How Confidence Can Change Your Life Ft. Ed Mylett | Dropping Bombs Podcast (346)

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you can't get out of bed when you say you're going to if you can't put in your mouth what you say you're going to if you can't reach the contacts you say you're going to how the hell are you going to become worth 100 million dollars listen up or run forever [Music] is what it is bradley back in the house with another episode of dropping bombs today in the studio folks i've got a real live badass now if you guys don't know who this dude is it's going to be hard to explain only because like i don't know how many companies this dude is secretly involved in i know you recently tried to buy a freaking sports team i know that freaking i've been to several of your houses and they're all trophy [ __ ] houses like they're not just houses folks they're dream houses he collects them it's unbelievable you got your own freaking flight machine time machine you got a you used to have a uh what a falcon 9000 and now you bought a new jet from oracle or something out of falcon 900 now i have a global express global express dawg i seen you on freaking social media i'm like holy [ __ ] dude like that there's mac daddy [ __ ] this guy inspires me folks so folks if you're ever going to listen and share this [ __ ] i'll bet you this is the one you share out the most and like the most put your hands together folks for ed mylett better known as eddie spaghetti good to be with you brother i love you dude having me hey listen thanks for being here listen there's so many bombs that are gonna drop it's unbelievable dude i got so many questions for you where i just want to like pick your brain where i guarantee you people are thinking [ __ ] but they never get a chance to meet you and talk to you in person so i might just throw some of those out i don't really have an agenda i just know that us shooting the [ __ ] will will provide a lot of people value i might seed it though like for example dude how does it feel having so much cash you got someone full time moving it around because it ain't insured uh and and being young and buff and freaking tough and like badass dude like you wake up every day and just think holy [ __ ] dude i get to be ed mylett dude i have to replay the entrance the intro to this thing because nobody in my house thinks the way you do so thank you for saying all these things i need to get my kids thinking this stuff why do you think that you know what man i don't feel like i have all the money in the world running around nobody feels that way but i i feel uh you know i'm not and i'm you know me i'll be real with you so i feel blessed you know i've worked very hard to get some of the stuff that i have in my life but i feel really really blessed i've had a lot of really good fortune i've made a lot of great friends guys like you that i enjoy talking to like i wish we recorded our conversations on my boat you know stuff like that that people could hear because those are the the real real but i feel really blessed and like lately i think lately i just feel maybe a little bit more obligation my dad just passed away i turned 50 next month just to be a better guy and make a bigger difference in the world and take it to a new level i feel that way lately like you know when you lose your dad i think because my dad was my best friend's like wow a lot it's sad the other part that occurs you was like well i'm the next one like this time is actually limit i was with my dad when he passed away you know like i i was there when it happened and like it's real like you're gonna die like no pun intended like max out your life and so i'm probably a little bit more serious about it lately than i ever even was before dude well number one sorry to hear about your dad especially when you're when you're close to him like that like when my dad died i wasn't really close to him but i wasn't you know what do you call it when you're when you're estranged like i wasn't estranged it's just i grew up to where he kind of left me alone and expected me to fend for myself i wasn't really close to him and when he died it was emotional dude you must have went through a hell of a ride there yeah well my dad tale of two lives which is really gives everybody hope like my dad's first 40 years there's always a goo there's always the good person in you you don't say we all have good in us but my dad's first 40 years i could say he wouldn't mind me saying he didn't live perfectly he was an alcoholic used drugs probably wasn't the best husband or father it was pretty intense with me a lot of love still there but but when my dad got sober my dad ended up being sober for like 35 36 years my dad had a second half of his life that was unbelievable so i really became proud of my dad and very close to him something an admirable somebody who is a little bit messed up and then turns everything around that's better than like the perfect person the whole time you know and so i think my dad's like a really good example much better one than i am of how good a man you can be and that your past doesn't equal your future like you could have screwed up a lot of things you could have you know gone broke hurt people you know made lots of things made mistakes you're even ashamed of and then come back to live an amazing life my dad helped hundreds and hundreds of people get sober and i never knew it and so you know i met a lot of them since he's passed away that my dad really made a difference in their life so yeah man it was hard when i lost him for sure well sorry to hear that but uh you know it happens and that's the point man everybody dies how much how many people do you because you see a lot of people how many of them do you like literally feel sorry for because you understand the statistics that 70 80 percent of them are never gonna do [ __ ] i feel sorry for people that like sleepwalk through their life you know what i'm saying that just like kind of just drift through it and keep thinking like eventually they'll they're going to turn something around but they don't do anything different meet anybody different do anything different i feel bad for them and then i feel really bad for the people that none of them are listening to the show if they listen to your show they want to improve their life but it's just the people every single day that just waste talent waste blessings waste opportunities and they become a waste of life and i i hate seeing that in humans because i do think you do if you you know people say life is short there's an element of it that's short but if you if you're not happy life is long it's long man i mean how much more tv can you watch you know how much more gossiping can you do before it just gets long you know and so that's how i feel is that a bomb is it a half a bomb that's a big old bomb that's a machine gun and that's an applause i've got all kinds of sound effects you probably don't hear well i've been on before i've heard some of them so and i listened to the show so now when you said hey man my my family doesn't really think of me that way how how do you think familiarity affects relationships well i think it's certainly if you're not careful you have to guard that like if you have mentors where you get to know them too well or they can't influence you i watch you with me the people closest to me i probably have the least influence over sometimes because they see me at my worst they see me lose my temper you know they've seen me down yeah but dude yeah but ed they also see what you got like listen dude i've been to the dude's house you know i've been on your jet unfortunately but i know you got one and dude people don't realize like how hard it is to attain that level of wealth like dude you've been doing a lot of right [ __ ] for a long time right you didn't inherit the [ __ ] i definitely did not inherit it that's right so and you didn't come from it so it's like dude what the hell did you do to amass like almost into the billions i ain't gonna give your give out your personal business but this dude ain't no deca millionaire and he ain't no single digit millionaire like dude have you been a clubhouse yet by the way no everyone keeps telling me i need to do it dude you're [ __ ] made for clubhouse bro so am i it's unbelievable dude i pop up i mean there's rooms there's dumb rooms but i pop open a room 150 people want to come in and guess what they're wanting to learn how to make money selling courses online well dude when they're done listening to me after two hours i swear to god i've got 150 dms wanting demos and we're signing them up so fast it's ridiculous like go figure no one's ever heard of lightspeed here i am thinking everyone knows lightspeed dude nobody knows likes being the people that are seeking right now how to make money online yeah when they pop in the clubhouse they've never heard a light speed they hear my conviction on how to do [ __ ] properly and dude they're just piling up now my reluctance to it was what you said was that people would get more and more proximity yeah well true but dude with you dude you pop in there like once every couple of weeks and do the ed milette show bro especially if you're looking for people to to to bring into wfg or the miliary group or any of the businesses that you're in or you know whatever the case may be like dude you how many businesses do you own i'm involved or on the uh 23 right now in my portfolio right now and so like you know it's cool because a given day is vast and diverse you know one's of you know you mentioned one's a financial service coming one's a chocolate company i know but so you know but ed some people can't figure out one business you've got 27 now what's your day look like to manage those or do you just delegate i delegate a lot but that's a great lesson i want to say something about that since we're going to get to like you know how do we accumulate money there's this thing that hey millionaires have multiple streams of income right you always hear this stuff that's sort of a truth that's a that's a fact that's not true what i mean by that is i got great at one thing that's what made me wealthy i didn't split my focus what happens is then you become a millionaire then you diversify your income streams and i i mean like multiple businesses but i think a lot of people think i'm going to do a millionaire i'm going to have 11 different things i'm involved with and you never get great at any of them right even you and i have talked about that you need to focus on light speed as you've been doing build the heck out of that thing yeah then you get wealthy you're like okay i'm going to get involved in this i have an interest in that i have a relationship there i have a connection there and so very very important that you don't begin to think the way to get rich is to have 25 different businesses that's not what anybody i know that's not what zuckerberg did it's not what cuban did in the beginning right it's not what i've done it's not what jeff bezos did like we got into our primary business and crushed it then you diversify in terms of a given day it's interesting like some days are like you know personal development on my show and my youtube channel and creating content some days i'm involved in you know outstanding foods and it's a chip company so it's like the days are diverse which keeps me interested at my age you know to do the same thing for 30 40 years i think does become monotonous and so i enjoy the challenge of like learning new things and and i like being around people that are different than me it's one of the reasons like you and i connect really well because you're so damn funny right you're so interesting to talk to that like i don't want to talk to a bunch of dudes like we already know what i think so a given day is super interesting for me like when i'm done now i'm going into uh meaning for a bank that i'm on the board of dude i want to be totally different i want to go golf with you and richard cranium yeah richard yeah yeah mitchell cabace is my buddy he's a big time real estate developer actually in laguna beach and a wonderful wonderful very very successful wealthy dude and he's just one of my buddies that makes me laugh you know like he's successful what makes me laugh he's funny it looks like you guys are having a good time so you still find time for golf and leisure how do you do pleasure yes absolutely i do i schedule it like because i i'm not one of those dudes who like relaxes easily i have to schedule it it's not like you man people don't know this about you saturday four o'clock a lot of times you're gonna find brad at the office like brad works bragg's brat brad is a i don't like that word grinder because i think you love what you're doing but the truth is is i'm trying to freaking catch up to you like i'm trying to catch up to real players like that's the crazy thing about [ __ ] people all look at me like i'm successful and then they're amazed that i don't think that i'm that successful and they're like oh he's just you know trying to play humble no man i'm looking at dudes like you yeah but then i look at dudes that are different too so name dropper time right like on my one of the clubs that i belong to me and richard cabasov and dinner actually on valentine's he was my valentine this year and like uh you know tim cook walked right by us like he he's a member there he walked right by me and then you know he runs a little deal called apple right you're like whoa and then dude hey i don't want to interrupt you bro but i'm telling you dude tim cook ain't got nothing on ed mylett well thank you but he certainly has he runs the most influential company or one of them in the world dude like that morning every morning phil knight walks by my house phil walks like eight or ten miles a day him and his wife are amazing i don't know them well but they they walk like 10 miles a day no joke every single day even if it rains and he'll walk right by my house or i'll walk in my dogs and i'm like well he's got about 54 billion dollars more than me right so everything's that way and like what you do well that i do well is i'm in that environment because i want to be in proximity to people who stretch me in all those different ways so there's all levels man yeah but don't you think it's some level ed which you're definitely above it it just doesn't matter anymore like in other words 4 billion and 40 billion not much of a difference you can only do so much you can only stay at hotels that are so nice you could only fly so nice and drive so nice once you have billions you you you can have anything you want can't you yes and and that there's validity to that but i think also what happens was it's really weird man when you're young well that's why i was i pretended to be more successful than i was i want everybody to think i was super successful i had salvaged title mercedes i'd buy so i was driving a mercedes it was been like an 11 car accidents you know and i'd buy watches i couldn't afford and those all these things made me broke when i was young and i stopped doing it then when you actually become wealthy i think that you almost do the reverse like you underplay it a little bit you're almost embarrassed by it to some extent and so so this may sound like the corny part but the really wealthy really wealthy dudes that i like for them it's about if i can accumulate more i can give more and whatever you think of different dudes like i know there's all this controversy with gates and the vaccines and all that i have never met bill i don't know bill i i don't know what to believe on any of that stuff frankly i don't know the man but what i do know he says his mission in the world is to cure malaria that's kind of like a hard thing to do if you've got 11 right so the bigger wealth there what happens at four and forty at four billion dollars i'm gonna be wealthy the rest of my life i'm gonna give away some and my family's gonna be generationally wealthy at 40 billion dollars you could literally change mankind to some extent and do something you know once in a century somebody could do so it does matter to me not not just the money part but the impact part plus i don't play sports anymore so what's the sport the sports business right so tell tiger woods hey man you're only three or four major short of nicholas who cares man what's the difference 15 majors or 20 mate 15 or 18 who cares he cares it matters yeah like when tiger got caught cheating and his game went down apparently he found his game again apparently he did right apparently he did have you seen a documentary on hbo not yet that's unbelievable and one of the things when you see it i think is you have a little bit of an understanding of what made but his formative years and how he looked at relationships and women were shaped an awful lot by his old man his dad was a really good dude his biggest fan good man but he had these issues as well according to that documentary so it shaped who he is do you do you think the familiarity that we have with like you said whoever hangs around you probably doesn't have you don't have the same influence um again my thought is dude anybody that hangs around you and actually sees like holy [ __ ] dude like this isn't even normal like dude describe your houses or let me like dude his house is folks and the reason i'm saying is not to make everybody go ooh impressive there's people that are out there freaking parading around as experts where if they had one of your houses they wouldn't be able to afford the maintenance see what i'm saying how much does a jet cost just to have for a year just to have it's seven figures my jet a year just to have i was golfing yesterday with richard cabeza and i uh there was a golf ball in the bushes someone else's golf ball i stopped the golf cart and i'm like hey there's a golf ball there right he goes what the hell are you doing i go someone left their golf home pick the golf ball up right i said i don't have to buy a golf ball and he lit this like it's me and you talks he goes dude you pay over a million dollars a year in property taxes and you're trying to scavenge into a bush for a used golf ball what the hell is wrong with you and i said the reason i can afford to pay a million dollars in property taxes is because i'll scavenge into a bush to get a golf ball that's why i saved money or in principle the principle of it is that i've saved i've resisted the temptation look man i have a lot more friends who used to be rich than currently are ye [Music] well you got some that are hot on your trail yeah but you're different because you're super curious like the if people knew like when you and i talk what we talk about or the guys you hang on like we're part of a group of friends that are like really seriously trying to get nuggets from one another really seriously trying to learn we're not casual about we have a blast drink a lot of wine we have cigars we have a great time so it looks like we're casual but those cigar wine conversations as you know get really really intense i've watched you almost throw down with some dudes when we get into debates on business and stuff and you know who i'm talking about so you know like though it may look like it's all bubble gum and giggles and wine and cigars but underneath it it's like we're competing and we're really trying to learn from each other yeah well it's fun to be able to sit back and say man not only do i know ed my let like i've been to his house and that shit's impressive dude so again not to keep harping on it but i want people to understand that are listening to this podcast because dude there's people right now just trying to figure out how to get from 600 to 700 i mean i'm sorry six figures to seven figures yep and you should be doing that but here's the other thing you better have some big ass dreams i think this what's in front of the next thing is real limiting so you should get from 400 grand to a million and then a million to three million but you would have some big-ass god-sized dreams like the home i i just literally brought you don't even know this i i just bought the house i'm in this interview in a week ago one week ago and um it's oceanfront and this beach when i was a kid dating cristiano who's now my wife i l this exact beach i used to walk on and go babe we're gonna get a house up there someday i had no idea the hell i was gonna do that should i have been thinking about how to get to six figures yeah i was but i wanted a big thing up in my mind my heart's been gravitating towards this for a very very long time and just the reason you want cash great story the dude who had this house was a very very wealthy dude i'm told maybe stuff happened and i get a call hey it's 9 million below ask price but you got to write a check in a week and i'm like in a week like no inspections no nothing i go what's the numbers about 20 million dollars i go yes stroke to check in a week moved in here never even been inside the house about a 20 million dollar house i had never walked in the side of i the first time i walked inside this house they gave me the keys it was mine no joke i just knew where it was did it come furnished yes see that's the best way to buy houses like when you walk in you're just like get your clothes and your toothbrush and beat it yeah it was pretty cool man i'm not gonna lie but uh i saw you redoing that painted desert is that painted desert i keep seeing that that freaking thing on the that that house in the desert is at the madison club and it's a pretty special home yeah you redid a little bit of that one didn't you i'm redoing it right now yeah you got you got rid of the the idaho spread i got rid of the idaho that was a mistake i should have kept the idaho the one you've been to that was a particular home but then you bought a new tip it looked like or you were considering buying that land where the i did well you were looking close yeah i bought some i follow you bro by the way if anybody's not following ed milette you guys are stupid i'd go to instagram at edmilette i'd go to all platforms search edmylet subscribe hit the notifications go to itunes or spotify and get his podcast and download that he is his podcast is is like dropping bombs except professional and clean and sweet sweet and kind and a little bit more serious like you know you and and somehow you're getting all the goodies but see the beautiful part is a lot of times when you're interviewing somebody dude it's like you're you're you don't even bring up the fact that you're doing better than most of the people you're interviewing you're being very nice today yeah man you unlike you i'm like anybody i don't feel that way most of the time i'm not saying there's not dude why don't you have phil knight on if he's jogging by every damn day yeah i've i've sort of floated it that's kind of how i do it and i you know i need to probably pursue that further i'd like to have phil if you're my buddy you'll go out next time he's jogging by and be like hey here's a note from a buddy of mine and just hand him a note that says bradley wants you on dropping bombs i will tell him that for you brother that'll be the first thing i'll tell him and by the way dude his book shoe dog was pretty decent but uh your book max out your life which is a freaking kick ass and quick read anybody that doesn't have a copy of that i'd go get it dude it's almost like right there you you told him exactly how to achieve pretty much everything yeah you just got it like you you try to find different ways to say it and that affects different people over time that's the battle right once you've been on creating content for a while you know this it's trying to find another way to deliver a very similar message that's more impactful or entertaining when you do it and i'm still doing if you'd had told me four or five years ago i'd be creating content every single day on entrepreneurship and self-help and being happier in fitness i thought you were out of your damn mind i cannot believe i do this every single day but it's become my life like it's literally the center piece of my life now is doing this dude i told you that i was sitting out at lake mead i got a new boat and so i found one of the coves everybody goes to and i'm running into this guy and uh he starts talking to my buddy zach and next thing you know he said something about eddie mylette and i'm and i'm listening and and i hear eddie mylett and so i i i listen a little closer the dude's talking about eddie mylette little baseball player he grew up with a little skinny kid walking around playing baseball you know kind of quiet not even not even real aggressive um and your wife christiana like like he knows you from like grade school i didn't know you and your wife been together so long yeah grade school and then dated in high school yeah see that's another thing that's rare nowadays that's also why i still have my money i've never been divorced that helps well dude like like bezos you know i always tell people if i ever get divorced dude i hope i hope she takes hundreds of millions of dollars does that mean you got hundreds of millions left after yes yes i get that see ed most people like when they wake up in the morning they're dreading the circumstances of the day and that mindset limits their ability to believe in abundance and other things and possibility and hope and activate their reticular activating system and like focus in on all the [ __ ] you say and like you know success leaves clues but nobody's picking them up what the hell you think the problem is i think that that's a good question i think the reason i'm pretty decent at personal development and entrepreneurship is because i also had all of those thoughts like my family is a little bit my family kind of we never dreamed we never went on vacation i think there's a little bit of this thing in my family that maybe successful people got what they got through ill-gotten means a little bit you know a little bit of that no one's impressed with anything material in my family at all no one could care less to this day and then like i just had a lot of insecurities and i am shy whatever that guy told you and you know this from knowing me too i am introverted and i think i like i'm pretty good at this because like if you're thinking something stupid i probably thought it and that's why i help people pretty well like if you're doing something stupid i probably already did it let me save you some time and then i know what i replaced it with so i know what i replaced my insecurities with i know how i built my self-confidence i know how i developed my ability to public speak when it was my greatest fear how did you do that how did you do that modeling people who were good at it so i watched a ton a ton it's funny people go how come most of your friends i see with you socially are stand-up comedians because a lot of them are my friends they've been on my show because i was fans of theirs from learning the the highest form of public speaking to me is stand-up comedy which you could do you are the only person legitimately in the personal development entrepreneur space who right now and you've done it you know this could walk out and be a legit touring stand-up comic you could do that and you're the only one who could do it and that skill of speaking in public and how they nuance silence when they do it how they use humor how they take risks so it was those guys and then believe it or not televangelist faith healers on tv watching those two and starting to model them and then coming out originally and playing a little bit of a character meaning it was me but it had to be like the superman version of me and over time i went wow i you know what i do have a deep voice i do know what i'm talking about and then over time it started to become more and more impactful and then it's you know it's grown into what like i'm probably known most for is not known but like i'm one of my easiest skills now is large stage speaking i'm very comfortable doing that now dude you you get paid big dollars to do that do you ever do that just for fun for your friends uh try not to do as much of that as i used to because everybody asks you so yeah i know they wouldn't do that very generous with that so i do a little of it yeah but what if they're your friend are you trying to ask me right now you're just wondering if they're your friend does that matter at all or it matters sure now listen don't put that out on the internet anywhere yeah and by the way keep in mind folks when you have someone that speaks professionally number one number two will get there privately you have to realize that like they're gonna spend 20 g's just to come do you a favor i'm doing one in florida as a favor this weekend and uh it's a forty thousand dollar favor out of my pocket that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying so i know you and i are speaking at the american blue collar dream conference are we okay dude by the way that's a cool name for an event don't you think yeah are they having larry the cable guy there or anybody else i don't know they got me i think in instead but they got you which which is which is the the big one dude what is that what is that i don't know it's like march or june or something okay maybe maybe uh april may maybe june i don't know junior are we doing it in person am i gonna see you or is it a zoomer i'm going are you zooming no if i if you're going i'll go oh i'm going to go where is it florida fort lauderdale okay we'll i'll pick you up we'll go shut up dude you ain't picking me up are you really no i'll pick you up we'll go dude that that oh my god dude that right there is now is going to have a little check on my bucket list let's do it dude riding in the old global express what's that like awesome now that's awesome so you give me all the houses like it's embarrassing but i'ma tell you having a jet and a real one is really cool like that is a thing sometimes you wake up in your house and you're in a bad mood and it's still just your house right but the airplane honestly is something that i i'm on and i just go i cannot that that's even one of those things i don't have a word of like wow i i i'm here right now like really i'm i'm doing this me do these people have any idea how stupid i am you know what i mean like that part of it still to me is just it's the i think having a private jet and friends of mine that had them before me and i don't i would not encourage anybody to do this until like you just have money you don't care about because that's it's the dumbest financial thing in the world but it's one of those things it's just it's a mind blower and you just walk on it you're like wow and i own this like this is mine it's crazy to me and mine's cool it's got they hit a button the bed comes out and ellison put a shower on it like it's just it's bananas it's just i'm giddy every time i'm on it dude how long is it for wheels up what's the longest duration for wheels up like right now if you said if you if i said hey ed get up here we're doing this and this and you got to be here quick what is like you make a phone call within 30 minutes your wheels up yeah anywhere i think like i know i can go to you know la to london really easy i think i think we're going to south africa in the summer um but i'm probably wrong so the pilots will correct me on this but my pilot was telling me the day i can go to and guys correct me if i'm wrong i can go hawaii back back to hawaii and halfway back again on one tank yeah i think that's right yeah but how how fast can you get off the ground from any where you are in the world at any given oh if i want to go like hey we're going yeah uh probably an hour so so you're you're an hour away from going anywhere in the world with anyone you want i'll tell you the dream about this so yeah the other night this is cool because the world shrinks so like normally i'm sitting at home like hey babe where you want to go to dinner well everything in southern cal is closed or outdoor seating right so we're like laguna beach we'll go to mastros or whatever and i go um the ocean club in scottsdale's open and she's like what are you talking about i go let's just take an hour let's go to scottsdale so we literally called my pilot fueled up about an hour and a half later got on the plane had dinner in in scottsdale had a great time flew back home it was awesome back back in bed before 11. i was in bed at 10 45 brother i'm not exaggerating i was dude now i the reason i keep pounding this is because folks if you're listening it is possible other than you're being cool and all that normal [ __ ] there's nothing special about you you didn't get it handed to you there was no you know or was there was there a mentor that taught you how to do this or did you just naturally find your way to this type of success certainly no first to be very clear i'm not gifted so i don't have and i don't say this out of any false sense of humility i have a really very average iq in fact my wife my children and i just about a year ago did our iq test i was fourth in my own house so my q's not that high um i'm not six foot four you know i don't have any connections i didn't grow up with any relationships or connections like that i did have a dad who had a lot of presence man my dad is a dude like my dad had a ton of personal presence unbelievable work ethic and then over time like most people i picked up a couple virtual mentors like a tony robbins from a distance initially then obviously we became friends um no i've found my way through things and really just outworked people when i got there now here's what i did do i found things that i was naturally pretty gifted at to do meaning i kind of became aware in my early 20s of things i was good at i was a good communicator i am intense i am competitive right like i do have a heart to serve people i'm good with words right i'm good with words i'm good with thinking on my feet when i got to come up with something to say i probably could have been a lawyer right like and so i picked a career that kind of naturally went with my proclivities i don't think enough people do that like take an inventory what are the three or four things you're great at don't be humble about it your nurturing skills your la your humor your looks your listening ability your resiliency your toughness your math skills problem solving uh equanimity which is peace under pressure like what are your skills and then do something for a living that takes advantage of those things you're good at lebron james isn't stupid he figured out i'm six eight i'm 260 pounds i run a four four forty i can jump out of the gym maybe i should be an athlete right like he's not dumb with lebron james been the most incredible motivational speaker of all time probably not right but what i'm not is six eight two sixty four four forty can't jump out of the gym so we both pick something that are suited to our natural skill sets and what most people do is they think the only natural gifts are the biggies they're going to look like bradley or they got to jump like lebron james and that's not it you have two or three or four not ten you got two three four use those in businesses or in capacities that serve people last point my sister my middle sister was born with diabetes she's blind she can see shadow she can't drive and i don't know what andrea makes a year but i'm gonna guess it's less than forty thousand dollars a year i could be wrong she's my sister i love her but she doesn't make any money okay my sister's as successful a person or more successful than me because she's the sweetest kindest most patient teacher you'll ever meet in her life she chose a career that is perfect for her giftedness and as a result she's a very blissful happy person very blissful and happy took advantage of her skill she can't even see yet she makes difference in hundreds of children's lives like it's an awesome life she has i'm not more successful than her i'm richer than her because my skills let me do businesses that made money and so that's all everybody's got to get focused on and then this stuff gets pretty easy would you rather be uh blissful and happy like her or rich like you i'm also blissful and happy and i've been happy poor and happy rich and happy rich is way better [Laughter] i'm just telling you dude what are what are three books that if you were gonna tell max dude i can't give you any more information here's the three books you gotta read good luck to you like that's the last three bits of information you could give him what books would you give him he already reads them he would read the bible he would read think and grow rich and then he would read the book i'm writing right now um but since you can't read the one that i'm writing right now there's a whole bunch of other ones in there that i could replace it with but probably how how a man thinketh am i saying that right as a man think it by james allen as a man thinketh yeah that's a good dude listen i mean at the end of the day i think people are too busy trying to complicate things and thinking there's these secrets to being successful sometimes when i'm telling people you know you know here's what i've learned to be successful that's where i kind of feel almost imposter syndrome why well because i know guys like you i know guys that have done 10 times like who am i to be talking about how to succeed i haven't even succeeded yet it's not it's not humility though but it's not your humility it's i wonder in some cases with you because you do that a lot and i'm just i'm just saying to you i some wonder sometimes if you do that a little excessively like hey you are sick i've been waiting for this see this is a therapy session for bradley one on one without my leg how much would this cost people a lot but i'm gonna tell you with you like you're so impressive i'm not just saying this for i mean whatever we can talk about anything today you're so impressive to me that i like that you're you have humility and i like that you show respect to people that are successful but i think sometimes man like i don't think you're aware of the presence and impact you have and that may be one of the things like i've told you this i'm not on you everyone knows this my favorite content on speed is the real bradley it's my favorite stuff i only really truthfully watch like two or three people anymore it's you when you my phone rings if it's your name i want to pick it up right also relentless like you won't have a lot of phone calls with bradley eventually light speed is going to come up and i like that we eventually get back to lightspeed so i think that you do a little too much of that and i wonder if your impact would even be a little bit bigger if you just notch that down just a skosh because you know the truth is i didn't do a lot of that like i was giving myself credit and i think that credit started to stack and fed my identity to where i then thought that of myself and my life filled in that identity and i think if you keep talking about yourself like this maybe that's why your life keeps staying at that place as opposed to start to speak to yourself with a little bit more reverence you never speak about reverence with yourself see this is what i mean by more professional and deep and real like see dude i'm the real bradley you should be the real ed milette cause you keep dude that shit's real yeah like in your case it is brad like i i think that other people see you this is a dangerous place to be in everybody when other people see you as more impactful powerful influential potentially maybe than you do i'm not talking about ego that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about capacity and believing enough in yourself that you the external conditions end up meeting up with the internal dialogue and reputation you have with yourself and in brad's case i'm always a little perplexed by because i feel like there's a lot of humility there and this is by the way brad's a confident this is a good little thing because most you go no i'm confident you're confident compared to you five years ago but are you confident compared to what you're actually capable of like when brad is one of the most capable people i know he is i'm just saying it and and yet sometimes i don't know that that internal dialogue or that internal belief even for someone like brad is where it should be relative to what his capacity is and so is that the governor that he keeps bumping up on it's just worth considering for brad and everybody else listening to this well i'm telling you yes so now the question is well how do i fix that uh a lot embracing a little bit first off in your case one of the places you'd you'd garner a lot more self-confidence from is if you started because i know your heart if you started to give yourself credit for what your really good intentions are i think everything with you is like business plan execution talent level you're one of the very rare people bro like you're a good man like everyone i know likes you even the guys who don't like anybody like our mutual friends are like like three people love you right and when you leave them i hear often hey brad was here dude what a great time i had with him you know i hear that often so i don't think enough people give themselves credit for their intentions think about this for a minute what if my entire life everything all my confidence was predicated on my capacity at every single stage am i that smart can i walk in this room can i own it am i the brightest guy do i have the best ideas will i execute do i have the best capital the best team if every part of my confidence was predicated on my capacity i'd always be trailing it so at one point i went you know what i outwork everyone's freaking ass and i'm a good human i deserve this and so my confidence started coming from my good intentions believe it or not that's not hollow i still do it we're getting on the show today i'm busy i know i'ma crush this why i want to serve people i have no other purpose of doing this today then i want to serve people and so i my a game will flood out of me because i deserve to do well today because the reason i want to do well as i want to make a difference for some other person and i want to do well for my friend brad so you don't give yourself credit for your intentions and me and you both know a bunch of fakes in our space and we know some dudes who have accumulated a little bit of money but i don't know that their intentions are as pure as me and you right so you don't give yourself enough credit for that in my mind that's a place where confidence could come from for you deep bro and you're probably right i mean dude you're hitting it on the head i don't know why i'm like that like i said i just tell it like it is it's because you've won in spite of it brad you you you are so talented and such a good dude and have such good products and are so overly to a fault generous with people that you do deals with people don't know this about you but it's a truth that you're winning in spite of the fact that you think about yourself and talked away because you are so damn talented but if you if you line those two things up you'd be scary you would be scary and that's the only difference with me and you at one point i just lined it up i'm like i i'm a i've met all these people i'm actually a halfway decent human being like i deserve to do well i want to help people i want to be fair i'm relatively moral and ethical most of the time like i deserve to do well and a lot more of my confidence started trailing that than the other stuff dude this is a freaking master class on building confidence i'll tell you right now too man there's a lot of people that need a little confidence you know it's funny because i'm listening to you on how to build my confidence most people are asking me about how to build their confidence yeah yeah well the other thing is i keep promises to myself my confidence comes from you know i by and large i keep the promises that i make to myself when i meet somebody who's not confident i'm like this is your fault nobody else's man you keep breaking promises to yourself you say you're gonna eat a certain way and then you don't you say you're gonna make amount of contacts a day you don't you say you're gonna you gotta start doing what you say you're gonna do and you start building a reputation with yourself on small things then when you line your mind up for a big thing you have momentum and a reputation we're like i'm gonna hit the big one now but if you can't get out of bed when you say you're going to if you can't put in your mouth what you say you're going to if you can't reach the contacts you say you're going to how the hell are you going to become worth 100 million dollars your brain doesn't believe you because it can't even keep the other promises but you start keeping the small ones then the big ones become easier dude 100 and i'll tell you what's funny is my team the other day or no yesterday the day before i think the day before maybe text me and said uh is ed mylette confirmed for monday and i said yeah why well he hasn't responded he hasn't responded he hasn't responded i said don't panic if ed said he'll be there at one o'clock on monday he'll be there at one o'clock on monday unless something major happens and she goes okay thank you oh i am here well i mean i just knew because you you agreed you said yes i knew you'd be here even though she was like he hasn't responded dude if you're like me you get 600 emails when you wake up some of them are spam some are real so now you got to thumb through them and then and then ultimately by the time you get back from lunch there might be another 100 in there and now the ones that you were thinking about getting back to are now four pages deep and you don't go that far it concerns me because that certainly isn't me replying it concerns me that someone on my team didn't get back but yeah that's that's a sign of respect is to reply though i'm surprised well i don't dude hey i don't want to get nobody in trouble that's just what they told me maybe no i'm sure it's true and we'll look into that but but but uh you know what you just said dude hits it on the head now when i get off this podcast i'm gonna be thinking okay how do i apply that because again most people they can't take criticism number one because again this to me is positive as positive feedback and it's and it's hypnotherapy and it's and it's psychological breakdown why well because dude you're you're watching me and i don't get to watch myself like that yep you know what i'm saying and sometimes you know when someone says something that i'm like yep well then i don't [ __ ] myself be like well yeah that's a good observation however you know no like that hit it right on the head so how do i stop doing that well giving myself a little bit of credit it's happening a little bit more and more lately however however again there's still that you know i i think it's all based on perception i don't think i've done all that well you know i haven't i haven't given millions to charity you know there's you know i don't have a freaking jet i don't have freaking trophy homes should i in my opinion absolutely yes i just don't and i don't necessarily know why but if that's the the reason is because technically i don't think that i deserve that i'm 100 positive that's what it is just so you know deep down yeah deep down 100 positive that's what it is with you because it's not a lack of talent opportunity connections relationships and you're already very successful i know but like but like i don't like calling people with with bogus [ __ ] so i just don't i j like that's why people take my call ed i don't call and try to sell you something all the time do i never no we talk about your business but no you do not try to do that all the time and and i avoid calls from people that we know that do that just every single phone call but you do have a habit and people do this a lot people have a habit of telling you their current or their old story a lot of people tell you their old story here's my old story i used to be this this happened to me my mom did this my dad did that here's where i really am here's this divorce i had here was my bankruptcy i was a high school football player i had a i was a millionaire that's one version then there's a little small group that does what you do they're always telling themselves their current story yeah i could be successful but i only have this much money in the bank yeah i can be successful but i live here yeah but they tell their current story champions are aware of those stories but are constantly telling the news story and they're creating a new chapter in their book they're constantly messaging it and i'm not about speaking into the universe i'm talking about someone like brad already walks the walk already works like it already looks like it already thinks like it but he doesn't talk the talk he talks a lot about where he is listen to the interview back again hey man i'm not where you i mean i'm doing okay but i'm not where you are where i am is this this this is this well okay you're just repeating it over and over and over again no kidding so so should i well cause to me dude i'm trying to keep [ __ ] real like i i i don't like i don't wanna i don't wanna walk in like i got a 12-inch dick and turns out i got a freaking three foot nub hiding in the hair three foot i mean three inches bigger than 12. you just did it again you can't see even when you try to minimize yourself the real one was better than the fake one everyone would rather have a three foot nub dog than a 12 incher what are you talking about no i would not no i would not and be honest dude a big one is not ed this is this is off subject but i got to share it with the world dude having a huge dick is not necessarily as fun as you think so trust me be happy listen be happy with what you had bro listen if people are out there right now wanting a three-foot dick number one that's ridiculous but even a 12-incher dude it's not fun you know you know it may be fun to show it may be fun to show but it's not fun after that um that's good to know man the good news about meeting my wife so young is i think she does think that's three feet which is awesome so well here's why i'm here's why i'm pissed because i know that you were going to be brilliant but i knew i'm going to keep the custom down to a minimum because ed won't share this even though he might want to he won't share it he won't use it he won't do nothing with it if it's filled with a bunch of f-bombs and and you know vulgarity and i went the whole time i think unless i hear it back without it and i just ruined it with the old it just leaked out didn't it well dude you want the world to know about your foot long i don't blame you and that's a big deal well listen to this dude uh a company called manscaped called and said hey uh you you want a uh sponsor for your podcast and i'm like i'll never get sponsors from my podcast if it's like you know boner pills or just stuff i don't want to be associated with but manscaped i'm like dude i like manscaped i own manscape [ __ ] like i stay manscaped yep like who doesn't stay manscaped i'm manscaped i can vouch for that well who wouldn't be man's do you use manscape i don't think i use manscape you know there's a company that specializes in tools that get you trimmed below the waist without snagging the old bean bag really oh yeah dude manscaped send me something are we are we plugging them right now is that what we're doing i'll send you some i'll send you some no but i'm considering taking their sponsorship because i believe in it like if you're walking yeah well if you're walking well i guess this could be considered that but that's not what it is uh uh i just think that like you know people that walk around not in their best condition screws with them mentally i've i've kind of procrastinated getting in really good shape you know that's probably a trigger you know the fact that i know so many people that are far more successful than i financially and that's what i got to start you know also doing you know financially people have a little bit more than me but as far as good human beings dude there ain't many uh you know better human beings than me i know that that's a fact and uh if success is based on having a rock star wife and beautiful little ones you're doing really well there too we still talk about your kids man like you've got a lot you're blessed yes i am blessed and dude that's the fact i am blessed and you know what let me tell you something uh most people say they have an angel on their shoulder i believe i swear to you that i've got two angels guiding me through i believe there's two of them and one of them's michael because dude like i shouldn't be anywhere near where i am for damn sure and it seems like everywhere i turn dude i'm just as lucky as you can get wow see i like this version of you right here i like this but i am lucky bro i'm as lucky as they come like dude if you want to freaking look up luck in the dictionary obl's face is going to be sitting there like this that's awesome dude i'm lucky like i like like i'm i'm a lucky dude but at the end of the day you know how do i make that switch you're saying just give myself credit easier said that's the only thing i'm saying i think you should be conscious of not repeating your current story all the time i think you should be conscious about the language you use about yourself i think you should give yourself more credit for your intentions i think you need to start to look outside and see what other people see when they listen and look at you a little bit more because you do suffer from that i'm not saying that's the entire picture i'm saying that would go a really really long way because you're already at a very high level so when you're at a decent level guys like the the shifts are small they're fine-tuning type adjustments all the time then you find your rhythm and your formula and in your case it's also just you know for me in your case it's it's like i'd like to see you be intentional about going to to a different level i'd this sounds i'd like to see you doing stand-up i'd like to see you doing leveraging your presence more for more media stuff well you know you know someone dared me to do stand-up and i popped up and did 23 minutes of it yeah and crushed from what i heard well again dude listen i agree with you that it's the highest form of of public speaking yeah um i think i bombed terribly compared to a professional with timing like in other words my 23 minutes could have been condensed to a hilarious gut-busting seven and if any professional comedian took my material and delivered it properly they would crush it i think the material is funny but the problem is again and maybe this is a limiting belief of mine but dude it's about balls and stupid [ __ ] like you know i i i walk out and i'm like who who who decided that balls meant courage like if that were true old men would be really really courageous and and they're not necessarily courageous so like i don't understand why we got two either like you know but then i figured you know it's probably because you know reach over and rub my ball sounds weird that's awesome and i went on and i went on and it was stupid [ __ ] bro you know it was it was really you know uh juvenile humor although it was funny now is it would you go out and do juvenile humor or would you find some intelligent [ __ ] to talk about no i would do what comes naturally to you which is this and you by the way you do both types of humor but like so you did it again you're like well it was good but a professional would have you know you immediately go into this pattern so like so before deprecation okay so should i have said dude i [ __ ] crushed it man i'm one of the best comedians ever i know that if i did this intentionally [ __ ] dude i'd be one of the biggest comedians that ever spoke you should have been there no now what if someone was there what if someone was there and they thought dude did you hear him what a freaking braggadocious [ __ ] like holy moly and now when i was young ed i don't know if you know this but let me give you this for my psychology to factor it into your your coaching when i was young at six years old i lied to everybody in my neighborhood saying that we were rich when we weren't you told me on my show i know this yeah so so so everybody freaking gave me the freaking cold shoulder for years and well i don't remember how long it was but it seemed like forever and and maybe that trauma of being rejected stems from that and now i don't want to do that at all so now i go technically the opposite you know what i mean i think there's somewhere in between i think what would have been like i think that's what you do you reduce it to the ridiculous so that no should you've gone outside i'm the greatest comedian in the world no so that means then by de facto you should not uh project into the future that you'd be good at it like so you projected all the way the most ridiculous stupid thing you could say is if there's nothing in between so the in between would be you know what man i walked out i'm a complete amateur i do 23 minutes how many people walking the earth could walk out and do 23 seconds in front of people i crushed it pretty good man i got a lot of laughs i enjoyed doing it i was in a pretty good flow i figured out some stuff i need to tweak so i could do it even better but you know what man it's kind of maybe a place i belong i felt like i was kind of at home i was pretty good at it and i could see myself getting a whole lot better because that was my first time and i've heard dudes have really bombed their first time and i didn't really bomb in fact i got a lot of laughs i'm i'm going to work on it that's where i would be hey listen i think you could be a comedian yeah well maybe who's your favorite comedian what type of style do you like best a bunch of them are all friends of mine but probably my favorite dude right now is sebastian maniscalco he's italian he's hilarious if you guys know sebastian from netflix he's been on my show he's he's right up there man i like all kinds of though uh jim gaffigan i think is hilarious if you know jim um just all these dudes like there's a ton of them that i just think are absolutely totally brilliant i think uh chappelle is probably my favorite favorite like if i had to pick a dude this thing is he's just got so much swag and what i like about chappelle is chappelle is comfortable with silence he'll put it out there and he'll just sit back and let you roll in the laugh a little bit right and let it breathe and i've learned that in my speaking i'm such kind of a bull in a china shop one thing after the other i need to let some of it breathe a little bit when i make a point let it breathe maybe not say something equally brilliant the next time like package it in there a little bit and let it breathe chappelle does that in an unbelievable way these little things he does like it's subtle but it's all techniques about you know when he does something real good how he bonks his head with the mic you know kind of just falls out a little bit it lets you fall out and your body language mirrors his body language and so he gets you to mirror him from the stage it's awesome little things that he does and so there's a bunch of dudes man and by the way nikki glazer's been on my show i think she's awesome whitney cummings has been on my show she's brilliant so i don't want to just say dudes i think there's tons of hilarious women too well i can tell you that chappelle is a master storyteller yeah and so is so is sebastian yeah well i know who he is i think he's funny i don't think he's as funny as chappelle but you know he is a funny son of a [ __ ] and he's one of the highest paid so it doesn't matter how funny he is he's laughing all the way to the bank yeah i think sebastian had a bigger tour before kova than even kevin hart yeah like i was reading about sebastian uh uh uh what slanted i never pronounced his name right but that dude's funny as hell but more importantly he he rakes the freaking dollars in bro you know him right so is he like a business uh is his business acumen high i would i wouldn't i don't know that i know that i know that he's a very smart man so how is he making more money than other people is it just is he working more asking more well my observation is that he's incredibly hard-working uh his netflix specials have really elevated him a great deal and uh and he's really serious about his career like sebastian's an actor he's been in you know multiple movies multiple uh i believe even oscar movies where he's played different characters and so he's also like a lot of comedians that i've met are very serious people uh off uh stage like they're funny but they're very serious i would say from what i unders know about sebastian that he's a very serious guy like a he's hilarious but he's very thoughtful and serious and you know i i really really enjoy him he's a real person he's smart you know what i'm saying he's smart guy that's what that's what you all have you have it too incredibly high iq man to be able to process information that quickly and put words together like to walk out on a stage because like when i walk out to speak people have paid already for the most part they kind of want to like me right like they kind of want to like me but in comedy there's a lot of people out there who want to not like you like make me laugh man you gotta win me over that is not easy to do and you can do that it's it's it's a super unique talent you hear the deep thought who are the uh religious or faith-based evangelists that you modeled yourself after i think i modeled but i watched little things they do so uh billy graham um a guy named rob parsley td jakes petey jakes um uh creflo dollar um uh let me think uh joyce meyer and dude you're you're big into your faith yes now have you benny hinn hey have you ever not have you and i ever discussed the the name like we all say jesus when his name was actually yahshua you told me that yeah but we did we ever discussed it did you ever give me any counsel on that like what's your thoughts on that why it doesn't make sense to me if i said hey ed call me bradley and and by the way if anybody asks please tell them my name's bradley and then someone else changes it to bubba and 200 years later everybody's saying you know hey thanks to bubba and you know bubba told me and you know praise bubba when i specifically said you know don't forget my name sing praise to it give credit to it call upon it you know it's pretty important and then everyone changed it to bubba what do you what do you think of that okay so people ask me that all the time how do you line up some of the inconsistencies or things like that number one both of those are stories that have been repeated from thousands of years ago so neither one of us know that he really said call me yahshua i read that as another says i know but but i'm saying that i'm saying that they're two different you know that scripture was written the point that i think i'm making is that people to discount faith say hey the bible was written 50 to 100 years 150 years after jesus died right and to which i would say yeah and so i'm not a literalist in the sense that i believe the only words of god were written in the bible like that'd be like thinking that if you wrote a book about stuff i've said or done in my life that the only things i said or did were in that book there's a bunch of stuff not in the book it's just a record that's been translated over a bunch of time so for me faith means there's a bunch of stuff i don't know and i don't understand that i don't surrender to but the reason that i know that there's a god in heaven and then i reason that i know that you know that even if you don't know that oh i know i know you've sought the answer to it since you're a little boy it's the primary question of your life that's on your heart and your soul is what's the truth where do i go when i leave here right and i think god reveals themselves to people in different ways different images like i'm pretty sure jesus wasn't a white guy with a beard with long hair he had much darker skin than that so there's imagery that's different but since i was a little boy that's the picture in my head that he's been revealed to me it's of no consequence to me if he was four inches shorter or taller or he was a black man or lighter skinned or blonde hair or green eyes these things are of no components to me or a woman his presence in my life i happen to believe that he was a man i happen to believe the story of the bible i happen to believe that he was resurrected i believe those things but what i'm suggesting to you is not all of it i believe is accurately translated every single word nor does the totality of his message but my life is a living example of having that faith in him and i don't preach that like i also believe in the quantum field i believe in energy i'm a product of i just happen to believe that a creator of the universe created the quantum field that we can plug into with vibrational frequency i'm a big reason you connect our energies are similar we vibrated a very high frequency you and i very similar frequency human beings you connect to it's an energy connection i don't believe it's not i'm always people doesn't believe in any of that stuff i believe in the combination of both now we're getting heavy well yeah but that's what's that's why i knew this would be a carpet bomb today dude what's keeping you up at night like what are what's bothering you or or what's one thing you wish you could you could conquer that's giving you a little trouble is there anything in what it's giving you a little trouble is there anything that you are having issues with yeah personally i would like to be uh more easily happy all the time so on a personal level i still have to work at being happy meaning like i gotta work at look how blessed i am look at this like i'd like to be more like my wife or she just wakes up happy her her default disposition my wife's emotional home is bliss and happiness my emotional home is consternation chaos anxiety and then i work into bliss and i get there but i'd love to wake up and just have it right so that'd be one for me just being transparent and then uh in the world i don't like how we treat each other it really bothers me the way human beings interact and treat each other we treat each other worse than we maybe not worse than we ever have because we've killed each other for millions of years but i just don't like the uh dynamic between humans human beings the lack of connectivity you know this you've made posts before people literally want to kill you because they don't agree with something you said about the coronavirus or something like it's just way way way too dialed up in the world and that's not how humans should live amongst each other hey do you think like when it boils down to it the difference between success and failure is is all in the head or do you believe in their luck timing and [ __ ] like that i believe there is some luck in timing um but i but i believe the vast majority of that luck and timing is found calibrated in your head to go back to it if you can get yourself vibrating at the right frequencies get your reticular activating system seeing the prospects and people and things that you need that there's an inevitability to the success the luck and the timing element could speed it up so i've had some great luck in timing in my life but i can tell you so that's one of the elements but had those not happened i would have inevitably gotten there because of the way i think and the way i act just the timing of it would be different so the luck and the luck of it the blessing of it has been the time of it but i'd have found another mentor i'd have found another business because i'm i'm moving in that direction i'm thinking that direction so yeah there's a luck and timing element you know this anybody who says i didn't have any good fortune happen they're delusional i've certainly had some things fall into place but i've done it enough times over and over again brad like in multiple places in different industries that i believe there's a recipe and a formula i believe there's a way of thinking and acting that if you do that consistently enough the success is inevitable what's variable is the timing of it timing is uh luck based to some extent dude how many people try to call you and text you and pick your brain on a regular basis um a lot you know i mean i don't know i mean i get hundreds of messages every single day like you said earlier and i need to do a better job of insulating myself have this very weird thing that just this year i stopped doing you notice it even with you i used to i couldn't go to bed so i responded to everybody every given day and then this year i'm like i just i have to surrender like i will get back to them but i can't do it all every single day so i would say hundreds what's cool about it is you know you and i haven't talked about this in a while but like who i get to work with privately who i have ndas with and i get to coach and mentor has changed a lot the last two or three years and i am blown away and honored by some of the people i've got to mentor and influence and work with who are far more influential than i am and that's a really cool thing to get to help people at an extremely high level because it challenges me i got to come up with really good stuff to help someone who's already got most of it together so it's not the amount of it that's fun for me it's who some of them are and what they how they influence different things it's really super cool dude if do you ever like get beside yourself when you're sitting there talking to these people thinking dude i'm i'm coaching freaking frickin so-and-so and so-and-so yes happened this morning i had a 4am call with someone abroad who is a former world leader and yeah and it's happened twice when i talked to him like why is he why is he listening to me you know certainly and then i kind of come back into the conversation again and and um and give him what i can and yeah i have imposter syndrome sometimes i still have to not a lot but i do have it i had it this morning it's really funny that you asked me that because christina i had breakfast afterwards and i'm like she goes how did it go i go there's about a four minute window in there where i got a little bit goofy like i was like floating above the conversation like i can't believe i'm talking to this dude and why is he listening to me you know and then i kind of got back into it and by the way the way i got back into it not to go back i'm like my intentions are good and i have a track record and this [ __ ] i'm about to tell him is legit and i got back into it that's an anchor point you used to get yourself in that state yep yeah well dude i feel like i owe you a hundred grand man like this is like a freaking been a been a brad session probably heavier than good for dropping bombs but we had some bombs in there nonetheless dude nothing's too heavy for drop bombs man that's why listen i'm telling you right now if people are listening to this and they're not sharing it out i just knew it'd be the it'd be the one everybody wants to share out thanks man i don't care that i'm used as the example and i appreciate your authenticity and your honesty because guess what you're 100 correct and if i can't make these changes because i can't see myself then basically i go on for years and years and years it's like walking up to a dude and you see a booger in his nose and you don't say nothing i think you're a [ __ ] like like you you really want to let that person go walk around the room with that same booger going in and out with their breath when you saw it and you didn't want to say nothing yep that'd be like seeing your three foot thing and not at least acknowledging its greatness like how do you not acknowledge that but you got to say something right one thing on the coaching thing i just want to say you don't get to choose how they say it to you so too many people are like well i'll take advice but you have to say it the way i like it you know don't say it in public or you know don't raise your voice or that's not how it works you don't get to choose the way your coach coaches you right and to too many people are too sensitive that stuff just take it let it improve you and point out the booger 100 that's that should be in the instagram clip point out the booger now see this is what i mean now again this is self-deprecating i might be i might be doing it again right now but see i think to myself now see if ed would have said this he could have took the same point and created a much [ __ ] better story left out the booger and everyone would be like oh my lord that's the greatest on earth and i'm like that's the same as i said about the booger but but but i [ __ ] it up with the booger they'll remember the booger they're gonna remember the three footer that's the come on those are the clips did you remember the clips you remember speaking on a stage where i told people to brush their teeth and that became like the big thing i thought about that last night because i knew we were doing this today and i was i'm not kidding you last night i laughed by myself thinking about that we're like he gave this talk i'm trying to say all this profound deep stuff this guy gets up and goes brush your teeth and that's all everybody's talking about the next day is brush your teeth that's the booger of public speaking and i'm trying to get real i also said that my mom kept humping yep you did that's correct you know i'm just trying to listen there's a lot of people out there ed that can take what you say and apply it like a-rod and you know all these highly successful people that are already like pretty damn clever they're just not that clever and and apply it right but there's so there's so many people out there that don't even know what we just talked about or how to apply it because it's like their mind isn't that open mm-hmm like i just want to make sure people understand to like open the mind and the possibility because if you don't have hope and and possibility and optimism i think you're just at a disadvantage what do you think about that yeah you're floating you've got to become aware of what you don't know you have to become aware of the things that are going on around you that you don't think about that you don't see self-aware yeah and when you do that like it's my favorite people man it's i was a conversation a couple weekends ago like all my friends are very unique different people they're all crazy i said one you have to be my friend you have to be two things you have to be super interesting right i don't care my best best friend runs a transmission shot so he's not he's actually he's very wealthy he's successful but he's not ever gonna be worth a billion dollars but he's a he's a he's an undercover millionaire you know i mean he's a successful dude but i said the second thing is self-awareness self-awareness is extremely attractive to me it's really endearing and that's you know i hate to keep going back to you that's one of your great strengths you're almost too self-aware you're actually you're aware of a version of yourself that's not completely big enough or accurate enough well dude uh tell me send me a number text me a number that that you want in order to get me there okay i'll do that let me let me think about that yeah and then and then remember because i i told you an hour we're way over so i'm going to let you go i know you got [ __ ] to do and you're just being polite keep in mind if you ever do go on clubhouse you know let me do a fireside chat with you we'll get we'll get a bunch of people in that room and and basically it's a version of this i was almost going to do a clubhouse where they got to listen to me do this live but i didn't get your permission ahead of time so i just didn't but at the end of the day man clubhouse well for a guy like you ed uh you want to rach you want to reach people you want to make an impact see that's the good thing about you dude now let me tell you because again most people don't understand that like you know all these people would loot walk around and and quite frankly you know flaunt it but but but they're just not good people they just happen to have a lot of money there's a few people that walk around and actually do something with it and make an impact with it and actually give a [ __ ] and that's you that's you're one of those people thank you bro well well that's the good part right is when you because you said earlier you made a comment that you know sometimes we feel guilty having a bunch of money and and i think the only way to feel guilty from having a bunch of money is if you know deep down that you're greedy with it like why would you feel guilty having a bunch of money if you're just out there freaking showing people that it's possible helping people financially in a million different ways and and literally like making a massive financial impact as well yeah and you don't even talk about it tell me that that's what my dad used to say yeah and you do a lot of that without even anybody knowing about it like nobody knows it's not on the front page it's not you know talked about it's not a opportunity on social media no one even knows about it yeah and by the way i started my own charity ed it's called the bradley uh wife and kid foundation hmm if you ever feel who's that benefit what's the who are the beneficiaries my wife and my kids and me oh that's shocking okay you know like a like a global express if it's ever just sitting there and you want to donate it because you know you want to make an impact in somebody's life let's start with i'll take you to that speaking gig for the uh thing we're doing what do you mean the one that the the speaking gig we're doing together we'll come pick you up we'll start with that okay good start with that now let me ask you a question if you ever do clubhouse let me do a fireside chat commit yes and sometime doesn't have to be a particular time but cool appreciate that secondly dude i literally am planning a a little three-day sneaky exclusive event here i'm calling it real success why because dude [ __ ] we talked about like today can provide it but people don't have it some high ticket item okay i want to reach out to your people and see if i can book that but just be considerate with you with the old friend action okay because dude i want real people here i want people here that like i listen to and i'm not gonna just bring in a bunch of people there's no slide decks i know you don't sell [ __ ] so it's like i need real people to come give real value and when i think who i'm thinking you andy for the people that you can't get and if you can get them they're flying in private and i can't expect you to pay your own gas and you know you know i got money i can i can pay but dude just be kind and and if you can make it to that event dude i'd love to have you as the you know the main freaking dude okay i'll do it you will yep done deal give me the dates make sure the dates work done deal offline i will and man folks share this out if you guys are smart you're already following him at edmilette you can follow him on all platforms and you should his podcast like i said professional version not quite as good as this one but it's a professional clean version how's that am i getting better it's close like dude i got one of the top podcasts on planet earth and it's all because of my listeners but in reality it's all because of me right it's it's my charm it's my wit it's my ability to have conversations with powerful people and not get scared and withered and ask people questions that matter that's because i'm so freaking badass at podcasting there you go now i went and i turned the page dude i went to the stream again listen i'm going to work on those tips ed you're a freaking master i appreciate you so much and if anything i can do for you you know reach out to me obviously shoot me a text i'll come anywhere you need me to come i'll frickin do anything and last commitment that i because i got you on the spot it's easier to get people to commit when the shine's on them one of these days when my game's good enough i'm gonna come hang with y'all you and cabeza that's an easy one i know you guys you guys gambled you gamble crazy or no yeah we can do sometimes we can dial it down for you i got to get my game up dude i got to get my game up i'm shooting like freaking you know 98 to 110 and you guys are freaking scratch golfers dude we're not scratch but you're a little higher than us but we'll give you some strokes we'll figure it out i would love that that's an easy one all right man appreciate you you're awesome until next time i love you i gotta jump keep it real okay folks you heard me wrap it up share it out until next time dropping bombs with the real bradley subscribe now
Channel: BRAD LEA TV
Views: 81,124
Rating: 4.9233189 out of 5
Keywords: How Confidence Can Change Your Life, how to be confident, motivational video, confidence, how to build self confidence, change your life, confident, how to be more confident, latest, success, emotions, motivational speech, entertainment, build speaker series, ed mylett, mylett, ed mylett motivation, ed mylett motivational speech, brad lea, the real brad lea, brad lea podcast, dropping bombs podcast, tom bilyeu ed mylett, ed mylett interview, ed mylett speech, confidence motivation
Id: WWumz5K-enM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 4sec (4564 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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