Mythbusters lead balloon

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adam and jamie's mythical lead balloon is in fact complete the guys are in the process of inflating their inflatable but it's not as simple as it sounds and it's taking a while well we've encountered our first slight difficulty which is that the helium doesn't fill this thing in any kind of even fashion so as you can see it's heavily weighted towards one side and i don't want to put too much stress on one part of this balloon i would like to even it out as much as i can so we're going to take a big plastic drop cloth lay it over this and use it to kind of even out the helium's filling of the balloon yes hopefully that'll keep it stable i like that a lot better yeah me too with adam monitoring and fretting over even the slightest tear i'm nervous because of the way i saw it creating tears in that burrito but right now i'm provisionally happy and jamie carefully controlling the flow of helium and air into the top and bottom of the cube it slowly but surely rises we're putting air in this because we think we actually have too much buoyancy we want it to just barely come off the ground otherwise we're liable to rip something if we can get it so ever so gently goes up we're golden by mixing the heavier and less buoyant air with helium they're hoping to prevent any sudden lift that would tear the delicate lead foil apart okay before it becomes too much trouble i want to pull the visqueen off and have everyone grab the cords whatever you think okay adam directs his troops and the plastic drop cloth is carefully removed it's looking good it's looking good okay everyone go ahead and let it up a little bit go ahead let's get some helium and the flat pack origami cube slowly comes to life i don't see any major holes i don't see any major failure points but i'm keeping a close eye on it hey adam yeah congratulations on the design it unfolded and twisted out just the way it was supposed to whether it flies or not i don't know but your plan worked i'm really psyched about this way the cube may be taking shape but with the containment of the plastic gone the foil is free to shift and ripple ah there we go i knew i felt something with a big rip here and suddenly the bill picks up pace opening tank three i got a hole teetering on the tipping point of failure good hold on tight to that and the promise of flight oh hold on to it hold on to it hold on that's it rips and tears appear everywhere but like the little boy in the dyke adam stays ahead of the leaks this is looking okay and incredibly the lead balloon keeps rising it's a balloon made out of lead and it's up there it's floating it worked but adam for one ain't satisfied with just off the ground i still want more balloonness out of it i know he wants all the knobs bells and baskets he can get without requiring expensive insurance our disposable hosts are in the basket ready for liftoff and with a few more gentle blasts of helium the real adam and jamie watch their experiment go up like a lead balloon dude that is a lead balloon i am really pleased we might have been able to get away with a smaller balloon but this is a lead balloon we did it that worked beautifully it's perfect 11 kilos of lead hanging right over my head and if i let this go it's going up it's just amazing well i tell you that might be ridiculously impractical but you know if someone says it's impossible we just take it as a challenge busted idiom which leaves just one thing left to do how we gonna get it down how about with a baseball it's time to destroy it it was inevitable really go ahead and throw it like a sand castle at the end of a summer's day the kids can't help but destroy their creation there it is all right that's a chunk of lead good job well done let's go it's so do you think we could actually make a lead zeppelin
Channel: cng4802002
Views: 1,103,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Myth, busters, mythbusters, mythbuster, led, lead, ballon, myth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2008
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