Films Adam Savage Thinks Should NEVER Be Remade

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uh ADHD media I'm going to ask a second question from them because it's another good question how does an artist start making props are there any platforms or groups I could get involved with yes um the internet is so amazing in this regard for finding a community of people so if you are a neophyte at making props for a living and you would like to make props for a living um my advice would be um start making things that you're interested in making and start telling people about it so join a forum like the replica props Forum where you can post builds that you're working on and you can talk to other members about them um you are your own hype person and you're the only one who cares so it's incumbent on you if you want to do something to do it and tell people that you're doing it and show them what you're doing like you've got that's just completely vital even if you're an introvert I'm sorry but that's part of the gig is that uh you've got to sing your own praises and show people what you can make um theater is The Great Gateway jug into professional making in my opinion because the threshold to entry is low lower um the budgets are non-existent like even in like a regular rep house your budgets are going to be absolutely tiny which means the restrictions are going to be many and that will make you a better model maker seriously um I look I also I advocate this path all the time because it's the one that I took and there are there are others but I I managed to fall into theater build a reputation for being able to solve problems mechanically and aesthetically that uh were hard to solve and that led to me through Word of Mouth getting the attention of uh of someone in commercial special effects uh and that was a great game Gateway um later on actually there's another question here about wait what should be in oh right right right it was about portfolio wait come on where is it ah here we go Adam G this is Germaine to uh how do you start making props Adam G says how would a costume designer for a movie or a play plan out a costume portfolio my wife is in college and her homework assignment is to create a costume portfolio we're unsure how this might work great I love this question so you are making a portfolio to show someone else what you can do it's important to think about what those two relationships are and what they could be you're meeting with someone who could hire you to do something for them airgo what you show them has to show them that you are useful to them I know that sounds ludicrously obvious but I mean this in a more specific way which is to say if I'm a supervisor hiring somebody and they show me a portfolio that's all the amazing costumes they've made for this costume party their friends have every year super elaborate big things that they invented that's lovely but it's not a jumping off point for me as a supervisor to know how useful you will be to me because I don't know what you started with I don't know what your original drawings were like I don't know how closely you hued to the aesthetic I don't know how long it took you I don't know how many compromises you made along the design process which must have happened whereas if you show me a costume that I know exactly what it should look like like Batman or a Regency uh uh ballroom dress uh or a husar's military uniform if you show me a mix of both your aesthetic and your technical skill and the way you demonstrate technical skill is by showing me something that I already know what it ought to look like the I learned this from a CG guy at ilm who's like don't show me that CG drawing of the big steampunk room you designed show me a Cadillac if you can build a Cadillac I can use you and this is the truth about most of what you'll be doing when you're doing work for hire you're executing boring objects to you uh For Hire but it's vital that you be able to do that and that the the person looking at your portfolio can see that you could execute that so a mix of both if you're going to show five different excursions of your of your aesthetic reduce that to one you don't need five I really like if I'm looking through that I want to okay cool I see what you can do there um close-up techniques also like really specific things you're really proud of like a sleeve shoulder that was hard to get show me a closeup absolutely that matters um and start making props again if you are if you want word of mouth about you to get out to people who could hire you it's vital that that word of mouth gets to them that you can solve the problem they might have or that they don't even have yet but they know that you could solve it I hope that helps penstein says what is your take on movie remakes are there any movies you feel shouldn't be remade ever I feel like a lot of movies should be remade ever like great movies great movies should not be remade why would you remake a great movie why it already exists I was talking to someone the other night about out of sight one of I one of my all-time favorite Steven soberg films um it's old now it's um Mid late 90s it's George cloney Jennifer Lopez um Albert Brooks oh my God John cheel is so scary out of sight is amazing and if you haven't seen it you're welcome it is a stunner and you could watch it tonight it's phenomenal the idea of someone making a sequel of that not that anyone has said that they're making a sequel of it but this is just what Hollywood does they'll take some franchise that's beloved and they'll just remake it thinking that the word of mouth about the old one is going to Jin up audiences for the new one and that's crazy that's totally crazy a film is a classic for a reason and setting up to do it again doesn't make a lot of sense to me as the audience like okay alternate case in point is like Gus VanZant doing psycho with Vince vaugh and an H as a shotby shot remake I get why that's interesting and I'm really glad that Gus VanZant got to do that I'll wager that he got maybe more out of that than anybody else did and I'm here for that like I love that you know he got someone to pay him to en enjoy a kind of incredible film school for him of remaking that movie shot by shot but I don't know that that's something I want to sit through um I do think that there are great things you can do with classic franchises Dr sleep is a fabulous Excursion that's not a sequel It's not a prequel but it's an in Universe jumping off point um frankly my favorite remakes planet of the freaking Apes man like this is exactly what to remake the original Planet of the Apes are cheesy they're magnificent they're wonderful the makeup that John Chambers did was groundbreaking all the work on those films but also they are super cheesy they are a product of their time and what Matt Reeves did uh in updating the Planet of the Apes I mean they just kept getting they just keep getting better War for Planet of the Apes is amazing I've watched that three or four times oh my God I love bad ape so so much those those are my thoughts oh another film that was great to remake Flubber um terrific not a film like anyone was like one of my all-time favorites from my childhood Make It remake it with Robin Williams is a genius move and I say that not only because I actually did all the painting on the weebos in in Flubber but that I think that's a a great choice for the kind of movie to remake okay we're getting some questions I've got some itchies here and I think it's that I ground some fiberglass and it was sitting on my table and now got some like fiberglass causing me to have itches it's really unpleasant after this I'll break out some baby powder from Silver Defender who says is there a film where you prefer the sequel but can still appreciate the original film even though you're not much of a fan of it films in which the sequel is better well I mean look Empire Empire Strikes Back is without a doubt my favorite Star Wars movie Full Stop Star Wars is my second um I think Rogue one might be my third uh and it's and the the difference between Star Wars and Empire to me is is fundamental it's not like one is better than the other they're it's apples and oranges what I love about Star Wars is how hungry it is you can feel you can feel you can feel its hunger you can feel some new happening in that filmm each time I watch it I feel like I'm still seeing something brand new come out um but Empire man it's like the best of the old Hollywood studio system way of making something and the newest possible way of making movies Irvin kersner directed it um but it's not like I think less of the original because of that I'm trying to think of other sequels in which that I think of as being slightly better than the original um I think it's also think it's funny that prey is without a doubt the best Predator film and I love the original Predator but prey is way better it's way way better emotionally way better yeah don't get me wrong I again I love love love the original I love how cheesy it is I love the the labor that our Greenberg Associates did on those effects and I lately have been that Predator effect right that invisibility effect that's lenticular where it's like the predator is nothing but a set of repeating slightly caned outlines of himself of the background um since my kids have moved out of the house when I see them now I have learned that a parent of adult kids we see our kids as every age they've ever been like Predator Vision nested each one inside of the other it's really true so it is weird to say I see my kids in Predator vision and yet that would be the truth thank you so much for watching if you'd like to support us even further you can by becoming a tested member uh details are of course below But it includes all sorts of perks and we're building them all the time you get Advanced word and behind the scenes photos of some of our projects questions you get to ask direct questions during my live streams and we have some 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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 151,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage tested, ask adam savage, movie sequels that were better than the original, movie sequels better than the original, movie sequels that arent sequels, why remakes are bad, worst movie remakes, adam savage favorite movies, adam savage q and a, adam savage answers questions, adam savage star wars, which movies arent worth remaking
Id: MKG0WJ19lk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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