If You Can Roast Slowly, You Can Roast Quickly...

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Hi. *sigh* The video we didn't want to make, but... ...just 'cause we're so generous. That's right. We're so generous. We're gonna read the comments about you guys roasting us. It's not like our self-esteem is already low enough from watching prodigies on YouTube, right? It's called a forced smile. So, [we] posted a "Roast Me" on Reddit. Let's see what you guys say. *sighs* *groans* Yeah, it's because... ...we're busy practicing, guys. We need to practice and so we don't have time to think of original content. Guys, - Please— - if you have original content please send it our way. Please send us original content ideas. Please. I'm running out of steam. We're working 24/7, I can't do it anymore. We've peaked. TwoSet has officially peaked, time to retire. Oh... Oh that's why we're making YouTube videos, because we never had touch. *snickers* Dammit. I can't even play in tune. - Can't even win competitions. - Wow. This is such a great start, guys. Why am I laughing? I feel like there's more of a roast on the entire like classical... - Are they're roasting sonatas, or us...? - ...canon. - They just roasted sonata form. - I know. I feel like they've affected sonatas more than affected us. Alright, so what would be our two jokes? Ling Ling and violas. Ling Ling is subject A, violas is subject B. And occasional variations called I N T E R E S T I N G variations. Funny because that's basically our live show as well. *snickers* Guys, come to the live show anyway! Tickets are coming out, if not already out. Oh, okay. Nice pun. Next one. *groans* I'll have you know I can play. Show you that I can play. Sibelius B flat! *grunts* Dude this is actually pretty bad. - This is actually hurting my self-esteem. - Yeah. Anyway, I have no soul anymore. Ohh!!! Wow, you guys are geniuses. Thanks for telling us the...the truth. Does that mean you're not practicing either by watching this? Ohh!!! That's right. Commenting on Reddit isn't practicing! I just had to get you back at least on one. Ah, I feel bit better about that one. Well guys... *laughs* I can't be blamed for what I was born with. Someone's like... - That's okay. - It's alright. At least we have a job. 媽媽! (Mom!) Well, you're the second person that's said that, so your roast isn't very creative either, huh! Bam! Right back at you. Not really. *snickers* Oh no. *sighs* Really? Oh damn, you do have thick eyebrows. Dude, it's called good highlights. Oh. *laughs* - I don't know why my shirt had that patch. - Yeah. I don't know. Oh no. Alright guys, I'm gonna talk like this for the rest of the video. Wow. You really know how to bully people. *sighs* Life's getting harder. Let's go on Facebook.... ...to see what other roasts there are. *groans* I don't know. Not enough YouTube ad revenue. *groans* Quick guys, watch the videos. *forced laughter* Got us! Good one. Yeah, you know, just... ...that kinda...low temperature roasting. Everyone's saying that you look like you're high. Which is funny, because I used to get that comment in high school. - Yeah. - People thought I looked high. You never know. *groans* Check out the TwoSet fanfictions and let us know! This channel is strictly PG guys! Not my fault, I'm not getting copystrike. I guess... Another way to ask that is "who plays first and who plays second". Because first violins are usually high up, and second violins are down in first position. Who plays first, who plays second? - Come to our live show to find out. - That's right. - Why's there so many comments? - Dude, this is the longest... Guys, you need to calm down. *laughs* What does that mean? "Power bottom"? Oh, s***. Someone said that before. - Sid from Ice Age. - Can we just google Sid from Ice Age? Oh my G— *snickers* - Who looks more like Sid from Ice Age? Me or Brett? - I think you, because the teeth. *laughs* That was too loud, the audio is... You gotta do this. Yeah, you're Sid from Ice Age. Alright, what else? We've been found out, Brett. They found out the truth behind TwoSet Violin. We're relying on music comedy. I'm not even butthurt 'cause it's true. Actually, what if it's the other way around? What if we're two comedians that weren't funny enough to make it as comedians so we rely on our... (Both) ...violin skills! Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Right back at you! By the way, please subscribe. We want to hit 1 million, yay. Someone's like... *chuckles* - Incinerate... - We're getting incinerated... Got 'em! Dude, you guys are so savage. I thought our fans were cultured classical musicians. This is our fans, they're like... *evil chuckle* When we made the post "roast us", they're just like... *chuckles* Dude, that's not even a roast. That's just like... We're used to hearing that. Tell me something I don't know. *sarcastic chuckle* - Was that an attempted insult to violins? - Yeah. Wow, someone's a...hurt violist. What the hell?? Dude, that's intense. Coming from Jason. Bro... Sad days. *sighs* You know what? Ling Ling has no time to be disappointed. He's too busy. Damn it. Dude, guys, you guys gotta stop. Oh, the next one. Oh... All right, you know what, I'm done. Facebook, you guys are too much. Check Twitter? Oh, there's Twitter as well. Okay. As if this isn't enough. I'm like scared, I have to read it like this. - I know. - This is my ego protection. - Yeah. - For my self-esteem. - That's why I've been like... - That's my defence. ...subconsciously hiding behind the microphone like this. So you can't see my face anymore. *laughs* Ohh, s***! In case it sounds too soft, this is because I'm closer to the mic. Dude, I'm just gonna withdraw more and more into my... - Yeah, okay... - Yes it is, Wendy, jeez. Submit ideas, content ideas. Stop calling us out. *chuckles* Alexa... - Should we play the viola if we hit 1 million subs? - Nah. We're actually practicing now. What are you guys talking about? See? - Exactly. Keep going. - Got you there! *snickers* Wow, great. *forced laughter* Well, at least we're practicing now! Oh God. Guys... *groans* Okay, are we done? Thanks for the roast, guys. I think we've—our self... ...self-esteem is destroyed. Please, uh... Send your prayers and subscribe. This might be the last video we ever make. Goodbye guys. TwoSet Violin out.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,027,603
Rating: 4.9753714 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical msic, roast us, reddit, sad, failures, practice, ling ling
Id: lUciL2-uUco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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