Neuroscientist's House Hunt! - Location Location Location - Real Estate TV

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this week we're lost for words say don't be upset it's okay I'm here now it's all right although are actions speak for themselves and some things are very clear there's just really nothing I love about this house but if the properties can talk the talk look at you and we can walk the walk I'm an old lady I need some sparkle we may all feel fulfilled in the end [Music] this week it's all about Hearts my house hunters are transatlantic love birds Ras mine are homegrown are you homegrown Phil yeah I hope so man of Kent Kent's Man actually right I'll need to be Clark Kent to withstand the forces we're facing here in hartger this week indeed in 2015 the hearts town of Royston saw the second highest house price price increase anywhere in the UK a staggering 19% and it's one of my search areas with Keen Amer chef and Baker Rich a Metals VY and his wife bethan a neuroscientist so I don't expect our house hunt to be quite as fairy tale as their romance we met when we were probably 11 where we just came quite close yeah um and it just went from there really yeah couldn't get rid of you yeah their relationship has survived 10 years under the micros scope I work on diseases of the brain essentially looking inside the cells to see how the cells are behaving then it gets a lot of analysis that I have to do as well from all my experiments and that's the stuff I tend to take home Beth after enough space for a desk and a quick commute to the lab in London Rich Works closer to home in Hitchin luckily I don't have to bring anything home it means I can do all the cooking which I enjoy Richard really is quite of the perfect husband he uh yeah I have it made essentially they tied the knot in 2015 and are now looking to leave their rental lifestyle behind we're motivated to move CU it seems like that we're putting all this money but not really towards anything I think a cottage you want to keep I want a bigger kitchen certainly a garden I'm not as that's right two bedroom minimum three might be nice but as long as there's somewhere for me to put my desk area doesn't sound too difficult but has been proving hard to find there have been two houses that we've loved given little nicknames to so we had the pink house yeah the other house dream house dream house yeah we put offers in then we had a competitor that out bid us didn't they the Market's only it's only going up and wages are staying more or less the same exactly and we need to we need to buy now I think we can be a bit more emotional sensibly headed even a scientific brain is often no match for a romantic heart yes so this time next week I'd hope the Phil's locked in the deal and we've hopefully found tast with champagne yeah that'd be nice and we found somewhere that we're going to live smart and full of heart I know just the man you've been house hunting for a year you seen 20 odd what's been going wrong so don't be upset it's okay I'm here now it's all right I argue nothing because we found two that we did love and it was all a bit scary I think ultimately we we've been a bit naive about the whole thing we're not the most knowledgeable people about you've not done it before it doesn't actually get any easier it's always scary okay well that's B encouraging isn't it everyone's petrified yeah they are it's one of the biggest CS of your life it's Finance it's emotions we are quite emotionally LED on things as well so talk me through the the ideal house something with a bit of character curb a pill which we've learn from the show you've been watching far too much television you really have get out in front the house turn off the television I'd love a fireplace a nice Garden the location maybe means a bit more to me cuz I commute to London so I want to be in a town that's got a good commute Y and it dislikes Electric in the kitchen I cook most of the meals so gas in the kitchen is is a big plus for me yeah what's going to give you that emotional reaction when you go in it has to feel homely but that's a really hard thing Des when you move into a house you put your own stamp on it anyway but I think with the houses that we did love we knew before we saw the whole house yeah I I promise you I will try and guide you through the process that's what we hope yeah you could be our sensible and we we could be the emotional doesn't always work like that oh so you're the brain expert now pip hardly but I will need my wits about me this week they've got a 15% deposit and a mortgage but but these firsttime buyers are after a lot for their £300,000 curb appeal is massively important commute a biggy to 60 minutes max for bethan and half an hour drive for Rich they need at least two bedrooms and have to have a garden he's a dab hand in the kitchen and he prefers gas I'm focusing on Market towns and Villages within 30 minutes of Rich's work they love leworth Garden City but we'll also explore or other Market towns and that property hotspot Roy like bethan my couple also work in London but I'm hunting closer to the capital in berkhamstead and Hartford I'm searching for newlyweds Lauren a mobile apps manager from America and her hubby Paul an English born it salesman who's lived in Holland since he was five it was when he visited Chicago that this fairy tale romance took hold I stayed in Lauren's apartment block and um we were locked out then Lauren sort of came down to let her friends in and then we ended up hanging out a few different times and 8 months later I moved to Amsterdam to be with them then we moved here so from England and America V Amsterdam the quick detour to get married in France these two have finally chosen to settle around and Orbin and have a future career plan in mind we love markets whether they're antique markets or Food Markets or farm markets I think someday we'd even love to have our Market stall but in our spare time when we're not working we love to go on walks with our dog Boo Lauren may be loving English life but there's still enough to remind her of home I've gotten Paul to join a 10 Pin bowling league cuz I've Loved bowling for a lot of my life Lauren's actually been head hunted by local teams she's so good and hopefully there may be a new team member sometime we'd like to start a family and that's the reason why we want to look for a big a house I did grow up in the Chicago suburbs where homes are really large for not much money at all so I'm just terrified of having this little cottage and feeling crouched into this little home Garden character we've invested in a corner sofa that sort of needs to fit the new house if possible and a dining table with six chairs even with a big budget of 525,000 balancing character and size is difficult and the wish list doesn't stop there three bedrooms definitely we've got one car at the moment but I think it would be important to have space for two the commute is really important to me uh really looking and hoping for one hour door too berkhamstead top the list and then Hartford as well not that they viewed any properties in person they're all about a more high-tech tour so while we've looked at loads of houses online we've actually never viewed a house in person in the UK we need some experts in here really show us the ropes those ropes might tie you in Nots Kirsty I know I think they're in for a real shock in this search our homes are smaller less purpose-built that is my worry we are on a house hunt and some people come to it with enormous Corner sofas which they insist on keeping true true so you've come from places where they have great properties yeah um you need a good community to King's cross yeah and you need a garden for moose the dog driveway I think that's key as well I'm not looking at you we have one car right now we will have two eventually okay so yeah the parking is the big issue but so is the sofa so is the table so is the geography so is the commute it is crazy yeah it is crazy but the fact is that you need my help these are delicious coffees but we need to drink them up and and we need to get on with it all right I suspect that won't be the last coffee of the day for you nope I'm hunting for an elusive blend of American and Dutch grown on English soil for their absolute maximum of £525,000 Paul and Lauren are after a minimum of three bedrooms with a mix of Old English character for Paul and American style space for Lauren both parking and the commute to London are key as is a garden for moose the dog you're looking very chipper today I've been practicing my gang them style can you find houses well I don't think it's very complex for me this week in terms of the house it's just they need a bit of help and guidance right so I've got the couple who've never seen a single house in the UK are coming from Amsterdam and Chicago are blown away by what they have to spend on how little they're not tricky themselves you understand it's circumstances which make them tricky my couple need you know gentle care right Okie do tender loving I shouldn't have said that should I no no now I have to do a mind wipe come on moving swiftly on rich and bethan are after a character Cottage with curb appeal and we're starting in a place they love leworth founded at the turn of last century it's the world's first Garden City planned to combine the best of town and country living perfect as is their commute less than 40 minutes for bethan to King's cross and under 10 for Rich to Hitch in you got some parking really pretty Street yeah tree lined houses set back it ticks boxes of curve appeal to me definitely the front door very pretty it's starting to rain so we should go inside yes smart why dampen a good start well this place does reign supreme it was built in an architectural competition I in 1907 the streets so iconic even tourist walks pass through here upstairs a large Master at the front with the second bedroom and the bathroom both overlooking this large garden the bright full width dining kitchen needs a little cosmetic work but has the all important gas cooker riches after there's a beautiful period fireplace in the front room and I think the coy quain look throughout will tug on rich and Beth's heartstring my practical heads tickled too too the vendors only want us to see it rather than have loads of viewings through the open market so they've instructed an agent who's valued it at £315,000 however we have reason to believe they might accept rich and Beth's £300,000 now this um is not on the open market but I've talked to them about you guys and they said they'd absolutely be open to sensible offers I thought really quaint characterful Cottage excellent and a fireplace be nice to put a fire back in there yeah definitely look at the lovely view as well happy yes let's go on suddenly simmering sof far yep if Keen Chef Ritz thinks the kitchen is cooking with gas oh look at that that's a fancy a it isn't it it's very nice and liable as is is it big enough I think it is big enough good tell me how much of a pull is let worth itself so I actually lived here as a child it's just a lovely town it's the appeal of the Garden City Bens of greenery nice little shops and Co to the station seems like they can have their cake and eat it when I came and met the owners and talked to them about you guys they love the fact that you were into baking and an actual fact look they have made us some treats oh lovely oh lovely one of these yeah yeah I've already had a couple they're excellent why don't you two have one upstairs y meanwhile I shall enjoy whatever that is with such belly fulls of Joy downstairs hopefully they don't feel starved of room upstairs oh nice new window really bright as well yeah really bright is it a bit small we couldn't take all our bedroom furniture could we really good solid star they came to me saying they'd been a bit naive and they were a bit kind of scared about the whole house buying process but I don't see that at all can't count the chickens quite yet but I'm hopeful this is huge wow that is massive storage I really like this house really nice house really good start great start excellent and we're not finished yet they wanted a decent size Garden it's huge isn't it lovely big trees at the back is it there's nothing that faces you yeah it does need a bit of tidying but that allows us to put our St it's not a project house on our Drive in int elect this morning I said I'd like a house along here here um on this road on this particular Road your wish is my on let's move on but I don't always save the best to last I'm just saying okay great this might be as good as it gets it may be as good as it needs to get Phil yes a great start but bigger May yet prove better this week we're hunting for homes in hartfordshire I'm with Richard and bethan who have loved and lost but hope to love again and it's up to me to make that possible really good start and I'm with Lauren and Paul who met in Chicago married in France and are hoping to find a home in Hearts he's after quintessential English character she wants American Star living long term these two like the idea of running their own Market store so we're better to bring them than one of the loveliest Market T in the country berkhamstead location location seems great you want to have a look yes great that's the attitude we like Do It Good Start that's the easy bit pip although I do think this Terrace townhouse should fit them both on the ground floor it's ful length living from the lounge through dining to Kitchen perfectly open and light for Lauren and plenty of character features for Paul the master bedroom and bathroom are on the first floor then upstairs another two bedrooms plenty of room for visiting or future family then it's in the dog friendly Garden where the secret weapon lies this cabin could be extra living space or an office bace if their Market stall idea materializes commuters keep prices in berkhamstead buoyant but though it's on offer at over 525,000 I think we could bring it in on budget super cute I love the floor definitely super cozy I love the character our couch wouldn't work you haven't seen the whole house you just wait okay first impressions are good I think the kitchen's a little bit smaller than we but I think cuz it's open plan it does work when I walked and I was really excited but now I'm thinking about like the practicality of everything and I'm feeling a little bit cramped personally I think this is a Great Entertaining space cuz it's so open planed do you want to look upstairs yes okay if this expansive open PL too small for Lauren I'm worried the bedrooms won't put that fear to rest oh this is a good size it's a little hello ceilings I wonder if we could somehow knock out those shelves I I don't know I just really hate the ceilings this is the first house Lauren has ever seen in the UK and compared to Chicago it's tiny and three times the price this is really Charming it's one of the best houses I've seen in ages this is actually a really strong house this even as a Master might work it'd be a squeeze these are better for like spare rooms I do think the garden cabin has a big job to do if this house is going to feel spacious enough I'm just worried about our corner so for fitting it's obviously as sharp a shock as I feared it might be in terms of size that's exactly how I was feeling with the low ceilings and The Limited storage single bathroom I mean this is is great though it's on the market at £525,000 it's workable it could be possible this has been a bit of a shock but it's not a no I wouldn't say it's a no but I'm certainly not hearing a yes come on all right onwards and upwards perhaps Phil pener hello hello sorry I think it's not a great reception your end thankfully I'm getting a very strong signal bedroom size was rich and Beth's only slight drawback with property one so we're staying with the market Town field in shefford across the County border in bedfordshire Beth's commute to London is slightly over the hour but here they get 30% more house for 40 grand less money kirsty's come along to help me show them the benefits of modernity it's a lot bigger than it may appear from outside it's a proper Tardis it's the biggest house I'm going to show you by some more right okay do you know where we are yes so it's a little bit far away from a so how much is it 275 oh which means that's a lot left over with plenty of room to spend it on rooms in fact built in 1985 it's not the quaint Cottage they'd prefer but here they get three double bedrooms and a family bathroom upstairs with the master bed having Fantastic Field views there's a great feature staircase linking the two stories then downstairs a bathroom two huge huge reception rooms and what I think will draw rich in a massive kitchen breakfast room with that all important gas cooker the garden is small but a lower fence and French doors from the lounge would help it feel a great deal bigger and if they have that Vision they'll certainly have the cash all this comes in 25 Grand under budget at £275,000 you know it's all big rooms this is huge it needs updating this kitchen but the core of it is strong good it's nice to have the gas and you got this hug essentially a breakfast ball here but you've also got more space yeah I mean you could really could this is a Cook's kitchen you could kit it out like you wanted it and you know at 275 to be honest you can afford to to Splash out of it big time kitchen but I am worried about the small time yard is that the garden yes that is the Garden or yard small yeah I don't think it would feel as small if you lowered that fence okay and and cleared yourself of view yeah this is the master yes it is a bit small I mean I think what you do is just sleep in it yes that's true and then to wake up with a lovely view in the morning but I I do think it might take me a while to get over the commute distance um even though it is a lovely house with a lovely View and your gut feeli I'm definitely swinging more towards yesterday's okay I think it's reinforc it's not only about size it's thect Rich seems pretty clear I hope Kirsty fared better with bethan was she right with the bedroom sizes yeah look at all this reception space what do you need to keep in the bedroom few bits and buls of jewelry and face cream and some clothes you're wearing rather a lot of jewelry toight Phil I'm an old lady I need some sparkling oh come on no I am unfortunately rich and bethan aren't sparkling about this place what do you think just feel is it too far away from both the station and the character thereafter you had time to think about it yes great having three bedrooms and the view but to be closer to a station is better for us do you think yeah I agree good yeah okay brilliant thank you excellent moving on good lesson we don't have to do again back with Lauren and Paul we're now in the historic Market town of Harford to see if bigger is better Phil stayed with me to help me balance out my couple's slightly conflicting desires this house does currently lack some external charm although it does have some internal charm let's go check it out well with a name like that it's certainly on a quality street life is like a box of chocolates fill and here they get all the variety thereafter and across four floors at street level this 19th century G gas workers Cottage has a large full width Lounge fulfilling their taste for space upstairs is a bit of a mish mash three bedrooms and an on Suite across the top two floors the basement kitchen has more than enough room for a table alternatively the adjacent study could be converted to designated dining the garden needs Turf for mous the dog but has off- street parking and room for a further extension considering all this plus being almost 692 round under budget at $455,500 I'm hoping their International inclinations are more than fulfilled oh wow yeah a lot more space you walked into the last house Lauren full of enthusiasm and that enthusiasm slowly ebbed away yes but what do you think now you're in this really big reception room I think I see the potential but I think I'm staying tempered until I see the rest of the house yeah I want to see the rest of the house okay I'm going to take Lauren Dan stairs there's lots of space to love here and I think the kitchen could clinch it what we have here is fantastic kitchen but it could be more fantastic because look at this I think for me I hate that the kitchen is down in the basement oh basement kitchens you don't have those do you okay and I was all geared up to sell the extension potential Phil you're going to have to work double hard so you got a couple of little bedrooms and then the master here wow I think those two bedrooms are quite small you'd have to make that into one bedroom yeah the bedrooms I guess are the compromise in this house cuz the living space is huge yeah I think the first floor is really nice but we need to find them a whole house not just one floor how do you get on downstairs well it's difficult pH we're used to Victorian houses and basement kitchens and it's not in her DNA to go down to the depths of the house and see a kitchen but it's a nice big kitchen it opens out to the yard I know you you look sad no there only for you to be sad actually you've got to help her yes Phil and you're supposed to help me it's just not my favorite for us I think we'd have to do something to literally every single floor including the garden it's too much against it yeah yeah there's just really nothing I love about this house as it stands you think kirsty's got to do better you are so unhelpful unhelpful I maybe dearest but I'm afraid it's true I know I've got a lot of work to do this week I'm in hartfordshire struggling to combine the space you get in Chicago with the charm of Amsterdam we'd have to do something to literally every single floor and I want to make sure my Baker Boy and His scientist wife finally seal a deal with Rich and bethan it's it's obvious there's one in the running I really like this it's really nice house yeah but there's a dir of perfect properties in leworth so I'm pushing out a bit to that burgeoning market town of Royston which has great commuter links and cracking cottage style houses this is very nice I'm glad you said that yeah it's very pretty it's lovely I did notice some train lines absolutely nice and close M yes first things the Train's 38 minutes great and you can get a lovely really really pretty yes old Cottage like that for 300 interesting excent thank you bethan has certainly got a big grin indeed I'm happy we've turned her property to frown upside down this Cottage dates back to 1906 and shares the quaint period feel of property 1 upstairs a similar setup with a bright family bathroom and two bedrooms each with a fireplace but downstairs is different firstly there's a basement perfect for extra storage then on the ground floor after you come through the carful lounge you into a separate dining room and then the kitchen unfortunately there's no gas cooker which may be a compromise for Rich and another for both of them is the view but bethan wants to be close to commuter links and the train line brings this place within budget at 300 Grand I thought this has been really nice wow look at the floor and that wood burning stove is very cozy a lovely shutters great reaction and I hope the same for the separate kitchen and dining rooms this is nice wowe it's pretty good is it fireplace if you wanted one really light as well just put your head in the kitchen there oh the kitchen's nice induction hob there is gas in the building but there's not a gas hob I don't mind oh so if it if we're talking ceramic plates then it's a no yeah but induction is fine that's one of my fears put to rest the master bedroom's at the front so away from the train yeah oh lovely and a fireplace it's a nice size plenty of room why don't you carry on okay it' be really interesting to see how this pans out complet completely done up in Royston versus need to put of money spending on it in leworth they actually want to be in leworth but this is a cracker nice Dilemma to have Phil oh this is a lovely study area and look at that fireplace you could fit definitely a desk and a double bed quite comfortably I think in here so it could easily double up as a guest room oh this is nice this is great size and a bath so what do you think the house itself is it's gorgeous it's absolutely beautiful it's just the train line is awfully close well there is one place you won't hear them going past though the blank canas basement might take a bit of vision don't know what I think about this no I don't know it's a good it could be a good space though cool to have maybe a some ha that wasn't on their wish list but out space was this is a lovely Garden this is really big it is literally on the track though big old Garden isn't it very absolutely beautiful I thought you'd like it yeah I'm just I'm just slightly that's the one niggle it is an electrified quiet track so I'm glad it's now a niggle rather than a problem I'm thinking to do I think don't do too much cuz I've got another one to show you okay great cool might confuse you even more it be a nice headache yeah it's it's a good problem to have is it I love their positivity even if I am giving them both headaches this week everyone wants to live in the country but bethan Lauren and Paul all need a good commute to the city not surprisingly that comes at a cost comparing where we've just been with Rich and bethan with Lauren and Paul's berkhamstead front runner the Royston property is 10 m further out from King's cross but it's 220 £5,000 cheaper and only 2.7 squ M smaller which equates to Lauren and Paul paying 5 grand for every extra A4 size piece of floor space and although berkhamstead might be closer to London it's quicker to commute from Royston no wonder it continues to grow Lauren and Paul want a big commutable character home with American style which I'm not sure actually exists their second property was sunk by a basement kitchen although they did like the area so for my final throw of the dice I'm keeping them in historic Harford with a property providing an extra few hundred square ft for Lauren but a compromise for Paul this is not a Charming period property is that okay absolutely I'm open to it good man something has to give and this house will give them plenty this 70s Terrace is huge with off street parking coming in through the hall you're into this open plan lounge with more than enough space for their Corner sofa and dining table meaning this cooking only kitchen is a great size and has spectacular views out onto the river Lee the Vista at the back's pretty special too and the garden's great for moose the dog large turfed and enclosed this is the only house I'm showing them with four bedrooms it may lack Paul's period charm but this is a lot of house in a great area and it's 25 Grand under budget at £500,000 let's face it I'm just crossing my fingers downstairs Lou oh large kitchen that is a nice size kitchen love the counter's face okay you are looking so much happier dining area suitable for a large table sitting room suitable for a large Corner sofa this is a good space great space wooded area that's really nice yeah it's nice super lovely £500,000 asking price okay okay there are four bedrooms upstairs four yeah wow this could be the one Kirsty ready to see more you are so ready to see more Lauren I've never seen anyone so ready to see more and there's almost 300 sare ft more here than at the last property I like that it looks out onto the garden really good size room really good size room [Laughter] yeah it's a good Contender more along the lines of what I grew up with yeah I do love that area it's really gorgeous and I love that this is on like a cuck it's working for Lauren but I'd say the burkham said tan has better suited Paul this may call for an international peace treaty I should think at the moment they both feel quite conflicted cuz she just lit up when she came in this house it obviously spoke to her I think you're dying inside because you want the house in burstead more obviously this feels more like an American house but Paul wanted a period property and this is not a period property to me this is the more practical family with room to spare room to grow in I agree while I'm not keen on new builds I do understand the practicality at this place one of them is going to have to give Lauren you're still grinning yeah I think the house is lovely I think Paul's dying inside a little bit is he dying inside yeah I think this house takes all of the practicality boxes I just have this feeling about berkhamstead and that other house why don't we go back to berkhamstead and then you two can arm wrestle or you know like you got it joust or whatever you have to do suddenly I've gone from a hopeless search to two in the running but at this rate they might need a house each decisions need made and quickly rich and bethan also have the headache of two in the running so I'm thinking to do I think and since locations proving imperative on route to their final property I'm introducing them to the Village it's in and it's only proper I dress like a country gent to show them this Countryside gem Ashwell it looks lovely really nice Village I think for any Village to sustain this level of chops and pubs and things must be popular it's going be popular yeah without a doubt the other little gem about Ashwell is there is a commuter bus and it just shuttles back and forth from the train station that's quite exciting perfect Village perfect commute now for the house oh wow lovely pretty very very nice yes nice Red Door red brick interesting where did your cap go Phil I'm busy doing it to this twoed Victorian cottage which has been extended and refurbished but retains some stunning period features upstairs the second of the two bedrooms is on the small side but the Master's huge and they'll love the fireplace the ground floor bathroom and reconfiguration in general have been done extremely well creating a flow from the lounge through to this kitchen Diner which I think Rich will love as well as the 80ft garden with private parking it's not on the open market as the owner was going to rent it out but we've worked on Magic and you'll entertain offers around the 300 Grand Mark it's empty been completely refurbished look at that fire that's a lovely fireplace it's a blank canvas it is a blank canvas this is lovely kitchen lots of work surface to play with and then straight out into the garden lovely just gut feel how does it compare with the Royston H the inside isn't as hely but it's a blank canvas that we can add back which you can put straight back into yeah just as I'd hoped the prospect of a little bit of cosmetic work doesn't pH them oh this is a good size oh this is nice and a a fireplace another fireplace now this is huge they completely love the village and the shuttle bus the train stations are complete bonus viewing is going well and I'm feel like I'm in some danger of actually ending up with three houses all still in the running too small for a second bedroom would you think just study maybe a sofa bed I don't know but downstairs a sofa bed it's small smaller than the other ones we've seen I think yes yeah oh these doors are nice though they are nice and leading out to a lovely Garden Lely Garden yeah how is upstairs small yeah second second small is very small to be honest we do start needing to rule some properties out that is true I mean I think we can certainly rule the second house out yeah I'm very keen on house number one I think fall in love with that one royon was again's my second favorite yeah and it's a it's a pretty easy house to imagine yourselves living in yes yes whereas leworth needs a bit more thought MH MH so perhaps we should head back to Le you think I think so yeah def I think that's a good plan good after you I'll get on the phone we'll sort it out excellent thank you so a clear decision on my side and some hope of a decision on mind fingers crossed on all sides in hartfordshire American Lauren has been struggling with the very British proportions of some of my houses I just really hate the ceilings but Paul's favorite is the littlest of the lot property one the townhouse in berkhamstead in we go now she's viewed a few houses I'm hoping that what Lauren thought was tooo small she'll now see is rather Charming oh it is cozy it is smaller but it feels more like home I think it's us yeah I think so too that could be the sound of that International agreement being reached I think we definitely want to take some measurements down here to see if we can keep our furniture okay right let's do this I am just saying now that I intensely disapprove of anyone who buys Furniture before they buy a house yeah I mean we definitely need to knock that out in order for it to work in here with some expert help it could be done not so simple would be raising those pesky ceilings the ceilings don't really bother me as much anymore cuz it's cozy cuz it's cozy gry literally it would [Music] seem so do you want it yeah yeah we do let's go find a buug that's quite the turnaround amazing what a few viewings in a cozy far can do over with me Rich and bethan want to go back to the off-market cottage in leworth Garden City right back again eh yeah just as pretty it tugged on their heartstrings from the start but in a second viewing you need to be practical and the kitchen will need a bit of work this is probably the worst room of this house and it's still livable and nice it's still nice it's a homely kitchen but being a chef on a baker you'll probably want to design your own kitchen yeah I think that would be amazing you better have a look upstairs I'm sure I can smell the whiff of a deal just the way I like it as long as Beth's concerns about a little extra upstairs workspace have disappeared it's a really good size isn't it it's certainly nicer size than the other ones definitely desk definitely double bed good on second viewings initial concerns can often fade away it seems both our couples have found the house they want to call home still smiling yeah still smiling it's a lovely house it really is it would have been tough to beat it well should we go have a drink and decide what you want to do yeah yeah good plan Lauren and Paul have already decided period wins over space now we just need to talk barass tax about barkstead it's on the market at 525 uh they had an offer of 55 yesterday and I have reason to believe they would accept 515 I think we're okay with 515 yeah mhm that's what we're thinking of going in Simon it's Kirsty is there any hope that your vendor would accept an offer of £55,000 okay brilliant bye that's 10 grand under asking hopefully that won't burn any bridges for bethan and Rich other sutors presented but their love affair with property 1 has endured and it's time to pop the question what do you want to do now we want to put an offering excellent excellent it's very good news yeah it's a bit complex mhm because it's not openly on the market yes I've talked to the owners they came up with a figure of 3155 was are kind of fair enough so we have to come up with a figure that means that they're not going to be motivated to go to the market yes we don't want we don't want we don't want it to go to the market we want that house have you got a figure in mind they're aware of our position and our maximum is 300 what do you think go best foot forward best in final 300 okay okay cuz they're not going to sell it for Less no okay yeah it's worth more yeah yeah okay as it's not on the market selling to Rich and bethan saves the owner's time and hassle but is that enough sweaty PS um oh hi there it's Phil Spencer they do want to make an offer and it is a best and final offer um it is all that they can get to and it's 300,000 yeah thanks very much cheers by bye he's going to ring them mhm we have to sit wa we have to wait how you feeling nervous nervous as am I truth be told it's just as tense on this side you've offered 10,000 under asking Simon hi right okay far what's happened okay okay thanks Simon Okay bye so he hasn't been able to get hold of the sellers of the house but it okay these things happen we will here tomorrow okay I'm not going to say this is in the back but I'm going to say that I'm pretty confident that you have bought yourself a little piece of UK history Cheers Cheers I'm trying to share your confidence rich and Beth and 7mon search hinges on our 300 Grand offer 15 grand under the valuation of the house hi hi right right understood um I'll pass that on thank you very much cheers bye it's good news I that did not sound like good yes well done well done oh thank you congratulations thank you Phil thank you so much genuinely did not expect that it's been a long time in the coming this thank you God we got our house I've rarely seen more ecstatic House Hunters loving and losing for all that time but they finally have their happy end or so we thought N9 weeks on rich and bethan have had some news yesterday we had a call to say that unfortunately the sale is not now going ahead for personal reasons the vendor is no longer able to sell it's another tough Blow from a tough housing market so we're obviously GED um and shocked and a bit we're kind of in a bit stunned yeah we did fall in love with that one so yeah yeah now we just need to go over that and move on don't we we could even find something better that's the spirit they've already got a viewing lined up for this weekend and that toughening up Phil taught us so much it now becomes less scary we're very now serious done just ruthless I bi and that's that and with that attitude I'm sure they'll have a Home of Their Own in no time in berkhamstead Lauren and Paul had put in an offer of 515,000 for the Charming open plan townhouse they didn't have to wait long for news an hour after we left Kirsty we got the call that the offer had been accepted we did a little happy dance yeah and ordered a pizza we did we went wild about to exchange contracts they're hoping to get the keys a couple of months from now it's our first home together yeah this is a massive move for us and we can actually start putting our own stamp on a house our house virtual House Hunters take note you just have to get out there and see for yourself in the first home that we even looked at Christy was able to find us the home that we really love in a place we love and we can't wait to settle into and I was also right about that supersized sofa this couch doesn't fit in our living room but we'll make it work yeah yeah just really looking forward to it all in all a job well done and I might make an offer on that [Music] sofa [Music] [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 21,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First-Time Buyers, Hertfordshire Homes, Neuroscientist Homebuyer, Transatlantic Couples, UK Property Boom, all homes home and garden, diy, diy projects, home decor, home decor ideas, home design, home restoration, house design, house hunting, interior, interior design, living room makeover, location, location location location, phil spencer, real estate help, restoration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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