Grammie Knows SCP-517 (SCP Animation)

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“Dance Failed!” The young woman laughs as her date tries to catch his breath. The dancing rhythm game was much harder than he anticipated, and he can’t help but also laugh at his abysmal score. He takes her hand and the two continue walking through the arcade. It’s not crowded at all tonight and the two have their choice of games as they bounce between the many pinball tables, driving games, and light gun shooters. As they finish up a game of air hockey, her date notices something. It’s a door in the back of the arcade that’s slightly ajar, the latch and a lock that should be keeping it closed hanging open. “I wonder what’s in there?” he asks. Broken games? Maybe ones that let you play without putting in a token. Or keep spitting out tickets even when you lose? “Come on!” The two slip through the cracked door and find themselves in a dark room that doesn’t look like anyone has been inside in a while. There’s cobwebs and dust everywhere, but her date was right, it really is filled with broken games! He motions for her to follow as he checks out an old pinball machine. He presses the buttons but it remains dark. He gives it a hard slap and… nothing happens. How disappointing, they really are just busted old machines. The two turn to leave, they might get kicked out if anyone finds them messing around in here. They’re back at the door when they both stop and look at each other. Did they hear something behind them? The young woman shrieks with fear at the sight of the old woman staring at her. This time it’s her date’s turn to laugh at her. It’s just an old fortune teller, nothing to be scared of. They must have accidentally turned it on. She didn’t notice it before, but the machine which has the words “Grandmother Predictions” written across the top has come to life and the inside is now lit up to reveal the animatronic head and torso of an old woman. The old woman isn’t moving, but her glassy, dead eyes seem like they are staring right at the young woman. The two look at eachother, unsure of what to do, when without warning, the old woman comes to life. With the clicking and whirring of gears, the old woman appears to breathe in deeply, opening and closing her mouth as she leans slightly forward and back inside her glass container. The young woman steps towards the fortune teller as the old woman inside keeps breathing in and out. But then suddenly, the old woman stops. There’s another loud click as a card appears out of a small slot on the front of the machine. She looks down at the card, then looks back up to see that the Old Woman is staring at her once again, as if the robotic figure can really, truly see her. The young woman slowly reaches towards the card as the old woman’s gaze stays locked on her. Her fingers touch the card and at the exact moment she pulls it free, the fortune teller’s lights go out and the old woman slumps over. “What was that?” her date asks. She didn’t even notice that he is standing next to her now. He starts to search around the machine looking for something that may have triggered it, as the young woman looks down at the card she pulled from the slot. Her face changes as she reads it as she goes from a little freaked out, to completely terrified. “Hey, look at this” her date says as she quickly slips the card into her pocket. Her date reaches behind the back of the machine and pulls out a short piece of cord, one end attached to the fortune teller, the other frayed as if it has been cut. “It’s not even plugged in.” “Let’s get out of here” she tells him. She doesn’t need to ask him twice and the two leave the room, emerging back into the lights and sounds of the arcade. Later that night, the two are at the door to the young woman’s apartment. He asks if she’s sure she’s okay, she’s not still scared about that broken machine, is she? It’s probably just battery operated and they switched it on somehow. The young woman agrees that must be it, and that she’s fine, just tired. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and bids him goodnight before going into her apartment and closing the door. Inside, the young woman leans against the door. She takes something out of her pocket and stares at it. It’s the fortune that was dispensed from the machine. It reads: You look like you've made some mistakes. Some things are unforgivable, aren't they? “No way” she thinks to herself. “It’s just a coincidence.” The young woman walks further into her apartment and picks up a framed photo. It’s a picture of her several years younger, with another girl who looks just like her. Her sister. She thinks back to that night. The night that she’ll never forget no matter how hard she tries. The night she lost her, and lost part of herself too. She sets the picture back down on the table before looking at the fortune she’s still holding in her other hand. She crumples the paper in her fist and drops it in the trash before heading to bed. It’s late at night and the young woman is tossing and turning with bad dreams when she suddenly pops up awake. Did she hear a sound? She looks around her dim room but nothing looks amiss. There it is again though, a noise… is it coming from… the closet? She gets up out of bed and walks towards the closet, one slow step after another. She reaches towards the closet door, but the moment her fingers touch the knob, the door bursts open. She screams and falls backwards as multiple arms reach out of the darkness in the closet towards her. She screams and kicks at the arms as they grab at her, trying to pull her inside. She fights with all her might as she tries to crawl away from the arms. She manages to escape their grasp and stands up. She runs out of the room and towards the front door as the arms follow, reaching out of the closet, growing longer and longer, the sickening sound of bones twisting and snapping as they form new joints to bend around corners. Her hands reach out for the knob and she grabs it, just as the arms grab onto her. She’s jerked backwards and falls to the floor as the arms drag her down the hallway. She tries to resist, her fingernails digging into the floorboards as the arms pull her back into the bedroom. “Hello? Are you awake?” The woman knocks loudly on the front door. “Come on, we have reservations. You have to get up” The woman knocks again but still no response. She checks her watch and with a sigh, takes out a set of keys. She finds the one she’s looking for and unlocks the door. “Everyone is waiting for us and I’m going to tell them we’re late because of - “ The woman gasps as she opens the door. She can’t believe what she’s seeing. The apartment is a mess. It looks like a bomb went off. She looks around but there’s no sign of her daughter. Then she notices the bloody claw marks leading down the hall towards the bedroom. She runs down the hall, stops in the doorway to the bedroom, and screams. If you’ve ever been to an arcade, a midway, or a boardwalk, then you may have encountered a fortune telling machine. These small booths containing an automaton are great fun as you receive a random card that purports to tell you your future or reveal a secret truth about yourself. There’s nothing to it obviously, it’s just a random card you’re getting after all, but the SCP Foundation has a fortune telling machine in its possession that’s both very real, and very dangerous. SCP-517 as it is known to the Foundation, is a two meter tall, glass and wooden fortune telling machine that contains an mechanical, animatronic facsimile of an elderly woman wearing a white blouse and a blue shawl. On top of the machine is a panel with the words “Grandmother Predictions” written on it. Once per hour, the machine will power on if an individual enters what could be considered the elderly woman’s field of vision. She will turn to directly face the person, seeming to stare right at them, before dispensing a fortune card from a slot on the front of the machine, after which it will appear to shut down and cease to function. It is unknown just how the machine becomes active, seeing as the only cord coming out of the back of the machine appears to have been severed. The “fortunes” dispensed when the machine comes to life are less a prediction, and more of a veiled threat, and examples of ones received have included: “Your mother raised you better than that. I'm sorry, but fair is fair.” “Some people don't know how to be kind. You'll know soon enough, won't you?” and “People who do terrible things deserve terrible things. You've brought this upon yourself, my dear.” Following an activation of SCP-517, starting at 1:43 AM local time, the same events will always occur. The individual that was targeted by the machine will find themselves attacked by a number of entities which have been designated as SCP-517-01. These entities are long, multi-jointed arms that emanate from a location nearby the individual. The exact number that appears will vary, but there usually seems to be between ten and thirty-six. The arms will appear from a single location that’s often a low, cramped, and dark space like a closet, basement, or under a bed. The arms will reach out from this area and try to grab the individual before dragging them back to the location where they manifested. They appear to be able to stretch indefinitely, growing as long as they need in order to continue pursuing the individual, and their many joints allow them to bend around corners or any other obstacles. Should the individual manage to fight the arms off or escape, new arms will materialize nearby the victim to aid in the capture. Once the arms have subdued the targeted person and gotten them back to the area where they appeared they will begin savagely assaulting them, beating and clawing at them until nothing remains of the victim but a bloody pile of flesh and bones. To date, the Foundation is not aware of any targeted individuals surviving an attack by SCP-517-01 entities. In the event that the fortune telling machine was activated multiple times on the same day, multiple instances of arms appearing will occur at different locations at the same time, with each group hunting their own individual target. Efforts have been made to figure out exactly where the arms manifest from, and during testing cameras were set up around the targeted individual in order to try and locate a place of origin. Unfortunately the arms somehow seemed aware that they were being watched, and the arms always emanated from around a corner or other place that was out of the field of view of the cameras. Tests on SCP-517 did reveal one piece of evidence though, as fragments of DNA were recovered from the areas where SCP-517-01 instances appeared, DNA that turned out to be human in origin. The origins of the DNA and the identity of the owner have yet to be determined. Research and containment of SCP-517 has proven to be quite difficult, as evidenced by an event designated Incident 517-1997-M. As Foundation agent Dr. Meil supervised the transport of SCP-517 to a new containment storage locker, the fortune teller suddenly activated and it was suspected that Dr. Meil had become a target. Security personnel were alerted and a defensive strategy was devised to protect her from instances of SCP-517-01 that were expected to manifest that night at 1:43 AM. Dr. Meil was taken to a helicopter on the roof of a Foundation cafeteria and given the protection of multiple security personnel as they waited for the arms to manifest. Right on cue, the arms appeared in a storage area inside the cafeteria and began stretching their way towards the roof. Security teams inside the cafeteria opened fire on the arms, which took damage just like normal human arms, though they would quickly be replaced by more. More instances of SCP-517-01 began appearing, coming out from under parked vehicles and other storage areas, as the number of arms coming out of the original manifestation site continued to increase until there were over a hundred. The arms did not seem to want to fight back against the security teams though. They seemed singular in their focus - get to the roof where Dr. Meil was waiting. As the ever-increasing amount of limbs overwhelmed the security teams and breached the roof, the order was given for the helicopter to take off. The helicopter rose into the air, but the arms began manifesting from somewhere underneath the helicopter itself. The arms broke through the windows and pulled Dr. Meil out, passing her down to the waiting arms on the roof that then carried her through the cafeteria’s ventilation system. A security personnel in the cafeteria attempted to sever the limbs with a knife and rescue Dr. Meil, but the arms were no longer ignoring their attackers and grabbed him as well, dragging him down towards the storage locker along with the doctor. In the end, four members of the security team along with Dr. Meil were pulled into the storage area by the arms. Their remains were collected the next morning and the Foundation made their best efforts to separate and identify what was left for individual funerary services. SCP-517, which has been classified as safe, is kept in a dedicated containment cell at all times, facing away from the doorway, with an opaque black sheet bound around it. Following the events of Incident 517-1997-M, all testing has been halted, without the express written permission of the Site Director. Peering into our future can be a fun activity, even when we know it’s all just a bit of make believe. When you pull your fortune from a booth containing an elderly automaton though, you might just find that this time, Grammie Knows your fate for real. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, like SCP-3998 The Wicker Witch Lives, for another anomaly that’s much more than first meets the eye. And make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 1,635,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-517, scp517, scp 517, scp grammie, scp grandmother, grammie knows, grammy knows, scp grammie knows, grandmother predictions, scp arms, scp closet, monster in closet, scp predictions, fortune telling machine, fortune teller, fortune telling, scp predict, predict future
Id: dLd7W3ID_Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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