I Have No Man- (Pastor Walter L Pearson Jr.)

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breath of life presents [Music] relentless pursuit with pastor Walter L fearsome jr. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tonight I want to direct your attention to John chapter 5 it is the story that I'm sure you think you know John chapter 5 and I think I can capture what we need beginning at verse 5 and here's what the Bible says and a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years when Jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto Him wilt thou be made whole the impotent man answered him sir I have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the pool but while I'm coming another step is down before me jesus saith unto Him rise take up thy bed and walk I've lifted a few words from this text to entitle this message I call it I have no man would you pray with me father in heaven tonight we open the Scriptures but we don't do it without asking first that the power of God would be dispensed into this place I recognize that without Jesus my voice would mean nothing my language would be babbling there would be no meaning whatever and so I confess that any good word that has ever preceded from my lips has come by the power of God now we trust the father what we need to hear from the Lord tonight speak to us and our hearts shall be satisfied in the name of Jesus we pray amen you have you have heard 2530 sermons on the Pool of Bethesda the name of the place is House of mercy I suggest to you that it's a strange thing to be called because the very story that we are about to read suggests that there is sometimes no mercy in a place called the house of mercy the Bible says there is this pool I have been to the place where they say is the pool you've got to be careful because even in the Holy Land people are not always correct in what they say but they took my wife and I to a place and we looked at it and there we were looking at Jerusalem the scholars are still arguing with each other is it the Sheep gate is that the Sheep market is it the Sheep pool suffice it to say that at this pool while you are there trying to be healed you are exposed to ooh the enterprise you're not somewhere out in the woods you can look up at Jerusalem and see what's going on there so you're not isolated from the activity of healthy people of wealthy people of people who are blessed with health and movement and so the Bible says at this place there are people gathered because they believe that an angel comes betimes and moves the water I read a lot of scholarship on these things I don't believe everything that I read but it's interesting one scholar says that this pool is spared by the stream of Salome that means that it might be part of an aqueduct that could cause surging in the water maybe the story that is told about this pool is somewhat askew there are people who have said over and over again in fact reliable critics have looked at the Bible text and suggest to us that the part of verse 3 that talks about the moving of the water and all of verse 4 that says an angel moves the water was not in the original text some proactive scholar came and saw what was there and said AHA we need to explain this you know the Bible is just about enough by itself don't really need much help what are you saying but one of my favorite writers confirms that this whole story is not built on truth it's built on a tale that is passed how many know that once you start a story it gains momentum there are some of us who have been at the wrong end of a story that gain momentum somebody tells a little tiny lie about you but lies are so irresistible that everybody has to add a little bit of his or her personality to it and by the time you hear it it is gigantic so I understand how it could be but the fact is that perhaps there was a grain of truth at the beginning of the story I read some things that were fantastic they talked about what might have happened at the birth of Jesus what might have happened at the building of the wall around Jerusalem that some great event might have brought holiness to this land that seeped into the water but I'll tell you what makes me suspicious Jesus does not heal by choosing the one who needs at least the story says that there are times and I I read very carefully they said sometimes it might have been considered weekly but probably less likely than every week people were looking all the time during the day the place was crowded hundreds gathered there and they watched for the water to move people who could not walk to the pool would drag themselves to the pool those who had enough money or enough clout or enough connections have some people to come with them to be there when they needed to get to the water because you were healed if you were first in the water and therein lies my problem because if you got a migraine headache headache you can get there first if you have terminal cancer if you are paralyzed you are unlikely to get there first God doesn't work that way I have seen how God moves there are times when he takes the most pitiful of cases in fact in this very passage Jesus doesn't go down and say who looks like they're almost healed who looks the healthiest you know I would almost be ready to put this whole thing down if Jesus operated in that fashion that he chose the one who needed him least and heals them I believe that in order to show his divinity God often chooses the worst cases because there are some cases that nobody thinks can be heal I I have a sermon that has has its major thesis that God sometimes waits until everybody says there's no hope it can't be done there's nothing that can be accomplished and when everybody has signed off on the impossibility then God steps it because God specializes you know what the folks say in things that are impassable so I don't know whether you are willing to go with me or not but I think I'm able to substantiate that this was not a story that was based on fact you know that somebody might have gone there who had a psychosomatic illness there are people who are ill but it's not physical don't worry I'm not going too far down that path some people will be annoyed with me but the fact is that some people who are thinking they're sick and if you think you're sick you are you can sit in your bed you can lie there and be sick you may not be sick but if you think you are you're sick I know some people who have been sick for ages no doctor has been able to verify it but their illness seems palpable it's in their heads but could it have been that somebody whose illness was not physical but psychosomatic went down to the pool saw it move jumped in got up and said and you know how that will take off that's a story that has legs you know fly so if it is true and I believe that it is that this story is based on an old wives tale if you will and that people are waiting there because if you have no other hope you will hope in anything incidentally that's why I think Christians ought to speak up I wish I had been the one who said it but gentlemen wrote that everybody in society has come out of the closet except Christians we walk around with people who have no way of getting any help for for their needs and here we are with the source of all power but we are undercover Christians and so people pass us all the time who need to know what we have known all along but we dare not share it with them because it will identify us as Christians friends of mine there are people who are doing many things that are odd that a strange that are I kind of caustic why in the world won't Christians stand up and be counted let the redeemed of the Lord say so well if you don't have anything else to believe in so the people are gathered there are people who gather there day after day someone brings them and then they take them back but there are some who don't leave there are people who come to this place and stay night and day during the day the Sun scorches so somebody got ingenious they said let's put some some shade let's create shade and they and they put some some covering over some of the porches that had been built so the during the day the Sun would not scorch people and then people who came to stayed during the night understood that it got told so they had blankets and they had their rugs and they would lie down on them not the most comfortable way to sleep but if you want to be there just in case at daybreak the water should move then you crawl down to the edge and and you want to be there in case it happens at the break of day perhaps in the gray of morning if we go so there are people who are there there are also people who died there there is one of them no hope anymore they have waited until their moment comes the water moves but there's nobody to pick them up and so they try their best to get down they crawl they they use whatever power they have but they can't get there in time in fact there are people who declare that when they solve the water moon the hundreds of people would be like driven animals would step over the heads of people who had other illnesses would trample them under and perhaps some of the death that occurred at this place happened because somebody was trampled trying to get to the water that my friend is not the way God works God is a God of decency and or even when God moves with large groups there is order but at this pool you can tell it was sometimes a place without mercy well the Bible says that there were people who came there but when Jesus passed by and I love this part of the story he might have healed everyone there but the political situation was so tense and I know some of you think that the Bible is so so pretty and and it's so delicate you know all of your Jesus stories are pretty around trying to kill Jesus trying to impede his character trying to detract from his credentials he had not gone to one of the schools of that day his wisdom came from somewhere but he spoke with authority so they knew there was something that backed him up you and I know that he was not in a regular program you must understand that these days not everybody goes to an ordinary educational situation there are some people who are part of distance learning this is why I love my job I get to do stuff like this Jesus was enrolled in a distance learning program early in the morning a great while before day he would wake up and commune with his father his father would send down a lesson or two and he would fulfill the lesson and fill in all the blanks and send it back up so that is education was complete and superior to anything on the face of the earth it just didn't happen at a normal educational institution and I do not believe that there is tension between formal education and spiritual education let me say it quickly lest somebody trying to leave this institution blame it on me so long as you understand that wisdom comes from God you can get your information from anywhere in fact the closer your information comes from divinity the better it is and the more reliable it is superior information but God has no tension against learning God used people with formal education the Apostle Paul being a sterling example he was no less effective because he was trained his mind was sharp and God used him in a different way that doesn't mean he couldn't use somebody who didn't have the opportunity remember that information comes from all sources many sources wisdom comes from God long as you got that you got it straight so now here we are with this this situation let me tell you what I know these are things that can be deduced this man who had been paralyzed for 38 years could not take himself to this fool somebody took him and now that somebody is gone are we together so far this is not written it can be deduced he got there but if he's paralyzed he couldn't take himself but by the time Jesus gets there you remember Jesus says you want to be made whole and and I catch the words of one of my favorite writers who says that the man looked up and saw that face that face unlike any other face Jesus face was not different because he was too handsome he had no form or comeliness isaiah says that we might desire him God might have made Jesus so handsome that every woman would have fallen in love with him so muscular that every man would have ended him but his beauty was not from his musculature it was from what was with him so when that face bent down over that man it was not that his features were so handsome it was that there was something of love and power in that face and when the man saw him something inside of him leaves but then he said no I've been through this before so when Jesus says what do you want me to do for you here is his answer and preachers who enjoy ignoring the man's answer he says I have no man now you knew you knew I was going to take a piece of that in my travels and I'm glad that my wife is most often with me because there are different gender groups that approach with separate requests when a group of young women come I I can almost have what their quandary might be I pull my wife close and sometimes they say the very words that the paralyzed man says that's the future I have no man what can I tell them I've had young ladies asked me when you travel would you take a picture of me with you well I would end up with a large pocket full of pictures I'm not sure my wife would be completely in consonance with that plan so I do not accept pictures I hope you're forewarned I have no man what they're saying is not just that I don't have a man now but I have had some experiences with men let me tell you what this man's real problem is let's let's do you mind if we cut through the red tape what the man is saying is this somebody brought me at least they were kind enough to bring me here I don't know who it was I've done as much research as I can do I cannot find out who it was who brought him but whoever brought him might have stayed with him for a while but eventually they became enchanted with something else and they left him so I have an idea how the conversation went day after day with no movement of water maybe the movement did happen and they said come on come on we got to go if you would come when I told you to come we remain next time I'm here with you but I can't this is tough laughs and when that water moves I'm gonna snatch you next time I hope you're ready but after a few snatches whoever it was who came could it have been his wife could it have been a son they must have said to him you know something you know I love you don't but I've been thinking I think I'd be more help to you maybe going out and getting the job somewhere look right up there I see people I believe there are jobs available up near the Sheep gate or down here near the Sheep pool I believe that I could go do something that that makes more sense than sitting with you every day waiting for this water to move and then trying to get you up would you mind with it can I take a couple days and just go check well what's he gonna say he can't force him to stay okay I'll be right back hey I'll be right back and you know how that goes I believe that somebody abandoned him they may have come back once or twice maybe they came to check on him but their visits became few and far between that eventually this man found himself at the place of healing where the water was supposed to move but nobody to pick him up and take him over there I believe that there are some young ladies who have had the same experience their real complaint is not that I have no man but that I had a few and they abandoned me honey I know a place where I could take you I have looked at you and I've seen your problem you know I can read into your mind just a gift I got you know I'm able to do that and since I know what your weakness is it and trust me you are almost perfect but you do have that one little thing and I can know a place where I could take you where water move could I take you down there I've never heard don't worry I'll take you there girl and I stay with you I'll be there until the water moves water moves I don't believe there's anybody down there before they know it I'll have you and we're gonna come away with a healed woman girl you're ready to be healed ladies you're mighty quiet and it's okay if he had stayed but eventually something caught his eye up by the gate of Jerusalem and you know I mean don't you know I mean well I just saw a friend of mine up there and I know this man got something going all the time and I'm gonna tell you something if you give me a few minutes in fact maybe like a day and a half with him I go up there and get a couple of things moving I come back down here and bring you some food and stuff you know we got much down here all we got is like this rug bring us back some so we could at least be comfortable while I'm waiting on that water come you know that's a lot waiting on that water and you know I love you but right now I got to go I'm gonna be right back ladies you know the whole story don't you I have a daughter we have had deep analytical conversations it is rare when the brother even makes that phone call he promised are you trying to act like you are not the one who knows this stuff all the other women know but you have never experienced this well all I'm saying to you is that there are people who would take you places promising healing that they cannot give and then when it seems like it might happen they abandon you and the hurt is not just in the fact that they told you things that were not true things that were fantastic things that were too good to be true and certainly they sounded like they really were get the story of Adam and Eve what I want to say is that if I had seen Eve coming back looking funny you know I would want to think I would say Eve you know look like you did when you left where did you go yeah I'm going over you've been over there by that tree turn around let me see you in the light now here's what I would want to think Eve you wait right here I got to go talk to God for a minute but men are often very susceptible to stories sometimes brethren we listen to things that women say acting like we don't have a mirror at all how you doing you all buffed up and everything so when they say that you didn't know you noticed that what you've been doing pumping iron to somewhere you know I don't do it much but I'm just kind of naturally that way some woman I have you all tired up telling you things that have no relationship with truth and I only doing is trying to find somebody to go to some little place with them and then they'll have the nerve to tell you that now let me ask you something I hope you don't take this the wrong way when you get with my friends many of them are very educated and some of them come from families where you know they treat English like it's some special entry exam and they can spot any flaw in your syntax so I hope you don't misunderstand when we get around them could I ask you just not to say a lot no you could say like hello yeah that would be okay but if they ask you any questions about like current events or anything like you just act like you kind of choked or you sneeze in the Sun all right and they tell you you know something if you stick with me I know you haven't had many advantages but can you tell that I'm on your wavelength can you tell what I could do with you if I had the chance man I know places where you could get him I know a place where water moves you want to go with me you won't know yourself when you get back down there with you to least two or three days went to school with her you know what I'd like to just go up there maybe talk with her I think I could get up there like what half an hour can I run on up there and just kind of say hey to her and come on back you know I love you but I just need to go for a minute I'm a B and there you are brother and don't think it can't happen and I know brothers are very very reluctant to admit that it happened to us so and not not one brother out there is gonna give me any love on this point I'm making you just go go ahead and be quiet and understand that we know each other happens to the best of us but you are abandoned the the pain is not that they lie so much it's that they took you on some strange journey that had no real end and then when you were there believing they abandoned you I believe that there are wives who are abandoned down by the fool I believe that some man told you what he would do if he would trust in him told you he'd make you a star could you just help me get my degree first well I'm down your street now and if you help me with man girl soon as I start breaking in that big money I'm any degree you want you hear me get a double if you want you know what I mean I'll be on that tuition out whatever you need can can you go with me on that place and as soon as you have put all of your effort and all of your strength into it then one day he comes home after it's all done it says you you know I don't want just to come out wrong just feel like I've grown this situation you know you know the love we have I don't think anything can diminish that but it's just how can I say the challenge is not still there and I got some folk but I could go with him and you know we're not actually breaking up don't look at it as a breakup I'm just I just need to go with them for what that's what I'm trained to do now could I just go up there for a while you know I love you I just need to go for a while and I'll be right back and brothers there are some women who will do it to you all they want is a man to finance the front end of that career not the whole career it just needs you to to supply that degree they didn't pick up they've already got everyone all they need is that EMRs y'all a little slow you know I know we don't you know we not all that we don't see at around everything well look we're gonna grow together you understand what I'm saying we're gonna grow together and in a few years nobody gonna be able to tell what the backgrounds were cuz we're just gonna be like that we're gonna be inseparable but then she's gone and the problem is not just the pain of the lies or the pain of the spent energy it's that there you are in a place where you expected healing but instead you have been abandoned you have nobody and what the man is saying is this Jesus I know whoever you are he doesn't know his name yet here you are bending over me I want to believe but I don't have anybody here he is wanting somebody to take him to water that probably means nothing when the one who bends over him has the power to snatch away all the variables Jesus does not take you through the hoops you don't need anybody to lift you up to bring you to Jesus Jesus will come where you are and when he comes he brings healing with him so Jesus has not come to say let me pick you up and take you to the water Jesus has come to make a very terse declaration and here it is he bends over and says rise take up your bed and walk let me tell you what happens then I don't know whether you get your brain around this and not because it's too simple everybody when they hit stuff like this they want long formula but when Jesus speaks it doesn't have to be long and convoluted he said rise take up your bed and walk he did not say no in a minute I'm gonna say some words to you when I say them to you because I am the son of God in human flesh I have laid down my power but I still have the ability to call on my father above and he can really power to me that I can dispense to you and because I was the creator and my father can make me once again have that same creating power I have the power to bring you back to where you ought to be Jesus didn't go through all that if you need that kind of explanation you don't need Jesus there are some people who are who are too complicated to get healed by Jesus all you need to do when Jesus speaks is to believe with the words of Jesus power into that man's life every muscle if his body with the power of the words of Jesus and all of a sudden when he looked up in his face he felt love and power he felt Jesus breathing the power that was sufficient to get him up so he did not examine the words he did not start a feasibility study he simply believed and obeyed now I've talked to medical professionals who are trained in this thing and here's what they say pastor if you've been there paralyzed for 38 years it's a nightmare for a physical therapist it's that anybody who's been paralyzed that long the muscles have atrophied and they've turned inward in fact most of them agree that this man was in almost a fetal position because that's what muscles do that are not used his knees have pulled up to his abdomen his arms have folded around each other his hands if they move it all only tremble from time to death and he looks like an old baby and there's nothing that can happen for him nothing most doctors who would look at him would say no let's work on somebody else there's no hope for him but all Jesus had to do was to go to his bed and say those simple words and all that man had to do was to seize the power of the words and all of a sudden through his body when a charge of power that did more than 10,000 physical therapists could have done in 10 years because it was Jesus speaking it was belief taking hold and it was obedience making the power happen so a man who can't get up gets up in fact there was no stumbling there was nobody there to help him Jesus did not reach out and say let me help you he had already said the words that could make him walk in fact he had the power at that moment not only to walk but to run to leap and I know there's obvious thing see that's the reason why I don't believe in the Bible and that's the reason why you can't get any help yes cuz you're so smart you know so much let me tell you something when you come to Jesus you gotta have childlike faith my wife will tell you that there was a time when when I was in a swimming pool my little boy I had no no idea about swimming in fact I had him on my back for the first few hours and we were having a ball and I said son let me take you over here and put you down so Daddy can swim and you know sounded like he agreed his mom and I went back out and I started swimming well my wife looked away for just what felt like a second and evidently he had not understood the the direction direction I gave him so he got up came back jumped into water little bitty guy didn't even understand the concept of swimming the only thing he knew was his daddy was in the water you don't understand me so he just got in the water started going up and down swallowing water with us cuz he knew there was no way in the world he could drown in that water while his daddy was in that war and I thank God before he went down too many times I went over and grab my little drowning smiling son and when I grabbed him that was no fear in his face [Music] makes me angry is that we've come to a time where nobody believes anymore here's what I want to tell you the people are in the worst trouble are not the women who have been mistreated by me and then abandoned or the men who have been mistreated by women and abandoned or even the husbands or the wives the people who are in the worst trouble are the people who went down there with somebody who wasn't a friend they followed the devil down and don't you tell me the devil doesn't make good office you know I hear people all the time acting like it's stupid to sing well it is but it's sweet upfront if sin were not sweet for a little while nobody would Sam come on folks I already knew who you are you can't come and you're fooling me like you're all holy and sanctified and beyond sins all have sinned and come short of the glory of God don't you go ahead and get real and say you followed them a couple times yourself cuz he does make good office you come out a lot of people got in trouble but you think I can look at you and tell you you're never getting so you're too smart to let him get you come on and here you go you the really think I'm just like look at the shape yo hey and there you go you're following him and he takes you inside where are we going we're going somewhere where water move no no wait a minute is something wrong with what you say see I read a story like that a long time ago I don't think you winning yeah but see sometimes you can read that stuff and get confused what I'm trying to tell you is I'm gonna take you where water move you gonna be there you go well come on there now what happens when your father the devil down there what's gonna happen for you what hope do you have but the fact is that we find ourselves locked in sin not because we determined to be sinners anybody even atheist don't want to be sinless they don't believe in that whole thing all they want to do is is enjoy self-determination nobody wants to be a sinner but you follow him down there and when he gets you down there it's kind of different with him because when he turns on you it's ugly hey let me ask you something how you enjoying yourself down here people been trampling over your head folks been stepping on your back I was checking you out the other day about 24 people rolled over your back were you thinking while they were stepping on you that I had lied to you so it dawned on you that I didn't tell you exactly the truth did it little bell ring in the back of your head did you think you might not have been as smart as I told you you were and here you are down here with me and guess what you're right I'm not in this story this is not a story that I can control and since you're down here with me I can tell you that your plight is practically without hope I'm just here to remind you that even when you follow the arch deceiver down to a place that doesn't really have a healing power the one who will come and get you is still Jesus I I came from an Academy that is well known in some circles and I had I had gotten my learner's permit but had not fully gotten my driver's license but I had a friend with me who shall be nameless all of you would know him but I can't name him we've got that agreement we got home and I said dad let me borrow the car got your license yeah all right so you know Carl what much but it was all we had I took it out we were talking as we pulled out of the driveway you are going what you won't do it all y'all didn't think knew preachers talk like that I was in college I was allowed the weather was a little funny it was misty gray you could barely see three car lengths in front of you but that's alright we had the car we've all dressed up had on them little funny hats way back in those days the most attractive had a man could wear was called a stingy brim got some old men in here now I can feel you we had them all a brand but yeah as we came to but came up to a blinking light it was blinking yellow towards us I guess it was blinking red the other way and and you're supposed to slow down but hey two young men on the way to town to paint it to color so I hit the gas it was a car that you don't even know anymore it was called a Rambler it had under its hood a trusty take that back it had under its hood a six-cylinder engine that made a sound when fully when the accelerator was fully depressed almost nothing happened came to the blinking yellow hit the gas I looked out of my peripheral vision and saw a truck coming as fast as it could come but it was there was not enough power in that car to get it out of the way and the truck hit the Rambler and sent it around and round and round and I don't know how many times it went round but when it landed it landed in front of a of a grocery store the rear end inside the store I'm sitting there in Alabama with a learner's permit and no licensed driver sitting next to me the two elderly people did not have the same suntan that I have I'm just waiting on you presently there was a sheriff it's it's the quintessential southern sheriff he's got a potbelly he's got a big LBJ Stetson hat he's showing on the nub of a cigar and he comes on fair bar you know he for trouble as though I didn't already know the person who was with me said let me switch with yes or no man I'm in enough trouble this is this is the end but this stuff no more lies no more prevarication we got to get out of this I ran over to the payphone there were no cell phones then and I called of all people my dad the same man I just lied to and taken his car and wrecked it it was inside a store and Here I am getting ready to ask my dad to come help me and I got problem I said I'm the cars wrecked - two old people say their backs are hurting there's a store owner who says I got to fix everything that's wrong with his store and I incidentally when I told you this morning I had a license I had a learner's permit and that's the point where your father ought to tell you off but a real father knows that you already got enough trouble he said son just stay right there I gotta I gotta get a ride I'm in the only car the family's got my father came it's a long story here's the short side of it dad went in and said I'm a I'm a contractor I will make your store look better than it did before my son came into your doors went over to the people who were in the truck said would you please can you get to a hospital if you can here's my card I will pay every cent of your medical bill went over to the sheriff and this was the hard sell he said sir do you have a son I saw that cigar slack in his mouth and drop I said there is a guy that said if you got a son you understand how I feel today my boy ought to be a preacher but this day could ruin it for him I need your help to save my boy and let him do what God has called him to do will you work with me and a southern sheriff pulled off his reflective glasses and said I feel your pain and I'm gonna work with you and I stand here today because of a father [Applause] let me tell you what I want to say to you every one of us is down by the pool every one of us has been abandoned somebody lied to us maybe we lied to ourselves and here we are with nobody to help and I tell you that if everybody else has abandoned you the best news you can hear right now is that there is one who will never never never never leave in fact the thing that I want to make as clear is God will help me make it during this week that is way too short is it it doesn't make any difference what brought you to the pool doesn't make any difference who brought you down here and it doesn't make any difference how soon they abandoned you everybody gets abandoned eventually cuz nobody stays with you you can't trust anybody else when your mother and your father forsake you Jesus will take you up so I want to say here you tonight that no matter what stuff you've done no matter what baggage you carry no matter how many people you've lied to maybe you've lied to the very people who you need to help and the fact is that every one of us has lied to Jesus and the miracle is that he knew you would lie before your life knew your life while you were telling it and loved you through it and even now after you've lied yourself into a corner that you think is inescapable tonight Jesus bends over your bed and says can I do anything for you what do you need and what you ought to say is you can't help me I've lied to you how could you help me when you are the one who I've hurt the most but Jesus is not about to listen to your story he came to seek and to save so tonight he will bend over your bed and say rise take up your bed and walk if you can believe it if you can obey Him you will not shut out you will not shake you will not fall you will stand in the power of Christ god bless join us next time for more breath of life with pastor Walter L Pearson jr. the Bread of Life free gift offer this week is built to last by Dwight Nelson go on a scientific and spiritual journey with Pastor Nelson as he carefully examines the evidence for a universe designed by a creator the findings and conclusion will comfort you and bring you to a new understanding about the God who watches over us all just call our toll-free number eight seven seven two six five six three three three and ask for built to last to order a CD or audio cassette copy of this breath of life broadcast just call our toll-free number eight seven seven Bol offer that's eight seven seven two six five six three three three or you may write to breath of life P o box nine seven one nine to Washington DC 200 seven seven the CD our audio cassette is yours for a gift of five dollars or more if you'd like to purchase a DVD or VHS copy just let us know thank you for watching and supporting breath of life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
Views: 39,040
Rating: 4.7594938 out of 5
Keywords: breath, of, life, ministries, walter, pearson, seventh-day, adventist, sda, bible, jesus, god, religion, holy, spirit, trinity, faith, christianity, gospel, heaven, praise, truth, word, salvation, pastor, Salvation (Christianity), Ministry, Preaching, Lord, walter pearson
Id: DbL1cdjnQIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Sat May 10 2014
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