like that phase of my life and then what happens like through there is like i think i started getting a little bit more serious about skateboarding i start doing like little contests castle contests nsa contests i start getting first place in a lot of contests just my age division and i notice this other kid starts getting first place in every contest every time i'm up there he's standing right next to me and like the next age division up and that guy was gabriel rodriguez [Applause] gabriel rodriguez i would have to say would be like the first biggest break for me in skateboarding i remember this contest i skated with him in he did like a kickflip board slide on a railside bar and this is just like way before his time and i was like you know what like i need to go up to that dude introduce myself get his phone number and start hanging out with him that's a good lesson in life for anybody i think is just if you see something you like to like approach it breaking that little fear that uncomfortableness for that one second changed my life forever are you sure it's recording so i live in the valley burbank in gabriel's mid-city los angeles which is a very historical area with these beautiful houses but which has now become the ghetto so my mom starts dropping me off at his house every weekend and i mean she's pulling up with like a line of like you know gangsters like pulled over helicopters and she's just like are you sure this is like cool and just go we got it right when i start hanging out with him he has already like had a sponsor me tape and this sponsor me tape is at renee's skate shop it was a record store and a skate shop in one for some reason stacy peralta i think is like shopping for records or even like checking out the skate shop and is giving the tape and i remember like thinking in my head if stacy watches this tape he's gonna get on powell and if he doesn't watch the tape he's gonna like get on santa cruz it's a done deal you know what i mean like no one knows how good this guy is it was funny because i stopped caring about what all these other pros and all these other people like were actually doing and i was really just focused on him because that's how far ahead of his time he was sure enough stacy calls and he's going to go on like you know basically a trial run and stacy's going to come check him out and like watch him skate will show boulevard and like las vegas school and gabe wanted me to come with them this is the thing like stacy to me was like a real like live scout he had his ear to the street at that time that impressed me the most you know what i mean i'm just like wait this is like stacy peralta the dude that's out filming like lance mountain tony hawk and all these guys like how did he go into renee's shop why did he get that video and look at that like you know what i mean like i couldn't believe it at the time so gabe dragged me in i just remember being super nervous like i think we both were like we could barely escape but gabe did his thing and stacy was super impressed he saw something in us and then we're like hey i know you like us too but like the reason where we got all this stuff from is like paulo diaz like he's the king you gotta let him in it was so weird because he did and like at that point we're like dude you can't just leave rudy out we all have to be in here you know what i mean i think stacey was probably like these guys like you know what i mean like dude [Music] this was to us the biggest and best thing that ever happened like we were like we are going to make it we are going to be the next bones brigade [Music] so we get to the spots and i remember like you know only having a couple of tries at certain things and kind of feeling like a little rush because it'd be like a half hour at the most of filming and it's like if someone doesn't get their trick we're still moving on if you didn't make it in a couple of tries it's like we weren't gonna sit there and wait for it all day long because like stacy was shooting on film the first saturday we do a bunch of skating shots and so the next day we think we're going to do a bunch of skating shots right and he starts doing some pickup shots he's doing like you know we're skating down like clap and we're doing some like flat ground we're doing some stuff and we start realizing it's like hey we're not gonna like make it to the spots today really like we're kind of just doing pickup shots and i think at that time we got a little nervous and stacy reminded us he said hey like you know we're gonna have time to film you guys again so you gotta imagine like six to eight months go by stacy's like the video's gonna be coming out and we're not gonna do pickup shots and we're like dude we have to show him an edit of the stuff we're doing now and so we get back to his office and we show him the tape and he's just like blown away he's just like i mean it's unbelievable you know what what you guys have like done in this small amount of time but i'm gonna tell you like you know it's not your time right now but you will have your time and your time will be big you know what i mean and to hear him say that and like you know it he was absolutely right and it did happen like that we loved stacy so much and he was always super honest and so it didn't bother us we just accepted that that moment of being able to hook up with stacy being able to film being able to be in that video it didn't showcase what we were capable of but it like introduced us to the scene and left an amazing mark and like so grateful for that and i think that that would lead me down the line to work with spike to work with tai and to work with all these other people you know what i mean but i think that like that was my first extremely big break ban this that just came out and stacy quit and we were bummed you know what i mean like stacy was everything like he was the one that like understood us goddess whatever it's like you know who was going to be the one we talked to now and luckily at that time it was lance mountain you know he was actually shooting photos with us and he would invite us to his mini ramp and like you know what i mean he made us feel part of like the bones brigade you would think that there would be some like day like some single line that it's like you rode for powell and now you ride for blind but it wasn't really like that it's like you know stacy had quit and somehow me and rudy just started hanging out with mark gonzalez and i think for the next like six months we were actually staying at mark gonzalez's house in huntington beach and i remember just being so blown away by the tricks and the spots that this guy was like doing i was like dude i wanted to stick as close as i can with this person it was like this gabriel rodriguez effect all over and it's just such another progressive time in my life everything was so new that he did nothing he did was just normal i remember like sometimes like struggling with that like why can't this guy just go skate normally you know what i mean like it had to be a curvy rail or like some like hard bank or like some you know massive obstacle nothing was official you know what i mean but we were already like wearing getaway riding world boards like you know we had like been drawn in our grip tape because like we're hanging around mark and at one point like rudy shows up and he's like hey i'm gonna like skate for blind and i was just like okay like i am too like we kind of already are like you know what i mean we're already like staying at this dude's house we skate with them all the time it's like let's not fool ourselves we know what we're doing here so mark takes us up to tony hawk's house and we were still on powell at the time so we get to tony hawk's ramp and he's skating and i'm like do the nose blunt i'd already seen him do it on a small vert room and it was just you know way ahead of its time and uh he puts his board backwards and he's just doing no handed blunts and i think at the time like he didn't really want to show tony hawk the nose blunt because you know he's probably saving it and like tony's tony he's probably gonna like do a bunch of variations after it and i remember it was funny in that session like i try to do this frontside error and like i bail and i think i land on my elbow or something and like i think i like fractured my rib i just tried to skate out the day and like play it off like it didn't hurt [Applause] but so we have this like great session and uh i remember at one point mark and tony are talking and i remember the demeanor of the session change and it was kind of like weird we felt the vibe and i was like all right this is weird you know tony seems like you know kind of bummed out or something and when we're driving home i remember mark was telling us that like he told tony that like he wanted us to ride for blind and that we were gonna ride for blind and i think tony was bummed man and like i was like super bummed because like tony's someone i looked up with crazy and i didn't want to offend him in any way and like nor was it about tony or powell it's just about like the reality it's like you know stacy had quit and that had a big effect on us and now mark was our stacy you know at that time too you have to realize like powell was really big and blind was small so even like certain people in my life were like you know like even my mom or something would be like you paolo's your dream team what are you doing and just like i i don't know if you would understand but i want to go over here with this guy like he's the best i want to be next to him now like it's official we're on blind the crew is like me mark jason rudy and spike and so spike jones at this point i have no idea who this guy is or who he is to become but he's just as like young and wild as mark and jason what do you think spike seriously you think i need to go hospital spike i remember the first time that spike showed up to shoot my first blind dad it was like a backside nose grind on the bench and um it was just such a different working environment than what i was used to with stacy when we went to do something it was a big production you know what i mean and then this way it was like me and spike show up to the school and like shoot this picture and we're out and i'm just like this is comfortable and it felt like just friends out doing the thing i remember just thinking it was going to be a different feeling working on this project and it would be for working on the powell project this was going to be something that was going to be more trick based i would say you know what i mean and focused on the trick and making sure we got the right trick one of the first like trips i took with blind we went up to san francisco and it was interesting because like the first spot i think we got to is like san luis obispo i think when mark like board slides that really long like flat bar and so we get out of the car and like mark tries a couple tries and it's like all of a sudden it's like there was jason out there like he pulls out a camera and he's gonna shoot at one angle and spike was gonna do another it was just so rad that it was like very like hands-on and just us doing it jason and mark were unbelievably good and around the time of the blind video there was like all these older pros which were in the same age generation as mark and jason and i mean they had to have been 21 22 at the most at the time and these guys were being pushed out of skateboarding and what i found with mark and jason is that they were two definitely people that were doing some of the best skating of their lives they were like in their prime right towards the end of the blind video like skateboarding was about to go into a very sloppy area you know what i mean i think like one of my last tricks was like a late shove it big spin or something and it's like that was right before skateboarding probably got pretty nasty i remember having a moment with jason one time where you know jason was good at always joking around and making making like fun of a situation or just making light of it you know what i mean to get a point across and i remember like you know one time i was like doing some tricks and jason kind of mocked me skating and like making fun of like you know how would you like to see something like this or like this and it was at a point where like he saw the reaction of my face like you know what i mean that i was kind of hurt by like what he had done he was like oh man i'm just joking he had like very high standards of how he liked to do his stuff and i think that that was like one of the biggest influences jason had on me is like showing me you know you can do anything you want but how do you want it to look that was a super important lesson at a young age when like i was just thinking only thing was important was just doing new tricks i think too that during that time of the blind video everything was going really trick based and the blind video had some lines in it and the flow of the video just flowed and it just brought a refreshing view back into skate videos you know what i mean which would be the path that people would take from there into like our basically our modern day parts that you see today the funny thing about working on that video is that that was a time in life where like you're so caught up in the experiences that you're having and the fun that you're having with like mark gonzalez and jason lee and learning tricks and seeing all this wild stuff that like we weren't really focused on what the impact of that video would be but when we seen the video we were super stoked to say the least for me it's like now that's what a video part is supposed to look like that's what a song and a part is supposed to feel like you know what i mean when you see that jazz with mark gonzalez you're like yes makes sense and really reflected who we were at the time you know what i mean [Music] so then like you know mark's leaving blind and jason ends up leaving and i definitely felt in limbo you know what i mean like with my skating which way i was gonna go like you know where's my influence like you know now it's all on me and i think that that was like a transitional period in my skating and so around that time i meet chico and day one and eric costin and tim gavin and henry sanchez and all these people that are gonna be the next generation of skateboarding i think the next best thing that happened to me as far as inspiration was henry sanchez henry at the time he was like full of power he was full of progression he had so much fight in him he was so hungry and he was you know my new mark gonzalez it was funny because i look back at those times and i think that like i was skating really good i was probably doing great but the fact that i was just next to henry all the time it's just like you know you're just average man and i think that like everybody like really dealt with that with henry you know what i mean and that was a challenging time in skateboarding for me because everyone was really good and i was getting to an age where i couldn't be good for my age anymore i just had to be good you know what i mean i was getting a little bit older and that was around the time that the tim and henry video came out oh so like the main point i want to talk about right here is getting montaged in that video and so what like a blow that was like to me and like who i thought i was and like i don't know if this is like tim and henry you had a part for the tim and henry pack of lives mike tarnowski had come in to help like with the blind video and he took a look at the footage and he decided to make it a tim and henry video tim and henry get full parts the other guys just get a couple clips and we're gonna market it to sell these boards you know mike trunowski was making a lot of good videos at that time and for him to step in and be like this should be in the montage like that hurt me because that was a video we had filmed for and like i had a part for that and i remember having a long talk with him and he was like it's not about that it's just a marketing thing i wasn't resentful or like you know talk [ __ ] or anything like that but i just remember being hurt and i remember like even feeling that way like you know after that video had came out that like people viewed me different i think that's like when i started like sitting around at spots and not skating in front of people and like questioning myself and a very like transitional period in my life i have had these experiences in life where i've had a first part you know what i mean and i've had a last part and i've been in a montage and once you get stuck in that montage world it's hard to get out of it i'm there for the guy that's like when he's like dude i'm in the montage you know what i mean like you don't understand it's like no i do understand like it hurts you know what i mean and not not all the time it's your fault sometimes it is when i think about like a very influential time in my life it brings me back to the world park i think that you know it was because at the time you had this like big group of guys you know being world blind plan b and 101 all skating this park and when you take a large group of guys that are super influential and you put them together it's like it just breeds progression and the individuals that were in that park and and what they were doing at the time like rudy johnson backside 180 fakie five-o fakey flip day one song fakie big hard flips hard flip front side blunt slides like you know eric costume with all those manuals all that stuff was just being invented at the time at that park in one day like 20 tricks would be made up it was changing skateboarding and it had a huge influence on me it just reminds me of like something like the barracks now it's like when i come here i'm surrounded by these people and influences that i don't usually get every day because different teams and different people are always coming in here when you get them all in the same area like you know mixing them up you will see like progression just skyrocket at an all-time high so right now we're making the transition from blind to girl and so i remember being at robinson's beverly hills escape spot and i remember rick howard pulled up and was like i want to start a brand we want to start girl skateboards i remember thinking like like is this guy going to be able to pull it off you know i think even at that stage i was probably thinking like why do they want me but i remember it was another situation where it's like you're not leaving to go to some bigger and better thing you're leaving for the unknown i was questioning the move it didn't seem like as easy as a transition from powell to blind you know it wasn't until i started just really thinking about it it's like who these guys were and what they were capable of and megan was going to be involved and hearing spike's going to be a partner in it and like having that relationship with the blind video and the success over there it really like sold me on the deal i think that was probably like one of the best decisions i ever made in my life [Music] at this point girls get started and girls ran out of extra large it's a clothing brand by the beastie boys and we have a little office space out of there and i think they go to make goldfish that was a point where i was skating a lot but not filming i was over filming and i think every skater will probably go through this at one point in their life when they're just like i can't film it just doesn't work out skate great but every time i pull out the camera it just doesn't work for me it makes me unhappy and i think when that first girl video came out i was bummed not to be a part of it and at that point i tune out and i'm like not even hanging out with the girl dude so i'm hanging out with the men's dudes and i think that they were working on 20 shot the video and so i'm just skating with them and um that's who gabriel was hanging out with and so i started hanging out with gabriel again and i ended up back at like lockwood and los feliz with these guys and i think that that was like um some weird time in my life where like i ended up right back where i started it was just like home court and i noticed that through watching them put together their video parts it motivated me to do my own and i think one big thing is that chocolate had started at that point and gabe started filming and so like it just really brought back i think some i don't know childhood memories about just doing it again i think it was just like having been montaged and then missing out on this girl video and like just watching someone else close to my life get motivated about something lit some fire under me made me want to do it maybe want to be a part of it so the next video part to come out for me would be mouse and i think that mouse was probably a video that was recorded closest to what should have been my prime i think like at that time i wasn't cocky but i was confident the confidence at that time helped me try things it didn't make me land stuff but i was like open to trying things you know what i mean like i'll try it during that time is the time when i realized like if you dedicate yourself you could do whatever you want you know what i mean like if you're really passionate about like getting this trick with a lot of hard work and sweat you can you can do it something that's super important like you know through all these like videos and stuff is like the relationship with the filmer and i think that um during mouse i had a good relationship with tim dowling and tim dowling was a skater that was really good and a good close personal friend when you have that combo with someone it's just amazing it works out so good nowadays when i want to go film you kind of book it and you book the place you book the location and you book everything the trick and it's just like that's how we do it now sometimes but with tim dowling it was just it was not forced it was like i'm going skating with my friend and we have a camera and i think when something is not forced it translates you could see it when people are just having fun and that's what it was i think it's why people liked it the most i think a lot of skating i had done before that came from influenced by others and i think the mouse video part came within if i were to watch footage from mouse and i see myself skating and i see myself with like some cut off shorts like long hair just skating like i look at that kid and i'm like that kid looks free funny story about the switch of it nose grind the on the little rail at the end it was in the credits a lot of people were like why was that trick in the credits opposed to like being like your last trick it was all about because tim gavin grinded the rail first and everyone was so psyched and it kind of like motivated me to land my trick you know what i mean i was like you can't put that trick in without tim's 50 50. and i think they tried it and like they were just like it's too long of a gap it just doesn't really like work you know right the other thing was is that i had tried a switch of it 50 50 on a bunch of bigger rails that i didn't get and i think it just didn't feel the same it just kind of didn't feel the same putting on a small rail so it just didn't feel good to me but i think the most important thing is like through that part like i really did show my love for like ledges and my love for ledge skating and to end it on that trick really like let me know that like it's where my heart stood at the mouse premiere was probably like one of my greatest achievements you know what i mean to like sit down and watch that premiere and see myself and be like satisfied because i think it's so hard for a skateboarder to be satisfied with themselves mouse was one of those moments in my life where like i sat back at that premiere and i was like good job after finishing mel's i remember a part of me being like you know i had it all figured out and if i had to make a video part i could do it really quick i know everything i it was just one of those points where it's like you're super young you don't know everything and you think you know everything you feel like you've succeeded so you kind of just like let your guard down that happened and i just kind of like faded out we go to barcelona on a girl trip and this is like i've kind of been out of it for a little while and ty evans comes on the trip and now like on our girl trips they used to just be full of party you know what i mean and so i noticed right in the beginning this trip it's like skate spot skate spot skate spot and it's like what the hell is going on man like this guy like he's just got everybody at skate spots non-stop you know what i mean and that was like my first introduction to ty and how tai works you know what i mean i wouldn't see that again until we started working on fully flare when i look back at it now because obviously at the time like i wasn't carrying so i just wasn't wasn't there but when i look back at it now it's like yeah right was such a great video i think like out of all ty's like girl films it's like this was like the good fellas and i was so bummed i missed out on it it hurt me because i think that like that could have been some of my best years and they were missed out you know what i mean and i wish i could have been in there with those guys when i came back rick and mike were like you know i want to give you an opportunity to skate and you know film a video apart and do whatever you want i had just got through a time in my life where i was like all about me showing up and just being willing and that was like the motto i was gonna live by you know what i mean so then right away i'm faced with someone giving me this huge opportunity that i'm super fearful of and i'm like [ __ ] it this is it man you gotta go for it man it's everything that like you know people are suggesting you do so why don't you just like take a chance and go with it being hooked up with ty evans changed the game for me you know what i mean because tai was someone that did not let me settle for less i remember the first day we got in the van i'm like dude i'll do a couple tricks for this video and he's like i'm not putting this video out until you have a full part and i remember being so upset by just the stubbornness of him you know what i mean like why won't he just let me do what i want to do i just barely want to be in this thing you know what i mean and he never backed down it was his drive and passion that carried me through that video i had like my little dark period and i get back into skateboarding and the only place that i'm skating is uh jason hernandez ledges with gino ayannucci and then like you know i find out about the barracks this is before the barracks is even around but it's eric and steve skatepark and so the barracks was the first time where i had a place where like i can learn how to skate again when i have that like opening intro shot and fully flared with like the gates like open up and it's like me standing there like that meant a little bit more to me because of that situation once i finally got that dedication to like set in that i was gonna do this video part it was on and i think that i definitely transferred my addiction of drugs and alcohol into skateboarding and it's a very scary thing because i sometimes will base the quality of my life based around how i'm skating if i'm skating good life's great my relationship's great and everything else around me is great but when the skating is not going good it could get pretty dark and it could be an extremely dangerous thing because skateboarding comes in waves man and you have to realize that man there's going to be ups and there's going to be downs you know the interesting thing about fully flared is like i think by the time i had got on like some of the people had full parts already like i think brandon bieber was pretty much done like mark johnson already had like 10 minutes worth of footage i was coming in really late one of the greatest things that happened during the filming of fully flared is i met brandon biebel i was always cool with like the older dudes you know what i mean because i grew up with them but like brandon bieber was one of the younger guys on the team and i just remember bible being like super open and cool about everything man like taking me and letting me into his house and i know we traveled a lot during that video but the big chunk of that video was filmed in sacramento me and mikema would like fly up there for the weekend and like try to get clips mikemo must have been 15 at the time i was probably like 30 so he was probably like half my age and uh this is his first video part you know what i mean and it was strange at the time because when i got on i was like already old in my career you know what i mean like trying to make this like kind of comeback and where these guys were at like they were at the top of their game you know those younger guys accepted me and really taken me in like that it like really changed things for me and it made me feel part of the team you know my last trick and fully flared like you see i do that 270 tail slide and it's like that handshake with brandon biebel i think tai added that because he knew that bond that was created with all of us when it comes to like picking like you know clips and music for like video parts sometimes like i try to give a little bit of input but i try to stay out of it because like i play my position man i'm a skater these guys have been making videos and putting songs to edits for like a while that's like their strong point just because a trick took me seven days to do in four hours a piece i'm gonna want that in there whether it's sketchy or not and sometimes you gotta let the authority like pull that out you got too much emotional stuff wrapped up in these tricks to be like judging what goes in and out so i like to give them as much creative like play as possible i remember being at the premiere because you don't get to see the whole video before it comes out you know you're watching it at the premiere just like everybody else and i remember watching this video and all of our hard work on the screen i mean there's nothing like it like i definitely like was like man i hope i don't choke up inside this theater because it meant a lot to me our first pretty sweet trip we went to china you get to china and everything's open marble ledge is going up and down and all this stuff it's like a playground man and it really brings you back to a kid again one thing you do have to watch out for in china is weather because it's either extremely hot or it's raining and we were out there for two almost three weeks it rained every single day that was our first trip i got one clip i think it was a lip slide on that loop d ledge lip slide kick flip another trip that really like had a big effect on me was going to spain i went out there with justin chris roberts and enrique lorenzo was our tour guide and our friend and our companion and he just showed us every amazing spot out there a lot of that footage and pretty sweet like came from that barcelona trip and it was definitely like one of my best trips you might look at girl skateboard sometimes and think okay girl skateboard spike jones they got big bucks millions of dollars and they just like you know it's gonna be very easy but no it's not man everything's very gorilla style even when you do a big shoot like the intro shot and pretty sweet like you'll see people from the warehouse there that are helping out you know what i mean it's still very hands-on you know you see these big videos and you're like oh like someone's like that's ty and spike you know what i mean it's just like no there's a lot of unseen heroes mei's johannes people doing graphics roger bagley he spent a lot of times in like the trenches with me it's rad when you share that experience with the filmer and you finally land that trick and like you could see the happiness in the filmer's face you guys both did it like you know like you gave birth to this like clip you know what i mean and that's awesome sometimes you see these video parts and you think that it's everything that this guy has and a lot of times i like to like tell people it's like these video parts are just unfinished products of like what had came before you know what i mean it's like i've seen guys work on tricks for like three or four videos the switch tray nose grind i mean that was a switch tray nose blunt that i was trying to end my battle commander with it wasn't until pretty sweet like we would actually document this trick that was a lot of years in between there like four or five years i had the back so many nose grind switch laser for the ender and uh everybody knew i wanted the switch tray nose grind it was the last day to try it i had some crazy idea because like eric had did his tre flip nose blunt for yeah right it was like the last day like he was up in santa barbara and they drove the tape back to ty and handed it off and it was like in the premiere the next day i just remember hearing that story and always loving it and it's like i remember calling eric i'm like come down to this rail man i want you to be here to have that like similar experience that eric had with yeah right that i felt that i missed out on but to do it in my own way and have eric there and be a part of it it was just the best feeling ever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think after pretty sweet everyone was kind of like a little burnt out a little fried but it's like me i still just wanted to film and do stuff i remember thinking about like eric coston and like some classic images that atiba had shot and i wanted to like support that and work with someone like that and have some images of myself like that and i think that that's when i went out for this part i was like choosing some more like special locations and photos that would look good not such a technical side of my skating but more just the simplicity of it videos to me they're super special they hold like a crazy place in my heart when you can like have an idea in your head that doesn't exist and you go out there and you learn it and film it and bring it into like somebody else's life it's a very special thing it's very magical to me and that sounds cheesy but it's one of the main reasons that pushes me like i like to do that i like that i like that feeling when i was on the other side of it and i like to give it back to you know nowadays like that i look at people like lance mountain that's still making video parts and i look at like people like tony hawk i wonder what that drive is you know what i mean because it's not about getting more famous he's not going to do that he's probably not going to make more money it's a personal thing that burns inside of him that he has something to offer still that lets me know that i want to do that for as long as i can too it's like i want to put a part out when i'm 45 why not just because i'm not the newest youngest kid that like i have to stop doing what i love no way i have to let these kids know that are you know behind me how far they could go with their career i think it's an obligation of mine they have to have some sort of peer that they look up to like you know well he's still doing it oh hello [Music] is oh oh [Applause] go you
Channel: The Berrics
Views: 144,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guy mariano, guy mariano documentary, guy mariano interview, la boys, guy mariano epicly later'd, guy mariano video days, guy mariano mouse, guy mariano fully flared, guy mariano pretty sweet, guy mariano part, guy mariano skate, guy mariano skateboarding, berrics, life on video, skateboarding documentary, pro skateboarder, interview, documentary, guy mariano setup, guy mariano sponsors, berrics life on video, full story, the berrics, berrics documentary, skateboarding
Id: nnuWXY6D85U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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