How Dangerous is a Whip?

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how powerful is a web and also how hard is it to use it I love the ancientious movies because it makes you look so easy but seeing as the next movie is gonna be the last I feel like I'm about to lose one of my heroes and that's why I'm gonna learn how to use a whip here is the plan I want to learn how to crack the whip I want to test how powerful it is against three different targets I want to learn to disarm somebody with a whip and grab stuff with a whip I want to become extremely accurate with it then I'm gonna try to destroy my phone let's do it first time ever holding a whip and I already love it it is longer than I am it's actually two mics to be precise it's made out of braided leather and when used properly the tip can move up to 900 miles per hour and as I was about to find out this thing could do some serious damage to objects and myself that's the portion of the wave that makes it out sonic boom sound thanks to that it is possible to use a wave to strike a Target disarm somebody and even cut objects cleaning there was just one problem I have absolutely no idea how to do any of these things so I started practicing but it quickly turned out to be much harder than I thought I was expecting it to get it right away but almost everything was a struggle first of all the whip was moving randomly every single time because I had no control I was extremely scared of whipping myself but right after hurting my leg there was a breakthrough did you hear that but still I didn't really have a technique and the next thing I knew I hit myself really hard it hurts so much like seriously really hard right now the whip is hurting myself more than anything else I managed to crack it once and it wasn't even that loud I guess I'm gonna watch the tutorial oh my God that hurts so I spent a few minutes watching some tutorials and actually realized what had been getting wrong I should bring the whip in this position so basically the entire way behind me and now I should do this movement stop here and then move forward and that should crack the whip it's yours let's try it [Music] just like that I started to get it again and again oh my god did you hear that that was Extremely Loud [Music] it's insane here's the problem though I feel like I'm cracking it right here how do I crack it let's say against the target I have no control over it right now so I watched a few more tutorials to try and avoid injuring myself any worse and then it clicked I started trying to copy exactly what the pros were doing but my skills seem to be going backwards somehow after swinging this whip hundreds of times I was getting worse I have no idea but just as I was about to give up for the day oh I actually did it what so I kept trying oh I keep trying randomly and changing things and then it clicks [Music] that meant I was ready to try out the first real challenge yes let's break some stuff right now before trying the Apple I wanted to see if I could hit a bigger Target but I couldn't imagine what happened on my very first try no way no way how powerful is that thing then I tried it again and I got it even better this is insane but the real question was would I be able to break the apple and all the harder targets we're gonna test next I was getting close but my technique still wasn't good enough considering I wanted to smash a phone with the sweep later on that wasn't a good sign then I realized a big problem I had the wrong mindset because this skill is not all about the power it's about the technique so I focused on what it learned I didn't just try to swing as hard as I could instead I focused on trying to get the crack right against the Target and then I finally hit the perfect shot and I knew it was time to try the hard stuff second out of three power tests candy sweep actually break this can let's find out I guess I'm actually under a bridge right now but yako is pretty insane let's see the problem was I was so excited about how it sounded that I started to lose focus and that caused a pretty big problem my accuracy is extremely bad I don't even know where I'm aiming I really wasn't feeling like Indiana Jones at this point I either had the accuracy but no power just like that was stronger or the power but no accuracy no way but I knew the only way to get both was to keep trying oh come on I'm super close no way but just as I was getting closer I was also getting super tired then it got worse I was so tired that accidentally crashed one of the cans on the ground meaning now I had just one target waiting for getting so frustrated oh my God my hand is on fire guys I think I'm missing something because the whip right now is not cracking when it hits the can when the whip cracks that's the moment in which she brings more speed and more power I need to get better with my technique first so what I was doing before I was starting from here moving the whip around and basically you're in that way so starting from here and getting that way but you see there's no power there sure I'd broken an apple but if you wanted to have any hope of destroying the can let alone the phone I had to make sure I was getting the crack right against the target see the crack is there I then started hitting the can pretty consistently but I couldn't break through the metal I literally got my best hit ever but it still didn't break I don't know guys better than that I'm really not sure but it was still confident I spent so long improving my technique and it was just a matter of time before I got the power and the accuracy at the same time and then this happened yes yes I almost lost hope instead we started we got better and we actually got it but that only meant that it was time for the next challenge so before moving to the next test and before trying to break my phone I want to see what happens to the apples if I use the new technique a few hours ago I was whipping myself and had no accuracy or power whatsoever now you see what I mean like I'm cracking it perfectly every single time and I'm also way more accurate than before this time instead of taking two hours I broke two apples in just four tries I feel so great I feel extremely confident about my my skills with this thing I had one final Target left the hardest one on the list either the whip was gonna destroy it or the phone was gonna destroy the whip so before doing that I had to learn a few other insane skills starting with finding out the crazy whip tricks they saw in Indiana Jones were actually possible a whip not only is a weapon able to cut destroy and make loud noises can also be a useful tool imagine if you find yourself in this situation there is a fake hand holding a fake gun and you're trapped you have no options available unless you're Indiana Jones [Music] the goal of this challenge is this Army somebody just in a way but it turns out the web with a decent technique is actually much more powerful than I expected I didn't want to do that I'm sorry listen I got no time to go buy a new guns imagine this art completely fine and working on so what I want to try now is hitting the gun but with the gun in front of me so imagine I was in incredible danger I left the spirit of Harrison Ford possess me and on literally the second try [Music] but it turns out the whip isn't just good for self-defense now I'm gonna actually prove this can be a useful tool the second trick itself from Indiana Jones is grab this stuff basically by using a certain type of crack you can wrap the whip around the objects and basically grab them oh my God almost I was so close every time but something was missing here's the problem I can wrap it around stuff but it unwraps immediately and I don't know how to do it it looks so freaking good but it wasn't grabbing properly but then finally I saw a glimpse of hope I was determined to get it but I quickly realized I was just getting lucky and there was something else I needed to change to master this technique on this ball the grip Works two times out of 10 but look if I try on this thing one really strong grip two really strong grip now I really knew I had it it works every single time so yes the trick is trying to grip the right things I don't think I'll be picking up my cup of coffee like this but my skills had become more precise with the new and improved technique normally feel that I got much more powerful I would actually prove that I got the accuracy down so the hardest accuracy test I've ever tried and I tried it with cards arrows a sword it's blowing out a candle without hitting the candle and now I'm gonna try it with a whip you know what's the real problem though we only got three candles so can't miss after not that many tries I'd already broken the thrift Scandal this was so hard had to crack the whip just millimeters from the candle but also trying not to break it there was literally zero margin for Arrow come on I'm so close a couple of tries later I broke the second candle which meant I only had one last candle guys last one gotta be extremely careful moments later I thought I might have screwed this challenge up completely when I hit the last candle but by Miracle it survived the hit that means I had one extra chance if you learned anything after 160 something skills when you don't give up you will succeed yes yes yes let's move to the next step I was feeling great but was it really powerful enough to destroy my phone it was time to find out I knew to do that I was gonna need the perfect combination of power and accuracy we started the whip was able to completely destroy a bottle of water absolutely explode an apple and also a can of soda with a proper technique but here's the question though is a whip able to destroy a smartphone not using my brand new phone are you mad but don't worry I bought a new one for this test 50 euros fun right here more than enough perfect so I got it set up and it was time to try and destroy it I literally have no idea what's gonna happen but it's only one way to find out so I try to focus as much as I could and I started trying and I do I missed the first shot I was feeling great just listen to that crack I hit it on my second try but it didn't break I did damage it though you can clearly see the Mark here and I knew this phone was gonna be in places if I could nail the technique but just when my hits didn't seem to be having any effect I hit it so hard and after that I couldn't even find it I was so sure I'd done it the phone literally bounced through the rubble but it turned out this phone was as indestructible as Indiana Jones hiding in your fridge it's perfectly fine the back came off but the phone itself was completely okay I wondered if it might have hit the limit of what this grip could actually do okay I think the phone is definitely too strong for the Wii but I think I got a solution I genuinely couldn't have hit the phone any better so I decided to give my whip a little upgrade you remember when I told you what is the cracker when I used to whip this little rope right here is the portion of the whip that brings more energy and more power and it's also the portion of the whip that hits the target and causes damage this cracker right here is made of fabric a soft material and it still causes a ton of damage what if the cracker was made out of let's say steel this is a cracker before this is the cracker right now Let's test it before trying with the phone I want to test it out a few times let's see how it does but while adding still to my whip you could also do more damage myself definitely hurts more than before but on the plus side I could break things so easily with this new fracker easy then I also made an even stronger cracker let's try it with a salt can if I open it at the first attempt there's definitely something dangerous about this and just like that look at the car look how clean this cut is you see what happens this thing is scary it's scary I really wasn't expecting it but I guess now we're gonna try with this thing I felt so ready I knew that if I just focused on the technique I'd nail the shot and making the Energon Sprout all right guys it doesn't work this way it really doesn't work I just want to see what happens I set the phone up again but as it was preparing to strike I realized something Our Heroes aren't actually very different to us they've probably just spent more time practicing something that we have but when you refuse to give up you can become your own hero [Music] definitely got it if you like this video I think you like this one too go check it out
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 8,174,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: gx4dGsGJ4lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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