Horrified: American Monsters | Playthrough | With Colin

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hello everyone and welcome to the one stop co-op shop this is colin and today we are going to do a play through of horrified american monsters uh this is a follow-up to the original horrified game and i'm excited to show it to you i really enjoyed the horrified game as a nice gateway jumping in uh being able to play this game with people that aren't huge gamers but you can still have fun playing it even as a gamer yourself i'm going to be doing a two-player playthrough it does have solo rules but i don't really like it solo i would really put this at two players three is okay too i wouldn't probably do more than three uh because if your turns it can be kind of annoying if you don't have a turn for four rounds and you get hammered on by monsters and there's not much you can do so i find two to three is pretty much the the best spot so with that let's go ahead and jump in and set up the game and then start our playthrough let's take a look at our two characters that we're going to play with we have the jock as one of them he's going to start off in the stadium normally they are on standees but because i'm recording overhead i'll just have them all lay flat he does have a special action that he can do and he can do this as many times as he wants he has a total of four actions pick up items from an adjacent location and in this game when you pick up items you pick up all the items that are in that location with one action we also all start off with one perk his perk and this perk can be used on any player's turn the only catch is you cannot use it during the monster phase you can only use it during the hero phase we can place an investigator at any location pretty nice our second player is the scout here she has the ability that she can move any investigator or citizen one location really nice because she can move people around the board and she doesn't even have to be there uh four total actions she has one perk that you can use one time skip the next monster phase draw and place two items from the item bag also super helpful we'll probably be using that right away the game comes with six different monsters we're going to play the standard game which is three monsters on the table our goal is to defeat all three of these monsters if we do that before either our terror track gets to eight we simply run out of time by the monster deck being emptied out then we win the game our first one and this is a low level complexity enemy so i'm gonna do one low level one medium and one high difficulty monster we have the chupacabra here nice and simple on the back side of each monster board you can see how you need to set up the specific monsters we're actually going to be playing with all three of these so for the chubacabra we have to place the chupacabra on the board at the farm and then we're going to place the farm overlay on the board at the farm itself our goal is simple with him we need to find six of these goat items and then we need to bring them to the farm and save them every time we do that as an action we'll place them here once we have done that and we have all these spots filled we can as long as we're in his location we can use six worth of items items are considered any of the yellow ones and they all have numbers on them so we have to discard six worth of those to defeat him you can see we've placed the chupacabra here as well as the overlay which tells us the action that we can take of placing those goats onto his board next we have our mother creature mother is a creature of unique and unheralded speed you must slow it down to trap it i'm realizing i'd even read you what chupacabras was essentially he likes to eat lots of animals including investigators uh what we need to do for him we need to place him on the board at the motel we're gonna pull four different item tokens from the bag until you get four different locations and place on those spaces indicated on the monster mat then we're gonna take four trap tokens and place them with closed side up on those locations indic indicated by the items on the monster map then we'll have to place the eye of mother next to the monster mats just this token if that come on comes out on the board we'll see how that works i've already grabbed the four random items so we have a trap in the stadium in the bait shop in the mansion and in the gas station what we first have to do is arm all of those traps so we have to spend one action to do an advanced action and arm the traps in these locations after we do that we then need to slow him down in a location with an armed trap token and mauthan spend a total of 10 and they're those yellow ones so once again those are weapon items to defeat it once we do that we've defeated the mother our four trap tokens are here in the stadium the bait shop we have one at the gas station and our fourth one is way up there in the mansion you can hardly see it right up there and then of course the mother is here in the hotel our third and final monster and i'm excited about this one is the jersey devil the 13th child is the jersey devil discover who that is and defeat the monster this is the high complexity one and i'm just going to tell you right now i'm going to put a link in the description below about how there is a chance that when you reveal your three clues you're not going to be able to determine who the 13th child is if that's the case you can kind of pick one you can do something else they haven't come out officially with the fact that this is the case but some people on bgg way smarter than me have done the math and have discovered that with all of the different clue tokens there is a chance that when you reveal your three not one investigator will fit it there'll be more than one and you'll see what i mean in a second we're gonna place the jersey devil on the board at the town center then we're gonna place the city hall overlay on the board at the city hall then we'll turn the clue tokens face down shuffle them and pick three so you saw i had three on his mat and then place the remaining ones next to the mat because sometimes we can have those be changed which of course is annoying then we're gonna remove all citizen cards from the monster deck and place them face up near the plain area put their standees on top of each card and then reshuffle the remaining monster cards and place them face down in a deck here we have the jersey devil right here at the town center and then the action that we can take is an advance action so it takes us one action once per turn choose a citizen card to play so what we do is instead of drawing a monster card at the end of our turn we'll actually draw one of these citizen cards which by the way normally would be in the monster deck we get to choose one which is really cool activate the whole card including the items you're going to have the monsters activate but then we're also going to put the citizen out on the board what we need to do then is bring us citizens to their safe locations to reveal clue tokens use the clues to determine the identity of the 13th child once we've determined who that 13th child is or if we've narrowed it down enough because we've revealed all three and then we'll have to just pick one the jersey devil and the investigator must be at that starting location of the citizen found to be the 13th child then we just have to use a total of 14 of any type of items to defeat the jersey devil but here's the thing it doesn't matter if the citizen is out or not the only reason these three clues matter is it tells us the location we need to get the jersey devil to now it's very important you have these cards out on the table so you can look at the art because those clues are going to say glasses or a hat or a jacket or flowers and so you're going to need to look at all the art on the cards and determine which ones match that generally speaking after those three clues are revealed only one of these investigators will match it and that will then tell you when you look at their starting location like abe here it would be the cemetery then we just have to get the jersey the jersey devil and one of our investigators to the cemetery and then spend that 14 uh different items and i should say it's a value of 14 and then if you do that you defeat the jersey devil kind of cool but what's important is if i decide to play one of these cards i'm actually still going to leave these cards out how i'm going to denote that i've played it is i'm going to remove this dandy that means the card's been played but i still need to have this out so that i can look at the art because this could end up being the 13th child we don't know next we need to determine which monster is frenzied at the beginning of the game and that is whichever one has the lowest number here for our playthrough that is mother there are two the chupacabra is a three and the jersey devil is a four there are times when monster cards will say hey the frenzied monster and sometimes that can change so right now for us that would be the mother monster we need to set our threat track to zero we lose the game if that gets to eight we've shuffled up our perks and we've shoveled up our monster cards that are not our civilian cards and i do think i forgot to say that our scout starts at the campground last but not least you'll draw 12 random items and set them out on the board based upon the name that's on the item token itself unfortunately after doing that i have no goats out i need to save the non-existent goats so we know we're not going to go for the chupacabra right away we're going to wait until we find some goats go collect the collect them and bring them over to the of the farm and with that i think we're ready to jump into our play through let's take a look at our turn order structure and start the game our two investigators both have four actions and these are the actions we can take we can either move to an adjacent location and we can take any number of citizens with us one of the ways that we can gain perk cards is if we take our civilians from wherever their starting location is to the location that's on their actual standee and that's going to be super important for us especially with that jersey devil because that's how we're going to reveal clues about who that 13th child is we can also guide civilians so we can guide one citizen i should say a citizen not civilian to or from an adjacent location so if they're in adjacent location we can actually use an action to bring them to us or we can just move them away in one location from where we are we can also pick up any number of items in our location we can share items between investigators and that's an action and that does not need to equal i could give five to one character and one to the other we can also advance a challenge by using items at a specified location or for the mother we simply spend an action to ready one of those traps we also have the defeat action so once we've completed part one of each part of these monsters we can then move to their part twos and try and defeat them and then finally we have our special actions as noted on our player boards and remember any players can play any number of perk cards during this phase we'll then have the monster phase however because of this scenario playing with the jersey devil this might actually happen during the middle of the investigator phase that's not normal you first of all look at the top of that card and you draw the amount of items that's stated on the top right corner you resolve any event if possible and then the monsters will move and strike and they do that one at a time with all that set up out of the way let's jump into our playthrough let's start off with the jock first thing he's going to do is activate the trap in his space second thing he's going to do is pick up both of these items that's in his space so that's two actions these items as you can see are going to be used to help us defeat enemies or complete objectives but they also protect us we only have one health if one of these monsters deals us damage and we don't have any items we're immediately defeated now we'll come back our next turn we don't lose any of the items that we do have if we choose not to discard them same with our perk cards but every time we're defeated or a citizen is defeated we move up one on the terror track and that's of course how we lose so these think of them as additional health as well as items that we might need to complete the game and i like how they did that we have two more actions and i'm going to be a little bit risky i'm going to move myself over to the high school and then move myself over here to the city hall i'm hoping next turn i can activate one of our citizen cards for my turn at the beginning and then that will get a civilian out or a citizen out that i can start bringing to whatever location that they need to start completing the jersey devil we've completed our four actions let's now draw our monster card and we have oh zero items are going to come out bummer i should mention the items they have this really nice bag and what you'll do whenever you pull out new items is you'll open it up and randomly grab from here let's hope that there's lots of goats in here of course i'm placing none of them out right now but it is what it is well now take a look to see if we need to activate this event and it says the jersey devil so we'll need to because we are playing with the jersey devil always watching move the jersey devil to the location of the citizen farthest away from the jersey devil's current location okay well we don't have to do that at all because there's no citizens out i always want to call them civilians just know civilians and citizens same thing in this play through now down here it's going to tell you what of the monsters to activate now this b is for bigfoot we have no bigfoot in this game so we can ignore that the c though is chubacabra and then of course our frenzied enemy is the mother they're each going to move one space and roll two dice if they get into the space with an investigator or a citizen the monsters will always move towards the closest investigator or citizen if ever there's a citizen and an investigator the same distance away they'll always go towards an investigator and if ever there's an investigator and citizens in the same location it'll attack the investigator first so this chupacabra will move one space here it would try and roll two dice but there's no enemies here he's just hanging out with the jersey devil how's it going the mother over here will also move one moving here trying to get up to the scout but there's no one that he can attack as well and that will end the monster activation now let's move to the scout's turn for our first action let's pick up both this bear and this pickaxe for some protection let's do for action two we're going to move here action three we're gonna pick up this wolf and then action four we're actually going to move into this intersection with the mother now when it's the investigators phase or the hero's phase however we want to say it we can totally ignore the monsters we can move through there citizens can move through there there's it's no problem monsters will stop movement if they move into the space or they won't move if they're already in a space with a citizen or an investigator i also feel like we're going to use our perk we're going to skip the next monster phase and then draw and place two items from the item bag so i'm going to grab two items from this item bag and we have a walkie-talkie and a goat okay this goat is going to be placed in the diner and this walkie talkie will be placed at the ranger station the diner is right here and the ranger station is up over here since we're skipping the monster phase we'll move right back to the jock the nice part about being the jock is we can grab items from adjacent locations so we're going to grab both of these items we have a knife and we have a fishing pole and that's going to be our first action you can see they're adjacent here our second action though we're going to activate one of the citizen cards and this is going to be in place of our monster phase we've decided to choose the teacher here we're going to draw three items from the bag so we have uh what is that a lantern we have a tool kit and our third one we have another goat suite so we're going to place those out we're then going to place melvin in the high school and then you can see here we do not have the oh enemy we do not have an x enemy but we do have a frenzied enemy and that's that mother and it's in the same space as our scout we knew this but we're going to deal with it normally that mother would move one space but it won't because it's in that same spot but it will roll two dice against our scout we'll place melvin right here in our high school i did forget to mention that melvin is trying to get to the ranger station if we can drop him off there we'll reveal one clue on our jersey devil and we'll also gain a perk we'll place melvin here in the high school that's where the ranger station is we have one goat that's going to go to the cemetery we need to pick that up we have a tool kit that needs to go to the motel and we have a lantern that needs to go to now it says police station this is one of the errors i'm going to say this game has a lot of errors that's the whole reason i'm not even playing bigfoot his movement is pretty much impossible to understand it needs an faq police station equals sheriff's station so we're going to place that in the sheriff station now this mother here is going to attack with two dice i almost forgot when we armed that one trap i should have removed this baseball bat because that's the one that we had armed we still have these three that we need to do now these dice have three different symbols or i should say just two and a blank blank means nothing this means one point of damage and for every point of damage you either discard an item or you're defeated you also have an exclamation point and that exclamation point which is somewhere on this die there we go for each monster is different for the mother we have move mother along the shortest route to the eye of mother attacking everyone in its path and you attack it equal to the amount of these symbols that you roll however right now we don't have one out so that's pretty much not gonna do anything instead we're just gonna give the two dice a roll and that is two damage ouch good thing we have three items so i'm going to discard this bear and i'm going to discard this wolf both of these items get get discarded they don't get placed back into the bag once that bag empties we'll take all the discarded items and put them back into the bag our jock here has completed two actions picking up some items here and doing this action here at the city hall action three he's going to guide melvin over to where he is and then action four he's going to take one step and move over to the gas station now his next turn he could arm the second trap for the mother and i keep calling him mother it's a moth man come on colin mothman all right normally we'd have a monster activation but remember we did it during the middle of the jock's turn so now what we're going to do is just move to the scout's actions our scout is going to use her special action and she's going to move melvin one space she can then do it a second time moving him to the ranger station that means we'll remove him from the game we'll be able to flip over one clue token and we'll be able to gain a perk our first clue here is flowers so any of the investigators that have flowers could potentially be the 13th child now i could go and put tokens on the ones that have flowers and all of that jazz but here's the deal there are cards that make you change these so i'm not going to find that 13th tile until all three are revealed how does that sound let's then draw a perk and we have uh ancestry choose one place the jersey devil at any location or move any monster three locations whoa that is going to be amazing we're gonna hold on to that until we get the jersey devil's 13th uh child then what we can do is just move them to wherever we need them to be and take them out i like it our final two actions let's run to the motel and pick up these two items so we have some protection in case that mothman gets activated again let's draw our monster card and we have two new items so i'll grab two from the bag we have a torch and we have a pocket knife and this one is a mothman card so we will activate the event place the eye of mothman token at your location so we're gonna have to place that at our location however if we look here the three monster types we don't have any of the three out so none of the monsters that we have will activate that's awesome we'll place that eye here at the motel we will place the pocket knife at the general store which is way up here and of course we have a torch at the swimming hole because you know in case you can't see anything at the swimming hole you have that okay now it's back to the jock's turn the first action he's going to do is he's going to activate this second trap here at the gas station that means we'll take that item that's at the gas station that's on the player mat of mothman and put it back in the bag action 2 we are most certainly going to pick up this goat and this compass from an adjacent location we are loaded with items action 3 we are going to move here to the city hall in action four we're going to activate our second citizen card we're going to place out the salesman first things first we'll draw two items we have i was hoping that was a goat that was a horse we're going to place out willy in the motel which is right where the scout is he's trying to get to the tavern and then unfortunately we're going to have the jersey devil activate and then the mothman activate each can move to rolling two dice for attacking the resort is down here the tavern is over here we'll place willy right with the scout scout's saying i got you i'll bring you to the tavern that tavern is here that's all we need to get to but now we're going to activate first the jersey devil he's going to move here and he's going to attack the jock and then the mothman will definitely move here and will attack the scout just so you can see it the exclamation point here is the constant confusion swap an exposed clue with a new face down clue that's what happens if we roll that when he attacks well first roll for the jersey devil one damage so that means we can simply discard this compass from our jock and then for the mothman we'll roll this up just one damage as well let's go ahead and discard this walking stick from the scout so that way we don't have a defeated investigator we're now going to move back to the scout and i think this scout is just going to run with willie she's gonna take willy and by the hand and say run willy the mothman is coming one two three and then four right to the tavern he's gonna say thank you and escape that's gonna give us a perk and our second clue our second clue is a clock so there's flowers and a clock in the picture the perk that our scout gained is safe zone move each monster up to two locations nice and you know what why not use it right now we're still in our investigator phase let's discard this and we're going to move both the chupacabra and the jersey devil let's push that chubacabra one two all the way over here to this resort hopefully he can eat this horse not this goat that's right here we need that goat and then this jersey devil let's push him one two just to get him a little farther away from us we'll draw our monster card and we have two new items come on goats come on goats we have a rifle and a goat awesome we have stocking their prey this is the chupacabra move the chupacabra to the nearest location with one of these brown items and remove it perfect he's going to eat the horse that's just what i wanted and the only enemy we're going to activate is the jersey devil moving one space since we just pushed him two spaces away he's not going to be able to attack anyone we'll place this goat in the high school and this rifle way up here in the mansion which we need to get to to take care of that mothman anyways this jersey devil is going to move one space here the chupacabra is going to eat up this horse our jock currently has one goat let's use his special ability to pick up the second goat four more we need to find action two we're going to activate this ability and draw our monster card slash citizen card early we're gonna play the grease monkey so first thing is we get three items we have a shovel we have a binoculars and we have another goat awesome and we can see here place gus at the gas station the only monster we're going to have to activate is the mothman and you know what's great that goat is going to be in the town center the binoculars are in the city hall and we're going to place the shovel in a very thematic space the cemetery the mothman will move one space here and of course gus is going to show up at the gas station which is right next to where our jock is so his third action is he's going to bring over gus for him and guide him into his location his fourth and final action he's going to move over to the town center we've already completed the monster phase so let's move to our scout what she's going to do is move one two three over here to the mansion and she is for her fourth action going to arm the third out of the fourth trap for the mothman that means we'll grab this item and put it back into the bag well then draw our monster card and we have two new items so we'll grab from the bag we have another goat and we have a knife we have the banshee of the badlands we can ignore that we're not playing with the banshee but we are going to activate the chupacabra and the mothman each moving one rolling two dice the chubacabra will move here and the mothman will move right here we're also going to place our items gas station is up here and the swimming hole is way over there moving to our jock's turn the first thing he's going to do is pick up this goat pick up this shovel action two is gonna pick up this shovel and pick up this goat that's four out of the six goats that we need that was two actions three four we're now in the bait shop which means gus says thanks jock leaves we get to reveal our third clue and we get to gain a perk our third and final clue is glasses so glasses clock and flowers our perk that we get we'll flip this over we have on the trail the current player takes two additional actions oh i might actually you know what i think i'm definitely going to use this right now as well and i think i know who the 13th child is it's going to be nora here we have glasses that she's wearing we have a clock and we have flowers it states here her beginning location is the diner so that's where we need to get the jersey devil the diner is actually right next to where the jersey devil is this is awesome now our jock has two more actions and we're gonna get crazy here first action we are going to arm the final trap that was the final trap we need now we can also catch the mothman then we are going to use our chopper lift place an investigator at any location what do you think the diner yeah that's what i'm thinking and then here place the jersey devil at any location maybe the diner yeah that's what i was thinking too great idea we'll discard both of these to activate them our final action is a defeat action we need a total of 14 worth of items we've got 3 6 9 10 11 12 13 14. now we do also have our four goats but i didn't want to use them i can't believe i had exactly 14 that's why i felt like i needed to do this that means the jersey devil is no more we'll also remove this from the board now what we do with all of these citizen cards any ones that we've played we'll discard so i've played these three so we're going to discard them we no longer need them here all of these other ones other than nora nora we're never going to be able to put her out on the board i still believe though because we haven't played her card we will still shuffle that into the monster deck so now going forward it'll be a regular plane where we just draw from the top of the monster deck we might get citizens they'll be placed out on the board or we might have events speaking of which it is now the monster phase so let's reveal our top card no new items those eyes place the eye of mothman token at your location however none of these three enemies activate nice we're simply going to move this i over to here and that's going to end the monster activation now it's the scout's turn and i think for this round all we're going to do is move the jock one two three up four so he can drop off those four goats that he has we'll then flip our monster card no new items again the chubacabra the hunger move the chupacabra to the closest player holding any of those items okay it's going to chase down the jock and then we're going to only activate the mothman not the jersey devil because the jersey devil's gone so the chubacabra is going to jump himself right here with the jock and then this mothman is going to move one two and three right here with the jock as well and attack him with one die let's roll that die and we see a blank that's amazing because the only items that the jock has are the four goats and you know what as much as i want to protect the jock we don't have any of our threat up i think instead of elongating the game for no reason we're gonna spend four actions the four that we have and place all four goats safely in the farm even though we have two monsters right on top of us we've completed four out of the six of these awesome we'll flip our monster card and we have the councilman so first we'll grab three items from the bag we have a goat we have a canteen and we have another goat well yeah there's a lot of goats that's why i was amazed that i didn't have any at the starting the game we're going to place jimmy at the city hall we're going to activate the mothman twice we'll place the canteen in the diner we have a goat at the sheriff's station and a goat at the stadium so we need to get over here for that however that mothman is now going to attack at least one time against the jock if he takes the jock out he'll move one if not he'll just attack the jock a second time let's roll our die and we have one damage this will mean that our jock is removed from the board and our threat moves up one space i almost forgot we needed to place jimmy here in the city hall and that's be important because the mothman is now going to move one space away from getting to him and remember citizens only have one health and if a citizen gets killed by one of these monsters it also moves up our threat track given that jimmy would like to go to the mansion and it's the scout's turn why don't we just move him four spaces one two three and four by doing that thank you scout we just saved jimmy we can then gain a perk which is nice because we don't have any right now and we have an atv move an investigator up to four locations we'll now draw our monster card and we have the park ranger first three more items will come out on the board and so we have for that we have a helmet we have a wolf and we have a fishing pole place ranger elena at the ranger station move the frenzy marker to the next monster so now the chubacabra is going to be the frenzied monster instead of the mothman then we're going to move each citizen one space towards their safe location however we're going to activate that chupacabra moving three spaces and rolling two dice just so you can see it ranger elena is trying to get to the campground ranger elena will be placed in the ranger station we have a fishing pole in the bait shop we have us the wolf in the cemetery i don't know what it's doing there and a helmet at the high school we're then going to move ranger elena one space to the diner she's trying to get to the campground and then the chubacabra is going to move three spaces one two and three so he's one away from her okay now we're gonna go to the jock's turn we're gonna place him out on the board and he starts off in the stadium he'll use his first action to pick up our goat we only need one more after that his second action will be to come up to the helmet he's going to pick that up for action 3 and action 4 he's going to get the last goat as well as this lantern we'll draw our monster card and we have three more items and all these civilians are coming out so we have a compass and we have another goat and we have some poison and then we are only going to activate the chupacabra but it's going to move into the location with ranger elena and attack her with one die mari is trying to go to the town center we're gonna place her at the general store the general store is right over here we also will place this item at the general store we're going to place this goat at the ranger station and this compass at city hall and unfortunately so the chupacabra can move one space uh the jock is two spaces away so it's going to go towards ranger elena this will be just a single die roll ah no she's gone that means the chubacabra has defeated ranger elena that means we push up our threat track to two now it's back to our scouts turn and i think she's just going to move the jock one two and then three because if you look here he is now at the farm he can put the last two items on to complete the chupacabra then all we have to do is defeat both the mothman and the chupacabra to win the game her final action she's going to pick up this rifle turns certainly go quick don't they we'll flip over our monster card we're now looking for three more items and we have a baseball bat we have another goat and we have some more poison and we're going to place out the bellhop so place sydney at the resort and we're going to activate both monsters the mothman and the chupacabra moving one and attack with two dice sydney here is trying to go to the motel the resort is way down here we've got the baseball bat at the stadium the bait shop is going to have some poison and we have a goat at the campground now unfortunately the mothman is going to activate he's going to move over here and he's going to try and attack the jock and then this uh wonderful chupacabra is going to go over here and he's going to attack who is this mari oh man the mouth man will attack first he's going to roll just an exclamation point so what this means is now the mothman's going to go as quickly as he can towards the eye of the mothman dealing damage to anyone that's in his path he'll deal one damage to the jock so the jock will discard the lantern that he has and then the mothman has to go the shortest route possible but if there were any citizens here he would also deal damage to them as he moves fortunately for us there is no other citizens or investigators so we're okay now the chubacabra will attack with two dice ah he's gonna take out mari with mari now out of the picture we have now increased our threat to three for our jock's turn the first two actions he's going to do he's going to save the last two goats doing this will mean we just need six worth of the yellow weapon items and be in chubacabra's space and we can defeat the chupacabra monster if we can take out both monsters we win the game for our third action we'll simply move to the town center and we're going to pick up these two just for protection for our fourth let's draw our monster card and we'll get two new items we have the mothman those eyes so it looks oh we got another goat i'm telling you there's so many ghosts place the eye of mothman token at your location but none of the monsters will activate we'll place one item here in the campground and of course in the mansion there's a goat go figure so now it's the scout's turn and she has a great idea she's going to use her perk here to move an investigator up to four locations she's gonna choose herself for that so she'll move one two three she's just gonna move there her first action then is she's gonna use that rifle she'll discard it and take out the chupacabra that is our second out of three monsters that we've dealt with and we still have three more actions since we've taken out the chupacabra we'll actually move that frenzy token over to the mothman again and we'll put all of these in the discard pile now all we need to do is lure the mothman to one of the locations that we have a trap and then discard 10 worth of those yellow items to take them out and we win our second action we're going to grab the pocket knife and we're going to grab the poison action 3 we're going to move here and then action 4 will move over to this spot right where there's a trap we'll flip over our next card and we have the haunted music we can ignore that no items the mothman will be activated moving one and rolling two dice what's nice is he's going to move right to where we have our scout now i do want to mention because i don't think i've talked about this wherever we have our traps if the mothman ever was moving through that location he'd automatically have to stop and from what i understand uh he does not disarm those traps when he goes there once we arm them they're armed for the rest of the game that's at least how i read the rules so he's now going to attack the scout let's roll up the two dice we have one damage she can take that she'll discard this tool kit no problem and i think we're gonna win it here our jock will spend two actions moving into the same space as the mothman and our scout action three we're going to grab this poison and the pickaxe from the scout we now have 4 8 9 10 11 total yellow items and our final action will use this to defeat the mothman and win the game and there you have it that was horrified the american monsters i did play on standard i would say that if you're playing with gamers i'd probably go on the harder difficulty with four monsters uh i just felt like with recording three was probably a little bit easier but you can see we easily manage that i do find the game to be really fun that jersey devil was so much fun determining which of the citizens we wanted to play when we were at the city hall the biggest detriment of this game are all of the typos and airs i'm hopeful that they'll come out with an faq but it's a bit of a bummer that bigfoot itself you can hardly even play him with his movement i i don't really know how that's supposed to work which is a bit of a bummer and of course the jersey devil the fact that there is a combination of those clues that won't guarantee a specific location but it is what it is you can still enjoy the game and i love i i love the item picking up and using it as health but also as completing objectives i think it's a very smart way of doing it and i love all the different puzzles of each of the different monsters my only wish is that you could combine both games but you can't really do that because you have certain locations you need to use so i don't think you can do that but i wish you could bring in the other uh enemies inner eye monsters into this game uh also all of the investigators have essentially the same abilities as the other ones in the base game or the uh original game so there you have it hope you enjoyed the playthrough thanks so much for watching and i will see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 7,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, Horrified: American Monsters, horrified, solo, cooperative, ravenburg
Id: iEzGG9OMlzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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