World's 5 Most Unique YoYos

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this is a $5 soyo and this is a $500 soyo I'm going to try to learn five different tricks and for each one of them the yo-yos are going to get more unique and expensive all to show you the best yo-yos in the world yo-yo number one it is as biggest one of my eyes Landing a trick with this thing is going to be next to Impossible and I want to try a hard one the trick I'm talking about is called trapes Step One throwing the yo-yo step two bending the string using the index finger of the opposite hand step three trying to land the yo-yo on top of the string here is the problem this is a normal yo-yo and it can easily land on a string because there is a lot of space here this is the small one you got to be extremely accurate to do that on the first try I almost hit myself in the face too much power so I Tred again with less power but the yo-yo was barely reaching my hand little power but on my third attempt the power was perfect all right that was perfect let's move to step two I need to learn how to use this finger and bend the string the yo-yo needs to land perfectly on on the string not here not here perfectly not only that but if the yo-yo goes too far or Too Short it wouldn't land on the string so I started trying not too long and although it took a few attempts that wasn't bad after a few tries I got it pretty consistently that was super close step one is done step two is done I feel super confident about them now step three Landing the yo-yo on the string like this that's s it on my first attempts the yo-yo was going way past my other hand and I realized I was in it with too much power so I reduced the power and immediately got way closer but it still wasn't landing on the string I think I got it the first few attempts were a failure but now I think I got it it's all about this finger so if I slightly incline this finger to the left the yo-yo is going to go in front of the string but if I incline it to the right the yo-yo is going to land behind the string the secret is keeping this finger perfectly horizontal that's it and on my next try I almost got it I touched it by keeping my finger completely horizontal I was getting super close I was almost there right wrong I kept trying for like 2 weeks I'm not even kidding and this felt absolutely impossible touched it but then one day this happened yes yes finally yo-yo number two it cost $20 and if you turn on an ultraviolet light it actually glows in the dark so what I want to try to do is one of the most spectacular and hardest tricks you can do it's called DNA but if I can do this with this yo-yo will be absolutely insane through the DNA I should place my index finger right in the middle of the yo-yo the yo-yo should sit on my finger and then the string will do this like kind of effect first step is throwing the yo-yo horizontally but that was the easy part yes I already got that one step two I need to sit the yo-yo on top of my index finger and that's probably the the hardest part I set a try and although I was kind of getting the string to vibrate the yo-yo wasn't balanc I was getting closer but every time the yo-yo would fall but then I realized in order to balance the yo-yo my finger I needed to wait until the string was hanging vertically and as soon as I tried that I balanced the yo-yo [Music] perfectly that was great now I need to control the yo-yo on top of my index finger and pull the string and we should have the DNA this was the third and final step before moving to all the other insane yo-yos controlling the yo-yo meant the perfect combination of a powerful throw and perfect balance and guess what I got extremely close for the first time no come on but the yo-yo was actually working against me you know what's the biggest problem that this yo-yo is responsive it comes back automatically doing a DNA with this one it's insanely hard and literally on my next attempt I got close to get it again but with that I realized something when the string started spinning it got much shorter so I simply needed to move my hands together faster to stop the yo-yo from jumping out of my hand and as soon as I did [Music] that I could not believe it but I was happy cuz it was time to move to the third Yoo out of the five planned for this video level three this is a $75 coo look at the details on this thing so the question is does an expensive yo-yo like this one actually helps you out achieving better tricks to find it out I want to attt the Mac five a trick that I tried a bunch of times with cheaper yo-yos fail every single one of them there are three steps first you got to throw the yo-yo so you balances on the string while spinning second you've got to rotate the string three times while the yo-yo keeps going and third and final you've got to catch the yo-yo step one setting up the string to do this you got to throw the yo-yo like this and place your finger right in the middle of the string then the next part of Step One involves throwing the yo-yo up and catching it on the string and that was already really hard I kept struggling for a while but once I got used to the motion I was getting closer and on the next attempt that's the first motion right here then while trying to explain step two I actually made some unexpected progress so once the yoyo is on the string like this I need to wrap the string around it so down up and down again no way no way it should be it it should be it all right all right it should be like this and it shouldn't move why is it moving to the left this is perfect now we only need step two and step three and then it's done yes go I was wrapping the string perfectly around the yo-yo there it is there it is that was perfect yes but spinning it three times was super hard no so the hardest part is keeping the yo-yo there and stable avoiding it to spin horizontally the yo-yo kept leaning sideways but I was slowly making progress that was one and a half we're getting there and then I had an idea maybe the reason the yo-yo Capt falling sideways was because I was doing the spins too slowly so I tried doing it faster and it actually started to work two two no two come on we're getting there at every attempt I was getting closer and suddenly when I wasn't even expecting it and now and now I don't know what to do I had completed the spins and totally forgot about the final part catching the yo-yo I think I simply need to let the yo-yo go and then getting it back to my hand I'm going to get it compared to step two this last step was simple and on my next attempt I focused on momentum the throw was perfect 1 2 3 one two three I completed three spins and now I just have had to catch the yo-yo in my hand yes and I actually got it yes go yes go now I only got the two best and most expensive yo-yos and I can't wait to try them yo-yo number four we're getting into the really expensive ones it literally looks like a Jew or something so the trick I want to try with this beautiful guy is called brain twister but despite being way easier to use this yo-yo actually works in a very different way this is an unresponsive yo-yo and if you want to make it come back up you need to per perform a bind which is that movement right there now the first step of the brain twister is performing a bind but on the opposite side of the yo-yo so not from here but from here so when you do it the yo-yo stays right there the problem is it takes a while to get fast with it not even sure what I did there let's try [Music] again that was way closer but after train for for a while my movements got pretty smooth yes yes it was so smooth all right let's move to step two now step two is arguably the hardest one while I am in the final position at the end of step one I need to spin the yo-yo three times one two three and then performing a bind that's step two and step three together but I'm going to try to mix them and my next attempt was already pretty good one two that was two already shout out to reik by the way for sending me this earbuds I've been using them to practice in this video and they are extremely comfortable the sound is really good the battery lasts forever and I mean they look great if you want to check them out click the link in the description I was feeling great and I thought I was going to get it right away but on my next attempt and even for the next tries I was already getting worse that scared me so I watched my footage back and I was focusing so much on making my movement look faster that I completely forgot to be smooth and precise and that is exactly what I'm going to sh to now and with that in mind smooth and accurate so one two three that was that was three that was three all right only step three is missing the final bind so basically I need to get the yo-yo back to my hand after doing the trick that's s it once again I got three great spins but I only missed the final bind oh come on no no no that was so close you know how it works we never give up guys and after a couple more attempts focusing on smooth movements 1 2 3 down bind yes I got it let's go all right final and best yo-yo is $5 and it's absolutely beautiful it's made of titanium and that's why it's so expensive titanium makes yoyos more durable lightweight they spin for longer and they're smoother and that is not even the best part and to actually complete the the skill I need to wait for that guy to go down so the trick I'm talking about consists in lighting up a fire using this yo-yo and since it's made of titanium if you spin it fast enough when it hits the ground it will actually create Sparkles and that's the first step right there it actually pains me that I need to throw this beautiful thing on the ground I guess we got to do it I'm doing it for you guys but trust me guys for the final trick it was going to be worth it I'm going to try to throw it as hard as I can let's see if we can see sparkles oo did you see them I couldn't believe how smooth and Powerful this yoyo was so now it was time for the final step all right guys I can make Sparkles now I want to try with actual fuel and see if we can light it up don't trade this at home sun is down let's do it in theory getting Sparks with the yo-yo while next to the fuel should make it catch fire immediately but that was the theory in reality I had no idea if this was going to work or how big the flame was going to be I was just guessing but I did it anyways
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 6,855,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: E2zat4X1ebA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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