How Apple Vision Pro made me MORE Productive!

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working away from your desk can be a huge problem you usually only have a laptop with a tiny screen that makes it hard to multitask well let me show you how with the Vision Pro you can make a portable setup that can instantly transform any space into the ultimate multim monitor workstation that is ideal for productivity so I want to walk you through my Vision Pro portable setup What accessories I recommend you pack for those long Cafe outings and show you how I manage and set up my Vision Pro virtual workst and also recommend some apps that I use to be more productive and stay on top of my task throughout the day with which also work on your iPad or Mac so even if you don't own a Vision Pro quite yet this video should still provide plenty of value to you now cu the LOI Cafe music let's get into [Music] it [Music] now listen I love relaxing sipping coffee and working in a cafe but one thing that is essential for any device away from your home network is a reliable VPN and that goes for using a Vision Pro too that's why I use IP vanish to make sure that I can go on a public Wi-Fi network without worry and yes IP vanish works on Apple Vision Pro but yeah I know not everyone has a Vision Pro but that doesn't matter IP vanish has apps for your iPhone phone your Android phone your Mac your computer and pretty much every other device out there and don't worry IP vanish is not complicated with just one touch your internet connection is secure and it Shields your location data and protects you from invasive third parties like hackers advertisers internet service providers and anyone in this Cafe that's trying to intercept emails which I'm sending out to clients and many of those include non-disclosure agreements so it's a good thing I have IP vanish but hey vpn's don't have to be all about security they could be fun too and I've been using IP vanish to access geo-restricted content from anywhere and watching my content on a giant movie theater display is simply amazing and you don't have to take my word for it because you can try out IP vanishes VPN for 30 days risk free and save on the yearly plan by going to gregsgadgets so thank you to IP vanish for keeping me secure and for sponsoring this video all right so first of all the Vision Pro itself is pretty big and bulky it's also pretty awkwardly shaped which means it does make it a little hard to pack in a traditional backpack on top of that this is a $3,500 headset full of delicate sensors lenses and glass so this might be prone to scratches or some other damage when it's rustling around in your bags so I really recommend picking up a traveling case for your Apple Vision Pro now there are a few cases available on the market today like the recently launched span case and others but when I bought mine at launch this case was basically one of the only ones that was available on day one and that is Apple's own Vision Pro carrying case now while this case admittedly is a little on the expensive side I have to say I think it's incredibly well thought out and designed and feels premium so I do think it's worth that cost kind of I mean yeah it's very expensive but I like it so when you look at it it has this pillowy soft look to it that is covered in wrinkles which at first you might go okay why why is it wrinkly but if you really look at it it kind of looks like futuristic Space Age like a like a NASA space suit so it fits the bill for that new frontier of computing design it has two zippers that when you zip open you kind of reveal these two compartments that you have here one is for the headset itself you can see that it has like a little headset holder over here and you just plop The Vision Pro right down there and it kind of holds it in place there's even like a slightly hidden velcro strap here on the bottom that you can pull up to adjust the position of where the Vision Pro sits so I'm kind of guessing this might give you a better fit depending on which size band and light seal you have on the flip side there is another velcro strap here and this is where you can put the Apple Vision Pro battery so it's not jostling around and hitting the headset itself and then it also has a little kind of mold here where you can place the cable for the Apple Vision Pro and then everything closes back up you zip it up and you're good to go you can also kind of fit some other things in here as well so I kind of carry around the cover that the Vision Pro came with uh an additional light cushion in case I want to change sizes and then uh the Apple polishing cloth for the Vision Pro in case I need to clean the lenses or something like that all right now that I've got my expensive Vision Pro protected I'm ready to take it outside now while you can certainly use the Vision Pro without any other accessories I think if you are looking for a productivity setup there are three essential things you need to pick up the first is a physical Bluetooth keyboard now yes the Vision Pro has a virtual keyboard that honestly the more I use it the more proficient I am at typing on it to the point where it feels very similar to typing on an iPad or a smartphone keyboard but much like an iPhone keyboard it's really only good for me for when I'm using it for short burst of typing if I want to actually type out like a script or something like that I need a physical keyboard it is a must for me now Apple says that most Bluetooth keyboards will work with the Apple Vision Pro so you can pick the one that you like the most but I feel like Apple's smaller size magic keyboard is the perfect companion it's lightweight easy to slip in a bag has a good typing experience that feels very familiar to my MacBook Pro and it's pretty much guaranteed to work with the Vision Pro The Vision Pro itself even has some cool features when you pair it to a Bluetooth keyboard like you can get text prediction overlaid directly above the keyboard or pop out the Emoji selection which I really like to do for some nice quick reactions secondly you want to pick up a trackpad now Bluetooth mice do not work with the Apple Vision Pro yet I'm not sure if Apple will add that in the future but as of right now they don't work so if you want to use a selection tool and a cursor you need to pick up Apple's magic Trackpad which does work with the Vision Pro this lets you use a cursor which is a lot faster and in my use case more accurate for quick teex selection and tapping through multiple targets very quickly and you can keep your hands rested down for scrolling as well as continue to use the various gestures in Vision OS to control the user interface this combination of trackpad and hand Gest make using the Vision Pro feel faster and more fluid and honestly also a lot more fun you feel like you're working in the future moving and resizing Windows very quickly and also moving through multiple touch targets finally another thing I'd recommend popping into the Vision Pro portable setup is an external battery pack The Vision Pro at Best will get you around 3 hours of battery life and if you plan to work away from your house for more than 3 hours it's not guaranteed you'll get that coveted spot next to the wall outlet now while yes you could pick up a second Apple Vision Pro battery I kind of think that's the wrong thing to do you have to unplug it and that turns off the Vision Pro so it it's kind of disruptive to your workflow if you have to reboot this thing and then on top of that that battery is an additional $200 cost which is already making an expensive setup even more expensive I prefer to just use an external battery pack with my Vision Pro if I need it any USBC battery pack that can output something like 30 WTS should do just fine I really like this anchor Prime battery pack that I picked up for the Vision Pro it charges via USBC it has two USBC connections that can output 100 wats so it can fast charge the Vision Pro and also my laptop it has a 20,000 mAh battery at I believe like 72 volts so it more than doubles the battery life of the Vision Pro like everything in this video if you want to pick one up I'll leave a link in the description so yeah this is basically my portable Vision Pro setup every app that I'm using for this section is running on on Vision OS and being controlled by hand gestures a keyboard and a trackpad and what I like to do first in this setup is Define my workspace for what I'm doing today I'm at a cafe and first of all I have to check and see what my tasks are for the day the app I use to keep track of this is called things a personal task manager that helps me plan my to-dos for the day and keep track of longer projects and they actually have a native Vision OS app which is great for today obviously I want to start scripting and writing down notes for this video that I'm doing on the Vision Pro for the portable setup so for that I like to make sure I always have Safari handy so I can do research on a video topic after that I need some sort of writing app now Vision OS ships with Apple notes which is a native app and it does work really well but personally I like to write my scripts in an app called bare notes that's where all of my scripts and notes are already stored and I use that on my Mac and my iPad and thankfully on VIs Vision OS you can run that iPad version right on Vision OS that's one of the you know strengths of using the Apple Vision Pro you can use a lot of apps that are already designed for the iPad so all of my notes carry over and I can start writing in an app with a really nice clean minimalistic design that helps me focus on writing scripts of course this setup is a very simple three window setup and I feel like it's the easiest to Envision because we've all seen a three monitor setup in the real world but the power of vision OS is that you really do have an infinite canvas to place these apps so why be limited to just three I know throughout my work sessions I will have to answer things like messages and emails so I want to place those in my work area but I don't want to give them a prominent placement as I won't be checking them all that often so you can place those even off further to the side or even behind you now the thing I've learned with vision OS after using it for a longer period of time is that you should Place apps spaced out and around you it's really easy to fall into the traditional mindset of using a monitor with a fixed screen space but for vision OS you can place your apps wherever you want right so again place the ones that you're going to be using more frequently in your front and side views but then again apps that you might use less frequently like a calendar or maybe even looking at the weather place that above you or something you might very rarely check you can even place that behind you so you can just turn around and glance at it another app I like to use so I can place more information out of glance is called widget Smith which allows you to make and customize your own widgets for the Apple Vision Pro so you can see right here I made a weather widget where I can quickly glance at it and check the current temperature and ever since Apple Vision Pro launched I've kind of thought well can I actually make like a virtual photo frame as well so yeah you kind of can right in widget Smith you can actually set a photo as a widget and then you can kind of put up maybe like a picture of your family almost like it's at your desk or for my case I put a picture of my dog right over here so I can glance at it every once in a while and be like hey look at that that's my dog how cool and we're just getting into this era of spatial Computing and one of the things I found with apple Vision Pro is there's no easily viewable clock when you're like working in it right like you have to go into notification center to check the time so I actually checked the App Store and found uh a few apps that kind of give you like a spatial clock one of them is called timely which kind of gives you like a nice little analog clock that you can pop up anywhere and then another one is called like spatial clocks which kind of gives you like an alarm bedside clock right like there's a bunch of different clocks you can customize and go through so you can actually just place like a spatial alarm clock down in Vision Pro and it's really cool so you can kind of like check that and be like oh well there's the clock over there and it's kind of like this almost analog way to work with like a digital canvas because you have this you know object that's not really analog it's not really physical but it's there in the digital world and it stays in that space so you can always go my my spatial clock is over there and I can go check on it to check the time whenever I want so once you have this workspace set up and however you want to customize it you have all these windows that are open and they're really big right so it's a really powerful multitasking tool but just like how it can be powerful it can also kind of overwhelm you at first so start small if you have a Vision Pro and then expand how much you actually want open at once and once you get the hang of it you will find it incredibly productive to have all of these apps blown up up to Giant sizes all around you and it's also really fun I lose a lot of time working in the Apple Vision Pro and I'm less likely to get bored or distracted compared to using something like my laptop and also my posture is usually better because I can sit up straight rather than looking down and kind of hunching over to use my laptop display I also love how the Apple Vision Pro isn't limited by display space your whole environment is the display so you can do things like drag and drop links into your space and then it will just pop up a new window right in front of you or you can drag and drop links texts or photos in between these app Windows it is really cool of course another benefit of having the Apple Vision Pro is you know when you're working out of a controlled environment it could possibly mean you know more people more sounds and more distractions even though I like The Vibes of a cafe sometimes it can be overwhelming when it's busy and it can make it hard to pay attention so what I like to do when that happens is use the environments feature in Vision OS to transport me somewhere else so I'm not distracted by visual clutter this also helps for when you have like a really messy room which I usually do so I really like this feature now while you can fully immerse yourself in these virtual environments and get a nice clean and clutter-free workspace I like to use the digital crown on the Apple Vision Pro and dial that back a bit so I set the immersion at about 75% so when I do this I can look down and still see things that are on my table so that's helpful for when you're typing on your keyboard moving your trackpad or honestly just taking a sip of your coffee if if you have a big virtual environment around you sometimes it's hard to find the coffee cup and then you spill it but I guess you're wearing the Apple Vision Pro so maybe it's not that big of a deal you spill it on your keyboard I guess that's not good that's still not good now while I want to focus this video mostly around the Apple Vision Pro right and kind of giving you a Vision Pro setup you can't deny that the best mobile setup for the Apple Vision Pro is if you already own a Macbook because Apple made it very easy to connect your MacBook in Vision OS and when you do it lets you pop up a giant virtual 4K Mac display to use in combination with the apps that are already on Vision OS so maybe this was like the fourth essential thing you should get but maybe you should skip the keyboard and the trackpad and just get them AC Pro or if you already have one well you already have it all set up right Macos is my favorite Apple operating system for productivity and offers the most power the most flexibility and the most productive and professional level apps so you can pop up a giant Macos virtual display and edit your videos in an editing program like Final Cup Pro but then still surround yourself with those virtual windows for some really great multitasking on top of that thanks to features like continuity your trackpad and keyboard on your MacBook Pro will still work within Vision OS and it's able to move between your virtual Mac window and your vision OS apps it also feels like a cheat code for the Apple Vision Pro right now considering that Apple has not brought any of their Pro level apps over to work natively on Vision Pro so having a Mac is a is a big cheat code for this and it really is great because I can access all the same apps and workflows that I am used to for using Mac OS for years and years and years and years and years and years and years what year is it oh it's 2024 o it's been a while it's been a while Mac OS it's been a while now one last thing I want to touch on that has really nothing to do with multitasking or anything like that is kind of just using this thing in public because I know if you're an early adopter to Apple Vision Pro you are going to be self-conscious about using this in public and I'm not even talking you know about walking around in a public space I'm talking about just sitting at your local cafe or you know a study area or the library something like that right like you sit down somewhere you normally just open your laptop maybe at the airport or something like that and you're going to feel self-conscious because there's not that many people walking around with this and you're going to go oh my you know everyone's going to be looking at me everyone's going to be staring at me people are going to be make fun of me I'm afraid to be seen with this thing and honestly I get it I was kind of afraid to use this thing in public too but the more I did the more I realized it's just a new piece of technology uh you're definitely going to get people looking at you because it's a new piece of technology but if most of those people approach you they're not going to make fun of you they are genuinely curious about this thing because it's a new Apple product people kind of know what it is they've seen advertisements for it maybe they've seen like videos on it and they're kind of amazed by it like they want to know what you're doing in that workspace which maybe can be distracting if people are coming up to you so maybe that kind of goes against being Ive with this thing but I'm telling you you know be safe when you're using it in public obviously it's a very expensive product but don't be afraid of social embarrassment um I find that people are very accepting of it so far and actually it leads to some interesting conversations out in the wild which is kind of fun you know this was a product that was supposed to be kind of isolating but in a way talking to just random strangers with it uh even though I have a ton of anxiety doing that it it's it's been kind of nice it's been kind of like humanizing in a way so yeah you know don't be afraid of the social stigma of using this in a public area but just be safe but basically that is my Apple Vision Pro portable setup and again um I really like this thing especially using it when I'm away from the desk because it does things that I couldn't do before I can have a giant workstation all around me with just something that you know I strapped to my head and I think that's really cool I think it's a great use case for this device so hopefully you found this video helpful you did please give me a like if you want to see more make sure you sub for more and hey I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: GregsGadgets
Views: 9,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro portable setup, Apple Vision Pro setup, Apple Vision Pro features, Apple Vision Pro design, Apple Vision Pro accessories, Apple Vision Pro best apps, Apple Vision Pro how to use, Apple Vision Pro Mac, Apple Vision Pro Mac monitor, Apple Vision Pro spatial computing, Apple Vision Pro keyboard, Apple Vision Pro bluetooth keyboard, Apple Vision Pro Magic Trackpad, Apple Vision Pro in public, Apple Vision Pro cafe, Apple Vision Pro gregsgadgts
Id: 7Menr-jDpVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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