Huge Boulder Reveals *Huge Gold Deposit*!

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I'm back here on the Fraser River in very very high water usually I don't get to get the Fraser for gold panning until late July early August but I came in early this year while the water was still high on purpose there was some gold panning I wanted to do at high water so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy foreign [Music] now I was hoping the water would be a lot higher than this I'm actually shocked how far down it is already obviously at high high water the water is up at the level where the trees are there the Rocks stop and the trees start way up there right now it's down about 20 feet from that point I want a pan under these rocks right here and I was hoping the water would be like right there and I could just dig pan dig pan dig pan but with the water down that far I have to dig scramble down all the Rocks till I find a spot I can get by the water's edge pan then scramble all the way back up to dig more not ideal I was really hoping this would be a little bit simpler so I could just you know pan right where I'm digging anyhow I'm gonna make it work one way or the other I am shocked that the water is down this far already it does look like I'll be able to pan down there it's just meaning having to walk over the jagged rocks all the way down each time now we have done lots of work on this claim in the past that little body of water right there we actually found a lot of Pickers in it we found a few Pickers up where that gravel is obviously gravel is filled in since we dug it out but we have found Pickers there this crevice right here treated both Pete and I very well over multiple trips we did clear it right out there shouldn't be anything left in there way up on the Bedrock there's no chance of gold that's coming down the river washing up this high and new deposits the only new deposits that might happen on this Bedrock is anything that washes out from above so that cracked tree does very well Mike did some work up in the gravels over there and uh got quite a bit of fine gold we did some work in the Gully and got a little bit and a lot of work over that knob we've worked this claim hard but one thing that I've never really got a chance to hit too hard is this Boulder Field up here we have found good gold in it but it's so hard to dig up high and then walk down 40 feet to the water so you know I was hoping today I could do a better job unfortunately I'm just gonna make it now to choose the spot I'm gonna work today I don't want to go under too big a Boulders because I need to be able to move them so like these are really big boulders even though that spot looks good I can't really move those Boulders over here there are some that I could move but there's a lot of that Shale around it so who knows how deep a Shale I'd have to dig through I have worked over here some got good gold I could go up as far as this I can move those Boulders I could get in there it is a crevice hmm let's start with that I do have to watch out about this barbed wire don't hurt myself in the butter bar yeah out of the way and then just start grabbing the rocks and trucking [Music] well there we be we cleared a lot of the little Boulders away from in here I can get right down in there all the way down here right down to the bottom of that crevice over there you see some Bedrock there Bedrock here there must be a crevice in between the two of them these guys can go at a later date but let's get this material down here dug out first because that's where those Boulders would end up gotta think it through let's get the first panda foreign here and move up I just went down about four inches and I got to the bottom of this crevice so we are actually down onto Bedrock I won't do a great job of cleaning the bottom until I've got a lot of the you know mass of material off the top but I will come back afterwards and I brought my vacuum today so I'll actually vacuum out every one of these little crevices to see what's in the bottom I found at previous trips to this claim that if we just sort of take that kind of cleaning job we miss the best stuff at the bottom we did a preliminary clean of one crevice one year and got some good gold I went back and with picks and vacuums everything and cleaned that crevice out later and we got twice as much gold from just the cracks and crevices at the bottom as we did from all the material on top so I will be going back and cleaning this stuff out but first we got to get the material off the top and a really neat thing about this claim is I have never come here once where I've dug out onto this bedroom [ __ ] and not seeing gold before it's gone into my pan there's a piece right there I'll get the close-up on it so you can see what I'm talking about but there's a little flake of gold just sitting on Bedrock waiting for me to put in my pan there it is Lake OH gold just a small one though let's get her in the pan and keep going I actually see a little one over there too but it's just a speck and there's another there everywhere two flakes visible like that within seconds plus a couple of little little guys I've got high hopes for this pan well I did see two more Flex go into the pan so I know there's at least four in there but my thought is if I see four there must be hundreds or a lot because I'm only seeing the ones that are on top of the gravel how many are below the gravel when I'm scooping it up so I have a feeling this could be a good pan let's go find out nowhere to pan apparently there's a train going by oh there is there's the choo choo train oh I see a crack down there I need to clean up one of these days crack like that could just be a loaded in Gold there's some loose rocks there might even be able to I might do one of the pants in there today later on [Music] wish me luck and there's loaded in black sand I can see that already let's check this out okay let's see what there is I'm guessing 30 to 40 pieces of gold you piece of lead I see some gold oh but I only see maybe 10 pieces of gold up there let's get those all in one spot and show you on the close-up now from what I saw going into the pan I thought for sure I would find more than that coming out not that I'm disappointed that's still a really good haul for my first pan I will still dig there but I thought I was gonna get about four times that much and of course the one big chunk of lead we have chunks of lead like this all over this claim these are fishing weights and makes it a pain in the butt to detect this claim because those are everywhere but so is that oh and back for pan two foreign so I can get all the way across the bottom of this crack because this seems to be a very very slick surface going down so I want to get the very bottom all the way across and two only saw one piece of gold go in there so it might not be as good I managed to move to the left a little bit this big flat sheet keeps going down so I will keep working down there before I go up where I actually want to go originally often once you see what the Bedrock looks like you do change your plan so right now I've changed it a little bit all that gold since last time I saw four pieces go in and I got about 10. here I only saw one piece go in I'm guessing there's only two or three in this and I was watching more carefully this time too so uh we'll see we have to move spots we move spots but I won't do that for at least 10 pans up there I really want to give that a good good effort okay let's see what that holds yep three pieces of gold I lost one of those over here somewhere two three there's a few little fly poops but that's kind of what I thought so not much gold in this pan lots of fly poops two bigger pieces I think I will now move up the hill a little bit and see if up under those Boulders gives me better now this claim has produced many nuggets I've got lots and lots of nuggets out of here uh Pickers nuggets I've found pans that have like 50 to 100 pieces of gold way better than what I'm doing so far so I still want to hit that spot hard but I'm not gonna spend all day there if those are the kind of results I'm getting I will go to a better spot now of course I will vacuum all that out in a bit but right now I'm going up into the bigger rocks well there's pan three ready and no visible gold this time seems to be going downhill not uphill actually I'm going uphill maybe that's why I'm going up downhills I'm going uphill I will continue for now eventually I'll move the river just about washed my pan away it wasn't paying attention working my camera and a wave came through that one really big rock in there somehow it's up by my classifier not as much material this time around so no visible gold going in not as much material and we'll still count this as one of the 10 pounds I do up there but but hey why am I being negative it's going to be loaded don't be negative think positive it's gonna be loaded in Gold I actually see one piece in there already that's a good sign often you see gold on the very back corners of your pan one pull in the back Corners that's typical when you're panning you're not doing anything wrong although that is a good sign that that's good like good time to stratify again bring it all down to the bottom shake it in okay well let's have a look yeah there's gold not as much as the last time I see three or four pieces but that's not what this claims about so it is the freezer there is gold everywhere but we can do better than that and we will before this day is done I'm about to move some big rocks so I better vacuum up down here before I drop those rocks where I wanted to vacuum so when vacuuming the first thing you do is clean the area all around then you take your pick and just scratch through each of the cracks break up any material that's still down there beautiful sound I know and vacuum up those cracks one more time and this is a wet dry vac so it can take a little bit of water though you can't actually go and you know dredge with the technician like that it can just take a little bit of water it's like a loose rock this is Lisa don't want to break off okay back to vacuuming and there we are we've done a good job of cleaning out bottom of all those cracks there's a fair amount of material in the vacuum but is by no means full so I will just go and move some stuff above it and continue well a bunch of prying and whatnot that rock there is holding up both of those big guys on top of it by myself I don't think I can move it or is safe to move it so maybe I'll just go up that way and see what that little crevice holds been a while since I had the camera on so I thought I'd just turn it on the camera and show you what I'm up to I found myself a really juicy crevice right here it's nice thick deep uh right below the Rocks right where I want to be I'm filling up my classifier with material right now because my Pan actually has all the vacuuming stuff in the bottom in it right now I did vacuum a little bit more I filled in where I vacuumed here but there's a bit more in the vacuum I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to empty the vacuum back into that pan then I will fill this classifier it'll go down with both of them and we'll pan them out separately so I can figure out what we vacuumed versus what's in the new crevice well two pounds full one with vacuumings one with the new crevice should I carry them down together or is that just dumb one at a time okay and the vacuuming first The Field's locked up on the bottom still there we go ah it's got it moving too much clay or too much of the same size or too much something too much mud and the material can stick to the bottom and not move around down at the bottom and not let the gold sink to the bottom of the pan feel that you feel like the pan is harder to move than it should be then you have to move it more until it loosens up and starts sliding around nicely now I'm guessing because this is vacuuming that I will find way more gold here than I found in the last two pans which I guess at three pounds I think I've done three already didn't show very much but because I managed to vacuum off the bottom I assume there'll be a lot in here tame this last words in one piece one piece washing out the back corners so wash it out again I'll stop and uh bring up the close-up camera and show you of course it's not there this time now this wasn't classified this was just vacuumed so only the size of rocks that can fit through the vacuum hose will have made it into this pan which is kind of a way of classifying but you'll notice some of these rocks are bigger than I normally have because bigger rocks to fit through the classifier finger auction fit through the vacuum than I get in my classifier okay come on baby gold don't prove me wrong be more more than that first pan okay here we go about the same amount as that first pan one nice flake that's a bit more okay I might not be on it up there that's a nice flake though it is crazy how much Garnet is in this pan it's like just straight Garnet sand well garnet and magnetite black sand but there is a lot of Garnet in here but we can't forget there's gold too right now I'm guessing that we are on a spot that we've cleared before in some way someone's panned there before because even a random spot on this claim should be giving me more gold than this so I will do that uh crevice pan that I have up there and probably vacuum out what I've cleared out of that crevice but then we're moving on unless it shows us something because that's less than just random and the new crevice is not showing anymore there's gold but it's nothing to write home about so I'm gonna vacuum the bottom of that new crevice and then move on this is the new crevice but again also gold not what it should be it was a very small area that made that pan just right there it's not going to take me long to vacuum out the bottom and it definitely won't be a full Pan's worth but I can't leave something half cleared like that without vacuuming it considering what I found in the past by cleaning up the bottom of crevices foreign it's not very much material but I can't leave a crevice like that unvacumed when I have the vacuum right here so let's go pan out a little bit see if I got at least one flake whether I find good gold today or not I love being out on the Fraser River panning it is like my zen moment or something like that I just love being here so relaxing so fun love the treasure hunt love the chance that I might find a nugget I think if I don't find anything here I'm gonna try that crevice clean out that crevice and see if oh maybe even that crevice too see if there's any nuggets down here though I can't believe I haven't cleaned that one out before well this should be quick oh at least one flake I'd be very shocked at vacuuming the bottom of a crevice didn't produce at least one flight okay come on one flake 110 flakes I see a couple well on one that's not too bad there's one two three four five six although only one is really anything to speak of we have one two two three four five uh there was a sixth yeah five we have five now one of the rules here in BC is that you're not allowed to take bedrock and break it to get the gold that's in it I do consider when you have Bedrock like this that's fractured and already loose that that is not breaking it if I can move it if it moves I consider it not broken it's already loose so I should be able to remove those in there and get the material that's down in them it's very important when you remove these chunks here that you get all that juicy material because that's where the gold is hidden it's loose it's just jammed in there I'll get it out somehow look at all that Juicy Juicy Juice in there Juicy Juicy Juice that's where you find the Nuggets all that stuff nugget don't I wish there's the juicy stuff that clay that goes down inside cracks like this that's what holds the gold clear that off really good before you get rid of that rock well not a lot of material but I got a like a quarter pan of stuff let's see if there's anything surprising in there was there anything in the crevice well there you go the answer is no well where to go to now I'll find something I think I'll just find some of these little pockets and clear them out cleared this one out mostly already in the pan I think I'll just look around for more of them clear the don't put them in the pan and see what happens and another little piece of gold just sitting on Bedrock wait for me to pick it up just getting the shade on it just right so you can see that it's gold and not just something white flashing back older down not sure if that's one or two flakes side by side right there but more gold on Bedrock love seeing gold on Bedrock when panning that's probably my favorite thing to do well there's a pan full of cracks and crevices and things all through here just downhill from where I was working behind a rock in a hole random stuff let's see oh yeah there's the best pan of the day nice well that's as much as the last five pounds combined let's get in one spot and get close up on it now if only every pan could look like that I do have to admit that pan took me like 15 minutes to load because I was just getting the cracks and crevices in that slate now that's more typical for this claim what we get at low water at least foreign for a drink no I'm not sponsored by Gatorade maybe I should be [Music] well let's try another from here from there so the second pan from that spot every bit as good as the first this is more typical for a random spot on the claim I just gotta find that non-random spot that is holding the bigger stuff this claim has it I know it does I've found it here lots before I just have to find it that's not bad for one pound I'm pretty sure I could get those same quantities all day long up this draw but I want the bigger stuff I know I found multiple bigger pieces at the top of this Ridge maybe I'll go up there and see if there's another spot I can dig now under these rocks right here down in that little crevice I pulled multiple big Pickers out and look at this there's panning pawns up here I wonder what else I can find let's see if there's somewhere I can dig I love to move these rocks but they are Beyond me now I know I've worked here before this is just on the other side of that little Groove where I found all the big Pickers and I didn't find much but maybe it's it's worth another shot maybe I just wasn't down onto them maybe I just wasn't lucky that day maybe I'm lucky today maybe maybe maybe well there we go I cleared what I could of that little spot there into the pan without using the vacuum uh if it shows good gold I'll bring the vacuum up and see what we find I have a feeling I've done this before this spot it's just too easy to dig it's really deep in material over there yeah let's see what's in it we have this awesome little panning puddle up here so nice when you're on the freezer you find one of these pillows the pan and you don't have to worry about surging water or being by the dangerous water or anything just puddle in half now I think I've cleared that area once before years back but because the only gravels that could go back in there are more gravels from that same high deposit if that high deposit had any gold in it it could have just repositioned it down there that's one of those spots that might actually replenish every year and if I'm remembering correctly it was pretty nice up there it's kind of one of the reasons I want the water really high so like a pan right where I dug but these panty puddles kind of do it for me I thought I saw one piece of gold go into the pan there is one flash on one of my Scoops that when I went looking for it I couldn't find it but it kind of looked like a flash of gold so let's hope there's at least one piece the day he wears on I get more tired I start panning slower and slower oh lots of heavy black rocks that's a good sign there's some Heavies down there come on Heavy's as in Gold not just black rocks oh I think it's our soft flash of gold let's have a look lots of heavy black rods oh nice flake of gold oh a big flake of gold that is nice I just found where I'm spending the rest of the day look at that flake it's a picker lots of pan of gold now that is a nice piece of gold but they still get a heck of a lot bigger than that here alrighty then if you can pick it up with your fingers it's a picker it's a picker and the pan is just loaded with these magnetite rocks so you know that spot is concentrating the Heavies these big black metallic looking rocks made of magnetite they would be magnetic are very heavy and they fall out where the gold would fall out I'm on it earlier I found a pan down there that was just loaded in garnets and I thought wow I was on a spot of Heavies like look at all these garnets and then all the rest of the pans that were in good spots only had magnetite no Garnet then I realized it was the vacuum last time I used that vacuum was at Garnet beach I was collecting garnets and there was probably lots of garnets left in the hose of course but the Heavies here are full of magnetite not Garnet I made the puddle muddy hmm oh look at that view that is nice there's the canyon just imagine it water up here at high water crazy I think I'll do another pan like that one just up under that rock and then I'll bring up the vacuum and vacuum out all these cracks and crevices well another pan full takes a while to fill these pans digging it around this Bedrock but it should be worth it let's hope it's every bit as good as the last foreign not too hot today it was raining this morning nice and cool that's nice for prospecting not cold but cool watch this one be a dud oh just saw a piece of gold not a dud there's at least one in there gold in the back corner right now two piece of gold I love this claim but you know one of the biggest problems with this claim is the hike in it is brutal no hiking is easy hike out is brutal and you have to park on the railway companies land up top I sent in my notice uh saying I would be there and I also talked with some of the workers up top asking where I could park that I wouldn't be in the way and they pointed out the right spot they said that no problem as long as I don't block the access to the tracks oh lots of magnets I let's hope for gold I didn't see anyone I washed it back quickly there okay lots of magnetite oh I see gold oh I see lots of gold not as good as the last one but still pretty good can't complain about that one more pan then we pull out the vacuum now I wasn't sure if I had cleared down there or not previously but I am positive I cleared up there and we're still getting gold in the pan so this is what's known as flood gold it's gold that has come back come in in the last couple floods but it's kind of high Bank gold as well because I know it's washing off the bank and that brings me to today's geology lesson of the Day flood gold Bank gold and Bedrock gold three different types of deposits that you find when you're out gold panning well flood gold is gold that has brought in sometime in the last year or two typically found in the top few inches of the Gravel Bar replenishes every year as new floods come in Spring runoff always brings down new gold and those deposits often as you get through the top couple inches disappear or get worse they're better on the top Bank gold is gold that's left high and dry away from the river those deposits can be equal throughout they can be dead at the top good at the bottom they can be anything but the river isn't currently changing those deposits or giving new gold to bank deposits and then Bedrock Bedrock gold is old gold gold that probably got deposited hundreds millions of years ago a long time ago and has been sitting on Bedrock ever since Bedrock gold usually doesn't get replenished yes flood gold can come down and land on Bedrock but Bedrock gold is typically stuff that's been there for a long time and often very big once you've depleted your Bedrock deposit usually that's done there you go flood gold Bank gold and Bedrock gold today's geology lesson of the day all right one more pan before the vacuum do I go right do I go left do I go right do I go left right left right left right left I like the looks of that little deposit up underneath there I'm positive I would have cleared that out last time now let's see if I made the right decision foreign gold gold everywhere and nice looking stuff loving it it's kind of funny on an overcast bright day like this so it's overcast there's clouds in the skies but it's a bright day gold often looks like this it looks white because it's reflecting the sky reflecting the clouds in the sky and you often don't get the really nice yellow look to the gold on an overcast day and if you put your hand over it shade it from the sky less light the camera picks up the gold color much better although that piece there I think is just covered in Mercury okay I'm not tired of digging yet let's go to the right and see what I missed over there left had good gold let's see if Wright had the Picker and now it is ready for the vacuum pan that out and get the vacuum because I am getting tired thank you [Music] okay was left every bit as good as right or it was right the right decision there's obviously the right decision wasn't the right decision let's have a look still gold but not as much so yes left was the right decision so not great but not terrible and here's your gold padding tip of the day the best gold is always sitting on Bedrock but you will never get it all out with a shovel a pick or your hands find yourself a wire brush a course or like a stiff bristled plastic brush or of course the vacuum and get that gold there's a piece well I did quite the vacuum job on that Bedrock there I'm assuming I've got a full pan worth in the vacuum and I know there's gold in it absolute no now how much that's another story let's find out I should be sponsored by Milwaukee as well look like a full pan it's not there's more in there other than that let's get in the pan half a pound of vacuumings and off to my penny Pond tiny puddle nice little seat right there nice deep spots Town nice pound of gold let's do it okay let's play a little game leave a comment below how many pieces of gold do you think are in here and then we'll see if I can count that high might not be a good game after all because there's gonna be so much fly poop I won't be able to count at all and then where do you stop what size piece of gold do you stop at okay let's go with this how many pieces and then how my Pickers I'm hoping there's two Pickers two Pickers and like a hundred pieces of gold that's my guess hopefully you already left yours below so these bigger rocks out of here no nuggets oh big nuggets down to the nitty-gritty let's see what's in the pan okay what do we have oh I see gold oh not a terribly huge amount there might be 10 bigger pieces and another 20 micros no Pickers oh I expected more than that well that's what I vacuumed off Bedrock that's what I would have would have been the little pick the vacuum that's all bonus for the vacuum now let's clean the hose and see if we would have lost anything due to the ribbed hosed hosed hosted all clean all clean believe it or not that there is what was stuck in the hose for volume now see if we have any gold stuck in the hose three tiny pieces and I mean tiny these are fly poops they're tiny and that's all I would have lost if I didn't clean out the hose one one millionth of what I found today now before I show you what I got for the day I want to run just over the edge there too where the really good material Under The Boulders was and see if the water is low enough to expose that yet if it is I'm gonna do one pan there to show you if not we'll have to wait for later on the summer but let's go see if we can find one good pan oh I think some of the good Boulders might be free let's go see I never would have guessed the water would be down this far already those rocks right there still slightly underwater are the best but these up here I think I can probably actually get some material from underneath one or two of them and get a good pan well that wasn't enough Philippian let's get some more from behind the Rock in front of the rock between the Rocks somewhere okay I went underneath that rock there got a full pan plus a little bit from a crevice over there and let's see how it goes the surging water just swamped my boot oops it's an awkward place to pan so in the past the gold over here has been very very good underneath those Boulders has always given me very nice pans with 20 30 pieces in every pan and good sized pieces too so I just want to show you what this side of the claim looks like and you're probably asking why was I over on the other side if I know there's good gold here well I didn't expect the water to be so low to start with and kind of be uh I wanted to know what was up under those rocks I want there to be big gold up there I've found big gold there before I want to find it there again something is telling me if I want the biggest gold I have to go up there if I want volume of little stuff I come down here oh there's awesome gold in there let's gratify it get down to the bottom I know I'm not skunked he's gold oh there's like five pieces of gold right there in the back corner let's hope for a good good pan to end the day off with foreign okay that should be down enough we should be able to tell well if there's gold I know there's gold how much now what does a good plan look like that's what a good pan looks like gold everywhere now that makes me wish I'd spent the day over here that's a nice pan this is not the contents of my Snuffer bottle this is just one pan from the hot spot on this claim and I know I have people yelling at me right now Dan spend the whole day there how can you leave that well I do plan to come back when the water drops a little bit more and spend a whole day here I haven't been down on this claim for a while because my heart couldn't handle the hike out my heart is doing healthy my heart is doing healthy my heart is doing better I got a clean bill of health from the cardiologist and yes I will spend a full day on this gold later this spring [Applause] Snuffer bottle and look at that nothing that's not right there it is complete Smiley gold one nice picker a lot of big flake and that's gonna add up let's get in one spot I'm gonna guess that three quarters of gram of gold I will take this home clean it up and leave oh wait right here [Music] awesome day awesome gold awesome place hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give me that thumbs up if I haven't read your subscription yet I hope I earned your subscription today and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons hope you're all having a great day I just did bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 452,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond
Id: iAo5dzjqBzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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