How Can Freelance Web Developers Print Money in 2018?

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hey guys welcome to the vlog so today I had a very interesting lunch with a former employee of mine a friend of mine who now is a CTO of a company that have just closed their Series A funding I believe to date they have raised six and a half million for their startup and yeah he's supposed to come in and talk to me about his experience working with the the VC's developing his startup raising millions of dollars and so on so this is somebody who came right out of school started working with me and I trained him up and he got really good so now he's the CTO of his own business so that's very cool one thing he was pointing out to me is how it's so hard still to find competent well trained web developers this is something interesting because people are all excited about AI programming and maybe cryptocurrency programming and there's lots of opportunity there but you know where there's a huge amount of opportunity especially for freelancers good old-fashioned web development if you're trained properly if you know what you're doing so he was talking about how a mutual friend of ours in fact called him up looking for web developers desperately trying to find web developers to help work on their WordPress based site and a little bit more and they've been trying for a year and a half trying to find competent people and they they work at it they find some company or something some freelancers and they just do a bad job and they got to find more and they're so desperate they're spending 25 30 grand easily to build out a new wordpress based site and they're happy to spend the money because they just can't find the people and he was telling me about another friend of his somebody I knew as well who had the same experience they hired a web development firm spent about $20,000 on a site that they were developing and still turned out to be a disaster project for them again being able to find competent web developers these days is still very very very difficult now people may be looking at what development say is that kind of old school staff you know people been developing since the 1990s well compared to AI yes it's old school compared to cryptocurrency stuff it's old school but here's the thing in the grand scheme of things a 20 year old industry it's still very very very young and the fact that it matter is that's still to this day there's a huge demand there's a huge demand for competent web developers these days I have a hard time finding good web developers to work for me and I have a huge selection of people to choose from now don't send resumes now hooked up now I got my good people in place now but even me I have difficulty finding people and I have a lot of contacts and connections and even though I do find good people I still have to get them up to speed in terms of what I do and how I want things built and done this is for the ongoing studio web development which is of course PHP laravel based could have done in any language and he could have done a good job with it in Python Django I could have done a good job with Ruby rails even or Java as I've said in many other videos many of the languages out there and frameworks out there are very good today they've all pretty much normalized what I mean by that is we figured out over the last 15 20 years what works what doesn't work and all the major players have implemented it so when it comes down to when you're choosing a technology or a framework for web development you have to choose something that makes sense for your particular needs in terms of what you like to work with you may just prefer working with Python you just like the language you may prefer to working with PHP you just like the language you may prefer working with JavaScript you just like the language and saving with the frameworks because all the frameworks all languages are preening that much neck-and-neck for the most part now there are areas where certain languages are better just because of a particular use case I've discussed use cases before and so for instance if you're doing AI you could do ML an AI with PHP I've seen actual people do it with PHP but that's not the language to do AI pH in ml if you do that with Python or maybe R something I would do it Python so you have a lot more flexibility there but if you're doing web apps specially if you're doing freelance web work again because of a business environment because of what's out there because 85 percent of small businesses probably use a PHP based system on their web site because WordPress is PHP pays because Drew Powell's PHP paste if you learn PHP development you're gonna have a huge huge advantage web developers in 2018 are gonna be printing money if they do PHP or pressed about mint and you go into freelance you think making 30 bucks the hours but that's good but if you get into the freelance space with PHP WordPress in time as you develop your workflows as you develop your client base you could be making $300 an hour or more for your time but you get to there over a period of time as you develop again you're going to develop skill sets workflows contacts your ability to work with clients to get there quickest learn the core the core is key as watch at the core learning the latest framework learning even a brand new programming language will be easy for you if you do your core training in addition to that because it's very popular in my Python course where I have Python specializations and I also teach Python career paths I will be adding that to my interactive web developer course very soon so if you get it now it will you have access to it for free of course and I get into the three career paths of web development that is the getting a job become a freelancer developing your own web apps and the other thing I'm gonna get into is the career while the specialization so whether the helper specializations that you can to front-end developer weather scales were the pros and cons how does it affect your ability to make money get a job business full stack web developer you're doing a friend and the backend with emphasis on the backend and then finally getting to WordPress development CMS development that is kind of a niche in there as well it's a specialization Oh help you to understand what the skill sets required for that what does that all mean in terms of your business etc like you I'm assuming you're like me where you want to learn this stuff because you want to make money at the end of the day you want to make money whether you want to get on a very high paying job where you're respected where you have a lot of flexibility there or maybe you want to become a freelancer where you have ultimate flexibility ultimate earning potential it's a lot of fun it's creative or maybe you want to build your own web app or your own website you have an idea for a website or a web app that you think that could address some sort of market niche then you know learning the core having those fundamentals is a key to all that so there you go I hope you found this vlog useful once again for 2018 if you got the good web developer chops you could make a lot of money a lot of money lots of opportunity
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 46,430
Rating: 4.926084 out of 5
Keywords: freelance developer, freelance PHP developer
Id: zmQuZ4hi1ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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