How BAD is The Master of Disguise???

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so first I want to give a big massive thank you to Chris Stockman for including me in his video stuckman suggests Chris thank you so much that was awesome and if you guys haven't checked out his videos which you totally should and I imagine most of you already have but in case you haven't just check out his channel at this link or you can just click on the link in the description also I will be at Fan Expo this year on Friday August 29th 2014 so if you're going to be at Fan Expo on that day if you find me I will give you a free fan boy flicks t-shirt and I wish I had one to show you guys but they're currently being printed right now so you're just going to have to use your crazy imaginations to picture a blue shirt with the fan boy flicks logo on it and if you still can't do that then here should look like that now I'm going to be honest with you guys I have seen a lot of bad movies but the one thing I can say about all of them so far is that at least they were trying to make an effort to make sense well all that stops here this movie seems like it just keeps trying to do random things in an effort to be funny which of course does it works and then it just keeps going you know I remember seeing the previews for this movie when it first came out and thinking to myself that looks like one of the worst movies ever made I've enjoyed some of Dana Carvey comedy before on SNL and Wayne's World but I don't know what this is supposed to be I just can't picture him sitting there writing this script thinking oh yeah this will be good I just I can't I can't do it it doesn't make sense maybe this whole thing was just a giant practical joke that actually makes more sense than the actual movie it's almost like something he would just scribble down as an idea on a napkin one day just a guy who's a master at disguising himself and then they ran with it and turned into a whole movie and it was this movie for anyways is this supposed to be a kids movie is that who all of these stupid jokes and impressions are aimed towards yeah jaws reference I'm sure all the kids will get that one or how about Scarface that seems appropriate and the Exorcist because you know we all remember seeing that at an early age and you could say that those jokes are aimed at the adult portion of the audience the only problem is that they've already left I think the best use for this movie is as something to show meth heads to scare them off of drugs just show them this movie like you see this this is what you're like all the time yeah wake-up call and the worst part about this movie is that it actually made money forty three million dollars on a 16 million dollar budget that's not bad especially for one of the worst movies ever made so Dana Carvey plays this character named pistachio disguisey and there's no way I'm going to be saying that throughout this review so I'm just going to call him Dana anyways the movie starts by explaining that Dana's family has this long legacy of disguising themselves and stopping evil yep that's uh quite the legacy you got there so his father doesn't want him to follow in his footsteps of being a master of disguise for some reason but you know actually it kind of makes sense because we all know how dangerous it can be putting on costumes but of course he can't stop him from doing it it's funny because if this was any other family I'm pretty sure that any father walking in on his grown son doing something like this would prompt a pretty quick trip to the nut house Dana's character is a bumbling 23 year old Italian waiter which is interesting considering that he was around twice that age when they were shooting this seriously he was 47 when this movie came out this guy asked for meatballs and for whatever reason this puts Dana into some kind of trance where he starts mocking everyone we're only ten minutes into this movie and already the evidence is really piling up that this character needs an immediate psychological evaluation anyways these thugs show up and start trying to kidnap his mother and father and for some reason his dad just starts fighting them very casually as if this is a common thing I don't know what's going on here they put his mother in some kind of kitchen prison with caramel corn or some crap I honestly have no idea what's going on Dana Carvey starts talking about a cannoli I don't know man seriously hello please in my home it is a full of brand Zachary everything different whatever my name is pistachio hello momma's cannoli is here at this point in the movie I just couldn't figure out why he thought any of this would be a good idea was the script just a bunch of random words all over the paper just telephone cannoli kidnapped then his grandfather shows up and tells him he's gonna teach him how to become a master of disguise I'm gonna be a master of disguise I'm going to be a master these guys seriously what is this it's just a sequence of Dana Carvey making a bunch of silly faces and lame slapstick humor so data from Star Trek plays the bad guy in this movie just god that's that's a dive off the deep end anyways he kidnapped Dana's father Fabrizio I don't know and he wants him to disguise himself in order to steal him a bunch of priceless national treasures and how do we end this scene with a fart joke and a lame one at that so the bad guy gets Fabrizio to steal the US Constitution by disguising himself as Michael Johnson and borrowing it and they just gave it to him really this was the plan not disguising yourself as one of the guards and doing some kind of sneaky heist no just pretending to be an athlete because of course they would lend the u.s. constant lucien to a guy who's famous for running and how do we end this scene take a guess I'm serious when I say that some of these scenes really have no point so they find part of a cigar that leads them to the turtle club and Dana thinks a good disguise would be to dress up as a turtle why would this be a good disguise wouldn't a good disguise be one that helps you blend in not stick out like a circus freak then he bites off some guy's nose and spits it back onto his face I don't even know what to tell you I really don't I didn't even write anything for that I'm sorry now the bad guy gets for Breezy oh to steal the Liberty Bell by disguising himself as Jesse Ventura because of course why should anything make sense anymore nothing's made sense so far why start now they go to the bad guys party to investigate him and I'm seriously not joking when I say that if you watch this movie you might end up feeling insulted by it I really don't know how else to describe it to you it's like having a really weird dream that goes on and on and all you want to do is just wake up wake up mark please fake oh I'm the village of constable ACOs holy Hamas's hahaha two thugs start chasing him down until he disguises himself as Quint from Jaws which at first is kind of a nice little movie reference until it goes on and on and on then once they see his arm somehow that's the indication that he's the guy they were looking for and I'm not even dude I know no no no not doing it I'm not even going to begin to talk about how stupid this is because I have to make time to talk about the part where he disguises himself as a pile of cow crap which actually works but then it doesn't when he ruins the disguise then were treated to this ridiculous chase around town and why is the inside of this house so blue it looks terrible if I didn't know any better I'd swear it was shot on the wrong film stock and I don't know any better it probably was shot on the wrong film stock because who gives a [ __ ] but it really doesn't matter because this is all garbage anyways it's just him talking nonsense as a bunch of different characters there's no plot progression or character development because why would there be I believe that Devlin Bowman has forced my papa to become a master of disguise once more in order to steal rare treasures from around the world yes wait what he knows all of this just by looking at some photos of celebrities that they found at the bad guys house so suddenly he knocks some water over onto the people sitting at the table next to them and then they realize it's actually Jennifer's boyfriend with another woman really you've been sitting next to him this whole time and you didn't even notice you didn't hear his voice or anything like that it took this [ __ ] acting like an idiot in order to reveal it at some point during this fight Dana takes out that guy's wallet and steals his credit cards why why does he do this it's kind of like how we stole the money of basically every single person that paid to see this movie so this time for Breezy Oh dresses up as Jessica Simpson to steal the Apollo Lunar Module Dana uses this ball to talk to his grandfather's floating head inside of a bubble even though it's just a pre-recorded hologram so what's the point of it was magic in this movie I have no idea what's going on Dana dresses up as a pie there's ninjas in here his mother says she'll never eat caramel corn again then Fabrizio and Dana are fighting because Fabrizio has dressed up as the bad guy and he believes that he is him even if you didn't get that it doesn't make any it doesn't matter I don't know he just shakes his head and the disguise goes away for whatever reason probably has to do with magic who cares so in the end I think they killed a bad guy by throwing them to a swimming pool of course you got to have one last fart joke in there thank God it's done you know the weird thing is is that when I watch these movies it's horrible but there's this odd sense of achievement when I make it through them especially when I get to cross it off my list yes I actually love doing this show I can't stop now I need more bad movies all the time I think watching them for some reason it keeps keeps my sanity even though all my friends keep saying that I'm starting to lose my sanity so I don't know what's going on there would i watch son of the mask over this yeah I probably would that's weird I never thought I'd say that
Channel: FanboyFlicks
Views: 578,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Master Of Disguise (Film), Comedy (Film Genre), Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Bad movies, movie reviews, Bad Movie (Film), movie review, Reviews, fanboy flicks, horrible movies, worst movies, worst movies ever made, Turtle (Animal), turtles
Id: W0M4F_z8MbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 21 2014
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