Answering 202 Questions About Minecraft! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 202]

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hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide hope you guys are having a great day today for today's video we are doing 202 questions we need 101 questions for episode 101 so for episode 202 I asked you to submit a couple of questions about Minecraft that could be answered in just one or two sentences let's get to it can you move a mob spawner with any type of piston nope can't use a silk touch pickaxe to harvest the mob spawner and move it no you can't move spawner x' without the aid of mods or data packs otherwise I'd already have done that in this series what are some inspirational tips you could give starter builders in Minecraft work with depth layer blocks over eachother watch what other builders do and learn from them and remember everything in Minecraft is built one block at a time how can survival players use trapped chests or note blocks to their advantage no blocks are really good for triggering observers once unlike other components which change state multiple times trap chests used to be much more valuable when you couldn't place regular chests side by side you would actually alternate chests and trap chests to make a storage system however they still have some use in survival they can keep a hopper locked so it doesn't pull items out of the chest until you close it which means you don't accidentally flush your diamond tools into a lava item disposal what's the most useless item or block in Minecraft in your opinion there's no opinion about it really poisonous potatoes are designed to be useless you can't even compost them which mod gives the most useful drops the humble zombie can give you carrots potatoes iron some tools occasionally pumpkins during Halloween and rotten flesh which can be traded although I guess shelcha shells are pretty useful and you can't really get those anywhere else how do people get so many shelcha boxes the java edition of minecraft has at multiple end cities and on single-player there's enough to go around if you just fly from city to city killing all the shelters you find on multiplayer servers though you'll usually find that they're using a data pack that allows every shelcha to drop two shells when a villager and a zombie meet what determines whether the villager gets killed or converted it's actually difficulty if a zombie kills a villager on Hard difficulty it will turn into a zombie villager a hundred percent of the time it's 50% on normal and never on easy so in some ways zombies are actually more dangerous to a village population in easy mode what is the best enchantment for a sword looting 3 is it possible to make a ghast farm yes and I plan to do that in a future episode much like the Pigman farm the nether roof is usually a good place for it do villages have one long arm that goes from shoulder to shoulder or do they have two that are stuck together hmm what is the rarest item that you can obtain in survival that'll be the dragon egg there's only one of them per world what is the best use for gold powered rails or golden carrots what are the best enchantments for early game tools 14 3 on a pickaxe will get you twice the amount of diamonds on average also get protection for your armor is there a way to break through the bottom layer of bedrock yes you can do it the same way that you break bedrock on the nether ceiling I wouldn't bother though there's nothing down there does curse of vanishing work with keep inventory on let's test that shall we know what is the radius around a village that Raiders can spawn during a raid and do the normal spawning rules apply it can be anywhere from zero to a thousand and twenty four blocks away depending on your render distance raid mobs will spawn in any light level otherwise you could exploit that too easily have you ever thought of building a way to travel very fast over large amounts of area and having multiple bases that is what the nether hub is for my dude is it possible to use foxes to farm emeralds possible mmm technically efficient heck no foxes when they initially spawned have about a five percent chance to naturally spawn holding an emerald I guess you could have them pick emeralds up from other dropped mobs then feed them chicken to get them to drop the emeralds but that's only if you want an organic alternative to a water stream or a hopper chain what are some exciting missions besides minecraft bosses raided wooden mansion mess around with pillager raids visit a tent city how should i manage my storage and what should I always have on hand personally I always have tools weapons torches food and a bucket of water if you have a lighter carry some fireworks as for managing storage make sure you have multiple chests for bulk stuff like wood and stone and the rest is really up to you what is the easiest way to move villagers I still think boats are pretty great for this but you can also lure them by placing and braking workstations or beds at specific times of day what is the best farm for XP Pigman Enderman or furnaces what the easiest way to get mending books the easiest is probably afk fishing but I really recommend villages especially after 1.14 why is my sugarcane farm in my spawn chunks not working when I'm at my house about 3,000 blocks away crops including plants like sugarcane will only grow when a player is within their update radius it's kind of the same way mob spawning only happens if a player is nearby how much wood could a wooden axe chop if it wouldn't X could job would 59 what's the best music disc I'm a big fan of cat which came first the chicken or the egg chickens spawn during world generation and it takes them a few minutes to start laying eggs kelp or coal blaze rods what does the badlands biome look like pretty good actually can you hit an Enderman with a trident you can't if use it as a melee weapon as a ranged weapon not so much what animals would you like to be added to the game I'm still holding out for them to update savannas and add ostriches is the egg the best item in Minecraft how many mobs can be in a one-block space until they start to entity crammed by default 24 do glowstone or torches still give off light when placed in an item frame sadly no kind of wish they did though what's the fastest way to get ender pearls before you have access to the end go to a desert at night stare at Enderman until they run towards you then kill them how do I make a nether portal using lava and water buckets for the sake of safety you probably want to build out some sort of frame to put the lava bucket in once you put it in there you should be able to pour a bucket of water over it from there by that will convert it into obsidian by doing this over and over again for the different blocks that make up a nether portal you can actually make one without needing to mine obsidian at all using a diamond pickaxe you'll still need a flint and steel or something like that to light it so that you can go to the nether in the first place a ghast blew up my nether portal how do I get home without just dying nether fortresses will have flint and steel in loot chests sometimes they also sometimes have iron and in the nether there's gravel so you can always find flint that way alternatively kill a wither skeleton a blaze and a gasta to get coal blaze powder and gunpowder combined these make a fire charge which can be used to light the portal and get back to the overworld how does one control scaffolding scaffolding can be confusing because it kind of works the opposite of how a lot of other blocks work you start by placing one block and then you can right-click on the side it to stack them upwards if you right-click on the top face of a scaffolding blog it will bridge out in the direction that you're facing holding shift will move you back down a vertical tower but you can hold shift on bridges to sink down and not fall through it's kind of difficult to place blocks on the side of a scaffolding tower because you can't hold shift to keep yourself in place so what I tend to do is either build out a bridge and shift to build on the side of it like so port you can build outwards in a kind of right angle and place a block against that once you're done with the scaffolding break the bottom block and you'll be able to collect the rest of it is there a way to build downwards for example if I want to get down into a lava lake safely as long as there's a block for them to land on and you've got plenty of them you can use gravity assisted blocks like gravel or sand if you're trying to get to the bottom of the world in the end you'll need to place a bucket of lava wait for that to fall completely and then place a bucket of water nearby you to convert it all into cobblestones can you make an endermite farm if you've got a bunch of ender pearls and a lot of time on your hands yes although the end of mites will despawn after 2 minutes and throwing lots of ender pearls wastes your health so it's really not worth it other ways to brew potions without nether wart the only potion you can brew without nether wart is a potion of weakness but you can get health potions from n cities and sometimes if you kill a witch while it's drinking a potion it drops the potion because minecraft has changed so much is it still worthwhile to go mining or is looting shipwrecks and finding treasure now objectively better sHIIP wrecks the good in the short term but you can mine anywhere and eventually you'll run out of boats Mining also provides other materials that are useful for building like cobblestone and whatnot but I didn't get all of these diamond doors from shipwrecks also you can for tuned diamond door you can't force you in a loot chest is finding silverfish stone mean I found a stronghold silverfish monster eggs actually generate naturally in the stone of mountain biomes you've only found a stronghold if you find stone brick that you didn't place yourself why do we need to kill the Ender Dragon 20 times you don't need to but 20 is the maximum number of times that killing the ender dragon will spawn a gateway to the outer islands how many of the Minecraft achievements have you completed in terms of Java Edition advancements I now have all of them but on minecraft to Windows 10 I have 32 achievements which is 22% the strays still drop special arrows yes killing a stray will often drop an arrow of slowness I don't normally bother with them but then I don't normally build a nice biomes how do you get a zombie horse with commands zombie horses don't spawn naturally in survival even though skeleton horses do the pillagers naturally spawn anywhere in the world or that they only spawn by outposts and wander around there are three ways that pillagers can spawn a pillager outposts where they spawn naturally as part of a pillager patrol which occur randomly in areas the player hasn't lit up as long as the player is nearby and during a raid which can be triggered by killing a pillager captain the ones with the banners and walking into a village while you still have the bad omen effect people get confused between a pillager patrol and a raid but they are definitely not the same thing what biome do you think is the hardest to survive in the desert there's very little access to wood there's limited shelter and husks don't despawn during the day if I mind the towers in the end and respawn the dragon does all the Obsidian come back absolutely it does although it's come back in some kind of weird shapes when I've done it lately can you go to the outer end islands without beating the dragon absolutely the end islands will generate regardless of whether the dragon is dead or not all you need to do is bring at least a thousand blocks with you to the end bridge out into the void and hope the dragon doesn't hit you while you're making your escape alternatively if you're quick enough build a slime block flying machine what are three simple automatic farms that you can build to free up time you would otherwise spend gathering simple items I would go forward chicken sugarcane and bamboo that's basically renewable free food resources for books and trading and infinite fuel how does one find herobrine just pickle a hero for long enough what's the most useful general-purpose redstone clock that it's an equal balance between efficiency and building difficulty for repeaters in a circle like this for redstone dust one on each of the corners something to pulse it with boom redstone clock with adjustable timings what's advancement did you find the hardest aside from how did we get here a balanced diet is really difficult because enchanted golden apples can't be crafted anymore and finding them is pure luck I'm looking for more of an adventure type of play than building what do you suggest for me to do or where should I go to find that download some maps try complete the monument maps like the diversity series or zippier switch was made by my friend beer at what spawner is the best one to make a farm out of blazes are the best for XP and for fuel but there are also one of the more difficult farms to build from a technical standpoint personally I always try to find a skeleton spawner just because bone meal is so useful when you're in a chest full of stacks of items how do you move them all into your inventory almost instantly it's hold shift and double-click when you're moving them back again though I recommend holding another item for some reason this just makes it easier but with infinity or bow with mending definitely infinity I'd much rather have to repair my bow every so often than carry around stacks of arrows to make sure I didn't run out bows are super cheap to repair and mending is more valuable when it's used on other equipment do you wish there was no height limit in creative personally I never find myself building anything up to build height unless it's a farm so frankly I'd find a height limit increase way more useful for resource farming in survival but either way I don't think it's necessary best use of invisibility potions in survival they're really useful if you want to sneak around ocean monuments without the Guardian Singh frost Walker or depth Strider depth Strider no contest frost Walker is cool no pun intended but it can break farms when you're around it and when you want to get underwater it's kind of useless oh hey Troy why did they choose a maximum of 64 items per stack there are a bunch of explanations for this but it's mostly because it's a number that makes sense to programmers it's because of binary code but it's like modern computers these days have a 64-bit operating system how many ways to die are there in Minecraft and which is the funniest there are loads of them listed on the Minecraft Wiki there are lots of funny death messages but my favorite is when you're killed by trying to sleep in the nether or the end the bed explodes and it says you were killed by intentional game design what biome do Enderman like to spawn in outside of the end annemun will spawn basically anywhere but they don't like water you can even find them spawning in the nether now how do I find a village without using online mapping tools just explore take coordinates or bring a map so that you know how to get home and then fly out using your electro right out on a horse until you find one is there a way to create an automatic tree farm the player still needs to be present to plant saplings so it can't be fully automatic but there are designs which use dispensers to bonemeal the saplings piston feed tapes to push the wood around and TNT to destroy the blocks how do i lock a villager to a trade on java edition you just need to trade with them once and they'll keep those trades even if they're converted into a zombie on bedrock edition I heard you need to get them to Master level so they'll keep the trades guaranteed but that's just what I've heard I don't know for certain can you make a nether portal in the end not a functional one you can still place the obsidian and whatnot but if you light it you just get an obsidian ring that's on fire what are some obscure features that most people don't seem to know about the game lots of people in my comments don't seem to know what the subtitles are you can turn them on in the music in sound options here or in the accessibility settings there I don't believe they're in bedrock edition yet though how do I go into flight mode with a light row when starting from a flat surface without having a jump or a running start you kind of have to jump because it's only possible to activate your Electra when you're falling does the totem of undying work when a fox holds it in its mouth yes a totem of undying will save a fox from death they'll also teleport if they chorus fruit why do my villagers despawn from their village if you're on Java edition I'm afraid villagers don't despawn so they're probably dying either because of zombie or pillager attacks or perhaps they're taking full damage or sometimes suffocating in blocks is it possible to find more than one electra yes most versions of the game have a virtually infinite end dimension so there are lots of n cities and they apparently have an eighty percent chance of generating an end ship is it ever worth it to put enchantments on tools that you can't enchant on an enchanting table but you can't enchant in a light row on an enchanting table so definitely but flint and steel and shears have low durability and are pretty cheap to make so it's kind of overkill to add in shamans to them I mostly did it for fun is there a way to make good use of snow golems snow golems can be used to farm snow snow is actually pretty good for building with is there any way to make a magma cube farm there isn't a way to isolate a nether area so that only magma cubes can spawn there so you'll just have to get them as part of a general nether mob farm although if you're just after magma cream remember you can craft it with slime balls and blaze powder both of which you can make specialized farms for how come not all zombies pick up items or apply armor how can you get an efficient way to get zombies that do it's random so your best bet is just to drop items near all the zombies and take out the ones that don't drop items remember the ones who pick up items won't despawn at least on Java edition so that makes things easy any recommendations for where to build your first home in hardcore survival find yourself a safe cave or dig a hole in the wall until you're better prepared the magma blocks effect light level light level used to affect magma blocks it doesn't seem to do that anymore they just give off a light level of - how does the channeling enchantment work when there's a thunderstorm and you throw your trident at a mob they get struck by lightning this can create charged creepers so use it with extreme caution isn't it easier just to mind courts than to set up XP farms in the short term in the short term it's arguably easier yes but eventually you'll have to go further and further for courts what are the uses of n Chris in the overworld they're decorative and the once you croft yourself will blow stuff up how are diamonds useful you can make jukeboxes with them and you repair two items with mending on bedrock where you can't dual-wield do I have to kill mobs with my Electra well for a start mending applies to any items you have equipped so you can just wear your armor and Electra but you might want to look into sources of XP which don't have to be hit with a sort like furnaces for example so you can hold the mending item in your hand when you take the item out of the furnace alternatively you can use splash potions of healing to kill zombies and skeletons from a spawner then switch to the tool you want to mend is there a way to remove curses if you combine items in your crafting interface to remove all the enchantments that should get rid of curses but you can't remove curses using a grindstone like you can with regular enchantments why do X only stack to 16 get there round is there a cheaper way to entity cram than using minecarts entities will cram themselves if there are enough of them but you need 24 to do that so some will stay alive you can adjust the entity cramming limits using commands but that might create problems with other farms if ice boat roads are the fastest way to travel in straight paths what's the fastest way to travel in diagonal paths you can still travel diagonally on ice roads it's just harder to keep the boat from getting caught on the walls if you don't want to do that look up side crafts piston bolts you know the best way to get materials for a beacon in bedrock mine for iron fight zombie pigmen or trade with villages there's an achievement for getting a thousand emeralds and you can make a beacon base out of emerald blocks so you might as well make a start there is a slime farm possible on peaceful mode those sneezing baby pandas do drop slime but it's not gonna be anywhere near as efficient as a slime farm on other difficulties what's the prime level to build a slime farm and it's the only need to spawn proof cave slimes will spawn in slime chunks out y equals 40 and below they'll still spawn in any light level so lighting up the farm and the surrounding caves will actually improve the spawn rate by preventing other hostile mobs from taking up the mob camp what's the first farm you always build every time you start a new world aside from animal and crop farms it's probably a sugar cane farm because you need large quantities of paper to make an enchanting setup and enchant books so lots of sugarcane is super useful in early game and later you need paper for fireworks if a shovel with efficiency 4 can install blocks you should mine with a shovel does efficiency 5 make any difference to that nope you really can't break anything any faster than instantly our phantom membranes useful in survival mode yes you can't use them to repair lighter or to brew slow falling potions what does the cave update entail broadly speaking spoiler alerts there is no cave update at least not yet mo yang has not confirmed they're updating caves all really announced anything even though a bunch of people have been asking for an update to caves it's all community speculation at this point can you give us some tips on how to make a unique skin I made mine using need cool shoes calm and it's based on my own appearance express yourself however you want though yours could just be a jumble of colors if you wanted to you only have to look at the right arm most of the time what is your advice for players just getting back into the game and jumping into survival make shields shields were added in minecraft 1.9 and they make dealing with ranged attacks in the early game so much easier what essentials do you carry in your ender chest my ender chest is usually a mess but I try to put essential supplies into shelcha boxes I've always got my redstone Box backup tools and armor a bunch of ender pearls and some fireworks plus a couple of empty shelter boxes so I can always grab them if I need them how do people get all these resources in survival having a haste to beacon is one of my main goals in any survival world instantly mining stone with an efficiency 5 pickaxe means you can fill up a double chest in a few minutes in your world tour you forgot about the witch farm oh yeah I did here's the witch farm and the slime farm yep yep my bad here's the slime farm and the ice farm ice farm tubes and the flower farm yeah that one's on me and also the ruins you built in the mountains there's just a lot of stuff in this world ok why do you play Minecraft it's a game with simple mechanics but a ton of depth and almost limitless scope for creativity how many hours have you spent in the Minecraft Survival Guide world as of right now at 934 some of that is afk time and that might sound like a lot but it actually works out to about four and a half hours per video how do you get so many resources for all of your buildings 934 hours but you never consider doing a creative guide showing inspiration and tips probably not I actually rarely build in creative I like the survival game a lot more do you have any quick tips for long builds pace yourself what is your proudest moment in Minecraft reaching 200 episodes of this series is pretty great to be honest did you name any of your wolves their names are Lord Schmidt in warden the third lime Dogg and Joel dogging my twitch chat named them will you consider beginning a new world a new adventure I've definitely considered it but I don't plan on doing that for now why did you choose not to make this series hardcore mode hardcore is fun for a challenge but it's not exactly an ideal game-mode for making a tutorial series if I started in hardcore the Survival Guide series would have ended in episode 75 when I just finished the Guardian farm will you ever do hardcore mode maybe at some point but the bandwagon is getting pretty full right now how has doing the Minecraft Survival Guide changed the way you play the game I never used to build much technical stuff before this series I've never really built an iron farm or a gold farm before how long does it usually take for you to complete a project I really like the quote a work of art is never finished it is only abandoned I feel like this really applies to Minecraft I don't think any of my projects are really complete at this point have you kept building in the same style or have you changed over the years I am constantly learning and building new things my first town on a multiplayer server was built out of joint mushrooms why are you using power 4 on a bow when there is another higher level I'm using power 5 now but powerful can still one-shot stuff and it can make the bow less expensive to repair when like me you don't use mending what are some tips to stay motivated on Minecraft and not get bored set small objectives challenge yourself and don't be afraid to explore an aspect of Minecraft that intimidates you can you start doing block for block tutorials on your automatic farms redstone ideas and builds no and here's why those are a lot easier to do in creative mode where you can fly around and you don't have to constantly be fighting gravity I don't think copying something block for block is a very good way to learn you learn by making mistakes not by memorizing how to do something perfectly and I actually don't plan a lot of the builds and stuff in advance most of it is built on the fly so I never know how it's gonna turn out until I build it and that's difficult to teach well you make an episode where you go to the world border I've rejected this idea in the past but I am seriously considering it why don't you take your horses on more adventures flying is faster horses have a hard time crossing water and going through forest is a real pain what would you rate minecraft out of 1064 what biome do you think should be added to Minecraft I really want a flowering cherry forest like the one in biome bundle what's your favorite Block in Minecraft emerald or what's your favorite food item in Minecraft baked potatoes what's your favorite redstone contraption I absolutely love piston doors I am terrible at building them favorite redstone component observers or sticky pistons what's your favorite redstone build you've ever seen on YouTube probably the end tire hermitcraft stock exchange if there was a Minecraft youtuber Mount Rushmore who are you putting up on that rock Etha be double o docum 77 you know it's basically the NH o what's your go-to palette for your average build dark oak and spruce wood stone and stone brick clear glass lots of trapdoors would you consider building a creeper farm to help supply your constant rocket use already did will you ever make a raid or pillage your farm oh yes I have lots of plans for future episodes what's the most ambitious thing that you would like to build in the near future one of my big plans for this series is to build a giant museum which displays every block and item in the game what do you think was the biggest challenge in your survival guide' world so far either building the castle or episode 201 do you think it's time for Minecraft to introduce new dimensions and if so what would you want it to be like there are definitely arguments against them adding new dimensions lag issues on multiplayer servers for example 3 just being a good number etc etc but I'm a big fan of dimension mods like Twilight forest and the between lands have you ever switched your world to creative in Java minecraft it's individual players who can switch to creative mode it doesn't just put the whole world in creative mode but yes I had to go into creative mode to give myself a command block for that one episode where we talked about anti Enderman griefing that is the only time I've ever placed a block in this world using creative mode would you rather have a whale add it to the ocean or sharks I kind of wanted to add a space whale to the void in the end all maybe void shucks I'll take void sharks - what is your favorite minecraft sound effect the sound itself isn't particularly appealing but mushroom gets milked suspiciously is my favorite subtitle doesn't all the farms crash your game it's a single-player world I'm not exactly using them all at once which generated structure do you think could be improved upon I think jungle temples deserve a little bit more love they're always generated the same and the loots never any good have you ever traveled to the far lands the far lands actually don't exist in the current version of Java minecraft and I never loaded up beta versions to go see them what is a new potion effect you'd like to see in the game I'm not sure if it would be a potion but I'd like an effect or maybe an enchantment that would let you place or mine blocks from further away which is your favorite menu splash message in Minecraft the one that says pixels would you like a new or added to the game now I'm much more interested in them adding original materials chorus plants all prismarine do you see phantoms as a hassle or a fun challenge I barely see phantoms at all I sleep too much what's your favorite way to mine ace to beacon baby why don't you use shaders more often the idea behind this series is to show people what's possible with the default experience also even bad builds look kind of good with shaders and I'm a lot happier with a build if it looks good without this what do you think the biggest change to minecraft has been like when did a feature change minecraft the most since I started playing I'd say either electra or shelter boxes has had the biggest impact is there a farm you're never going to make there are theoretically ways to farm the ender dragon but I'm never planning to do that because I've decided to decorate my end instead and the dragon could potentially destroy some of the stuff I built so I'm done respawning the dragon what's your favorite Easter Egg Dinnerbone mobs do you feel that once you've created a bunch of resource farms there is less of an objective when playing personally because I like building those farms just allow me to get more resources for building plus I think building those farms is an objective in their own right and you can always build different designs which blaze terracotta texture do you think is the most and least obnoxious I think light gray is probably the best one and magenta is definitely the worst also they're all obnoxious because they place the opposite way to the way they are facing in your hand when you hold them look at that arrow this way arrow that way literally unplayable what is the stupidest thing you've done in Minecraft creeper snuck up on me during a storm I thought a channeling Trident adit by mistake and it blew me up along with all my stuff how do you stay motivated while building something tedious or repetitive I listen to music or put on podcasts while I'm doing something off-camera but i stream most of the grind work in this series anyway does speed affect boats nope potion effects only work on players and mobs boats are completely unaffected so I'm sorry you don't get a speed boat what is a good method of obtaining cats bring some fish to a village and wait also turn on subtitles so you can see the meowing even if you can't hear it what if an automatic diamond farm was possible people would get bored of diamonds very very quickly the whole reason diamonds are so desirable is because they are rare and they can't be farmed once you have too many of them they just stopped being exciting what is the best way to fight mobs when you have nothing run away and make something or just keep punching I guess what do you think a lot minecraft players build medieval and not modern the most easily available materials in the game are wood and stone this lent itself very easily to medieval builds modern builds often look better when you have materials like concrete which are harder to obtain in large quantities because you can't just dig them out of the ground what does a redstone comparator do comparators can detect how full a container is they can compare the signal from the back to the two signals coming in on either side and will switch off if there's a stronger signal coming from the site in subtract mode they subtract the side signal strength from the signal strength coming in from the back and output the result and they can also be used to maintain signal strength outputting the same amount of redstone power as they receive how many invulnerable end crystals can you get to the overworld as many as you want but one's enough for me what is the fastest way to travel in Minecraft there are a few simple answers to this either blue ice boat roads or Riptide trident sin the rain but there are a few interesting exceptions to simply Stark recently released a video in which he demonstrated ravages are capable of launching entities thousands of blocks almost instantly it's also possible although difficult to store a thrown ender pearl and prevent it from landing until you want it - meaning you can teleport instantly back to a location in survival of course there's also the teleport command is it possible to lose your entire world in a bad with a fight or if you run enough will he be spawn the weather does not de-spawn but if you run away or end up respawning somewhere else the chunks will unload and it won't do any more damage until you go back there also losing an entire world seems unlikely because of how big the world is but it's certainly possible to lose a lot of progress if the game add more uses for flint spears for example i would love more uses for flint although it can be traded with fletcher's now so it's not nearly as bad as it used to be is there a very bottom layer to the nether like bedrock in the overworld yes the nether has a bedrock floor as well as having a bedrock ceiling what's the perfect amount of Shilka boxes to bring with you when you're exploring why not bring an ender chest you've got up to 27 shocker boxes that you could store in a single spot of your inventory what does fortune and silk touch do on an X for toon and silk touch still work on blocks that can be broken with any tool for example I could mine this puzzle with a silk touch X and I still get puzzle if I was for tuning glowstone with the fortune X I would still get up to 4 glowstone dust personally though I tend to use a silk touch axe to harvest mushroom blocks how to use a fletching table the fletching table and the smithing table have no functionality for players right now but they are still village of workstations so you can use them to reassign village of professions provide workstations in your iron farm and so forth how are babies born when two villages have an excess of beds and there are enough carrots to go around babies are there other ways to get capes as well as minecon Minecon capes aren't really a thing now that he turned it into a live stream but you can still be given a cape for making substantial contributions to the maps available on realms in the past capes have also been given out for people who suggested features which made it into the game like zombie pigmen or turtles do you think that bedrock Edition should have sweeping edge yes although spam clicking with sweeping edge would be pretty opie so I can see why it doesn't right now what is your favorite XP farm I still really like this Enderman farm does the game feel boring after killing the ender dragon heck no I feel like the game really gets going after you killed the ender dragon how many nether fortresses are there and if all the blaze spawner czar gone is there any way to get them back like the end and the overworld the nether is virtually infinite so there are more fortresses than you can shake a stick at but luckily blazes will still spawn randomly in fortress corridors even if you've destroyed the blaze spawner can you start a bedrock edition survival guide because half the farms don't work the fact that half of the farms don't work in bedrock edition is the reason I play Java how do you pick a spot to settle down in survival what do you usually look for in a base area I usually just pick a biome that I like usually a Plains because it's a nice neutral grass color and has plenty of room to build bonus points if it has a mob spawning nearby can all of the enchanted books be found by fishing yes if you shoot an arrow and pull out a looting three sword before it hits something will it have looting three drops actually yes it will and that's why I always switch to my sword when I'm shooting at gusts even if it's over lava if mo gaming was to add a new material for tools and armor what do you think we'll hope it would be personally I prefer it if we could customize armor more like by adding plates of diamond it could increase the protection of leather armor but still allow us to die at different colors what did your first minecraft base look like can you show us footage or screenshots this is the only surviving screenshot of a Harris I built on the Xbox 360 edition of minecraft in April 2014 one problem I always have when playing Minecraft is getting lost while exploring in the nether do you have any tips for navigating through the nether easily I'd like to introduce you to the scum perceived for schism man - cobblestone blocks with a torch pointing in the direction you came from place these every 20 blocks or so in the nether and it's ideal for finding your way back to a nether portal if you didn't take the coordinates will you do a tutorial about how to duplicate items some time probably but I'd encourage players never to rely on those mechanics because they get patched frequently if they can be exploited and it can't kind of take the fun out of the game why didn't you updates break old redstone contraptions usually just because of bugs but also because of new approaches to coding in fact redstone contraptions often stay pretty consistent it's how they interact with blocks or mobs that usually changes would you be a dev for the game if the opportunity presented itself heck no I don't know anything about coding or game development and developing anything new for Minecraft seems like walking the worlds tightest tightrope I'm actually more comfortable working with the product they've given us then trying to design it from the ground up what is your favorite villager trade maybe just because it's new but I'm so happy stonemasons will trade us bricks now what would Minecraft look like if it had dungeons minecraft dungeons is it beneficial to get silk touch on an ax or a shovel rather than just on a pickaxe I always use a silk touch shovel because I don't want all the gravel turning into Flint what our illusionists illusionists are an unused illage 'mad which was supposed to appear in woodland mansions but they were never fully implemented into the survival game you can still spawn them using commands they create clones of themselves and shoot you from range and on harder difficulties they can curse you with blindness what's the difference between branch mining and strip mining branch mining is when you create small tunnels that branch off from each other and strip mining is when you strip out all of the blocks in a large area people often call branch mining strip mining because you mine in strips I guess it's common mistake and I've made it several times myself in this series how good are you at redstone I am painfully average really at most I consider myself a mid-range technical player I find it much easier to understand stuff like mob mechanics than I do redstone circuitry why don't you put fire aspect in flame on your sword and bow fire aspect makes Enderman very unpredictable and often leads to other mobs just setting you on fire a power 4 or power 5 bow is powerful enough that it really doesn't need flame and half the mobs like the nether ones are immune to fire damage it isn't even worth it sometimes how do you get a skeleton horse wait for a thunderstorm walk up to any skeleton horses that spawn kill the riders save the horse if you could give rotten flesh in other use what would it be I've always liked the mods that allow you to turn it into leather are giant zombies still in the game much like the illusion er they're still in the code but not accessible without commands still giant though what's your favorite way to get gold luring pig men to their deaths how big is the Minecraft world sixty million blocks square 256 blocks high any big projects or plans you have for the future in real life or the Survival Guide series oh I have lots of big plans for survival guide but I really want to play Minecraft earth what would you consider to be the best forms of resource gathering in the early mid and late stages of the game mining haste mining automated farms when will you end the Survival Guide hopefully never then I'm going to end this a video now thank you guys so much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you enjoyed the 202 questions video don't forget to leave a like on this episode if you did subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys soon take care bye for now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Pixlriffs
Views: 1,439,087
Rating: 4.8857179 out of 5
Keywords: Pixlriffs, Minecraft, Let's, Play, Survival, gameplay, PC, SSP, Tutorial, Minecraft Survival Guide, Minecraft Survival Let's Play, Survival Single Player, Minecraft survival series, Minecraft survival tips, How to Survive in Minecraft, Java Edition, Minecraft 1.14 Let's Play, Minecraft 1.14.4, 202 Questions, Questions, Q&A, Minecraft Questions, How Minecraft Works, Minecraft Questions and Answers
Id: 6xbmFdObeWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
Reddit Comments

u can hit an enderman with a trident if it's in a boat

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
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