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this show is sponsored by better help online therapy you are your greatest asset it's time you started investing in that visit forward slash double toasted and take care of you ah you took the waters right out to my gods y'all know y'all want to do it y'all know y'all want to do it it's me mario i love people i looked at this and i said i know this somebody has to be on a joke here i was thought did did i was i was did jared leto just come in and just do what he wanted to do after he got hired and they couldn't find nobody else nobody else to stop him [Music] just got back from chicago but we got more shows coming up so you can catch us in miami and then the next day in orlando that's gonna be january 20th and january 21st and then you can see us in dallas texas february 18th go to x1 to get your tickets but if you go below you can get tickets for these remaining shows over here martin yes yes you're a stylish man right here you i tried to be you wear a lot of gucci i do nuts yeah don't be ashamed of it man i know you got you got gucci drawers on right now don't you you got gucci all up in your ass crack don't you no i'm not about the labels but i get your point yeah yeah that's why you wear the underwear so you don't show it sure i know you like throwing that gucci on your ass oh martin i bet if you know if if only you knew oh there is a story in your pants right now really yes you know it's an incredible murder oh it's an incredible story sex murder wealth betrayal uh-huh you got game of thrones going on in your pants right now and martin i heard you say did you say murder yes and there's a little bit of that some of that yeah it was crazy man it's crazy yeah people we've all we've all heard the saying more money no problems but god damn gucci you almost got a lot of money a lot of money because y'all got a lot of problems money bought everything including stupidity man people talking about house of gucci over here it's gucci you know it's a big worldwide name brand that all the rappers love uh-huh even got his own saying now i'm gucci i know yeah is this gucci yeah is this movie gucci we'll find out you know this is based on a book actually called the house of gucci but has a longer title that they didn't put on the movie poster right there a sensational story of murder madness glamour and greed i think they're going to use the full title but then after that whole harley quinn thing they were like let's not do that ain't nobody just say gucci you didn't have to you know you didn't even have to put that house up on there right as we say this is the murder and the madness and the betrayal in the mayhem what is all this about can you can you narrow it down a little bit be more specific why yes we can you know this tells the supposedly true story of how patricia reggiani played by lady gaga married mauricio gucci played here as you can see by adam driver you probably think that this is a story of oh how did gucci begin was it this man that started no no people gucci had long been in the game at this point it's just that the son here mauricio gucci you know when he met patricia she came from i don't know just a simple truck family probably maybe you know what if they just running trunks and the trucks out there they have a truck business and they got money then they must be tied to the mob probably at least that's what the father said that's first thing i thought that's the first thing you know what and that's the first thing old papa gucci thought over here rodolfo gucci played by jeremy irons who he is not in these radio by the way we'll talk to him in a little bit so rodolfo cuts cuts mauricio off if you married her you are out of my life notice i'd not do that with an italian accent we'll talk about that a little bit oh okay yeah i think i know what he's doing yeah and he cuts him off and at first it's cool man who needs all that pesky money anyway money just brings you unhappiness money just brings you problems money doesn't buy happen it's contrary to the belief and everything is fine but then papa dies and at that point mauricio is forced to take his father's shares bringing him into the business something that puts him at ends with his uh his uncle aldo played by al pacino and his cousin paulo who's played by jared leto in here and a ton of makeup and a ton of rubbing and makeup in this and crazy greasy ass hair oh and what started out as a very very loving marriage well once that gucci got up into that curse you gucci well that just tore the marriage apart too the cursed money the cursed money they say the name gucci itself is cursed at this point but hey it's all worth it for fashion let's go ahead and take a look at this trailer for house of gucci your name is in the history books i like the way somebody said i wonder how many time corey is going to use the word gucci mother talking about a movie called house i'm gonna use a lot with characters with the last name gucci what the talking about of course i'm gonna use that yeah are you counting how many is that so far what the hell you think a lot you are gucci you need to dress the you think i'm bad okay hey i'll tell you what do a drinking game you tell me when you wake up good sheep i don't consider myself to be a particularly ethical person but i am fair we're going to get into the review about this very fashionable movie but first as y'all know we gotta pay some bills around here and i don't mind doing that because i want to thank our sponsor right now manscaped and now hold on y'all just wait a minute no way come back come back i know y'all hear a lot about manscaped but you want to know what's in fashion right now you won't know how to stay in fashion tell me keep the balls clean ah and i say this is fashionable because i was doing it when it wasn't in fashion and i'm not lying about this and now they got a whole industry behind it right here of course with manscaped and i'm gonna keep on trimming and now i can do that more comfortably with the manscaped performance package 4.0 we got a whole package i got i got you damn right got a whole package from a package over here look at this this is nice y'all i they sent it and i want to bring it up and show you this because quite a package a package it is right here it comes with a lot of things i'm going to show you what i'm most proud of right here in this actually let me pull it up right here because it comes with a lot but the thing i want to talk about the most is the lawnmower 4.0 and that is this device right here very high tech looking it is and let me tell you something i i love this i know y'all hear a lot about manscaped and everybody talks about it but i'm going to be honest with you and then again i'm not lying i'm not making this up they didn't tell me to say this i personally requested this okay i asked to get this i don't know if they would give it to me because they give them to a lot of people they gave it to me and i am so far very happy and very pleased they did right before the show right before martin five minutes before you got in i was in the bathroom shaving my balls right here yeah i sat in your driveway for five minutes i heard the noise i'm like i'm letting him finish whatever he's got going on yeah this is right here now the reason why i love this is because i as i said i groom a lot but i use the clippers i already have and uh sometimes oh they they they nicked the sacks they can do that yeah i'm always they they they grab the hair the right the wrong way and it's just like yank yes now i tried this and i'm gonna tell you i tried this specifically to see if it would do that not at all shave huh not at all my balls you know why i love this because it makes my balls feel safer i yeah i gotta i gotta get one of those no i'm telling you you do it it worked and the cool thing about it i cut it on let me see here uh might be it might need a charge i just pressed it it needs to charge up damn y'all saw it it has a little headlight in front of it right there oh okay so you can really see what you're doing oh there it is i just did it there it is right there look at it look at that light yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it dropped martin come here do it yourself oh yeah people it was it works great it works great when i was done i even used the body wash that they sent over i did use this so we got cleaned up down there when i was finished okay it has the let me see here ball toner right here bald deodorant over here okay not being nasty people that's what they call it the ball deodorant and i got the weed whacker oh for your nose for your nose and your ears yeah toes whatever yeah no it's very very good so you know people i'm telling you that i really do endorse this i do i use this i'll use this every other day i'm so grateful to have this and i was even more grateful to get the manscape performance package 4.0 as you saw right there but i received a lot more awesome very nice very nice christmas on the way also tell santa or whoever is giving you gifts this year that you want the gift of clean balls yeah like fridays in three days exactly or gifted whoever has balls in your life i want you to go to and put in the code toasted to get 20 off plus free shipping i want to thank manscaped for sponsoring and approving this video and i want to thank all of you for your support now everybody wants to get to the main question here i ain't going to dilly dally around right here i'm trying to answer this the best way that i can because you did not see this i did not i did the question that people want to know as with any review is it good and well that depends on what you define as good what's your criteria for good i don't mean to be i'm not that's not a good answer i'm not trying to complicate things here i'm not trying to be clever i'm just saying now here's here's the thing let me break it down for you right here if we are applying the high standards of good filmmaking you know we're talking about well-written script with great performances uh beautifully filmed now the beautifully filmed part yes people now i can tell you that right there this is really scott y'all so y'all know that this is good at least it's going to look good and is it is beautiful y'all this thing is amazing it looks amazing and you know that's no surprise with mr ridley scott coming over here and helm in this film um you know i look at that because i forgot this was really scott and i was watching the movie i was like damn this movie looks good you know as a film about rich fashion people should be every shot reflects style it's lavish whole movie looks like a fashion ad locations are beautiful interiors are slick you know you know this is like a james bond movie where james bond never shows up and just people just go about their normal lives or as normal as they can in this world you know all of that stuff costumes our direction cinematography excellent excellent the rest not not so good that or at least compared to what i just talked about are you sure because brittany scott was really talking about how bad superhero movies are so i figure what he's going to put out is going to be excellent on all points well lady gaga is kind of a superhero you know went away she always dresses up like one super villain and i'm saying not as good as compared to what i just mentioned all this other stuff is debatable on what you're coming in looking for now if we're talking about entertainment value i ain't talking about good i'm talking about are you are you entertained are you entertained yes you know we're trying entertainment value and watching a-list actors being tricked into being into a mexican soap opera you know they are trying to make the godfather and they made a telenovela man you know what this could be nominated for best picture just because you know i don't trust the oscars no more no no no i just i just i was reading uh just a group of critics like going over their list of you know what's you know best of the year yeah and one person did mention this movie and i was like oh damn sorry i missed it then i talked to people who went to the screening and they came back and said this was laughably bad it's you know i'm uh i'm not gonna say it's terrible laughable yes very very much man listen let's i i know i'm making this sound more complicated than it should be but yes but like i said you know this is something where like i said if you want to come in and you just want to watch something and be entertained on a base level then yeah don't but if for all those people talking about this one the best movies of the year and academy award winning material category award-winning performances no no i'm sitting i'm sitting up here putting both my feet down and saying no just because you got all these a-list actors and all you know all this amazing cinematography you know they're doing their job on that level but you know this is this is this isn't a this is an illusion movie it gives the illusion of oh it's important it's heavy so yeah now oh we got to give it an oscar and they might i'm not saying you know but it ain't it's it's not that y'all i'm telling you right now this is a glorified goddamn una vincio movie yeah or tv show yeah telenovela yeah yeah see that's why i said american hustle because that was one of those where it's like man this looks like a like a best-of-the-year picture and somehow it's not no first of all let's start out with these accents okay because look i'm gonna tell you i'm not an accent expert all right so when i went in here i didn't come in here being some kind of snob with my nose up in the air time i thought that doesn't sound authentic martin you've been to italy you would know better than i would whether these are authentic or not i don't i don't know i'm telling you right now i don't know but i will also say it didn't sound right from from what i do know if you are looking for authenticity in your italian accents i don't really think you're going to find it here you'll be better off ordering that at the olive garden so how would you rank the the different actors because just what i saw in the preview lady gaga sounded pretty good she don't no no no hell no no okay he said the actors must have had a whole lot of creative freedom on here because everybody's doing their own thing see you know what that's so often you get that in a movie where the accents are if they're even attempting them are from different regions and i was like why don't they gather everybody together and say this is going to be the accent repeat after me yeah i'll tell you what happened they it feels like they had a voice coach came in and tried to teach them the moment he left the room everybody said you [Laughter] you believe that they get me a voice coach tell me what to do now i'm lady gaga i'll talk the way i want to talk i'm actually italian i mean my fam my parents are oh man no i'm telling you right now and again i'm not coming i'm not trying to come in here and be snide about this movie or anything i'm not i'm not trying to talk about this movie for a laugh i really am not i'm just being honest with you and i'm telling you what uh what i'm just telling what i'm getting here man first of all i do want to give i want to give big respects to jeremy irons because he didn't even try that's that jeremy iron is one of the greatest actors but when it comes to accents he he'll he will he will do a german accent and he will do a british accent and yep maybe sort of an american accent that's it that's this whole big movie where he's a a south american land owner and has a thick ass british accent through the whole thing well good cause he got a he brought it with him here she got thicker jerry my irons that man my man he said he saw all these other silly ass accents he's like nope y'all are gonna make me look like that you ain't gonna make me look crazy you you gonna get this british accent which which at least sounds real [Laughter] which at least sounds authentic or you can get somebody else but i'm not doing whatever that is over there everybody's talking like this you know yeah yeah yeah watch him you marry that we he came here doing shakespeare he gave me you marry that woman you can get out of my life i was like he's in a totally different movie right now now alpha al pacino i'll tell you what al pacino he he actually did do an accent when he felt like it which was like every two minutes that accident was like a ghost it just floated in and hubbed for a little bit and just disappeared i mean you know you imagine his feeling is like hey i am italian whatever i say it's the accent and that's a goddamn shame man he betrayed himself because that is not italian he came in and every now and then he'd say or something and then and i'm not saying these people did not give it their all i'm just just just saying man uh adam driver now adam driver adam driver i will tell you he uh he was pretty cool in here man yeah adam because you know because he's putting in some good effort man adam adam driving when he comes in he he's there to work all right adam drive you can just tell this guy's a professional okay that man is there to do the best job that he can he's a professional but it just sounds like adam driver trying to be italian that's okay you know what i mean i appreciate i appreciate his work ethic but it was adam driver um kylo ren and mario i'm not trying see that's why i have to say i ain't trying to be funny cause it's not like i'm in the business i'm not gonna sit up you're on fire tonight on your girl gaga lady gaga now her her accent her accent is actually very good if she was playing my turkish white meal if she was doing the cory coleman story the double toasted story when she was when she was mia coleman if this was house of coleman it would be perfect because she's i listen it i closed my eyes i was like mia do you want to be left in the dust is that your legacy that ain't italian that's eastern european sort of counts it can't but it might count but that don't sound like no that don't sound italian can i tell you it it really does okay she said she sounded like she sounds exactly like one of the tour guides we had okay then if that's that's why i said you've been there so be it aldo and paulo they're poison they're an embarrassment to this company and everybody i know you've been in italy that is not italian right there that is that is she should be with a muslim squirrel but you know what to show you i'm not hating on this i was i would tell you all these people are great enough actors to where they kind of surpass the accents yeah yeah damn she even got adam driver looking like me we'll argue [Laughter] he should play cory coleman yeah i would tell you man these people they came here they they came here and they and they came here to act and that includes uh lady gaga it helps first of all it helps that lady gaga she is good in the movie man yeah no i've heard she was no she that i'm sorry i can't i cannot get past his accent the accent i think is just not that great but it's but she is good as far as some people concerned she could be doing this with a chinese accent and they wouldn't care because you know because they like lady gaga and lady gaga this role actually is a good it's a very good role and so you know a lot of actors would they would try to covet this role man because there's a lot of things going on with this role here a lot of range in this role you know sexiness confidence playfulness scheming emotional abundant vulnerability vengeance you know it's it's a lot going on and she and with her she is there to embrace that role man she's enjoying herself it looks like like she wants to act you know she's she's getting into it now you know she already got got that taste with the bradley cooper and now she's ready to go and it helps that she actually looks like patricia rajani it's it was a good casting as far as looks go yeah dang she gonna like michael jackson right she does right there yeah i was thinking that too yeah michael jackson was around he probably got this but yeah it's very physically is very good casting man and she's enjoying herself al pacino jeremy irons axes floating coming and going not that good but they are all there hey look they can deliver their lines with believability they give emotion with believability so you know they they're all doing very well it's watchable you know it gets to the point where it doesn't matter you know i mean how many times you watch movies about germany and everybody would have a british accent right right but they were doing those british accents whales but as far as as as lady gaga goes though i'm talking about how i'm talking about how great she is and she is man she really is i think she's she's got a bright future with uh with acting but uh she she does let me see if i can find it here she does get upstaged in this really as good as good as she is there is no she completely gets upstaged by somebody jared leto oh jared leto boy jared leto and and this so people i told you they're trying to make the godfather right here and jared leto is uh if this is the godfather jared leto is the fredo okay yeah you know just stupid and weasley and cowardly i can handle things i'm smart like dumb i'm smart and i want respect it's dumb like jared leto is yes paulo gucci boy they i mean he's like fredo except a lot more stupid he like fredo just except a lot more except a lot more cartoony man okay because they made his ass look ridiculous warner brothers what y'all trying to do to this man i know this is first y'all made him a crazy ass joke and now y'all now y'all doing them like this yeah it's almost i mean you got to figure it's he's the one saying this is what i want to do with this yeah and they're like i guess we got to let him i said everyone i was talking about how you know everyone kind of sounds like a cartoon he is a cartoon in this he's this is ridiculous what they did to this man he looks i mean he's unrecognizable no the makeup is great but as far as the character goes he looks like a he looks like a cross between ron jeremy and the penguin road rolled up in a bad leisure suit and he he looked he's he's jiron jeremy and penguin all rolled up and he sounds like mario papa why don't you believe in me papa it's it's this is so exaggerated you don't believe me do you no i don't you think uh martin you think i'm playing i don't believe it till i see it come on i can show it to you and you can see it and not only that but you you can hear it modern nobody has ever said that to me nobody no paulo why don't you have your own line ah you took your words right after my gods y'all know y'all want to do it y'all know y'all want to do it it's me mario i don't people i looked at this and i said i know this somebody has to be on a joke here i was thought did i was i was did jared leto just come in and just do what he want to do after he got hired and they couldn't find nobody else nobody else to stop him he already cashed a check well that's kind of you know like where johnny depp went when it's like hey when i do these crazy characters that make up people dig it i'm gonna do that all the time yeah but he did that with a pirate and another and barnabas collins the vampire yeah willy wonka yeah oh i see what you're saying these are exaggerated all exaggerated fictional characters this fool is and the reason why i looked at this guy i looked up i said let me i gotta see if this man is like this and he really would i just i couldn't find any audio or video but they really did exaggerate this man like oh that's how they just gotta got an older guy to do that role yeah but they went they could have got an older guy but i guess they want to get an award for makeup maybe but the dude he's not that goofy looking i even said well maybe later in life i looked up late in life i was like oh no oh oh they did him wrong they did this man dirty man this man coming yeah they this is some creation that jared leto made or something came in here and did this goofy wow i would tell you this much and i'm not and this is a credit to jared leto right here it it's it's out there but i could not wait for him to come back on every time he was gone i'm like well hey what follow it that guy's cool man yeah it's it's crazy in another movie all these silly accents and these silly characters exaggerated characters they they would make for a bad film and they're kind of pushing it right here uh but the gucci family their story is so crazy yeah that it kind of fits with the exaggerated everything else that they have here you know uh when looking at this you know it makes all all the craziness is happening it makes all the trashiness feels appropriate you know all the family backstabbing sex and murder com complete with italian hitman oh of course got to throw those in there yeah two dudes looking like the mother uh 101 dalmatian horace and jasper you look like a italian horse in jasper horaci and [Laughter] man yeah complete with hit man and complete with a psychic oh yeah some a hayek is in this okay some are high i can hear looking like an old brujas yeah they got in here and this is part of the true story apparently uh patricia when got a psychic to tell her got her through her business in life pretty much pushing her to insanity and selma hayek is in this and i tell you salma hayek i when she got in i really didn't think i was watching univision because she fit right here perfectly yeah oh the first time he found it was on a tv screen i was like man okay you know now she gets it uh-huh i see an abuse of trust an attempt to deceive you in your own house you understand your lipstick boy this was cool too because it was so much of a telenovela that they actually got a mexican psychic up in here got themselves a bruja all right so we're going to go full tilt okay bring it home see he's trying to he's trying to he's given a clue to the audience you see what i'm doing here right no no you know you don't think that's what it is then that's not a wink and then and a nod no no you don't think it was designed to be like a telenovela no no i think it was designed maybe to be a you know sort of a more glamorized trashy kind of story in telenovela style but this ain't the movie i think they set out to make no no hell no you know this is you know it's hard because with this is hard to tell as with any biopic or story it's hard to tell you know what's accurate and what's hollywood you know the smaller details they seem like they i don't know about those you know they got they got the broad strokes you know the they got all the key points of the story you know the how she married into the family the murder you know uh all the stuff that was going on with how people were just spending loads of money and losing power and doing stupid decisions you know they all that stuff they got that smaller things i don't know you know i don't know i don't know if because the movie kind of hints that maybe patricia was a gold digger but then they do some other things in there where like they would find living a modest life for a while so i don't i don't know how true that is you know along with some of the other things that are going on i mean really i i had a good time watching this i'll laugh my ass off a lot of the times and you know when i did learn something i was really brought into it when things started to go down because it's it's it is a fascinating parallel that's happening here because the more that the more that uh uh patricia is telling them like hey you know listen to me you need to take care of this they push away as being just you know some chick who just wants to come in here and get their money and she ends up losing her mind but she is right meanwhile these who thought that yeah you know what to keep talking about they'll sit your ass down turns out they were all wrong terrible with money terrible at me like how did gucci even get that far yeah some of the decisions y'all were making so it is some fascinating fascinating things that go on with the story okay but now you want me back now i really want to see it well i mean you see i'm not trying i'm not trying to tell things i'm not trying to tell nobody to see it or not to see it oh i know i'm just i'm just telling you that from what i see with this i i do not think that this is the movie they set out to make as entertaining as it might be it's uneven it's like three different writers working on you know that working on three different movies when lady gaga and jeremy irons and al pacino in there they're doing a high drama you know when when when jared leto comes into the picture it's a straight up comedy straight i mean serious comedy this man this man has a line they like they write lines that just don't even seem like a fit in this movie they're lines from like a sitcom oh okay jared leto has a line where he says just because looks like chocolate ice cream does not mean it's the same believe me i should know i was like what kind of south park is going is this the same movie it's like what are we watching here really everybody's going by the beat of their own goddamn drum here everybody got their own accents people writing different things [Laughter] oh boy oh but yeah man i don't know about the movie but this review has been fun and it's just it's the movie's fun it's campy it's silly it's trashy it is it's enjoyable to watch it but it's not the movie that they thought that they were making but nah man it's it's it's entertaining for the right reasons sometimes entertaining for the wrong reasons most of the time okay but it's still cool i'm still cool with it man uh if they if i thought that they were actually making this in a coherent kind of way i would give this a matinee i would give it a probably a low mad name i'm gonna give it a high rental you know highest rental i can because i it's fun it's fun to watch man you know the filmmaking looks great but as far as where this movie's going and everything else it's just uneven and that's that's why i feel bad because i you know i did have a good time with it and i think some people will probably be able to look past those things that i'm talking about uh and give this a higher rating enjoy it even more i just i really just don't think that this is an oscar-worthy film yeah you know maybe in categories like makeup cinematography of course sound those kind of things yeah our art is costume costumes costumes yeah those technical categories yeah man take it take it but no i mean this don't deserve like best picture or anything like that especially like the best screenplay nah but entertaining entertaining i'm actually giving this a good review you know believe it or not i'm getting something i'm being positive about it i'm like i'm giving a very high rental like i said man watch it y'all watch it take your friends and go to the theater and watch it it's actually fun get drunk watching this italian wine before you go man or during drink anything if you drink this and have some fun and you will have a good time okay hey everyone support our patreon which helps us to continue bringing you our live streams videos and podcasts while bringing you new content such as exclusive live streams and animated shorts [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 53,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Of Gucci, House Of Gucci review, House Of Gucci movie review, House Of Gucci trailer, House Of Gucci scene, House Of Gucci Lady Gaga, House Of Gucci reaction, Movie reviews, Movie review, Movie, Review, Lady Gaga, Trailer, Scene, Movie reviews 2021, Funny video, Double Toasted, Doubletoasted,
Id: DPgeQy7qnY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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