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most important question are they indeed black enough to survive yeah who is the blackest my race went with him because I went by appearances you know and they were like come on man it's kind of obvious yeah I mean we just go before you got in here thank you [Music] let's go ahead and talk about this new horror movie that's out there ladies and gentlemen yes we have a new horror movie out there and the twist with this is that it is an all black cast that we have here some people say that's a hard movie Enough for anybody no killers of monsters all black cats that's scary enough on his own but people the blackening is what this movie is called and yes there is a hard twist to this it is a hard comedy by the way and what you have here is a group of friends who go to a cabin in the woods a place where no black people ever go to so you know that this is going to be scary right here hey I'm going to a cab in the woods and one when you know it you know white people go to the cabinets in the woods all the time and nothing ever happens every night in the demon will pop up I feel like stuff happens when they go to the cabin in the woods but you know what every now and then they'll like you know two or three times out of ten they'll actually hit a legit Airbnb you know you know every now and then white people they'll get a good one black people never get that well the odds were against them yeah [ __ ] look at that you're looking like you're right we're against these group of friends a group of friends having a College reunion go to a cabin in the woods and they say we knew our black asses shouldn't come out here man because when you know when they get out there there's a board game waiting for them called the blackening and it's asking them to ask questions about their Blackness it's funny because I own a game like that it just doesn't have the [ __ ] in the middle you own the black and it's not called the blackening but it is it's called Uh Black Card your black card and it's all these like these questions they were asking I was like [ __ ] that was in the game that I had wow just don't have a [ __ ] in the middle yeah I didn't have a [ __ ] in the middle don't have no picking anything no no no no no Uncle Remus don't pop up no no all right no they missed the boat oh man because I kind of want this game I don't know why matter of fact not only that but they asked them the same questions that are in the game they do yeah because you know I I had like one of the functions of barbecue would uh our friends over who all black yeah and playing with the kids and uh yeah and just you know joining each other on those questions oh man I got a lot of white friends that's why I want this game I got a lot of white friends that don't know when to go home oh there you go so I pulled this out just make them feel like oh well yeah I think when she would just take the box top off yeah okay well it's it's late yeah y'all don't want to play around a [ __ ] no no no you're not filming this are you I gotta say man that thing is shocking when they opened that I was even like holy [ __ ] hello yes but yeah the blackening ass it asks questions about the blackness you know unlike the game that you got Martin you know you play it and if y'all uh if y'all don't answer the question your card is just revoked yeah in this game right here if you don't answer the questions correctly your life is revoked you die and your soul is required so that brings us to question here who is behind this mysterious game who is the person that invited all these people to this cabin in the woods with these nefarious plans and the most important question are they indeed black enough to survive yeah who is the blackest my racist ass went with him because I went by appearances [Laughter] and they were like come on man it's kind of obvious yeah I mean we just go you dead before you got in here but also the bigger question is is this just some foolishness right you know a lot of people saw this and they a lot of people say oh man this looks hilarious but then some you know some some blue Jazz black people they said nah nah this is not for me you know we man I thought we were moving into a new age I thought we would pass this in stupidity this Hollywood black stupidity but we've been surprised before true that's happened you know hey you know I hate to bring it up but uh the old Jordan pill brought us all off guard made it made a masterpiece out of something that we thought was a black joke yeah could this be the same well let's go ahead and take a look at this trailer for The blackening and we'll be back with our review You've sacrificed the person you deemed the blackest the blackest nobody used to judge anybody that brother spoke them quick I said he beat everybody too before y'all say anything don't be hey y'all don't be racist oh man that's the DMX what are you doing all right so this movie I'm even looking at this trailer I said you know what this this movie has some things that just don't sit well with me sometimes um so the the as we've described and as you can see with the trailer you know the big theme in this is defining blackness and defining Blackness I've noticed that often ends up not defining Blackness that often ends up with somebody to talk about you ain't black enough sure you know it always ends up it always devolves it always devolves into somebody criticizing somebody else for not being black enough and also when people sit around and try to Define Blackness it's usually not defining is limiting to you to what you can be you know if you're black you're not supposed to do this you're not supposed to listen to that you're not supposed to eat this are you supposed to eat that you know I I think trying to find Blackness is something that we're still trying to figure out and a lot of times it limits us and it belittles us not to say that we should not Embrace Blackness you understand I'm saying I do also uh they say the n-word a lot in this movie now I I have no problem with a you know a little spicing of inward here in that you know a little seasoning here and there but then when you when you machine gun in that [ __ ] you going off saying in every other word uh it just I get a little uncomfortable with it you know it's I've said this about things like The Boondocks and whatnot because it becomes a crutch word and also white people think that we're edgy when we do it so sometimes they Define Us by the n-word that was the time I told y'all uh Cartoon Network Adult Swim I guarantee you they did not want a black show on there unless you were saying the n-word every five minutes and also with movies like this I still think Hollywood is more comfortable with blacks and low budget comedies man you know and I'm into movies with marginalized groups that strive for more right now but having said all that this [ __ ] is funny man it's hilarious and the thing is to watch this trailer you don't know what you're getting into it could be okay they Terry picked a few funny moments and it's mostly awkward or maybe it's gonna be more of a straight up parody like like like scary movie or something and um no it's not it's uh you know it's it's it starts out kind of awkward because it's a lot of exposition just to get things set up yeah and you don't really know the people but once you do uh the movie's not just hilarious but it's smarter than it looks yeah and the and the black comedy a lot of what they say is authentic where I was like yeah so much of his laughing is just like oh that's so true so this is funny and not only is it funny because listen we see a lot of black things that are just foolishly funny yeah but this is this is actually very clever more clever than I thought it was good about this by this trailer I feel like it got clever the longer it went on yeah actually I might be a little the opposite it but I do think so I'm I'm really impressed by the mashup of influences that they have here so this has the consciousness of get out with the self-awareness of Scream and the foolishness of scary movie yeah yeah that's true with just a little dash of Evil Dead thrown in there and while it's not really scary I know we're talking about all these you know these horror movies and whatnot it's not really scary I would even say it's kind of predictable if you've seen enough movies yeah like I like I said if you've seen enough movies maybe not but I I had a guess of where things were going to go and I was right on the money but I was just guessing oh come on it's it's almost so obvious the movie yeah the movie is So Meta and self-aware I can't believe somebody didn't point that thing out oh oh yeah but even though it's not scary I don't even think that's driving a beads that's scary that's driving more for the comedy and even though it might be predictable for some people it delivers on the labs and also some of the Thrills a little bit like I mean early on when when things are going down you really do wonder what's going to happen to these people and who is really behind this you know you work you start wondering uh what's going on with the whole reason why they have them there so you know it's uh it's it man it is a lot of fun and I'm gonna say a large part of that fun has to do with the cast that they have here all of them have distinct personalities all of them are funny and they rip off each other well man to the point where now these are people who got together for a College reunion and they feel like actual friends they they do as a matter of fact in the beginning I thought so many of them were obnoxious yeah then like once things kick off uh it you could really feel a chemistry between everybody and you kind of root for each one of them in their own way once you get to know them there was nobody here that I disliked you know there's nobody here that annoyed me and I'm and I'm gonna elaborate that on on that a little in a little bit because there are some characters that I should hate but yeah they're all friends our enemies yeah yeah there's some people come up there there's some history they already yeah they already bringing some baggage with them but I the the thing that I'm surprised about with the comedy here is the dialogue man I think the dialogue is one of the best things about this movie how clever the dialogue was their response to the situation how they make fun of each other how they how they describe themselves yeah you know you feel like you are actually hanging with them yeah well there's times they can snap at each other and they don't take it so personally because it's like oh yeah women friends is what we do oh yeah and they're constantly constantly on each other's ass making fun of each other snapping on each other man and when they when you have people who feel like they are actually friends on screen like this and they're having fun they connect with the audience you know they connected with the audience so good let me tell you how well they connected with the audience they connected with the audience so well that they got a a whole room full of black people to connect and Unite in the O'Reilly Auto Parts theme song that's right everybody lit I didn't even know black people knew O'Reilly Auto Parts like that but everybody at theater when they talked about O'Reilly Auto Parts everybody chined in at the same time everybody was singing that theme man I'm like damn because I caught myself doing it sure because you know it because you know you don't think about it whoever wrote that jingle that man give that man a million dollars all right I didn't even know that they were Nationwide like that man me either but the characters are so enjoyable man they have they have some that I now here's why what I mean when I say I should hate some of these characters because they have characters that are so enjoyable that they have ones that are they're actual lazy stereotypes and I still like them some of them I like the most uh Jermaine Fowler I forgot his character's name but Clifton Clifton man I cringe when he came on because he was a cartoon nerd nice stereotype he was our cartoon oh look like he had a stroke or something the only thing missing is tape on his glasses and a pocket calculator man I mean because he he was you know he was very nerdy and I was like man I this character is written so bad I just like I I this is a bad sign right here but man he had the way that he's he was responding maybe it's because of the way black people make fun of nerds yeah because he was responding to them with some funny lines man well that's the thing is like you go like well man y'all y'all do him wrong but then the [ __ ] that have come out his mouth dude like yeah brother he's like shut up yeah that's why people don't like you but then yeah he was in the wrong thing at the right time oh yeah but then he would respond to them he'd get little Jabs in here he's sneaky yeah and that I thought that was I thought that was really funny man dude maybe they showed it in the trailer but I got the biggest laugh but he he turned the dude stop shooting the gun sideways there's some funny stuff in this movie like that Mars right this little little touches it's little things here and there a lot of times comedy's great there's a lot of broad comedy in here there's a lot of physical comedy in here but man there are some moments that it's just a little quiet bits of Comedy that go on that's the thing that's what I appreciate the most yeah that's the kind of thing that makes me want to go back and re-watch a movie right away and they have uh so another favorite character because everybody's gonna have their favorites but I think I'm just naming some of the favorites that a lot of people don't have another favorite of mine was uh Dwayne Dwayne Perkins oh yeah with his gay ass you know because listen because I'm gonna tell you something I loved him because he is the gay character you know if you got a gay character you go upstage everybody the gay character is always going to be the wittiest and the funniest yes and he this guy he's an excellent writer because he and he wrote some great lines for himself he's one of the co-writers of this okay this was a skit before it was a movie that makes sense he's one of the guys that came in and helped to uh create the skit so he's one of the co-writers of this and he gave himself some great lines uh the way that he described himself the way he describes homosexuality within the black community ain't gonna say nothing but when you see it you'll know um there's a lot of Truth bombs that get dropped in this movie there there are there are man I like this brother too Melvin Craig is the actor's name you care you saw in the trailer where he was married to a white woman they give him [ __ ] for that because he used to be a gangster yeah it never really comes out in the movie like he's now he's got he's found his inner peace but it's not I really like that character man and he gets the kind of bad in this movie too then we ain't saying nothing you'll see when you see it but he has some great lines too yeah you know the listen this is the only thing I could say for people who who are gonna go see this this is a it's a very black movie it is it is and if you guys I have some black friends and like if you don't regularly go to their house on Sundays for barbecues you you you're gonna be missing stuff you you're gonna be laughing because everybody else is laughing yeah yeah he would be doing nervous laughing yeah uh yeah yeah yeah yeah if I I would I would drill it down to say if you've never played Spades this movie's not for you yeah you if you know nothing if you had no black friends know nothing about black coaches this is a very black movie this movie might as well be another language for you right there like look at it as a nature film yeah too bad they don't have that language on Babel man you can learn Blackness if they had it not so you know get a black friend and learn from them but maybe one day they'll get black on here man or ebonics or ebonics that would not be good yeah no but hey people let's let's start to give a word out to our sponsor which is Babble Babble the language learning app right here is this is just in time too because some of you now you're getting ready to take your first trip abroad some people first time going to Europe some of you ladies out there trying to get yourself a nice sexy Italian guy you know I know what y'all doing man this is the perfect time to get Babel first of all Babel they have these lessons on here that are not only not only short but they're addicting man you know they got what they call bite-sized lessons on here that you could take at your own Leisure and they're very effective and as I said one of the reasons why they're effective is because they're fun and they make it addictive for the people that get it and you know you'll be learning how to 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bad about it I know black history I think the concept is uh used mostly for fun than scarce or use more for labs than suspense uh I just had fun watching them try to answer the questions sure sure that that does make it more fun I mean initially it felt like more of a of a horror movie and as horror movies go it wasn't anything special no but the longer it goes on the more it's like no this is really about the comedy because even yeah because even as it's as it's going the horror you know the hard part of it they're manufacturing reasons to to get scared or to split up or to make dumb decisions or stick around yeah like that whole like we got to keep playing the game it's like that's the one thing you'd be like man [ __ ] this game yeah and but I'll tell you at the beginning that's the thing about it at the beginning they do set it up and it kind of works it does function as a comedic saw uh they kind of dropped as the movie goes but at the beginning of the film and again little subtle things going on at the beginning of the movie you have Jason pharaoh and I forgot the chick's name yeah me too that that he's with but they come in at the beginning of the movie and they also kind of they're they're there to also comment on blacks in horror movies name one black character that survived a horrible you must answer correctly that's all right I know the answer it is Jada Pinkett Omar Epps scream 2. brother I was like no that did get a response out of me like no kill him all right what are you talking about I honestly think that the studio didn't have the budget to keep him the whole movie that's why they needed that first a little comment about not being able to afford Jay Pharoah for the whole movie right right and they ain't got a whole lot of money you could tell so that's that's true well you know that's about orgy is the I think orgy is that her name o-r-j-i is that her name is uh I mean that's the nature of any uh cabin of the Woods movie is that we don't have a big budget so we got this one location yeah we're making it a bottle film yep and we do get a name now quick yeah man um speaking of these questions later on in the game man it is listen I laughed so hard just to summon these some of these questions they were asking again not going to spoil anything for you but they asked the question about the NAACP all right I heard you lose it on that y'all I don't see this movie tell what you think about that I laughed man it caught me off man this movie almost choked me out yeah when they when they when they uh when they did that joke because it caught me off guard I laughed so hard man well that's that is the beauty of the comedy where is that there's so much coming at you and and and not just like not not stupid [ __ ] but like some of it's smart but so much of it you think you got it and it'll catch you off guard with something oh yeah over and over again yeah man uh yeah they they cut they caught me off guard because I was talking about defining Blackness a lot of that Blackness defined me that was a lot of things they said about Blackness I said yeah that's that's me yeah I was like wow that is me I I laughed at something else I said that's six that's me to a to a capital B with my blackness I was like yep I was like yeah you know what you they hit they hit a lot more marks than they missed uh I will also say though that the they're not very subtle when they approach the uh the hard tropes in here now uh our our in certain cases Black Culture I would say that the satire is probably for me not as good as the dialogue or the performances or you know the the the the actors hanging out with each other because that's there are some things in here that are downright lazy they have a they have a a white range in here right a white officer name officer white yeah oh like oh come on man yeah you know y'all y'all look better than that if I got an invite to the cookout I'd be honored but it wouldn't go that's a pretty good answer you know what here's something you can answer for me I just now looked at this let me see is this man wearing lipstick uh your lips just that juicy you know what Dietrich Bader has always had red lips like that I mean but that that is like I know and I know and I don't know if he just always wears lipstick or he just has juicy red lips but his lips have always been that way he look like he's getting ready to read stories to kids right right they look like somebody white somebody's white auntie I like the active I'm like damn ruby red lips man that you pointed out uh uh but I will tell you even though the satire is not as good as the comedy some of the other comedy in this I will also say that it's just good to see a movie just be this Unapologetic apologetically uh open and outspoken about our politics you know talking about our social issues you know like they did they just come out with it they just come right out with it man and they're doing it you know and it's good to see that without being in some kind of you know without being in it in a struggle tone yeah yeah I I appreciated that man you know because they they come right out with it like when I say politics you know because in life we often get criticized for criticizing obvious things I know you know what oh why you know what you don't vote for this person well why can't you just have an open mind I mean all politics are bad no no they come right out in this movie talking about they are very anti-trump uh you know uh comments about the cops and things like that I was like yeah I'm 100 behind you on that like I said the only thing I don't like about it they just they use the n-word it's a crutch sometimes they say it a lot but even then you know what it didn't bother me because it felt natural like as people would speak especially in the group together but see I don't like it in life I think a lot of people just starting to drop it again that's feeling Lazer than me but then again they even make fun of that in the movie yeah so uh I would say that the movie has any big criticisms for me this is why I think it does not get clever as it goes along because the thing as it goes along this is based on this on a sketch and I think kind of feel that near the end like like a lot of movies by the time they get to the third act with this it just they it's almost like they're looking for what direction to go in you know it feels like there's moments where it's kind of stretched and the movie is kind of just directionless in a way you know like they're really trying to find that next thing to go to and that's where I felt like all right this is where it was pulled out from us from a from a sketch to a movie you know but it's not a in large parts of it but I did feel it though it's funny because I so often feel that with comedies yeah like even when they're funny they get to the third act they're like okay well now we got to focus on the plot this is one of those rare times where I didn't feel that I when they get to that I was like it all felt like yeah this was always part of the plan I I didn't feel it wandering I think they had an ending I just I I could tell you the part where I've where I I even noted the part where I felt it but then again like I said you know me maybe because I knew it was a sketch ahead of time I don't know I don't know but uh I will say this though I did this is some of the most fun I've had in a theater this summer you know and the end credits is gonna seem like it's not going anywhere but stick around uh because they keep fading the black on certain things and keep coming back to the joke it does go somewhere and it ends on a very funny so I would stick around for that but that's it for me before I wrap up and get my my rating but you go ahead uh yeah I mean I don't have much to add to what we have to say other than you're right it was one of the the best experiences I've had in a movie this year it was actually very clever and poignant and and just just hit home with so many things it's there is that that feeling of you know to compare to get out there is that like oh wow you really went there you really you know you addressed this but not gonna beat you over the Headway because it's a comedy and you you do like the characters uh you know they they they grow on you and it's almost like like I don't want necessarily a sequel but at the same time I kind of want to hang out with them more when this was over which I think is the best sign of of this kind of thing uh and it's it's a it's a movie that I think and quality is probably more of a matinee and yet with the experience especially if you got people that you know family members or people you like that that go see it it bumps it up to kind of a low full price for me all right well for me not as high uh again like I said I don't think the satire is written as well as just some of the dialogue and I do feel I did feel the time a little bit with this but I still had a great time with it uh I give it a matinee I had a I had fun with this a lot of this probably depends on watching this with the Right audience with the Right audience and being the right person yeah this this is something that is going to this is something that's going to uh be fun to watch at the theater are it'll be something that is fun to watch with a group of friends when it finally comes on TV or you find it on stream yeah now the perfect way to watch this is to buy a bootleg at the barbershop black business I said hello full price I'm willing to pay to see it again yeah yeah it's fun it's fun like I said as far as the audience goes I had a great time in the theater watching it with them because you know black people don't shut up they enhance the movie they they did they did [Music] thank you
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 65,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the blackening movie review, the blackening review, the blackening trailer, the blackening trailer 2023, the blackening trailer reaction, the blackening trailer reaction mashup, the blackening trailer 2, the blackening trailer 1, the blackening trailer skit, the blackening trailer react, the blackening trailer song, the blackening red band trailer, the blackening 2022 trailer, funny movie reviews, movie reviews, double toasted reviews, double toasted, double, toasted, Reviews
Id: VQjBnc6gxAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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