How Did We Get Here? ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 201]

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Why are we still here? Just to suffer

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone my name is Pixar IFS and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you guys are having a good day here it is episode 201 how did we get here the big one this is the advancement that requires you to have every single status effect in Minecraft not just potion effects but effects that you can only get from things like mobs and beacons and various other things I have done a bunch of preparation but there is still plenty of work to do so we're gonna get right into it first of all I'm gonna head back over here to my island where we've been making a bunch of preparations and I am going to put this guy here in a box because I do not want him lasering me as a result of this process so yes we have mining fatigue again we have a cow nearby who's gonna help us with that but I do not want to keep taking all of this damage while I am trying to get this advancement so I'm gonna do my best over here it's gonna be a little bit tricky with the Shilka throwing stuff around but I'm gonna try my best to box this elder Guardian in so that he cannot do me any damage as you all know from any time you have taken on an ocean monument you get mining fatigue basically as soon as you turn up so the effect does not require line-of-sight to an elder Guardian in order to happen it basically refreshes any time you're within a certain radius of the elder guardian and so it should be nice and straightforward although yeah getting lasered by him when I levitate with the Shilka is not the best either while we're over there we're also going to set up a beacon and the beacon only needs one tier because the only effect we're actually going to need a beacon for in this whole thing is haste haste is the only one that cannot be acquired through potion effects at this point because you can now get resistance from potions of the turtle master so we're going to set up a single tier beacon which is going to mean a lot less reliance on resources for this so if you're trying to do this in a kind of speedrun context it's going to be a little bit easier to do that without the requirement of a full beacon to get multiple status effects we're also gonna need a lot more food in some cases we are going to need some specialist food we've got stuff like golden apples and pufferfish that we need to eat but at least having some chicken is going to be a kind of useful for the amount of damage I'm taking over here we're also going to want to make sure that the Shilka is in a certain position on the islands so we're going to row him around this site so that he'll have a limited amount of blocks that he can teleport to and let's give it a try let's get the Shilka out of the boat quickly press f3 and B to see the boats hitbox and okay he is there on the island that is probably not going to work for us so I think I will try my best to take out this block from underneath him before the mining fatigue resets okay now he's inside with the elder Guardian not ideal there we go that is looking a little bit more promising the main thing really is that we want to make sure the shelcha is within range that we can still get dolphin's grace if we swim after getting hit with levitations so we kind of need to him to be it's not gonna be it's about there yeah okay so that shouldn't be too bad that might actually work and for now we are going to box the shulker in making sure it's got a little bit of headroom because shell cos don't like to be in enclosed spaces very much and if we end up putting a block directly above it it's gonna teleport again but right now it should be safe in there meaning that we're not gonna get levitated anymore while we're working on the rest of this oh that's a that's a difficult effect to avoid let me tell you if anything it might be easier to move the dolphin a little bit closer because I'm not able to get dolphins grace on either of these two blocks but once I swim down to the end here I immediately get dolphins grace you need to be sprinting underwater in order to be swimming for the Dolphins grace to kick in so that's kind of going to be important for our whole setup here but if we set up the beacon here it's gonna have a radius of 20 blocks and that should be enough for our purposes I will need to go and grab something that we can activate it with but yeah that shouldn't be a problem now similar to the beacon we are also going to have to have conduit power and I'm gonna make a brand new conduit in order to do this because to be honest I can't remember where I left the other one I think it's probably still over at the ocean temple where I made my guardian farm but it will help us to have another conduit and to get conduit power all you need to do is have a single ring of prismarine around it and people are going to probably wonder in the comments what about the conduits attacking affect isn't it going to hurt all of the mobs that are in these the surrounding area and the answer is no only a full conduit will attack hostile mobs within a certain area and then the conduits range to attack stuff is not the same as the range for conduit our the conduit power effect can travel for potentially 96 blocks when it's got the full activation frame around it but the conduit will still only attack stuff that's within an eight-block radius so it really doesn't matter all that much how you setup the conduit over here but I'm gonna make sure that we've got a decent amount of space away from any of the other mobs and stuff just because there we go we have a conduit it's active as soon as we get in the water we should have conduit power and with the amount of prism airing around this thing I'm pretty sure the effect will last at least 20 blocks in radius so that's going to easily be enough to hit us over here when we get into the water for the Dolphins grace effect the next stop is actually gonna be out here at the suspicious Stu factory because there are not one but two ingredients here that we need for this advancement the first of which should be over here on this side yes here we go this is suspicious to you which causes blindness specifically the one with the azure blue it will give you the blindness effect and as of right now that is the only way it is possible to get the blindness effect in survival minecraft the only other thing that causes blindness is an unused mob called the illusion earth at does not appear anywhere in the survival game and can only be spawned in using commands so there's no chance of using that instead we're going to have to go with the suspicious stew which will only give us blindness for eight seconds so that's something we'll have to eat basically right at the very end the other thing is wither roses which I do not have a lot of so I'm actually going to take this one out of the frame and use that because that's how we're going to be getting the wither effect you'll notice I haven't brought a wither skeleton from the nether to the overworld for this advancement and that's because the wither effect can be obtained from wither roses now which makes it a little bit safer you don't have to take any melee damage and while the effect doesn't last for quite as long as if a wither skeleton gave it to you it should be adequate to do the job the problem with the way the Rose is that the effect only lasts for two seconds so we either have to be standing in it constantly or it has to be the last thing we trigger and I'm wondering if maybe if we're swimming like this yes okay whit if you have two walls positioned either side of the wither Rose like this we can prevent it from getting washed away by the water but you can still trigger the wither Rose effect by swimming into that corner and that's going to be the last thing we do in this chain of effects let's see what's next we will probably need to grab a pufferfish which you can just get very easily from fishing or alternatively finding a pufferfish in a warm ocean and attacking it with your sword of course I've got plenty of pufferfish both from The Guardian farm from fishing and just left over in my potion supplies we're also going to need to brew a potion of water breathing of course so we'll need that but the pufferfish will give us nausea poison and hunger all at once so there's no need to worry about a potion of poison or rotten flesh or a husk or anything that would normally give you hunger all you'll need for that is a puffer fish puffer fish are also the only source of the nausea effect so we're definitely going to need to bring that with us while we're at it let's also bring over one of these golden apples and I'll make up a chest to put all of this stuff in because we're gonna need a chest one of the other slightly tricky ingredients here is being able to shoot yourself with a spectral arrow in order to get the glowing effect and for that we're just going to use a dispenser that I'll need to make a few spectral arrows first just in case we need to do multiple at repeat attempts at this so twelve spectral arrows should do the job and we'll need a dispenser to fire them we'll probably need something to activate that with as well but we're going to figure all of the rest of that out in a minute I think we should probably bring another dispenser though because we might want to use a dispenser to splash ourselves with the potion effects instead of having to drink them one at a time so these should be the only three ingredients that we need to eat according to my list here but that's going to be a bit of a problem because we'll need to really reduce our hunger so that a golden apple a pufferfish and a suspicious to you can all be eaten one after the other without having to run around or anything like even though the pufferfish is gonna give you hunger hunger doesn't immediately take effect unless you're doing stuff that would normally consume hunger like mining or sprinting or something like that so we're gonna have to make sure that the hunger is run down to a fairly low amount first which might mean that we don't end up naturally regenerating health which could also be a bit of a problem here but hopefully we should be able to pull this all off in short order the next step really is going to be a longer one because we will need to brew up all of the potions that we need so I'm going to go ahead and visit my potions lab out here in the swamp and we'll get to doing that all right so after a long brewing session these are all the potion effects you should need we've got eight minutes of fire resistance invisibility jump boost night-vision slow falling strength speed and a water breathing we also have four minutes of weakness a minute and a half of regeneration which could be given to you by a beacon as could jump boost and strength as well as speed actually and then a splash potion of the turtle master to give us slowness but also resistance and resistance is another beacon effect so if you've got five beacons go nuts but in this case I think we'll use a splash potion of the turtle master the duration of that is only 20 seconds so we're going to be splashing ourselves with that manually towards the end but the rest of these nine of these can probably be applied to us by a dispenser if we want to set up a redstone clock to just spit those out on command then that would be ideal our final problem is getting bad omen and hero of the village both of which are effects that last for a very long time so once you have them you're probably gonna have at least an hour in order to take care of everything else you need for the advancement and that's a good thing because I don't want to start a raid anywhere near here but I'm gonna have to both start a raid complete the raid and then attack another pillager captain to get both hero of the village and bad omen and so we're gonna do that out in the desert village where I've done my previous raids in the past and that's going to give us an hour's worth of status effect to come back here and get everything else done before that though I'm gonna make sure that I have everything set up at the island over here because I really don't want it to take any longer than it has to and the other unfortunate problem there is that as you probably seen over the last few episodes my bow has been decreasing in durability and I've been wanting desperately to repair it unfortunately this bow has got to the point where it is now too expensive to repair with conventional levels and because I like infinity on my bows I don't have mending on it so even if I put it in there without adding any other materials it's gonna be too expensive to repair so I'm gonna have to make myself a brand new bow from scratch with infinity and power and all of the stuff that I usually like on it luckily for me though my resident villager Mendelssohn trades for infinity books for the same price actually as he trades mending books so plenty of those on deck and we should hopefully have enough unbreaking and other books in here that I should be able to get that done had an infinity book in this so I needn't have even worried about that but let's see if we have some yep got an unbreaking three book there we've probably got some power in here as well I always get power out of enchantment tables I've even got a couple of spare bows lying around so let's see what we get out of the enchantment table begin finiti anyway and a punch to great stuff so all we should need to do is apply unbreaking to that and maybe up the power to five because people have been asking why I don't have a power five bow for a while so let's get that done there we go power five punch to infinity unbreaking 3 and we can retire my old bow to the tool chest where I have a bunch of my other stuff including the first ever wooden pickaxe that I made I actually saved that a long time ago so that's probably going in the museum alongside this bow it has served us well but now we need some serious firepower because I'm gonna have to go out and tackle a raid so here we are back at my favorite desert village I've got myself a bunch of potions just to give myself a little bit of extra edge if we need a bit of strength or some regen or something like that I've also got some night vision at leaping and swiftness if I want them plenty of ender pearls I brought my diamond chestplate out this time so I can quickly swap to that if I need a little bit of extra protection and hopefully the village golems will do something I don't think they're really going to go after any of the pillages or anything but we live in hope don't we right let's head over to the pillage of watchtower let's get ourselves the bad omen effect and let's start wave one of this raid looking for a captain to snipe and I think we found one over here on the corner yeah you'll do there you go let's get back to the village that was a nice easy takedown and as soon as we get into the village perimeter the raid should kick off alright it's been a while since I've done one of these things I'm not gonna show you the entire raid because of course that's gonna take a long time in this video but hopefully this should go nice and smooth and we should be able to dispatch the pillages pretty quickly [Music] [Music] hey hey there we go oh man I really wish that my previous experiences with raids had gone quite that easily the trick I have found really the only thing that I would really recommend at this point because that was an absolute cakewalk is slowing down the Evo cos because if you can get them before they start to summon vexes they are just a non-issue and right now we have ourselves for more totems of undying to add to the trophy wall and a fair amount of other drops around here but most importantly we have the hero of the village effect and even though that doesn't have a time on it that is now going to last for the next 60 minutes it's going to be lasting for an hour which means all we have to do is go over here and kill another pillager captain to get bad omen again and we are good to go the most important thing after that though is going to be making sure that we don't wander into a village after that so I'm gonna have to make sure all of my preparations are in place before I go anywhere near any of my villages a lot of guys spawning around here but I'm not seeing a pillager captain right now hopefully they should still spawn I see no reason why they wouldn't at this stage might have to fly away despawn the pillagers who are there and then come back but we should still be able to get bad omen again I don't think there's any kind of restrictions on that there's one yes we got him okay so that is oh no his his friends shot him that was a problem and I think we should be able to get that guy yes there we go simultaneous effects of bad omen and hero of the village right time to avoid villages as best I can on the way back to the desert temple we'll have to make sure we don't go anywhere near any of my villagers in founders Forge but hopefully we should be able to make it back to the the site where all of this is going to go down and I've got plenty of emeralds that I can now use as beacon fuel so that solves that problem and this right here is one of the many reasons why I've decided not to put any villagers in my town because flying back over the town right then with bad omen would have been a death sentence for any of the villagers who live there but for now here we are back at the site of our how did we get here challenge and I think we should be able to get started now first of all we need to put haste on the beacon so that's haste and we've also got conduit power just from dipping in the water temporarily there we need to grab all of the potions which I should have here in the ender chest and oh gosh there's a guy chucking a trident at me that was unexpected let's see if we can get a good omen by getting this guy to give us his Trident we're not quite close enough for dolphins grace so I can't outmaneuver him but well he gave us a bar of gold I'd say that's good enough I'll put the emeralds in here for now along with some of the totems of undying we shouldn't need any of these potions what we will need is the Golden Apple the pufferfish and the suspicious stew so I'm gonna try my best to set the rest of this up while we do that the problem now of course is that I cannot I cannot remove the mining fatigue effect because well that's gonna be a problem with the Shilka being in there isn't it maybe between haste and conduit power they can kind of counteract the mining fatigue effect my plan this whole time was to put a trap door in front of where the shelter is button here this is it's not very good the glass is breaking it's just taking absolutely ages man that was a really silly oversight that took an absurd amount of time and now of course the shelter can attack me freely but it was that close to getting attacked by the Drowned back here so thankfully we can take care of those guys we'll put a trap door in front of the shelter and then we should be good to go there okay now he should not be able to see me and now we should be able to come up here and get the levitation effect whenever we want it actually while we're at it let's remove the dispenser from there entirely because it wasn't shooting the arrows at me accurately and I can just make a wooden button on the front or side of this and that should yeah if I stand here for example yeah that should trigger the dispenser and allow me to get hit by levitation and glowing out roughly the same time there we go perfect yes so that worked out pretty well we got glowing now and the Shilka could hit us with one of those levitation bullets brilliant I won't actually need my wings for this so I'm going to take them off and replace them with the chest plate simply because it's got protection and all of these extra effects on here as well but I think it might be time I think we might just be able to do I really don't want to get anything wrong here so let's do a quick checklist we have bad omen and here over the village we have fire resistance invisibility jump boost night-vision slow falling strength speed water breathing weakness regeneration and then slowness and resistance from the potion of the turtle master which we're going to get later we have mining fatigue from the elder Guardian the Golden Apple is going to give us absorption and regeneration probably as well but it's going to give us that for a short enough amount of time I think we'll probably splash ourselves with regeneration right after that we get poison from the pufferfish we also get nausea and hunger we're going to get levitation from the shelcha glowing from the spectral arrow blindness from suspicious to Dolphins grace from the dolphin right at the same time as we interact with that wither rose through the corner of the block here and that should allow us to get every single status effect in the game at once we've also got the conduit out here providing conduit power anytime we're in water I think that is everything I think we are good to go so I've got nine of the potion effects loaded into the dispenser rigged up to an observer clock that's just gonna activate the dispenser really fast and hopefully splash them against this piece of wood which means that I'll be able to stand here and receive all of the effects for the maximum possible duration we also need to make sure that we've got the regeneration potion and the turtle master potion on our hotbar here as well along with the Golden Apple the pufferfish and the suspicious suit we need to eat them in that order and it's gonna have to be pretty precise still got plenty of here oh the village and bad omen left the only thing left to do is make sure I've got enough hunger available that I can actually eat all of this stuff and it's going to be really difficult to run around without eating stuff but I am gonna have to make sure that I do that I'll probably yeah try my best not to take too much damage here but I could always splash myself with an extra bit of regen if I wanted to and we're just gonna have to run down the hunger by running around sprinting mining stuff until we have enough hunger depleted that we can eat a Golden Apple a pufferfish and suspicious stew hey folks here I am with three shanks of hunger and a little bit extra but we have a bit of a problem I've been testing this out in a creative test world because I was paranoid that it was not going to work out super well and it seems like we do have a little bit of a problem with the dolphin and the dispenser that's firing a spectral arrow at us so I'm gonna attempt to resolve those right now by grabbing some string and we're going to make a couple of leads we're going to bring the dolphin around and yeah I could grab a lead from the supplies that I have at my storage base but that would potentially mean getting too close to the villages so I kind of need to come out here grab some string grab some slime and I probably have a fence post in one of the chests over by Old Town so let's let's open this up make a few leads we've got four there and if we can grab any extra dolphins that might actually be kind of useful because they will be useful to contribute to the effect if one dolphin doesn't pick me up then another one will great we have a spruce fence here that should be all we need we're also gonna need to move the dispenser because the spectral arrow does not hit you consistently if you are right in front of the dispenser which we kind of had to be in the way this was set up the button was also messing with some of the trap doors so I'm gonna try and make this as straightforward as possible first of all we will need to break the dispenser like so collect all of that stuff up and then we'll need to break the dolphin out of his tank and then attach him to a fence post using a lead which looks like it's going okay so far mining fatigue hasn't kicked in you need to come over here and we're going to attach you to a fence post somewhere out here and then I'm gonna take a very quick look around to see if there are any other Dolphins that we can rope into this it's gonna be down to the wire though because I only have five minutes of here over the village left so let's see if there's any other Dolphins that have spawned in this area hopefully there should be one or two no it looks like we're gonna have to stick with the one we've got but hopefully it should be fine hopefully leaping out of the water like that doesn't prevent it from giving you dolphins grace and I'm going to make sure that it doesn't leap into the rest of our setup here by adding a few trapdoors over the top of the wither rose I'm also going to add a couple of trapdoors back here because in testing the spectral arrow fired from the dispenser over here was pushing me back a little bit too far and then the Shilka would levitate me so we really don't have much more than a single chance to pull all of this off but I can reorganize some of the stuff in my inventory right now I think turtle master should go in the middle so we've got the Golden Apple we got the regen potion that we're going to use to renew regeneration after the Golden Apple has worn off we're going to give ourselves the turtle master splash potion eat the pufferfish and eat the suspicious to hopefully get dolphins grace along the way we've gotta wait for the mining fatigue effect to kick in here but then we should be good to go okay there we go here it is let's give this a try now what we get splashed by all the potion effects looks like all those have kicked in okay we just need to drop ourselves into here give ourselves that splash potion of regeneration swim over here come up and activate the turtle master potion as well as getting hit by the shell cos a levitation which hello yes okay great now we'll eat the pufferfish attack ourselves with the glowing spectral arrows sprint back over here and eat this blindness yes we did it we actually did it oh my gosh yes oh that's so good amazing man I I couldn't even talk at the end of that it's just so tense getting this stuff done but we did it and oh boy I'm still taking poison look at all the effects look at all the effects I have on me right now and that was probably about half of them because some of them have such a short duration all right well we did it folks I think moving the dolphin next to this whole setup was a very wise move like goodness knows what it's doing right now I think it's actually been splashed with invisibility but we got the advancement let's open it up how did we get here having every effect applied at the same time I can't believe we just did that that was so difficult and it's taken so much effort to bring a shulker and an elder Guardian over here but we've done it and hopefully the poison shouldn't even kill me because fatal poison is not a thing on Java edition we should just be able to eat the chicken and say we've survived we've even actually got the cow over here that I could probably get the bucket of milk back from but no I think most of the negative effect aside from maybe weakness and bad omen have worn off you know what I'm probably gonna drink the milk anyway because let's face it I don't really want to have bad omen I'm just going to go straight home without thinking about it and just run into all of my villages and start a raid at my base but there we go ladies and gentlemen we have done that how did we get here advancement probably the hardest if not yet definitely the hardest minecraft advancement to get and look at that I am I'm still invisible for a little while let's bring me back there we go thank you so much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide my name is Ben pixel rifts and that elder Guardian needs a name as well suggest names in the comments because it's kind of deserved it at this point I think we're going to keep that one alive somehow leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it please subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys soon take care bye for now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Pixlriffs
Views: 1,053,984
Rating: 4.9536266 out of 5
Keywords: Pixlriffs, Minecraft, Let's, Play, Survival, gameplay, PC, SSP, Tutorial, Minecraft Survival Guide, Minecraft Survival Let's Play, Survival Single Player, Minecraft survival series, Minecraft survival tips, How to Survive in Minecraft, Java Edition, Minecraft 1.14 Let's Play, Minecraft 1.14.4, Advancement, Achievement Guide, How Did We Get Here?, How Did We Get Here Advancement, Minecraft How Did We Get Here, How Did We Get Here Guide, Minecraft how did we get here 1.14
Id: Da4ojsoq8pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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