-34c Cold, Frigid and Freezing Wall Tent!!

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[Music] hey folks it is the coldest day that it has been by far this year for me coming out here - 34 my hands are pretty cold now I've had them out a little bit doing some shooting and stuff okay so what am i doing today I'm gonna cook I'm gonna use my saw properly thanks to you guys I now know how to use a saw properly what else am I gonna do today I'm going to change the spark arrestor on my tent I have to do that and chop some wood I'm gonna have a nice hot fire I'm gonna have a cup of coffee and I think that's it oh yeah I have a mustache now [Music] I don't think it's been anybody here it looks like the old scooter tracks and human traffic is mine that's the that was two weeks ago it's really cool my fingers are freezing right now this hand is really cold looks good this is what I got from the tent shop in from the states same place that made my tent tent shop you can see the logo down here so the issue is you guys watch some of my episodes last year you know that this barker Esther that they sent me originally with the tent was a piece of junk it almost smoked me out one night there's this other guy on YouTube called the shell family and he's a little bit upset with his tent and he's upset with the spark arrestor as well he's in a bit of a battle now with the tent shop about the product that he received I decided I'd chime in on the conversation because the guy who made that video shell family is the name of YouTube channel reached out to me after he saw some of my videos and said hey look I'm really dissatisfied with my product and I watched his video and he had some real legitimate concerns and of course one of the big concerns was his spark arrestor he goes on talking about how you know he could have choked out one night and he had to clean it out two or three times the run of a night as you know like I said earlier same problem with me last year so I just made a comment on this video I watched it or made a comment [Music] you and I made a comment because the tent shop decided it would get involved in the conversation and said hey look look you know we we understand your problems but here's our side of the story so I jumped in and I said hey maybe you should watch some of my videos because you know this guy's got a point sparkler rush is really bad I had to completely change my note so the tech shop sent me this and it still has you know all these little this great thing going on here let's see if it is great and so I'm gonna test it out and I have my doubts cuz it's just so cold here I just feel like this stuff is gonna clog up anyway and what I have on top of my tent now it's just like this is gaping wide open there's no chance that it's gonna clog but I'm gonna give it a shot and see how it goes that's the first order of business today change that up folks I'm telling you right now it is crazy the by far the coldest has been even colder than that night when I almost froze to death I had a little bit of heat coming from the stove right now I have no heat so pressures on I got to get this thing changed [Applause] with how cold it is outside I hope this thing comes off easily and yep there you go okay so as you can see it's wide open there's no chance there's gonna be any clogging a little bit of creosote but nothing about the to major and this guy looks like it goes on the inside interesting he's not gonna go anywhere okay let's see what happens [Music] I don't care what anyone says Fiskars axes are awesome they are sharp and ask anybody who uses one they work very very well I will only use Fiskars from here on out it's worth the money even though they're cheap compared to some of these classic would handled ones I don't even know the brand names all I know is that this guy works [Applause] so the number one tip I learned last week was if you're gonna saw you gotta have your saw on the side that's gonna fall off I know this proper terminology for that I don't know what it is I was putting my Pete my junk of wood underneath here and cutting here and then the wood was binding together and slowing down my saw ideally I'd had someone holding the and er I'd have a horse or something I don't have that I'm cutting on the ground but I am going to use this piece of wood here that's on the ground this log and I'm going to saw on this side of the log and hopefully then the wood just falls away and I'm not always binding up zero binding you guys are smart ten times faster as you can see folks I only get a small box of wood out of that but that should keep me going for the rest of the afternoon it's about time for some soup some coffee this is dedicated to my buddy Chris check out our cabin video awesome cabin trip at his cabin spent a lot of time at his cabin spent a lot of time eating spicy soup while we were there let's see oh baby this is gonna burn my mouth off if you hear me slurping and slopping and saying because it's too hot I only oversample good things you're too hot now it's good okay then we'll cup coffee here and I'm going to sharpen some knives have a shop in my not since I got him time for over a year some of them have had for five or six years and they just don't get regularly sharpened a little bit of coffee here have a muffin sharp my knives brownie not a muffin a brownie sorry this kit I got from my mother it's a Lansky kit I've used it a couple of times and it has instructions in it it's pretty cool it's got some oil you can see that right there and it's got two little knife holders clamp them together get your sharpening stones I've got three here on you can get five I got three and yeah it's been a while let's see if we can figure it out oh yeah fire needs some love I wish we had birch like a lot of birch around here see what happens with that guy this is a woods cast-iron pan woods Canada it's a $30 cast-iron pan so it's not gonna be the best cast-iron pan I got it because I'm getting into cast iron now I have a nice log of steena at home it's a hundred and five dollar cast-iron pan and I've been seasoning that thing for the last month or so and I can fry eggs on that thing like it's Teflon I mean it is unbelievable I got it on sale didn't spend a hundred and five bucks on a cast-iron pan looking for deals so I got a deal on this one just because it's cheap so not really on sale but it's a cheap pin I'm gonna do a little bit of cast iron cooking right now it's not seasoned fully I fried eggs on it yesterday stuck a little bit I did a little bit of seasoning myself so let's see how it works I'm going to cook some some French bread some cheese and some salami in this I'll probably melt the cheese on top of the French bread and just fry it right in the pan and it's recipe inspired by a youtube channel called ta outdoors guy over in the UK I watched quite a few of his videos he's pretty awesome it seems like a pretty cool guy and he did sausage on like a crusty bread and butter and I thought oh man that looks so delicious and then yesterday when I was trying to think of what I would cook while I was here today I said you know I'm just gonna rip that guy off but I'm gonna do salami instead and extra old cheddar cheese and hopeful doesn't stick to this pan so I'm gonna use a little bit of margin on this I'm keeping it on the front of this stove is just like ripping hot it is deadly hot right now and if I put it in the back I'm the pan shit's gonna get too hot to cook in fact I'm concerned it might be just too hot even up at the front here anyway a little bit of merger in because just for the ease of bringing it I brought margarine today I'm gonna fry some bread melt some cheese I'm gonna fry some salami maybe I'll do the salami first yeah so I thought it'd be hard to control this very very hot I'm gonna put a little bit of extra butter in there margarine because just not properly seasoned yet now fry the salami Oh it's actually not too too too hot I was an animal in this neighborhood oh my god yeah this stove is just beautiful right now look at that that is perfect no sticking right here that might be excessive amount of butter for my bread might regret that so you do this for now we take them off this life is just so sharp [Applause] whole those are still really hot so was that pan okay so while I wait for that meal to cook a little bit just to crisp up on the bottom and hopefully the cheese will melt a little bit there I'm gonna have a beer and I watch a lot of YouTube especially these types of videos I'm sure a lot of people who watch this channel watch a lot of those other channels that are similar to this one of them as I mentioned earlier before is ta outdoors and other one is Joel Robinette I mean that guy's got like 500,000 subscribers I've got about 1200 so I've got a ways to go but what they normally do is they they open craft beer and then they talk about how delicious the craft beer is and and I'm not a craft beer guy but what I do have today is the world's most delicious beer well bad blue you know craft beers they normally have like some sort of description of the beer where it came from what it tastes like this one in details says quality brewing since 1847 so you know it's got to be good anyway I like a dirty ol homemade beer this is Canadian I believe a Belgian company has taken over now but John Labatt Canadian guy came up with Labatt blue and look at that Oh baby mmm yeah just as I thought plain beer and sometimes that's just what a guy needs where a gal some plain beer AHA splashes so check it out you see that Oh crisping a little bit melty gooey nests and I'm using a plastic fork today because I don't have a proper Fork okay this stuff is perfect coming off crispy crispy on the bottom well fund a really good day accomplished a lot got a lot of wood cut up and I just had a good time I relax it's got to make a video this is like the funnest hobby I have right now the whole thing you know making the video and getting out and being busy it's just so good for the mind to come out like I find it very therapeutic and I feel good for like a week after whenever I have one of these trips and it's not over because I got to go home and I got to edit this now so I get to relive it again I'm going to eat some of this and check out the bottom right there Oh crispy a nice let's see mmm oh that's good the bat blue going to Whitehorse next week and I'm really hoping to do a video out there hoping to get to visit a tent yeah that's the plan and I got a friend out there his name is Steve real outdoorsman so hopefully we connect make a video maybe I'll just follow that guy around and I'll be in it from time to time now it should be fun though really excited about that and yeah so I'm gonna be on pause in this location for a little while but hopefully the video is just keep on coming thanks so much for watching really appreciate it
Channel: jay legere
Views: 3,363,346
Rating: 4.476068 out of 5
Keywords: Canvas tent shop, wall tent shop, canvas tent, wall tent, hot tent, wood stove, yamaha, yellowknife, northwest territories, canada, winter, cold, freezing, fire, food, beer, T.A Outdoors, Joe Robinet, labatt blue
Id: _6-mWy0WPUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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