How a One-Hit-KO Move took over Competitive Pokemon

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one hit KO moves are some of the most rage-inducing attacks ever created if you want to use fissure I don't like it I don't respect it they guarantee a knockout on an opponent but at the Steep cost of missing 70 of the time far too often to be considered reliable but more than 25 years after their creation they are suddenly dominating competitive tournaments now OKO moves have seen some play over the years but they've never been anything close to popular due to their inconsistency if you like me ran around with a level 100 sheer cold Kyogre and fissure Groudon as a child one shotting the Elite Four you might be surprised to hear that OKO moves are considered inconsistent after all I remember koing Pokemon all the time with these moves but it turns out the higher your level is relative to your opponents the more accurate these moves become if your one-shotting machine is the same level as your opponent's Pokemon the odds of these powerful moves connecting is only 30 percent and there's no no way to increase the accuracy of OKO moves the move gravity which increases all moves accuracy by 60 percent does not work on OKO moves neither do items that increase accuracy like the wide lens so competitive players have mostly stayed away from these moves it's not that they don't like to gamble on low accuracy moves I've been hit with far too many hypnosis to say that it's just that when you're in a tight spot you don't want your only win condition to be a 30 chance one Pokemon that would sometimes run OKO moves in the past was Cortana with Guillotine this was used almost exclusively on sets with the assault Fest item so it was forced to run for attacking moves and therefore couldn't use a move like protect or substitute even on assault s Katana however Guillotine was considered gimmicky Cortana is relatively frail so most opposing attacks will knock it out in two shots maximum and its attack is high enough that you normally rather use another move to get guaranteed damn image rather than gamble on Guillotine which will do nothing if it misses basically Guillotine was really only useful when you were super far behind and going to lose unless you got super lucky or super far ahead and you could just use it to instantly win the game in a worst case scenario OKO moves do nothing and at best they're an unreliable gimmick so why is fissure all over the place right now part of the answer has to do with the new Pokemon added to competitive play on April 1st specifically Ting Liu tingloo is a legendary Pokemon that has some pretty ridiculous strengths the easiest to spot are its stats it has almost as much HP as Snorlax almost as much attack as Arceus and more defense than Dialga it has a low speed stat but that isn't a huge issue because its bulk is so tremendous meaning its only real weakness is its average special defense stat but tinglu's ability reduces the special attack stat of all other Pokemon on the field by 25 and basically nullifying this weakness and making it difficult to remove however even with this it's still possible to take down tinglu using strong super effective special attacks except that doesn't really work either because tingloo's base HP and defense are so high there's no reason to not fully invest in its special defense stat increasing its bulk even further with this only the strongest super effective special attacks can even knock it out in two hits but we haven't even given it an item yet the number one most used item on tingloo is the assault vest which increases its special defense stat by another 50 percent at the cost of being forced to only use damaging moves so now we're at the point where you'll be lucky to knock out Ting Liu with three attacks and that's before even considering terrestrialization which almost always turns some of its weaknesses into resistances it's basically impossible to get off the field quickly you're probably thinking okay so in order to get rid of tinglu quickly I can run a one-hit KO move and take it out in one shot as long as I get a little lucky and that's partially correct normally when you have a Pokemon with ridiculously good defenses a good way to deal with them is to take away their ability to do damage and then just ignore them this is why Pokemon like talks attacks and Blissey aren't often used in competitive play they don't do enough damage to earn their place on the battlefield we already established that Ting Liu has a high attack stat but there are ways around that Pokemon with the ability to intimidate lower both opponents attack stats whenever they switch in and willowist burns the target doing a little damage each turn and cutting the attack stat of the burned Pokemon in half under normal circumstances these tools would be effective at dealing with Ting Lu but what if there was a move that did the same amount of damage no matter how low your attacks that got and what if that damage was all of it and so we arrive at the elephant in the bowl Ting Liu can learn fissure which does a hundred percent of the target's health no matter how low its attack stat gets and because tingloo is so difficult to remove it's really hard to stop it from clicking the move multiple times in a row with our Cortana earlier clicking Guillotine would do zero damage 70 of the time so most of the time you'd rather Leaf blade or sacred sword to do 40 to 60 to whatever you're hitting if you're burnt intimidated Ting Liu is going to be doing 10 with any other move you might as well go for a 30 instant KO four turns in a row but it gets even crazier Tang Liu gets another move that pairs very nicely with fissure stomping tantrum this is a single Target ground type attack with 75 base power the same as earthquake hitting multiple targets except it has a secondary effect if the user's previous move failed this move will double in power to 150 base power the same as Hyper Beam with no drawback if your Pokemon was a sleep last turn and wakes up this turn stomping tantrum does double damage if your Pokemon flinched last turn stomping tantrum does double damage if your move missed last turn stomping tantrum does double damage so if tingloo clicks fissure and it hits great but if it misses you get the consolation prize of a 150 base power move for the the record subscribing to the channel boost your odds of hitting fissure by 40 percent just saying all these factors combined explains why fissure tinglu has made it to the top of competitive Pokemon but understanding that was the easy part the hard part is figuring out whether or not it's actually good don't get me wrong Ting Liu is the best user of a one-hit KO move that we've ever had and fissure tingloo is incredibly popular but that doesn't answer our question I've talked about the strengths of tingloo and why this combo exists in the first place but I haven't told you about the weaknesses first fissure its inconsistency makes it very hard to play around the very first match I watched where tingloo was legal The Ting Lu clicked fissure eight time it did not connect a single one of course that's only a five percent chance of happening but in competitive Pokemon five percent chances happen a lot more than you might expect you're probably thinking okay well missing fissure just double stomping tantrum's base power right but stomping tantrum has weaknesses as well both stomping tantrum and fissure are ground type attacks meaning they're completely ineffective against flying type and Pokemon with levitate not only that but stomping tantrum will only double for a single turn meaning you can block it with tech the most popular move in the game running fissure also limits your ability to run a different move mosting Liu will run stomping Tantrums so we only have three moves left to play with heavy slam is in my opinion the second best move on King lose since it's able to KO the number one most used Pokemon in one hit flutter Maine if you run fissure you only have one move slot left and you actually have a lot of options including earthquake which is sometimes just better than stomping tantrum grow chops take advantage of tingloo's dark typing rock slide or Stone Edge to hit the flying types tingloo hates santum for damage over time and a trapping effect protect if you aren't running a salt vest or the move that some players consider to be just like fissure sure except better ruination ruination has the same effect as Nature's Madness and super Fang it does exactly half of the target's remaining HP just like fissure this is a move that doesn't care about King Lou's attack stat though being burnt or intimidated won't change how much damage it does and its accuracy is much higher than fissure but rather than koing its Target this only does half their health so why do many competitive players consider it stronger the answer has to do with expected value expected value is a way of determining the average value you'll get out of probabilistic outcomes so you can better compare them since fissure does 100 damage 30 of the time and zero percent damage seventy percent of the time its expected value is 30 percent assuming the target is at full HP compare that to ruination which does 50 damage 90 of the time and zero percent damage 10 of the time and you get 45 that might be confusing but basically really all this to say on average ruination is going to be doing more damage than fissure so if we revisit our moves discussion earlier we can see now that stomping tantrum heavy slam and ruination are all good consistent options on Ting Lu and fissure is at best the fourth best move of course if you run fissure you're basically running a move that does nothing 70 of the time so it isn't hard to see why many competitive players are already dropping fissure if you believe you're better than your opponent why would you want the game to come down to LA and if you don't believe you're the better player would you really feel satisfied walking away because you won due to high variance would that allow you to learn and grow as a competitor of course this is just the way that I think about figure there are lots of players I respect who choose to run the move and have very sound reasoning for doing so that's part of the fun of competitive Pokemon there's very rarely one right answer but don't just take it from me let's see what the best player of all time thinks about Fisher if you want to use fissure you listen to me right now it depends on what kind of person you are are you somebody who says I want to win the game because I'm lucky or because like I'm the best fissure player or do you want like do you want to leave your fate up to chance and that's really the question we all need to be asking ourselves how much of our fate are we going to leave up to chance thanks for watching
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 1,083,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, fissure, ting lu, chien pao, chi yu, wo chien, legendary pokemon, one hit ko, one hit ko move, OHKO move, OHKO, OHKO Pokemon
Id: IIY4pFLsKa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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