The BEST Air Purifying Houseplants in 2021 | Top Indoor Plants for Home

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good morning gardeners and welcome to today's talk on indoor plants that purify your home these are plants that are going to be very easy to grow as well and a lot of them are really my favorites which I think everybody should have in their home we're going to stop at this is one of my favorites and this is a plant that's really popular right now this is the monstera monstera deliciosa this is a plant also better known as a split leaf philodendron now this guy we have them available as a small plant as you can see here now only in a four inch pot to something really large like we have a huge specimen and I'll just show it to you over here these guys are very forgiving great for the light and I love them simply because of the fact that if you forget to water them it doesn't hurt it's like oh wow I forgot to water it they don't mind whatsoever they don't mind the drying out in between you know a good watering and a drying out period it does not hurt them one bit so they're very forgiving plant great air purifier anytime you have a plant that has a lot of leaf surface like that that really is one of the best plants for your indoor environment secondly we're going to go to another member of the philodendron and this is called the Swiss cheese plant also a very trending plant right now you can get this plant as a hanging basket you can get them growing on a pole and we have some in the store as well and it's a very unique plant this plant was around probably about 50 60 years ago lost its popularity now it's one of the most trendiest plants out there again a very easy to grow plant great for your indoor environment and it's a plant that you it prefers to be consistently moist to slightly dry this is when you don't want to over water so that is the Swiss cheese plant there known as monstera add-in Sony I going through the greenhouse here again we have like filtered engines are a huge huge group of plants we also go into figs fight this now this is the fiddly fig now fiddly figs as you can see are this is the little guy this is called little fiddle and this is just this is the dwarf version the short version we have some larger ones back over in the greenhouse right back here and as you can see you can also get them on a standard or a stock and they're specifically trained that way whereby when when they're young they're trained to one single stem and then you have this sort of tree like effect you can get them in that stage you can also get them in something that's really large that they're not trimmed where they're a large bush form you can also get them in a columnar form now all with fiddly figs they're culture very simple basically they prefer a consistently moist soil and a bright room they don't have to be in direct light which is really important because some people don't have direct windows that face south or west where the Sun is really just consistently in your face these guys prefer just a brightly lit room so if you have an area in the home that's maybe six seven eight feet away from a South window or a West window great if you have an East window or north window you'll put them right in the window that's what they prefer a lot of these plants as well in the summertime anything that does not like much light into which time keep them in the full Sun summer time back away from the window so that is your fiddly fig ficus light rata and in front of them another group of plants very leafy and they come with there's so many different varieties here as well and this is the old-fashioned peace lily now feasts lilies again like I said a lot of varieties some that have got really large leaves like this we've also got some that are back over here which have got a lot finer leaf and a deeper colored leaf but this is the flower of autumn very nice it's probably the best choice for a plant in a low light condition again huge leaf surface very easy to grow the main thing with them is you want to make sure that they're consistently kept moist they do not like to be dried out because what happens if you allow them to dry out too much to the stage of wilting you will have brown tips on the leaves and that's a very very common problem again a good air for air purifier so this is spathiphyllum is the lack name on this guy again easy to grow very one of the most forgiving plants out there we're also going to go back here actually just back holes in the greenhouse this way we're going to talk to and talk about another large large group of plants and these are the snake plants the sense of areas there are so many different varieties of sense of areas as you can see the leaf coloration here we have this huge huge wide leaf type called G boa and I just absolutely love this plant simply because it gets really tall this one can get as high as five six feet and it's got a very nice wide leaf to it that's one of my favorites and a brand new variety that just was released this year is called Whitney and this is a very unique variety and we're really fortunate to have this variety in the store this year simply because of the coloration is different the the form is different on this plant it's nice and thick a thick grower doesn't get too tall but a really very elegant contemporary looking type of plant in the right environment so that is again one of my brand new favorites an old standby here this one as well this is probably the most popular at the present time this is sense of aerial or nti and as you can see it's got the variegated leaf to it again you know a nice contrasting plant now one thing with with all the sense of areas which is really important to keep in mind a very easy forgiving plant to grow this is one that it the only way you can kill it is if you overwater it so you do not want to be heavy and watering this is a plant as well that you want to water it maybe once a month during the winter months once every six weeks something like that from about November till the end of February beyond that you're gonna be watering these guys roughly about once every three weeks throughout the summer months fertilizing something like a triple 20 maybe once a month is all what's is all that they require very simple you know foolproof plant and highly highly recommended back over here we have another really good air purifying plant this is the old-fashioned spider plant chlorophyta now this is a variegated form this is a variety that you can't bait you can't kill spider plants they're very animal friendly so if you're concerned as well about plants that you know if you've got you've got a small dog you've got a cat even kids that like to chew on things well this is something that is one of the the best it's also a great plant for for your children if for example if you want to introduce your kids with into growing house plants something very simple like this will work so great easy simple plant to introduce your children to like I said easy to grow you want to keep them consistently moist to slightly dry you don't want to rot them so don't keep them really soggy wet you know another plant back here that we can talk about our palm trees now palm trees they come in a wide array of different forms different textures some of them are a lot easier to grow than a lot of people think and one of the best actually is back here this is the Phoenix palm now this guy over here they call a Phoenix palm they also called the pygmy date palm now this thing as you can see is very very elegant and it's one of these palms that can take dry conditions especially in our dry home environments in the winter time when the furnace is consistently on and air is very dry this guy shows absolutely no ill effects whatsoever a lot of the traditional palms like Eureka palms that you will find very common in stores tend to get browning on the tips this guy you'll never see that these actually prefer a dry and environment dry air you'll see these you'll see large specimen of these guys growing down in Arizona for example just right out in the blazing heat same in California and this plant as you can see has got a beautiful form to it and it develops a slight bit of bulbous form at the at the base which is very common very normal but this is one of the easiest palms to start out with as far as lighting conditions go they're brighter the better but it does not have to be in a completely full Sun type of environment and it will do really well for you so that pretty much wraps up today's tour of the greenhouse and some of my favorite air purifying plants for your home environment just a quick reminder as well we have currently available curbside pickup and how that works is if you see something that you like go on our website and you know you can give us a quick call you know phone in and order to us and we'll prepare it for you well we'll take your credit card and we'll have it all ready for you as as a pickup and so what you do is you pull up to the store give us a quick call and we'll take it out to your vehicle so have a great afternoon everyone and thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: GreenlandGarden
Views: 179,018
Rating: 4.9238877 out of 5
Keywords: air purify, plants, indoor plants, top 10, best plant, TOP 10 Air Purifying Plants You Need, gardening, home decor, air purifier, house, purify, home air, air pollution, best air purifier, house plants, best air cleaner, best indoor plants, Indoor plants, plants for decoration, garden up, Ekta Chaudhary, stylish indoor plants, decor, INDOOR PLANTs for decoration, what plants to grow, easy plants, must have indoor plants, indoor gardening for beginners, gardening channel, tips
Id: XUTlbtO_n1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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