Horse adopted from Maltese racetrack is confused and needs help fast!

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six weeks ago six weeks ago we came from Malta oh right so they're on the way to slaughter you get dragged not that way not that way no don't come into my hey not that way that's not the way to go and he just goes we'll only take the back end off it'll be all right yeah it's always the way um today did you have anyone behind then try it yes how are you doing hey Mandy so we did our people behind but it didn't work three people um did you did it's quite a big horse [Music] up there all right right that's gonna get ruined yeah so yeah so I think yeah oh you just blast through your willy kind of thing because these training standard bread yeah we'll go um Spirit hello spirit hello Spirit look at the fella what's his name what's his name is lovely biggies what is it [ __ ] in the car oh yeah all right it's not a tomcat is it Andrew do you want to go and get the keys then yeah yeah yeah yeah Steve will get his you'll get his halter you'll grab his head you're gonna get the key yeah set up and then I'll do a little bit of grammar I'll just double real fast you horrible thing because she looks at me ah so that's why I call a kitty [ __ ] just found out um six weeks ago six weeks ago we came from Malta so there's very little known history I think he was a Trotter he's like what's with the weather and should have seen nothing like it apparently I just drag everyone off who knows I mean I wouldn't have thought it'd have done any particularly quality Grammar with him apparently it's very very bulshy but you've got to remember what he's been through he's just one promoter his whole life and the lovely Sunshine his whole life's been torn apart really uh won't have the trailer he might have an horrendous Journey we're talking about we don't know what yeah we don't know what's happened to be late see you oh no you don't even know you're gonna survive that idea but I unfortunately I've got a firm up a little bit get some respect out of this one's because he's worked out on the aisle I mean the yard only just said she's seen nothing like it she'll just throw people off and so uh really short his shot he's just noticed the trailer being pulled off um so that's the situation guys I have no idea things aren't working out [ __ ] for this guy or uh did you say Andrea let's go and have a look at the trailer then because I think we need to put some straight just a few weeks ago guys remember this horse this was its life so this is some clips I found of Maltese um trotting races foreign but when when they're finished uh these races the kind of surplus and it can be a little bit like racing dogs you know Graham ground dogs a lot of those get put to slaughter after they're finished with as with racehorses that break down it's part what goes on in this world guys and that's it well now uh there's a charity that's set up for these Maltese horses because if they are Surplus they're destroyed and that's where this horse was heading so basically Andrea is one of the people that entered a charity and I don't think they cost much money and that's what Andrew did said yes I'll try and save one of these Trotters so he's come over I think basically you pay about a thousand English Pounds to cover the transport and then you end up with a horse but a lot of these horses they have got issues remember they're they're not really family horses they are there to do a job to win some money uh and are the training methods questionable yeah probably in that kind of environment but you know I won't go into that so there's this horse five six weeks ago it was their trotting and now it's here so it's come on a transport now apparently the Transport company did did a good job uh I did ask Andrea you know what she said no they did they did a great job she doesn't think there would have been any problem in transport but it's a big deal for this source it's a big deal I know when I went to live in Spain I took Nita and Buzz little Courthouse which I started over there I remember yet they made the journey uh we brought them back ourselves actually when we moved back but they made the journey and they were they weren't quite the same when they landed it was about three or four days you know they it's a big deal they they don't see what they're it's out of um their routine all the traveling different people and it can shock some horses and then there's a temperature change and things like that so yeah that horse is really not sure about anything at the moment now I don't think these Trotters have much groundwork that there's to a job don't think they have a lot of groundwork and things like that they're kind of broken in and they're and they're kind of uh push forward uh for the writing so the horse has kind of lost a little bit and he's worked out he you know he can move people on the yard he can if you try to get him near the trailer it'll drag people off he's okay until something something frightens him and he's worked hard he can just go straight As narrow and drag people off and the yard owner said he you know it's quite something to see him just drag people off so they're in trouble guys they're in trouble with this horse and uh yeah that's that's why I'm there and I'm learning this as I'm there you know that is too dark yeah a little ground working down there yeah he can't really run that far can it it's quite a small panic in it well I want outfit yeah no no it's not that I have the campus complaining right there let's see what we got though let's see what we got there Andrew what's that lady's name again Mandy that lady's Mandy yeah Mandy and Andrea Andy Mandy so okay here's the fella and then he just goes in a complete does he sweat up and get very worried you get dragged I'll just saying that um really you're just a bit a bit just recovery from pneumonia okay well no no you just put it back yeah right I'm back I had to rush off then and just sort something out but guys that clip there you can see Andrea trying um to keep it together uh for trailer in this horse and it was about it was about to to kick off and what happens next the next stage is he'll just drag you know drag Andrew off all the all the owner and bump into you you could see it was just about to start so yeah things aren't great um so we've put him away now which we all know is the worst thing you can do because you know it there's a lot of effort goes into trailering this horse or leading them around with quality and each time it doesn't happen it goes away then he's put away and so he's convinced when that kind of thing happens especially after you've maybe some jobs to go to and they've tried for weeks five four or five hours at a time and you can imagine in the horse's mind how set it becomes that it is a necessity for that horse to not go in because that's how that all survives today that's it all worked over in the end because the horses put away or put out in the field whatever so yeah by doing that then and me saying yeah put him away I had to do that because I had to evaluate what's next that I've got to do but that kind of thing where you just put them away like that on a bad note which it was a bad note pushing through Andrea not going on the trailer that's where you have to be careful during the storm that we do get the Breakthrough from breakdown because breakthrough if we don't get to the Breakthrough during the breakdown then you've got a big breakdown and that's where we're at with this horse at the moment with all what's gone on with the journey and changing its life really so not not great oh I I I do the line when I'm just said she was recovering from an illness so pneumonia well he's got no respect for anybody um that is good okay normally he says okay so what we're gonna do I'm gonna put my whole truck down yeah and we're going to take him I'm going to do five inches in this table okay and then we're going to take him down into that field okay yeah and probably do some groundwork with him the ideal is a school um but we haven't got that at the moment because it's been resurfaced so look I might I might firm up a little bit with him no wanting to be nasty to him but he he can't push through me you know what I mean so let's get this on first oh nice little lovely color yes beautiful boy you've got a big head side look at him mate okay what's his name again duvet t-h-e-y we'll call him Daffy for short so I've just disengaged him he's really good at disengaging so I've been doing this out on the yard just get him going round and round and then the big problem is you can't like his shoulder come in there yeah right his shoulder come in there at me so welcome that guys he needs to know there's something different about the way he's going to be operating around me and there he pushes his shoulder into me and I very quickly put my arm up there sort of stamp my feet a little bit until he backs away there I was quite pleased that he he kind of turned away there's if he knew what that was about cannot throw this off and we cannot push through us he's gonna have to go through some emotions here it's a bit better just done a little step back there so every time your he looks away yes I want his attention on me because what's happening is he's dragging you off you don't just drive with it looking at you no that's only interested forward again he searches here he's used to going up to that door kind of bumping into people he walks forward there and I very very quickly um make a deal of it and saying that is not an option now you don't walk through me don't push me up against the door and he takes a step back there so again all little things right at the beginning to think about coming through I mean I I own it I own a bit of geography now yeah can you stay with me you understand what I'm saying yeah if he looks elsewhere where the ear goes the nose goes then these toes are going and you're gone yeah so we want to keep him you know I just phoned up on him there I want to be a lot softer now for a minute but every time he came towards me there and I float them until I got kind of ain't that bothered about this Library no um he was getting used to it but let's get him a little bit relaxed hey been through a lot you know what I mean he's he's come from over there his life's been torn apart sometimes the traveling over isn't that nice you know you know I don't know if you've tried flexing him at all yeah after the ranch day I started doing that he's better on one side than the other they usually are he wouldn't bend at all when I started wow well done there so well done getting a bit of Bend in it now he hasn't walked forward on me yeah he'll stop all that from blowing away [Laughter] um right nice yeah there's not a chance I'm getting you've done well but this do you understand why it's important to have this you've got to instantly have a flex yeah so that when it gets to the end of that rope and thinks about he's got some kind of um understanding that he there's an end to the Rope yeah how many times you've drunk people up I don't know so it's kind of inbuilt behavior yeah yeah um so you can't overdo this I'll do loads and look there yeah that's not bad that's not bad be in the tractor it wouldn't have had much of this no no he's really tight on which was he struggling going to the right in the school okay let's go to the right in the store a lot of that yeah a lot of that is going the other way the track was going the other way there's the tracks but also a lot of horses are better to the left because they see you in this eye mostly right because you remember they're looking up as well as at the back they're looking everywhere so they see a rider up there right so if you're turning to the right and they're so used to seeing you in the left they don't turn to what's right so you have to get them balanced okay the cowboy horse is the most balanced because they whenever they rope a cow they get on and off outside they and they leave them behind we always need there don't they you know he gets them one-sided yeah and you know I've helped a lot of horses that don't bend and are stiff to the right it's not five minutes you have to do quite a lot yeah to get them used to senior it's more on both sides there's halters you can buy uh that deal up this side so that means you go to your horse to the other side you put the halter on that side yeah and you say bye bye to them that's right so it kind of can't help it really does I've seen it help okay so you just seem to be scared of the Rope Peter you know would you say it's a slightly different look there yeah slightly yeah slightly I've never seen his eyes look more relaxed it looks very wide all the time so you think it's looking a little bit more relaxed okay right then to stop coming out no he's got sticky foot there there all right this is very important I do it in here because he will search immediately if I didn't do it here and drag me off right so he needs to have some kind of an idea where we can't run off with me okay all right be nice to him be as as kind as I can be but as firm is necessary okay that's so there do you see then I think that's a mump him just a little stay with me do it all right I'm gonna disengage in the other way yeah that's all right now I'm gonna put my hand up here because when I was trying to do some London was it wasn't it it was really good it backed off me there very very easily there yeah so he does come in to me when I was lunging he was just like I don't know whether it was a comfort Factory didn't want to go out or all the fact that he knows he can yeah he couldn't he couldn't get him out okay so got he's got just a little bit of an idea to to move away and not yeah so that's a nice little look that'll change now but right what I'm going to do I'm going to walk him up there and I'm going to stop now we're going to give them a chance now um to maybe think about coming Germany is that a little bit surprising because he was yeah yeah don't fall in that brilliant that's not what I expected really yeah look at that that's not bad thank you now look at me no come forward now he was thinking forward then I'm leaving here I'm leading him not with this tight rope yeah guys not with the type right now I'm gonna stop really good nice and he's been stopping I have to do that to get him not to complete well well if you watch what I do if you watch what I do I I do a little and I sit back okay no no no don't worry about anything else this is what's really important easel yeah yeah just a little if I put the worst bit in the hardest bit of what I'm doing then you can there knows with me yeah but you gotta if they get really worried about something you have to then allow for a horse's natural you know if he really got scared about something you've got to let him move yes right okay right now I'm gonna try and the more this horse learns to back or better with everything okay so I'm gonna see whether we've got any I'm gonna release for the foot there and I'm touching the bathroom club for forward that's good kid [ __ ] that I don't know get him on you yeah clamping a bit yeah you could ever think you need to just do that crack his mouth that's all you got to do there's ever a lot of foals are very tight yeah and if you keep cracking their mouths and just put your hand on them when when they do it look let's just go can you please explain because people will understand cracking just put your thumb in a loose on a tight a horse that's tight and worried we'll always have a clamp Mouse files get very clamped you'll see it all the time a petrified horse the crumb shot now and a a relaxed jaw is relaxed horse so you what's called put your finger in the mouth and then when it loosens take your finger out and do that often yeah just cut Corner fiddle around then and it feels good to him just watch that they don't clamp straight down on the finger good luck to that one right so okay that's a good that's what I've been waiting for now he's not pushing forward and the sun's coming out so you know look he's with me isn't it he's with me here kind of so we'll go down the school not the school the field under the field uh General consensus I'm gonna get dragged off let's see did you uh everybody enjoys your downstairs did you enjoy my chili [Laughter] oh is it did you send that I'll say to you somebody sent me a message wanting the recipe and I just thought about it sorry I've even gotten to back up this hill a bit there and that work there has made him more respectful of me and my space you see from there we thought about so that's that's what I want I've had to transfer it the stage is down to here yeah a lot of the mistakes we make is is where we come straight down in here I transferred it further down the stable block further down by the trailer yeah outward into the field right okay right then okay well I'm gonna check that he's giving me a little bit of space in the field I don't mind if he doesn't I'll just back him up stop not bad not bad but it's important I'll let him know that that's good so I haven't I haven't done anything I might just send that one foot back oh so light that was nice that felt nice so watch my foot all right that wasn't very good so now he'll have to see him for his feet then those feet just freed off licked and chewed um so I I don't mind if he does that just means I'm Gonna Bump him back yeah so I'm going to do the same thing my foot's going to drop back my shoulders down I'm going to let that go look Stay With Me right so this is the important thing you're gonna have to lead in for now with a bit more rope so you're not you're not allowing him to push all over you right stop yes tell him how good he is tell him how good that is very very good um right so now have you showed him a flag she's not that bothered is he okay so I'm gonna change now to asking him to move forward with his feet which is what trailer loading is I've got a feeling he might come in here well that's where I've gotta say no you know so I'm gonna go from neutral now yeah so I I'm I'm gonna go for neutral now no that's not neutral let's go not too bad yeah well I can't um I'm gonna disengage him and back him off at my space which beautiful it's the little periods where I'm not doing anything where he's learning so that he just got out my space then he's so used to being on top of her but he said oh no oh no I it's better for me not to oh well if they can why wouldn't they they have to if we allow it they know that we're not really who a good Alpha leader because in their own environment they don't allow that come on come on come on you've got to go forward that's how you get rid of it don't come into me don't don't come into my please I don't think so good that ain't gonna work thanks Ah that's gonna work that's gonna there you go you this horse I've seen it quite often this sauce starts to get defensive when he's not sure and it's when you're on his side flanks when you're in front of him it's not too bad when you're on his side flanks in an open space uh things are usually symptoms have caused is so something has took place he starts getting defensive now and it's so important they'll work through that now if you remember Andrew said you could not he would not lunge he would not move around her when she she and when Andrew was in his right eye well I haven't gone to that oh yet because you know I'm doing the left eye first to see how we're getting on with that one because I thought that would be better so we've yet to see whether we can get him going forward when I'm in the right eye but things are starting to show up guys serious things are starting to show up now okay foreign good let's back up there good boy [Music] good good because this right it's getting so much better what I'm sorting at now is feet forward without dragging which is what trailer loading is you see there so I had a little nice little uh attitude there nice little attitude licked and chewed can it not intimate not into me you know it's any change stepped out but it was the way it was the way he went the way he went the attitude he had when he went good there you go don't come in okay so can you go yes you see what I'm saying that's what I'm saying we've just been through some emotions there it's the most difficult part of the whole of that job was there other than obviously the trailering stop uh good now well look this lady Mandy seems very experienced to me and she said he's one of the worst she's come across for Dragon and pushing him ah now that was unrequested did you see him then start to come into my space so I was on it I was on it now I was quite happy for a first session where I ended up with that then like if I keep asking for that side I might lose some of what I've got so for the first session that with a good attitude with the flag forward with the feet giving me a bit of space all right no he's he's used to not this weather being in Malta is it Malta um okay so what we're gonna have this side so so can you go this way not into me you see how he's coming in yes yeah come in so he's got this thing he has to no no he's really telling me that he doesn't like anyone down that side you remember what I said about the eye so what I'm going to do because he's he's getting upset now I'm gonna reduce take the flag away for a minute because it'd need more on this side with the flag he's telling me I'm not having you with the flag of that side right so um hey no go that way hold on let's just step forward he said I I'm not happy with you no I think definitely see how he's coming into me there just as Andrea had said earlier when you try to move him or lunge him moving past you this side he comes into you and you can see it there look guys and it it is quite a problem uh who knows where it came from I've got my ideas but you know you can really see this problem here and move around back there well it wasn't nice yeah I go that way it's not intimate just load that up again guys watch the more pressure as he starts to drop his shoulder into me put pressure on he comes again look he's coming my way just like he pushed through Andrew earlier when I asked her now it's not his fault guys this is learned behavior he's moved people you know I always say we move a horse they don't move our feet we move their feet he's moved a lot of people and he has moved Andrea uh so that's a um showing up stop back up go this way do you see which side he keeps putting me on yeah all the time stop and go this way ah my timing was terrible for a reason then I he just offered at me and I was so used to coming in I thought and he offered it me and I I cut that off boy amazing funny Gates they got me huh okay that's good that way stop back up a little bit we're getting just starting to get something now we're going to calming down a little bit now and then we'll go back up up the top you see why he's ended up in this country that's what they do isn't it how was he sold what to was the description all right so they're on the way to slaughter give me some space lovely disengage him stop so I was on my way to put him in the stable for just a chill out and while I was by the trailer I thought I would just for one minute just get him to transfer what I just kind of achieved in the field uh by the trailer so he kind of got into his mind that I I can move his feet around the trailer although not asking to go in yet put him away for 10 minutes so but something happened guys now I got I'll I say to people from breakdown because breakthrough quite often and I think a lot of people are understanding what I mean now and it's really important during the breakdown that we get the Breakthrough now summer came up um with him where I asked him to go around to my to my left so I'm in the right eye and um he he can't no to my right so I'm in the right eye he had a little bit of a meltdown and it was didn't want to go around me and it kind of allowed me to be on his flanks so we had a big breakdown here now I don't I don't I put everything in that I possibly can that is that's allowed to go on YouTube right so although I edit um James edits is to keep the the time of the video to a normal kind of time and that's difficult because I'm there for I'm at jobs for like three hours two three four hours so I'm going to show you this guys some some people will definitely cut this out you'll see me firm up and I have to stick with the breakdown here to get this horse to yield to me when we're around that trailer um really important really really important that during that that I didn't quit where he was pushing into me because he's got this habit of pushing people and and not allowing um to step out from me to give me that little bit of a meter Gap around me my geography so you'll see that now and then and then we'll put in my you'll see the levels um of concentration and letting uh or or causing my idea to be his idea so he has to search so this is really interesting I'm putting it in guys and putting myself out there and I firm up so see whether you can learn from this it's not an easy thing to actually do on the ground and I've done so many horses and compared with observe remember and compare which is what autism is observing you're watching me do this now you've got to try and remember it that's not so bad these days because we've got phones we've got um you know memories in our phones but it's the compare and when you compare with lots of horses uh and that's where I've kind of done so much comparing it I find it easier than I used to anyway not into me you're going to have to get that sorted not not into me out out not into me not into me not into me I have to go forward not not into me you're gonna have to go this there you found it not into me this eye is where he got a real problem this eye pushing pushing you see there he didn't want to give me any one he wants to get you back on the left eye and he doesn't want to there not into me there now watch his left watch his left shoulders left foot that's where I wanted where it reaches out to his left then he crosses over with his right and he gives me space there and that's what no trouble um I needed no trouble at all it means a lot and then here just starting to get it guys just starting to get it mental block for him so what we're going to do now we're going to give him a break now to calm all right we'll give him a break now because we've just been through some hellish emotions there right disengage back away lovely look at that now we'll let him just his heartbeat drop now because it's certainly going to come up soon okay um this flexing really work on that fried line Bridal off with him helping you that was my question yeah that will go on unless it's it goes on like that it goes off like that everything is them helping so we'll just give them give them a chill out now and I need to get my breath and release and give them a little touch got to get good at backing up your eyes release yeah is that any better than it was yeah um and then Lori said just your timing has to be spot on that has to come off at the same time as he drops down even slightly yeah yes and uh hold it here for getting down that is for the flag so just a bit of pressure and think that yes there we go forget that one because you're releasing two legs and ask again yes and then just rub them come this side and you can do lots of that with him yeah go knees a little bit yeah yeah how's that is that anybody worse it's getting a lot better sorry good but I was doing this yeah you can you can do it in here and outside but all right so he's not pushing on you now is he yeah see if you can an old bar here yeah get your hip right into his side go back out of his way yeah I would work on that yes Let It Go nicely when it gives completely let go let go look yeah when he gives let go okay okay don't press him too hard right come around and then try to get you the Rope overs back I'm gonna give a little rub on his neck and then you hold there okay it get into his hip and then imagine it coming round and then again keep doing it so it comes a bit more each time and then end it with him like yes and he gives is that any better don't pass it so hard I wouldn't for now change some things okay well I don't know what person is though it's like if I patted you all the time a mother wouldn't Pat it would she just you know exactly but I realized in the stage when I went to them clean this I didn't even know how to pet one right um I wasn't passing too hard that's all yes see you've just realized don't you said oh [ __ ] then you waited to the right spot because he was like yes you're doing that yes so yes all right now you've got to be consistent I've right if it was my horse I would have done 10 minutes and that would have been it did on 15 minutes tomorrow I'm here and I am I have to shortcut everything yeah I just have to firm up I've had to make this happen in a way that I'm not destroying your horse very quickly yeah that's my Nemesis that's our problem I'm at the week the weekend the weekend I'm 300 miles away and I've got to make a difference so yeah you can take your time now I've just shown you there yeah his big thing he's pushing and he's pulling you all everywhere work on it here for half an hour see if he says it's not worth it because I've just got to keep it back enough do I do that before I start doing the left and right eye going yeah I would get this leading good the leading is bad I would send him into there I might even come this side the side the IE doesn't lie send him in use your because this is all about you proving to him that you can move his feet but he doesn't move or yours and that's all he's doing at the moment dragging him all over the place in your space pushing you through the stable making you upset you know it's just yeah yeah you've got to use all these little things and there's no magic to this it ain't gonna happen like that um but remember where he's at mentally he's karma from another country he's been rescued if not if you hadn't about anything he would have probably been on a plate wouldn't they agreed so you saved him really so yeah right let's look at the trial again now the winds slowed down a bit thank goodness right then sad so we sent him out oh no play with any of that disengage him tell it you know your shoulder in his feet and looking at it okay seems quiet doesn't he watch him now do I just stick with your phone yeah I'm gonna want that in a second yeah let's just uh so the stick is to line him up okay that is to line him up so first of all I've got to make sure I get onto him now leave him alone when he's lined up now he's doing his trick yeah so he's uncomfortable now I'm gonna buy him here he's got to go forward and I'm going to leave him alone when he's when he's no I'm not no no he can't I'm not going to leave him alone there I'm not going to leave him alone there leave him alone there in the direction you want yeah because he's learned to now he's lined up just for a second so he needs to know that the place that he gets his [Music] so we've got to let him know just for a second now the the peaceful place in his life right now is not going to be here he's not going to be here he's gonna be just go watch he doesn't hit all right I'm Gonna Keep on doing this till he lines up that way he's got to run it he's got to run into this because this is his learned behavior uh well I would just come on [Music] foreign the only place that he can have any peace is straight and looking in and they tell him how good he is okay he's got to know it the right answer so now he's making a decision ah he almost thought about it didn't he almost thought about it didn't you mate almost didn't you hey almost hey well we'll see if we can get a foot forward so there not that way not that way not that way not that way not that way over that way over that way over that way over that not that way not that way not that way no foreign not that way that's not the way to go that's it mate that's it come on hold to them feet come on that way uh all right that's the first time he said maybe but not yet boy that way not that way not that way not that way not that way not that way not that way not that way not that way look in here look in here not that way not that way not that way not that way there you go yeah it's just taking your time with this if you rush him um he's starting to realize this is better than this you know do you notice which way he's going mostly because he's keeping me in do you understand if he was balanced he'd be trying both he wants me here yeah come on I'll just put a bit of pressure here and uh see if we can get movement you know that that isn't going to work that's a big try I could do with getting the lick really um no well it doesn't matter maybe if you can just go in and grab the lick because this is going to be a beautiful place for him now okay you like these huh you like them came through you'd have to get out of the way because um right then yeah maybe oh yeah right kid how are you the more his head is in here the better the more he's heads around here the better in life sometimes in an in my world I'd leave him here for half an hour and put him away see but I've got to go a little bit more um okay put put in the in the back Lane so you put it in there that's it so now nightmare again is running into pressure okay watch yourself watch yourself I know the important thing is now that I get him to come out with quality with what I'm saying wanting to walk off nicely uh all right you just stand there just so that um no we don't want to do anything I can get out the way now um yeah look down to the floor boy right watch yourself now right yourself now we're putting away for a second so what was actually happening then was he was getting quite upset there not blasting out but he could have so the fact that he came out quiet he was still up when he came out so I've I thought it was a good opportunity just leaving for a bit now so that he calms right no the question now is do we make sure that the jockey doors open for safety because if he panics got to get out and shut this with the top open it's debatable what to do he's just thinking out see he's just thinking out and I'm thinking what I'll make it now we've got an well we've got a lovely backup come in it gives us an opportunity for work the only thing is some horses collapse their fat lock when they come off he looks to me like he's going to be quite careful with it because he could have hit himself here he didn't so it might be better so it's not I haven't got all the answers of of Andrea you got a minute sorry and and do it I do it all the time uh yeah um so we've got to make a little confab now of what we do right then we've um we put him away because he was getting a bit he wanted to come out but he came out nice he was still up so I've put him away just to get his heartbeat back so we've got a dilemma now I feel like you might not hold him you don't want him fleeing the trailer because then he ain't gonna want to come in so I don't know if it's bear bear in mind we keep this open enough that we can get out you've got to be able to get out he might say no because it he knows his you might say no but he would have gone in their lorries and there's no way out with the Loris so I feel it would be easy for you if you're going to feed him here in here a lot which is what you're gonna have to do you've got to get a music coming in is you feed him he's need to get out won't be as strong and then you back him out which we've already got a bit of a backup now coming haven't we he's raining back I don't know if you noticed he's right no he's no he's raining back now when we first ran him back it was in singles he's actually in diagonals now so yeah he's backing up the same as they drop forward so he's diagonally going back so that's good he's free in his mind and his feet off so I think you're getting back all right so we're gonna make a decision okay do you agree let's try okay thank you foreign [Music] first now I'm going to bring him out now all right I'm going to look at him and just bring him out slow I'm rubbing him I'm rubbing him he was careful with his feet which is good good mate good good again let's make sure he looks in make sure he looks in and then all right right he's just shut [Music] mm-hmm [Music] okay got him I'll bring him out now just steady boy boy right okay left my stick in there could you grab my stick yeah all right Okay so boy is a few apples and carrots in it huh hey no it's all they've got they've got suspensory don't worry not that way not that way not that way foreign probably something nice but land again hmm I'm getting there don't worry again there oh right we'll put them away again five minutes now these little breaks are so important I've had that ready um because because remember something he knows exactly who you are okay I represented something completely new to him he's starting to really really trust me now that's to do with that space I think that it was hard for you to understand some of that but I think you're starting to realize he can't respect me if I don't respect my own space around him so he's getting to stage where he's kind of working this out with me you he knows exactly who you are he knows how many times you've asked him to go do something he hasn't done it so there's history so don't get down if he's not the same with you now because he probably won't be all right it always happens uh but it is down to you to try and work this out so you know I think he's gonna do the avoidance he's learned that you know he hasn't have you noticed he doesn't want to come around here because he knows I'm gonna have him in the other eye I know so you're gonna have to tap him look it's going in but he's gonna they're gonna feel it but it's not gonna be like a whip a whip is fast and stings this Taps and encourages okay so I found I've used millions of sticks I find a buying in tight stick with a soft end is the best thing right so you will have to but you've got to quit when he starts going when he starts coming around I'll say to you quit if I'm if I can watch from a distance and then when he's there touch him and then see if we'll go in okay [Music] foreign and then encouraging just a little cluck yeah walking well done let's stay I have a bit of quality time in there now rub him let him know everything's all right for as long as you can until you feel like you can come out with a bit of quality look at his feet and go gentle gentle slow everything down in your mind slow it all down and then how's that wherever he comes out you know I'm not that and you're going put him away now on a good feel well I'll leave it on that note now because you can overdo this it's a cluck for forward okay well if you but you've noticed that that's good you can you can help her with with that so little winches uh that's a wrap Tanya I think um that's our one um brilliant oh for you okay yeah yeah it's a big deal that is um now where to go from here you're fortunate I'm not 300 miles away so we do pass here so look don't get upset I I believe you're gonna get there um dear Amanda do you feel a little bit more uh Monday well do you feel a little bit more hopeful with it now maybe clucks forward clocks forward touch back yes so I I I'm nine million miles away I do pass here if it goes down let us know and we'll have to pop up right um and we'll do it as cheap as we can for you all right so watch your program you know you're gonna do stuff in the stable you've got to do lots of flexing so that he doesn't it helps him not drag you straight as an arrow all the time uh lots of backing up lots of yield into you and I would at least every other day can't you set it up somewhere that way it's easy for you remember what's gonna happen with him he is going to go to that side and you're just gonna smile and tap him till he lines up so there was your Maltese Trotter guys that landed here five six weeks ago from Malta off the racetrack and very troubled very last now it it kind of is it hard for some people to realize that horses find great comfort from real leadership and that's what I had to do there get some respective space and be a clear um black and white no Shades of Gray and as time goes on the horse would melt to me I know it I just know that horse would feel so much more comfortable now it's a big ask for Andrea with a horse like this and Andrew hasn't had that many horses so how is she getting on this wasn't that long ago a few few days ago in less than a week I think uh how's she getting on really well we've had two videos which I'll show you in a minute only little clips of the trailer in but remember this wasn't just about okay the main um objective for Andrew I think not so much now that she understands a little bit more the main objective was to me to get her horse trailer in so Andrew can take the horse to different places and and there's things she wants to do and I can understand that it was about a lot more than that wasn't it so yes there's got to be petitions to put in the training or but in all fairness Andrew said she was going to get a breast bar and not bother with positions a lot of people do that and it might be worth doing that for a little while or then maybe um when she's fed the horse in it you know every other day for a few weeks then start putting the petitions in uh but Andrew's um message saying that she's Vigilant now about her space she gets the horse yield in does all of the things that I showed her and remember I had to shortcut a lot of that to make a change while I was there guys it's worked because I'll show you the little two clips we've got now uh that we've had come through um you know the message guys Andrew said oh the second one here didn't go that well I actually think it went better because the horse said no did its usual Escape tactics and Andrea just lifted a stick and he moved over straightened up and went in I thought that was awesome and so yeah guys look things are looking good here and they've moved the trailer as well so it was a different feel but look at that how nice now and now Andrew will feed that horse in it for a few weeks and then it's onwards and upwards hopefully for this for this Trotter from Malta hey so that's the end of that video guys another video with a lot lots in here lots of different stuff and I hope I've explained it um well for you share comments like love whatever you could do for us keeps the ball rolling all that sort of thing does um and that's it it's gone six o'clock of an evening here and I am just about to start my motorbike up and I'm going to the first motorbike meet um down a place called crosswell key where it's a lovely Estuary and sit there talk to some bikers have a little bit of a break I've had my tea but I might end up having a burger as well that's what usually happens with with that sort of thing that's tonight and then tomorrow we pack in getting everything sorted out ready for Friday morning when we're off uh Charlotte me Tanya and we're all off to Oxford meeting uh some helpers there to help us get all set up for a big demo on Saturday in Oxford and we'll do the demo day on Saturday several horses in the afternoon which I haven't seen um uh with with certain issues and we've taken Anita and Charlotte's new George we've only had him several weeks I've sat on him literally sat on him twice not done any training on him deliberately I've just made sure my saddle fits good enough for the demo so it'll be a unique opportunity for people there I'm going to assess him I'm going to assess what I think he's working on I'm going to see how halter broke he is I have led him in and out quite a bit now so I got a good idea he stops for me now when I stop and things like that um and he flexes a little bit I mean I'll be doing a good groundwork session and then I'll be jumping on him see how he signs up with Charlotte said he's not very good at that and then um uh ride him for the first time and assess what I think uh you know where he's at and uh where what Charlotte should be working on so we've got that then we get back on a Sunday because we stay Saturday night because we're all shattered Saturday night nice meal with all the helpers that come and help and then get back on the Sunday on the Monday we travel to Gatwick Airport stay there the night then on Tuesday we fly to the USA where where we've got going to help a horse um there hopefully and meet some people as well so we're really looking forward to that it's been a few years since we've got to the states so that'll be awesome and that's really something to look forward to so um I think that's about it guys that's this one done uh so all there is to say is uh goodbye from International Horseman Steve Young because uh that's really uh right now it is I suppose autumninja guys so yeah ciao for now happy trails and see you in a couple of weeks hopefully uh when we're back from across the pond
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 80,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PVDFpm3gseU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 52sec (4492 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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