How Adam Savage Stayed Comfortable Filming in Harsh Climates on MythBusters

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C2 Lawson asks a MythBusters question about harsh conditions working in harsh conditions um can you share some things that help keep you comfortable and warm in very cold weather yes I can um we worked on the in my career in special effects and on television I have worked in aund what is that 160 degree spread I have worked in 160 degre spread I have worked from 40 below and 40 below is Celsius or Fahrenheit because that's where the graphs cross 40 below uh I've worked in 40 below and I've also worked in 120 degrees Fahrenheit um yeah significant um harsh conditions but you asked about keeping warm and very cold weather so when we were first heading to Alaska and I knew it was going to be crazy cold and I mean this was so cold you would like take off so you get in the car at the end of the day from the location to head to the hotel and you would take off some of the heavy gear and layers you were wearing all day because when you finally get in the car you're like sweating and then in the like 40 ft from the car into the front doors of the hotel you get a headache because it's so cold that's how cold 40 below is man and Meanwhile we're in Alaska and it's during um there was like a winter dance at the local high school and kids are getting out of limos in mini skirts in the same weather that is giving us all headaches uh when I first knew that I was going to work at 40 below I reached out to uh Peter Coleman who was my second cameraman on MythBusters and I I knew that Peter had had spent a couple of shooting trips in Antarctica and I was like do you have Straight Dope on the boots I want to wear and he set me up with these boots I will try and find a link for them I still have them These boots were 650 bucks later I found out that like military those inflated white military bunny boots are like 8 90% as good as these boots and you can usually pick those up for just 150 bucks Sur plus um but these boots were amazing they had a liner you wore them without a sock that was part of their insulation thing was that they they had layers that you you would sweat into and that would actually help provide a barrier um they were also like three and a half inches between the bottom of your foot and what you were walking on so they were hugely insulating and also crazy lightweight and again I still have these they're fantastic I for me when I'm going to work in harsh conditions it's my feet when it's cold if my feet are warm I'm fine like everything else could be chilly but if my feet are warm I'm fine and by contrast I could feel comfortable as hell but if my feet are cold I'm very unhappy this is I know this about myself which is why I concentrated on the boots um I will also show you what I consider to be one of my favorite bits of hot and cold weather gear at the same time hold on right there oh God what a security blanket this thing is um this is my morning Pride turnout coat uh I have matching pants and uh early on in my tenure on television the company morning Pride who outfits they're one of the makers of firemen gear um sent Jamie and I a complete set each of their turnout stuff and that is non-trivial this this is uh real good high quality fire gear can cost thousands of dollars and it's absolutely worth it um before you tell me I know that the chemicals that they spray them with uh have been found to be carcinogenic I don't wear this enough to consider that a risk factor for me um I went and looked at the data uh but I this coat aside from like being a coat of memories of you know years and years and years of working in difficult conditions and doing crazy things um it's a remarkable piece of Kit because you can see it's very heavy so it totally keeps you warm it also keeps you totally dry I will also say in super hot weather it is not crazy hot I don't know quite how they do it but this coat breathes in a way that makes total sense when you think about it you don't want firefighters getting heat stroke in the safety gear that they're wearing so I've never looked into the science of how they make these coats both warm when it's cool and cool when it's warm but like I Now understand why these cost what they do the well at least I I have some inkling why they cost what they do I think there's a lot of technology and a lot of exotic Fabrics in here leading to their ability uh to do what they do and it has been raining cats and dogs in San Francisco for the last few days oh it's been glorious we never have those San Francisco very rarely has the kind of rain where you like stop in your house and you're like wow listen to that you hear that everywhere I know on the East Coast you guys get that all the time but in the west coast it's rare and so it's really special uh but I still need to bang around the Mission District and when it's raining like that this is my go-to um yeah one of my all-time favorite bits of safety gear H and like I said a genuine security blanket um oh Jake austerman I love this question uh being someone who has transitioned from being a TV show host to a full-time YouTuber what would be your advice for anyone wanting to start YouTube um I said this recently uh I've talked about this recently and I can't remember in what Forum I did but um my advice is really specific so if you're thinking about starting your own YouTube channel the question you want to answer for yourself is why what do you want it to do do you want to get better at being on camera and telling stories on camera that's a great way to do that do you want to uh open yourself up to a wider Community uh it is a fantastic way to do that uh do you want to make a living that's going to be tough it's possible uh but it's going to be tough and the reason I said that it's going to be tough is you can't always know if the thing that you want to do is going to intersect with your culture in a way that gives you feedback and creates uh a viable living you can't always control that um I feel very lucky that the strange things I like to do on a daily weekly monthly yearly basis are filmable and that we have a team that is so good at telling these stories and putting them together um but it begins with that that it has to begin with that are are you are you telling a resonant story actually sorry forgive me it really begins with are you telling something that's true are you like are you because I don't think I think given like you know venal late stage capitalism you could certainly create a YouTube channel that would make money by appealing to the most base interests uh or you know there's a great line from Citizen Kane in which Mr Bernstein Mr Bernstein Kane's right hand says to a reporter it's no trick to make a lot of money young man if money's all you're after now that's not exactly true but it is true that if money is all you're after well you can do all sorts of things to obtain that but you know there are also parts of life that we're unwilling to compromise on or that I'm getting way out in the weeds here to me it's just about what's your point of view and if you are telling stories on YouTube and you are clearly elucidating your own unique point of view I think that is going to be inherently interesting um years ago I was lucky enough to meet and have dinner with John plant the uh the proprietor of primitive Technologies I think one of the best YouTube channels out there um John is a remarkable soul and while we were having dinner I was like tell me about how you came about making a YouTube channel and he was like if I remember his story correctly he had an accident that laid him up for a few weeks and he was watching tons of YouTube and he said after I was watching a bunch of YouTube I realized there was some stuff that I liked and some stuff that I didn't like and I made a list that's it that is the most beautiful way of describing to me Landing upon your point of view he didn't like it when people talked a lot so he doesn't talk he didn't like long sequences where there wasn't the possibility of knowing what was going on so if you turn on close captioning he's telling you what's going on without interrupting your thought process with words this isn't someone who went to film school this isn't someone who even thought like I want to be a YouTube Star he was like I was watching a lot of YouTube and I noticed that there was some stuff I liked and some stuff I didn't and I made a list I'm so here for that kind of point of view because that list he made yielded the channel he makes and I have gotten so much incredible knowledge and such great times just watching him go on that channel on primitive Technologies um that would be my advice for starting a YouTube channel I don't know that that helps for the the for the for the rank beginner um but look I just operate off of the the the most core Axiom that if you are going to try a career that involves you being out in the public or being a a a a uh yeah being a public speaker um you are going to do the best with that if the things you are saying are honest and true to you not things you are saying and doing just for the sake of Commerce um both happen but by and large I think brands have more legs and more foundational depth when they come from a true place do you Deacon Frost says do I see you still remove labels from everything is that a side effect from your mythbuster time yeah it totally is it totally is it's like and it still drives me nuts removing I still find like from all sorts of shoots my tools have been colored over so here's the thing the the other reason I do this is because when we it makes it hard to release this stuff frankly if somebody else if I wanted to sell a bunch of this content later to go on a cable show they'd be like hey what about all those brands in the background um it can be a problem so I tend to kind of do that I pull the labels off the stuff thank you so much for watching if you'd like to support us even further you can by becoming a tested member uh details are of course below But it includes all sorts of perks and we're building them all the time you get Advanced word and behind the scenes photos of some of our projects questions you get to ask direct questions during my live streams and we have some membersonly videos including the Adam Real Time series of unbroken unedited shots of me working here in theop they are weirdly meditative thank you guys so much I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 107,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, how to start a youtube channel, starting a youtube channel, youtube for beginners, youtube tips and tricks, how to start a successful youtube channel, youtube tips for beginners, how to make a youtube channel, beginners guide to youtube, youtube channel, adam savage, adam savage tested, adam savage mythbusters, mythbusters behind the scenes, removing labels on products why, advice for youtube beginners, best advice for youtubers, best advice for youtube channel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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