My Little Italian House: Flea Market Finds and New Kitchen Remodel starts!

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hello everybody and welcome to my little Italian house here in Fano and this week's episode I'm so excited is all about my flea market finds if you've been following my Italian Renovations over the past couple of years you would have seen that I have discovered some pretty amazing flea markets dotted across this area here in Italy and I've been able to collect them and put them in my house which is so exciting and many of you have asked like how much were they where did I find them is there history around them and so I'm going to take you upstairs to the three rooms that are fully renovated and walk you through each of these flea market Treasures that I found and let you know the price as well and I personally feel that there's so much out there in the world that can be reused and I would say that 97% that's right 97% of what you find in these three newly renovated brooms all come from flea market finds so come on [Music] in welcome to the guest bedroom now this is dare I say my favorite room I'm not sure but it's between this room and the the primary bedroom but we're going to start here because I want to introduce these amazing vintage hangers I found these on Etsy they are from the 1960s is what I've been told and each of these hangers were about 5 lbs each so maybe about $66.50 each fantastic find and I ended up getting four five 6 7 8 nine there you go perfect number and they were perfectly so if you're here staying as a guest you can hang up your clothes your shirts your dresses right there so first and foremost I think it's worth mentioning color scheme you can see that the line of paint is a sage green so there's two bedrooms in the house I wanted one to be more masculine and one to be more feminine and this is the masculine one and then I'm just going to move to the walls and dotted all around the walls are these absolutely incredible old maps of Italy and each of these Maps get this everybody was 1o ding ding ding ding ding € Euro so we ended up buying in total five Maps which work with the color scheme here and then of course I went to my favorite uh framer in fetto and he was able to frame them but how Sensational are these maps and then moving down I'm just going to take away the pillows here because again what I found at these flea markets is astonishing this is a headboard and there's a matching one over there and once we cleaned it up we decided to keep it as it is because the design is so beautiful and each of these headboards €45 each so two headboards for €90 all that needed to be done to them was they just needed to be cleaned up and then before I move to the other side of the room we have the two side uh bedside tables here and again these were found in one of the local flea markets uh details down below uh and they were painted uh so Deborah just painted them she's amazing at sort of refurbishing them and each of these 75 each including the paint so €150 in total I hope you're doing the maths right now I mean not very much right to spend on Furnishing and dressing this room and then we have two amazing chairs again found at a flea market near here there's two that I go to I've put the details down below found at a flea market here each of these chairs €20 each that's right so €40 in total and then we'll move over to this desk and of course this mirror so I'll start with the mirror here and this mirror I found on an online flea market site called saleny do check it out details down below and this mirror is fantastic it's vintage it is oh I think it was about a hundred years old and it's got a little bit of guilt around it as well and I found this frame for or this mirror for €90 so this mirror was 90 and then of course I'm going to go to this desk again found at Deborah and PG's amazing flea market Market this desk we had it painted the blue color to sort of contrast against the moss green and this desk being painted in total was €150 then one of my favorite things to do is just to dress a room and so I found this brass lamp I think it's from the 1960s found that on cenci as well and this brass lamp was €45 incredible and then just these little books I went to the market in bolognia when I was visiting Jack who's right there on the desk and found incredible antique books and each of these books were auro so €1 each for the books and they I had measured beforehand to make sure I got the right size and again I found this uh at a flea market the rest of what you're seeing here I found um at a flea market in London and brought them over this is a letter holder I'll put some postcards in there this is just a trinket box and I think that's lovely so this to me second bedroom is pretty much furnished with old vintage secondhand find in fact when I look around here it's hard for me not to see anything that's not from a secondhand uh find apart from of course the bed sheets they're new and well the peg rails new as well but it goes to show you what you can find if you have a beady little eye and you're on a mission and you want to furnish your place with these Exquisite and extraordinary finds so let's go next door to the primary [Music] bedroom so we're now heading to the primary bedroom but before we head there I just want to show you these walls sces here and they are beautiful I've always wanted a pair of these but they were just too pricey at some of the high-end antiques markets but again found them at a flea market €35 each and when I had been looking at an Antiques Market they were 50 each so that is a real bargain there €35 each and now for my favorite room the primary bedroom because it's my bedroom so come on in well you know what I'm going to talk about first first and that is This Magnificent rot iron four poster bed I found this on that online flea market site called senen and it was shipped here so the entire bed uh which was lovingly put together by myself and Nester who's behind the camera say hi Nester hello everyone we put this together I still can't believe we did it but this was a real find but I was able to find a brilliant price for it and including the shipping around €800 absolutely incredible and then I'm just going to move to the bed here so you can see the bed cover again found on senen this is a bed cover that's been hand crocheted I think it's exceptional and that brings me to really the color scheme here so as I mentioned before the guest bedroom is more masculine and I wanted to make this bedroom my bedroom and of course my husband's bedroom a little bit more feminine so the painted wall that you see there is a rose lilac color and again it gives that sort of feminine touch to it and that's what brings me to all around the Botanical prints that you see dotted all around the room those were all found here in Fano at the Antiques Market now these are really really special and I brought them to the same framer in fetto uh and we decided to put this lovely color of um almost like a sage green around around uh each of these Botanical prints and in total for six of them it was 50 now that might sound like a lot but if you divide that by six you're looking at €25 then if I move over to the desk we have this extraordinary Venetian mirror and I just think it's lovely and it's decorative again found that on senen on the Online Marketplace I mirrors cost a fortune when you go to sort of those antiques uh markets that uh well high-end this on the online flea market was €95 and then just moving down here we have a desk and the desk was found at the flea market that I keep talking about all the time details down below where PG and Deborah are and they did an outstanding job of painting this and just making it this its distressed look there are pair of chairs in here as well again found at the uh Deborah and PG's flea market near sarana each of these chairs were €40 each so 80 in total they're beautiful beautiful chairs and again around the right's color schemes you can see I'm bringing in a little bit of a soft gray and I do want to point out because I'm on a roll with of course debor M PG's flea market point out these Morano glass lamps that I found at and each of these glass lamps were €75 each which is actually a real bargain when you think of it an absolutely real bargain and before I get on to something really quite unique that I found in London I'm just going to have Nester point the camera up and fantastic chandelier here that was again found at Deborah and P's and that was €90 everybody €90 I can't believe it so two more things and then hopefully you're doing the maths here and you can see that this entire room is pretty much facted when I look around apart from the lamp shades and the frames is all been found um through flea markets this though I did bring from London and I again it's got that wonderful color scheme a little bit of the red and the Green in there and it's a jewelry box slash sort of mirror so I can just put my lipstick on or whatever it may but I just think it was absolutely beautiful and real find their hand painted 15 lb last thing I want to point out are of course my four children CU Nester is behind the camera and these two frames right here these are french glass frames that Malcolm and I found a near maertin we found these and these were each uh 20 lb they're beautiful glass frames now where can you find a frame this beautiful for 20 lb nearly impossible so as you can see this room is gosh when I look around pretty much all decorated and dressed by everything that I have found at these vintage flea markets and the online ones as well so let's go to one more room that's been completely renovated and I think some of you might remember the big find that's in in this [Music] room and last but certainly not least is behind this door my first renovation that I did which was the bathroom and as we are about to enter have a little look at the wonderful Turkish carpet found down below and I loved this carpet that I found on saleny because it brings out the painted wo color of all of the rooms that you've just seen so from the primary bedroom to the guest bedroom to even the hallway here the gray it's bringing out those colors in the carpet so enter now into the bathroom my first renovation and probably the hardest but most exciting when I arrived here uh to view my house after the pandemic um um I thought the first thing that needed to be done was this bathroom so do check out that video because we've expanded this bathroom we've added in a shower but that's not what this video is about it's about my flea market finds and the definitely the star of the bathroom show is this fantastic cast iron bath now I found this off the side of a road it is all rusted but I loved that look and that's why I chose then the ochre color in here to really complement this rust color that I know many of you said below you weren't sure about it but I think a lot of you do really like it we were able to send it to Florence put a clear coat on it and then on the inside re-enamel it it's a wonderful cast iron bath with beautiful claw feet and these bathtubs are incredibly expensive but I was able to purchase this and have the entire inside re-enamel for $1,300 now I know that that sounds like a lot but if you do research on cast iron baths they're usually three to four times that amount and the American and me has a little bit of British now that I've married a Brit and I do love a good bath so then just to the other side of the bath I found this magazine rack so wonderful magazine rack kind of complement the rust bathtub here and this was a rock bottom price of €10 again found that at one of the flea markets around here and as well as this table which I can set my candles and my sort of bath gels and again this I found this table though I think I found the table did you yeah I think it was 10€ 10€ 10 at the fizo Antiques Market Nester found this table it's brilliant it's ABS well done Nester for reminding me in particular and I found these wonderful little doilies uh at the Antiques uh Fano Antiques Market and they were literally like 50 PE do you remember me finding those Nester yeah perfect and then before we head across the room we're just going to look up I clearly need to change the light bulb in one of them but this was a fantastic find this was found by Malcolm when we went flea market shopping one day uh and found it for around 15 but I clearly need to change the light bulb then let's switch around over here to just a couple more items this fantastic vanity was found again at PG and Deborah's place near sarana uh she restored it painted it gave it that distressed look and then they placed this piece of marble on top of it cut the marble and so this is carara marble it's brilliant it's everywhere and it's very inexpensive here in Italy and then looking up above here again going with sort of this brass um theme if you like we've got two wool lights and the glass um balls on top top these glass balls I found and cleaned them they were auro each and the bases here were €5 each incredible so that wool light right there in total was €6 I mean what a bargain this lovely lovely mirror again was found at a flea market near here and it's Morano glass so all around here is beautiful Morano glass that's been etched in absolutely stunning Stu mirror little bit pricey this one this one was over €100 but well worth it and yeah this is the bathroom I love it love it love it I'm so happy I did this bathroom first because then it just made everything easier and I was able to somewhat move in here if you like when I visited once the bathroom was done about I think everything needs to have a story and for me that's really really important so when I go around all the different rooms that I renovated I remember oh I found it at that flea market I remember negotiating the price for that mirror oh I went around Fano and I was you know trying to find the best door knockers yes Nester found that table there this was found off the side of the road Malcolm found that lovely ceiling light so in every room I'm able to tell a story and really uh remind myself and others of the effort that went into finding these unique pieces and also the love around them so hope you have enjoyed my flea market finds be sure to let me know down below any finds that you have found that have been like a real real [Music] deal B Be [Music] [Music] so today the day got my D sheets ready I have a sander behind me got some goggles over there as well because I'm going to do the next renovation here in the house and I think that for many of you when I've mentioned doing the stairs before you're like no keep them as they are but we recently did a renovation project on our sister Channel mton live where I was doing the English fairy tale Cottage and Nester and I stripped back the floors and painted the floors black and I really really like it so we're going to get sanding I need to put the dust sheets everywhere because clearly I have all my new cushions and my new day bed out here in the sitting room and we're going to sand and we're going to paint and I think I think it's going to look great but first a coffee [Music] [Music] covered all the furniture up that needs to be covered up and the first part of doing these stairs all the way up is going to be sanding that is our first step so get ready for these to be transformed part one well we've finished the sanding round one we may have to do some touch-ups but what I'm going to do now is just try to Hoover all of this up and then I'll give it also a clean here we go [Music] [Applause] so I've finished sanding and Nester has helped as well and we felt it and it definitely is we've taken off that sort of top waxy layer so it's now enough for us to just clean it one more time with the acetone and then get it ready to paint this lovely sort of black mat with a little bit of sheen on it um paint yeah so I think this staircase is going to be completely transformed but I'm going to go get another coffee right now [Music] the floors are prepped they are ready to be painted they've been Stripped Away and what I'm going to do first is I'm going obviously going to cut in so I'm going to cut in and then what Nester and I decided to do was we're going to paint every other step because it takes 24 hours to dry and we have to get up and down these stairs don't we Nest yeah and you want to explain to everyone what cutting in means yeah cuz I don't know NE you do know a little bit so what I'll do is I'll cut into all uh around the edges and around the sides of the stairs and do that first and then I'll do that with my smaller brush and then when I'm ready to paint the stairs once I've cut in then I will use a bigger brush so yeah yeah I think I'll let you do the cutting in yeah I'm definitely doing the cutting in [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's now been 24 hours and I'm excited to reveal the new staircase here in my little Italian house now I already know before revealing this that many of you are going to say wait what why would you choose black but uh there's something else that's going to be happening on top of these stairs which I'm going to share with you in a second but overall we're really pleased with this Nester aren't we yeah I think it looks pretty good yeah and it looks better than the staircase that was here beforehand that's for sure so now I'm just going to take out all of the blue painters tape so I'm going to undo that make sure that my hopefully my lines are okay I bet there will be some touch-ups there always are and then I'm going to wait till the end of this video because this isn't finished yet there's something else that I'm going to share with you which then those of you who are maybe a little bit opposed to the black color might come around to what I've just done all right here we go tape unmasking let's go [Applause] [Music] pap [Music] Tada so this is it the big reveal and I'm super pleased now when I was unmasking everything came off as I wanted it to apart for one or two bits so it's going to be easy to clean which is great but there's a big butt or really I should say however uh I have just found uh runner fantastic from one of my favorite online shops Etsy which really supports small businesses all over the world and I chose J because a it's very very hardwearing and but it also uh sort of compliments the juk rug that I already have here in the sitting room this is what I have been waiting for before Nestor and I start our renovation process Pro but it's to unveil this day bed that has come all the way from Paris it's from the 1930s and I was really scouring these online flea markets to find something exactly like this I did a lot of measuring made sure that it uh worked perfectly so I'm going to unveil this but also I'm going to dress this and the sofa on the other side I'm going to take away those sort of gray blue cushions and I'm going to dress them with uh brand new cushions that I had made from Remnant fabric so I think of it as like up cycling this room is actually going to look completely different I'm excited to see [Music] this Tada everybody this is the day oh my goodness I absolutely love it so before I put the cushions on uh I just want to talk to you a little bit about the story of this day bed so this day bed as I said earlier it dates from around the 1930s and and it did come from Paris as well and it was I found it online at this online flea market called it's absolutely fantastic I mean the detail around it is beautiful it's obviously been handmade I mean it's a brilliant brilliant piece of furniture uh it has a horse hair that's right a horse hair mattress and actually it's really really comfortable we are now going to you and I um and Malcolm hopefully is watching this as well he might have an opinion later on how I did it but uh because this is a darker bed I actually decided to keep the cushions a little bit dark [Music] so this is the day bed this is how I quite like it by the way this is incredibly comfortable can I just tell you it's so comfortable like I love it love it love [Music] it right so here is the sofa bed and it you can see it's just one color this sort of blue gray and I wanted to again bring out the blue gray a little bit more and the mauve and the burgundy that I'm working with so Malcolm genius was able to uh we were able to look through his bag of tricks and Sophie made these incredible beautiful cushions that I'm just going to set up do that one in the back no maybe neest hold on do it this there I'm much happier with that so that took me a moment but taada look at [Music] this oh my goodness it just it gives I I think personally it gives the room just more color and I think more Elegance to the room I mean it's not overly elegant I don't want it to have that but I want to still have that sort of comfortable feeling but I think these um Fabrics that we chose give it a little bit more pop and give it a little bit more sophistication uh especially considering this is an Ikea sofa bed so I think it uh works really really well so that's that and then I'm just going to move over to this side of the room to show you the chair and a cushion for the chair and the new swing arm lamp and then I'd love your help everybody on because I've changed my mind about that cubby hole and what I want to do with it so I need some suggestions but how brilliant does that look right so this side of the room lovely chair again we upside this cushion using Fabric's found lovely uh it has that blue gray in it a bit of um sort of beigy brown and this swing arm lamp I brought this all the way with me from uh England this is the comfortable chair so you can see this will seat my entire family this room which is what I wanted now behind me I originally was going to build something in there but it's such a lovely space and it has the original sort of Timber beams here and the Terracotta floor down below so I'm going to keep it open I can't put a sort of even a wood burning stove in here so that's out of the question we've already asked but if you all have any ideas do let me know what you think how I should dress this what I should put in there comment down below I would actually love to hear your ideas on how I should dress this because it's I mean do I just put a piece of art there I think it' probably be too low but um something needs to go there I'm just not sure what that is so sitting room apart from how I'm going to dress that cabby hole behind me is now complete and I love [Music] [Applause] it when I head to my little Italian house every day is completely different than the previous day as I try to experience Italian life as well as is get to work on the renovations inside my little Italian house and of course practice my Italian hi everybody and welcome back to Figo now you might see behind me this Lori and thinking oh my gosh she has finally started the kitchen renovation well not quite but that is what this video is all about but in fact my neighbor here has started a massive renovation project on what I think is one of the most beautiful houses here in Fano the frescos are incredible and it's quite a big house which means it will be a huge project there we go lots of noise going on there however I am here today to look at the kitchen designs that were drawn up by Malcolm boat they're not set in stone they're just they were simple designs that just for us to kind of get a feel of what I wanted to do however I would love your help because I think a lot of you who have commented and been watching this journey you're so creative and so I would love your help and you'll see what I need your help with uh in just a little bit when we head into the kitchen which is really exciting and I'm going to show you the designs that we have come up with but they're temporary also I want to show you this house behind me and later on in the video remember those stairs that I painted black well the runner has arrived it is beautiful and I'm just about to install the runner as well so completing one renovation project and starting finally that kitchen renovation that I know many of you have been waiting for right so this laundry isn't yet finished and if you've been following my videos for a while you would have seen that one of my favorite things to do when I'm here is to hang laundry however I'm now hanging it on this rack rather than on the line that was across here so before there were uh three poles dotted across holding a big line and I decided to have them off because I think it took away from The View and I didn't want to have my laundry hanging here I just I just didn't I'm happy with it here and it can fold away and be tucked away when it's finished uh but yeah I'm pleased with this and in in replacement of these poles I decided to put four actually native uh olive trees so they're from the Lo Jan fantastic I even carried these up myself did you know that Luke there we are I do I do and the compost and I love them so I'm going to show you something that's really exciting I don't think Luke has seen it yet either I came up here this morning and I was like oh my gosh oh my gosh this olive tree has produced not one but Three Olives Three Olives so exciting look it look it look it don't pick it eat it look at one and then two and three aren't they sweet they're really fat and juicy I know they almost I mean they look like grapes oil salad possibly um but anyway it's working so they are working they are thriving up here I'm super pleased and the sun has just come out perhaps we should take away these covers here Luke and maybe put the cushions on and sit out here for about minutes next that is that is true all right heading down now it's so nice feeling the warmth of the Sun the laundry isn't done yet but now that the sun is beaming its raise I think it'll be finished in about V minutti so about 20 minutes now Luc is g to carefully head down because get excited everybody I'm about to reveal the plans for the kitchen are you excited Luke are you raling them to me or to everybody well to everybody but I want everybody's help because these are just tentative plans these were actually drawn up I don't know like well over a year ago if not more and I've had some other ideas and Malcolm has had other ideas and I'd like to hear the ideas from you all um and it's so nice to walk through the sitting room when it's finished so welcome to the kitchen everybody I think this is the first time that I've actually showed the kitchen properly like this on my YouTube channel and you can see it is an absolutely well in my standards an absolutely enormous kitchen and that's what's so fantastic because of course the kitchen in Italian families is really the heart of of where everybody sort of meets within the house it is the the beating heart within the house so can you imagine what I can do with this space let's start and go from bottom up and then let's look at the plan so first and foremost this is going this ETI and I'm going to replace it with as your cousin rightfully says who is half Italian CTO I don't like these at all so and I want to go back to traditional uh sort of you know the traditional Italian terracotta tile so that's what's going to definitely be done here and as far moving up and I'm giving you sort of a broad look here and then we're going to look in detail at the designs moving up some of you may think oh keep this this exposed wo here whoa but I'm not I I I it's really bad done quite badly there's bits of brick sort of hanging out I don't even know if it's been pointed the right way it's a bit messy so I am going to cover this up so this wall I am going to keep some exposed Stone so hear me out everybody this wall will be covered up this is lovely original feature that will stay this is original it has some bits in there but this will stay I am going to cover up the uh seal up the brick here possibly possibly this one will stay I don't know what do you think Luke well I I'm not sure what I think about this Italian trend for leaving little sections like this I mean you see that throughout the house but certainly where you've got it coming up against this rather ghastly brick I know that's yeah that's going as well but but uh yeah I I think these areas that have been exposed and they've chosen some rather odd shapes we completely honest yeah them they I don't really see that they're add much aesthetically unless you have the hole of the wall it be much better to reveal the hole of the wall you thought of doing that um yeah this is going I you could reveal this whole wall behind the whole thing just bring take out and so you've got a whole wall revealed that's much more interesting there you go everybody you heard it here first on camera I actually like that idea that's a great idea so we might just reveal that whole wall right here this is going and then this will all be ripped out these tiles will come down we'll have to box in the boiler there this will all be taken down but before I get to the designs we are going to keep that exposed uh wool right there so I will keep that probably keep that one now I fill those in really it's not very pretty I keep that one you keep that one okay well this was okay fine looks like it's the shape of a kind of giant boot yeah it's a bit strange I agree it's it's it's an echo of Italy itself I don't think so so I think and that light needs to go or at least boxed in but this one I wasn't sure about so I'm glad that you actually uh think that as well and then what do you think of that one up above there Luke I was thinking of keeping that because I think you have one on the other side you do so you do have one on the other side so I think we keep it okay so anyway that's it everybody here is the big kitchen we have made oh a couple purchases number one the table two the light all found at uh PG and Deborah's uh ilpo sco and this is uh you can see these holes here fromager I think I said that right Cy did I I'm sure there'll be lots of Italians watching suggested anyway it would hold cheese so it's got It's a la isn't it so it's got netting there it would have been used to hold um cheese and keep FES out and now it's being used for so it's just sort of bowls um mugs glasses well those are the kids so that's their app roll in compari the rule with the children are is well they're all apart from one old enough to drink because of course the drinking age is 18 that when they come and stay here they leave a bottle so that we build up a bar for them not so much for you and I that's a free way of getting some drinks for you isn't that so this W I'm undecided about as well if I'm going to cover it up or not fill it in there you go plans everybody plans plans now I'd like to start with looking at uh the kitchen elevations and again these were hands drawn by and then he made a copy for me but handdrawn by Malcolm and really what's interesting is that you can see the kitchen's going to stay the kitchen units and appliances will stay exactly where they are that's the window where we are going to keep the exposed Stone there we'll put a shelf across here and all of this will have new tiles now my plan is to find these tiles hopefully by my next video so find these reclaimed tiles that's what I would like to do and then here we're looking again for a reclaimed stone sink the plan is is that to to find the stone sink first because I think that will determine in really the rest of the kitchen and again this is just an idea this is not set in stone we have cabinet units there we've got the big hob there and then over here at the far end these are where I can put in you know the mop and the bucket and all of that then heading over to here we have this is the really the layout and I think this is what's really exciting to look at so so table as you can see I'm on the table right now what I was just talking about over there on these designs are here again reclaimed stone sink dishwasher drawer oven and hob with an extract above and we've got a Lauder here fridge freezer it goes all the way across but what's fascinating about this kitchen is because it is so big you're able to do a little bit more so we can by the big window here so the window over there we're going to put a chair there's that little indentation there which will keep but I don't know what will go in there just some OB and a side table and lamp and then a two-seater sofa another side table and lamp and then that dresser there although I might get a bigger dresser there and move that one over to here to this side I'm just not sure I'm if I expose that wool I might move that over there I don't know lastly I wanted to just show you a sheet that Malcolm tore out of you know an interior design magazine if you like and this is what I I don't know if I necessarily Envision this kitchen looking like this but something like this so that it keeps that rustic Italian feel but it will be a new kitchen and I quite like the openness of the cupboards here the cabinets underneath the sink underneath the Hop I don't know I like that look plus it has a window very similar to my window over there so if I can somehow keep that I think feeling that rustic feeling within this kitchen that's what I hope for as well anyway those are the designs it's really really exciting uh again like I said my first decision to make is the reclaimed stone sink which I am going to go find uh in my next video that will be about finding the reclaim Stone sink and the tiles and choosing the pavti uh the colto the terracotta tiles so those are my three sort of I I guess uh need to find those three purchases uh Luke what do you think so far I think that as long as I'm in involved in helping select the tiles the sink uh the the floor tiles all will be well am I not going to be included well I mean I'll show you what I've what you chose there's a there's a theme here isn't there well I I get involved in the beginning then you make the decision and then you show me what the decision is at the end and I just have to live it yeah anyway he's very good at living with it because you like it so far don't you almost all of it there are one or two little things I would sh no and I wouldn't and we're not going to go there everybody okay so last but not least I would love you all to participate in this if you're Keen I've put the uh the drawings these drawings down below you can just click on the link and you can pull them up to have a closer look at them but if you have any ideas uh do send them there's an email address down below as well you can send them to me because I'd love to see your ideas as well um so do check it out all the details are down below so you can be involved in this project because really the kitchen I saved the best for last and gosh I'm really really excited to see it it's going to take some months so stick with me everybody but I think we're all going to be excited to be along for the journey now having said that I need to show you all what the staircase how it was transformed from sort of those that muddy color brown to beautiful um staircase that we can now look at so what you need to install this yourself as I was told on YouTube is a measuring tape here's my double stick tape and a pair of scissors cuz I need to to cut at the end and some masking tape as well and then I'm going to use my spirit level down at the bottom to make sure that my line is straight when I cut the very end but to get it centered and to make sure that you've got a equal um width on either side is you need to First measure the width of your step and the width is I'm going to go centimeters everybody is 84 cm then from that you take the width of your Runner so 84 and that's 63 so subtract the two 84 - 63 is 19 oh 21 thanks Luke is 21 then I need to divide 21 and half 21 cm and half 10 and 1 half okay great so then I take 10 1/2 CM here I'm just going to mark it on my here we go 10 and 1/2 and this is how you're going to get the center then just take normal masking tape not your double sided masking tape and here we go and where the 10 and 1/2 is right here you got to do it like really so that's my 10 and 1 half that's the marker I'm going to use the whole time is I'm going to take tape it there now I do have my spirit level just to make sure that my piece of tape is also um level so you go there there and there let's hope for the best everybody that is yep level actually no just a little bit that way there we go I think it's level now yeah perfect so you can see it's quite tedious but what that means is that let's hope it works this end is going to go here so on the end there so I know that that goes on the end and look it if I match it up here to the other side I'm just going to measure this and that is exactly everybody 10 and 1/ 12 CM on that side so then I take this all the way down 10 and 1/ 12 CM 10 and 1/ 12 CM all the way down put the outside of the piece of tape there so that when we do start to double stick the tape which we will do so we'll put a big piece of double stick tape here and here and then we'll put it on and we'll staple gun it all the way through we're going to use aluminum Staples not iron Staples in order to avoid rust but they'll be inconspicuous you won't be able to see the staple guns and are the staple Staples I should say okay everybody I got to get on with this before Mato arrives and you're going to see a whole transformation and I'm we are excited about this aren't we it's going to be good Luke isn't it great [Music] so I'm going to reveal for you all the stairs right now which I'm so so pleased that they have turned out the way they have but before I shut this door uh those of you who are new to my channel and maybe are just catching up on a lot of my Italy renovation videos or those of you who have watched from start to finish you will remember that when I first arrived here as the new homeowner one year after I saw this little Italian house because of the pandemic when I was viewing this house this door was closed and the estate agent said to me oh it's just the owner's closet so I couldn't see it when I arrived a year later I opened it up and lo and behold it wasn't just this little small room in fact we built this wall but through here I could see that there was plumbing and there had been a shower and so we then decided to close it off make it into a utility room that you see today with an ex extra L cuz this uh house only had one L so we now have two a sink here and we then bashed through a wall in now what is the main bathroom to create a shower and of course a bath so so basically they sold you a house and it came with a whole bonus room it did that's pretty good isn't it it did it was amazing this was literally my biggest surprise I was so excited because I don't I don't know I just think having to L with you know a bigger know what a Lou is cuz well it's a water lavry yeah water closet restroom any number ofo there you go so I want to now reveal the lovely Runner carpet which was handmade in jaipore it's a natural jute I found it on you do this is amazing Run Carpet I know look at this one where did it come from so this one I found on details down below but it it came from Turkey so this one came from turkey and it's about 100 years old it's 1930s my favorite era well I'm going to set down my laundry because I need to head back upstairs uh to hang it but here is the big reveal thank you all for waiting until the end of this video I'm so so pleased with how it turned out now let me just have a timeout here because when I first arrived again at my little Italian house I just didn't like the staircase they probably on camera they look all right they looked all right they were sort of brown you know Timber but they were really really scratched up and they would have had to have been uh sanded anyway and so I knew that that was going to have to be a project however because you can see here the rot iron railing and so there is elements of sort of black if you like I decided to paint the steps black a matte black and then look and find this fantastic handmade natural jute Runner uh supporting a local business in jaipore and Matteo came over and helped me install it now I I did ask him we were speaking in Italian and I'm sorry I didn't catch that on camera but I was doing the time lapse but I asked him I said is this something that you see in Italian homes is it sort of and he said absolutely not he's never seen it in an Italian home he's only seen it twice and that was once in England and his one trip to England and another trip to Scotland so you you started a trend we're going to be walking around for Bono looking at all the runner carpet going up the stairs you're going to say that was my contribution to Italian culture exactly right thank you wow you heard it here first so let's have a look everybody as I walk gently down the stairs I'm so pleased with it what do you think Luke I think it keeps your feet warm as you're walking up and down because otherwise these were quite cold stairs and I think it looks terrific I know it's but I better say that cuz I get in trouble no you won't get in trouble it is it is I have to say pretty smart so I'm just going to sit here and sign off uh again thank you all so much for your fantastic comments always is supporting this Channel and do check out all the links down below and if you want to help with some of the designs in the kitchen do download the link you can see the design that Malcolm did initially but again that's up for change chiama Presto CIA
Channel: Julie in Italy
Views: 57,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italy, italian house, renovation, restoration, reveal, DIY, flea markets, vintage, treasure, antiques, I love italy, move to italy, italy property, italian food, kitchen renovation, house renovation, live in italy, julie montagu, american viscountss, Mapperton live, mapperton, royalty, aristocracy, castles, manors, stately homes, low cost renovation, cheap house
Id: 73yOwscH5Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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