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[Music] welcome back watch people or maybe i should say welcome back potential watch people because if you're watching this video you may just be on the start of your watch buying journey your watch buying path your potential watch collecting path because believe me when i tell you that collecting watches can become a drug it can become addictive and i've spoken before about something called watch disease and the itch is that you just have to scratch when you become involved in what is trust me when i tell you it is addictive but what i'm going to do today guys i'm going to make a video um offering my best advice based on almost four decades in and around the watch business to any new potential watch buyer particularly in the rolex brand you know the video itself is you know it mentions rolex it could be about any brand potentially but the vast majority of people that watch this video i believe are going to be thinking about buying their first rolex so this video is going to be absolutely invaluable to you and it could not only save you a lot of money it could save you from being scammed there are a lot of videos that i've made over the last couple of years guys that everyone should watch in my humble opinion particularly if you're new to watches but if you don't watch any of them please please please watch this one particularly if you're thinking about buying your first rolex watch now the first thing that um i would advise everyone and this is that there are some golden rules in my in my book and the first one is is that you need to have patience guys please if you are thinking about buying your first rolex watch be patient don't just rush out and buy the first one that you see that you think you like don't just buy one off your friend because it happens to be for sale this is a purchase that you are either going to love or you are going to regret you are going to absolutely be proud of the purchase you've made or you're very swiftly going to get buyers remorse and again you're going to have to trust me when i say this buyers remorse when it comes to buying watches can often be expensive um and it's not a great idea so having patience is the first golden rule the old offer um or a piece of advice i would offer to anyone thinking about buying their first rolex the second thing and it kind of goes hand in hand with patience and that is research you must you simply must do a lot of research before you buy your first watch now what would that research entail what sort of research should you undertake well first of all the first thing is the price you you want to research roughly how much should you be paying for that particular watch what are they going for what's the cheapest you've seen what's the most expensive you've seen do you want to be somewhere in the middle have a budget in mind and then try and up that budget because most people like when you look in our house the vast majority of people that start to look at what is particularly in a rolex brand they'll start off with a figure in their mind and before they know where they are that figure has you know been screwed up and thrown over their shoulder their wipe the slight glean and all of a sudden their budget is a thousand two thousand even five thousand or more um over what they originally planned on spending um so your budget is very important you need to set yourself a maximum budget and always always always recommend that you spend as much as you possibly can on your watch because you are going to reap the rewards for that in the future so patience is vital research is vital and where should you do your research well youtube is a great place to do research i don't actually recommend forums i think forums can be a very very dangerous a very smelly place um i gave up reading watch forms years and years and years ago invariably there is a large contingent of haters of trolls of people that spread false and fake information i really don't recommend um the use of forums um that's just my personal experience i would say that youtube is probably the best place to review your watches now what sort of way what way should you go when you review the watch that you're looking at or the watches the different models um the videos to watch are people just simply that are reviewing the what is people that are showing you on on their wrist what they look like on the wrist what are the fours what i'm against you know watch 10 20 50 videos it all goes along with being patient and ultimately i would recommend that you kind of try and wiggle your choice down to maybe two or three models two preferably but you know have two or three models on your shopping list and then you've got to go out and you've got to start trying them on um and that really is where you're gonna ultimately get the feel of which watch is right for you when you actually put them on your wrist think of how and where you want to wear this watch do you want it as an everyday watch are you going to wear it to work for an example let's give you a a a bit of a crazy example you know if you was a mechanic you know and you want to wear your rolex every day you're not going to be buying an 18 carat yellow gold rolex submariner it just wouldn't make sense it's not a tall watch it wouldn't be the right watch to wear for work and vice versa it might be that if you're in a really really high-end job your bank manager or something you know you might want to wear a nice slim dressy protector work you wouldn't necessarily want to wear a casio so there are different watches for different purposes how will it suit your lifestyle how will it fit into your lifestyle when are you going to wear it how often are you going to wear it i would always personally advise that you have at least two watches in your collection one for best and that is probably going to be your rolex so in other words don't do anything too physical in the watch save it for the nice high days and holidays the evenings out with a family family meals etc going out for drinks with your partner um when you're you know that fresh out of the shower feeling just put some nice clean clothes on and you finish it off by popping on your lovely new watch um that's the best way to appreciate what i find and then you've got your everyday beater your casio your seiko whatever you choose to wear as an everyday beater to work when you're doing stuff manually you don't want to damage your best watch just because you simply want to wear it all the time and every day so patience is key patience is key research is key price is key get as high a budget as you possibly can if you can't buy the watch that you want because you haven't got the budget rather than buying a substitute that's definitely going to offer you a case of buys remorse very soon once another what he wears off um save your money save your money don't blow that money to save it now there are some authorized dealers out there now that do zero percent finance etc maybe it might be an idea to go along to your authorized dealer and see what sort of deal they can do on finance to get the watch that you actually want rather than buying outright and a watch that you actually don't really want you only think you want on the day and i've seen that so often in the past and so many times with customers now i know i keep saying it guys but it's vital that you absolutely get this into your minds patience and research absolutely key the next thing i always talk about is condition condition condition condition everyone knows if they watch my videos on a regular basis i always always always bang on about condition condition is key often more important than paperwork ideally if you're new to the watch game it might be that you would only consider buying a watch with its full set box papers etc perfectly understandable um the more experienced buyers out there won't necessarily put so much importance on paperwork which is often now a bait etc and the main thing is the watch you buy is authentic and that brings me to another point where should you consider buying your first rolex watch well guys for me 100 um there are really only two places that you could you should consider buying your first rolex watch and that is either from an authorized rolex dealership or from an independent dealer with a solid and proven trusted history and the reason i say that is because look if you're a new buyer if you're a new uh potential new rolex buyer you certainly won't have the experience to go into the field um and it is a sharp bit out there let me tell you now it really is a dangerous place to be if you go out there into the big wide ugly world looking to buy your first rolex watch with no experience from a private seller the chances of you getting call are actually quite high and they're certainly a lot higher than an old one to be put it that way i mean look what a percentage is i'm just talking off the top of my head now but if you go out there you know and you buy off of a private person from ebay or from chrono 24 or from your local newspaper there's a much higher chance that you're going to buy something that isn't quite what you thought it was than if you buy it from an authorized dealer of course that's guaranteed or a good solid proven trusted um pre-owned dealer so i would definitely recommend that you put yourself in the hands of a professional take all the guesswork out of it gents take you don't want to be second guessing anything you don't want to be taking anyone's word for it you want everything in writing all documented um and you will get that from any proper independent dealer and of course you'll always get that with your local authorized dealer you might not be able to get the watch that you want with your local authorized dealer because you know all flights dealerships now that's a completely separate topic i've got videos about that as well um completely different subjects but yeah you're probably going to find it difficult as a new rolex owner to be able to go and find the watch you want necessarily at your local authorized dealer which will send you to the grain market or the pre-owned market and that is where ultimately i would suggest that you shop if you can't obtain your watch from your local authorized dealer in the past things have changed because in the past pre-owned dealers like myself we were able to get rolex watches or the vast majority of rolex watches with a discount uh and we will be able to offer them to the public discount but rolex have very cleverly turn the tables that's no longer really possible so you know it doesn't pay me to say it's the truth the truth of the matter is the best place to buy your brand new rolex watch in 2020 and 2021 is indeed from your authorized dealership whereas in previous years i would say well come to us first because we might be able to offer you that watch cheaper that's really very rarely the case nowadays now gents i could talk till i'm blue in the face offering you advice after advice after advice but what i want to try and do is keep this video as sensible and as short and as sweet as possible so that you actually truly take in and really take on board the massive recommendations that i'm making you know as i said patience um you must definitely take into consideration the condition of the watch i've done a whole video on how to appraise the condition of a rolex watch um your budget is also very important um where are we we've been through um research and patience they're the most important things you must have all of those things disciplined in your mind set in your own head um be prepared to go through all those stages and also be prepared to travel as well because you know quite often i will see people who find the right watch for them at perhaps the right price and it might be a couple of hundred miles away it might be a full day out of your life driving there and driving back and they'll go you know what i can't be bothered i think i'll wait um until something more locally comes up guys listen the right watch is never too far away um it's a day of your life if you have to travel from london to birmingham if you have to travel from you know edinburgh to newcastle do it um it you know it's a day out of your life and the right watch is definitely definitely worth traveling for because you'll wake up the following morning it's on your wrist and you think you know what that was worth every second of the day out of my life so don't be afraid to travel as well be very careful of sales talk don't let anyone push you into buying a watch that you don't feel is right if you walk into any watch dealers premises and you are feeling pressurized just simply make your excuses and walk away do not be pressurized because that all boils down again to you having the determination and the discipline to be patient um you will feel trust me when i tell you believe me you will feel so much better um and you will feel so more much more confident if you follow these steps take your time and just play every corner every aspect of the watch buying process and pay all the attention that i'm suggesting and at the end of that process you'll feel so much better and so much more confident about what you've done now we could talk about prices but obviously they are very very time sensitive in general discounts on what is dependent on the brand i've done videos all about discounts if you go back through my video library you will find videos that teach you how to negotiate for discounts what brands you should and shouldn't expect discounts from um again we're predominantly talking about rolex bodies here if you're buying a brand new rolex from an authorized dealership the chances of you getting any discount are extremely slim depending on the models that you're buying if it's a ladies watch the chances are much higher um if it's a sports watch the chances are absolutely zero unless potentially there might be a little bit of wiggle room on some of the more expensive uh more readily available 18 carat gold models other brands vary um amiga yes you should be able to get discounts breitling you should be at your discounts um order regular high street brands in general you should be able to negotiate some kind of discount um but i'm afraid in 2020 2021 you know you can almost count out uh where rolex is concerned if you're dealing with a pre-owned dealer there's nothing wrong then with trying to bargain to some degree but quite often um they will use the expression well i can't replace it for this price or you know where am i going to get another one or you know find another one like this in this condition for the price and that actually is true it's not sales talk it's not a gimmick it's not them trying to convince you that you should buy this watch because it's the best thing since livespread honestly guys if they've got a really really nice rolex sports modelling box papers mint condition you know there's no point in them selling it to you cheap because they've probably got 50 customers lined up behind you that would be prepared to pay the full asking price for it talking about prices something that's just coming to my mind while i'm talking actually i would always personally prefer to pay that little bit more i would actually feel more comfortable walking away from a watch transaction feeling that maybe i'd paid a little bit too much rather than maybe i should have spent a little bit more does that make sense um i would rather walk away with a watch that was absolutely perfect absolutely perfect in every sense and i look at it and i think well you know what maybe i paid 500 pounds too much for that watch but where am i going to find another one it's going to be really difficult to find a watch in that condition full set etc etc i'd rather do that than walk away with a watch and think well that was fairly cheap i maybe saved a thousand pound on that it was you know a lot cheaper than the one my friend bought etcetera but every time you look at it you see the mark on the bezel maybe the paperwork's missing there's a a lot of band stretch or whatever you know look guys honestly condition condition condition always always always vital gentler at the end of the day as i said i could talk for hours on this video this is basically a very very basic starters guide this is a very very basic video for people that are just thinking about maybe buying their first rolex watch my advice to you watch a lot of watch channels don't just watch me i'm not the only watch youtuber in the world by some way there are a lot of excellent watch youtubers out there particularly a lot of good watch youtubers who actually review these watches i don't really do individual watch reviews it's not really my sort of thing my channel is more about advice my channel is more about trying to help people based on my experience as a watch dealer and if you are new to this channel i thank you so much for watching i very much hope that you give me the thumbs up like and subscribe um and look this is the bottom line there's absolutely nothing in this for me i'm not charging you for this video um you're not paying me for this video um the only income that i get from my videos are from my sponsors and from a google ads obviously my channel is free to wear it's free to view um and there's there's no axe to grind for me every bit of information i've given you during this video is from my heart and from my head and if you follow it you won't go too far wrong thanks for watching see you soon you
Channel: Paul Thorpe Watch Dealer
Views: 37,492
Rating: 4.9180722 out of 5
Keywords: Advice when buying my first rolex, first time rolex buyer, buying a rolex, rolex advice, help buying my first rolex, where to buy a rolex watch, rolex buying and selling, Jenni Elle, WatchBox, Producer Michael, Buying a rolex advice, help rolex, rolex assistance, rolex help, help me choose a rolex, what's the best rolex for a first time buyer, which rolex should I buy, help buying my rolex watch, rolex watch advice for first time buyers, choosing your first rolex watch, rolex
Id: aSmjRcvigPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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