Trucks With Ben Degros

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hey everybody how's it going uh i'm here with uh ben degrow the king of skateboarding trucks um i've done a lot of these tier list videos um and i've covered almost everything in skateboarding up until this point the most requested one that i have not done is 100 trucks and i haven't done it because i've only tried like four pairs of trucks so obviously i have the man who's tried almost every single truck right i've tried way too many trucks it was a problem for a while and then it became a resentment oh okay so when i didn't want to try new trucks anymore yeah that because that was funny when um when i did i did a lerpiv truck review we're all kind of waiting for for ben to ben to talk about him and uh ben truck review lerpiv day never arrived i i'll you know it like i'll schedule it i'll pencil it in for 2023. i mean the trucks will probably look entirely different by by that point in time i've actually got the kinks i've got a pair that i'll show you that i i guess i'd be curious to hear your opinion about so before well guess we'll do lerpa first but let me grab them why not right yeah we might i'm sure people want to know that one so this is the updated lerpiv model like the lerp of there's a lerp of one this is like a lerpiv 1.1 like they messed around with the base plate to put a little thing so it doesn't slide around or something right that is what this hole is right here which i gotta say the first the first problem that i have with this truck is that when you're selling to skateboarders you're selling to a pretty disorganized group of people and if your truck requires like a tiny little allen thing to like make it function like if that's crucial to if something goes wrong with it you need to tighten it or whatever not something that like that's the same reason that i've never bought a piece of technology that requires a stylus because i know i'm gonna [ __ ] lose that thing and guess what i haven't even skated these yet and i have no idea where the like an allen key thing is so it seems like it could be a bit sketchy if you're like jumping downstairs or something you want to like you don't want to have to like tighten something with an allen key before you jump you know yeah so i will say though i haven't actually tested the new versions yet so i'm going to be talking about the old version um the lerpiv one but i don't think that honestly i don't think that this regardless is probably going to be a permanent solution it's probably just to keep the customers that they have already gotten happy so they can keep riding the truck if they like it that's also what i think like i said i've ridden lurpiv ben hasn't ridden the lerpiv and i'll actually go into a a brief little youtube beef apparently that happened because i watched some uh this guy zach doling's review and i i didn't mention him by name in my lerp review but he had said that uh lerpiv's turn as well as aces do and i just said verbatim i said stop the cap as a joke and i think that guy got up upset that i discredited his review but these do not turn like aces and the reason i didn't ride them for a long time is because the hangar kept [ __ ] falling off so um here's what i think i saw that in your video if your truck isn't ready to be released and if like if the hanger comes out so if the product's not ready i'm gonna do a short review because that was all the time that was required for me to get an understanding of a product that was not ready to be released so that's me defending my honor on that one um a lot of my reviews were after like two or three days of writing something i was just telling people what my impressions were of it not durability yeah okay fair enough i will say the lerpiv what i did like about it is it grinded well um you can't get wheel bite on it that's the number one like cool thing about the lerpiv they're high so if you like high trucks and that's cool i could manual on them really well inverted kingpin elephant in the room remains which is that they were falling off so that is a problem they the trucks wouldn't stay tight so i do give lerpiv you know credit and i'm rooting for the company because as a skateboarder i root for the skater owned companies so you know if this was some random organization backed by some oil tycoon i would put it in the lethal injection tier but because i'm biased and i'm gonna say that i'm biased i'm gonna put lerpiv in the naughty tier i think that's i think that's fair i think that's fair i personally i i don't like the way they look oh you don't want to ride them like just straight up i get that they're like it's a unique design not entirely an original design um with some cool technology going on it looks too different and you know i don't like difference because it gives me feelings and i don't want to have feelings unless i like them i i actually like the way that they look and that was one of the reasons that i was excited about them um but i guess your opinion on the aesthetic of something can change if it slights you yeah it's totally subjective too though right like yeah i can see how they're actually like a really polished good looking product it's just like the aesthetic is too out there for me okay it's like a fashion cyber elon musk cyber truck um dude it's exactly a cybridge it looks like sort of like futuristic i watched blade runner 2049 last night and if they skated this is probably what they would be yeah yeah fair enough fair enough they're ahead of their time in some ways yes what would you like to tackle next oh what should we tackle next um maybe ventures yeah i was kind of thinking let's do ventures okay venture high first venture high all right let's talk the venture i gotta clear my throat for a second no problem venture highs um i think those are a really good truck the only problem i have with them is if the wheelbase or the kicks are too steep like wheelbase too long or kicks too steep i can't get those trucks off the ground with my 40 year old legs so on a shorter wheelbase they're awesome with mellower kicks they can be awesome and then my only other complaint is they have kind of a hard chunky grind so if you skate like or crusty grind if you skate chunky ledges they you need a lot of wax and that thing really has to go um yeah they're just a slow grind every time i get back on my indies after skating something like venture highs i'm like hey i can grind you know two thirds further that's exaggeration i mean one third like literally all my grinds feel like i'm going 50 further i personally would put venture highs in the very nice because what they're good at they're really good at and what are they're not infallible well they're really good at like doing tech tricks super awesome like pop okay think adriano del campo is that his name like if you want to do all of your you know tricks you can do six feet high over things and you have like springs in your legs they're amazing trucks sorry to interrupt ben's monologue right here but um when i was googling adrian del campo the first like montage that i click on like 10 seconds in his filmer is fondling him and europeans are like why doesn't anyone watch our footage because this is exactly why they're also really stable so when you go to pop like you can have those looser than you might ordinarily ride because they're so stable when you go to pop it doesn't like wang out so much and with all your pops yeah that was because the lurpivs were high too i had a similar experience where some things i really liked about them and then other things i found myself distracted by which is personally not not my preference i'm i i want to not think about my truck you can put them in the solid too the very nice venture tier we could also move them around because if something seems unfair then yeah this isn't set in stone i i'm kind of enjoying the venture talk and i or should we move around no no no no let's no no let's tackle the next one the venture low while we're here i think the venture low okay so i'm gonna be biased as a child of the 90s when like that was the truck i would put venture low in infalible it can do no wrong to me seriously i'm gonna tell you why because um everything that isn't right about it i can argue a good reason for it so poor kingpin clearance that's okay just grind it on a ledge for a while and i guarantee you you're gonna get to a point where that kingpin is the nut is ground enough that you can dip your smiths again guaranteed i mean will you be able to adjust your trucks no does it matter no because i love them and i'm biased um you want to see the best looking venture low you got to get the raws with the gold hardwood like that's like stevie williams you know like i'm sorry that's the best sorry to all my younger viewers right now we're getting major old head speech right now i was drinking an ice cold refreshing dr pepper the other day and i know what y'all are thinking shouldn't be drinking that stuff it's bad for you well you know guilty is charged yeah yeah totally so venture lows um you know like go watch goldfish and then go watch mouse and then watch like every you know all the jason dill anthony van anglen everybody in like the late 90s and early 2000s mike carroll guy miranda everybody was on ventured lows yeah you can watch all of those videos but you're not gonna be able to decipher what trucks they were writing well not on youtube but if you got the vhs yeah i appreciate the difference i appreciate your love for this truck and not having tried it just going off of what you said i think that uh placing it in the infallible tier when you listed problems with the truck such as you have to grind it against a curb to to make it function uh properly i'm gonna have two minutes i'll put it in the very nice tier and it sounds like you like it more than the venture high oh by a long shot okay now i want venture high in the solid let's go somewhere uh it's totally like destructo or something i was thinking the exact same thing you want to do instructo i mean the the pair that i got sent wasn't actually skateable so what what do you mean well not skateable the bushings were too big i couldn't get the nut on and tighten it down far enough to the nylon lock nut to actually make it stay on so like they actually the bushings that they used the ones they sent me were the mids and um destructo's tall truck is 56 mil tall right in indie standard is 55 there are 56 so that's a big beefy truck i wasn't interested in riding a truck quite that tall and so i got the mids and their bushings just didn't fit so did they send you the trucks like not assembled no they were assembled but they were so tight i couldn't skate it and i don't even skate super loose trucks that's that's a medium truck huh yeah it's a problem that that was naughty like yeah that's very naughty even yeah negligent some would say well but see here's the thing i think their other trucks are actually probably decent but they're they're just like when i look at destructo i'm just kind of like okay somebody copied indy and now we have a indie that's what i always thought about them because they were really popular in the 90s and a lot of people rode them but when i looked at them i was just like well i'm it looks the same as the truck i'm already writing why do i need to try it i think the best thing about destructo by far is the fact that they're named destructo um that's like that's easily the coolest thing about them like it sounds like a comic book character in in like the world of ironic skateboarding uh like if if somebody looks at your board like what are you writing right now bro and you say like destructo like that's that's pretty [ __ ] hilarious ben i know there's a clip of ben cato who's like the anti-skateboarder prince of irony um skating some destructo trucks and i was like damn this guy's this guy's a [ __ ] uh a genius for for skating destructos like nothing says i don't give a [ __ ] more than did he switch up isn't he an indie guy i don't know it could have just been one clip but i recall very clearly that i was like he's i mean ben cato's the kind of guy who would like skate a pair of destructos once for like a bit just so somebody watching his part goes what the [ __ ] is he doing on on destructos i like destructos for the comedic factor um but you know in terms of their their performance i think that you if you can't even send the right bushings with your trucks um i don't even think it's your obligation to ride them i didn't ride them very much that was one of those like i tried it for a few times and then like i put something else back on all right i think we should put the destructo in the the dungeon the 10 years destructo dungeon yeah that kind of makes sense did you i was only kind of wanted them in the naughty tier right i wanted them in the naughty tier because i i have a feeling that their other models are actually probably decent but they [ __ ] up they sent the truck they sent the truck reviewer the wrong bushings that's like if you don't think they sent the wrong bushings i think that they didn't have a bushing that worked properly in that truck at that time i i mean i i could i could really care about the the details of the situation i'm saying like if you have a restaurant and you know the michelin reviewer is coming in that day even though you know in real life you don't know but say you did know the chefs are in the back [ __ ] around you gotta have your [ __ ] together you're right if they don't actually know that the bushing doesn't work in the truck how could they not know if it is your job to make trucks and you don't i i can't okay okay ten years dungeon i can't wait for ten years i'll drag in later [Laughter] we'll see yeah we'll see where destructo is in in ten years we'll still somehow be here okay yeah right they're still around somehow i think they follow me on instagram and i looked at their page and i was like these [ __ ] guys yeah they got a handful of riders too they were big for a bit yeah and i guess you can't underestimate the fact that you know when a lot of new skateboarders come into skateboarding they just pick trucks and it really doesn't matter what they skate i mean i'm sure destructo with any sized bushings is a fine product for a beginner 10 year old let's let's let's do some indy but let's start with like the titanium okay the indie titanium i've never even seen a pair of these so i'll let you i'll let you start okay all right indie titaniums i think they're kind of awesome but in a way a little bit too light oh really yeah a little bit too light like if if you have to go all the way to skating indie titaniums maybe you're being a bit of a baby these are 85 for a set yeah i don't know i may or may not have actually paid for the ones that i rode here here i'm gonna nerd out a tiny bit on you i think that what they need to do is make a standard like so standard base plate uh standard king cannon with a titanium axle and i think that might actually be one of the best indies you could possibly make because it's a little bit lighter but it still keeps that like nice tall height they're just and they look normal you're not looking at a hollow axle you're not looking at any hollow kingpins i think that would be probably almost the best indie you could make do these have like the smaller base plate like the yeah they have the forged plates which i'm like kind of hum and hog i'm not as hot on those either um they they make the board feel tinny how do they grind are they does the titanium grind well oh so the titanium is the axle oh it's otherwise the same yeah it's the axle i thought the whole thing would be made of titanium no but maybe we'll get to something like that next i guess that that would probably be really expensive i'm not familiar with like the cost of metals or anything but titanium titanium is a lot more expensive which is why the truck is a fair bit more expensive like if you buy a titanium hammer you're looking at like 150 versus like 50 dollars so you think that the titanium has potential to be infallible with the correct adjustments yeah but it's i'd call it either solid or very nice more solid or less solid than the uh the venture highs more solid it is made of titanium after all let's really quickly cross off indie hollows because we're we're halfway we're here yeah yeah i mean we already teased i'm gonna put it too i'm gonna put indy hollows in very nice and the reason i think that is is because they're not quite as light and they're not quite as expensive and they also i didn't specify but they also actually make a standard hollow which just has a hollow kingpin and a hollow axle which is just like a little bit lighter and so those are pretty nice because you know like when you have an old set of indies and they're totally broken in or or like almost axled and there's they're like quite a lot lighter and they're just really nice those ones kind of start out there the other thing that's cool about indie hollows is i learned this at a young age is you can smoke weed out of an indie hollow [Music] [Laughter] uh i have seen those posts not you but no people doing it i've never actually smoked weed out of an indie hollow that's the lying sneeze but uh my friend we i grew up like when i was younger in this like kind of pretty nice neighborhood my mom like you know she's an immigrant from england and then she like she got it out she got it out the mud she worked her ass off and then she ended up in some like call center job and we ended up living in this really nice neighborhood when i was very young and we had this kid that we lived by named nathan and nathan wanted to be like a hood rat so trouble yeah nathan was trouble nathan nathan he was the first time like that uh i got exposure to playboy magazine as well nathan was just nathan was bad news and nathan i remember had hollow indies and he smoked weed out of them and it was like so disgusting the trucks were like really used the wheels were backwards the stuff you ride through on a skateboard yeah i mean yeah and the wheels were like back when everyone rode bone white wheels when bones was like kind of had the leg up over spitfire and those those look those were like yellow yellow yellow wheels like count bones look yellow yeah that's crusty disgusting and he he smoked weed out of it i actually can skate indie hollows better than standards um and better than titaniums because like i said sometimes titaniums just somehow feel too light if we're talking about light i mean we could go to the tensor atg mag lights next i would absolutely love to go to the tensor atg mag lights uh i can think of nothing better to do with my time i actually have a set oh you do yeah this is what happens if you scrape the paint off of it um the magnesium corrodes i don't your viewers probably can't see it because it'll be too small oh i can crop up on that i can crop on that all day all this corrosion right here and that's because the person who owned these scraped the paint off them it looks like you like dropped them in some acid or or something like yeah or salt sprayed it with like salt water i can i can like i feel i can like feel them from from over here they look coarse and porous so these aren't actually the mag lights but i have a set sitting over somewhere and um like you can make a truck too light mag lights are too light i just know just know just straight up wrong it's it was so light that um i just i could i couldn't like flick my board and then it would go all over the place after i did um the only thing that was so easy was manuals really yep and now the the all-terrain geometry i didn't skate them long enough to get used to it uh what is that what atg stands for all-terrain geometry but wait all-terrain what like you can grind like yeah bulls street right so not just like not just like a little tech truck now my experience with them is the turn is like unique and the best way i could explain is it felt like it almost felt like the turn accelerated as you turn so so like it starts off a little bit shallow and then like accelerates and i didn't skate them enough to get used to them because i got really mad at them um because what happened was i was like all right i'll just you know warm up on these in the bowl and just take it easy and do some front side 5 0s and i'm like carving into my front side 5-0 and the thing like it felt like the turn accelerated on me and i like screwed up on a front side 5-0 like in a little five-foot bowl and like totally ate it yeah and you know so that was a lesson to me don't warm up on a new truck in bowls the turn was so different but um they do have like actually a weirdly wicked pinch and the other thing you'll notice about magnesium so maybe skating like the regular mags not the lights could be better because they wouldn't be so absurdly light but the magnesium has the best grind i get the feeling it will grind faster like it'll wear out faster but you know how people love the way original aces grind they're just like smooth and buttery so like magnify that you know how we said like you skate ventures and then you go on indies and you're like hey my grinds are all two feet further yeah and these are like add five feet it's like and you can grind things that you wouldn't normally be able to grind very easily so the magnesium grinds insanely well okay so i know garage from the nine club i think skates tensors i think he skates magnesiums and i get it he's a curb guy of his own free will yes of his own free will they're his choice on these were we're feeling excellent like the best grinds possibly yeah yeah the best grinds but the rest of them felt good man you're like you said as well right yep good morning i still want to put them in naughty they made their truck too light so if they made this truck if they're hypothetically maybe like if it exists or if it will exist one day this truck could be very good yeah you think the magnesium is is super good it'll always have to be a painted truck and i'm a person that likes um just raw silver trucks like no colored anything uh but i'm gonna put them in the in the naughty they're in the naughty list i think yeah i think they should also be in the naughty tier because i just think when you add stuff like atg it's too it's like you're taking yourself extremely seriously it's like the the bones stf i'm not i'm not a fan of that that [ __ ] let's let's do crux i think next what do you think yeah i'm down which you you pick you do i've never skated the k4 um don't bother [Laughter] so are we are these just going in in the lethal injection yeah yeah [Laughter] now let me really quickly tell you and i know if um if mr dan robertson who i've known from sanyo dan watches this if he sees this you know he's going to be a little hurt because he was a k4 rider from the 90s or they weren't even k4s he's a crux rider from like the 90s but dan i'm sorry i didn't i didn't like the trucks so they had no turn it was weird like you'd lean and you're just like where i'm not going where i'm trying to go where is my weight where is my weight being transported to yeah so i was like falling off my board because i was like i'm like leaning on this thing and the board's riding straight so the adjustment to the turn was like more than i was willing to make they had like that crusty venture high grind where it's like not that good that's because the hanger is really skinny on the top it doesn't have that big meaty hanger like an indie and there was something weird about the pivot cups and like i swear so when i i was riding in these and then i put those on and my board felt slow i felt like i was riding 50 slower for every push so it was like they were absorbing the speed in a weird way they're just i they gave me the no feeling wow so they don't turn and they kill your speed that's how it felt i didn't have any way to measure that but i really felt like i was going slower on them but i've had this experience with other trucks too i will say that when you talk about you know your your friend who rode k4s for a really long time i just want to point out that human beings are capable of all sorts of like self-induced torture and and hardship so that's pretty severe like you might need therapy um if you're writing crux k4s i actually have ridden the crux k5 i thought they were decent like you know i i still wouldn't skate them but i was like hey i can skate these they don't feel like they're going slow they do have a turn they lock in pinch like they were they were a good functioning truck and like what an improvement over the k4 the k4 needs lethal injection they have something better there's no reason to continue with this k4 madness okay um so as somebody who didn't ride the k4 um i had i my heart was like i was going in fresh like your expectations started out extremely low like as low as they could possibly be i'd heard that crux suck um that they're that they're not good um and like they just they offered to send me a box um and i said yes um and i will say that i like crux as a brand i like what they do i like who they sponsor i like kind of their like wacky branding i think it's cool it's like fresh they like sponsor [ __ ] like youtubers like garrett jenner and stuff it's pretty funny i like what they do um they had some really funny ads on youtube too it like the actual ads that would show up before your videos would be trucks sometimes and some of them were pretty funny i like what crux does i like them as a company so i wanted to like the cruxes i didn't go into crux trucks like with any type of grudge or anything like that i wanted to like the trucks first of all if you pick up a pair of crux trucks they feel really cheap they don't feel nice um they just to me they feel like really cheaply and they come with this big sticker on them that says made in china um not that doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be [ __ ] because my favorite trucks are also made in china but these really looked like they were made in china i i can't imagine what the crux k4 turning was like because the crux k5 turning um i remember taking it personally after i'd rid of them that they came with a sticker on them with a cat that says perfect turning and i was like this cat is not [ __ ] qualified to make any statements about the turning of trucks because these things didn't [ __ ] turn i could not turn on the crux k5 that's why i say i can't possibly imagine how awful the crux k4 is because the crux k5 i can't i cannot turn on them and i stepped on ryan lay's board professional skateboarder for trucks skateboards um and i don't know how i literally don't know how he does it because like you were describing your your your weight just not affecting th the trajectory of the skateboard he's so good he could ride anything that's that's what that's what i think he also told me that he likes new trucks so he is like mentally in in a place that i can't i can't empathize with i don't think their turning was much worse than an adventure than a venture high real oh god okay i'm definitely not trying adventures like if like yeah only by like a degree or two in my opinion there's a there's a very noticeable disparity between the crux k5 and like an indie like i could really pretty big difference um like because i was writing them rattling and i still couldn't i still couldn't really get them to turn uh well so that's because the looseness of it isn't going to change uh what the actual turning radius of it is so it doesn't matter how loose you have it apparently yeah if it doesn't get the radius that you're used to right you won't and i actually don't mind a more stable truck like i can adjust to it and it doesn't bug me too much okay i cannot but i but i don't like the way crux look i think they're i think cross skateboard they're skateable yeah they're yeah that's their new marketing campaign crux k5 they're skateable [Laughter] i think it's funny that they're above lurpivs um because i definitely think that the alert pips were a lot better than the uh the crux if the lerp has stayed on but hey whatever let's do the thieve the thieve titanium hanger yeah have you looked that up yet see look those ties so this one actually has a titanium hanger like you were kind of thinking oh these are interesting and so there's and so the axle and the hanger is one unit they're an amazing piece of technology i'll give them holy [ __ ] they come stock with bones bushings which uh isn't actually a plus to me because those things blow out in two weeks yeah i don't i i used to like those but i don't i don't like them at all anymore i don't know no because they disintegrate yeah they get hernias yeah and uh they're only 125 great british pounds so you have to like donate blood platelets if you want to be able to afford a pair of these yeah so all right now now i'll tell you about them real quick too light like you know how i feel about when trucks are a little bit too light um and they didn't grind on a lot of objects i think i watched your review of this actually so when you would try and grind a steel ledge you could literally get pitched it was deadly so the only thing you can probably skate on them is like maybe a super polished like coping you know like on a mini ramp if it was like waxed so you know go to a rollerblade park and skate that mini ramp is it because they're softer the metal or or too hard you know you know when your axle starts to come through and it gets hard to grind on certain ledges yeah it feels sketchy it's so i think it's because it's harder okay so your whole truck is made of a material that's too hard that's gonna you know send you on your back i would put them regardless of how much some people might like them and regardless of the fact that um they're a feat of engineering i would put them in lethal injection perfect i love it well i don't want to pick and choose what i can grind no of course not who gives a [ __ ] if they're a feat of engineering or not like engineering like being able to create a truck that is only two pieces or whatever is like that only matters if it works like nobody it's the same thing with with the lurpivs like i don't really give a [ __ ] you know how cool they look or if you add like a screw into the side of it haven't tried those yet by the way um but i don't like i don't care you know all these things it at the end of the day especially like i feel like with trucks they just need a [ __ ] work and everything else is is a gimmick as far as i'm concerned like these are based off your description and the way that they look i mean they look they look like a gimmick all right so speaking of gimmicks avenue suspension trucks the key word here being suss yeah oh my god yeah and and these are are these for long boarding they were originally marketed into actual skateboarding like what is that giving you additional pop or something okay uh i mean if anybody really wants to know watch the video that i did on them but um there was some major flaws with how these function like basically it's almost like in some ways you could think like we've kind of reached the peak of evolution in terms of gear in skateboarding like there's not much we can do to change it and there's not a lot different that we can do in terms of like performance unless we actually physically change the gear and so this is like something different you know it's like it's almost like it could help you do different things if you could figure out what to do if you could handle riding them what sort of thing would that be that you think that it might assist you i don't i don't think there was anything that it actually made better um they felt incredibly smooth because you are essentially decoupled from the board when you jump onto a grind it feels like you're grinding longer and easier i don't think it necessarily is a smoother grind i think it's because you're decoupled from it so you are feeling less of the actual ground and or the ledge yeah so it feels faster and smoother and better i'm not sure if that actually equates into literally going farther or faster i just want to point out that the type of guy to skate a powwow peralta flight deck wood skate suspension truck same type of guy who would who would give these uh it would give these a go okay whoa these are pretty okay let me now let me next uh guys send these to ben if uh if you wanted these demands so they can sit on a shelf and i'll ignore them i mean if you don't even skate them they would at least you know i think they would be a good piece to your set that you're building back there right there yeah and now they do actually give you a weird spring it changes the timing they're deadly heavy really heavy but um the weird spring on them if you can get used to the timing which is totally different does actually lift you in a weird way so potentially like really good for hippie jumps maybe yeah yeah you get a bit of spring but like it there was a weird pop that kind of negated how heavy they were but it was a weird timing and i would miss a lot of my tricks because i only skated them like one or two sessions because they were just too weird and the other thing so that base plate is hardened spring steel so remember we talked about hard things not grinding and sliding properly so you majorly get stuck on ledges trying to nose slide and it'll pitch you so no good there there he is i'd recognize that anywhere not mad because there was a bunch of braille videos about those at the same time that i put those out uh the other weird thing that those base plates did is because they absorbed the shock so like when you jumped onto a ledge a ledge for like a crooked grind or onto a feeble grind on a rail they would bounce and like shift and so i was always my wheels were always slipping off right i couldn't lock into feeble grinds so there was things that like it just didn't work for if you're like one of those ledge finicky guys where you go like crook and then like switch 5.0 and then back to crook you know like some of those slappy guys you could true actually probably it actually probably could work for that just as long as you don't ever hit your go into the nose slide and even sometimes you make contact uh with with the base plate when you do crooks and stuff so for me these are lethal injection so they expect so many to be down here i know because i'm a nice guy right but um i'm a place outside of our genre of skateboarding like so sell them in longboard shops i just didn't like the way they actually functioned and i think in some critical ways they didn't function bet you could do a mean no comply on them maybe they're worth a second inspection yeah go for it okay uh what what do you think about the the order of this right now oh um i kind of want to put the thieve tie hanger above k4 really i cuz i was particularly offended by the thief titanium hanger because it costs so much money and they've like over engineered something and it doesn't work because at least the crux k4 is like it's not trying to outsmart the truck game or anything it's like hey i'm just like it's like a it's like a d student it's like i'm just not that smart like there's i'm i'm not trying to cheat on the test or anything i'm just true i'm just not that smart is is lethal injection too much for the avenue suspension trucks like is it maybe 10 years dungeon like maybe they're the new technology that could change skateboarding i think that there's something about them that to me is intriguing and makes me want to try them they're useful for something just not for okay 10 years dungeon yeah cause in 10 years when when their sentence has been fulfilled perhaps they will come out with an improved model that you can tre-flip on grind king yeah let's do ground king grind king trucks is there a particular model that you well they're the disruptors that's their new model okay disruptor available on amazon yeah that's always good yeah so i i had high hopes uh like not necessari i didn't like the lettering i did it either and and then you know like i don't i'm not trying to be that guy who's like i'm disrupting everything because i'm the new thing like i wasn't trying to do that so that i didn't identify with that you know sentiment kind of redundant if you're skating grind kings you are already a disrupter you don't need to also self-advertise as being a disrupter that's true i also found the um the bushing and kingpin rather phallic phallic in a non non-impressive way either like this is you don't want to have that not to body shame but if if this is your setup you're obviously not stoked no you didn't win the lottery no no you did not you uh you weren't you won the lottery if the lottery was punished and not in spite of the design uh or or the appearance they do have really good kingpin clearance like i don't remember ever actually hitting yeah i don't remember ever actually hitting the kingpin uh they also you couldn't get your full turn you mentioned lure pivs you can't get wheel bite and on these you can't get wheel by either and it felt weird to me because like i would try and do crooked grinds and my wheel didn't touch my board and like that he couldn't paint properly either yeah i couldn't pinch properly and the other thing was here he is in terms of the actual turn we're talking k4 territory retro unless you like that now that being said i actually wrote these for a little while like this these were one of those trucks that i actually kept on for probably at least a week wow that's a long time for a periscope time to ride a pair of trucks that you're not necessarily wanting to be on for a long time so you're not not a masochist no no this was this was the beginning of the end of me not wanting to review trucks anymore this is what i can send you over the edge well it's partly this is like two years ago now two and a half years ago and that was when i was like i would have a youtube setup and i would have my setup yeah and like i was starting to get to that point where i was like i just want to ride what i'm riding yeah the the youtube setup with the micro penis grind king trucks there's prob there's probably some resentment for your skateboard built up there which i can totally totally un understand um yeah if these did turn they look like they would be really good because it's always like enticing to see a pair of trucks with with a lot of grind clearance like um i bet those [ __ ] yeah if they if they honestly if they turned i would have totally given them another shot okay so i would give them i'm gonna give them either 10 years dungeon or medieval i think i think we could put them in the medieval um also they're good guys i talked to both of them personally and you know like i got nothing bad to say about the business and the people behind it other than the product it just it just needed to turn more right that is a problem that many truck companies seem to be struggling to figure out understandably i mean trucks aren't the easiest thing in the world to make oh no yeah we got to recognize that neither of us are like truck engineers and it can't be an easy job no no no way jose but then then again nobody nobody wants to hear but if it is your job you know it should come out skateable that's the that's your bare minimum skateable it if if it is your job what we're saying is keep working baby okay well something like the tensor atg mag light some people love those they love their board feeling that light so there's bias in the in my category of them but right right okay um royal let's i was gonna go to royal next royal we are so in tune right now royal yes the new ones yeah yeah the new ones yeah the old ones were in my opinion nothing to write home the old ones were skateable people hated on them because it was big to hate on creole tap but not great i i know if i point at the screen you can't see what i'm doing no those aren't the new ones either that's them you know what they look better when you have them in your hands and this is one of those times where i had really low expectations and they blew my expectations out of the water and it's actually the last truck review i've done after declaring i wouldn't do truck reviews i watched that one i was surprised to see you like you know back on the side i could skate i could skate these like if if somebody was like you have to skate royals ben i wouldn't be like i can skate good on them and aesthetically they don't offend me yeah no they're they're not offensive at all the bushings were too loose so your generation is gonna love that and that base plate see how small it is at the front it was a little bit catchy on a chunky ledge because it's so thin right it gets in there a lot but otherwise i think they did a good job i don't need to spend too much time on them let's see that list this was one of those times where i only skated them for like a few sessions so i can't talk about durability um but in terms of price they are mid to even solid but there's no one in mid so let's leave them in mid i think if i worked at royal and i watched this video i would be pleased to be mid because like you said hating on crail tap was very trendy and even you know i was a kid i had a pair of royals and at the skate park i used to skate at there would be this there would be a four stair and then there would be like this little ramp that you would drop in off of but you could also shoot out over like the four stairs so you'd have this like massive jump uh basically like fatty to flatty and i used to love kick flipping off that thing because i was a kid um and i had a black pair of royals that said girl on the front of them and me being 85 pounds kick flipped off that thing and my truck straight up cracked in half wow so uh yeah i mean it was trendy to hate on crail tap products um but i don't think all of that uh hatred was necessarily undeserved i mean you bet your ass i didn't go back and uh immediately start skating oils again and i've talked about that because for a long time the decks were not still made in china but they either they either like weigh up the quality in the wood shop that they were doing them at i actually think they're the same wood shop but that they just like brought up the standards that's my understanding i actually think they're pretty decent decks these days and like there's certain shapes that i could skate exclusively i think mid is a good place for those speaking of mids we should do mindy's the indie mids have a lot of good going for them and a little bit of bad one of the bad is i don't like the way the inverted kingpin looks i can't stand it it again looks like a little bit of a phallic thing to me a little phallic thing and i also found that that is sticks way more on smith grinds on concrete ledges than your traditional nut does because the kingpin is hardened like a hardened steel it has to be or it breaks whereas the nut is like a cheap metal right a regular nut is cheap metal and it wears away and then you can eventually do smith credits but i found that that one always stuck and the kingpin clearance was only good because they added like one or two mils of extra meat on the top of the hanger which made the truck obscenely heavy the mids are heavier than a standard indy fascinating however the lowness of it actually helps a little bit because your trucks are three mils lower the timing compensates for the fact that they're heavier i've been able to skate really well on the mids the pinch is arguably better than an indie standard like they they're good they look like someone tried to steal the indie design and they they look like it's on a bit they look like it's on a little bit of steroids yeah they know what i mean like it's more cut um mindy i'm gonna put the mid in mid i think that that is better than royals or worse oh that's really tough i don't know that's tough which one would i rather i think i would i would skate better on the royals because they're lighter okay i found the mids a little bit annoyingly heavy but they are 10 grams heavier which is quite a lot okay all right um mindy's in the mid i think everybody probably could have seen that one coming uh let's just do these tracker trucks have you skated these so i got sent a pair guy was a really nice guy he was part of their marketing you know and this was one of those times where like i had a policy of not reviewing something if i couldn't find anything good to say about it if it was going to be an overwhelmingly disappointing review i wouldn't do it if it was central let them have it we want blood we want blood so here's the other thing i think i was a little bit unfair to these i don't think they were like so bad but there was no redeeming qualities you were unfair to trucks with no redeeming qualities they were a little bit too similar to indies in a lot of way but not as good as them so like the height was similar to andy um the turn was not as good the bushings were too tight like i couldn't get them loose enough and i ride a medium tightness truck uh the grinds were like nothing to write home about they were neither too good neither too bad it was just sort of like do we need another truck is this truck offering anything unique it was like no i have nothing to say about them one step into the future and a past with a billion steps they would have been better if they didn't write that this marketing guy i gotta say he must have been really really really nice i feel like you could have really uh torn into these if you felt like it if you didn't feel like you were being trained it just wasn't that just wasn't my vibe i'm gonna give them 10 years dungeons not because i even want them to make a comeback but because there are a lot of old heads older than me that have a place in their hearts for tracker and if they want to buy alan losey reissues go for it so what you're saying is you're hoping that if you send all these old heads to the 10 years dungeon you know they are so old that they they may not come back out how would adventure get three different slots on here you're in the pocket there was a good luck it's because i love these trucks oh really okay this one truck venture hollow 5.6 um and what did you like about this truck ben oh i mentioned that venture hollows or venture highs feel too clunky to me right almost these i could ride on a rig on the regular board i like they were the closest thing to a venture low that was wider than eight inches because they're 1.5 mils lower because the forged plate so they go from 53.5 to 52 which is like the same height as adventure they still have kind of a hard pop so you can get a lot of pop off them they're stable so they're really good for tech tricks the pinch was weirdly good on these i could lock into like the crustiest roundest ledge better than i could on indies i learned a bunch of tricks on them because even though they had a hefty-ish pot feel a little bit they ended up being so light once you got them into the air i skated better on those trucks than most other trucks did they turn uh well they have the same venture turn it's it's mellow it's a lot of lean that works to my advantage because i my consistency and form on my tricks actually goes up right i was like a pro skater and i needed to be really consistent and do all my tricks like the best i could possibly do them these would be one of the good choices for me yeah so you'd be like niger like kicking your hangers at street league now the only problem is my grinds would be really short because they still have that slow grind so they can't be an infallible would you say they're top of the very nice tier or are they are they better or worse than the hollow indies i like them i no i like i didn't like them better than indie hollow they're going right there okay right there where's thunder holy no thunder [ __ ] there's no thunder yeah there's no thunder this is not too late to put him there right i i'll i can add them post-production i can pretend wow this is this is actually this is very bad wow thank you i just noticed it thank god you caught that we would we would both be out of the job if this went up with no thunder on here um there's the regular thunder and there's thunder lights so the light has a hollow kingpin forged plate solid axle let's do regular thunders first i think thunders are hands down one of the best trucks out there for sure like they pinch so well if you have them on the right board they like that's another one of those trucks where like technically i'm a better skateboarder on thunders than i am on indies like i can do my tricks more consistently higher um i can pinch a little bit better like they're technically a better truck for me now the downsides to them is they're they're a little dainty so they wear away a little faster you're not going to get the longevity of them that you will out of an indie that's the downside but other than that oh and the base plate lack of basement but at the same time if you carry wax in your pocket and you also when you slide on thunders you have to be more like imagining a power slide so when you slide on indies you're like you're really playing on that base plate but when you slide on thunders you have to put your back into it but you get used to it and then it's not a problem because the only people you hear complaining about the base plate on thunders is indie riders you never hear thunder writers complaining about it because when you're used to them is not a problem yeah that's the the number one thing that i've always been like a little bit curious or even envious about on the thunders they just seem like they pinch really nicely like that's absurdly good that's the thing i've always looked at i think they excel all other trucks and that's um it's part of it is their lowness and the other part is probably how far forward they are like they just they just go right into that spot easier than other trucks and it's actually noticeable okay so turning is okay turning's good yeah it's it's different i i haven't been able to figure out exactly how indies and now the downside is they go into wheelbyte faster than other tracks because they're lower aren't they yeah so wheel bite is like is a problem but it's a trade-off right you know what i mean like you're getting all these other things for that wheel bite so maybe you've got to ride your trucks a teeny bit tighter where are we putting thunder i would put thunders in infallible uh they have like one of the biggest market share of pros and of like top tier pros thunder and it's indy pretty much adventure is like they're they're trying to keep up but they're not quite there yeah it's like a microsoft versus apple and then maybe ventures like linux for the computer uh users out there okay uh thunder do you want to do the hollows too yeah no i don't care i'll just say it real quick yeah because we don't even have we don't even have the things there but i i love yes oh you made did you make them no no the squares aren't i'm lying you know cause post-production i'm gonna oh you're gonna add them in i'm gonna have something on there yeah okay okay all right all right thunder lights yeah not the hollows if we actually did thunder hollows or thunder titaniums those would go pretty low because they're too light stop being a baby you don't need your trucks to be that light figure it out but the the hollow or the lights which have a solid axle and then uh forge plate hollow kingpin are like if there's any truck i can skate better than a standard thunder it's the lights i've been like i've looked at footage from a couple years ago all my tricks are popping higher and easier but i was skating the 147s the one with those yellow bushings right there i love these things they make skateboarding easier for me okay and i like the way they look aesthetically i think thunder's a beautiful truck too that sounds like they're very good yeah they're gonna be in the in the um oh but they're not infallible because the 149s are too low so they're very nice yeah very nice very nice and infallible from thunder good showing did you know we have af1 on here too it disappears i don't know what happened to that okay well this video must be long it is an hour and 20 minutes geez so we're already there yeah we'll breeze through the rest here um there's only two trucks on here that i've skated that ben hasn't um the ace af1 this was a good truck i don't feel as though it lasted a super long time like i felt as though they lost their oomph like the sort of snappiness on them they stopped feeling as sexy after i think about like five months of riding them which is not you know it's not nothing but it's not like the same thing that i would expect from an independent truck ace trucks are tons and tons and tons and tons of fun but like what ben was saying about thunders being you know ease making you better and being easy to skate i think that ace af ones have the opposite effect which is that the turning is really nice like they they're amazing they're they're so much fun um but it does not make doing your skateboard tricks easier it might be like more fun to actually ride the truck but in my opinion like they're harder to do tricks on but when i would land my tricks like i'd be like damn that looked really sick because i'm like surfing on these ace trucks right now um but like i said if i was on my niger [ __ ] and i was in street league like you could i'm not [ __ ] skating those those uh those ace af ones i also think that talking about aesthetics i think ace af ones look very cool i like i like how they look and they are an excellent maul grab if you're in a street fight and you need to use your skateboard um yeah and you need to you need to grab on as a handle um in my opinion it doesn't get better than the ace af-1 i would put the ace af one in the very nice the very nice tier i think that's probably true you've skated the originals yeah i would believe it or not actually put these um i'm going to put them in the solid wow okay solid yeah pros and cons speedruns they grind they grind down pretty fast but the grind is so smooth they had probably one of my favorite grinds just the feel um the pinch was weird because your truck literally goes like your wheel goes like further back on the board than it should you know like so the pinch was weird the pop feel was too light because they're so far in um and the turn was too it's too turny for me i i don't need that even indies are actually too tourney for me really yeah a little bit i like them more stable but i but i just like indies so yeah no no i mean if you've never rode a pair of aces before um the turning is insane like it is it's too much for me it's crazy like you can u-turn on those things yeah i think if i was a slappy curb skater i could totally see these being a lot of fun um orion trucks briefly yeah oh right i didn't even know they still existed they're truck steering my god what are mister rocks them these are schrock's trucks they're not his brand but he i think he's sponsored by him or something wow these are some of the ugliest looking like goop they just dropped goop in a truck mold and then and then that's yeah i haven't ridden one in recent history but i wrote them in the in the mid 90s they got big and they stole a bunch of like big writers so like costume was writing them kareem campbell josh kalis and they looked pretty much as ugly as that back then um they probably haven't changed the molds they're probably running the same molds that they had back then they i don't remember them being particularly good but i easily had two or three pairs because of those three guys that rode for them but i don't know why they're still here and i don't see them neces being necessary as a comeback so i'm gonna have to give them lethal injection put them out of their [ __ ] misery i mean this is unacceptable this is not and what was weird disenzo and pat duffy actually had an orion pro model truck i mean when this happens the sensor will ride and he'll skate anything the bottom of the lethal injection tier and this this is like aesthetically like it's offensive unforgivable looks like a green poop with an axle through it it's such an awful color of green too second to lastly do mini logo trucks um and before i started recording i was talking to ben about these and ben said i haven't actually tried these trucks but there is such a lore around these trucks there's such uh there's such a reputation yeah there's slap threads about how they're actually so good no way and i know a trusted source who has skated them and he said no they're actually one of the best trucks in terms of just how they feel and perform we've got it there's a mixed bag here on google reviews but i trust the person who told me this really this is like this is a person as fussy as me who like notices how things pinch how they pop how they feel he said he loved him but he wouldn't be caught dead riding them you know what i i think that they probably when you buy them and like whatever products they're using to finish the metal at the uh the mini logo factor they probably have like some kind of mind controlling smell um attached to them like when you go to disneyland they like pump out fumes around so you feel like euphoric they're probably they probably have some maybe disneyland emitting uh a sense i kind of like the little star down there i think that's that's fun these are really bad i actually hate mini logo's new um new logo the m like where the mini logo army or something it's like what the [ __ ] yeah what are you talking about ten years dungeon yeah put them in the dungeon i mean i'm curious to try them now um andy anderson loves him does he that's what he skates he i could see andy anderson having tried one pair of truck and it's like yeah these are really these i've really like i never even felt like i needed to change yeah yeah it's quite possible if it ain't broke don't fix it yeah uh speaking of uh we got indy yeah we saved saved the best for last i felt like there was i never really was compelled to talk about them because we had been sort of hinting and alluding to their placement this entire time i mean i don't even need to say anything about them they're infallible they are what inspired the infallible tier um yeah because i mean they they have they've switched to china which should have been a kiss of death but it was really just cutting off the nose to save the face the iron cross logo which should have sank them years ago it almost sank them when canceled culture came but they're so darn good and if if you like the way indies feel like if they're your favorite feeling truck no other truck feels the same uh they're so durable the balance is like perfect even though they're super heavy uh if you have them on a board that's not too steep for you you can get so much pop on them they look amazing like they're my probably my favorite looking truck and and i'm super biased right like vancouver was an indie town so let me be clear like there was moses colin mckay sam devlin tony ferguson rick howard like just to name a few off the slugo like all these were all the pros that i grew up with in like 90 you know those were the big guys that we looked up to in in the 90s and every single one of them wrote indies so vancouver was and still is largely an indie town so like for me there's also this huge bias because they were the first trucks like skating all those epic spots like new spot which is in you know so many of those early 90s videos um i like ground my trucks down to the axle there for the first time you know like so this is this is the old indy stage seven uh it's a bear look at that meaty old hanger right it's a weapon yeah but these were a good truck and and they were the same back then as they are now like they had a good turn they ground well um this old metal almost grinds better than the stuff they're using to pour it these days though some people would say it probably hasn't changed but like the kingpin clearance was nothing yeah but we we were only starting to do smith's back then again um i don't know they haven't changed much though that's the thing right they were still heavy back then now my only complaint about indie standards and this is indie standards we're talking about specifically here my only complaint is they're a little bit too heavy and that's my problem it's not indie's fault that i can't always handle them but like i said when i have a mellow deck i love the way they feel so i mentioned that like there's there's certain girl shapes that i could ride exclusively there's like a wee little eight inch g008 uh that board with indie standards 52 millimeter spitfire classics that could be like my full-time setup i have a like good pop good consistency rate and when i look down at that setup it makes me really happy these are the set of 149s i skated not too long ago i i retired them maybe a year and a half two years ago first truck i took down to the axle since i was a kid like i loved these i just kept skating them yeah you know and the only reason i stopped skating them because i was worried they were gonna break and because i took them down to the axle they were my trophies yeah and i didn't wanna i didn't want a broken trophy independents are the most truck ever when i think of truck i think of indies um and because when i skate indies i don't have to think about anything at all which is my i think pretty much should be your goal with your setup because when you know we've talked in the past ben and i about like you know skateboard madness and such what you want from your skateboard is you want you don't want to think about any anything at all and i had gone from skating ace af ones which i had a lot of feelings about there were things about them that i really liked and there were drawbacks as well and then i went to lurpivs which were um also uh even more turbulent of a of a roller coaster ride um and then i just went to indies i just went out and bought a pair of indies and i set them up and i was like holy [ __ ] like bliss peace of mind yeah every time i say and and even new like they don't for me they don't take long to break in like they're they're literally almost instantly broken in and they don't get too loose for me like i can i usually have about one thread showing which is acceptable to me and then they're like a medium tightness for me you know i used to have medium loose and then everyone started riding too loose and now everyone thinks my trucks are medium or tight but mm-hmm yeah like i can do all of my tricks without having to think about how to do them uh smith grinds work perfectly you know you don't need to grind the nut down very much and it start something about like the way it's all aligned it's like it's when it starts to hit it's slowly and it's not a problem and it just sort of grinds down perfectly yeah i should mention really quick that while they were doing that initial like covered china moving things situation where everybody was like shuffling around warehouses you know in the great skateboard product shortage that we experienced um there was a period where i had two pairs of indies from the same shop that were not up to snuff um they like i had a slappy session on this cruiser board with a brand new pair of indies and the divots that were created maybe with 20 grinds on a curve looked like i had been skating that board for six months there were like serious divots in that board and i remember like never experiencing anything like that i was i was shocked so they things were definitely [ __ ] up for a period of time um but the recent pair that i've had like i have nothing to like literally nothing to complain about like in my opinion they are perfect and that like they just do everything as well as i would hope how have you ever had the the classic break right there that was in all the groove truck threads nope never had no me neither me neither but i've seen it it's been a problem that break that they have right here right but it's it's rare it's not like it's not all the time yeah i've i've always had good luck that's the thing i seem to have the best luck with this truck yeah um anyways okay that was predictable yeah right um but we didn't disguise that uh so this is our list we've got and we also have the just a reminder thunder infallible i'd say thunder behind indy though even because i haven't even skated in indy really but like i think the indies even if they're both like on the same level performance wise um i would i think indies look better than thunders well i always go back to indies and stay on them a little longer if if somebody was like no you can't get anything you have to ride thunders forever i'd be like well at least i'm gonna probably skate better yeah okay uh but it's marginal it's not like a big deal you know it's not like it's not like i'm actually skating that much better it's like just some things work a teeny bit better on thunders for me but i like the feel and look of indies better last last thing we have to discuss is i almost forgot about this um is there more no mister um but ben are you starting a new youtube channel right oh yeah that that yeah yeah i mean i wasn't we weren't gonna you're forcing it upon me i am like i said i would yeah um it's called just keep skating it's gonna be more basic kind of i'm doing a lot of construction tutorials like building ramps i'll probably be building some curbs maybe one of these days i'll get a welder and build some flat parts but that could be a year down the road i'm going to be doing more tutorials and i'm also going to be i'll still talk about skateboards and gear but not in a like review brand specific sort of way it'll be more like this is what you can expect from these products and you know like i'm just i'm done changing my gear it's stupid i hate it yeah just just keep skating yeah okay i will provide the link for that then okay and that's the most common answer i get to all the people that are like what can i do to get better at skateboarding what can i just just keep skateboarding yeah yeah i i get the funniest questions on instagram like ones you know from kids like uh my friend says that i my ollies are okay and i'm wondering should i start learning how to kickflip right now or like should i keep working on my ollies and like what should the how high should my ollie be before i start to kickflip and this is like this is why fundamentally i think that you know tutorials can tutorials can be helpful but also i think the tutorials are a problem because you know i never needed them me either i think the more you think about skateboarding in that way the you're just gonna it's just a total mind [ __ ] so like that's the overanalyze it so the only thing that i'm trying like i think i'll do some trick tips but not necessarily like a catalog of tutorials and the reason is the trick tip is more like you know when you're skating with your buddies or there's another skater and they and they have some trick like dialed yeah you know and you're just like and they give you this one little tip this one little tweak and all of a sudden you're like oh yeah i can do it now that was what was missing so like i think there's merit to trick tips but i think if you're watching tutorials thinking you're going to learn how to skateboard like you're wrong you know the tutorial will give you the motivation to try something sometimes something out of your league you don't need somebody to give you the 12-step process for a backside 180 i think that it's you know completely unnecessary the best practice that you can do for skateboarding which is you know a lot of people like to talk about how mental skateboarding is yeah whatever but if you're learning how to do a backside 180 on flat you know the main objective is train your body how to do the movement and that's you're going to learn that by practicing it you're not going to learn it by sitting in a chair um and watching a youtube tutorial over and over again yeah well skateboarding is mental in that it's it can be a battle to get a trick but one of the joys about skateboarding is that it gives you an opportunity to stop thinking about so many different things yeah because when you're really focusing on a trick you have to block everything else out and you know and i'm not i'm just thinking about visualizing the motions of the tricks not like the words of the trick in my head like read from a manual neurologically we don't learn that fast you don't watch a skate tutorial and be like you know must like the way our nervous system learns is like try something for four hours one day and then you're not gonna make any more progress right what you need to do you need to sleep on it your body's going to process or your brain is going to process that information in your sleep it's going to be a little bit easier the next day yeah and it's that process of doing that same thing all the time that's how our minds learn is is by taking in little bits of information and processing them and you get better every day you don't get better by sitting and watching something that being said please subscribe to ben's tutorial youtube page if you want to check it out great if you want to subscribe that's that's your deal okay great um i think this is going to wrap it probably guys but um everybody in the comments say thank you to ben for coming on and sharing uh his wisdom about about trucks with with me and everybody else who's made it this far into what will probably be a biblical length youtube video um it's just more than expected ben you got anything you want to say before i hit the big red button no it's it's been a pleasure joe thank you okay sweet uh bye guys
Channel: Gifted Hater
Views: 245,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NCMpY10dFk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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