Hot Tent Camping in the Tahoe Gear Tipi with the Mr. Heater Portable Buddy Propane Heater
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Channel: KdawgCrazy Outdoors
Views: 1,122,553
Rating: 4.5326414 out of 5
Keywords: kdawgcrazy, hiking, backpacking, kdawg crazy, wild camp, cold weather shelter, cold weather gear, pulk sled, hot tent, Mr. Heater Little Buddy, propane heater, Mr. Heater Portable Buddy, backpacking gear, winter camping, winter backpacking, winter backpacking tips and tricks, Jetboil Minimo, jetboil pot support, Happy Camper ceiling Fan, tent fan, Tahoe Gear Bighorn Teepee, tipi, tepe, Bridgford Ready To Eat Sandwiches French Toast, Sea to Summit Aeros pillow, heated tent
Id: ux258zKvBQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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