Please help us with our horse! No one else will!!

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during that lunch guys there were so many tears shed he was a little bit upsetting at times started booking and then no this is feeling good to him good he's a Serial Balter all right just hold yeah well don't keep thinking it okay so how old is how old is Rockets far worse we'll be discussed while I'm while I'm here he's only just really settled in I suppose or still babies okay but his passport says different and he just thought the message has no way um and then it went to about five ohms and he all said I think that he was dangerous okay so he's like strong people are Tanya told me on the way up here he's a Serial Balter correct um whether he'd be in hand or written yeah it leads football yes it does but what he does is if you're if you're lunging him or anything on the ground you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do and he'll just bowl and you can't hold him strong um if you're riding here I mean he doesn't want to do something books um have you ever done a one rain stop have you fought in the one running start um he could give him a lot of confidence in you if we do that exactly are you willing to ride him later yesterday in the arena um because he's got so upset in the arena you know you're worried then about riding the marina yeah because I had before that's okay it just broke my confidence yeah obviously you know yeah now my friend came down uh with me on the hat yesterday and she rode him in the arena after didn't show even she said I don't know how I say it was a huge book and a few others Stafford bridge then because I have not been well enough okay guys there's the UK a lot of people do ask to see where we're heading to for our demos and when we go to our horses basically that's where again we've traveled from uh hudford West in pembrokeshire obviously we're not that far from Ireland there we've traveled up to a place around the Bristol area which is here so we go over a special bridge that connects Wales to England so we're actually in England going to this job where you've just seen me land at the yard and while I'm on that is Oxford and that's where in a week's time um a week's time on the Saturday we're traveling up to Oxford for the demo and there's a few seeds left for that if anyone wants to hop on board and I'm taking Nita and Charlotte's new horse which I'll be riding for the first proper time and evaluate and see what work needs doing to lighten George up so that's that that's where and that's where we are right now so okay did you notice the map swap then guys because that one is the United States right guys so I'm about to become in the next couple of weeks an international horse trying to tell you [Laughter] well guys what's actually happening is I am going with Tanya uh we go into a lovely couple who live uh near I don't know if we can focus that in near Charlotte in North Carolina is that right Tanya yes at Mooresville we are I'll get a penny and show you what's happening we're going to help a horse guys uh for this lovely couple who they try trying so much to help a rescue horse quite a big horse that's got some very very very deep issues some people have gone to try and help it hasn't gone that well guys I might be able to help but they these people seem to think that I can so I'm willing to to give it a go so basically what we're doing guys the dates are the 16th of May till the 31st of May and the 16th we fly to Orlando in Florida grab the car we're gonna then travel up to Charlotte um North Carolina Mooresville yeah love a road trip so we we're there think for about five days guys uh staying with these people and hopefully I can help this horse I'll do three sessions a day with it nice sessions and the last day get um his owners involved and hopefully there'll be a good program for them to work too uh and hopefully improve things for this horse and uh his owners so then we I think while we're there we're having a bit of a get-together on the Friday night yeah we've got supporter members um some some are coming I think I think the summer coming hours uh yeah so we're gonna have a meet-up an evening an evening with Stephen Tanya and uh hopefully we're really looking forward to that then we head down to oh Carla we're staying the night in Ocala gonna go to all the tax stores yep there and then we head in to Tanya's favorite place in the world Clearwater and we've got four or five days there and then a couple of nights then in Kissimmee yeah in Orlando before we fly up fly off so that's the plan I'm ready anyway they're already yeah I got my hat love guy Tanya's ready I'm ready go to USA that's on yeah okay then so that's it so that's it guys uh see y'all there see y'all there so guys I'll explain a few things now you know as much as I know about the horse that I've just gone to see and Tracy that's the horse's owner the painter horse's owner so you know as much as I know at the moment right so I wasn't feeling very good I mean from what has just been said the horse's uh a Serial Balter in hand cereal Bolter in the saddle Tracy is determined to make this work determined which kind of worries me a little bit to be honest I mean what you imagine if you even the trainers here watching um or people who do well with horses if you were asked to help somebody now to help what you feel how would you go about I mean it is a very difficult situation when you've got the determination so so deep there that Tracy is willing to continue with this horse even though she's had a terrible injury to her coccyx she got bucked off um you know um the horse spokes run off with a bolted and she got bucked off onto her coccyx bone and I asked how bad was the injury was it sore you know someone else said that a part of the coccid's bone came through the skin so this was a serious serious uh accident really um and it could have been badly infected and gone all sorts of ways so I'm there hearing all this stuff and I asked has anyone else tried to give you a hand and yes Tracy has pay people and they are lots of trainers uh there's a very very kind of high regarded Stables where they're at they've got it's BHS approved they've got BHS trainers there and pretty much has been Tracy's exhausted everyone's who could possibly help he's he's bugged off most runoff with most of the trainers and she's kind of been given advice to maybe you know quit now is that the right advice if I was asked over the phone I'm very careful now what advice I give over the phone with this world of litigation and whatever but I'd be saying no no more no more you know uh there's five owners in a very short space of time so it's all the red flags are there aren't they guys so what do I do I've been called in um I've just got to try and think now how I can possibly there's no way I'll be asking Tracy to jump on that horse the way it is because if there was a an accident it would be my fault wouldn't it uh so I I you'll see how I go about it not feeling good about the whole thing and I don't think most watching this would you know uh we'll we'll keep going with this now there's a lot of learning again in this video because I've had to strip this right back to her to the raw rawness of horse training and I have to try and figure out why and what um Catalyst there is for maybe causing these uh uncontrollable Spooks there was one spook I was told about in an indoor arena which is on that place where he the horse ran Wild and that with a ride run and actually got that frightened India ran to a pony with someone sat on it and and wanted to support the opponent that much ran to it to the pony and hit the pony with the person on uh because it just needed that support so it's all it's all not good it's all not good um but I hope you get something from this and I am in a position where not feeling too brilliant at the moment as you're watching the video and now they they've got off in putting back instead he's got in the habit of oh if I do that right I think for this session yeah basically you're only advising what you're needing okay the only difference has been really right in and that is Altitude yes you're leading them from the back yeah so I think he's got to be absolutely 100 on the ground with all the lunging with everything sizing up so I think that's the first thing right so there's only so much you can do in in a second I was prepared to have another session with you if need well that's what I'm going to suggest yes I leave you with hopefully with some good work today correct confidence up to get him to where he is yeah a lovely dobbing on the ground okay there's no reason why you should have guns left and right we've done some work with it we've done some work on them we've been doing something on the ground yeah so so if if I can hopefully improve that give you some exercises today and then in a couple of months or whatever you think you know what I've been riding him out he seems a little bit better then I'll come back but we'll try and do it on when we're coming past or yeah the um yeah the traveler yeah yeah yeah yeah try and do it so that it'll just be a bit of fee for me and when we get a time capsule beam you over yes transport him up is it no yeah I'm pretty uh with it now I'm a little bit concerned I am too [ __ ] it isn't it isn't good yeah no he's convinced he's doing the right thing he thinks oh if I do that now I don't have to work he just thinks he's survived in the day by doing what he's doing okay that's the way their minds work but there's a lot of slow work there's a lot of slower you get into an arena okay yeah she's been helping me when I back him up he does that with his with his foot it close out like that with his foot where I'm trying back no you're good you are good you've got an audience this way you've got an audience [Music] disengage again a longer rope which is a tendency to hold under here [Music] You're Gonna Make Yourself Dizzy yeah you're disengaging yourself come this side disengage again and then walk away you don't have to spin yourself don't disengage it looks good though it does look good all right now walk away you have spot again yeah I've looked at it look they're now done now I'm just walking up it took me years look at the back end look at the back end it looks to me just walk to Steve yay don't do that a few times again for me now but okay walk out like you just did let me try the other side don't disengage your own quarters do you want the mic you've done you've done a lot just straight straight that's it that's it I can hear a woodpecker lives longer out hold it further away from that chin [Music] seriously do it and Steve it's the same with the pouring yeah when he was pouring I was I was just gonna be okay take this off now yeah yeah it should be right so what I'm going to do it every time which is going to help all the stuff with the riding yeah every time I take it off ever yes all right he's got no flex there here so yes this is what I'll work on in a little while yes make sure that doesn't pull tight bring that rope to just this side of there you go oh okay all right so the only time this would come off is when I'm gonna hold this now until he Bend and relaxes yeah yeah this is where the the hot the bride Will Go On The Bride would go off the hole that goes on the whole agenda it's a chance for us to work on his flexing because we're never stopping the two Raven bolts he's got to learn how to bend yeah well look at him he's just he's not so do you know to say guys how stiff this horse is no way well as soon as I was asking for Flex there you couldn't see it but I could feel it the horse rigids up goes rigid so he's protected himself because he knows in an arena situation he might need to have to Spook run bolt and the only way a horse can really do that is if it's straight through its Spine and Neck um which is why they don't really want you to disengage them which causes bend the disengaging causes bend the disengaging causes loss of impulse around the back because when the legs cross they can't push both together so they're usually reluctant with that um they're very reluctant to bend in their neck in a situation where they may have to spoke and run so that's the first thing I noticed guys and very very important that I noticed that that there's there's rigid neck very little Flex um so I knew I'd have to work on that work on rib cage Bend and keep working on disengagement a way of suppering the horse so it's there's a way of getting it out of that rigid flight mode so that's good for you to know right when he gives to it yeah all right okay just okay I'm going to take that for now okay don't worry about that oh sorry no don't worry about it just do it again yeah yeah this he needs to that's he needs to be able to do that with him God yeah I'll do a little program for you and then once again basically he's going to come around here yeah with no Pro hardly no pressure at all he wants to be back here so I'm gonna I'm gonna just work him up okay about that yeah bothered I think he's done it before and stuff like this oh absolutely I mean is he's not got bad following his body this horse he's just learned bad behaviors over the last six months I can put the star in this you can see that oh he's very pretty okay [Music] he needs to learn again one of the biggest mistakes is when these horses bolt people pick two lanes up yeah I yeah it is resources work out when we do that that becomes is actually a big Bluff because there's no way a bit of metal like that's ever going to control a piece plus it's not right so we control them in here okay okay so if you pull with two reins and a horse works out because they're only running through fright okay yes if they work out that they still went forward with them that was pulling tight they work at that don't mean nothing because they can still go forward yeah of course they can it becomes a bluff that becomes no album at all the only there's never a problem in history we've solved with two rays put it on a horse nice got it the only way you can you you can help horses bend it right and stop okay right that's if you're going towards I would never ride a horse unless I taught it on the ground and one rain stop right then I go up on board and I teach it on board walk truck can okay so that when they get into trouble so can I can I take your glasses because I can see them going off at any second we made the decision themselves to give a little try did you see the little try yes I did just have a look at that now right there oh that's the first time he tried and gave me a little gift so I'm just gonna close that's not his answer he's just pulled up there why was it was that little give this way that was a nice try this is this is the first start of bending the horse to stop is right what I'm doing now okay this is the side they're usually the hardest to do because this is where we lead them we're constantly releasing them and they're constantly pulling on this when we're leading them well this is this is the side usually um so I've just clicked my fingers there to get his attention there because his attention was over there yeah so now I'm going to ask again he's only release for this will be me when little I'm looking for a little just just to hold he's thinking well I gave you I'm saying now I need more more now so I'm not releasing this that's not the answer that's not the answer find the answer okay a little bit there did you see that real yes you see this work in there it's starting to bend all right I'm gonna give him a second now yeah this is the start of getting him to bend because it will transfer into the bit we'll get the bit in the we'll get the bit in a bit yes and I need to I need I need to dip it a bit later this stuff where this all starts it's bolting um and his only release now is there that's took I think it was eight asks to start getting softness in his neck because he was only there no carrots yes okay good news no carrots um you know people do obviously well I do carrot stretches more so so I want to do this one more time this side and that's automatically better that's good so we'll go the other side now where I am here I'm gonna ask him to move over there a little bit for me thank you uh you won't see it there now I'm gonna ask him to go forward now I'm going to disengage his Hinds water okay now I don't want you thinking about everything so what I'm going to start doing that just bump in bumping him slightly till he's with me well if you can so is so when we've got a connection he's more with us because he's got a habit of being all over the place with his mind right when are humans involved so I sometimes with a horse will sit on a chair for ages and just keep pumping them into an adventure right there was a spot there we all missed it he went yeah so well look you know yeah now I'm on a different side of him now people might not realize that they're broken might be this side when you tip an eye this side I think it is actually but I'm saying he offered me something then that I missed you offered me a stop and I missed it okay uh no no no I'm not on me that in slow motion look guys he's looking to his right and this is how those Spooks start he'll look to his right now start focusing focusing away thinking away so that's where I get his attention a few little bumps till he starts considering me as he looks away again a couple of little bumps and the only way you can you wouldn't be able to do that is if the horse was genuinely really frightened um you might have to let him move a little bit there but still try and get his attention so there look still playing in slow motion I've got his attention again now look there close attention um disengage him again right sir on me you see how I'm doing this foreign did you see it did you witness it I did you will on the film yeah I did um so there's got to be a break in between all of these things yes okay so that he there's some in it for him right if I just keep asking which is what a lot of us are trying you ask something to keep asking what do you want so we've got to show them when they do something right that's that's the thing right so here like eventually it's just this right look there's nothing he hasn't he hasn't got anything right he should just but it can get there okay Never As Good as if he had been started without any releases for the wrong thing yes whenever I start a horse myself I've tried for so many years to get another horse which is a bit stiff and kind of lost a lot of try I've never been going on as good as when but you can get them better yeah I'm saying is you won't have other source as good as some of those that have started so um again I can take it where this this is here look I'm going to come in here and I'm going to think this I'm not going to look him eyeball him no I had a little try there yes I'll tell him how good this is he is he's like a dope on a rope he is alive we're alive and we're live in him up in a bit Yeah but this is this is Steve can I just see them yeah and this horse wasn't started quickly I don't think well um sorry he just said basically you know that it's a Pity he should be so light on this on this front end yeah I know it's so tense and yeah yeah around people he is and that's where we use carrots and things but you know this this has got a head get rid of this bowl turn yes yes we've got to start on the ground first but this without this you won't get it good with the bit right and this way it starts yes basically you know I say to some people when I've got to to a stage I say right now sit on your horse even if it's in the stable you can't overdo it as long as you give him breaks in between it okay sit up there there's a way of reaching down to a tape on the rain which I'll show you in a while to because you have to work out on your own where you lift up in the middle you run down to the tape and then you come to your hip and at first they turn like this like just happened and eventually they stop you wait till they give and then you let go you get to a stage where you just reached it and they just they just give you they just understand great little thank you guys this is Charlotte Molly when she bought her exactly what I was describing then on the ground in the arena with that horse this is what can happen with some of these two horses this is Charlotte's first flex lesson for the one rain stop and just breathe right just breathe all right now if in the middle of this storm you you stop that then it teaches her to just let her try and find it don't spin off all right just hold right just hold yeah well if you if you've got to stop I don't want you falling off no legs just hold relax relax relax relax relax relax relax you didn't do your chin strap up tight enough we'll do that in a second all right no no let go right no oh that's good now uh yeah in a second right now that I've got to just adjust a couple of things on on your chin strap shot because the bit was going through a mouth right well done and I mean that eora now with quality and gracefulness do it again Lift Up Lift Up run your hand down and then relax go on right now hold hold hold hold hold again and just relax you've got lovely let go right now that's took three now one range Charlotte to stop one rain hold on your hip from now on you're not going to use two reins lovely so if she goes again yes and wait for it to give so is that making sense yeah so so you're getting there I mean this is as genuine as you could ever get it right so um I could say tomorrow we'll do the other side I want you to do it again Charlotte you cannot overdo it you do it it's not just for her it's for you to fluent at it all right how does that feel right now she's already not bothering going forward right down on the neck and not wait till she gives lovely I'm gonna put a d-ring snaffle in Charlotte because that one is going into her mouth a little bit I'm not happy with that and I need to really adjust that chin strap better that's where you start then you add on to that give let's engage on quarters wait until they start right if you do that so that's solid so you can you can reach I'm gonna come closer because we're in the flight path stages to where you can do our online stop at walk every single time even when he gets worried you reach down you can stop it and then you do it at Trump and what's that when I'm on the ground well we'll see but this will all help that anyway well yeah because he's I got to teach him that he he doesn't have to be as straight as narrow and stiff as well if a horse is straight their whole frame is is ten times as strong as when this has been right as soon as the horse is bent it's it's loads and loads loads of its power okay Forward Motion so my hips in my hips in I'm just gonna wait and my hip come off yeah right tell him how good he is I'm gonna give him a little break on an aspect just waiting for just that little bit more here this is the hardest bit what I'm doing for you to get some Flex in there for you okay that he'll recognize we've got the disengage in which you were quite good at to be honest so he'll probably be a little bit more bent though that's soft that's quite soft from this side he doesn't like you see the switches so I'm gonna okay turn on this till you can upset me this side yes see how his head correct that's what he does with me yeah but he's he's saying I want you in the other eye it's so common with horses with these problems it's so common is it yeah because everything's done yeah do you think I should start doing everything the opposite you've just started you know that tucking up everything well if you can yeah because remember I say it all the time so I I I I'm gonna just keep I'll stand this side of him if he was mine now I'd do everything this side okay that you can possibly do yes absolutely anything nice I wouldn't Pat on him too much or stroke yes I'd probably lunging more on the other side would you well no that's his better side because oh London this side you mean no look when he puts you in the UI did he wants you in and I'd lunge him okay I do a session where it's like teaching them they're better off having you on this side so every time he does that thing can he put you in that Eye I'd say go and then lunch for 10 minutes now and they kind of work it out they're all you're not so bad that side I don't have to work so much you understand it's psychological yeah yeah I might put a little bit so he's not so late but okay every time he puts you in that eye until he's not right so every time he starts doing that he does it a lot he looks at you and he goes no yeah right so he's very concerned about he might be all the bugs so I'm gonna tuck for back cut forward tuck the back my thumbs down yeah all right so I'm asking first I'm going to release as the foot comes off the ground okay so release tight release I know he's bugging down so now I'm gonna release for that which is what's called Energy he was fogging down getting everyone heavy on the front saying that's a lot so what I did in a shook shook like this I released for energy in the feet okay yes and there was lichting chewed he says right so again One release release now I'm gonna lid in the feet is when I'm releasing all right okay no bolters really benefit from this okay because it's always forward forward forward if you get them good about rounding back that's another thing that can really help energy that's a bit better that's hardly anything there I'm already touching them stuff I wanted to back up here we can see where he is right now I'll leave them alone okay so this is a problem we noticed in here quite relevant right his head demanding yeah it's demanded when you do when you ask anything of him that you are in this eye yes now imagine being up there you might have missed it a lot of people do it might be you know seeing you up in that eye when he's a bit that he runs we'll see you know all but one two I want a bit more energy I'm gonna keep this going until I've got it a lot lighter now he's he's putting me in pretty straight there yeah yeah tell me how good it is not really good I need that bit better than that yeah this going now if we can't bring the life up it comes up inappropriately so we've got to be able to bring life up and down these are all little gold nuggets as soon as the energy let's go in so I'm very persistent ly so I need him to not drag back foreign so when he gets distracted he's got a kind of yeah get attention you won't be able to do it every time but I'm saying it's it's something to be aware of oh I'm neutral shouldn't mean anything that see how I'm new yeah do what he wants now if you're coming into me like he's a use that yeah that's fine that's fine because I wasn't asking for anything no you weren't so the difference between that right I understand all right now it's new truck shouldn't really mean anything okay hands down yeah my hands down that was a nice stop yes it was so let him know and he's quite quite uh even with his head there yeah he is it's a nice look isn't it okay now this is listening because before he gets his attention yeah what happens is I've been particular about that he's all over the place yeah the Lucky's getting it better isn't it yeah yeah I'm trying to show you sits on a chair and just just just say no yes with us yes the only time you really can allow that is when it's genuine for you and you'll know the difference it's when they blow out and they're really worried look they cannot help having to move their feet down right but I can't go with them apart it a little bit so if he's licked and chewed now this is not neutral now this is good okay thank you now this is keep going because now look I'm asking right no this is disengage your home forces yeah because you're in like flowers yeah disengage yeah come out stop your feet stay with me yeah [Music] beautiful he's very handsome isn't it good I agree I agree now look as like that was there's nothing lovely right lovely not that way we're back to this now they pulled on me so um the more he doesn't do right the better for you to see and to see what to do so I'm push I'm pushing my hip in ah you give a little bit there yeah so no I'm not neutral disengage disengage same day good disengage give me space like that way yeah it's trying it okay nice that's better up that way so you see which eye is better in yes so that's why I'm carrying this on until he realizes I'm controlling his feet he doesn't control mine okay beautiful nice and Light all right but it is we're back to the flex in much better getting there here it is guys a first attempt to actually um bolting off there but because I'd worked so hard on that flexing so that the end of the leader it meant something and the rib cage and disengaging I managed to hold him it suddenly had an effect only mentally that I had some control over split I'm going to tell him that's exactly what I wanted so there has to be everyone a rewards start it has to be a reward because twice he tried to bolt did you notice that he straightened himself up yeah look where his head is I'm showing you this is possible I can only put the little bit in at the start and then it's up to an owner you know if they come to stop with me for six months which because we've got we've got several horses there of our own and we're not there most of the time we're not there we're all over the world I mean I love as many sessions as needed you know let's let's see this is just evaluation really and giving you something to work on correct but it these these resting periods are the most important in the whole thing realizes this is to survive I'm alive I don't think I would have held him as well so you can imagine if the flexing is really that good you can't you you could say to me send me videos and he's like so freaking light left and right well it's gonna have more of a mean in yes you see it all it all knock on them it all knock on effects now do you think it's a it's a whip thing yes um the end of the Rope like you okay I think what's happened yeah whoever started him didn't teach him to push out into the lunge and then what they've done is they've snuck a lot things are usually symptoms of causes a lot of problems come like children foundations everything we don't forget things that's the way of the world most important time is the voice of foundation if they're young and something happens and it can it can be nobody's fault something can happen and they Buck a rider off in the first year ride or run up with one and it happens all the time um if you can hold it yeah sure um now there look I've just said don't worry about I'm all you need that was a foot towards me so I'm just gonna bump here cut a bit and then just relax when he went back so just sit there nicely and then just lay here yeah yeah they're looking in the eyes too much oh really yeah just for now I would the reason I'm saying that as well is because when you do all your flexing our human uh need our uh we tend to look at them like like if you're sat and you run your hand down to get the flex we look him at the eyes and have had it so often where people say look he's not doing it I saw you looking at him he's looking at you he's thinking what are you looking at so I just tend to but also it's a predatory move isn't it oh yeah and if you ever look at it yeah I bought somebody you ever get angry eyeball a horse in Anger the only time we ever get angry as a predator did they get eaten didn't they yeah so what you want to do start not having so it's not a nice look lovely and then sorry guys about the wind noise Tanya unfortunately we'd forgot their little mic thing that Bluetooth to the phone so there is some weird noise I'm sorry about that okay okay so um yes I noticed that yeah I noticed look yeah somebody said that you might have American paintings I do an awful lot of is is lowering I know you do it but I would as often as I can um in any resting periods does it stay down no right okay let's go down yeah well let's let's something that I do with a lot a lot of horses but to help him well yeah you give me one yeah you want one yeah let me just write I've just held that I'm gonna do this go on a few times now look I've got that there yeah squeeze in here I'm rocking I've Got A Squeeze and immediately drops this neck slightly doesn't want to do it because of all the bad things that's happening Okay so I just missed a little try there's a try right so I'm gonna keep doing this now until he does it really good then I then I'll uh all right so look you'll see this build now tell him how good he is we see his mouth going on yes he's lifting and chewing yeah um and eventually you can do this from the saddle oh yeah you do it there's ways of doing it it's too far up the line okay imagine yeah we're telling him that's the thing to do and it'll start to feel good too there's lips going his lips going does that mean it's relaxed it turns to me like there's been terrible trauma yeah Arenas which tells you something maybe about your start I think where do you think he might have been started I think where do you think things might have gone yeah I agree yeah so I think a lot of these questions you know they do get answered when you think about why something's happened at 2 in I know that um he's telling me that that shallots halfway I'm saying No this is a very tense do you think he's very tense yeah he tries to I'll be honest with you he tries to hide it yeah he just doesn't it absolutely um and sometimes they can't hide it like where I when I went down that other side and he got really a little bit tight and so this is what I do when I bolt I may have to bolt to save my world that's right that's what he does yeah yeah so we're getting there that's not his fault I feel sorry for him look five owners in a few in no time it's not great is it people don't get rid of good horses these days there's always usually and he's throwing all the stuff off here yeah and they won't get back on no one will riding now you know this might be a case you know I mentioned earlier about a dummy this might be a case as long as you've got someone here who can put it on right he's well every day I've done me for two weeks yeah think about it so your lunging down to the dummy of that she'll get in here with him oh yeah honestly she's not bothered I don't know why when he tries to throw her off but she loves him right that was a nice try yes that was that was a lovely choice so and he's holding it back yeah so there he was thinking it's time to go now so I've moved him back in the oven I blame myself as well you haven't had the experience I've had um but look that was that's much cooler yeah I'm putting the foundation it'd have had it right back up by now look there's nothing here for him because no if he comes up now what would you what what does he run into well exactly that pressure again yeah but leave it here and then they start to think oh is this quite relaxing this is quite nice look at that mate no oh no we got a boom but Steve I have said to myself I'm going to give him a year and if I can't fix him in that year with all the help I'm with you your future then I'll send out something we've got about our house it's a misconceptual thing we've got time we've got no time every day time's gone again time's gone again if you were me would you sell him now if you were me would you sell him now yes you would probably really you want to give him the time well he wouldn't try and fix it I'm thinking about your your look I know you're nervous I know you didn't want to get on him today yeah there's a lot I'll be straight with you you know right yeah I'd be straight with me look I I but I have learned that now I don't suggest that because they have to make their own mind up if it was my horse and you were my you were tan you know yes really yes you know that's my but do you not think it's possible to get into a stage where he's not doing it depends you don't know his past you don't know but it is possible a little bit it's enough it's possible okay but it's not just him it's you as well isn't it you've lost your confidence whether you you can get it where you could go to some girl who was young in the 20s not bothered about anything anything oh you know look I wouldn't I just want you to be honest with me I've just been honest I personally think what I'm showing you is there's a horse in here hopefully when we like we're getting London nicely we'll put the bit in and getting Flex in stable so it might be possible then yeah look I'm not gonna say anything no of course but have you seen horses like this get better or not yes I have yeah you have okay right again it's it's how nervous so there is a hope though yeah but I I think I can get over that his brain he's an equine brain that's working correctly because he's already okay I'm getting stuff going that's nice of course so you know he is a he wants to learn he wants a leader he wants consistency right so and when I work with him no the lunge width yeah so that's telling you he's passed yes so now I'm gonna disengage him okay so I kind of expected it I did okay the shooters um so now I'm not neutral I'm saying go better yes much I found that a little bit more difficult didn't it so what I'll do now that's what he is there all right so these little periods where we probably keep coming up getting relaxed okay okay I'm not neutral now do you notice this when he does Trot out like that yeah my pressure's gone got my hand is still up yeah cause one eye lunging pools the the rope's always tired oh this is a flexion look right yeah now I'm gonna lift the ropes but he's the only way out of this he needs to face me okay all right his way out is to disengage him face right a little break in between that's telling you a lot I agree with that squished a lot in his uh time quarters and drop wait for him right now so look he might he might be too strong for me now I'm going to hope he's not so what I'm going to do is I would do an awful lot this is telling you a lot isn't it absolute girl but I'm only doing it here yeah I know and then I'm in neutral yeah I mean and it's still yeah all right it's done it's good you know we I'm going to close up here so we can't really go past me there right so yeah if you can't even do that does that mean it's nervous yeah the worst thing I can do now is stop this yeah okay he's got to know yeah oh so he needs desensitizing the picture of this in his mind is Theo is here no I'm not even that's why I never use one so yes but but should I no well I'm saying that I'm saying if it was mine I'd get him used to this so I could I could swap flies with this hard okay you know it's all right no I don't I wouldn't I wouldn't the last thing he wants is oh careful all don't fall we've got to figure it out for himself as soon as I did it that's it he's just survived that yeah he has all right he's just survived that so whoever's been London here we've had a whip I think people are they the people who have come out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so again he's got to know that when I'm in neutral no I'm not looking at him um she's calm down so just watching yeah you've got to be careful how much you go you've got to finish on a good note each time so yes if I can finish with it I only picked it up yeah I know he was so if I can finish you know really being careless with this that's that's one session and you think I could continue that about whatever sorry I don't know it was the answer where it's different when he doesn't like I'm getting more careless in this now already so the picture in his brain now because all they've got is their senses which is sight even smell the touch right this keeping me picking this up that picture is terrifying it out he was all right so the picture the feeling of that picture was was a terrible feeling because they can't think they don't seem like we do he's not re you think we all think in English I'm talking self-consciously when you asked me something then I was thinking well what do I say now like until you talk to yourself they have got no no no language they have no no I'm picturing them what they feel from you yeah so that was a terrifying thing which was calmer Now isn't it ah okay so the next thing I do for a morning maybe an hour have a break and then another hour let's do this is is is just keep it going carelessly so this starts to not mean so much okay yes okay absolutely there needs to be an end to this right so the end is now I'm gonna say no good to do it now I'm going to say lower your head a little bit and yes yeah of course it's just scared of that it is it's a Trier but when he gets scared he just loses [Applause] so when he calls on me I just a little plug back yeah right job to keep afloat in this if you can right yeah yeah [Music] I'm neutral because it should mean flip down there yes can I go straight back to back to that yeah right we'll get the bigger lunch now you don't need to get it or you yeah it's a red red one [Music] now I'm gonna change it to the Beach real good exercise with bolts and horses they see you from different places so now I'm gonna take this take this space here yes now I'm driving him okay now bending beautiful yeah he's not pulling on me he's tried to put me in the other eye then which is a good sign is it okay yeah good so there's space there surprise driving leading no I want that all of that yeah the other eye will be slightly different driving pick it up stop to my right how I want that space here driving him I want to bend soften his neck yes yeah now I'm driving here better this side and I'm able to perm up a bit now with my body posture and he's not trying to escape me right all right lead in driving coming in behind him and I'm moving with him and this eye isn't as bad as it was I agree with that driving on his bad eyes now I'm gonna ask a little truck yeah yeah bending quite nice in his neck there so now let's swap it and lead him driving quarters [Music] you know it's always heads coming down yes good um and also um he bolts with me more on the ground than on the ridden except when I'm in here don't keep thinking it okay sorts of things so after every lunge just lower his head he's getting relaxed what's this okay you gotta know that it's only released between looking at you okay his responsibility to not let this not let this go tight right yeah tell him how good he is drop his head I didn't know he's okay yeah yeah yeah good it's gonna pull down in a minute I know oh look at that I was just looking at that horse down the bottom there lunging at the stable at someone oh yeah horrid find the London to bite wow he tried to make it right and it's just crazy apparently so yeah that's it I mean if you want to go for lunch we can or if you want a woman police woman policeman no but the worst thing he will not trust you if he can just walk behind it you know walk into it and you have to hold it yeah so look I'm gonna have a longer rope yes okay so I might say nobody you know all this is is my 1.2 meters of geography yeah and he will love me for the fact that I don't let him unless I invite him in right so when I stop in his side and I need to know I have a death grip on him see that's what I do but I decided in normally so would you say go in front absolutely I'm gonna say yeah to hurt you yeah if you're going to respect my space absolutely because he might be not so apt to pump me up okay so I'll be repairing to him watch my foot can you get the gate [Music] [Music] think about this comes off when he gives there right so I haven't waste that right step horses you can get them so much better all right so we'll leave them back yeah that was like a big sigh yeah but the fact that we survive that could be better yeah so we've had a little session we're going to go back to do another session and they said to fancy a carvery well does the pope pray so we're going in how's that then thanks girls for taking us out awesome Tracy's still up there Tracy doesn't mind me saying this but after we'd had that lovely meal we were sat there and there was a lot of tear shed Guys Tracy ask me Point Blank do you think I should keep this horse and I point blank look back and said my own opinion is no I don't think you should I think we should think about replacing the horse somewhere maybe someone younger um not an age thing I'm just saying uh Tracy has had her accidents she is very worried maybe a really confident younger Rider and but but doing all the work I'm doing is not wasted it's gonna really really really help but yeah guys it was quite an upsetting end to the meal I did I did advise you know I've got to think about me being able to sleep at night and me going up instead of down when everything's done in my life and I really did not feel confident for Tracy and I told her what I thought I don't know if people watching this would agree with me um I think the horse got a future and maybe Tracy is so determined maybe it's gonna it's gonna work out I hope it will but I think um you know my my own opinion would be to stop stop now really that was you know and I told her what I thought that's what she asked me to do and that's what I did and we went back after the meal and um we worked on in the Stables because it was pouring down around we worked on a little bit of head lowering and flexing with the bitten things there is some learning still to do here guys all right thank you yes yes and again a bit lower side to side there good timing yes that's better no leave it for a minute that's better yeah just a one little rub of his neck now go again a bit lower yes how does that feel good do that a lot with him and not do it if you if you walk him into the school I'd do it a lot a lot so it relaxes in the school at the moment school's a nightmare too of course there we go all right now this is a test you can go the other side now okay he's a little bit at the same time you rock that yeah and then you lose both oh yes oh lovely good try and keep going so that he's the only way out of it is to anyway yes good now go the other side with the Rope give them a little rub on his neck yeah and then and then go again without the hand on there just yeah yeah just do it yeah really good and just first just just for something this is right so up rub my hand down to wherever the red tape will be down on the neck yeah my hips in yeah and I'm going to wait until this gives rise I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting yeah I'm not there we took a little pull and then you come back to you so the only releases is getting is when he comes office right then you give a little break yeah a little bit lift up run down the hip in and then come around and wait till he gets he said he'll give him yes neck and I'll bring this up to towards where the hand is now a mistake that a lot of riders make they start doing this here that is a totally different feel in that mouth if you do it here yeah I've seen people when they do the terms that they turn in down here yeah but if it's got to be think about where your hands are yes a totally different feeling some people though they'll drop that road and do that yeah yeah I mean I'm a victim dude I used to use when you're doing it one don't do it here do it try and do it on the projector you can come out a bit eventually you could do it here but come out a bit but come up to where your hands go yes and that yeah and don't eyeball him which is getting a mistake I used to make yeah yeah so up right slide down on the neck yeah hip in and then up towards if it moves and you move with him and you stick with it yeah and so yes I've took my hip off because he gave nice then it's about here bounce about here get yourself get yourself off with the reins yeah no carrots no nothing no just releasing for him making it comfortable for him to understand what we want so remember what I said yeah what am I gonna do with this bit now you're going to uh before you take it off and you're going to pull in rounds I'm gonna let him take it out yeah with the bends yes nothing's wasted yes I understand so okay and I will try my best to do everything that side and her friend Gail a good friend Gail uh for probably most of the day to be honest guys because we went to lunch and I had to take my time with that horse and try and sort out what was going on to be causing the main issues you never get to the bottom of it all because you don't know history is uh but I kind of got to what would you know if if I if I had that horse now and I had to move forward myself with that horse I would do all what I've just shown in that video lots and lots of flexing lots of disengaging getting to the horse's feet moving the horse's feet lots of um I'll do some round Pen work with it as well lots of work online um to get to get a meaning to that rope uh so that the horse could be bent I'd be doing all of that kind of stuff loads of one lane stops lots and lots and lots of one rain stops um but I would also guys probably and I don't say this very often I would probably put a dummy on the horse it's one of those cases where it's it's got frightened with people being up there so often and I think a lot of it's to do not all I think a lot of it's to do with that with that seeing people up above in that right eye that was quite evident with that horse probably no one's ever really really sussed that out oh It Bolts when it goes that way uh I think you'll find that a lot of that problem is that so it is a good case for having a dummy on that horse and letting it have a dummy on for a couple of hours a day so you can have a dummy on there with a little bit of weight and be able to Lunge that horse left and right and keep lightness in in in the flexing so that's what I would do now can trace to do that and people at the yard guys I don't know I've given my opinion I've I've said my thoughts to try to see now what's happened since this video was a couple of weeks ago and Tracy has message tiny a few times and when's the video coming when's the video so she's very keen to see the video guys because what happens these videos really help people um you know people put themselves out there in the Limelight on the media um which is amazing really and I always try to keep the positive positive comments as much as we can um so Trace is really wanting it so she obviously is is forgetting some things which is which any of us do this video will really help uh her and maybe some people on the yard help her after seeing this video uh how's things going with the horse we had to add another message back which was only a couple of days ago Steve and Tanya thank you so much things are so so much better than they were so that's a step in the right direction I think when Tracer gets this video and I guess this video they'll look at this video quite a few times and maybe it will help them divide it up into little pieces each day to try and help things I am supposed to be going back to this horse guys Ian I think it's June I think that that's what we said a plan that all this groundwork would be done they'll use this video to improve things again and then maybe go back and hopefully start doing the one rain stops uh and the flexing and confidence giving with a ride run but the horse wasn't ready for that yet so I'll if that if I do go back which hopefully I will it sounds like a will I'll do another part two video which will be really interesting for a lot of people with Bolton horses a lot of people remember that one rain eventually you go back to two road stopping guys all of these horses that you teach to one range stop with a meaning to the feet with a meaning to get the horse out of trouble because all this one rain stops are is a place for tranquility for a horse when they're in trouble and they kind of search for that those horses is do when they're in trouble but it's not absolutely guaranteed that you're going to be able to stop one with ROM rain when the horse completely loses it um you know it's complete Panic so you know sometimes it does it's not the answer to everything but it definitely helps so that's the end of this video guys hope you get something from it I'll definitely put uh another update of how it goes with this horse who knows didn't feel great with the whole thing still slightly worried about Tracy getting on but everyone's got their own choice of where they had in life and now it all goes isn't it so yeah Happy Trails guys like share comment keep us going that's all we're gonna for that's what keeps us going till the next video Happy Trails the second time ciao for now
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 110,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k9TsKmtZc_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 22sec (4942 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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