Police presence on a bee removal?

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hello mr ed here today is december the 10th that's right december 10 2020 i'm in ponchatoula louisiana this is like the strawberry capital of louisiana they have the strawberry festival every year and it's also i think it might even be called the anti-capital of louisiana as well so they have lots of antique shops but where we are it's it's really in the sticks and but even though we're in the sticks i tell you we got we we got security issues the dirt roofs are hurt he's in the neighborhood but just in case he is we got the finest right here on patrol to make sure nothing goes astray with this removal that's right we got ray from the ponchatoula department's police department sheriff's office man this is the real stuff right here so we can make sure that rooster doesn't show up and you know give us any problem but so what we're doing today here is we got bees in this shed now the sheds coming down so they're not really interested in in how much we tear up which is a good thing ralph isn't here and believe it or not this is where ralph lives ralph lives in ponchatoula i called him last night and told me i'm going to be in his backyard working and he said man i can't get out of work he said i gotta go to work so we're here without ralph i got rick i got charlie come on come on yeah there he is right here charlie and today it's gonna be a great deal because we have we have a brand new beekeeper in fact this is how i found out about the job saturday that on december 5th we did a tour at the abbey of first year beekeepers and one of the ladies that came her and her husband came they our brand new beekeepers and she said we have come on in here come on tammy so this is tammy right here so tammy asked me she said mr ed my sister's got a a place up in ponchatoula it's got bees in it they're going to tear it down and and we want to get the bees for ourselves and start bees that are on our property and so i said well look if you all want the bees i'll help you do the removal and we can make a video on it and what'd you say sure let's go for it so we got tammy here good time charlie tammy's sister susan come on in susan she's the she's the property owner he's susan not here long and and ray and believe it or not ray the the sheriff's department he's he's a beekeeper as well and so this is going to be a real adventure so by the grace of god we'll get these bees out of this little building right here in a few hours and they're going home two hours two two hours now two let's go do some wrangling huh before i get busy with removing this plywood right here i'll show you where the the bees are entering the studs are two foot on center right here and all i'm gonna do is remove cut this piece mdf out and i kind of think we're gonna have a lot of comb in there but we have lots of ice chests to put it in now i asked susan before i i cut this bill and i said susan are there any wires in this building oh no there's no wires in it [Music] well yeah this wires it but but she did say the power was turned off so no no sparks on that one but i did ask now this this hive that's in here right now this is not the same hive that was in here before because the comb goes all the way down into here look i mean this is comb all up in here but it's all dried out there's no good there's nothing good up in here so that one time this was a massive hive and those bees are no longer there and these bees have now moved in and you can see on our comb this area right here is all hunting right here and then where all the bees are clustered that's where you're going to find our brood you know it's not the ideal comb development that i like to see these are just long thin slabs of comb and you can frame them up but they don't frame up real easy but we're really not going to worry too much about getting brewed in there we're more interested in getting our honey in there so i'm going to start the vacuum right now we'll start vacuuming the bees and knocking the numbers down then we'll pull out some comb and whittle it down whittle it down so i removed this little top piece of plywood right here and they have the top plate right here our comb is attached to the top plate and it's only between our studs on the side so because our studs i didn't cut to the other side of stud the bees can't run in either of the directions opposite of the studs or above it so they're all going to be contained right here that's what we really want to do we want to stop the bees from trying to move and run away i see they might want to try to get up in the soffit area so i'm not going gonna as long as they don't get up in here i think i'll just stuff some paper up in there and we'll be good for that because i don't want the bees to run away i don't want our queen to run away so let's go ahead and vacuum up some bees right now and knock the numbers down and start removing [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so now you can tell the comb that i've been taking out of here is just so brittle it's just crumbling as i as i remove it and it's mostly because it's not being used right now and that's what happens when the comb isn't used the bees uh when they're not on it it becomes brittle just dries out and even even even though there's honey in some of this it still will be brittle because the bees aren't trafficking on it moving it and keeping it warm and it just dries up so i want to say about this particular section of comb right here and you can see this is almost a solid piece of honeycomb right here and if you can tell on these outside edges right here that the color of the capping is so yellow yellow yellow and even to some degree up in here also it's yellowish white and that's real indica indicative of the golden rod when when the bees start bringing in the golden rod and end of september and october here in louisiana that when you open up the hive and you see this yellow cappings like this that's golden rod pretty cool this is we're so this is probably our last really good section of honey in here but there may be some other section of comb and then we'll find some brew but i'm not expecting to find much brood in this at all it's their queen stop laying so we'll just keep on removing the comb and i'll vacuum the bees as i go and eventually we'll get them all clustered up and you know we'll be looking for our [Music] queen [Music] [Music] [Music] so we still got our security back there making sure the rooster doesn't come around we're about down to our last piece of comb and i know our queen is still up in here and you can see now why i stuffed this packing up inside of here because the bees they would have clustered in they would just run right up inside of there so we cut off any of their escape right in there and as i'm just whittling down the numbers the the more numbers of bees i whittle away at the greater my chances are of spotting our queen so we're just about there i think we only had that one more piece of comb in there we got these bees so keeping our fingers crossed i'm saying a prayer and hopefully we'll have her in the cage just a few more minutes gonna come out running don't tell they're gonna break that cluster real soon so so hey hey hey okay you're right here sorry i got it okay right here she's got a big big old black butt on her she's a beauty so you ready yeah okay yeah yeah uh-huh thank you jesus yeah baby all right now that's what i call a real beaut that girl has got a big whole butt on her it's red on the bottom but it's black on the top man that now there was no brood in there whatsoever but this queen she's just not laying right now that's all there is to it so we're gonna finish vacuum up these bees and uh get on out of here thank you jesus amen so all these bees down here all these robber bees the robber bees they just show up on cue is where i dropped some of the comb down here and if they were high bees they'd be up at the top they're not going to be down here on the ground scrounging around they're going to want to go back to their hive and now you can look in the air and where hive used to be and you can see the the bees the robber bees they're here the uh the hive bees i got almost all of them this hive had a lot of a lot of beetles in it um i tried to leave as many as i could behind but there there are a lot of them so like you can see it ain't it ain't there no more folks so we're gonna pack up our gear and we're gonna bring all these comb and the bees up to to laranja yeah they're going to laronda to tammy's place and this will be her first beehive man can you believe we got four of us in the back of the van well the job's all done and i want to ask you first i'll ask susan because susan is the homeowner but the sister of tammy and now susan i want to ask you what did you think about this um this bee operation it sure was a buzzing morning morning i thought it was awesome i had never been any part of it so yeah just a buzzing morning and we got us some bees out of this shed that's gonna come down and they'll make some more bees and some honey for somebody yeah who do you think they make honey for harder than i'll get sick so so terry you're not even you don't even have these i do now well yeah you know but before today you did not hear me i did not have beef so so tell me your experience of today i thought it was very interesting neat and i would do it again were you nervous no i thought it was cool yeah it was yeah what was the coolest part when you found that queen yeah it was a pretty it's always great it's always great to find the queen and i always say it's a grace of god that does that but man it's just super fun to find a queen at this time of year when there's nothing the bees can do to produce a new one there's there's no there's no drones there was no brood in this hive so something happened to our queen the hive is going to perish uh other other than that merging um these bees with another group of bees that's the only way these bees wouldn't perish but um they don't have to worry about that because we got the queen so charlie what about you what'd you think i know you had a rough job today how long did this one take huh how long two or three hours i told ralph two hours that's it yeah yeah so so what do you what's your experience at this one it's this one was an easy one it was very easy and it was a lot of fun because we had the homeowner and the beekeeper here and don't forget about the sheriff and we had a sheriff that was over here he was he's a security for making sure that he was keeping everything under control he didn't get stung and he took a hit on his eye now now he did have to take off for a few minutes uh during it because they got a report there was a red f-150 cruising around the area and they did have it was on the dirt rooster's license plate but he was gone before but so it's no problem the rooster he he hot tailed it out of here so that's all we got for you this one so thanks for watching keep on watching we'll be making more god bless mr ed we got tammy susan good times we're out here until the next video [Music] i don't know how many of y'all noticed but mr ed's been missing for a little while now and i hadn't been able to get him on the phone in about a week so i was going to get him on some milk cartons but i can't get anybody that would sell milk with him on a carton so contacted another company got him on some milk bone boxes hope that helps come home safe buddy we miss you
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 112,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Police presence on a bee removal?, honey bees, removing bees from a shed, using a bee vac to remove bees, bee vac, police protection, police monitoring, police patrols, honey, honey comb, brood, brood comb, beeswax, framing comb, queen bees, catching a queen bee, using a queen cage to capture a queen bee
Id: AM8BQCxnntw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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