How A Man Fell From Space

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Hi Charlie here Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Chris Hadfield we all know these heroes of space exploration but like anything space exploration has its own forgotten unsung heroes and the best example of this is one fladam a Komarov from the soviet union the year was 1967 in the soviet union it was approaching the 50th anniversary of the Union and the government demanded something big from their space program the Soviet space program was trying to battle NASA when it came to the Cold War but because of the country's 50th anniversary the government wanted them to do something special the then leader Brezhnev decided he wanted to have two Soviet spacecrafts rendezvous in space he wanted these two Soviet space vehicles to launch into outer space they would then dock together and allow the cosmonauts to move between ships this mission would be known as Sawyer's the first ship would be known as so yes one in the second so yes - it was decided that Vladimir Komarov a cosmonaut would be in the first Soyuz ship and Yuri Gagarin the first man in space would be in the second ship when they were both in space the two vehicles would meet the two vehicles would then dock together Komarov would climb into Gagarin vehicle and Gagarin would go into komarov's exchanging places they would then return home in each other ships Brezhnev who was a brutal leader said he wanted this to happen no exceptions but there was a problem scratch that a lot of problems everyone in the Soviet space program knew thatthey space capsules were not ready to fly but everyone was terrified of fresh Nev his reaction to the mission being canceled or even delayed would be brutal and Komarov told friends that he would likely never come back from space at least not as an alive man however Komarov did not want to back out of the mission you see if he did that then Gagarin would take his place Komarov and Gagarin were best friends and he could not do that to his best friend the men's families would often get together and they'd even go hunting together to you Karan said the mission should not go ahead and even wrote a 10 page memo and gave it to the KGB sadly though no one in the KGB would send it up the chain of command they were all far too scared of Brezhnev fast forward a few months and it was less than 30 days before launch Komarov realized that canceling the mission or even delaying it was simply not an option friends of comer ups in the KGB privately said that he should refuse to do the mission but Komarov said that if I don't make this flight they'll send a backup pilot instead that was yuri gagarin or Yura asked Komarov Cawthon he said that Gagarin will perish instead of me and we've got to take care of him as Komarov said this he burst into tears every day that passed everyone on the space program was very pessimistic and worried there was a serious problem with his space machinery 203 structural problems to be exact that's how many ther technicians have identified on the pre test flights of Soyuz 1 eventually it was the day of reckoning on April 24th 1967 a flat amir Komarov arrived to work Burtie knew full well that he would likely never make it back to his planet let alone his house as he climbed into the spacecraft he was very pessimistic but he was also kind of resigned and he'd accepted his fate his fellow cosmonauts tried to cheer him up by singing and eventually he joined in Yuri Gagarin actually turned up to the launch in full gear he tried to convince the crew to let him pilot the craft instead but all of the crew including Komarov refused 8 minutes later the spacecraft took off and Komarov was in outer space he was inside the most sophisticated spacecraft ever launched but almost immediately as he got into orbit there were problems too of the spacecraft's solar panels failed to deploy this meant it had no electrical power and this obscured some navigation equipment there were also various other glitches in the technology as the day went on Komarov tried to change the spacecraft's orbit but this did not work the ship began to wildly rotate around its axis Komarov tried to correct the issue but this only worsened the problem this led to the thermal control system breaking communications with the ground also ceased and when the electricity finally cut off at the orientation system failed now Soyuz - was set to launch and bring it Gagarin up with Komarov burt's with ground control seeing all of these problems they decided to abandon so yes - is launched they shifted their attention on to trying to bring Komarov home as soon as possible but after five hours Komarov could not orientate the Soyuz module the craft was relaying unreliable status information to ground control and eventually after five hours communication was lost Komarov then had to do something he'd never done before in training he tried to align the spacecraft and fire the retrorockets himself this kind of worked and he did successfully re-enter Earth's atmosphere but as the cabin filled to earth the parachute did not deploy the backup parachute did deploy but it got tangled in the drag chute of the main parachute this course Soyuz went to crash at great speeds and of course Vladimir Komarov did not make it as Komarov headed to its doom us listening-posts in Turkey actually hurt him he was crying out in rage annoyed at the people who'd built the spaceship some translators heard him say heat is rising in the Captur and he also said that the engineers had doomed him when the cabin hit the ground there was a gigantic fireball hours later the Soviet Air Force recovery teams came to the scene but all they found was burning metal the Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin called komarov's wife they talked about what to say to their children and Alexei also called him a hero he also cried when talking to coma Rob's wife the aftermath was very bad for the Soviet space program and government everyone realized that the mission had been rushed and in the newspaper Pravda Garrigan criticized the government who let his friend fly gary kiehne actually said that he must go and see brushin if personally because he was so angry but sadly one year later Garrigan himself passed away when he crashed a fighter jet Vladimir Komarov was honored with a state funeral in Moscow but many were baffled as to why he chose an open casket the only thing left of him was a heel bone but Komarov personally decided he wanted to do this to send a message to the government he blamed them and this was kind of like his final revenge he was forcing his superiors to look at what they'd done it's important we remember astronauts like Vladimir Komarov everyone knows the American heroes and also some Russian cosmonauts like Garrigan but we can never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice to get humanity into outer space but now it's time to make your voice heard seeing as space travel is now a lot safer what do you like to travel to space in the future if you want some more amazing videos then check out my second channel but as always thanks for watching there are some more on screen right now never like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe to Top 10s
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 1,939,558
Rating: 4.8808894 out of 5
Keywords: space, nasa, rocket launch, space launch, spacex, ussr, outer space, international space station, soviet history, Moon landing, Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Apollo-Soyuz, cosmonaut, space race, soyuz, history, facts, animation, animated
Id: P5DCaHzd0IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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