Major Tack Room Clean and Reorganisation! AD | This Esme

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[Music] [Music] yes [Music] hello everybody this is me and if you can see the state behind me my tack room is a little bit on the messy side and it's now you know it's got to the season spring cleaning season so expect a lot of spring cleaning videos coming your way so yeah I felt like once a year I kind of like to do a big cleanup of my tack room and there's multiple reasons why now it's the perfect time one being the other day we actually have some building work done to the stables and just has some of the brickwork very cemented in things so my tack room actually got pretty dusty there was like a layer of dust over like my chest of drawers and everything so we need a bit of a cleanup from that sort of side and then on the other side and I've got my new horse Joey and with a new horse comes with some new tack if you haven't seen my tackle already I'll leave a link below and little i-car to that so I need to sort of organize everything because at the moment I'm very very grateful to have quite a few different bits of tackling but it's kind of overflowing so I'm gonna admit the declutter you know make it all organized and know where everything is and everywhere having your place so let's get cleaning all right so it's a little bit overwhelming they don't really know where to start I think I'm gonna begin with taking as much as that of the stuff I have in here out so that I can give it a good clean I'm gonna leave my saddle pads here probably my head colors as welcome staying here but all of the saddles the tack the bridles I've got some boots out that I use this morning also I haven't cleaned my cell yet I'm very good at cleaning my saddle every time I ride but um Joey did get pretty sweaty today so we saddle just absolutely disgusting with my girth as you can see there's so much sweat and hair and disgustingness on there so I'm gonna do some a bit of tap cleaning as well today so I think I'll start by taking my volter saddle out alright everybody so when I was unloading my tack room taking everything out to give it a good old clear out I didn't actually realize how much hack my own with my job I've been so fortunate and lucky to work with a lot of different brands try different products and be set different things but it's kind of got to the stage where I know the products that I really like and use regularly and they're just a few bits and bobs that I just don't use on a regular basis so that tack I will be donating to my local riding schools as well as other charities such as the RDA riding for the disabled or well toss welfare just because with these really challenging and tricky times all over the world a lot of charities really struggling so I thought that would help out as well as clear on my tack remove it and maybe if you guys are looking to do a bit of the spring clean in quarantine there might be something else that you could do as well [Music] close now could I be fun man for ya jaws on the floor you got that selfie I can't explain then I'll answer to no bed no come on I get ahead of myself you smiling cause you know you you're looking at me and I can't help there right there right there I'm coming for you so be patient there just stay right [Music] I have now emptied in the tack room and I haven't seen it this empty in so long also I didn't realize how dusty everything had gone from the building work it's absolutely disgusting makes me so sad because it wasn't even that long ago that I cleaned all of my tack and my boots and my bridles and now they're all dirty again I've got to clean them all again but it's fine and the building work did me doing it was done very well so the plant is to first remove all of the dust and grime in my tack room well during the winter we had so much rain that water actually slightly flooded my tack rooms and water came in so there were some worms chilling here on the floor and then there was also lots of bits of hay and hair that's all blown in there's still mud on the ground from when it got flooded so there is a lot that needs to be scraped out so yep better grab my brush time for no time-lapse [Music] don't you just stay right there looking at me and I can't you looking at me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I'll finish sweeping everything in here there were so many cobwebs and really dusty parts that were pretty disgusting so next I'm going to spray over all of the surfaces just because there are some bits of dust on here on the top of it even though I did brush it off it's just nice to you know give it a bit of a rinse off as well because it is still pretty dusty I swept off as much as I can so yeah time to get spraying I guess [Music] what does get in you now what does get in you know me [Music] [Music] now I finish spraying down all the services giving them a good clean it's now time to mop the floor I don't think in my life I've ever mopped the floor of my tack room before don't know if that's something many people do but it has gotten to the stage where there's the only way where I'm going to get it somewhat clean especially due to all the flooding we had this winter or last winter so got my mop let's get cleaning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so while my tack room is drying after mop hand I thought I'd go through my drawers organize them my top drawer I have all my boots in that's pretty organized it's just got a lot of sand at the bottom of it so I'll give that bit the clean-out my second drawer is the drawer I use the most so that has absolutely everything in there from high vis to my ear bonnets to my hat silks so that needs a good organize because everything is just everywhere and then the drawer after that I have lots of work boots um I probably need to either sell or donate or something like that because I just don't use all of them and then right at the bottom I have my miscellaneous drawer which is everything that doesn't have a place kind of goes in that drawer I also have quite a lot of bandages as well which again I just don't really use that often so there's a lot of organization that needs to happen here so at the moment I'm just using a damp sponge to kind of get rid of any of the dirt and stains that are the bottom of here but also there's still a tiny bit of sand which I think could be from the beach or most probably the Sun school so I'm just kind of using this to stick all the Sun to this and then remove it that way and then I'm also using a towel just to dry this up so then I can put my things back might be able to hear in the background that I've got friend that has come to join me I think he's pretty intrigued into what I'm getting up to here and probably wants a bit of food as well and just as I say that he goes at the top of the place baby it's not right it's not right no go on and say got a problem to fix me face tonight faces night [Music] don't you take I've just finished cleaning of the second drawer and I thought like this one's gonna be the most difficult to organized it was pretty organized at one stage and then it just get so messy really really quickly because this is the drawer use the most so thing called it air bonnets first so I tend to use my hi this one's quite a lot because when I go hacking I like to use them just so you know we really stand out so I guess they can do that it's green ones pretty bright I probably won't need them in color or order or anything just because I never weigh them in color order that make sense so it's just sort of okay this is this is a dark one so I guess I want to do like a neutral eye gateway so if this is not going through my head when I organizing those different things [Music] [Music] okay so this is at the moment I might switch a few things around change them off a bit this is how I've always kind of had this drawer the drawer I use the most it's got all of my gloves because as you guys know if I like I say this in every video but I am a glove person I love to wear gloves when I'm riding I just have really sensitive skin so my hands just get ripped to shreds and you know even like just doing things like mucking out and making heinous I do like to wear gloves for as well so it's a little bit jam-packed in here I might change some things up move some things other places but for now I'm going to keep it like this because the next drawer there are lots of things that I really need to just you know sort out [Music] do the winter season value [Music] [Music] my third drawer is now complete so I actually have a second drawer full of boots these are more flat work boots or older boots so these gonna so the first drawer I would say is kind of my fancy nice new boots and these are sort of my old spare ones or ones I'll use for training I don't really care if they get super mucky or dirty such as Casper's old cross-country boots also because I have two pairs as well it means if I do take both horses cross country at the same time I don't have to worry about swapping them over I have some really old tendon boots for showjumping I have these are actually these are my everyday flat work boots these are brushing boots I use these all the time when Joey because he's a little bit baby legs his legs do sometimes brush against each other and then these are kind of my colorful boots so these go with matchy sets but also all brushing boots I believe so my third draw is pretty much the drawl with either spare boots or training boots or my brushing boots fall flat works so time to put this away [Music] [Music] all right so I've put few bridles away now I'm gonna go on to sort of head colors so as you can see it's quite busy going on here I have lots different the hair colors in different places I think the first thing I'm gonna do is just kind of reorganize everything I do have quite a few head colors just because we've got the donkey's hair colors we've got Joey's hair colors Mickey's Casper's all in different shapes and sizes so what I'm gonna do is do my little twirly thing with my lead ropes because I find it just looks so much neater if you do the little twirly thing with the lead rope so basically I just get a little loop like this go like that and then literally just wrap it around because I always find the lead ropes they get all tangled together you know whose belongs to here hence why I do a lot of color coding because if not I would just not know like we're making is hair color is so it just makes sure everything is in the right place so yeah I'll be back with you guys when this is all organized [Music] all right so that is looking a lot more tidy and organized although it's still overflowing a little bit at the top here but you won't talk about that but the bottom looks a lot better I can just kind of easily see like there's Casper's purple hair color I can quickly grab it if I need it an emergency so it's not looking too bad okay so I've just drilled some little hooks up here and I thought you know well I've changed my mind I'm gonna put all of the horses push or fancy leather head colors above their saddles so I thought this would look like it's [Music] [Music] alright so I didn't think I was gonna be doing any DIY today but you know what happened to be the my old saddle stand the bottom bit here and actually broken and kind of rusted away so I couldn't hang anything on here just kind of hanging down so it wouldn't really work so I've got a new one it's also in green because you know Joey's colors kind of green so I thought I'd put that up and actually looks really cute so that the purple the blue the green so I think it's almost time to start putting everything back [Music] so I've now just put all of the horses grooming totes I thought this would be a really good place to put them because they're quite bulky and obviously with the saddle stands kind of sticking out it's just using excess space that wouldn't really feel like you're using it kind of thing so under there it doesn't really feel like you're being enclosed from both sides because obviously this isn't like a huge room and that's quite a lot of stuff in here and I feel that be quite a good place obviously having three greys I do have to groom them a lot so I thought you know what is me you might as well just buy some cheap brushes and invest some money into having and grooming sort of tote and grooming set for each horse so then it isn't nasty they all have their own brushes especially when I keep having really sensitive skin a lot of dead skin does sort of go on the brushes sometimes which is pretty disgusting so Mickey's got his own Casper's got his own and then Joey's got his own as well so we're getting there guys we're getting organized now they actually have a place and I've thought about where they're going so I think it's time to start putting my boots in I've got a few more boxes that need to go in here and basically start filling off the end [Music] I could've stopped I say here now so say you want to take place even your [Music] I'm currently just playing some ball Salman and oh my gosh look how shiny it looks looks good as new and it's definitely something that I've been doing every single day guys every time I ride I clean my tack it's something you just need to kind of get into it's a habit now that I've I just I just have to clean my tack now once I've ridden I've just it's one those things if you do it every day and you kind of get into that kind of routine okay I'm now onto my saddle just giving it a quick little clean today like once a week I like to do a really thorough clean all these big grind let's get that off it was quite a warm day so I do quite sweaty in effort it's not looking too bad I've just got a damp sponge you really don't want to get the leather too wet so do a quick little clean on those and then most importantly get my towel dry everything off okay I'm just giving it a good old condition and look how shiny it's making it look so good guys just like a few minutes a day just to give it a little clean a little once-over give a bit of TLC it just makes such a difference and then once a week you can do like a big proper clean but it's looking so good [Music] all right guys it's actually starting to get quite dark now so we're gonna be limited for filming but I'm pretty much almost done it's looking so good it just feels so fresh and neat and tidy and clean I know where everything is just finished cleaning my boots as well because they were covered in dust from the building work they weren't actually dirty from riding obviously there's a few little bits I need to put back in but it's looking pretty good I've got my towels they're ready for drying I've got all the head collars hair all organized I decided to put the lumière ones up here so actually at the moment all have their own hook which is brilliant I have my Voltaire design bridles down here customers and Joey's and yeah it's looking pretty good so I really hope you guys enjoyed today's video if in you or have not done so already please like and subscribe it really does help me out and I really do appreciate it I hope you enjoyed watching my cleaning video and maybe if you're bored at home during lockdown if you want to you know get cleaning something today so anyway thanks again for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 687,633
Rating: 4.9333558 out of 5
Keywords: Cleaning, Tackroom, Equestrian, Horse, Pony
Id: l7LsTcXniwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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