The Apex Legends Weapons Tier List (Season 11)

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ladies and gentlemen we got noob merch [Applause] so a lot has changed since my last weapons tier list for starters we have a bunch of new weapons like the rampage the bow check and the new car smg and on top of that we've seen guns that were once previously bad like the l star completely take over the world and become the most annoying gun in the game so i thought it'd be a good time for me to do another apex legends weapons tier list and like my previous tier list i'm going to explain what i think they should do to buff certain weapons and also how they should nerf the overpowered ones also i will not be including care package weapons in this tier list but in general those weapons are just worth picking up so don't worry about those weapons and as usual these are my opinions so please if you disagree just let me know in the comments down below because you can dislike this video ain't nobody gonna see those dislikes so anyway let's start the show f tier there is only one gun that i think easily belongs in f tier and that gun is the p2020 the p2020 is just your basic pistol it doesn't do that much damage and ever since they removed hammer points it just makes you wonder why you would ever use this weapon in the first place until they either increase its damage or give it back hammer points or even just create a new hop-up for it i don't see any reason to ever run this weapon and that's why it stays firmly in f-tier next up we have d-tier dt are weapons that are bad but they're not as bad as the p-2020 and the only weapon in d-tier is i'm sorry everybody the mozambique look i know the mozambique has received a ton of buffs recently but once they removed hammer points from this weapon it's just an inferior shotgun overall i'm glad it has six shots now but in general you'll find that the mozambique is just outclassed heavily by the other shotguns however if they brought back hammer points this shotgun could easily be asked here it's that big of a difference and now onto seatier a lot of these weapons are okay and could use a little bit of a buff here and there at the bottom of seats here we have the re-45 the re-45 does a lot of damage it always feels like a little r9 but the biggest downside with the re45 is that it lacks a stock attachment making it less accurate it has less ammo than the r99 and the car so it's heavily outclassed by two different smgs now don't get me wrong i think the weapon is pretty strong but in order for me to keep it over an r99 or a car it's going to need some type of buff if they brought back disruptor ammo it might be a little too overpowered so i don't think that's the play but maybe increasing its clip size or giving it some type of hop up so that it can do more would be pretty great next we have the bow check when the bow check was first released it was overpowered they nerfed it to where it's at right now and it's okay one of the biggest problems the bose check has is that it's its own ammo type and since not many people run the bow check you're not going to find arrows anywhere unless of course you're running lobo not to mention it's not that great in close range even with its shock and ability i think a simple way to buff the bow check would be to either increase the amount of arrows you can carry with it or increase its damage slightly because right now there's no reason to use it over any other sniper and that's why the bow check is going to be solidly in seatier the next weapon in seats here is the prowler the prowler was in the care package for such a long time but now it's on the floor and initially it was very very strong after a few nerfs it's here in seats here don't get me wrong it's incredible in close range and its hip fire is insane but from mid to long range you're not going to want to use it and you'll notice that a lot of weapons that are only good in close range are gonna be out class now because the two main maps that you can play this season world's edge and storm point just require a lot more ranged encounters and when it comes to close range weapons the prowler is outclassed by other weapons as well i think a simple fix to the prowler would be to add the ability to turn on select fire maybe make it so its burst mode is slightly stronger but less accurate or vice versa just something to give you options with the prowler because right now its burst mode is quite limiting for making it accurate from mid to long range next up we have the charge rifle the charge rifle is a great sniper and like i said earlier having range is important in this map however the charge rifle wall really good at poking from a distance isn't really the greatest for securing kills it has an insanely long reload time it can only carry one attachment to upgrade it it's not bad necessarily but it definitely just feels really outclassed by the other snipers in this game and the other marksman weapons a part of me wishes that they put the charge rifle in the care package and buff it so it's back to its original form when it was first released because if you buff it any other way it will feel even more annoying than it already is the next weapon in seats here is the hemlock the hemlock got a slight buff where its hip fire is a little bit more accurate and it got a new hop up even though it's not as good on this gun as it is on the wingman and it is pretty decent at medium range and if you use single fire i think it's pretty decent at long range but it is easily outclassed by every other assault rifle on this list other weapons do what it does better and faster a part of me wishes that they just reduce its hip fire again to be back to its previous form i know a lot of people may not like that the hemlock meta was a thing for a little bit but i just love the hemlock i just wanted to be good again okay geez and at the top of seats here we have the 33 repeater the 33 repeater has gotten a lot better since its introduction for starters its hip fire is a lot better before you can never land hit fire shots and now it's decent and it also has the ability to become a shotgun which i think is criminally underrated on top of that it has another hop up to fast reload the weapon in general is very versatile so why is it at the top of seats here and not higher some weapons shoot slower but are way stronger and some weapons shoot faster and are way stronger so i just think the 33 either needs a fire rate buff or a damage buff a slight one trust me you don't want the 30 30 repeater to be the best weapon in the game okay so that is all of seats here up next is b tier beats here are full of weapons that are decent they are either just slightly outclassed or could use a very slight buff to be a top tier weapon up first we have the r99 the r9 hasn't really changed much it's still a very solid weapon and in most scenarios i would put this weapon in a or even s-tier however the meta has shifted towards more long-range encounters and using the r99 is just going to put you at a disadvantage i don't think the r99 needs a buff necessarily if the map designs shift away from being so open and more towards close encounters the rnn will see a lot more play so it's still a solid weapon this is one that just got hurt the most by storm point's existence next up we have the longbow the long ball at one point had a buff where it did 60 damage and it was pretty overpowered so they put it back down to 55 but i still think it's solid where it's at now it's very accurate has a decent fire rate and does a good amount of damage since skull piercer was removed i do wish that they increased the headshot multiplier because landing headshots with the longbow while still satisfying could be even more satisfying if you get a pretty instant knock but overall i do think the longbow's in a good spot right now our next weapon is the newest weapon the car smg the car smg is very similar to the r99 it has a way higher rate of fire while being slightly less accurate but what makes it better than the r99 is its versatility in the fact that you can swap ammo types this is super important because at times finding ammo can be very difficult and being able to swap on the fly can make or break your game it also makes looting super convenient since you can use both heavy and light mags not to mention the car is just really strong while being less accurate than the r99 it kills faster and killing faster is more important because you can fix your aim you can't fix the amount of damage you do up next is the sentinel the sentinel is a really solid sniper especially when you charge it with your shield cells but even without charging it or even without sights this weapon is so strong i do think it needs a slight buff and the buff that i suggest is either make it so it only costs one cell to charge or allow the charge to last a lot longer having disrupter rounds more often makes the gun feel a lot better next up we have the l-star and oh my god if i made this tier list last season this would have been at the top of ester thankfully it got a couple nerfs that do balance it out a decent amount its damage is still insane the fact that you can feather this gun so you'd never have to even reload is also insane seriously i love that the l-star is good and i'm really glad they nerfed it a bit because it was really really annoying before but i still think it is a solid weapon and that's why it sits close to the top of beats here the next weapon we have is the devotion the devotion is one of those guns that would normally be a or s tier but the reality is if you don't got a turbocharger on it it's not that great with the turbocharger on it it is nuts the potential damage you can do with this weapon is outrageous and honestly i would put this in aids here but i do think it's outclassed by another weapon that uses the turbocharger and at the top of beats here we have the eva shotgun the eva shotgun was once the most dominant shotgun but after a couple nerfs it's now in a solid spot it's still pretty annoying to deal with but it's also less of an overpowered beast and the only reason it's not an ars tier is because it's outclassed by the other shotguns and now we're in a tier these weapons are all great and using any of these weapons is a good idea starting with the havoc the havoc is still a beast without turbocharger i would say it's a fair weapon with the turbocharger it's an s-tier weapon but i love that having to find a turbocharger is kind of what balances it i think it would be a perfect weapon to be in the care packages seriously i didn't think it would fit better than the g7 scout come on why are you in there get out of there the next weapon in eights here is the mastiff the massive shotgun received an awesome new attachment that allows for it to reload a lot quicker but even without that the mastiff is in a really good spot it does great damage at a decent range and is just a very reliable solid shotgun next up is the rampage the rampage i feel like people thought it was overpowered at first and then they realized it wasn't that great but now that we've got to play with it for a couple seasons i think it's awesome even without being thermite boosted it's very accurate does a lot of damage and has a lot of ammo you should honestly use it like a marksman weapon at mid to long range and if you want to use it in close range that's when you pop a thermite in it because when you do pop up thermite in it it is insane it is probably the best weapon in the game up next we have the volt smg the volt is still the best smg and with more and more people using energy ammo you're gonna find yourself having a decent amount of energy ammo even late game which is one of the only problems i had with it before it's accurate it does a ton of damage it has great hip fire it's even really good at poking from mid to long range it's no sniper but it's just such a versatile weapon so i still love the volt and next up in eights here we have the wingman the wingman is still the wingman it's amazing if you can aim it's busted if you can't aim well you know but on top of that it has a new hop up speed loader this allows for you to reload this weapon even faster if you reload it at a specific ammo amount and it also increases the ammo capacity you can have over 10 shots on your wingman it's insane and our final weapon and aids here is the pacekeeper the peacekeeper is finally good again with a couple slight buffs it feels like it used to on day one okay it's not that good but if you're the type of person that loves using shotguns and you love playing close range the peacekeeper is the best close range weapon it does insane amount of damage the fact that it always has precision choke is amazing and it's just awesome it's the freaking peacekeeper guys and now we're here at s tier these weapons are the cream of the crop and honestly might need a slight nerf in some capacity but using any two of these weapons in every game will probably grant you a dub at the bottom of s tier we have the r301 the r301 is a perfect weapon it's extremely accurate it does great damage it's good in close mid and long range it's got good hip fire it's honestly just a perfect weapon i have nothing else to say about it you should be using the r301 this season it's awesome the next weapon in nest here is the flatline the flatline is the greatest weapon in mid to close range its hip fire is nuts its damage output is nuts it's a heavy weapon so you're always going to have ammo for it because everybody's using heavy weapons this season it doesn't even require a barrel stabilizer so it's easy to fully stock up it seriously becomes such a perfect weapon as well however there is one more weapon at the top of s tier and that weapon is the triple take the triple take is back on the ground after being in the care package for so long and boy is it busted it's not a sniper anymore it uses energy ammo again it has a precision choke attached to it and it's extremely accurate from mid to long range and you can even hip fire it like a shotgun it's basically the peacekeeper but you can use it at long range think about that with this season only being storm point and world's edge the triple take just becomes even better slap a two times or even a three times or two by four on it and you'll find yourself getting kill after kill with it the triple take with the flatline or the r301 is the perfect combination it's the combination that i use in ranked and in my opinion i think the triple take will need a slight nerf probably the simplest nerf would be maybe to nerf how quickly the precision choke works but even without it it's just such a solid weapon i'm glad it's back on the ground and if you want to climb the ranks you gotta use a triple take okay that is my season 11 weapons tier list and there are way too many weapons now so i can only imagine that the next time i do this it's going to be even longer because there's going to be so many weapons but what do you guys think what would you say is the best weapon in this game and what would you say is the worst weapon in this game let me know in the comments down below thank you so much for watching and if you somehow got this far thank you i really appreciate you watching and if you haven't subscribed you know why not just do it it's free but anyways i'll catch you later [Music] you
Channel: Macro
Views: 720,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends weapons tier list, best weapons, worst weapons, best apex legends, apex legends tier list, tier list apex, season 11, ash, rampage, car smg, c.a.r., titanfall 2, the macro show, wingman, triple take, best legend apex, for noobs, apex tier list, season 11 apex legends, new apex legends, how to apex, battle royale, multiplayer, funny moments, flatline, new legend, new season, mozambique, worst weapon, bocek, volt smg, tier list, rank weapons, masters, apex predator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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