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hello there my friends it's so good to see you again thank you for coming back to my Channel today happy Thursday at 2: p.m. Central right remember every Thursday we upload new content and this week I thought it would be interesting maybe you would enjoy seeing what's going on here in my home in [Music] Tulsa it's actually been 3 years since I packed up everything in San Diego go sold my home and moved to Tulsa Oklahoma and it's been quite a journey for me I've had all kinds of home projects that I've done you've probably seen a lot of videos where I've updated my kitchen I've updated my primary bathroom and my guest bathroom I've also done things to my living room where I opened up a door that then led into the sun room I created an amazing music room I mean there's been a lot of things that I've done and I've spent some money along the way oh one of my favorite things was when I put in my Lutron Shades I mean come on those are the best and what's her name that starts with an A she is on demand let me just tell you here's the question of the day is Rebecca going to stay in Tulsa I cannot tell you how many people asked me the question Rebecca since sharah and Tyler and the boys moved are you going to stay in Tulsa and are you ready for the answer yes I'm staying in Tulsa which means this house still needs to have some ongoing things taken care of so let's talk about the four things major things that I'm doing right now in my home first off love Tulsa I I'm fine with the weather I love the snow sometimes I love the spring oh and the autumns they are to die for the leaves turning never experienced that in California we didn't have seasons I can even get used to the heat in the summer why because I have air conditioning but I have a pool it's great but you know what I do not like and what would potentially be the reason I would not stay in this state the mosquitoes I have three mosquito bites on my rear end right now and I haven't even been outside I mean somehow somebody opens the door and man they come right in they smell a schoras borg on my body I hate mosquitoes and I've tried so many things to get rid of them so you know what I'm doing now I finally bit the bullet getting my house taken care of and being sprayed twice a month was not enough it wasn't working so as we speak there are guys in my backyard right now and they are running tubes all the way around the perimeter of my backyard and you know what I'm going to have twice a day mosquito misting that is going to make me a able to stay here in Tulsa and actually go outside and use my backyard and float in my pool which you know I love to [Music] do okay so I'm going to show you the mosquito misting guys it hasn't been turned on yet so it's enter at your own risk or exit at your own risk as it [Music] were did you find back by the pool equipment it's a mosquito Haven uh that's a mosquito Haven that cuz that's holding water is a mosquito Haven what is soon as you go about my pool no your pond Old Pond soon as you go about this deep it's all water well it shouldn't be I've had that off for months there's a tarp under there so when it rains it catches the water yep it's yeah but isn't it supposed to have a tarp so that it does you have a pond yeah but you're trying to get rid of that right no I'm actually going to keep it I think but that's that's what's causing it oh God cuz there's no running water to it it's just stagnant since it's just water oh that's that's that's an issue [Music] okay since there is water down in there because of the tarp ew um will this kill those yes oh yes it's going to go out and it's going to kill everything that's there good it's going to kill other bugs too by the way good so today by the time you're done done we're going to run a test oh yeah and we're going to fire it up there are things about my house I love my sun room I love my music room I'm quite fond of this family room and I'm getting to like the kitchen I really do not care so much for the powder room it's awkward and it's weird and it's small and it's not pretty but what is always bugged me about this house is the entryway I think it's because at the same time within months of each other my daughter Shara and Tyler her husband they bought their home and we live four blocks away from each other but let's take a look at shar's entryway on the house she bought and let's take a look at my entryway on the house I [Music] [Applause] bought the staircase is right when you enter the front door I don't know but I've never liked it so a lot of you watched my Christmas decorating videos last year which by the way those are coming up again we're just months away from me pulling all that stuff out again and getting started but I digress last year I did a big thing I actually added mirrors to the wall all the way up the staircase they go two floors and it was done by Robinson Glass amazing people those mirrors were a game changer and they look incredible so why am I bringing up my entryway and my staircase why do I still not like it it's not that I don't like it it's better than it was but you know what let me show you shar's entryway again and then let's take a look at what Shara did to her entryway when she was on YouTube and on Instagram and she was talking about painting out her staircase it was so controversial because a lot of people love these you know these vintage homes and they feel like oh that is just wrong you just can't paint all that wood but look at the difference I mean don't you think that's amazing I want that I want my entryway well I want to actually move the walls and make it wider but you you and I both know that would be very expensive so I'm having my staircase painted as we speak it's not actually being painted yet it's going to be a few days but they're taping it off and can I tell you that is so much work part of the reason why it's a lot of work is they have to SA hand down all the spindles it is it is a commitment but you know what that is my big project for this year and I cannot wait to see how it looks because this year's Christmas videos oh you have definitely got to write this down sometime in the very beginning of November come back so that you can see how I decorate my entryway it is going to be epic so I'm with omir and uh Edison from Santiago painting the hard part about doing a staircase is it's like 90% uh prep work and 10% painting but it's the prep work that makes the difference so my stairs actually used to have um a stair runner a carpet Runner that went up it with like the brass rods that's how old this house is it's almost 100 years old so I had those taken off but what it did was it left look all of these holes so they're going to go in here and fill this in but I want them to paint these are called the Treads and these are the risers but on my particular staircase I have not only the tread but there is a piece of crown molding it's a little tiny molding piece that goes from the tread to the Riser the question is do I want the white to stop here or do I want it to come up part of that molding so they did an example for me right here this is of course assuming was filled in this is what it would look like if the stairs only went if it was painted only to here and the entire molding was included in the nosing or the the tread here's where they bring that paint up and they paint part of the molding and just leave the tread in the stain so I'm going to step back and see which concept I like better so here's the deal the more it the higher this goes on here the taller the step looks because it's white and that contrast really shows if they don't paint the the molding here they stop it here then the the stair tread looks thicker and bulkier and this looks shorter and as I look at the two of these together I kind of like it looking long but this looks more wimpy to me where this looks more like this is a quality staircase because the molding is not painted it's stained and it looks like it's more of a a classy [Music] application by the way so many of you see this ring and you want to know if I'm married or engaged or dating let me just tell you let me just going to clear this up right now okay we've already cleared up the fact Becky is not moving from Tulsa write that down secondly Becky is not engaged or dating even this is my mother's wedding ring and I wear it to remind me of her every day and this is a ring that's similar to an Apple Watch it measures it's um can you see inside there and basically this is how my kids know when they need to come and see if they're in my will Okay so for number three this is a big one and if you're a member of the design sessions you already know about this cuz I took you guys out we were on a live together and I picked up my computer and I walked you out to the next thing I'm going to show you number three ready during one of my trips in January when I went to San Diego to do the install of Megs condo how many of you remember Megs condo if you haven't seen that video definitely go watch that after you finish this one while I was there I get a phone call from Brenda Miss Rebecca the pipe is broken yes we had a freeze in Tulsa Oklahoma and the freeze much like the mosquitoes attached itself to my pipes in my poolhouse and guess what they did while I was gone they burst yeah water everywhere so that was in February and I am filming this right now we just we're like in June right now by the time this goes up it'll probably the end of June yeah that's how like five months of mold remediation water restoration all that to say finally the restoration is done and I'm going to get a new [Music] bathroom so what you guys are going to see is that the all the this used to be green marble that's all been taken up I need all new flooring the the drywall has to be repaired and replaced uh the door is going to be replaced there used to be a kitchenet over here I have to you know pick out all of the materials I'm going to use I'm not sure what kind of flooring but in the bathroom sorry for the sound it's um a dehumidifier or [Music] something so you can see in here nearly all of the drywall has been removed it's up this High which is probably 5 feet and um this is where that corner shower you guys remember my corner shower I always called it my telephone booth I'm going to redo a shower here but what I need to do is come out here and get measurements because all of this is gone I need a new toilet a new sink and vanity a new probably medicine cabinet probably do new Lighting in here it's a very small bathroom but it's enough to have caused quite a stir here in my home so yeah that's the thing here's my process doesn't this sound good I don't hear a fly okay I take photos of every part of the room and I need to get from edge to edge and the reason I do that is do you see like here is it's 84° in here um and then there's an out there's a switch plates and a a vent I need to have measurements of where those are because it can I either need to move things sometimes or I can work around them and it's good to [Music] know now let's go take a look at my other project I think I called it number four and you can see I have this very tight garage that has all kinds of things in it that I really need so yes I have a detached garage G and it's technically a two-car garage m one car can fit in that garage what I the reason is well I mean it's not because of the garage's fault it's because of my fault I have to have a place to keep all my tools and my stuff CU I you know I'm a designer I've got I have got four or five different levels alone not to mention all the screws all the nuts and the bolts and the the zip ties and the paint well you know you get it a lot of stuff this bucket this is very important to me this is for me to reach up and get things to grab them as I need to um you know like pick apples or something if I had an apple tree and what I did was I put one set of shelves here and then one here creating like an aisle but here's the thing that aisle is costing me a good 3 to 4 feet of space in my garage so my plan is to pull everything out put shelves at the end and hope I can get my car in far enough that I can still close my garage door and this is going to look so much better and I'm going to be able to get to things I don't know what I'm going to do with this I bought this when I was in San Diego and I just think this is like the coolest thing maybe for street races if nothing else I have to figure out something good to put in here to make it worth it all right Matt are we done yes ma'am we sure are y so oh what's this this is your remote for your mosquito mising machine they received it so it's turned you're you're creating a barrier I'm creating a barrier right the barrier is all the way around so how long does it go on for it lasts for 70 seconds 70 why 70 um I put it at 60 and then I decided to put it 10 more seconds thank you to give it a little longer thank you do you think 7:00 will take me to maybe 9:00 safe out here I would say and then like I said anytime you want to come out come out and pop it once or twice okay I'm going to keep this in a very safe place it's it's a nice tool it's going in here so putting it in the bank all right if you are someone who watches my channel and you love my videos and I know there are hundreds of thousands of you who watch but you never hit that subscribe button my question is to you why it only takes a couple minutes to sign up so that you can subscribe to a channel we love to hear your comments we want you to be a part of this community so come on over and join us and be a member of Rebecca robeson's Channel because you know I love you okay I will see you guys next time remember I'll have another great video for you next Thursday I hope you've enjoyed seeing what's going on around here hey leave me comments below are you working on any projects in your home right now what are they and are you exhausted okay well here's how you can make that a little bit easier even though I'm exhausted become a member of the design sessions cuz the design sessions is where I teach you every single thing I know about interior design making you have a whole lot less regrets and loving what you end up doing in the end someone told me recently they spent a lot of money and a lot of time and now they look at their house and they say you know I just have not landed on my desired goal and now that she's a member of the design sessions she says Tada I got it light bulb moment I would love that to be your story too all right you guys I'll see you next time love you byebye now I've got it cornered right if anybody watching has a problem with me zapping bugs they don't live in Oklahoma oh oh oh ah oh
Channel: Rebecca Robeson
Views: 94,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design, interior decorating, decorating, home decor, interior design tips, interior design ideas, rebecca robeson, kinwoven, decorating tips, cohesive home, decorating ideas, design style, house tour, home makeover, decorating tricks, home hacks, beautiful home, home inspiration, home how to, interior design online course, home update, home tranformation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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