Chandler Moore | Stand In The Gap | Virtual Experience

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hey stand in the gap family ghana prophet gideon dan so thank you so much man i'm honored to be here honored to be with you guys this year i can't wait to be with y'all physically but i'm just excited to be able to have the opportunity to worship with y'all to pray with y'all to declare with y'all for the next couple minutes and moments um whether you're in ghana there or you're over here in the usa or wherever you are watching this from welcome uh we're glad to have you and we're just about to go for all that god has for us in this next couple moments uh engage the presence of jesus uh so wherever you are just posture yourselves if you're not already posture i know we've been experienced the power of jesus already if you're not already postured go ahead posture yourselves let's just see what the lord has father we're here for you this moment is yours this moment belongs to you do what you want say what you want move how you want we belong to you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we declare who you are in the place now [Laughter] [Music] you stay the same yahweh [Music] you're the same yesterday today and forever [Music] you don't change you don't change let my worship stay the same let my words to match your faithfulness your consistency [Music] you are the same [Music] great i am i am i am i am i am i am you are i am [Music] you alone jesus my [Music] you alone jesus my praise you alone jesus so we lift you high [Music] [Music] deserve my worship [Music] you the honor so we lift you high your way [Music] [Music] your way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] yahweh [Music] yahweh [Music] no [Music] yahweh yahweh [Music] over our nation we declare who you are [Music] we declare who you are [Music] just like you announce yourself at the burning bush you are the i am the i am the great i am the great i am whatever you are is great whatever we need you to be is great [Music] you are i am hallelujah the great i am you are i am the great i am are i am [Music] the great i am provider you are [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh my father you are i am the great i am the great i am you're whatever i need you to be you are the brave i am [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you are everything [Music] i need you to be you are the i am [Music] uh we're not just praying today to a god whose hands are tied [Music] we're not just singing today to a god who's trying to learn how to be something he's not hallelujah we're singing and we're praying and we're worshiping a god who has been what he's always been hallelujah who has been what he is today hallelujah and what he will be tomorrow we're not declaring from a place hallelujah that is not sure but we're standing on something and someone who is the great i am everything that we've needed him to be he is and has always been and will always be hallelujah the same yesterday today and forever father we acknowledge that you are yahweh that you are great at whatever you are that you are i am that you are everything we need you to be [Music] [Music] i need you to be you are the great [Music] you are the grain [Music] you are the great [Music] i am [Music] so [Music] you love with no reservations and you're not looking for perfection [Music] there's no need in me pretending i'll give you everything i'll give you everything and you deserve my full attention nothing less than my devotion god speak to me and i will listen oh i'll give you everything i'll give you everything [Music] my [Music] my [Music] heart is yours forever [Music] heart is yours forever my heart [Music] [Music] you got it you got it if you want my heart you got it you got it if you want my eggs you got it one more time you got it you got it you gone if you want my intercession you got it [Music] if you want my posture lord you got [Music] if you want me to seek you for 48 hours you got it you got [Music] more you got it you got it [Music] you got it you got it [Music] oh [Music] have my heart have my heart [Music] yours [Music] yours [Music] yours [Music] i'm [Music] is [Music] my affections are yours yes [Music] my devotion is yours [Music] belongs to you anyway [Music] i present my body [Music] i'm ready for your use okay i'm just a son and a servant o king [Music] your will is my will okay [Music] where do you want me to go [Music] i'm at your service okay i am i'm willing and available willing and available okay [Music] if the answer's where you mean take me there take me there what you need is justin i'm free [Music] it's right here my life is here yes i'll be your little sacrifice for you you're a fighter [Music] [Music] if [Music] yes if your glory wants to call me let it fall we want it all the fire is consumed feel this place [Music] [Music] you take [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] lord hears my life [Music] you died foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so freely i'll give you [Music] i wanna [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] cause you're a fight [Music] [Music] the refiner [Music] all of me come to me [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] beautiful burn me right [Music] make me holy make me holy only you can't make me holy it's not by my actions that make me holy but it's by your blood it makes me holy [Music] let your fire make me holy [Music] let this process make me holy let your love make me holy holy holy holy holy [Music] without naught without holiness no man sees the father make me holy make me holy [Music] god take whatever you lord is my life i give my life just like you i give my life just like you did in the garden i give my life to your plan to your will to your cause i give my life fully and holy and freely fully and holy and freely i give my heart just like you did in the garden your will not my will just like you did [Music] your will [Music] it's your will not my will just like you did [Music] your plan not my plans just [Music] just like you [Music] um [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you take whatever you is father don't just let that be a song let that run through our veins this is not your plan we won't agree with it if it's not burning in your heart don't let it burn in ours if it's not in your will don't let it be in ours oh father let us embrace this embrace has embraced the the hardness the the cruelty of the garden let's embrace the garden let's embrace the garden of gethsemane when we saw you fully god and fully man cast away what you wanted for a greater purpose father the garden of gethsemane be our example every day let your will run through our veins like the blood let it burn in our hearts as we intercede for a nation for a broken country for a broken world father the only way we have strength enough to intercede is when your will is at the forefront when we can see your vision where we can see what you have in mind when you can see your goal what do you want just like you did in the garden father let it be your will not our will your plans hallelujah not our plans your schedule not our schedule your time not our time your agenda not our agenda lord whatever you want our prayers our life whatever you want whatever you want whatever you want whatever you want i pray that that be a generation of sound hallelujah let us be a people who remain in the garden who remained broken in the garden of our lives in that broken place where we're sweating blood or quiet tears the agony of our souls father let us remain in that place of brokenness that beautiful broken place where we crucify our will we sacrifice our flesh our agendas our plans for what you want if it's not what you want it doesn't matter radical complete surrender if it's not what you want it just demanded raise up a people who lives in the garden of gethsemane who lives at that place of sacrifice that place of refining we stand in the gap today for a generation that will raise up in boldness i will raise up willing to lay down their lives count the cost and lay down their lives you're worth it you're so worthy you're so worth it you're worthy of that and more our lives aren't even what you're worth but it's all we can give all you want is our life all you want is everything it's all you want everything that's what we give you father [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] dearest most beautiful is [Music] most beautiful [Music] [Music] this will be my pastor [Music] here forever [Music] oh [Music] nothing left i lost [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Empowerment Worship Centre
Views: 573,473
Rating: 4.9283299 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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