ED Mylett - Blue Collar American Dream Conference Miami

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that was kind of there we go all right bring some damn energy how are you guys doing you doing good yeah put your phone down man i'm talking what are you doing you out of your freaking mind all right unless you're taking notes let's do this right i'm already chastising the room hey great to be with you lee thanks for that intro i'm a big fan of lee's if you get any chance to get involved with him i know he took applications today you should do it um be honest with you guys that we coach i watch them they grow and get better and better and better and one of the people i've been talking about a lot lately is lee just i've seen him he was already a really impressive guy but the more he stepped in he's you're watching a dude like step into his power have you any of you that known leo is that not true yes so if you get a chance to yeah absolutely you get a chance to work with him i hope you take advantage of it what i want to do today is i want to you know i don't like to give like an average talk i'm i remember the days where no one wanted to listen to me so i'm always grateful when people do i don't forget that and so i've spent more of my life a broke person than i have a rich person and i spent more of my life someone nobody knew than that other people who now do know right and so i'm really grateful for it it's not uh something that i take lightly i don't take your time lightly either so i have a huge ambition here which is i'd like this next hour to help change your life so i've set the bar high we'll see we'll see whether or not we accomplish that but at least make some kind of a difference in your life so a couple things about sales i just want to say first facts tell stories sell and all the people that i know that are the best at influence or teaching influence are great storytellers their ability to make a point through a story is better of any fact that they can give you and what i want to do first because i want to set this straight because i was a really great introduction i'd like you to know the person that existed prior to all that stuff lee said so i'd like to give you a little bit of hope is that good say yes so i am an average ordinary human being and i don't like when i speak i don't like to be you know i i used to say i'm below average but the fact is i don't think that's really true i actually think everybody's born with giftedness i think every single human being is born with some natural giftedness and when you figure out what those gifts are you use them in the service of other people you start living a pretty blissful life and for me it didn't take very long for me to find out what my gifts were it's not iq you know it's not that i'm six foot four i'm not the strongest dude in the world i'm not the funniest dude in the world but i am a pretty good communicator and i'm a really good listener i love being president with people and i actually one of my gifts is i sincerely care about people and you ought to be thinking about what your gifts are because it's easy you look a guy like guys that i coach if you look at some of the golfers that i coach or the ufc guys my god coach last weekend won dominic cruz michael chandler's another buddy of mine you look at these people that i work with they could see their physical gifts chandler's got quads that are like this big right or lebron 68 can jump out of a gym we know those are the gifts but what are your gifts like if you could take a real inventory of them i have i ask high performers even like you guys what's your giftedness and you'd have a hard time telling me because you discount what they are right you discount maybe you're not the like for me my and we just did an iq test in my family i was fourth out of four people in my own house right that's a true deal not that i'm dumb just i don't have a high iq i've been able to identify what my gifts are i can transfer energy to people i will outwork your ass right i'm intense those are gifts and when you start to leverage your gifts it becomes it doesn't feel like work anymore so i always had these gifts that were mine you've got yours if you'll take an inventory of what they are you'll be a more wealthy productive person i've been able to build a significant nine-figure net worth in my life i've been able to coach some of the top athletes entertainers politicians on the planet and i'm a goober so i want you to think if a goober dude like me could end up doing that stuff what could you accomplish and i don't say that to you and i thank you i don't say that to like to be you know self-deprecating either i'm a really goofy dude and if you left me to my own devices i'd lay around watching jerry springer eating cheetos all day long i like that i'm lazy people always ask me what's it like to be with my lid she's always maxing out she's like it's not really that big of a deal right like he's got a lot of routines and disciplines that override because i met my wife when i was five so i'm 50 next month i've known her 45 years we're sick of each other i'm gonna be honest with you but no i'm kidding she's hot as hell if you've seen her too you'll be like dude i thought you closed her when you had money no my clothes when i was broke so but let me give you an idea of who i am we put that thing up on the screen you all need to see something where's that clicker out it's on one of these two tables well probably i picked the wrong one thank you all right who am i really i've always wanted to be somebody anybody relate to that say yes or no i mean like i no no i need to be somebody i don't want him he's a bunch of jokers want to be somebody i need to be somebody right are you like that or not they see the separator i've always found whether it's brady or i've had mickelson on my show tony robbins whoever the heck you've seen on my show before the guy randolph will founded netflix the separator's like they need it i need it i needed to be somebody i wasn't playing with my life when i was 30 years old i had my first heart attack my um italian my family kind of your godfather godfather's a big deal my dad's brother died at 50 of a massive heart attack and i looked just like him so i've always not played with my life so i might not be the fastest the strongest the smartest none of that crap but i will outwork your ass and i flat out want it more than you and if you're that type of a dude i'm gonna show you how you can win i'm gonna give you some of the exact things i did i don't care if you're 65 years old or 25 years old in this room one of my companies i just wrote a 74 year old dude who's had two strokes making over make went from nothing to start with us bankrupt making milk 2 million dollars a year right now so i don't care what your age is but i've always wanted to be somebody you probably heard that term fake it till you make it have you ever done that before okay some of you may know this but lee wanted me to tell you this i'm the ultimate fake it till you make it when i told you where i was a goober and you see me i just bought larry ellison's global express jet guy runs a little company called oracle fifth richest dude in the world i own his jet now i'ma brag you know the reason i flew commercial here because i'm fixing the shower on my own jet i just wanted to say that out loud i got a shower on my damn jet and if and uh right like think about that crap [Applause] my wife's like the my hog club i'm like babe we're doing it in the shower in the mile high club right and we and and we grew up in pomona california let me tell you something we're not exactly hood rats but we lived right next to the hood and i can see the rats like that close so we're kind of hood rats right so i know what that's like my first job i was an electrician then i was a bus boy at the whole enchilada that was an upgrade because they let me go as an electrician because i couldn't show up to work and get there by 6 am and then i was a bad boy at safeway and then i worked at an orphanage that changed my life and then i became in the financial business and got wealthy there's nothing about me so i wanted to be rich i started in a financial company i'm like hey i can't be driving around like i had a honda crx and everywhere i go to appointments by the way someone broke into my car this true story someone broke into my honda crx instead this radio had already been stolen i was parked at uh la university this is no joke i had an appointment there i came out they stole the passenger seat who the hell feels a passenger seat like are you looking around i got to get a passenger seat of a honda crx right dude steals my passenger seat i assume it was a dude so i'm like i got to get a car i'm driving around or the rock is my passenger seat trying to be this big baller financial dude any of you relate to that like you maybe even covey did it to you like hey i was doing pretty good but right now i'm pretending as hell right and oftentimes all our careers we can feel like an imposter i remember even as i started to do i'm like this is a fluke they're gonna figure out i fluked this somehow i'm gonna come back to where i belong i thought that for years i was worried for years i was gonna lose what i had gained because they're gonna figure out what a dumb ass i am because i've been told that when i was a kid over and over again so i thought man i need to drive a mercedes for people to take me damn serious the problem is i had this like champagne dream on like a schlitz beer budget so i'm reading the penny saver and it says kit car mercedes here's the there's one of the articles right here up for sale or trade i have a one-of-a-kind 1997 mercedes-benz 600 convertible kit car that's built on an 88 chrysler lebaron frame you think i'm playing with you i read this article in the penny saver i'm like hey what is a kit car i started googling it turns out you can get a chrysler baron strip that sucker of the frame and you could weld onto it a mercedes body everybody think you have a mercedes i'm not playing with you i did this 4 000 bucks instead of 44 000 bucks i'm like that's a damn deal right and so no no no it gets better the deal though is if you really know cars it's two feet longer so when you're driving it car people are pointing at you like what the hell is that thing and it rattles so i find this one for four grand i drive down to dana point and i meet this young lady i'm pretty sure there may be some methamphetamine involved in her existence at the time and i'm like tell me about your kick card she comes out she kind of waddles out she goes well this one's not exactly like the other ones i'm like so they weld these things together she goes yeah typically but this one is velcroed it's velcroed i'm like explain that to me she said we couldn't afford the welding so my ex-boyfriend velcroed the kit to the car i'm not playing with you it's a true story so she goes i'm just warning you if you buy this thing the heater blows full time because it's a lebaron and if you pull up to a stop light too fast and hit the brakes this front headlight will fly out into that intersection because the velcro's loose i'm like i got it no problem i give her the four grand and i start driving around this kit card now thank god you think i'm social media star now i'd have been viral as hell back in 1997 because what i would do more than 100 times mr uh jets and all that stuff here more than 100 times there you go full fiberglass body by the way do you have any idea which one's the real one can you tell from the picture which one the left which is the left the blue or the gray what's real which one gray's the real one right on long nope the gray one is a fake one that's my old ride see that left front light right there notice the little gap right there is that awesome that left front light more than 100 times i have pulled up to an intersection thank god there was no social media there weren't cameras on phones back in the day i pulled up in my cheap suit and that front headlight went whoop out into an intersection i would get out of my car stop freaking traffic you imagine you sitting at a headlight watching some pull out his i'm picking up my headlight i would walk back to my own car stick it back on and jump back in the car again and just look straight ahead except about 20 of those times i was so wound up and doing it fast i slammed the door fell right back off the car velcro got me i lived in that car for two years i actually got arrested in it got arrested because i got pulled over i had my whole sales team at a retreat like this they all thought it was a mercedes i had lied to them i said this is the first ever hybrid because at that time mercedes and chrysler emerged no joke go look it up and i'm like hey this is the first ever hybrid car these are going to be all over the place that's why the inside looks like a lebaron the outside's a benz lied my ass off facts tell stories sell so we're to retreat like this i got 20 of my top dudes with me and i've got a guy with me my best friend is a guy named dan charlier dan charlie is an african-american man okay he's my best friend i was best man at three of his weddings so trust me i'm best friends with him okay and and charlotte we're going to a place called lodi california charlier says to me hey man there's no brothers in lodi and you tell me he goes dude we're going to get pulled over and low down like get out of here this whole race white thing you're crazy goes brother there's no brothers in lodi sure enough we leave this retreat we're driving i get lost we get pulled over because i told you i told you next thing i know my whole sales team is 20 cars back about 100 yards watching this take place cop comes up to the car he says uh stick your hands out of the car i said sir what is this all about he says get your hands out of the car get my hands out opens the door cuffs me puts me in the back of a police car i'm back there for about 30 minutes charlie ace to my right isaac i told you dude we are driving while black and i'm like dan i don't know if that's necessarily the case he's like brother trust me finally after about 30 minutes the guy comes up the cop said sir what am i being arrested now other cop cars have come up they're shining lights in my car i know my whole sales team's back there like mylett's always wound up he's probably got some coke or something in the car right which by the way i've never done any drugs in my life right well testosterone but that's a whole other conversation so so anyway so he pulls up the question sir what is this all about he says it's a stolen vehicle and you know it i'm like stolen vehicle did i not register the car and finally i'm like oh my gosh the plates probably show chrysler the baron so sure enough he comes back to the car i said sir why do you believe the car stolen he goes they're fake plates i said no no sir this is going to sound crazy that's actually a chrysler baron you're looking at he's like nah just turning into a dui boy i'm like no sir it's a it's a chrysler baron if you go pull on my front door it'll come right off it's velcroed on there you mentioned the look on his face what the hell did you say i said the front door is velcroed onto the car sir go pull on it sure enough having the other cop walk up pull on my front door they are falling out laughing spins my door and throws it into the bushes i get out of the car and he tells me to take off that's the story of me wanting to be somebody so i don't know where you're at right now but are you slightly ahead of a velcro together mercedes yes or no yes okay that's me you're welcome don't ever tell anybody that story again okay give me a round of applause that's a pretty good story right all right so if i can go from that to you know whatever the heck's going on with me right now you could probably do something pretty big i tell you that because you're going to remember this you should tell that story to your sales guys too and they're like i don't know if i can make it go look i know a dude who's worth hundreds of millions of dollars this mf was driving a velcro together car okay now how the heck did i do that what did i become what what changed with me were things changed i want you to write this down i read a book called selling the dream by a guy named guy kawasaki about that same time guy kawasaki was the guy that sort of marketed macintosh for apple steve wozniak's become a pretty good buddy of mine because i had him come speak to my coaching group so i'm very very familiar with what made apple work only the greatest company in the history of mankind right or most influential anyways i'm very familiar with what made that company work and what made it work is they had unbelievable technical people but they had a dude that led that company who was a crazy man like i'm a crazy man named steve jobs and steve jobs didn't have a high iq he wasn't an overly technical human being he was an intense psycho crazy and here's what he was great at doing he was a great storyteller if you're going to lead your company if you're going to take it to the next level you and your team had best be getting better at telling stories that move people you're too much about the facts you're too much about your scripts you're too much about your presentation you might even be too much about running numbers you got to be able to tell a story that grips people emotionally that shifts them to create a movement are you with me on that say yes you're like what's that got to do with roofing and all this other so it has everything to do with it everything to do with there's a story you tell and how you frame things that gets me to not only participate but close now and refer you to people so you think well i don't that doesn't matter we're doing well you can always do better at this write this down the greatest leaders are evangelical about their cause they are cause oriented leaders they find a way to take a average ordinary product and somehow build a movement and a cause around it by becoming evangelical about their cause evangelical about the money your people might be able to make or evangelical about the difference you and your company make for families to the extent you get good at becoming an evangelical leader is the extent that you'll be successful i'll submit this to you because it's mainly men in here to the extent that you'll be a great father great leader of your home and your family is to the extent that you can become evangelical about the cause and the mission your family's on i'm constantly telling my children we're going to do something awesome our family's special since my son was a little boy every night he go to bed you're a leader you're a gladiator you're the greatest of all time max we're going to do something great as a family i tell my daughter that all the time right why no one told me that crap when i was growing up i had an alcoholic dad no one told me i just hope he came home and didn't get mad so are you evangelical about your life about your cause when people get around you maybe you're not loud i'm not just so you know when i walk off this stage i'm the most introverted person in this room ask anybody who knows me if i'm at a party i don't talk i'm quiet if we were at the mall brother and we went to high school together and i saw you i'd love to connect but i'm so quiet and introverted i duck into a store to hide so we don't have to connect but i had to learn to be a storyteller i had to learn to transfer energy to express myself and i'm not capable of talking about crap i don't believe i wasn't raised that way but if you get me believing it you get me talking about my faith my family any new england sports team in my companies i will move you i will move you emotionally because i'm an evangelist about my cause so what do those leaders have in common if we go back and look at there what does steve jobs oprah winfrey my dumb ass elon musk i use rachel hollis and sweet kris jenner who's my neighbor who what do we all have in common how about this group andy furcella i purposely put him next to mother teresa cause i think that's hilarious right if you know andy he's my business partner one of my companies mark zuckerberg and this ain't a political statement i don't like anything facebook does i just have him up there for that reason mlk who's my hero dwayne johnson not real happy with him lately either and martha stewart what do all those people have in common in different ways they became evangelical about their mission and their cause and their company and that will be the separator for you you want to build a great company a great life a great family great wealth i'm evangelical about all of it all the time that's a very specific word by the way evangelical what did all they have in common you got that what's an evangelist do a person who seeks to convert others especially by public preaching a zealous advocate of a cause that's what an evangelist does you must speak about these things write about these things post on your social media about it when your people get around you it's infectious and repetitive and you don't tire of saying it over and over i like when my guys roll their eyes at me here he goes again this is the mission we're on this is what we're going to do this year and they're rolling their eyes and i'm just putting it in their consciousness again and again and again because i'm relentless about it amen yes say yes so why because our obsessions become our possessions you've heard this before but if you really begin to think about what you think about on a regular basis most of you are thinking about what you're worried about you're afraid of what you're concerned or anxious about and you don't take control of your thoughts you don't take control about what you're putting in your mind i'm a decent example of making that shift i do take control of it and what i do when i know i'm having ones that don't serve me i go i'm intentional about it when you're intentional about something it loses its power over you once you're aware you're doing something it can't affect you like i can when you're not aware so i'm a negative thinker i i love to worry i have this habit now i'm going to be overly cheesy with you because it's all dudes in here but you have an emotional home you have a series of emotions you live with regularly don't you yes regardless of what the f is going on in your life you find a way to get these emotions those emotions could be bliss ecstasy passion joy peace faith but they could also be worry stress anger depression frustration concern anxiety aren't they and you have a home and you've had it most of your life and it started when you were a little boy or a little girl and because you've done it over and over and over again even though you know they don't serve you you will find a way on a very regular basis to get those damn emotions you will the quality of your emotions is going to be the quality of your life and if you don't begin to become more intentional about the emotions see all of you this year wrote down a bunch of things you want to achieve so did i my outcomes for the year i'm gonna make this much money i'm gonna save this much money we're gonna help that many people i've got a list of all my outcomes you and i have gotten pretty good at achieving things we put our mind to haven't we you're getting pretty good at it maybe not last year funny some of you i've been talking to here told me had your best year but you're damn good at getting what you want aren't you including the negative things you're damn good at getting that stress emotion aren't you man you will find a damn way to get that emotion now since you're so good at getting what you want what if you set and i'm serious what if you set an outcome to begin to achieve certain emotions on a regular basis because what you've done is you've deluded yourself into thinking if i can get 5 million in the bank or 10 million in the bank or i get one of these houses my let has i get that hot so and so girl or i get to this level of influence then i'll have those emotions i want that ain't how it works your subconscious and unconscious mind has done this millions of times it's a map and you will find a way trust me i was worth 30 40 50 million dollars still really not very happy person i was worth 100 million still not very happy married the girl in my dreams built my first mansion built another mansion still not very happy because i didn't get outcomes for emotions i got outcomes for stuff i want you to have a bunch of stuff trust me i want you have a bunch of achievement but if you start to become more intentional i'm going to find some peace every day i'm going to find some faith every day i'm gonna find some solitude every day you'll find that when you get those emotions as good as you are is you'll get more of the stuff people like what happened to you i went from 50 million to probably a half a billion dollars in five or eight years and the difference was don't quote me on that the difference was i started to get the quality of life i wanted the quality emotions i wanted and you got to get those brothers you're going to lead your family you're going to lead your mom and dad you're going to lead your life because you're not getting out of here alive you ain't getting out of here alive why don't you start to be a little happier a little bit more joyous a little bit more giving man you'd be so happy you did the fact is the strongest men are the ones who are willing to be the most vulnerable or the ones who are willing to give joy give passion give peace to people those are the strongest men in the world right right we've all been wired we've all been wired a little bit differently fact you know what i'm gonna cut the crap i'm gonna get you emotional forget it i'm gonna show this video guys in a minute let me say something to you how many of you men in here and women but it's mainly men how many you have children raise your hand if you have children okay let me give you a secret i think i'm the way i am because of what i watch my dad do in other words i was i'm not an alcoholic but my dad was a dude get angry pretty quick get stressed pretty quick so your life may look a whole lot different externally than the people that raised you maybe you've made a decision i'm not gonna be like these people and maybe the external part of your life's not like it but what about the internal part you getting all the joy is this let's be honest don't answer me has it been all it's been cracked up to be to get where you are or didn't you think you'd feel better about yourself by the time you got here you thought you'd feel better about yourself the crazy thing about it is you could have given yourself the gift the whole time of feeling that way and your kids you know when you go to one of your kids little league games there's 25 kids out there nine on each side plus the dugout which kid do you see you see your little dude don't you you got a little kid you go to their christmas recital there's 35 kids up there singing away somehow you look at yours the whole damn time don't you except maybe the kid lip syncing in the weird you know but do you know what i'm talking about well guess what all they see is you dad all they see is you you may not realize it or not but someday they're going to figure out who you are they love you because your dad but at some point are they proud of you do they respect you are you a man making a difference in the world those of you that don't have children but have parents or siblings they know who the heck you are you ladies here mama do they know who you are someday you figure out who you are they figure it out man and you know what they want more than anything than you to be all this other stuff is dad happy is my dad happy and they know when you're lying they don't see anybody else the whole prism of the world of what they think they can experience you're providing them and it's not the stuff it's the emotions it's the emotions they learn from you they learn how to live they learn their emotional home and they know whether or not dad is happy i want you to begin more consciousness you may be running out of time with them in my case they've left my house already my son's gone my daughter i got one more year with but i'm showing them a version of me that's happier and more joyous and more giving in the quiet times they know let me show you a video watch this can you guys show that okay daddy is the sweetest daddy in the world daddy is the most handsome [Music] the smartest the most clever the kindest he is my superman [Music] daddy wants me to do well at school daddy is just great but he lies [Music] he lies about having a job [Music] he lies about having money he lies that he is not tired [Music] he lies that he is not hungry [Music] he lies that we have everything he lies about his happiness [Applause] he lies because of me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we got you so i told you i want to change your life today i want you at least think about your life does that resonate with you yes or no hey man let me say something to you i want you to give yourself a break why don't you just be a little happier right now just give yourself the gift brother sister you can do that right now in this moment you can intend to decide that you're just going to begin to see things you have a thing in your brain called the reticular activating system it's what filters out everything in the world that's not important to you and filters in what is so that's why you're pretty good at sales and building the company because you see prospects and deals and ideas and innovations everywhere what if you started to filter into that things that just brought you bliss and peace and happiness just give yourself a break man you deserve it you were born to do something great with your life you were born do something awesome you were also born to be happy and you think man if i start having all of this happiness crap you're talking about i'm gonna lose my drive i'm gonna lose my edge this angry this intense this worried version of me keeps the boogeyman away that's what keeps me working that's what you think i used to think it too truth is there's a thing called blissful dissatisfaction there's a difference between happiness and satisfaction you can be simultaneously incredibly blissful and still totally dissatisfied i'm a blissfully dissatisfied human being i'm more blissful than i've ever been in my life totally dissatisfied still want to win still want to kick somebody's butt still want to do something great with my life but i'm not getting out of here here's what happened to me i was building a mansion my second big house and i'm all wound up one day in california i walk in there's all these guys probably in the country illegally they were working on my kitchen right and i'm in there these guys are making no money they've left their families they're just trying to get enough money to send back home and maybe have food that night i'm walking into my dadgum mansion i'm building with my wife and my baby pissed off about some call i just had living in complete stress and i look over they got mariachi music playing they're dancing and laughing as they're doing their job and i thought to myself if life were counted by the emotions we experienced and it is they're kicking my ass right now who the hell am i to be living this miserable these guys have nothing and they find a way to get joy so i'm sharing this with you because you're all high achievers and you're all trying to make a comeback or grow your business don't lose the emotional part of your life just to go win and get more stuff y'all you didn't think i was going to talk about this did you pretty good stuff though yeah something to think about or did i like completely lose you let me know are you with me on this yes or no yes all right so let me show you something now we're going to get intense get my book by the way it's called max out your life i'm putting this screen up here guys you can get my book i got another one coming next year this one's good it's like a book lit it's like 100 pages you can read it in a day it's got all kinds of tactics and strategies if you don't have the nine bucks or whatever it is don't get it uh follow me on social media go to facebook instagram youtube listen to my stuff it's good i'm gonna brag for a minute one time he's already told you what an idiot i am i produce the best content in the world by a mile i'm just gonna tell you it's the most tactical the most detailed the most inspirational the most real because i'm real i've actually built something i've actually done something i don't come to events to sell you stuff so i get emotional about it because i want you to win i want you to be better all my stuff is free okay and i got a podcast you should listen to i got a coaching program called rtsyndicat.com all right so now now we're going to get intense okay i'm a christian man i want to say this first i'm a christian man my uh children i was max was three years old were in the back of the car one day and he goes he said the f word and my wife's dad was a pastor a brother's a pastor i said where in the world did you he had never heard me cuss before i said where'd you learn how he goes mama says every time somebody cuts her off daddy so he learned a bad word i my son had never heard me cuss until the story i'm about to tell you but if i don't cuss telling you the story it won't be real so i'm about to say some bad words are you all okay with that say yes because it's a real deal it really happened okay so i want to talk to you about winning now okay we got the emotional part of our life now we need to win here's the deal you got gotta quit playing around time's running out on you i don't care how old you are it was yesterday brother i was your age i was cool sexy and young now i'm old beat up and achy okay okay let me tell you time flies time flies i'm 50 freaking years old next month i can't believe i'm saying that out loud 50 years old next month my son i'm the type of dad you put that up on the screen i'm a type of dad man because i was an athlete i played college baseball i played division one college baseball i was a good player i wasn't a great player i had a catastrophic injury that formed a tumor i started to lose part of my right leg that ended my career it probably would have ended eventually anyways but my career ended so when i had a son i did not want to be that dad any of you have boys in sports or girls and sports you know that dad you know the dad i'm talking about the crazy dad the guy that thinks his five foot six inch 240 pound son is going to play in the nfl you know that dude right you should laugh at that that's funny as hell right has no genetic chance whatsoever playing professional sports but this dude's going to turn him into one so when my son started playing sports i'm just going to be honest with you my son is not athletically gifted my daughter is bless his heart in fact max was so bad when he played baseball we for years could not figure out whether this poor kid was left or right-handed and i'm dead serious when i tell you this to this day i still don't know he eats right-handed he writes left-handed he can't throw or catch you cannot play catch with a baseball with my son because he will probably get hit in the face to this day he's just not athletic we put him in every sport football flag football he was the kid who blocked you know which kids block right right you know what i'm talking about basketball no bueno he went an entire season and did not score a basket okay baseball which was my sport i got on the best hitting coaches on the planet we just called him a switch hitter because this we had no idea so finally he stops playing sports i'm like you know what but he's a hard worker he's watched his dad work hard golf and then of course when he started playing golf left or right-handed i had no idea still probably not sure my son started playing in tournaments we moved out to the desert this is a picture of us and i was this dad i used to tell max hey max you know daddy loves you whether you finish first or last you ever say that to your kids i can't love you more if you win my son started to take that stuff very seriously and so we would go out and where we lived i moved where a bunch of professional golfers live and their sons and so the tour my son played on your dad caddied for you so once you picture you're walking around i'm carrying his bag four or five hours i'd show up to the golf course tattoos adidas pants on tennis shoes tank top my kid's got some used set of golf clubs from roger dunn rag a muffin little outfit you can see it right there that's not me let's me and him playing golf right there and then we play against these kids dad played on the pga tour he's got this perfect outfit that identically matches his son best golf clubs best instructors in the world everybody we played with were pros and so my son we would play my son's such a good boy i always wanted to be happy for everybody else my son played on this tour i'm going to hear what i'm about to tell you he played 32 tournaments he played finished last in 32 tournaments not third or fifth or eighteenth last and thirty-two tournaments and we had a good time we getting in the car say hey have some fun buddy shot 104 winner shot 68. you have fun but hey dad that was awesome just got to be with my daddy today and i'm like good i'm glad you had fun every week we would do this walk around finish last finish last finish lesson did you have fun don't worry about it my son's such a good kid he'd top his first drive into a lake you'd hit a good drive nice shot brian such a good shot everyone loved max he'd make a guy makes a big putt max was more excited for you when you made a big putt than you were that you made a big putt not a competitive bone in his body and i thought it was great i was building his self-esteem building his self-confidence he's not going to play professional golf anyways and we would go week after week after week and i thought i was you know being a good dad and then this happened he's warming up that day see what he's wearing there it's a good golf swing he's in a good position max's problem wasn't his swing max's problem was up here max's problem was up here he didn't believe in himself he didn't want to compete he didn't really want to get after it and so we played nine holes that day two professional guys are in our group and here comes the bad news we're at the turn there's about a hundred yard walk between the ninth and tenth hole and on this tour the kids get a box lunch at the turn we're playing with two dudes the first dad has one on the pga tour and his dad won on the pga tour and now we're playing with his son there's three generations the other guy's a good player and his dad played on tour too and one of the dads says we're walking having a good time max is 11 back 11 out of first place after nine holes and we get to the turn and you have to go get the sandwiches but they got to go hit and one of the dad's turns and says hey boys you guys go ahead up there we'll walk up to the deal max is out of it he'll go grab your lunch for you and max goes yeah i'll get it and he starts to walk i said stop i said what the did you just say to my son sorry to be real with you so what the did you just say i said we don't get your lunch dude i don't know who the hell you think you're talking to you don't ever speak to my boy that way i said tell you what we're gonna do you guys go up to the tee box i'll go get the lunch max you stay right here right now remember this is i love you son never heard me cussing his life now he's like dude right i got i'm i'm i'm you know i got a tank top mom max is 10 years old i said get over here i came to i said get over here we're gonna win today he goes what dad i'm scared what dad what about you love me where i go that's out the window we're gonna win today no one speaks to us like that you hear me and i'm shaking them but i'm also anchoring it big emotional state and i'm touching them i said we're gonna lean today max oh dad i don't i said max listen to me here's what we're gonna do first we're changing shirts we're putting on your winning shirt he had another shirt in his golf bag i changed his identity physically so do you throw this jersey on i said come here we're gonna win today here's what we're gonna do no practice swings dad i've never done this we didn't line up putts i let him pick his clubs i said i'm gonna pick every club you hit you want to pick every club you hit no practice swings you execute you got a beautiful swing max you got a better swing than all these guys out here you're more flexible you can hit it longer than most of them we're gonna win now remember he's 11 back with nine holes i said we're going to win he's okay i said okay i said now listen you go up to the t you hit the 3 wood don't hit that driver because he sprays this driver i said you hit that three but i'm shaking look at this you think i'm kidding you see that i said you hit that three wood no practice swings get up there and smooth it max you smooth okay dad and i watch my little boy my heart's breaking cause i've never made him compete before and i'm watching him walk max walk like this all the way to the tee box i'm getting the sandwich i'm gonna beat the sh this dad who said my kid right right i'm the nice guy i'm the christian guy i'm there we're gonna have bubbles and gum when we're done here and i watch max from a distance walk up grabs this through here's how bad max was you ever want anything no golf my son can't even tee the ball i'll never forget this you know normal players like they tee it up they get behind max was always like you know trying to get the t the ball to balance on the t that uncoordinated finally gets the ball to balance on the t he comes back no practice swing right down the pooper right down the middle and i see it i'm like we're in business and i kind of watch max he kind of hits it kind of goes kind of flips this club a little bit if i'm a distance i'm like all right i'll get up there i go give me the club man i had a nice shot and i'm walking down so we're gonna win today max we're gonna win today max we're gonna win today max that was awesome you smoked it you're three woods longer than a freaking driver he gets up there i said okay i've never done this now i'm getting specific in detail before he's like hey hit a good shot now i'm like look hit this eight iron i want it 10 feet left of the hole he goes okay dad i said no practice swings sure enough he gets up hits it about 20 feet left of the hole he's got a 20 footer now for a birdie his kid hasn't made a birdie in his life right we get to the green everybody marks their ball normally what's max do he walks up to the ball doesn't mark it putts putts putts putts putts picks it up good putt brian nice birdie right so he gets up to the green i said hey he gets ready to putt i go you didn't even line it up i said take a look at the putt he doesn't even know what he's looking at he's like okay dad yeah all right i got you okay walks on the other side you walk around it just like a pro walks around it he's like okay dad god's so good you guys he delivers the moment when you need it max gets over the putt he goes dad i think it's about two feet left to right i don't know either max just i'm telling him yeah that sounds good dude pulls the putter back drains it birdie okay both those guys wait both those guys make bogey now we're nine back this is where god comes in next hole i'm like you know what smash the driver max i'm like right smash the driver buddy he's like all right i said you got this bam smoke's the driver all three boys smoke the driver except now i watch something max starts to walk in front of me now he's walking like this down the fairway totally different human being i'm like oh he walks like me now he's walking like his dad right we get down there it's a par 5. he's got 225 yards in he's 10 years old 9 or 10 years old he's got 225 yards both these other boys lay up i said max we got to make up some ground smash this 3-wood on the green he kind of looks at me i said hit it no practice swings there's a lake in front of the green there's a block wall with rocks on it in front max walks up i'm like boom good shot i'm like jesus please give this boy a break please lord please and it comes down hits the wall right up in the air i'm like crap and i kind of do this and max goes yeah daddy and i go what it hit the wall went forward and rolled to about six feet away from the hole that's god that ain't me right that's god i'm like all right little ian drops one in the lake little mikey drops one in the lake we're sitting on the green with an eagle putt i'm like max knock this sucker in take a look at it walk it off same bull crap he doesn't know what he's looking at he looks around looks out gets up makes an eagle we go birdie eagle with the new shirt on birdie eagle right now max is like death we're going to win this thing i'm like we are buddy we're gonna win and we get all the way to 18. he's down one we've never even been in the tournament we've never even talked about this crap before he's down one going at 18. there's a lake in front of the green again i said smash the driver max it's you and ian ian was the other boy left i smashed this thing man max is walking around like i own this place now right and one of these deals i got it dad i got it sure enough bangs it down the middle they're both about eight feet away from each other and i hear ian's dad say don't hit it in the lake i go max he's gonna hit it in the lake he's gonna hit it in the lake my son's like this language dad i'm like just today right right just today and so sure enough ian dunks it in the lake i'm like max this smoothie put a smoothie on her buddy hit this eight iron ten feet we're getting the hell out of here we're gonna win this thing and he does he hits it about 15 feet left except ian comes up with the clutches shot ever and hits his next one to about that close taps in so max makes the putty wins if he two putts we tie and go to a playoff here's where i i'm stupid i go hey it's a quick putt don't hit this thing too far past the hole we two put we go to a playoff you don't say that thank my son goes i swear to you on my children okay my son goes dad i'm going to make it like okay then make it dunks it in yeah he jumps up there's nobody there there's no crowd i'm picking him up right now the other dads are like our kids went every week this is no i'm like this is the greatest moment of my damn life you know yeah and max couldn't believe it couldn't believe he won and it changed his life let me show you something there he is with his medal after he won look at that little face now he's got his new shirt on right right and i know i know you look at that picture you're like he still stands like an unathletic dude i know but still look at that that changed his life this is now me and him playing father sons uh you can look at that one what's that say right there mylet somewhere on there 64. that's a pretty good story shot that day and that's when he's about 14 that's me and him now playing in cabo is a little bit bigger than his dad now by the way he's lost 80 pounds since that picture gotten fit and this is him signing his college scholarship to go play golf right so why do i tell you that right that cool that's awesome all right all right i got chills why do i tell you that because that day we decided to stop playing golf and we decided to start winning at golf and you got to stop playing with your business you have to resolve yourself today that you're going to win in business that you're going to dominate that you're not average in ordinary there has to become a point where you make a decision we're going to dominate we're here to win we are not here to play and you have a company that decides it's going to win and that takes some intestinal fortitude it takes a decision and it takes you being evangelical about your cause so you can get all these emotions you want but as a man you still got to win to be what you're worth you still gotta win right and that's what i want you to get out of today you gotta decide you're gonna win if you're gonna win in your family you're gonna win in your personal life i'm where i'm at because i just flat decided i'm gonna be a player i just decided it i'm not special i come from a velcroed mercedes i come from a dysfunctional family but i decided at some point i get to choose who i am the world doesn't tell me who i am i'm not that small introverted athlete with an alcoholic dad with no confidence i write these chapters me and god write these chapters i got the best co-author on the planet he made me and you in his image and likeness he made you to do something great with your life that's no bs two too many of us forget this too many of us forget where we come from we come from greatness the dna of the king of kings i don't even care if you're a person of faith trust me you should have some the only explanation for where i am is there must be an amazing god in heaven who's blessing me on a regular basis who loves me and you by the way in spite of all the stupid sins we make because you know you've made a bunch of them and what you think is all this crap you've done wrong maybe even while you've been here on this trip disqualifies you from winning god takes dudes like me and dudes like you and women like you and we change the freaking world that's what he does and he takes a guy like my son who will outwork you he's a sweetheart he's a good boy he's a christian boy he's not trying to flex all the time he'll just out work you he got that scholarship because before school every day at 5 30 our golf course set up the balls because they know max comes before school then he stays till dark after school that's why he won and i think he modeled some of that from his old man you got to look at how much you're working you've got to work the effort you're making you got to put the intention you're putting out there you think it's easy to go make hundreds of millions of dollars what a joke someone's convincing you of that it's relentlessness man it's crazy it's pushing past barriers it's every time you get somewhere it's wanting to go to the next level it's also something write this down that i teach all my athletes called equanimity equanimity is peace under duress being able to find peace under duress meaning this it's easy to walk around saying i'm gonna be a peaceful dude right or to create duress but can you find the emotional control to be at your best under the highest stress levels tom brady guys is equanimity at its finest he's also not the most athletic but when it matters most third and eight you know what his third down conversion rate is like as a quarterback people don't understand quarterbacks you third and long there's nobody in the history of football even remotely closing not the big drive he's great at that too it's the little parts of the game where you go rogers no offense to your packers fans it's third and 11. and he audibles out of the right play audible's into the wrong play and you're off the field you don't know why you lose the nfc championship the other guy gets up there third and 11 audibles into the right play and converts equanimity under duress it's the separator it's invisible no one sees it no one knows what it is it's the difference so you need equanimity you all with me on that say yes they also need the power of one more i'm writing a book right now that i really do believe is going to change the world called the life-changing power of one more there's a lot of different things i could say to you about doing one more rep in the gym making one more phone call a day and stacking all that up being a one more thinker that's changed my life i'm a one more thinker i also get three days in one day so i'm gonna give you two gifts here number one the power of one more if you add a one more multiplier to your organization it will change everything maxwell calls it the law of the catalyst you can't just be recruiting you have to be looking for that one more special multiplier catalyst i call it a rabbit someone that joins your team and everybody wants to chase after them they set the pace they set the culture they set the intensity level in every company i own which is 23 of them right now i am looking for one more multiplier people brady is a one more multiplier let me explain to you not how just how he works but it's how he works it's not how there's this legendary story going around the last few weeks that during super bowl week brady's up watching film at 1 30 in the morning and he's texting the wide receivers at 1 30 in the morning saying hey third and short you can't run this route against this db third and eight this route works against him hey second and short you can work this route against this db but if it's second and long you can't run this route against them the level of precision and specificity that he brings to the organization that nobody else understands changes it but he's a one more multiplier so is lebron james let me explain to you when you add one more multiplier they infectiously help you magnetize and attract other people like them to your organization you don't know why i can't explain why i think it's a vibrational frequency thing but when i add these players like if you added me to your team you added me you recruited me right now i promise you within six or seven months there's four or five mini-me's around that were never there before do you know that all three touchdowns in the super bowl were scored by dudes that weren't on the team last year that brady recruited personally they get brady gronk a b and fournette all came there because of brady one more players that join your team are multipliers for your organization you can't just look to add people you can't look to add vanilla generic humans you need to be looking for one more multipliers and when you're recruiting and messaging say it because guys like me when i'm sitting in front of an interview with me and you say let me tell you what i'm really looking for i'm looking for leaders i'm looking for dominators i'm looking for people who want to be somebody when you say that word to me you're speaking my love language man but if you just give me your normal pitch here's the package here's the money here's what you can make that gets average ordinary people to say yes you must express outwardly what you're looking for when you're recruiting does that make sense to everybody say yes to that you combine an evangelical message being a great storyteller and starting to express exactly what you're looking for and visualize that person are they a man or they a woman are they short are they tall are they minority are they not do they have a military athletic background what are you looking for not just people you'll begin to draft to your organization attract your organization the very people you look for if you're specifically looking for them make sense yes or no don't you want that person who's like i don't even have to call this dude i don't even call him he's out there before me i remember the first time my best guy ever made millions of dollars i remember the first time we had a meeting and he set up he picked up the chairs after the meeting this is a little thing i was like the meeting was over i always was the guy who folded all the chairs afterwards i remember his name's dan charlier the dude that i talked about in his wedding and he was a former drill instructor in the marine corps carry the colors at the white house he's a stud anyway this dude picked up all the chairs after the meeting i was like i've been here five years no one's ever picked up those chairs i might have a one more multiplier turns out i did and i had about eight of him within about a year and it made my organization go from a good company to a movement to a cause because i got one more multipliers a couple more things i want to share this is good stuff by the way i hope we got a recording of this i think i want this one all right so all right so a couple more things really quick so i'm limited on time i want to tell you a story about ed mylett not me my old man so there's three had my let's i'm edward iii i have a grandfather my dad my dad just died just a few weeks ago my dad fought cancer for about nine years my growing up my dad was alcoholic and would be gone and it was a great you know everything happens for you not to you the reason i have an ability to read people and to be present with them and to transfer energy with them because when i was a four-year-old boy with three little sisters i had to read which dad was coming through the front door is this happy sober dad who wants to play catch or is this drunk dad by the way i got so good at it i could tell by how the keys hit the lock which dad was coming through and then i knew how to change his energy little four-year-old little me so these things that happened to you in life are all blessings even when they're horrible i don't speak to you right now if my dad's not alcoholic i can't give you that energy that you felt if my dad didn't drink i can't read you if my dad didn't drink in fact my career changed because my dad got sober got me a job at his a.a meeting because i was unemployed at an orphanage and that orphanage changed my life because now i'm serving people first time in my life and now i've been serving people the rest of my life so it's crazy my dad got me this job my dad gets sober i'm living at home on his couch he goes i got you a job i'm sick of you eating out of the fridge i'm like i got a college degree what exactly is this job he's like you don't get to choose dude you're going tomorrow morning it was called mckinley home for boys it's an orphanage i walk into cottage eight it's eight to ten year old boys my boys were all either molested by their family dad's incarcerated or they're dead and i became their father i took them trick or treat and i was there christmas day at 22 years old that was my job it changed my life because i went from being this ego driven athlete to serving people and i could connect with them because i had a dysfunctional family right and all these boys wanted was someone to love them believe in them care about them and show them how to live better you know what i do for a living now i love people i believe in them i care about them i show them how to live better every human being is just like my little boys all the people that work for you they want you to love them care them believe in them show them how to live better that's all everybody ever you meet wants love me man care about me believe in me show me how to do a little better business or life that's all they ever want so my dad's drinking was the ultimate blessing in my life even though it was terrible as a child so my dad got sober and became my best friend it was really cool i watched my dad have two lives i watched the first 40 years of his life my dad was a good man just like a lot of you are but living a bad way drinking running around probably doing all the stuff that comes with doing that and then he got sober and i watched him change his life my dad's a humble man and i didn't know this my dad's sobriety was interesting just going to tell you this really quickly my dad got sober ironically because he used to go to hollywood to drink so my dad went to an a meeting where it was all famous people but we lived two hours from there which was the hood so my dad would go to aaa meetings in hollywood with my fact my dad's sponsor and aaa is a very famous actor and then my dad would come to the hood where we grew up and go to his aaa meetings and so my dad ended up i didn't know this but my dad for years helped people get sober quietly two o'clock in the morning a text a lunch a breakfast anything he could ever do to just help another human being change their life i never knew it because he would never tell me didn't brag about it when my dad died he requested no funeral didn't want anybody talking about him plus he was kovid but for years he didn't want one but my i got a call from the aaa meeting my dad went to and the guy said we'd just like to honor your dad at a park he'll be like eight or ten of us there would you come i said no i'm not doing that my dad said no my wife said you should just go it's gonna be ten people i show up to this park hundreds of people showed up and they got up and said we're here today to honor ed milette it's my own name first dude walks up he says my name's jerry 34 years ago ed my let changed my life i walked into a meeting i had no hope i thought i was going to die this man grabs me and says hey let's have breakfast tomorrow morning and he tells a story next guy gets a big old samoan dude said i was incarcerated for 15 years my best friend's ed my let he changed my life takes every call calls me every day loves me cares about me next guy gets up very very famous actor ed milette changed my life i came to a meeting 17 years ago i can't tell you how many phone calls i get from him how many meetings we've had how many times he's driven to see me when i was going to use again driven hours and hours one time he drove to sacramento drove seven straight hours to see me because i thought i was gonna use he said i'll be there in a minute seven hours later my dad showed up and i watched this whole meeting of these people just parading through about how my dad changed their life and my dad had lung cancer and a really bad form of tumors wrapped all around his organs and so my dad fought this for like nine years and the last time he went into the hospital my dad finally called me and said i want you to come get me except he didn't talk like that my dad was down to about 10 breaths a minute so my dad's voice was my voice in fact if you called his phone number right now that voicemail's still on there my dad's voice but my dad would talk like this in the hospital come get me i would say dad they'll give you another steroid shot you need to fight this again this is my dad's life for months get me now i'm gonna tell you what he said in my voice cause it'll take too long he said i'm gonna die in two days i fought this for nine years i did this for your mom you and your sisters and the grandchildren i'm gonna be gone in two days i would like to die in my home with you and the sisters there come get me i said dad he says i'm serious i called his doctor he goes i'd get him home i get my dad home he's in his living room i was with my dad when he passed away so we're my sisters an hour before my dad died an hour before so when you're dying this way just so you know they count your breaths so my dad had gone from 50 breaths a minute to 20 to 10 some minutes five some minutes three got to the point a couple hours before my dad died that he had a minute with no breaths and so they took his pulse he had no pulse then he would breathe again for a minute and so it took a long time and my dad was really running out of breath he was he was basically suffocating to death and uh i tell you this because we thought he was gone and he came back and then he had a couple half-hour windows of like 40 breaths a minute his phone keeps ringing he's got oxygen he goes debbie who's calling me and she says it's 909 524 and he goes answer it my dad's got two hours left answer it she says no i'm not answering it he says grab it he knew who it was and he knew that was someone who needed him and my mother handed him the phone on morphine drooling oxygen pulls it out bernardo you can do this and i watched him for 20 minutes 20 minutes my dad talked this dude off the ledge and changed his life bernardo was the last speaker at that service i went to a week later so in my dad's last minutes of his life my dad was still changing people's lives was still making a difference in the world the reason i tell you that story is not to applaud for my dad i tell you that story because who are you when no one's watching who are you when there's no incentive for you my dad there was no my dad didn't get any credit for that he had no idea i was going to tell this story in fact he'd be embarrassed if i did who are you when nobody's watching what's the real difference you make in the world who are you really as a man or a woman or as a young man over there who are you really trying to make is it really who you are because i everyone i get a lot of credit i don't hold a candle to that guy who are you really in quiet moments when human beings need you are you that person they can rely on are you that person who steps up are you that person who makes a difference for them because you can win in big ways mansions jets i know all about that stuff it's awesome i want you to have them but i'll submit to you it's the small things you do that no one will ever probably know you did that'll be the things that will make you the most proud of you that'll make god the most proud of you that will ultimately be the definition of who you are as a man or a woman it's who you are in those moments you can applaud for that and so for me for me my daughter my daughter's always teasing me dad you're in a mid-life crisis i'm like you're damn right i'm in a midlife crisis i've been in a crisis all my life to get to the next version of myself when max was six years old we go to this car wash and every week to be this old man there reading this newspaper but he was there all the time when i drive by the car wash like i was there like every day and he says to me once he goes how old is your little boy i said he's six he says hey like all parents he goes enjoy the six-year-old because when they turn seven that six-year-old's gone forever we can all relate to that as parents he goes and when he turns eight the seven-year-old's gone forever i said sir that's so true when did that stop for you he goes excuse me i said what age did that stop that whole the new person shows up for you pulls the paper down he goes i don't know i said you ought to look into that and i told little max in the car i said that's never happening to me the 30 year old when he turns 31 that 30 year old's gonna be gone forever when that 35 year old turns 36 that 35 year old's gone for freaking ever and there's a better version of me when i'm 45 and i turn 46 that 45 year old dude's gone there's a new man there a better man a stronger man a more influential man a kinder man a more peaceful man and when i turn 50 this next month i want this 49 year old dude you're listening to right now he's already on his way out and i want to challenge you to do that because ultimately to me when we die i think we go to heaven and to me you can live in heaven or hell the rest of your life see when i'm done i want the lord to go hey well done good and faithful certain i know for a fact they said that to my old man let me say i want them to say that to me but i think there's one other thing that happens i'll leave you with this i think god introduces you to the woman or man you were born to be or could have been the one he made in his image and likeness the one he thought you were capable of the destiny version of you the one that they go hey these are the places you could have gone the things you could have seen the memories you could have had the people you could have helped the difference you could have made the emotions you could have felt the moments that's who you were capable of being and to me i'm chasing that dude i'm running him down and that's why we got to change every single year because when i die i want to meet that dude he goes hey man i've been watching you proud of you brother you caught me i've been chasing your ass all my life that's the dude i'm capable that's who i'm running down i'm not running you down or you down or you down and neither are you you're running down the man you could be the people you could have helped the difference you could have made the places you could have gone the emotions you could have had the memories you could have with your family of all my memories with my father my most precious one i just shared with you and it was in the last two hours of his life and it wasn't planned and it wasn't a vacation and it cost no money i'm the most proud of my dad in that moment right and i say to you heaven is you meet that person and you're identical twins hell is you end up meeting that dude someday and you're total strangers you didn't go down the road you didn't make the difference you didn't do the hard things you didn't make the sacrifices you didn't grow you didn't improve yourself that's hell and you live with that forever see i said earlier time is running out on you we're here for a flicker man this life's a flicker it was like yesterday i gave my dad that coffee cup when he was 40 years old it was yesterday i gave my first speech it was yesterday i was in that velcro mercedes it was like yesterday now balling around on some jet my dreams are all held together with velcro just like yours will be it's all tenuous it's all fleeting we can make them all happen but the idea i want for you is once you go to heaven when you die that makes sense all right hope it changed your life max out all right thank you
Channel: Savage Grind Podcast
Views: 31,077
Rating: 4.8981671 out of 5
Id: yo49pJTCCVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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