SCP-1366-RU Uncle Styopa

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The young woman looked again at her map, turning it this way and that, trying to figure out which way she should be going. “Excuse me… sir!” she calls out to a passing man, but he pays her no mind. A woman walks past and stops when the woman tries her hand at the local language. “Bud… um… laska.” “Da?” the woman asks her. “Vy… ugh.. Ros… rosmovlyayete… uh… anglijskoyu?” “Net,” the woman replies before continuing on her way. The young woman feels that this is hopeless. Outside of a few phrases like “hello,” “goodbye,” and “where is the bathroom?” her local language skills are sorely lacking. She’s still at the beginning of her grand trip of Europe that saw her starting on the eastern side of the continent with the plan to travel westward and finish her journey in Paris. She’s traveled a bit before, but here in this Ukrainian city she’s realizing that she may be out of her comfort zone. This trip is very important to her though. After her parents were killed in a car wreck, she was paralyzed with grief and barely left her room for months. She decided that she needed to get away and give herself a clean break from everything back home, and so she decided to do what her parents had done when they were her age and backpack across Europe. All of the pictures from their trip showed the two of them together smiling and happy in front of great landmarks, but here she was, alone, scared, and unable to even find her hostel. “Sir, can you help me!” she cries to another passing man, waving her map towards him, but he too ignores her pleas. The young woman zips up her jacket. It’s getting late and the setting of the sun is accompanied by a cold breeze. She looks up and down the city street, and even though there are still plenty of people around, it feels as though all she can see are unfriendly faces. Her face lights up when she spots something though… It's a police officer! He’ll be able to help her. The young woman runs towards the police officer who is standing near the side of the road. Or at least she thinks he must be a police officer. His gray uniform looks a little old fashioned, but it’s neat and well fitting and he’s holding what appears to be a baton used for directing traffic. The young woman approaches the officer but his back is to her as he gazes out towards the street. Unsure of what else to do, she reaches out with some hesitancy and taps the man on the shoulder, causing him to wheel around to face her. He stares at her without speaking. “Umm… do you speak English?” the young woman asks. “Yes, little,” he responds in a thick Ukrainian accent. “Oh thank goodness. You have to help me, please, I’m completely lost and I don’t know what to do.” As people continue to walk past her without giving any notice, she goes on to explain that after arriving in the North Eastern Ukrainian city she took what she thought would be the right bus, but ended up going in the completely wrong direction. Now she has no idea where she is and is worried she won’t make it to her hostel before night falls. “Where is your khostel?” the policeman asks. “Somewhere called the…” she looks down at the words scribbled on the margins of her map. “The student… the studentskaya,” she tells him. “Ah yes, yes.” The police officer says. There are many hostels there including some specifically for foreign visitors and students. She has been very unlucky though, since it was actually near the metro station she first arrived at. He can help her get there though. There is a bus that will take her straight there, and the stop is only a few blocks away. He can walk with her there if she likes. The young woman accepts his kind offer and the two start heading down the sidewalk together. As they walk, he asks what she is doing in their city and she explains how she just needed to get away and see the world. She’s unsure why, but she feels like she can confide in this policeman, and she begins to explain what happened to her parents, how alone she felt at home, and how this trip is meant to be a life reset, but so far it’s off to a terrible start. “We have a phrase,” he tells her, “Vsegda mozhet byt' khuzhe” “What does that mean?” she asks. “It can always get worse… this way” The police officer points towards an alleyway and starts walking towards it. He can tell the young woman is feeling apprehensive about entering the dark space between the buildings and he assures her that it is a shortcut, there’s nothing to be afraid of. The two walk into the alley together and the young woman again starts telling him about her life back in the United States, what she plans to do when she gets back, how she hopes the trip will be a turning point for her. As she talks, she fails to notice that the police officer has begun to slow. She does notice though, that the shadow of the police officer has suddenly started to stretch out on the ground in front of her. She stops and watches as the shadow keeps moving, growing larger and larger. It stretches and lengthens, even as hers stays the same. She also realizes that the sound of the policeman’s footsteps have also stopped. She slowly turns to see it standing in the place where the police officer should be. A grotesque, horrible sight. A massively tall creature, with long, disgusting limbs. She’s too scared to scream as she continues looking up its gigantic body before finally looking at its face, or what’s left of it. Half of its jaw hangs unhinged, as if it has been torn from its joint, and it has no ears or nose. She trembles in fear as she wonders if whatever this thing is can see her, since it also has no eyes. The last thing she sees before she turns to run is the creature lifting up one of its arms, where its hand has been replaced by a black and white metal rod that it brings down with terrifying speed and crushes her skull. Pryvit! Today’s file exploration has taken us to Ukraine, though the anomaly known as SCP-1366-RU has been known to appear in a number of other countries as well. SCP-1366-RU is a humanoid creature that, from what the SCP Foundation has been able to observe, appears to be sapient, and resembles a police officer, or militsiya, from the 1970s Soviet Union. It wears a long, dark gray coat, tall black leather boots, and a cap, and holds a black and white baton reminiscent of the type used by police officers in Russia and many Eastern European countries to direct traffic. When an individual begins interacting with SCP-1366-RU, they will find that they feel as if they are talking to a regular police officer and having a completely normal conversation. It is capable of exerting a mental influence over the person speaking with them, allowing it to easily mislead and deceive them, which explains why they ignore the fact that the officer is wearing a uniform that is several decades out of date. Those who pass by will not seem to notice the anachronistic clothing either, and they will pay no mind to what is happening.This same effect extends to those viewing SCP-1366-RU on a live feed, and it is only when recordings are viewed, that its true form is revealed. SCP-1366-RU’s actual appearance is that of a mummified human corpse, though it is taller than any human at over 5 meters in height, with arms and legs that are disproportionately long, with the legs alone making up two thirds of its total height. SCP-1366-RU is also extremely skinny, even for a desiccated cadaver, and its limbs and head look as though they are nothing more than brown, dry skin stretched directly over bones with no muscle at all underneath. Its left hand appears to be missing, and in its place the creature has a black and white rod fused directly into its arm. 1366-RU’s face appears as though it has suffered tremendous injuries. Its eyes, nose, and ears all look as if they have been removed from its face, and the left half of its lower jaw hangs freely in its joint as though it were torn away. Despite this damage to its face, it is still quite capable of speech, at least when people are perceiving it in its human form. It’s currently unknown why, but SCP-1366-RU appears to be primarily interested in kidnapping and killing people who are in countries that once belonged to the former Soviet Union. So far there has been no commonalities between the victims except for one thing, all of their parents were dead at the time of their abduction. Once the Foundation realized this uniting factor, they were able to create a scenario in which the anomaly appeared, though so far this has only been successful one time. Foundation researchers located a member of Class D personnel who was an orphan, D-1935, and equipped them with a radio headset, a video camera, and a microphone, and instructed them to walk the streets of a city located in a country which was once part of the USSR. The D-Class was observed on location by members of MTF Eta-10 nicknamed "See No Evil" and they watched as D-1935 suddenly stopped on the sidewalk. He was approached by a police officer with an out of date uniform who saluted the D-Class with his right hand. Eta-10, appeared to not see the police officer and reminded the D-Class to stay sharp and continue looking for 1366-RU. The police officer spoke to the D-Class, though only in mumbled, broken words, as if something had rendered him unable to speak. The recording equipment captured the D-Class seeming to have a one sided conversation with the policeman, where he insisted that he wasn’t lost, and that he was actually out walking with his mother. Or rather, he thought he was out with his mother. It seemed to the D-Class that she had just left, and he requested the police officers help in finding her again. The officer then took the D-Class’s hand and began leading him away, eventually taking him into a dark alley. All the while Eta-10 seemed completely oblivious to what was going on. They didn’t even realize that D-1935 had left until the two disappeared into the alleyway. They began searching the area but they were unable to locate the D-Class anywhere. It was as if he had been there one moment and then simply disappeared. Luckily, D-1935 had also been equipped with a GPS tracking beacon. But when Eta-10 looked at their locator, they were convinced something was wrong, since it showed that the D-Class was now over 5,000 kilometers away. A nearby containment team was sent to the location being broadcast from D-1935’s tracker, and they arrived roughly two hours after his disappearance. When they got to the location, they discovered that it was coming from a very strange place… a cemetery. The team cautiously entered the cemetery and began making their way in the direction of the beacon, unaware of what they would find. When the GPS locator finally signalled that they were in the correct position, they realized that they were standing directly over a grave, specifically, a grave belonging to the mother of D-1935, who had been dead for over 50 years. There was no question though, this was the location the beacon was broadcasting from, and after receiving permission from the Foundation, the containment team began to dig. When the coffin was finally revealed, the team readied their weapons, unsure of what they might find inside, but when they opened its lid, they saw that their guns weren’t necessary. All that was found within was the mummified body of a woman… that and the body of D-1935, who was curled up in the fetal position, tightly hugging the remains of his mother. Following this event, the parents of other suspected SCP-1366-RU victims were exhumed as well, and in each case, the missing person’s body was found inside alongside their deceased mother or father. SCP-1366-RU, which has been given the nickname Uncle Styopa, a play on a popular Russian’s children character who is an extremely tall policeman, has so far eluded all containment attempts, and it has been classified as Euclid. Disappearances of those without living parents in former Soviet Union countries should be investigated to determine the involvement of SCP-1366-RU. Any recording devices in the area where they disappeared must be checked and should they contain any images of SCP-1366-RU’s true form, then they are to be immediately confiscated and destroyed. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, like SCP-1098-RU - The Theater of Living Puppets, for another anomaly from the Russian SCP Foundation. And make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 1,016,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-1366-ru, scp-1366, scp 1366, scp1366, uncly styopa, scp russia, scp russian, scp ussr
Id: qvHcp41tb7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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