A Conversation with Chandler Moore | Social Dallas | Ps Robert & Taylor Madu

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[Music] hey wherever you are even if you're in your kitchen it's just you and your cat we are so glad that you tuned in here at social honestly jesus is our message but our method is always going to change in the way that we communicate the gospel sometimes it's preaching sometimes it's spoken word and then sometimes it's just a conversation and i think powerful things happen when you just sit down and have a conversation with people and tonight we're gonna have a conversation we got a special guest yesterday are you pitching it to me now you know that's the pitch that was the alley we got a special we have special specials more you may know him as a artist as a worship leader some people call him the modern day david like what what a name we call him brother because he is family to us and his name is chandler moore come on right now come here put your hands together hey come on in the chat right now would you let chandler know how much you love them how much you appreciate them we're so glad that you're here we're live from the living room we're in the living room we're home i'm home you are home i am home i'm good i am uh splendid had a powerful time in worship i'm just you're just i'm in there i'm in the the class in the glory class yeah it's crazy our i don't think our like entry area will never be the same like we designed that whole space and had the piano for for moments like what we just was so sweet because when we when we were building the house we said we wanted this to be a place a house of worship and then eventually a few years later our dream was to always have a piano in the entryway and then we bought the piano right before covet hit and then little did we know that literally it became a place of worship and so it was so special being able to experience that live from our living room so we're going to get deep we're going to get spiritual first of all thank you for being here but before we do here's what i love about you chandler one of the many things i love about you is that you can come from a moment like we just had in worship and just such a tangible presence of god but then like a few minutes later you could be eating crab legs he's on a health kick right now i am a new man since you have seen me the lord has done a change over the change that's come over my diet about that change challenge pizza mac and cheese and fries the lord has allowed me to cut out carbs bread sugar i'm only drinking water eating fruit spinach taylor's bacon with no sugar oh my god the lord has changed me in his presence come on sorry i thought i think he's already lost five pounds yes i feel like robert i feel lighter you do my pants feel looser and i sensed it i sensed a release as you were worshipping like when the glory came upon me i felt waiting but when it left i was lighter jesus no but i do love that about you like we like to have fun and i think some people don't realize that just because you spiritual doesn't mean you have to be serious all the time the kingdom is righteousness peace and joy and joy in the holy ghost so i love that you love to have fun but we wanted to have some fun before we get into some questions because hey what kind of fun because i've said this i've said this behind your back and i'll say it to your face now what i said chandler has the incredible ability to make any song take you into the presence presence of god it's not just worship i truly believe no matter what the song is you can make it be a worship song and you can take us into the throne so since i've said that i said let's put it to the test tell them about the gold ball tell me about the gold ball so in the gold bowl we have a few songs and what we're going to do is we're gonna pull a song okay and then we're gonna sing it and you have to finish it but then what not just finish it but first of all these are not these are not spiritual songs so all the same people you might want to log off and then come back on these are not christians it's all kinds of songs right here but you have to make it worship you have to say you have to make it worse so the production team has let's put them there but we're going to start because this is another thing that's funny we laughed about this chandler is a closer okay you don't want you don't want chandler to start the song and then have to follow chandler you start the song you start the song and then you let chandler come in on the back half of it so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna pull these sauces and we'll start with the sauce absolutely we'll have our uh we'll have a cheat sheet if you need help with the lyrics okay come on so let's do the honors you probably absolutely yeah okay ready am i singing are we together singing it oh come on somebody ready one two you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it hey and your face will surely show [Applause] clap your hands like the devil's heads between them [Applause] [Applause] for the rest of your [Applause] [Applause] i don't have to worry i don't have to pray he has it all in his head oh i don't have to worry oh i [Applause] okay social kids tulsa kids are being blessed right it means no worries for the rest of your days oh my goodness should we do one more one more one more thing one more one more okay let's do one more you remind me oh this one this is good i didn't know what this was this is good this is about in fact this one this one will just we're gonna give it to you we're gonna give it to you and you just start this will be the last lyrics because we've been praising i think we need to we need to go into worship this one's gonna bless you this is gonna bless you i'm gonna sing this down and say heaven down on this hallelujah come on lift your hands down just by the piano lift your hands all over your hands here we go let it go let it go can't hold it back anymore let it go let it go turn away and slam the door i don't care what they're going to say let it [Music] i was [Laughter] [Applause] that just that just proved my point oh oh my god well no that's honestly what i love about you i love that you like to have fun i love to have fun and that you love to laugh and um you're supposed to be like a child i want to ask you this because a lot of people i found think that people come into i guess prominence or recognition when you heard about them you know you like hear phrases like oh they're overnight success which would be like there's no such thing as an overnight success it's just that person was probably in the night season in the hidden season when you didn't know about them being faithful in places you didn't see and then all of a sudden god brought them to the forefront but i would love to actually hear maybe just the back story of when did you when you start singing when you start leading worship and you come out of the womb singing even the story of maverick city like how did that start long story a little short so i could not sing a lick you know nobody's gonna believe this could not sing a leg as soon as you said that statement i don't believe my dad sings sister sing my mom sing a little bit grew up singing i was the only one in the film who could not sing like at all like at all i played piano i played drums uh at my dad's church we had a choir called little levites children's choir literally so before the choir director before you could play an instrument you had to sing in a choir for a certain amount of time so i could not sing like up until i was like 12 13. i just could not sing 14 lord so there was one concert that a little levi's had it was my like exit out of the choir and then i'll be able to play for the choir and she passed me the mic on this song i go i can't even like 12 or 13. she passed me the mic and i was able to sing it was literally like the most weird 12 or 13. it was like the most weirdest in that moment in the moment unbelievable so from then i started singing started writing songs i was still playing basketball up until like high school um but i started writing became a minister of music listen to this at 16. wow really it was a minister of music dang at a church with like five people literally like some church some morning it was just being a pastor but it was an experience i think that was like the start of like what the lord is like doing now and what he would continue to do uh he formed me in like pastors that's where i first had my first encounters with the lord that's where i first like was able to learn stuff even in uh services how to navigate worship how to navigate the prayers how to handle the presence of the lord um in a small environment where we didn't even know we had two services i don't know why we had two servers but we didn't even know who's gonna show up and when they're gonna show up or whatever so it was like uh i feel looking back i feel like the lord unselfishly saying this but like created a space for me to learn uh to be molded to uh experience him encounter him and it was tucked away for a reason and then um after that uh traveling with travis green i learned about um not just songwriting and music and singing but the like the man behind the ministry and like having up close personal and uh watching the lord put favor on him and just favor him in certain seasons deal with the pressure of spotlight deal with the pressure of having a family but also taking care of what the lord is calling you to do and then from that just a year and a half ago almost two years starting the math journey like which wasn't a thing like i've always my worship is like i love intimate space i mean like just what we just you saw earlier intimate spaces like where i thrive like if get me and seven people in a room together in my apartment or at home and put a piano from me i'm like that's my heaven for worship so intimately is my thing so that's where math was like i didn't want to do a live recording with thousands of people i didn't want to do a live recording in a big church with hundreds of people like i wanted to record songs in a space intimate space where people could just be free like nothing's playing like i don't want to teach you the song we about to do just jump in when you feel like it um and that's what math that's what happened with math so um the way the lord has escalated and accelerated it is just kind of mind blowing and uh i think i'm still trying to recover from it and try to catch up with what the lord is doing but uh it's been wow that journey has been wiped but it wasn't an overnight thing i mean it's been 10 almost 10 years in the making of the lord just like molding me making sure i'm prepared um making sure i'm ready to handle all that's coming and all that's been uh in the field i've been in the field serving people's visions oh yeah i love that like when you say it was like never about the big space or the big crowd like you love the intimate moment but i'm just curious because i feel like there's a lot of people that are watching that whatever their field whatever their call is might be wondering like okay i've been doing this small thing what is the big thing coming was that ever in your heart like okay i'm doing this now but you know when is this gonna get bigger or was it just hey i'm being faithful to what's in front of me because i feel like a lot of people let's be honest because when you see somebody in whatever field of life that you're in sometimes we all feel like we're being shortcutted like god when are you going to take this big i always laugh everyone knows whenever somebody says oh god just gave me a vision i saw myself on stage with thousands of nobody ever has a vision up there in front of five people it's always massive it's always big yeah and so and then we have social media another thing that we can compare so i'm curious like was there ever a season when you were hidden that you're like god when is this going to explode or when it's going to get bigger what did you do and i think the interesting thing is um one i didn't know what big even looked like at the time like my dad is a pastor so i've grown ministry he has a nice-sized church in charleston south carolina has another church in charlotte so i've seen ministry at a higher level and i've seen gospel artists like my like i just know i've been close to a lot but i think the way the lord shaped my perspective a big whatever was in front of me was big to me that's so good like the way my heart was mowed and of course there were moments where ambition would try to sneak in um you know pride would just want you to be trying to push yourself further ahead knowing you're gifted knowing you can do better than most people just like at that time like you can want to do that but the way the lord like molded my perspective was like yo whatever's in front of me is the big moment and if i can serve that like i want to serve whatever i feel like it's coming then i'll be even more worthy to carry you know i'm saying and treat that with more respect it's like the faithful overview thing um yeah i looked at whatever in front of me being faithful to another man's vision being faithful to another man's field i think that was the elijah elijah thing like being faithful to whatever the lord has placed you in and that way when it's time for the lord to elevate you or carry you to a new season he sends the same thing to you and sends that same faithful heart and sends that same favor to you so yeah whatever's in front of me is b that that is a bar to put in the chats yeah big is in front of you and and i sense that from you when you leave like even nyah who was leading with you to tonight the first time i heard nia lead we were at a youth conference that might have had like 14 people there and naya was singing in front of those 14 kids just like she was singing with you and i think if people could hold on to that and not try to wait for the big stage of the big platform but realize big is where you are and that heaven is going to really reveal who has the blue check i think so many people right now are focused on what's on earth and you have no clue when we get to heaven people you've never heard about people who are in little storefront churches people who aren't even in what we call the circuit or ministry but god is using them if you let him keep the record of it and just be faithful everyone's in front of you it's amazing what god will do i love him by the name maverick maverick maverick means unruly maverick means outside of the walls maverick means um unpredictable and all of that embodies me i hate rules i like i am little rebellious i like going pushing against the grain but um honestly when tony uh who's the founder of mavin uh who like started building this thing and invited me along the journey when he texted me named maverick i was like yo i've never really looked i've heard the word but i never looked it up when i looked at the definition i was like this is me this is this is like me yeah like you just you you do in the moment what you feel like doing in the moment and though that has this weird consequences and his weird moments but i feel like when you're led of the lord and that those feelings and those decisions are in the right place you can see amazing things like you're not pressured by what has been done so i think in the worship industry what the lord is using maverick to do is just fight against what has been done and like fight against what's normal like we get in spaces and writing rooms and uh when we do collaborations people like oh yeah we usually do it i'm just like well let's do it this way like why not you know what i'm saying like it's the the presence of the lord that we're after not really the mechanics man so um that's that's why maverick really embodies who we are because we are fighting against uh in a pure way what man has built to try to harm the lord that has just taken on a thing that is just not him um so we're allowing the lord to freely do what he wants to do and i mean it's a mess at times like a lot of our recordings like we show up like all right what songs are we saying like okay uh let's try to rehearse these songs like musicians don't notice i've never heard this song um and while there's some chaos in that but there's also some beauty in that because we're completely it's like child life we're completely dependent on the lord it's like yo we can come with our gifts we're all talented we can come with all of our musical expertise but if that is void of your presence and void of what you want to do is it's purposeless like we literally are wasting time and money in doing this but we just show up and like hey lord do what you want we'll prepare as much as we can but all in the end it's just off you know i'll never forget whenever i heard math for the first time i was like what is this who is this and what's funny what's actually really funny is all i listen to and so now like when you get in the car i have to figure out what else i'm gonna listen to so we're trying to see oh my goodness but i love that you sense that when you when you leave that that freedom that unbridled passion and i love it i don't know if you knew we knew about maverick before maverick because we are in dallas texas and this is maverick city shout out to all the dallas mavericks and so i just think it's special that you're here and not only special that you're here but like in this time like i mentioned it earlier um texas is not prepared for the type of storm that we encountered this week and so many people as we speak right now without power without um water it's just been honestly clean water people's homes we know several people homes completely completely destroyed and trying to deal with the aftermath of that and i was thinking about that especially with you being here but also thinking about when you were here with us last in november and we were right here in this room and you walked in and you're like guys my apartment just burned and i lost everything and taylor i remember you we both looked at you like hey you do not have to leave this weekend go home yeah go go home like we get it and uh and you're like no i'm gonna stay and uh i mean that night was just unbelievable we talk about all the time we still watch it all the time of how you the place that you led from the authority the anointing [Applause] yeah the presence of god that filled the room was just like no other right yeah and i think we were just i think everyone was in awe because you had posted it right before you got up and just shared you shared there about what you were walking through and then to see you lead from that place it's it's it was supernatural right it was like yeah and so i think you know in the season of suffering and loss i think a lot of people that's what they're facing today that's what has hit their life this week and a lot of people don't really know how to walk this thing out they're like how do you trust this savior whenever he could have kept this from happening but he didn't how do i how do i still trust him how do i still worship him and i think honestly we got to see it up close and personal firsthand like how do you do that man i think the when when suffering and loss happens uh a part of me just especially over this last year um a part of me just believes that you get a closer look at the feet of jesus in suffering than you do in success like i like just over just how my life is and just what you know how the country has been humble in the past year i just feel like we have been able to see jesus in a light that we may have never seen had we just you know been on our horses and just kind of going along the same way um so i think suffering pushing through suffering and kind of trying to walk through it is it's like an oxymoron it's like a dichotomy of like two weird things because one you're grieving the loss of something you are uh hurt confused trying to figure out man if i didn't do this like would this would happen or should i waited i missed the voice of the lord did i like miss god completely um so you're dealing with that very human side of question and wandering and like anxiety and uh regret and all of that but then on the other side um you can sense uh just how like even now in february my apartment burned down in january 21st i feel like um or whatever weekend that was um even now i can see like looking back how strategic the lord was before so like you have that questioning side but then um like in the middle of that with a sense of like oh man like the lord has been here the lord has been faithful um and it's it's tougher to see in the middle right like i'm just now being able to get to that place maybe three weeks after i'm like oh the lord gave him a dream two days before about a rough transition in my faith being attacked like i just remembered that like a couple days ago yeah but in the middle of it it's hard to see the word of the lord um so i think how you walk through it one the only reason i was able to likely worship and am able to lead worship and you're able to push forward and you're able to still see the lord is because you don't worship we don't worship from our flesh like the john 4 we he's looking for words we worship in spirit and truth so it's from spirit to spirit so if your spirit is built upon what you lost then it'll be harder to walk through things and it'll be harder to muster up worship or harder to muster a praise but if your spirit has been built and your foundation has been built on something that is lasting the lord if if you have have a life of prayer if you have a life of devotion when storms hit when wreck comes like you won't be devastated because you built something that lasts you build upon something that lasts so um that's how you walk through suffering and you walk through with the knowledge i mean i just released a whole album called feelings like it's so annoying because i wrote that album in the toughest season of what felt like in my life and i thought and when i released i was all right my scene that's done thank you lord for that season it's time to move on and here i am in january back at a place where i was his last year like dang i'm having to say god you understand loss like you understand what it feels like to be left alone not having a place to like i literally wrote a song that says foxes have holes he had nowhere to go no place to lay his head like and i'm literally living in february with still no place let me try by the fire and i'm trying by the fires like i'm literally living what i wrote i'm literally living what i wrote but i think the only way i'm able to sustain and to have joy and to laugh and literally the day of that night of i was making jokes like all right i wrote a song refining like whatever but the only way i'm able to pull from that place of joy is because i did the work and i did what was necessary before to have a lasting foundation which is by the grace of god because ever in seasons where storms have come and i just it was not the the heck out of me because i was it wasn't built or anything but i think you're able to walk through suffering when one you realize that the lord is present and he understands and everything that he's been through he's experienced everything that we go through he has experience at a certain level and then two you realize like yo what i build on matters what i build on matters so that when storms come am i going to be the one who's been shaped and rocked uh maybe stumble but you'll stand back up because you've been on something this last thing gosh that's so good now you got me excited because like it's so true what you said it's about the foundation suffering is a revealer oh man i looked at like back in 2020 which i think was hard for so many people and i heard so many people saying and even heard myself saying this like this is tough but i'm gonna get stronger after this which that's true in a sense but suffering is a revealer of what you've been doing before it's what happened before when you hit the storm the reason why jesus was able to withstand the temptation everything that came people forget he had 30 years of anonymity where nobody saw him nobody was tweeting about him nobody was saying here he is it was in a secret place he was doing things that prepared him for the storm that came and so i think anybody that's watching tonight if you can know hey this suffering first of all be careful what you set your eyes on i love that too but no maybe this is a season to see where where was my hope yeah where was my that mean you're you're not going to be devastated but a lot of times if my hope is in the house if my hope is in the car if my joy was found in that and when it's lost i'm devastated but when he's my rock yeah when he's my foundation yeah i'm gonna be sad at the end of the day i cannot lose him um think of spurgeon who said like i've learned to kiss the waves that throw me against the rock of ages and learn and you have to you have to learn you have to learn that because it doesn't come it doesn't come easy yeah and i think another side too is like a lot of a lot of people when when we growing up in church i'm pastors kid growing church you can hear stuff like this and it goes through the filter of like well that's like that's cool but i still lost something i think the the revelation of like one thing that losing my apartment all my clothes all my shoes all my valuables my birth certificate all this like all of that one thing it taught me is that yo trials are going to go and that's inevitable you know what i'm saying like the lord told us that troubles and trials will come but it would like take heart for i have overcome the world so we i think especially like my generation just a younger generation we have to be okay with the storms with the trials with the tribulations with the troubles because it's inevitable it's going to come but it's the anchor and it's what like what you say is what reveals like all of this stuff is only to reveal what's at the end you know what i'm saying all this stuff is revealed on what you've been building on so the purpose of loss the purpose of suffering it's only to reveal what's under it and it i almost feel like if somebody would have told me that the day of my apartment burned out i probably would have cut them out and so it almost feels like really hard to say but it's i think it's what jesus would say i mean blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted i the reason behind all of this is for him to be revealed in a new way it's for him to be revealed a new way so with if you're mourning you're going to see the comforter if you've lost something you're going to see the restorer so it's all it's all to reveal what's underneath the the the thing you mentioned feelings which i love by the way and because it's so honest and so real do you feel like the church has almost done like a disservice to believers in that it's so easy right in moments of suffering to go oh i'm blessed you know somebody asked you how are you oh god is good all the time no i know he's good are you good you know it's like we set people up for mental illness sometimes in the church because it's like don't don't reveal that you're hurting just no you got to speak out in faith and i'm curious to think to wonder if you think the church is in a disservice and how how can how can true worship and what you did with the album feelings get to like what david did in the psalms how do we give back to going guy you under you you can handle that man i uh i saw someone say if you're if your year in your church and all your worship sets were pretty happy worship songs you've missed something because even lamentations i think we forget that the scripture yeah that a lot of us love if it had not been uh for the mercy of the lord we would be consumed that if that great is your faithfulness toward us that is in lamentations in a book that is surrounded written by the lamenting of a prophet the lamenting of a man who is grieved and is trying to find comfort in the grieving of the lord but because of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed that's in lamentations and i feel like what i've realized in my journey last year of writing feelings was like yo i don't have music godly music to listen to that'll like speak try to say the thing that i'm trying to say in my prayer time when i can't get words out like when i'm all right i'm getting up to pray in the morning and i'm just sitting there like i have so much grief i don't even know the words to say i i don't know if there's music like that so uh i went on a journey of embracing instead of pushing suffering which i do so well and pushing out my feelings and silencing emotions i went on a journey of embracing it and realized that god honors that like he's not in heaven all right all right it's time to get out of your sadness and get out of your grief all right come praise me come work like be happy and you know he's not like that he's the one who's sitting with you in the moment and the moment you leave that and you still feel it and don't acknowledge it you're void of truth so it's spirit and truth it's not just spirit it's not just tongues it's not just uh hallelujah but it's truth it's being honest with where you are and how you feel and uh what the lord is doing in you so um yeah lamenting needs to be a part of your journey and uh i mean psalms jesus on the cross my god my god why have you forsaken me lamented like in his moments of the greatest call of his life he was like sad and grieving over what felt like the absence of the father um so yeah be okay it's okay to not be okay come on it's okay grieve it's okay to be sad i should put that on a t-shirt i feel like i have the lord honors emotions and your feelings you should too don't shut them up i love that i love that we talked about calling talked about suffering what about success how did how does chandler moore stay humble we've been in this vein of thought in social media and then funny like that's the one thing you can't say you know what i wrote a book on humility i really want you to read it like no but seriously like people suffering will teach you easy how to be empathetic that's that's true when you're when you're going through suffering nobody has to teach you how to care about other people okay but pride is the silent killer pride is like bad breath like you're usually the last person to know that you got it but everybody around you is like yo somebody need to tell him because it because it hides from you and we kind of been in that like trajectory of thinking in social is like i don't think people realize how powerful humility is yeah and how lethal pride is so i'm just curious especially in this season that you're in i think there was one time i literally looked and it was feelings maverick city upper all on the top of the charts traveling everywhere how do you how do you stay home my first i feel like it's two things two yeah i think two the first thing is i have friends i have real friends and friends that have known me uh for a very long time um and i keep myself surrounded i intentionally surround myself with those people and it's easy i'm trying to say it's the right way it's easy when you are an opportunist when you are looking for when you're ambitious and you're searching for success and you're searching for spotlight it's easy to like you know those people who change their circles like their circles are changed every season like it's easy to surround yourself with what you want to become and when you do that you only feed the part of you that has not become what you you know that what is you like you only feed that party that's hungry for spotlight yeah it's hungry like if when i started if when i started doing maverick if i would have just went in every worship industry and just surrounded myself with that left my friends at home and left the people who knew me it would have fed because they only know me for worship like they only know me as the the dude who sings and plays piano very well and that's the only part of me that would have been fed but when i surround myself with right people who know me who know chandler not jayla moore who know chandler david from charleston south carolina who knows him they keep me humble and they remind me like yo this isn't all to you like you ought to steal this ain't got to come play 2k at home like you know what i'm saying like it's stuff like that that keeps you grounded and like yo i'm not just a person who owns a mic and sings in churches i'm like an actual friend i'm a real dude to people like so that's the first thing two the presence of the lord keeps me humble i think it is impossible uh to be engaged and actively participate in the presence of the lord that's so good and keep your pride yeah like it's like in isaiah 6 in isaiah 6 in the year king as i died i saw the lord he was high and lifted up his train filled the temple i saw the cherubims in the center first crying holy holy holy lord god almighty who wasn't there's an is to come and then isaiah said i saw me and i said woe is me for i'm a man of unclean lips so i feel like it's the principle that i got my life by is like when the presence of the lord enters the room that is the perfect mirror to see who i am even in corinthians uh it says the glory of the lord is like a mirror to be transformed we go from glory to glory in the mirror to be transformed to be more like him and the presence of lord is a mirror so when i see myself compared to the holiness and the presence of the lord it causes me to be broken and when you live a life of brokenness that bursts humility like you when you are aware like most private people are just not aware like you're just living blindness and you just are just i don't even know but when you're aware of like yo with the presence of god i'm like this yeah can you imagine without the breath like can you imagine so that brokenness that david lived with like lord please don't leave me like i i'm absent of any goodness without you um so that brokenness and having the right friends the right environment people who like see beyond the brand channel my mom keeps me humble even success with relationship is weird so like i've i've in my in my my years i've i've talked to a lot of girls i've never really come i haven't really been in community relations since i so success what success did for me like or the spotlight did for me was it made me i have a tattoo that says take yourself seriously so it is a daily reminder like yo you have a calling and a responsibility to a group of people and to a generation that you cannot just be out here like being out here like you can't just be irresponsible the bible timothy says live a life worthy of your calling you can't just be out here just whatever so in hammer in a relationship in a safe relationship safe bounds and with accountability and with friends who like are honest i've found like a safe place and i think for every person who is like the lord is using to do amazing things in the kingdom in the world whether it's a girlfriend or whether it's a group of friends where as a pastor you need a safe place like success will try to bring you sex is trauma like it's like a certain type of trauma i think i heard mike tyson and it tries to pull you out of safe places to convince you that a stage is a safe place or to like people who don't know you the audience the applause is a safe place um but yeah hannah has been my safe place one of my favorite definitions of success is success is when people that know you the best respect you the most and the people that know you the best respect you the most that's when you're successful because it's very easy when you have a stage or platform to be a public you know spectacle that everybody loves but in secret places the people that really know you the best are like i have no idea i have no idea who that is i'm on stage so i think i love that i see that in you even with all that god is doing and is going to continue to do like that you have those safe people that you know what success is and uh i know that's definitely where we are i want i want this woman to be like wow i'm more impressed with who he is off the stage right i want my kids to go yo that's that's my dad y'all think y'all know him y'all just hear sermons i get to see how he lives and i think if not just preachers and worship leaders i think if all believers would understand that there are people that are watching your life you're a preacher whether you're realizing them or not i think as one person said you know preach the gospel if necessary use words because your life is going to speak louder than any message you ever preach and we appreciate not just the incredible gift god has given you but the way your life preaches is huge it's huge what's next for chandler what's next what's next give us give us some exclusive stuff what's coming that we don't even know country album uh uh yodel worship what is coming all right so i am recording worship about the solo worst ramen this year uh i don't know when waiting on the lord but i feel like it's just here then after that i want to do a pop country album yes yeah when i get married i'm going to do a love hour when you get married when i get married when you get married weird embarrassing it's coming [Music] this is my veil i'm gonna put it on for the holiness but no it's coming um yeah it's a lot of things i think the interesting thing about um where i am is that the lord is just starting and it's scary to even think about um because i don't know what that even looks like i'm not type person to plan on my life i've learned that uh you can plan so much and the lord will just come and wreck so i plan out by the year probably i'm trying to do this this year and then we'll see what lord but uh so i don't know what all's next but i know that the lord is um up to some stuff i'm excited about my worship i don't know that is one thing i'm excited we have to have chandler back for live from the living room maybe we'll get some of the exclusive exclusive next time worship album songs oh i do have a song that would be nice would be great that'd be good man we love you thanks for taking the time so much to chat and uh thank you social dallas fam social global fam for tuning in to the first of many first of many first of many live from the living rooms we're gonna keep doing this we're gonna keep inviting people in our home to have conversations we'll see you next sunday 6 pm central standard time hey we love you here in dallas if there's anything we can do to help information is coming on the screen right now we'd love to help you do not hesitate to let us know but until next sunday we love you so much you
Channel: Social Dallas
Views: 153,686
Rating: 4.9684649 out of 5
Keywords: Chandler Moore, Chandler Moore music, maverick city music, worship 2020, worship 2021, Chandler Moore worship
Id: ZYQ5TegleN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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