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hey everybody this video was sponsored by sniffles codex of companions the book written by room Smith and mostly being produced by elderman see the Kickstarter has only one day left so the price gets a little bit more expensive this book is a five EDD supplement that comes with a bunch of animal companions new familiars pets lots of new monsters as well including feats and spells and lots of stuff if you're a player you'll really like this book if you're a dungeon master you're really gonna get a lot of use out of this book so get yourself a copy you'll get a PDF break get the whole dang shebang with the special edition and jeebies and cards and also plushies there's so much stuff in this Kickstarter not to mention that the art looks beautiful and incredible so go get yourself a copy and support creators like myself and Logan it is already funded but hey there's no reason why you can't support a little bit right now and get yourself moving the extra goodness enters okay alright good video everybody walk back to floored videos today we're gonna be reading a bunch of spicy hot takes about d-date RPGs death things like that and I'm gonna tell you whether or not you're wrong or right or just give you my counter take counter spicy taste wow what an original idea Jakob you're so unique for coming up with this yeah well I'm running out of video ideas anyways so so I've got I've got social media up right here and we're just gonna go down the list about all this look and I just easy bet you but this thread is a nightmare oh no that means there's gonna be some bad takes which makes me really excited being too creative is very much a thing and it is rather annoying while being creative and detailed is important I do not need to hear how you're going to pluck out each of the goblins eyebrows if he tells you where the chieftain is so you're about to notice that a lot of things I feel about a Dean deed just has to do with the group that you're playing with or if it's done in mediation I'm gonna try to stray away from that for a little bit so I don't answer every single hot day with the same thing so with this one specifically I think that yes technically you are correct this mistake is somewhat correct in terms of like you don't need to describe every single tiny thing but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing and Dean D is already a game about describing [ __ ] anyways however if you have a group of people who don't necessarily like describing everything that they do like from when the sword hits the clavicle and slices down into the ribs I don't know Anatomy then that's the kind of group that you have but if your group doesn't really care and you're just hacking and slashing and killing stuff then it doesn't really matter all that much so if you've got someone in your group that is just over the top kind of describing things a little too much you could just ask them to calm down a little bit on it but I don't think it's a bad thing when you describe things in a game about describing things there's just one in here that says Jacob is greater than Logan you're the only person that thinks this it's the players story not the d-ends um sort of yes kind of I don't know about that one D&D is in any tabletop role-playing game it's everybody's story so long as everybody's having fun and getting a chance to participate in the story that they're all making together that's what it should be I think a lot of Dungeon Master's tend to focus on themselves a little more than their players and that'll be my presidential campaign slogan when I become president of times the Dragons is like Blair's be the centerpiece of your stories but I don't think that the DM is just not allowed to participate the dungeon master is there to to be a part of it as well they're a player as well they're playing the game they're allowed to be a part of the story especially because they're making up the whole damn thing gatekeeping can be good you have sessions to do shopping it lets the story breathe without needing a festival session yeah I agree time shopping episodes some players will find it very very cathartic I remember when we were playing sunder and everybody was getting mad at me because every single game was a cliffhanger that led to the next epic thing and they're like can we just have the filler beach episode where we shop and we don't do anything because we keep we're so stressed out Jacob and I was like oh yeah yeah we should do that and I gave him a couple of games where they could just kind of breathe and I think those are very good for campaigns it's pronounced tea fling not Thai fling yeah stunning strike needs to be reworked big time and then somebody replied once per turn or you have to declare before role to hit and then they replied god please had a player cheese my boss fight just by spamming it at least twice per turn and it was not fun okay all right stunning strike debacle so stunning strike is a really really powerful ability given to monks that are relatively low-level and they can spam it on their tax meaning that they can run in and kind of do like eight attacks and then make them all stuns if they want to to try to get that stun off here's the thing first of all legendary resistance second of all monsters that have the advantage magical resistance I normally give advantage on those attacks because I count them as magic even though none of my players agree with me on this Jeremy Crawford doesn't agree with me on this i 100% believe that that's a magical ability and give those monsters that advantage to the attacker or you could totally just fudge your roles that the stunning strike never gets off but that's gonna feel really really bad for your month player who wants to just use their abilities and you should just be like um no you can't do that why because I said and I think it's dumb it's like why do I get any abilities in the game the way we could a soft ruled it was that the monk could only do one stunning strike per turn on they can still do it on their reactions if they got an opportunity attack just one spurred their turn they could only do one and that was kind of fair but it also never really got off either so it's this it's the same thing is smiting it's this weird position of like well it's really powerful but if you debuff it it becomes so ridiculously terrible that no one will ever use it ever so I think it's kind of balanced already just make your encounters around your monk make your beholder have a really good con save have it be that there's a bunch of monsters in the initiative so that they can only stunning strike one two or or three of them maybe so you've just overwhelmed the monk with other creatures I don't think that's that difficult to overcome guys it's just because you're big bad got stunned once you look they took a bunch of damage in one turn the players are doing their job they're trying to be successful heroes that's their whole goal I'm getting far more mad than I should be paladin's should get official support for canned trips no they shouldn't I think that's really dumb everybody is talking about how paladin can trips are the greatest thing since sliced bread and I don't agree paladin's are fighters their whole thing is that they can fight they don't need to be clerics who can fight now they have smites for a reason they have spell slots for a reason they don't need care trips moving diagonal on a square grid is fine actually it is okay you're right you're right it is you know I feel like it should be put hexes make everything better yes but a lot of maps are not designed to round X's so you have to stick to grids whatever it's easier sure humans can be a very fun and fulfilling race to play and the argument you are a human already IRL playing one in a fantasy setting with magic canals would be boring is only subjective to the person who had an issue with it humans can be fun gosh darn it I agree all of these jokes aren't funny this is just just jokes the Bard's deuces x big agree that ones dumb the Rogue is fine with murder actually yeah I before I made this video I made a skit about the rogue and it was just so similarly to the wizard that I hated it clerics are goody two-shoes XD all Wizards do is cast fireball yes those are overdone memes there are wrong ways to play D&D specifically is the wrong way to play D&D I think that's it's such a vague take that I don't I don't I don't I don't there can be a wrong way to play D&D if that's what you and your group think is wrong and thus you don't play it that way but you can't look at another group of people and go you're playing dd wrong it's their game of make-believe who cares cobol's are better than dwarves okay warlocks should get access to invocation based on patrons not just their packs even if they are mostly gimmicky slash flavor there was a UA a while back that gave an arch Faye Guin fiend specific invocations and they got the axe real quick two reasons I don't get which is a shame like warlock is a class all about customization building 250 player in their character why not lean into it harder I'm not saying remove the pact specific invocations because those are fantastic I'm just saying patron specific ones would be nice to have to yeah I agree but I think what they were trying to do is to give more options for your pact like you could reasonably spin casting false life at will for any patron and I think that's what the design is supposed to be behind warlocks is that you can kind of flavor all of the abilities you get around your patron but I also understand wanting new invocations and having them be like patron specific I think that would be really neat but I don't think that's something they're going to do because they want the variety behind the warlock Fivey is all about variety I've talked about it before in other videos and it is trying to be as open as possible so that you can kind of take whatever the hell you want there is no such thing as a bad character once again in vague and subjective there are other RPGs people need to recognize D&D isn't the best or the only option for everything yeah yeah everybody knows that D&D is just the most popular bards who are just about seduction are seriously some of the worst Oh that really depends if somebody wants to make a character based around seduction and they come up with like really good reasons for it and it makes a lot of sense for the confines of the game and all the players on the DM are okay with it didn't know who cares I think that there can be really good characters that are made out of that but making a meme bard character that just seduces everything they look at can be really frustrating and luckily I've never had any players that have done this but I've seen horror stories and y'all need to stop being so horny intelligence is one of the weakest ability scores if your class subclass doesn't depend on it yes it is homebrew can be very annoying there is so much in the books already why can't you flavor stuff to make it your own for me and my friends who have played the game a lot homebrew can be really refreshing for us because it's something new that we don't know homebrew monsters homebrew spells and homebrew subclasses that we all kind of agree with can be really fresh for our games because it's something brand-new that we like and isn't just like others Arcana but if your players are over the top going crazy with homebrew and your games then maybe you should play with a different group okay that was all Twitter we're gonna move over to YouTube now to see what your guys's hot takes are and there's Allah there are 323 of them hot take the best part of uttereth Arcana is that it's unbalanced pushing the limits of abilities is great and self-limiting your characters power can be half the fun okay sure being an unbalanced thing in our artists iconic can be really fun and I can totally understand that playing something really powerful can be an interesting character to play I don't disagree with that the problem with others their kana is that everybody treats it like it's official and it's not so if you're gonna play it in your groups it's basically like homebrew so all of you HOT takers out there who are like unearthed Arcana is okay but homebrew is bad they're basically the same thing except Wizards of the coast is going I wonder if this is balanced and they just kind of throw it out to test their books I take intentionally making your character stats bad doesn't make you a better player it just makes your character bad um okay that that's like like double reverse take because it's like if you make your stats high then you're a bad role player I mean a bad role player is a bad role play or a bad player is a bad player but it does really help to mitigate your meta gamey power building characters by giving yourself a low stat and having a flaw alone as a character will just make your character a little bit more realistic I don't think that you could just go to your character and go I have an eighth text therefore I am a good character that's not what I'm saying at all but I think that doing that is a good thing for your D&D characters and allows for a lot of growth in the future with your characters as well I'd take a dark depressing backstory for a character doesn't automatically make them an edge lord yes you're 100% right there's a difference between an edgy backstory and a dark backstory the biggest difference I see in the two of them is that you have a dark backstory if stuff happens to you it makes a lot of sense you react very normally to it and you put it into your character as something that they can kind of reflect upon and act upon in terms of their personality and edgy backstory is like your parents died and you'd like to drink blood and also your name is boney darkness Raven Way dementia and things just kind of happened to you and it doesn't to you whatsoever if the dark parts of your backstory have an impact on your character then I think it's very successful and can make for a really interesting character most people don't play bards right and bards should not be teenagers trying to seduce every demon but rather scribes and lore masters recording events through their art your bard can be whoever you want choosing objectively strong spells or building a character specifically for one of the strongest subclasses does not automatically mean you hate role-playing and only one two men max everything no you are correct that is 100% right picking a powerful build for your character is not necessarily a bad thing to do but if you do it intentionally over the course of making a character then it becomes a problem so if I have a character who specializes in ice spells and then I take fireball because it does more damage then then it gets weird it's like well you're just taking that to do more damage make but if your character perhaps has a reason to take the spell because they know it's a very powerful spell and they want to be able to kill more I think that's fine you just want to have reasons for everything and as soon as you have reasons for your character doing all of the stuff and taking all of the stuff that they have I think it makes a lot of sense however if you are one of those people that decides to go I have a twenty and everything and here's all the reasons why and you just make it all make sense but your character is still ridiculously obviously overpowered then there's a little bit of a problem there death house was a fun introductory adventure for cursive straud my DM made it feel immersive and creepy and let us have some time to play in a dungeon like setting before the role play heavy parts in burrow via for my group this was perfect as it let us have extra time to work on our characters personalities sadly my group broke up shortly afterwards but I remember death house as being some of the most fun I have had in D&D that's awesome if you had fun with the death house then that's really great I feel like there's more fun to be had in cursive straat outside of the death house but you can definitely make it fun I just think that the fun parts and curse estrade aren't the death house there's just other parts of the game that can be much more interesting than that introductory dungeon thing playing a weird race slash class does not mean your character is interesting this hot take is correct I always feel that if you just make something really weird that doesn't automatically make you interesting human fighters are just as interesting as Vulcan mystics so do whatever the hell you want okay this there was a lot of hot takes there were like a lot I did not expect this many and maybe we'll come back to this again in the future but don't argue with one another and play your games however the heck you want and whatever this is a lot of fun and I hope you got something out of this and if you didn't well I just yelled at you guys for a bunch of opinions and you don't have to agree with me okay make sure to check out sniffles codex of companions it's got one day left on Kickstarter unless this is in the future then it's got no days left alright I'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching that's the other video
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 790,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm
Id: AaR2j9a6DzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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