RESPECT MOVIE REVIEW 2021 | Double Toasted

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his head is too small for that body yeah his head is too big for that body this is ridiculous yeah [Laughter] [Music] everybody double toasted live is coming to new york on september 10th hey that's my big birthday weekend so help me celebrate with you you can get your tickets right now over at or go to x1 forward slash double dash toasted dash brooklyn hey there's a limited number of all access tickets and vip tickets they're going pretty fast so go over there and get your tickets now hey everyone support our patreon which helps us to continue bringing you our live streams videos and podcasts while bringing you new content such as exclusive live streams and animated shorts so one of the reasons why we are very late tonight is because i was paying respect to miss aretha franklin riri as some caller riri or miss franklin if you're nasty out there uh gotta give her so much respect that the name of the movie is respect that's one of her biggest hits out there r-e-s-p-e-c-c-t find out what is that what's wrong with what it means to me oh [ __ ] how'd you see people she demands so much respect that this man over here yeah who didn't even who doesn't even know music he knows that god damn song oh yeah she's using blues brothers right dirty [ __ ] yeah i know i remember her she was yeah she was that person he probably heard that song and animaniacs or some [ __ ] that's why you know she finally got a bio picked up like hey look a lot of these people they get they get movies made about them and they are nowhere near as legendary as the great aretha franklin who we lost just a couple of years ago i believe so now look here's y'all people probably already realize it uh but you can't make no movie about aretha franklin and call it respect and then turn around and give us some goddamn disrespect so this movie this this movie is better than sex right this movie's awesome right you saw it yeah yeah nobody gonna make a movie about respect and then turn around and disrespect so i'm sure y'all had the greatest script in the world before y'all even put this to film am i correct yeah and a lot of people said hey man well we already took the right step right we cast jennifer hudson here okay as aretha franklin some people say hey you know what if anybody's going to be aretha franklin it's going to be the woman that follows in her footsteps very strongly jennifer hudson oscar winner oscar winner and one of the greatest american singers of our time aretha franklin herself with a jump from the grave and whoop somebody's ass if you did not cast this woman over here all right let's go ahead and take a look at the trailer i just saw this oh respectful song on tiny tunes i know you saw in a cartoon somewhere i know you didn't see i know you didn't see the actual she looking at you right now that's a goddamn [ __ ] yeah the cartoon rabbit i know her yeah [Laughter] an animation i showed i showed this picture to uh chris earlier that i said who is that he said that's a little richard right right angel now corey i i might not know music but i do know that that is prince [Laughter] yeah purple rain yeah yeah that's the guy that said preparation right here i know oprah winfrey when i see her [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] all right so so much for respect yeah that's out the window [Laughter] y'all ain't [ __ ] i will give my review i'm sorry [Music] i want to sing what i want to sing okay that's chris singing yeah okay okay you really like when i was in that theater that [ __ ] was a full price because i was in there with a theater full of black women there you were and you know they enhanced the experiences that's like watching 3d that's like being in virtual reality every woman in there was every woman in there was aretha franklin all related to aretha franklin every woman in there was jennifer hudson if you hadn't said anything bad about that movie like if i had yelled out this sucks they would have beat my ass you talk about his little drive out with the soda nah that's nothing new that [ __ ] would have like like a black woman zombie movie they would have ripped my ass apart listen i'm gonna say first of all y'all saw that little girl at the beginning of this man that that little girl the little girl's name is skye dakota turner and that girl is amazing that she plays young aretha franklin [Music] just that's when all the black women think say it girl she looks adorable doing that line though didn't she she's so cute one woman actually said it man we're watching a movie all right and i'm not lying we watching a movie some woman said take your time baby like that was a person like she's watching it live like she's watching it live even she was like she's like [ __ ] i'm not i'm not here i'm not real some woman yeah take your time baby like this like they actually had control of the events all right they saw on the screen playing out before them in real time yeah of course yeah hey listen i'm gonna say it's gonna sound mean it's not meant to be me at all but i'm just gonna tell you like it is hey look uh different song same [ __ ] different song same movie uh this this is a biopic it's a musical biopic formula it's the formula man it's the formula yep yeah right it's all the same formula yeah it's the origin the rise the fall and the rise again so that you're leaving the theater feeling good and i'm not saying look that's i'm not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing it depends on what you want because i will tell you this look it's got a great cast you saw some of the people in there in the digital little girl i mean we got jennifer hudson but we also have people in there like mary j blige who mary j blige i got to tell you man mary j blige for being uh for being a singer mary jane being known as a singer that woman is a better actress every time i see her every time i see her in something she gets better and better i'm not sure she should have been nominated for oscar that time but i mean every time i see her she is better yeah she used to be terrible oh yeah no she's dina washington here and i'm so impressed by some of the people say what you will about this movie now but there this movie has brought out some really great performances and people man uh in addition to mary j blige now you know i i probably have no right or i don't have any place to say this i probably haven't you know i probably have uh i probably burned that bridge right now all right you know this is just happening yeah yes i have it and and this man and anybody else out there this is where you would tell me to go myself but also it kind of goes back to why i probably felt like i did and was so harsh uh marlon wayans is a wonderful actor man of course you can of course can't be he is really good in this i believe that yeah and it's too big i look at him in some scenes that i have from that mustache i don't even want to play richard pryor one time i'm like damn in a way maybe you could have got it i found it when i saw this this man i said some terrible things in i you know and i wouldn't go back to do it do i feel the same way you know marlon wayans was making all these movies and i thought that they were terrible because he was just doing the same thing to get some cheap laughs when i knew that this man was a is a great actor he was like sandler very much so yeah sandler yeah he just does the the comedy crazy [ __ ] and then he comes out with something like uncut gems yeah it's like he's doing this record him from a dream all the way all the way back then but he is and i don't you know this is one of those things where it's not going to be his uncut gems you know nobody he plays her uh aretha's husband you know i think he's ted ted white and it's funny because to have the last name white boy who does not like white people in this movie man he dislikes white people so much that you root for the rednecks no damn right they actually have a point it's like god damn man settle your ass down but if you know anything about it he's the i'm just a little spoiler he's the abusive husband right of of uh aretha franklin they indicate that this that's an issue but his body language right who was just standing up there like this right staring at her like that yeah yeah remember she's trying to go out the door and he slams the door in the chair oh that's all the trailer man yeah we can read into it yeah i mean they don't show them beating their ass up but you know gotta watch the movie for that right exactly yeah good taco boy i you know it's not it look it's not when i say it as bad it's it's rough in some scenes to watch but let me just tell you this any time you walk in the living room and there's a black man wearing a robe with his feet propped up oh [ __ ] yeah that's your brother did that turn around and leave oh yeah that we call that pose the ashtray [ __ ] that's the ashtray [ __ ] right there but that's an old school like every time in the 70s when a black man's mad in the movie or just in general they're always in a robe sitting there like damn [ __ ] like he's like man just in my life he's like no no and ass whooping is somewhere back there it's coming it's building you know he's going to tell you why he's mad first look at his face there's an ass whooping brewing right now it's brewing like coffee right there yeah man but yeah marlon wayne's is is great in this there's only a couple of times where it starts to the character the way he plays it starts to kind of slightly go off into a caricature mustache troiling villain or something yeah because he tries to play him so smooth and there there's just a moment a moment but i was he's one of the guys except for those few moments and he you know the way they wrote the character you know this is one of those biopics where we got to make him the villain so they make him do you know they they they don't waste no time making them sure the bad guy but he's man he has to play the seductive ted when he get when he first meets the wreath he's actually very charismatic he's very sexy where he has to go you know he has to go off uh you know for a movie like this they might be a little bit over but a little over the top but for for his performance it's great man nice i really enjoyed him in this movie man i i hope to continue to see him do more like i said i don't ask for any forgiveness for the things i said they were shitty i said them i wouldn't i wouldn't have done it but i do stick to the whole thing of all those years that he was just making those cheap comedies and doing the same thing over again uh that is why i want to see him do more because he had the potential and the potential is applied here man you know the move is directed on a technical level it's directed uh it's directed well very well man and you know this is why you have to go and figure out what you're looking for in this kind of movie because if you're tired of the formula of these biopics then no this is not for you but if you go in realizing like okay these are biopics they are formula just like superhero movies like rom-coms anything action movies and they're almost musical biopics especially they're almost their own genre now so if you go in just looking to be entertained this is an entertaining movie man it's you know it's hitting all those notes that you expect a lot of those things that are predictable those black women the audience they knew it was coming right and now for them that anticipation was sure they indulged in it that's what they were waiting a lot of the appeals sometimes the problem with movies like these is that sometimes they gloss over really important [ __ ] and they don't want to dwell on it because it's supposed to be a piece of entertainment so we ignore that this is why a documentary about aretha franklin if you want to know this is not the place to go you go for entertainment but even then it's like damn man we just gonna skip over the fact that she got raped as a little girl so they they wow they left that out they didn't leave it out they put it in there but it's just you know it's just it's just uh not it's i won't say hint to that it's implied no it's not even glazed over they it's poor choice of words here but it's touched on like a couple of times and then they just kind of leave it alone now we're talking about aretha franklin who had who had two they if you look at the movie she had two two kids and i'm guessing it was out of statutory rape but just flat out rape and it's like all right one kid i can understand us trying to you know kind of cover this up and moving on but it's like what wait a minute two kids how did the second kid come about uh they're just there are we gonna talk about this little this little 13 12 year old girl walking around the house pregnant and we but they but what it feels like is that we don't want to talk about this because we don't want people to feel too bad we want to make some money it'll be a turn off for certain people yeah yeah and and that needs to be talked about because we got two kids and we never talked about how that second kid came up so we inviting the same rapist to the house right yeah you mean right it makes sense but like you know what they did and uh what's love got to do with it they didn't glaze over that [ __ ] like it was the 12-round ass whoop in that whole movie without you yeah like no excuses i mean i'm joking but like you watch that movie it's like you're even like damn they beat her ass like that all the time yeah like just like jesus oh that was the thing and that's funny because this this movie is hitting certain marks because all right you know what we have to talk about this right here but we want to save it for when you see the origin the making of the music uh you know the the rise her first uh time at a studio you know we want to talk about those things now the fact that she got eyes beat from her husband you know she's in a very abusive relationship that can't really be glossed over but it still somewhat feels like what's love got to do with it light i need you to get out on that stage right now change she had to start believing in herself this movie is is they they got a mini version of what's looking to do with it that trailer don't show you nothing oh my god like i mean lawrence fishburne is just clap clap watching that [ __ ] i caught a scene where she was getting my ass beaten nobody wanted to speak up for it oh in the diner yeah yeah that was horrible and everybody's just kind of like this even watching people yeah yeah i ca that's a movie i like shoves that cake in her face oh what's love got to do with it it's like a hard movie to me i can't watch a woman get a ass be like that man it's it's rough but this movie great film though yeah no it i haven't watched it but everybody's yeah it is a great film but that this movie is that movie light and then and then we get to other points where it's like they have to hit they have to hit uh certain marks they have to hit you know certain plot lines certain parts of the formula they got to hit them so much that they don't seem like they're not finishing one before another one comes in it's almost like we cover enough of that all right move on well it's almost like they tag each other out one takes one one thing takes the place of the other one right yeah yeah yeah it does lots of films cause i mean listen nate they got a point here where where she's uh she's so she's uh she she was an activist almost like she went marching with martin luther king right uh sure did she she's talking about angela davis the activist angela davis with the afro mr afro exactly and she talks about angela davis and she talks about how that they should treat her like that and that woman deserves it to be free and they should lock up like that and you think like oh [ __ ] okay now we get into the activist story of aretha franklin no they talk about angela davis for a little bit and the the activist subplot is like all right i'm out alcoholism you win alcoholism is pretty popular though yeah man and they hit it and it's one of those scenes where it's like it's the it's that that the same thing we see when somebody you okay so how does somebody who's cause because in these movies they always have to either have if it's a musician a musical biopic or a musician biopic drugs and alcohol yeah it hit somewhere take your poison and how do they always hit that moment when when that person has hit the darkest moment in their life they're in a dark-ass room yep there's no no windows are open and they're surrounded by empty bottles or drug somehow that night it was that one last drink they they got all the darkness out the next morning they clean up bottles and put them together yeah yeah clean well i'm glad i had that revelation last night got clean in six hours what happened yeah every movie when they hit when they hit that moment that the moment before that turnaround is you know they in they're like in a cave other dark-ass dank-ass room just surrounded by every drug or alcoholic walk the line was the one that really opened people's eyes where they're like these are kind of the same right right that's the one because walk the line came out the same time as the ray charles movie right it was like a year after ray or something like that yeah humble country beginnings yeah and then starting off with the small town band getting on that [ __ ] you know getting with the women and then and then getting hitting rock bottom cleaning up and then yay it's just a movie that is not subtle at all man it's not subtle and it's formula it's not settling some of the things like i say man i'm not the formula is what it is and that's why people go but there are some things like like uh so ted white the the you know the marlin williams character like this they they insinuate that he goes and he goes and beats up uh like when he feels disrespected about club voters who won't play who won't let her read the play tries to not pay them their money he beats the [ __ ] out of him okay and and so he like he comes in and he lays down this literal blood money on the counter like the the money stocks the money still crumpled up and covered in blood like folded at least i don't know i guess that's how hard i fought for you i will not be disrespected throwing the money down like dice and [ __ ] damn get a wallet man [Music] that look is good man yeah yeah you gotta make it dramatic yeah that would not be disrespected man i was like come on and uh and i mean there are moments that we're watching some tyler perry [ __ ] man you know oh oh like everybody yeah everybody bad wigs or something or what's going on no no everybody knows that the abuse is coming everybody knows you know when certain things are happening um you know uh uh but you know that's the way he's uh some of the lines that he has and this is where it gets juicy because it's one of those tyler perry movies where you know they're just so bad right right like this it's a soap opera yeah yeah okay yeah like marlon williams goes from being smooth to just being mad all the time that's his one mode yeah like there's nothing it's that movie where oh they're married now okay well [ __ ] listen let's let's have the abuse beginning over the next day you know all of a sudden he sours or at least it feels like it as far as whitaker plays her pastor father who knows all the dads yeah knows everybody in the civil rights movement apparently and but when i say some tyler perry [ __ ] there's a moment between and it's good there's a moment between him and marlon wins and that [ __ ] is some straight-up awesome b-e-t [ __ ] that happened right there yeah guns were pulled oh [ __ ] [ __ ] was talked guns were pulled and i was like holy [ __ ] and everybody always like ooh and that was that was awesome that moment there man and force whitaker is great as always man yeah as always you know that i mean what are you gonna say yeah we're getting ready [Music] c.l franklin is his name man it's no he was he was good i mean of course he's going to be good and marc maron was good mark mayor is always good he's always yeah no he's playing himself but yeah he's pretty much nice he's good at playing himself yes yes yes but he's cool at like look i don't care what y'all say about me i'm trying to make money because at one point they like accuse him of like getting out of line maybe saying racist things maybe not being you know not being sensitive enough and he's like i don't give a [ __ ] what y'all think i'm trying to make some money here and do you wanna you know but he's still not he's not a callous or unsympathetic character he's actually one of the most likable characters in the movie because he has to deal with her husband's [ __ ] a lot of the times yeah and since there's one moment he's so good there's one moment where like let's say there's pockets of really great drama here there's a moment where he's trying to do the best business decision and he's being undermined so many times by ted and those those are the moments that are really good it's like this dude is gonna ruin her career man it goes to show how again [ __ ] racism is because they go to alabama to cut a record it's really cool to see her defend the white musicians against the husband like i said this is the one where you they go there's one a few movies where they go down to races 1960-something alabama and you cheer for the white people interesting because he's such an [ __ ] well he because he's such an [ __ ] man like there's one dude who says you know what i like you man but you're going to make me call you and keep messing yo cause the dude kept calling him why didn't you what you i gotta listen to you man the guy like man god damn it wow okay i don't think that's ever happened before like a movie that's original [Music] i was like man i don't you you're probably racist because you even thought that but god damn it just dude to push you to do it right exactly like i don't get this one black people in races teamed up against an [ __ ] interesting this is like the marvel cinematic universe of famous black people from the 60s because everybody's there they have all these singers there smokey robinson dino washington and then they got the activists that are in there you know they got martin luther king is there which your father apparently knew martin luther king if you go by the movie so it's it but i looked at this and i was like i have yet i'm trying to find one and maybe it's out there but i'm trying to find one movie where they have martin luther king in there where he looks like martin luther king like that's martin luther king i ain't seen what one which one ali levar burton levar burton what did did he look like i thought he did i had to go back and play him in like two scenes in ali because i'm looking in i'm just like damn i haven't seen yeah i've seen all these different i've seen that does not though [ __ ] not at all i've seen these loki variants of him and uh david yeah yeah yeah yeah like they can't even get the shade right no not at all what they do is they just find a brother with a small afro and put a mustache on a mustache guy we need black guy that's who we got in the castle yeah you put a half row on them now they have for a half row [Laughter] i'll tell you man this is this is a it's like i said it's an entertaining film and i and i did have fun with it there's moments in there that that are that are awesome man uh it's this thing it's near the end of the movie man they know who their demographic is who are going to see this and like i said it's mostly you know probably going to be a black demographic mostly made up and probably of black women and because of that this [ __ ] gets very tolerate at the end they go they take everybody straight to church boy there she is she's so she's she's such an alcoholic she pouring lick into her hair look at that absorbent she's [Laughter] when the singer in the movie like that gets starts getting into the alcohol [ __ ] they always got to because usually in the 70s when they start because they always start [ __ ] up in the 70s i'm telling you seriously but at the end and now it makes sense but they they go they go to church it's all about jesus at the end right but it's because this is the you know it's that turning point where she wants to make a gospel album okay uh but the i don't have a problem with that that's that's that's what happened and that story they have to tell but it's man they they almost make they write the dialogue like they're preaching um you know there's that when they act they got preachy i know what you mean to the point where they were preaching like they were in church you know they they're saying things like oh and i'm on paraphrase some of that effect is like where it says i'm not making this for myself i'm making this for the lord and the lord will tell me where i need to go the lord will guide me i stopped drinking because god told me to stop drinking of course the women in the city amen uh-huh that's right right you're sitting there going i know that's not that conversation in real life there's no way she went and said look mother i'm making this album i i run [ __ ] around here and that's about it you know it's quick because the lord has a plan for you and you'll stop when the lord tells you to stop but right now god needs you to do his work something some of that everybody know what it's gonna be like hey i know that's right uh-huh meant to be crowded jesus yeah man who's her agent going look we've got a contract that stipulates that she can do whatever she's like that's what really happened god's telling me to write this album right here you know that's what that was the other thing was like when she quit alcohol you know she was just like the lord says it's time to stop you know some of that ain't nothing like that just time stopped oh god yeah it was like she did on her own i got the i got the gospel right you know so well it's crowd pleasing that's why yeah yeah yeah sure you know and i you know they take they all take liberties they all take liberties yeah yeah i i don't like when black people are manipulated by religion and so that's oh you know i hate that [ __ ] don't even get me started you know it's late because i didn't jump on that bandwagon i'm like nah don't don't even get me started we'll be all [ __ ] night with that one so just an easy out for alcoholism and everything like that yeah and it's like that's why she made the personal choice do get better well the biggest thing is just to like they know that you know i guess they figured that hey uh tyler perry has proven that religion is big with the black demographic so let's let's see southern we have to be yep exactly we got to put it in here because it's a story but let's wrap that [ __ ] up some of the some of the things that we really want to know about some of the important things some of the dark things that leads this person on their journey to be who they are we don't delve into that too much we go into the whole thing of you know we want to see we want to see them uh they want to see that success story sure all right you know that might be an alcoholic but we can show that because everybody drinks right and she'll be back right after that yeah man so also one of the things i did like about this it took a long time for her to get to where she was going it took a long time for her to be successful she was making records she made i forgot how many songs she made like six records and she did not have one hit and it took a long time but once she actually once she hit they cut from we're in the little studio in alabama to madison square garden oh [ __ ] all right so it was like we spent so much time and you felt it and it was good it felt in a good way her taking the time to get to where she needs to be but the moment that they had that you know when she got to the juicy parts of her success we didn't hey we got here with alcoholism they started rushing things a little bit man to get to the downfall yeah yeah and authentic about these movies yeah and that's what they're there for if you want to watch this both and i know look with all the abuse and alcoholism and whatnot you know she's going to be all right so you watch this for fun you watch this for some of the really good parts now you watch for some of the performances that you hardly ever get to see some of the people that you see a lot of times that you never get to see them do you know that is cool you gotta go in there knowing that man it's a voice formulaic as hell uh but i did have a good time maybe it's because i was in there with a very interactive audience maybe it's because they had some really really cool moments in there like the gun scene with marlon williams and and and papa whitaker but um it's too bad though because i mean you know there's so much this woman's story and they just have to hit the highlights i almost watch it as fiction man you know it's a glorified representation of her life that's what that's what which all biopics typically are yeah yeah yeah and they that's true yeah you watch it like you watch a rom-com r superhero movie or an action film you know it's just marlon wayne's like that is from one of his movies you're right that's like that man that's from his tv show from scary movies yeah that is that is they couldn't just take a goddamn picture of him nope couldn't do it can be unset together covered man mark marion is about to sink into his sweater like a turtle i mean you can even see like the picture quality on the faces is starkly different like mark marin just smooth his head is too big yeah and then but look at jennifer hudson that's that's not right either no it doesn't look like hers is like low resolution all you got to do is take a look at how he's smiling you tell her immediately that's when you look at it's like he's beating you ain't it yeah yeah yeah yeah i am he just grabbed the record too yeah i meant this you know that right any old gold record he could find just grab the [ __ ] got in the picture he was the worst guy his head is too small for that body yeah his head is too big for that body gorgeous this is ridiculous yeah [Laughter] uh it's a it's a low man name yeah a little man name i i i enjoyed what i watched as just a movie no not anything that was informational or educational yeah it's just yeah it's a low magnitude box yeah yeah exactly yeah i've one last question what's up does the snot appear oh you know what there's not one moment that's not what she's singing yeah there's not one moment that snot comes out no snap bubbles no bubbles no no no bubble that's nothing that's a geyser that's a gusher there yeah that's a river of snot that's a gallon of salt exactly that's like a snail crawled up unknown even people that didn't see cats know about the snot yeah looking at a with covid right now yeah really yeah no there's no snot no okay i was just kidding people were gonna be asking no no no and i actually that's why i had that clip ready right there because i was gonna address that no but then grizzly it looks like that part of the movie where she's where she's an alcoholic and a perm got banned they open up the door yeah [Laughter] that perm sticking up some of this features all dry i love it so good question yes good question sir [Music] you
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 41,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Respect review, Respect movie review, Respect movie, Respect, Respect trailer, Respect reaction, Respect 2021 review, Respect review 2021, Respect movie 2021, Respect Aretha Franklin, Respect Aretha Franklin movie, Aretha Franklin movie, Aretha Franklin, Movie reviews 2021, Movie review, Movie reviews, Movie, Review, Trailer, Marlon Waynes, Doubletoasted, Funny video,, Double Toasted
Id: WFVaZ9p8Rx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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