How Dads Flex on Other Dads

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I though it was millennials that brought back the fanny pack.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mean_mr_mustard75 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
whoo beautiful yay now their day and the old name oh yeah when we got out today that's a good lon okay that's a good line laughing a bit oh yeah that's a good line that's a good oh [ __ ] alright Johnson's yeah that's a good line there you got there's God dang Jacqueline oh that diagonal finished oh yeah that's good I don't know what's higher then sucks or that long oh great oh no it's Greg darn it how's it going Chuck hey Greg just checking out the old name you know nothing taking a gander what are you doing outside the house on a Tuesday huh oh well you know just taking the puppies out for a walk these bad boys hasn't done me any wrong kind of like a fine one you know gets better with age just like me and all the old the old hag you know they're not going retrievers they're not nothing honey the other half the better half that might better have ya know Pam won't let me get a puppy so you know it'll have to do yeah yeah I got the two labradoodles in the back oh yeah I hear them every morning 6:00 a.m. yeah up and away they're so beautiful though yeah they are yeah purrs you know but I always also stay up late because your son's on the drums it's getting better though I don't have to put in my earplugs every night oh yeah Robert he just plays used to drown out the weird noises of an old man crying every Thursday night and I don't know what that's all about I've heard your oldest just got their license I'm staying off the road yeah well watch out what might as well just sell my car something uh new driver on the street guys well yeah your lawns kind of blinding me with that little gray spot right there so they call you gray or Greg maybe if you're more active member of this community other than the annual block party I throw you know that this lawn belongs to the City Council hence while running 20 20 volt for me grass better to be hey that's a good slogan well I've been kind of busy you know my oldest son just hit varsity football got to hit those games Sara over here she's valedictorian two years early I didn't even know that was possible Club that sounds like a public school problem to me pound sign cannot relate oh that's cute Greg yeah I actually have never asked for help in a Home Depot there's no exactly where everything is hey-hey-hey-hey-hey slowness pump the brakes Sharon got a hot date jeepers come on there's kids in this neighborhood this is a cold ASEC where are you going Buster that's a great truck by the way very very hefty truck these Millennials everywhere man just flying around you know yeah I got the Dish Network just locked in 138 channels of crystal-clear connection you got this how the benefit of having Jeffrey over here a little drummer you're just talking about he just installed us a nice little Roku I think I see your kid over there smoking the pot I don't know what it is but we got it the man the myth the gardening legend I just watched Jeff Foxworthy's special for the fourth time this week number sign newsflash your pool boys been hanging out when you're out of work a little too much maybe he's kicking it with your wife oh wow the pool boy huh are you insinuating that my wife has sex more than twice a year with another man that isn't me you still have six Oh what you don't yeah July 4th and thanks Nick fourth of July I get but Thanksgiving you're not too full want to take a nap I see that license plate Oh remember that hey I got a tip for you buddy leave five minutes earlier I'll get there in the same chase jeepers oh here it comes again what can I believe these people unbelievable are we gonna have a problem great oh it's dick Oh would you look at this dick that's Richard come on yeah no it's dick what can i phone is this you got here huh can't hear it huh looks like a little remote-control car my kid has one of those too Electric electric yeah electric who is that who huh what lectric who who is that Alec Alexa Alexa I I'm saving up for one of those looks like a double-a battery on whales 0 to 60 3.7 seconds oh now that I got me a Tesla sex every other day every other day oh wait oh so how do you get in this Batmobile you just you got a teleport oh here we go Alexa doors open we need to take that to a holy carwash come on what in the Alison changes the priest over this is Gracie calling the priest we gotta suck that up with holy water Oh what are you doing Maserati the Navy will find you and he'll hear you well okay I think I got all the doors open this is the Transformers right again with me I think I got it bumblebee bumblebee Shack that's a wolf all right there we go peace and quiet we're safe I'm just gonna pretend that didn't happen and I won't wake up in the little night with night terrors because of this goddamn Batmobile how you doing nice to see you Todd why do I got a look across okay can we just get on one line I don't want to step upon his line no I don't want to do that yeah it's a good line it's a good lon listen divorce best thing that ever happened to me look at this no rings like the Cleveland Browns just sneezed up a Viagra it's new car ain't the only thing I got to show you boys Greg you're gonna want to get a full 360 so come on over here oh you made me do a workout on a weekday get a load of this going great kids no good how are you good that's good firm handshake yeah you're gonna want to step back Bob yeah this better be good Oh what's the heck I think they misplaced a zipper zipper supposed to be on the crotchal region can you say in this do I have that do we have this one thing do you pee out of those we're just going at me okay oh gosh goodness gracious that is just convenient right there good love crust now that is beautiful so in the morning when it's cold you zip those bad boys up weird it's hot the afternoon they go right down oh yeah it's like are you running the whole foods are you run check this out - hashtag sorry about this here are the number one dad come down to the call to sack it's pretty nice there being divorced well if you're number one who's there - dibs I'm number two oh yeah you got it fits all right all right I got to go pick up Topher from some place called SoundCloud or something geez I'm gonna go do that so uh I miss you guys yeah well you earned it don't [ __ ] Oh doing it again oh no no oh god you know just showing off maybe I'll just god you can drive with the doors open it's safe it's safe it's electric Oh God we don't know him he's a cold a sack well he's a coldest at camp we don't know him was that a that deal in Francis I think they was Dillon Francis crystal cut isn't that how does it oh hey you still drive it it's pretty nice in here pretty nice yeah yeah it's good let's go yeah it's good again has I said zero to sixty three point seven seconds hungry man meals a little right this is why you get this car oh we're divorced I feel like I'm divorces now that's a nice magic you saying that is a nice long yes mood like went down yeah whoa that's a good lawn chair Peetz in it oh nice law that's good oh great around the Christmas decoration you can put on that one yeah snowman wait you could put it off you seen that one yeah yeah oh that's a good oh that's a good one oh yeah you don't never mind them yeah we don't we don't know you don't associate with the Kyle since picture lot picture lon they will never know [Music] so I slide to charli's I like it subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe start like Chinese bye guys
Channel: Cherdleys
Views: 4,516,869
Rating: 4.965807 out of 5
Keywords: cheb, chet, cherdleys, dad, chuck, dillon francis, trevor wallace, is it chill if i chill here, gerald, lawn duty, judge judy, dad flex, dads flexing, get off my lawn, comedy, funny, cherdleys dad, rave dad, edm, daddy, is that a statue, dude?
Id: hoY_3VqEaZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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