Marisha Ray: Lessons in being a Good Roleplayer

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Marisha ray is one of the best players on critical role her characters are deep written very well and are played even better Marisha thinks about her actions knows how to play the game and adds a lot to the show that is critical role her involvement has been pivotal to its success today we'll be talking about Marisha and what makes her great on the show but where's another place you can talk about critical role or D&D with other fans Amino is a free app with millions of different communities for you nerds to talk about passions fandoms and other interests like for me it's the Dungeons & Dragons one so get out your phone get in this amino and talk to these dudes about critical role ships like never before you can vote on polls read theories discuss homebrew stuff you got your fan art you got people people looking to play the actual game you know what I'm saying get in there and DM the tell Dory campaign settings a lot of people and most importantly vote on my super cool polo who's better VAX Latour bozhe I'll wait there's a link in the comment and description feel like these videos consider supporting the sponsor because they are bringing people in this community together and that's super awesome and also because money anyways back to what I was saying Marisha thinks about her actions knows how to play the game and adds a lot to the show that is critical role her involvement has been pivotal to its success it's also really sad to say that this statement is something rarely heard in the current role community now I'm not here to start drama or to say that everyone is wrong or to bring down Marisha I'm here to bring light to some awesome aspects of this wonderful person that you can learn from I think there's reasons behind everything Marissa did and still does not to say she's learned so much from playing the game there's a lot to say about her Marisha does a lot more than you guys think I'm just a guy on an Internet I don't know them I don't know who they are I'm only attempting to read between the lines to show you guys there's more underneath so Marissa if you're watching this I just like to say I love you I understand you I look up to you and I'm also really bad Con 2017 you were right behind me when Matt was on stage I wanted to say hi but I couldn't find you in the darkness yes I'm still mad about this anyway let's do this I want to show you how you can also be a great player like Marissa Rey [Music] all right so one of the great things that were issued does in this aspect is she role plays to a fault she's so invested in these characters she's willing to take off her Mauritius suit and put on her healeth suit even if she's going to look a little stupid on the internet for mispronouncing some word when she's yelling at rice on my civilisation see this isn't cringy or annoying in my eyes it's admirable what you're doing when you devote into your role at the table is you're bleeding everyone else into doing the same you set an example you should watch when she starts going all emotional into the game her friends aren't like oh huh Oh her she's been all weird again let's let's try to change the subject they instead actively involved themselves in the game to match her level of role-playing if everyone around the table was feeling super uncomfortable about role-playing and no one ever did anything to promote role-playing in the game no one would ever want to roleplay their characters no I'm not trying to say that your D&D game would be better if Marissa was sitting at it but if you were playing D&D with your friends and suddenly one of them literally started crying at the table at the DM you're telling me you just sit there and be like oh not too weird don't like this hashtag cringe [Music] so an example for myself in our first game of tesseract a D&D game we play on our second Channel we're all having a good time going on a quest playing our new characters when out of nowhere an NPC shows up hands us the MacGuffin and dies in a cave in any other situation we'd be like oh huh weird okay let's go but no Logan RDM had to go the extra mile and actually had tears falling from his face during the death of the NPC we knew nothing about we cared immensely about the item that he gave us spoilers is the tesseract and even later in the game we killed people and felt awful about it the tone of the game was set right then and we were emotionally invested in the rest of that game get involved in this game make your characters care and don't be afraid this game is about being out of your comfort zone Marisha doesn't care if she looks stupid in front of millions of people you shouldn't either now we know that Marissa overextends a role playing in order to set a tone and lead others into heavily role-playing with her how does this compare when it comes to her characters I have no clue what goes on behind the scenes of critical role but from what I can tell Marissa really thinks about how her character should be played yes I've talked about this before with Travis and Tallis in but it's true I feel like Marissa is probably similar to her characters but I don't think she's all bow or all keel if if you were to compare the two characters you begin to notice how different they are killeth isn't very confident she doubts herself she isn't very good at thinking sometimes but she cares she loves her friends with a burning fire ashari passion and would do anything to stop her enemies she wants to do good beause a badass kungfu fightin [ __ ] who don't take [ __ ] from anybody and can't even comprehend caring Wow isn't it crazy she knows how play these two characters really well isn't it strange she pulls that off hey guys I don't want to keep reiterating this point but this is something admirable to look at you see Marissa throws away herself when she plays these characters she puts aside what she wants and focuses on the story I don't know what kind of meditation she goes through in order to literally play up this role to the point where people on reddit are actively pissed at her for being dumb or a jerk because she's her [ __ ] character but it's admirable if you're struggling to get into your character's head or people are calling you out for being a dick when you play D&D look at Marissa you're not alone play your character this is your game your friends and your story don't let other people's opinions affect that stay humble and do what you do don't be afraid to breach that level of comfort our best experiences in life are had when we're scared out of our minds be brave another really cool thing I like that Marisa does when she plays this game is she rarely involves herself this is a big problem I have when I play D&D I'm very much an instigator I like to be around everything all the time and push all the buttons and talk to all the NPC's I can get really caught up in it and end up taking away from my friends who are also trying to enjoy the game one of my most hated things as a player is when someone else is doing something in another room and I can't do anything about it I typically have to leave the table so I don't met a game so even though Marisha is kind of like a bash in the door kind of role-playing style where she's like here's me my character she's never stepping on the toes of the other players and my god is that a hard thing to do but not if you have the right mindset like I stated before Mauritius over-the-top role-playing is a way for others to feel comfortable about role-playing - then she takes the extra step to make sure that everyone gets their chance to roleplay DC she's basically goading out the intense nerdy role player of her friends for a fun time around the table that was a weird sentence but let me explain Marisha isn't doing this all for herself much like Travis she's interacting with her friends in order to give them a chance of playing their character you've got people like Liam who are also big in their personality and want to do this epic light show of a D&D game but Liam tends to play these quiet broody characters Marisa goes out of her way to get Liam to roleplay that [ __ ] out of Caleb by giving him opportunities - and this is so great for characters to do she doesn't focus on herself she's always leaning on her friends throughout the games even his keel if she looked to her party or even NPCs to play out her character see someone like me I'll literally just take any opportunity to play on my characters traits and flaws I'm not really doing it for the game I'm doing to be like woohoo look could be my character I'm so cool Marisha does it for the opposite she wants to have a real interaction with her friends this in turn creates a more enjoyable experience for everyone god she's really good at this game I remember last year when campaign two was about four or five games from finishing and Marisha tweeted that she was excited about making a new character I was legitimately curious as to what she would make I was very surprised at bow and didn't expect it from her at all it's because Mercia played Quiles so well that i would have never expected her to play something so opposite and to be honest I was kind of on the boat of Moreau shows basically kailath but Marissa honestly seems more comfortable in both and keel a--the yes I could say she learned and grew since the start of the first campaign but it's one hell of a shift I mean we realized that all the tears Marissa shed is killeth and all the dumb weird crazy decisions she made were kind of all a part of the character I don't need to prove this to you go watch the last episode of campaign 1 in the first episode of campaign two there's a tremendous shift in the end this game is about being in another world the people you care about you can play it however you want this game is about having fun with you and your friends I just hope from this video and from Marissa you can learn to be a leader at the table humility companionship and teamwork thanks Marissa [Music]
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 782,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons, and, dragons, matt mercer, matthew mercer, critical role, how to, video essay, tutorial, 5e, 3.5, tips, geek and sundry, characters, phb, druid, monk, beauregard critical role, keyleth vax, liam o'brien, taliesin jaffe, laura bailey, travis willingham, ashley johnson, mighty nein, vox machina, dungeons and dragons, sam riegel, geek & sundry
Id: 1WMzXmjOcik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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