Learning The World's Hardest Skills in Sports

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as a kid I've always been pretty bad at Sports and other kids always made fun of me because of that Revenge myself I decided to learn the hardest skills five most popular sports in the world it was a challenge and it was personal I just had no idea how hard that was gonna be you know what the corner kick this one is a legendary kicking football you get it you need to kick the ball on the side making it spill in the air in order to give it a curved trajectory it's extremely cool and I've never been able to do it until now and so I started trying and for the first few attempts I was really really far it's really hard I wasn't able to give the proper effect and that led me to kicking too far from the goal or behind it but I knew the only way to get the hang of it was just keep trying over and over again at the beginning it almost felt impossible but after 20 minutes this happened yes yes cool so Roger Federer's fastest serve is about 142 miles per hour which is absolutely insane and even though I've never played tennis in my life I'm going straight to beat that my plan was to try intuitively first without knowing the technique and so I started practicing and at the very first attempt I got 83 miles per hour I need to double that I quickly realized they probably wasn't gonna compete with the best tennis players in the world with 10 minutes of tennis experience Ziggy went under the net but you know what I could do instead I could compete against myself so I've been trying as hard as I can for I don't know 10 minutes and the best I could do was nine so I guess the goal is going to be 100. I'm not going to stop until we get there this was getting way harder than expected I was throwing with zero accuracy and the best I could do was going from 90 94 miles per hour 94 oh my God you know what's the real problem though is that I'm here in the net every single time and that doesn't even count I kept trying without getting better for a while but I kept going and even though I was melting on the Under the Sun I somehow started to get slightly better results oh 91 yes cool I'm also slowly learning something though like for example I realized that if I want to be extremely fast I need to hit the ball right in the middle of the racket here or here it will be way slower here Perfection unfortunately though Improvement was just temporary and a few minutes later my arms started to hurt the next three minutes I've been trapped in a loop throwing failing feeling pain and then all over again all right I'm looking up the theory because right now I have no idea seven steps actually six all right number one find the right stance and grip stand sideways to the net just behind the Baseline got it your front foot should point in the direction of the New Pulse all right got it your back foot shoulder line with your front foot heel got it number two I don't get it like tossing the ball done number three or reach the trophy pose done jump and swiggle oh you need to jump you gotta jump that's probably why I'm hitting the net every single time however if you are just starting don't worry too much about jumping I worry about it we gotta do 100 miles all right let's do it it turns out jumping is not really easy I couldn't find the right combination and I wasn't hitting the ball stronger than before and here is when I stopped talking I had to focus because it wasn't getting better at all the sun was melting me my arm was hurting and we also had to leave the court in like 30 minutes I had to get it but I had no idea how but then while watching a video of an adult serving I realized something I was basically jumping before throwing and that doesn't work I need to throw and then jump when I throw and this way I started to get better and better I was hitting the ball as hard as I could and it was going extremely fast but I wasn't worried about the accuracy at all it was just randomly throwing as hard as I could and so my goal now was to get a legit and powerful sir not only you need to pass the net obviously which is already really hard but if I serve from there I had to throw the ball inside the opposite servox so I started trying once again I was literally melting I had no energy power and time left but it wasn't gonna give up we had to leave the court at any moment and I was struggling so much because of how tired that was but at some point I got a 95 miles per hour serve inside the serving box all right guys here are the final results I'm about to throw up I hit 95 here in the small area I'm gonna sleep okay I'm gonna shower and sleep all day and after spending the afternoon on Duolingo the next day I was ready for skill number three bicycle kick this one is kind of scary for me guys I'm not gonna lie I tried it once when I was a kid and I never tried since then because they landed on my neck all right I guess I'm gonna just try it it's so scary I need to get comfortable in throwing myself I'm having backflip flashbacks here which is not great but I kept trying was it good I don't think so my goal for this one is to nail the style not just like scoring the goal I need to do it perfectly I'm gonna be honest this wasn't too bad actually I mean this style wasn't perfect and the accuracy was pretty bad but it was somehow throwing myself but unfortunately that didn't last long on my next attempt I badly landed on my back that's changed everything that kind of hurt how are you supposed to land without hurting yourself I have no idea I'm landing on my back she's not comfortable at all so I decided to change approach bicycle key tutorial literally putting my neck on the line that's how I like it and after a while I realized something I mean I believed you had to kick the ball when he was in front of you like this and doing sort of backflip but the guy in the tutorial is kicking it here he's doing it like that but jump it makes it like 10 times easier I was confident I tried and I hurt myself even more oh my god that hurt a lot I feel like Landing is my problem after that moment I kept practicing over and over I really wanted to go but I had achieved pain and having a worse technique than before Oh my God my back hurts so much I don't even know how to get the ball guys I really want to keep going but my back is broken I want to stop for a while we're gonna try a few other sports and then we're gonna get this we're gonna get it basketball shootout my goal I want to beat Kevin Hart if you're not familiar with the rules like myself I have one minute to throw 25 times five from this position Kevin Hart got 11 shots so I had to beat that I am absolutely terrible at basketball guys the only sport I've ever played in my life was football and MMA all right let's do it sorry in advance about my technique and I really meant that as soon as I started trying I realized how long this was gonna actually take out of the first five throws none of them went in and it kept the same level of consistency for all the other attempts after 20 throws I literally got only one all right guys first attempt it was an absolute fail I got one out of 25 with a goal of 12. it was so bad at basketball I'm gonna practice for a while though and that's exactly what I did it had to get better and more consistent with my shots so I looked up the theory and I tried to apply it and actually after practicing for about 30 minutes I was kind of getting better at it I was still missing a ton of shots but I was getting more consistent I also tried the shootout challenge over and over only to get used to the pressure of throwing as fast and accurately as possible then back to practicing the theory once again guys I've been practicing for five hours I'm absolutely destroyed and melted by the Sun but it's working though I studied the technique can I try to apply it and I'm getting more accurate slightly but more accurate than before second attempt they got two the fifth attempt I got four yes now I feel extremely confident I want to try one more time we're gonna get it this video was turning out to be extremely hard oh come on probably my expectations were a bit too high yes no I was thinking I was gonna compete with people who trained their whole life in a specific skill but in that moment I realized the real competition the only competition that mattered was against myself and even if the progress came slow and it took basically all my energy to achieve it after 20 throws I was having the best score so far yes five not only good points but I was also consistently getting really close every single time you see what I mean every single time and then at the last two throws is happening there was a seven actually best attempts so far let's get this one too and I actually got it yes yes oh my God eight I'm not sure if I should be happy about an eighth but I'm so freaking happy guys I know eight was impressive but I've never played basketball in my life and I feel extremely satisfied with the other side let's go to the next one I want to try something that I've always dreamed of doing scoring a free kick like Cristiano Ronaldo less painful than the bicycle kick or at least that's what I thought anyways I didn't know it was gonna practice some fake grass so to hold the barriers up I had to use my imagination my goal would be to kick the ball obviously letting the ball go over the barrier and then scoring right here if the ball goes anywhere else that wouldn't count I looked up was the official distance between barrier and ball and it should be nine centimeters you know what's the problem though I am super far from the goal in the middle of the field all right that's right I set a train for a while and the first few attempts went pretty bad it's gonna be a long day guys but I had no idea things we're gonna get much worse than that and when I trade through that I'm gonna also tell you a story so four years ago when I started making videos I quit my job I basically didn't know how to speak English oh my God I'm so bad every single time I had to memorize a sentence and I repeat it over and over in front of the camera until one day I realized that if I want to do this for a living I probably had to get better at it I started using Duolingo which I'm proud to say is the sponsor of this video and I can clearly remember Duolingo made the experience of learning any language actually fun and easy even for me that I really don't like learning new languages I was slowed it was great but it was slow and I mean that's probably also why Duolingo is the number one way to learn any language with a hundred dollar courses across 41 languages in the meantime I was actually getting better still low come on but in that exact moment I realized something terrible you'll see what I mean later I think it just broke something let me drink you know a few years ago I wasn't a budget all right but that's not a problem at all all learning content on bilingual is completely free because their mission is to make education accessible to all I was really close I only got that I would have saved myself a ton of pain but I didn't I mean that was freaking perfect it was just slow download the Duolingo for free using the link in my description and add me at Mike Shake too here is the problem the more I tried the more my leg was hurting it started like a light pain but kick after kick after kick it became a strong one it's getting worse I was basically forcing myself to ignore the pain because I wanted to get it so bad I arrived at a point I couldn't even walk anymore I'm not even joking I wanted to get it mainly because I rented the football field and I didn't want to waste time and money I had to get it every single time I managed to hurt myself just for you guys it was clear to me that I strained my legs muscle ah and still I was trying and I was actually getting pretty close you see that did you see that tell me to swim by and I promise you I was about to give up because of the pain I'm not joking this is how I work now but then this happened and even if it wasn't perfect I was extremely happy yeah it's cool oh my God oh my God I'm in pain I rested a few days and when I was ready I wanted to try the bicycle kick once again alright guys I'm ready to try the bicycle kick once again my back is basically destroyed oh but I checked the theory and I feel extremely confident and I finally got a plan four steps to get a perfect bicycle kick step one lifting the non-kicking leg this allows you to jump higher step two using your arms to twist your your body while you're in the air this allows you to kick towards the goal step three I gotta bring my non-taking leg down to allow the kicking leg to go up fourth and final step and in my opinion that's the most important one and that's the fall previously I was literally landing on my back that's why it hurts right now but in reality I should twist me there and then land on my side alright guys my back actually hurts a lot so I'm gonna try to get it as fast as possible so I started trying one more time I gotta trust myself and John making sure to apply all the theory I just learned gotta get Confident come on ah I got scared they didn't jump here's the problem some of the kicks were actually great oh my God that was so cool but I really was enchanted I didn't jump but that was so cool I kept practicing though I spent the next 30 minutes trying getting closer and closer and actually improving my technique but after every single attempt my back was hurting more and because of that I was also getting more and more scared of falling guys I'm tired so hot and then yeah like I have a block in my head that says I I shouldn't I shouldn't fall it's almost the same fear I have when I try to backflip it's probably the worst fear I have it's a block in my head that says I I shouldn't flip backwards and we are seeing that again right now it's a challenge against my head I'm not scared of feeling pain honestly I don't care about that you just they don't like to flip you gotta fight that I gotta fight that and after getting really close once this happened I hit my thumb with my knee I don't know how guys I just know it's been extremely painful you can actually hear the sound and from that moment I had to worry not only about my back but about my finger too I actually thought it was fractured or something it was pretty bad just another reason why I was blocked and I couldn't let myself fall oh my God I don't know if you can see how shaky I am here it hurts I don't know what it is every single time I hurt myself every single time all right guys gonna stop for today I'm gonna try to rest this finger right here I'm not gonna be defeated by a bicycle kick I'm gonna get it next time I'm gonna get it all right next one is about baseball I've never played baseball in my life I have no idea how to play baseball and I have never watched a baseball game in my life and yet I want to try to learn an extremely cool technique the knuckleball the knuckleball is a technique that allows the ball to avoid spinning in the air and therefore it also moves unpredictably I started showing intuitively and I had absolutely no idea about the technique behind the knuckleball I just kept throwing trying to make the ball fly without spinning and it wasn't working at all the only thing I managed to do was to hit the camera in the process alright we're fine I don't think it's working and most importantly if you ever played baseball you're probably cringing extremely hard about my technique so sorry so then I decided to check the theory if you want to get a knuckleball there is a specific technique you gotta use pinch in the ball with two fingers and dipping your nests into the ball and also avoid touching the stitching to have less grip as possible on top of that you should hold your wrist as steady as possible let the ball go basically without rotation I was excited I kept trying over and over but only later I realized I actually wasn't making progress I went back home yesterday I was super excited I checked the footage and I realized I completely failed I didn't do the knuckleball a single time turns out the knuckleball is extremely hard because you Gotta Throw with your arm at completely avoiding a rotation on the ball I tried a ton of different techniques using my nails changing the way I was throwing the ball or moving my arm and I actually got closer but it wasn't good enough then I completely changed my technique literally using my Knuckles this time and trying to push the ball with my fingers at the perfect moment I'm not sure I was doing it right or if I'm still missing something I only know for the very first time I threw the ball generating basically zero rotation I kept doing that over and over is it an alcohol guys I have no idea let me know in the comments I had to move on though because I only had one challenge left the hardest and most painful one on the list my back hurts my finger hurts way more like so much but now we're gonna get the bicycle kick thank you that's sweet I was pumped even if we started to feel pain everywhere literally at the first attempt my leg was hurting from the free kick my back and fingers were hurting from the previous bicycle kicks you know I tried some crazy stuff in the past I hurt myself a bunch of times and I really wasn't expecting a video about sports to be this painful but here it was I didn't want to give up though I couldn't give up even if my pain was growing and my willpower was probably I kept getting closer and closer not too bad when the pain was becoming almost unbearable this happened when he realized I actually did it it put a huge smile on my face yes cool guys yes cool [Music]
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 1,435,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: 31hN0-rX6y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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