Mr Heater Buddy - Condensation and Carbon Monoxide

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[Music] alright folks this is Jason with the primal outdoors Channel and I thought we'd talk real quickly about using a mr. heater buddy inside an enclosed space like my drifter trailer or a tent I've got lots of winter camping videos and I used my mr. heater buddy all the time I've been using it for probably about three years now inside either a tent or inside like this drifter trailer and it's worked really good but any time that I use it or talk about using it in a video I get two pretty similar questions and that is you know are you concerned about carbon monoxide and how do you deal with the condensation so I thought we'd address the first question first and that being out you know am I worried about carbon dioxide and I'm not worried about it at all add mr. heater buddies are indoor safe it says it right on the box at their indoor safe there's been lots of YouTube channels all over that have tried to do carbon monoxide tests and you know it's just a non-issue the one thing you do want to be aware of is it does burn oxygen so you do want to make sure that you keep a couple windows open and always have a fresh supply of oxygen coming into the cabin it does have an oxygen sensor so if it does detect that the oxygen levels are too low it will shut itself off but even if you're not using a mr. heater buddy it's a good idea to have a couple windows open in a closed space as well because you yourself are also using oxygen you know I've got a couple dogs in here they're using oxygen so it's always a good idea no matter what if you're using the mr. buddy heater anyways so with that said that's pretty much all I'm gonna cover on the carbon monoxide I'm not worried about it I think it's a non-issue it's nothing that I'm concerned about whatsoever at all now let's talk about condensation so as far as condensation is concerned when you burn propane it does release moisture into the air so you're actually creating more moisture inside your cabin which can create more condensation in certain situations and what I mean by certain situations is I find that actually running the mystery eater buddy inside this cabin inside the small space it actually helps me control condensation not that it's not putting moisture in the air but it's just keeping it from condensating on my walls and I'll explain here in one minute so when condensation happens it's because you're exhaling you yourself are exhaling moist air my dogs are inhaling moist air if I'm drinking coffee in here there's moist air more moisture going into the air so you end up with this moist air flowing inside your your space and if that moist air hits a surface that's a few degrees cooler than it is it will turn - it will turn back to water and you'll end up with water droplets on your walls so with the fact that the mr. heater buddy is putting out moisture you would think that I would get more even more moisture on my walls but because this space is so small what I am finding is the walls are nice and warm so to touch my walls right now they're all really nice and warm so they're actually warmer than the air that I'm putting out so the moisture is hitting the walls but it's not turning into water droplets and not turning back into water and I'm not getting water all over my walls I actually did a couple of tests one night where I slept with the mr. heater buddy on and one night where I slept without the mr. heater buddy on with cold temperatures outside and I found that the night that I did not use the mr. heater buddy I ended up with a lot of moisture on my wall right here because I sleep right here and so this area actually had quite a bit of wetness to it right up in here the next night I ran the mr. heater buddy and there was no moisture it was completely dry on the wall the wall was warm and the wall was completely dry so in some situations I think the mr. buddy heater can act the mr. heater buddy can help with condensation but be aware it does put that moisture out my dad for example used a mr. heater buddy in a larger RV and he did deal with a lot more condensation because of it and I believe that was because the space was just a lot bigger and even though the heater was helping heat that space it was intact keeping the walls as warm as mine are and so when that moist air would hit the walls it would condensate so I like I said I really think it's gonna depend on the application if you have a very small space like this I think it can help control in the end because it is putting moisture into your cabin you still need to find a way to exhaust that moisture out so I again another reason why I keep a couple windows open in mine in my cabin so that that way that moisture can go out now I do believe there's better if you're using a structured camp setup like I am right now and what I mean by structured is like a little camper or a van or something like that I do believe there's better options out there now for heating those and that's includes the little diesel heaters the pro packs heater which is one that I'm very keen about I think that's another good one and those ones all the combustion happens in a separate chamber and the intake for that chamber and the exhaust for that chamber all go outside of the cabin and then you just have a heat exchanger that basically circulates warm dry air so even though you're still gonna be dealing with moisture because you're breathing the heating device is not going to add to that so I do believe that's a better solution for these and I am definitely looking at doing it going that route myself in the future but you know again these mr. heater buddies are very simple to use and they're safe and they're easy for especially if you have a tin or something that you're taking up and down it's just really easy to just grab it and put it inside there and as long as you you know make sure you have a good buffer space in front of it so that that way nothing can run up against the front to where that might cause a fire hazard and as long as you have some windows open I think it is a good solution for tents and you know but I hope that answers I hope what I'm telling you answers a few of the questions that you guys have like I said I've been using this for a long time and it's it's been a great heating it's been a great source for heating my tents and my cabins but I am that like I said gonna probably look at a profiler in the in the future anyhow I hope you guys found in this video to be useful if you did please leave a like if you have any comments or questions leave those down below and I'll catch you guys again outside [Music] I'm just sitting here I got time it's clear to see from up here the world seemed small [Music] we can sit together it's so beautiful you and me we meant to be great outdoor [Music]
Channel: Primal Outdoors - Camping and Overlanding
Views: 242,727
Rating: 4.953495 out of 5
Keywords: Mr Heater Buddy, Mr Heater, Buddy Heater, Heater, Condensation, Carbon Monoxide, Portable Heater, Propex Heater, Diesel Heater, propane heater, portable heater
Id: CpgL-8ufb5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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